Review CS 604 FINAL, Thursday December 12, 8am-10am
Short answer (scripts, unix commands, short essay) (DEFINITELY!!!)
Fill in the blank/Matching: matching terms to their definitions (DEFINITELY!!!)
PROGRAMMING!!!! (You will definitely write short programs in both C and Ada!!)
Multiple Choice: (maybe…)
UNIX commands
Operating systems concepts/history
Programming Languages/Compilers/Interpreters
Imperative Programming Languages
Object Oriented Programming Languages
Terms to know:
Operating System, System programs, Control program, Kernel, Resident monitor, control cards, Shell, home directory, current working directory, Pipe, Redirection, Absolute reference, Relative reference, job control, symbolic link, hard link, machine language, assembly language, compiler, interpreter, grammar, scanner, parser
Concepts to understand: Operating systems: -
Role of an Operating system from both the “systems” viewpoint and the “user’s”
History of the development of Operating systems
Automatic job sequencing
Multiprogramming: what it is, and its benefits
Multi-tasking: what it is, and how its different from multiprogramming.
History of UNIX
Advantages and disadvantages of UNIX
Unix file system, structure, file naming conventions, 4 types of files, & wildcards
Job control, pausing a UNIX job, running jobs in the foreground/background
Absolute vs Relative references
REDIRECTION & PIPES: know how they work and the difference between >, >>, and |
File permissions, changing file access permissions: using both numeric permissions, and symbolic permissions
UNDERSTAND umask!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Symbolic vs Hard links
Scripts: declaring numeric and string variables/arrays, accessing values stored in these variables
Know the difference between set and setenv!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In cshell scripts, what is the difference between the different kinds of quotation marks: ‘, “, & `.
How do you execute a script or cause it to execute under a specific shell.
Difference between directories and ordinary files
Understand the use of the wildcard symbols and the filename strings they generate (*, ?, and [ ] )
Be prepared to write a shell script
Unix Commands:
man, who, finger, ps, pwd, cd, ls, mkdir, cp, mv, rm, rmdir, cat, head, tail, cut, grep, comm, diff, sort, uname, chmod, umask, ln, set, setenv, echo, alias, foreach, if, while, fg, bg, jobs, history, kill, , more
Programming Languages (Concepts): Sethi: chapters 1, 2, 3.1 – 3.4, 4.1-4.4, 4.7, 4.9, 5 (all) , 6 (all), 7.1-7.4 -
What does it mean for a programming language to be higher level and general purpose.
Know what the scanner and parser does in a compiler.
What is the difference between a bottom-up and a top-down parser. (pg 40)
Know the difference between a compiler and an interpreter.
Know what influenced the move to higher level languages
Know why some languages are more successful than others
Know the difference between the different families of programming languages: functional, logical, object oriented, and imperative
What is an imperative programming language/ What is an object oriented programming language
Understand the differences between the formal syntax vs the abstract syntax of a language
Understand the two layers of the formal syntax of a language: lexical layer * grammatical/grammar layer
Abstract syntax trees, and PARSE trees
Know how to read and develop a grammar in BNF notation
When is a grammar ambiguous.
short circuit evaluation of logical expressions.
Records, enumeration types, and ARRAYS
UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DYNAMICALLY ALLOCATED OBJECTS vs STATICALLY DECLARED OBJECTS. Where is storage space allocated for these!!!!! Understand dereferencing (operatiors for C and Ada), allocation, declaration, deallocation,
What is the difference between a function procedures and a proper procedure
Parameter passing modes: call by reference, call by value, call by value-result
Abstraction: procedural, object, data, and module
TERMS: (C, Ada, & programming languages)
Grammar, Compilation/compiler, interpretation/interpreter, tokens, terminals, non-terminal, Context free grammar, productions, derivations: leftmost & right most derivations, bindings: Rvalue & Lvalue, structured programming, flow of control, sequential composition, iteration, selection, and abstraction (procedural), definite iteration, indefinite iteration, break, continue (statements), composite/constructed types, basic types, type expression, record, enumeration, discrete types, POINTER, dereferencing, memory leak!!!, dangling pointer, procedure call, activation, recursion, activation records, Information hiding, encapsulation, object, instance, class, abstract data type, methods, messages, operations, member functions, constructors, destructors, public vs private portions/operations in classes, class hierarchy, inheritance, subclass, base class
C Programming:
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8.1, 8.2, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 10.1-10.7, 11.1 – 11.4
You will need to be familiar with:
Basic I/O, printf, scanf, Fprintf, Fgetc, Fopen, Fclose, getc
Assignment statements, expressions, and operator precedence
Scope of variables/local variables/ global variables
POINTERS: dereferencing operator *, and address operator &
Dynamic vs static memory allocation
Basic string manipulation: strcpy, strcmp, strncmp…
Increment and decrement operators ++ and --, and the difference between using these as prefix vs postfix operators
Basic and composite data types: int, char, float, enum, struct, array ….
Conditional statements, if, if else, switch
Conditional expressions; relational, equality and logical operators
Loops: while, for, do, break and continue
FUNCTIONS: calling, prototypes, parameter lists
Dynamic memory allocation: malloc, free
Ada Programming:
You need to review my handouts online:
Basic I/O: for text, integers, and floating point numbers.
Assignment statements, expressions, and operator precedence
Scope of variables/local variables/ global variables
PACKAGES!!!! Package specification and package body
Functions and procedures
Parameter modes: in , out, and in out
Basic and composite data types: integer, character, string, float, enumeration, record, array
Constrained vs unconstrained arrays
Conditional statements: if, elseif, case
Loops: while, for, loop
Conditional expressions: relational, equality, and logical operators
Access types: definition, use, allocating memory and freeing memory
PRIVITE AND LIMITED PRIVATE TYPES. Their use and differences.
SCOPE RULES: for global/local variables, and nested procedures!!!!!
GENERICS!!!!!!!!!! Understand Generic Units, Generic subprograms, generic packages, generic formal parameters WHY ARE GENERICS USEFUL!!!
Understand the concepts of derived types. (Handout on Object oriented programming languages.)
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