Ridbc renwick Centre 2016 Welcome

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RIDBC Renwick Centre 2016


Dear Colleagues,

We at RIDBC Renwick Centre are delighted to present the 2016 RIDBC Renwick Centre Continuing Professional Education program. It lists the wide range of courses, seminars and workshops being offered this year. This year’s program will operate in a range of sites around Australia and New Zealand to give you access to local professional development opportunities. We welcome presentation tours from Dr Christine Yoshinaga Itano, Dr Shirin Antia, Dr Kim Zebehazy, Associate Professor Paul Pagliano and Dr Sue Archbold. The online program includes the Cochlear HOPE lecture series, a separate group of presentations for parents, a focus on literacy for children with vision loss with Dr Frances Mary D’ Andrea and an audiology specific series featuring Dr Sharon Sandridge from the Cleveland Clinic. We hope you can join us for some of these events! We are committed to ensuring that all CPE events are accessible and provide real time captioning and sign language interpreting when required. We also provide all workshop handouts and materials in fully accessible digital formats. To further our environmental goals, we will not be providing hard copies of materials for any of the events in 2016. All handouts, resources and reference lists will be made available via iTunes U, Google Docs and Dropbox prior to each event and we will provide access to free Wi-Fi here at RIDBC. The 2016 program has been endorsed by the Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards NSW (BOSTES) and several events offer Continuing Education Credits from the AG Bell Academy of Listening and Spoken Language and Audiology Australia. We look forward to seeing you at one of our events this year!

Warm regards, Trudy Smith Manager, Continuing Professional Education

About RIDBC Renwick Centre

RIDBC Renwick Centre is Australia’s leading provider of professional development and research in areas related to the education of children with vision or hearing loss. In affiliation with the University of Newcastle, the centre offers postgraduate programs at masters and doctoral degree levels, and an extensive program of continuing professional education for teachers, therapists, and a range of other associated professionals. Through RIDBC Renwick Centre, RIDBC helps to ensure that services for children and adults with sensory disabilities and their families - across Australia and around the world - are based on current evidence and are delivered by skilled and knowledgeable professionals. World-class facilities provide an excellent environment for study as well as the research and development of new techniques in assessment and a wide range of interventions for children with vision and hearing loss. Facilities include the most extensive collection of books and resources in special education for children with sensory disabilities in Australia.

General Enquiries

W: ridbc.org.au/renwick E: renwickenq@ridbc.org.au P: (02) 9872 0303

Postgraduate Study

E: claire.farrington@ridbc.org.au P: (02) 9872 0811

Continuing Professional Education

E: mailcpe@ridbc.org.au P: (02) 9872 0302 or (02) 9872 0207

Event Calendar

The Action is in the Interaction

Presenters: Mari Caulfield and Kathy Walmsley

Dates: Stage 3: 4-5 February Stage 1: 8-9 February Stage 2: 10-11 February

Fee: Stage 3: $650 Stage 1: $550 Stage 2: $650

The Developmental Individual difference, & Relationship Based® model (DIR®) is a framework developed by Stanley Greenspan and Serena Wieder to assist clinicians, parents and educators conduct a comprehensive assessment and develop an intervention program tailored to the unique challenges and strengths of the child. This developmental naturalistic approach carefully considers the impact of the unique individual neurobiological profile of the child and of caregiver patterns on development across functional domains. Through tailoring interactions, DIR promotes healthy foundations for overall social, emotional, language and intellectual functioning. Therapeutically guided interaction with children in play and learning situations is the means of moving children up the developmental ladder.

Stage 1

This stage one training offers a unique opportunity to experience an integrated approach to the child’s sensory processing capacities, emotional development and developmental language acquisition. Participants will gain an understanding of relationship-based intervention and will learn therapeutic “tools” to guide their practice in the clinic, home and school based settings. They will leave with an introductory knowledge of this model and its relevance to their daily practice with children.

Stage 2

This training offers a unique opportunity to further enhance and deepen knowledge and understanding of this integrated approach to the child’s sensory processing capacities, emotional development and developmental language acquisition. Participants will be guided through process based learning. This training has been designed in response to requests for extension of previous trainings. A prerequisite will be that participants have attended a 2 or 3 day Introductory Sensory Connections training. Participants will be expected to be familiar with guidelines and framework used by Mari and Kathy previously. In this stage two, seminar model case presentations will be used as well as assessment and intervention case clips. These two days provide extended opportunities for professionals in case analysis, goal setting, and how to integrate DIR® within your discipline, clinical practice.

Stage 3

This is an extension of The Action is in the Interaction Trainings and aims to focus on individualised clinical casework support. This forum provides case based mentoring support in a small group environment where professionals can discuss and deepen knowledge about this framework and intervention through sharing their own case work. Participants are facilitated to problem solve together and find solutions to support of their clinical work. Case based learning is used to develop clinical reasoning. This course is for professionals who have completed Stage One and Two The Action is In the Interaction Trainings, who wish to further integrate developmental interventions into their work. Participants will need to provide information to verify that they have suitable background training prior to acceptance at this workshop.

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