Roger p. Shaw, chp, rso citizenship

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Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, B.Sc., Nuclear Engineering Technology, School of Engineering, Minor in Radiation Protection

Graduate Studies, Oregon State University, Radiobiology

Graduate Studies, Dickinson College, Health Physics

Graduate Studies, Penn State University, Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation

Penn State University, Smeal College of Business, Executive Institute, Graduate

American Board of Health Physics, Comprehensive Certification (1998, 2002, 2006, 2010)

ANSI 18.1 qualified, Technical Manager (1988)

ANSI 3.1 qualified, Radiation Protection Manager (1988)

NRC Regulatory Guide 1.8 qualified, Radiation Protection Manager (1988)

Radiation Safety Officer qualified, 10 CFR 30, 10 CFR 33 (1981, 1998, 2012)

Emergency Director, GPU Nuclear (GPUN) (1991)

Certified FEMA Radiological Emergency Program (REP) Evaluator (2002)
Chief Executive Officer

Shaw Partners LLC

June 1999 to present (
Faculty Member, Thomas Edison State College (TESC) and development of college courses in the fields of Nuclear Energy Technology, Radiation Protection, and Radiation Safety Officer and disciplines. Member of the TESC School of Business and Technology Industrial Advisory Council (2012 to present).
Consultant to Entergy Nuclear on Emergency Preparedness and Radiation Protection issues.
Consultant to Lightbridge Corporation on Emergency Preparedness and Radiation Protection issues for benchmark report on international Decommissioning Trust Funds for the United Arab Emirates, 2013.
Associate, SC&A, Inc., (2012-present).
Partner, Thorium Nuclear Engineering (THOR-NE), Startup Co., thorium fuel cycle.
Project Manager, first U. S. Nuclear Utility Radiation Worker Cancer Mortality Study, in association with the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), an arm of the World Health Organization. This first-ever epidemiological study of low-dose occupational exposure involving 54,000 workers at 52 nuclear power plants across the U.S., as study which was part of the largest study in the world by IARC of over 500,000 nuclear workers.
Member, National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP) Scientific Committee 1-22: Radiation Protection for Astronaut Space Activities (NASA) June 2013 to present
Member, National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP) Committee SC 1-13: Impact of Individual Susceptibility and Previous Radiation Exposure on Radiation Risk for Astronauts (NASA), NCRP Report No. 167, 2011.
Project Manager, Entergy Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Expert Panel (EPEP), formed to evaluate improvements to the emergency preparedness program at IPEC, following the Fukushima Daiichi accident.
Project Manager, Entergy Nuclear Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC) Independent Expert Task Force (IETF) on Emergency Preparedness, formed to evaluate improvements to the emergency preparedness program at IPEC, following the Governor of New York requested evaluation by the former Director of FEMA on the IPEC EP program (2003-2007).
Senior Technical Analyst for RADeCO Health for radiation dosimetry related to first responders, military, emergency use and medical CT scans. Served as the Independent Radiation Health Expert on the Indian Point Emergency Response team. Contributor to report on Enhanced Emergency Planning, RBR Associates. Consultant to Entergy Nuclear for Professional Development Program for Emergency Preparedness Managers, and Evaluation of Diablo Canyon Power Plant Operating Experience with the Use of Multiple Meteorology Towers in Emergency Dose Projection. FEMA Radiological Emergency Preparedness evaluator for graded nuclear plant exercises. Program Committee Co-Chair and faculty advisor, first NYU School of Medicine Physician Seminar for Mass Radiation Casualty Emergencies (2005).
Consultant, Indian Point Nuclear Plant and First Energy Corporation, assessment and remediation of radioactivity in groundwater. Consultant, British Nuclear Fuels Limited, Dose Reduction Committee for Hanford Nuclear Waste Tank Remediation Project. Instructor, USNRC-sponsored training of Kazakhstan officials for nuclear facility decommissioning. Consultant, OECD/NEA, on nuclear plant ALARA and radioactive effluent considerations for the ICRP 2005 Report.
Consultant, faculty and curriculum project work, Nuclear Engineering Technology Program, School of Applied Science and Technology, Thomas Edison State College (2011 to present).
Consultant, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Evaluation of the Radiological Controls Onsite and External Evaluation Program.
Consulted on technical aspects of radiation injury litigation to major U.S. nuclear utilities. Served as expert witness for a County Bomb Squad radiation injury claim. Provided the primary support to the Radiation Injury Claims Joint Defense Group (RICJDG), representing 85% of U.S. commercial nuclear plants on a variety of issues, including support to attorneys on scientific, medical and technical issues in litigation, radiation claim avoidance and regulatory matters. Provided monitoring and critical analysis of the proposed National Academy of Sciences Cancer Mortality Study of Populations Surrounding Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities for the RICJDG, along with other specific targeted industry issues.
Thomson Reuters (Legal Expert Witness Services) Expert Witness (2011-present).
Innovative Science Solutions, Scientific Consultants to Industry and Counsel (2012-present).
Consulted on technical aspects of radiation injury litigation to major U.S. nuclear utilities. Served as expert witness for a County Bomb Squad radiation injury claim. Provide support to the Radiation Injury Claims Joint Defense Group (RICJDG), representing 85% of U.S. commercial nuclear plants on a variety of issues, including support to attorneys on scientific, medical and technical issues in litigation, radiation claim avoidance and regulatory matters. Provided monitoring and critical analysis of the proposed National Academy of Sciences Cancer Mortality Study of Populations Surrounding Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities for the RICJDG, along with other specific targeted industry issues.
Expert Witness, PIMA County, AZ health damages claim, Bomb Squad Radiography activities.

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Accident
Presentation to ISOE Expert Group on Occupational Radiation Protection in Severe Accident Management, Severe Accident Management: Radiation Dose Control Fukushima Daiichi and TMI-2 Nuclear Plants, Nuclear Energy Institute, June 17, 2014 (Invited Paper)
Team Leader, EP Expert Panel for Entergy Nuclear to evaluate EP for their fleet of 12 nuclear reactors in response to the Japan Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant accident (2011- 2012).
Presentation to Japan Parliament Members (PM), “Fukushima Daiichi and Potential Affects on Tokyo”, including former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama (invited speaker by PM Toshiaki Koizumi), Tokyo, Japan, June 16, 2011.
Presentation to Hong Kong Government delegation (Security Bureau) to the U.S. on lessons learned from the Fukushima Daiichi accident, on the topics of the use of Expert Panels on Emergency Preparedness and Emergency Radiochromic Dosimeters, August 19, 2011.
Presentation to Japan Nuclear Energy Agency (JNES) and Society of Mechanical Engineers on “Three Mile Accident Recovery Radiation Dose Management”, Tokyo, Japan, November 28, 2011
Presentation, “Three Mile Accident Recovery Radiation Dose Management”, to Senior Management at the damaged Nuclear Power Plants of Tokai, November 29, and Onagawa, December 1, 2011.
Presentation, Three Mile Island Unit 2 Radiological Dose Management: Lessons Learned Applicable to Fukushima Daiichi, 2012 International ISOE ALARA Symposium, January 9, 2012, Ft. Lauderdale, FL (Invited Speaker)
Interview, Asahi Television Broadcasting, February 12, New York City, Three Mile Island and Fukushima Accident Lessons Learned, Investigative Documentary, aired March 11, 2013 for the 2-year accident anniversary
Support to Fuji Television (Tokyo, Japan) for documentary on the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident.


K&L Gates LLP, Attorneys at Law

March 2008 – December 2009

Science analyst for major law firm (1800 attorneys) in areas of radiation protection, nuclear, pharmaceuticals and general science. Firm is the national counsel for the Radiation Injury Claims Joint Defense Group (RICJDG), representing 85% of U.S. commercial nuclear plants. Provide support to attorneys on scientific, medical and technical issues in litigation, regulatory and transactional matters in a variety of practice areas and disciplines; develop national strategy for the RICJDG; train Counsel on radiation science; prepare expert witnesses; support myriad clients for tort, Class Action, Workers Compensation, Superfund Site, complex Federal/State mass toxic tort litigation.

Played a key role in analyzing scientific issues for a major pharmaceutical company in litigation involving bone density loss. Served as the key technical analysis with Lucent Technologies Inc. in a putative international class action brought on behalf of all U.S. and NATO military personnel who worked with or around certain radar equipment from 1958 to 1992, claiming radiation-induced cancer due to ionizing radiation exposure.
Consulting Health Physicist

McCarter & English LLP, Attorneys at Law

April 1997 to March 2008 (on loan from GPU Nuclear for first two years)

Science analyst for major law firm (400 attorneys) in areas of radiation protection, nuclear and general science. Firm was the national counsel for the Radiation Injury Claims Joint Defense Group (RICJDG). Responsible for health physics support to attorneys, developing national strategy for RICJDG, support of training Counsel on radiation science, preparing expert

witnesses, supporting myriad of clients for tort/Class Action/Workers Compensation/Superfund Site/complex mass toxic tort litigation.
Established one of the largest cadres of radiation experts in the world for use in radiation litigation, with over 400 experts identified and 100 committed for participation in actual trials. Played a major technical role with ARCO litigation related to Superfund site funding for the Quehanna, Pennsylvania irradiation facility cleanup.
Director, Radiological Controls/Safety

GPU Nuclear Corporation, Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station

April 1993 to April 1997

Directed the overall Radiological Controls Program including the Radiological Field Operations, Radiological Health, Radiological Engineering, Radiological Training, and Industrial Safety & Health Programs, to ensure industrial safety and occupational health, and to minimize and control radiation exposure in accordance with all applicable regulatory requirements. Emergency duty as Senior Radiological Controls individual for emergency related activities. Member, GPUN Radiological Effects Advisory Committee. Designated as the corporation’s sole representative on the Bechtel Corporation’s proposal team for the 1996 bid on the Hanford Management and Integration, 5-year, $25B DOE contract. Staff (75-275 personnel). Annual budget ($8-20M).

Director, Radiological Controls/Safety

GPU Nuclear Corporation, Three Mile Island Nuclear Station

August 1988 to March 1993

Maintained and directed the overall Radiological Controls Program including the Radiological Field Operations, Radiological Health, Radiological Engineering, Radiological Training, and Industrial Safety & Health Programs to ensure industrial safety and occupational health, and to minimize and control radiation exposure in accordance with the Corporate Radiation Protection Policy and Plan, and all applicable regulatory requirements. Emergency duty as Senior Radiological Controls individual for emergency related activities. Member, GPUN Radiological

Effects Advisory Committee and GPU EMF Health Effects Task Force. Radiation Safety Officer for Pennsylvania State license. Staff (75-125 personnel). Annual budget ($4-6M).
Manager, Radiological Engineering

GPU Nuclear Corporation, Three Mile Island Unit 1

March 1982   August 1988

Implemented the Radiological Controls Program and the ALARA Program, functional responsibility as the ALARA Coordinator, as well as the technical aspects of the support functions including the respiratory protection, bioassay, internal and external dosimetry and radiological instrument calibration. Ensured that the programs comply with the requirements of the NRC, DER, the EPA, and other Federal and State agencies having jurisdiction over radiation protection. Served as Radiological Assessment Coordinator for all plan emergencies.

Research Scientist

Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington

February 1980   February 1982

Provided technical support to major research laboratory in area of radiological engineering and health physics, including formulation of proposals and projects. Maintained Radiation Protection and Radiological Design Criteria Manuals. Completed major review and rewrite of Radiation Protection Manual. Responsible for oversight of the Battelle Occurrence Reporting System. Responsible for coordinating radiation protection for all Radiation Generating Devices (X ray machines, accelerators, radioisotope sources). Served as RSO for Battelle Federal and State Radioactive Material Licenses. Performed external contract work for DOE HQ: air analysis at gaseous diffusion plant; characterization of radiochemical facility for D&D; and ANSI Standard preparation.

Manager, Radiation Monitoring

Plutonium Production and Storage Facilities

Rockwell Hanford Operations, Richland, Washington

June 1979   January 1980

Managed plutonium production plant radiation protection operations, including the supervision of 18 health physics technicians. Implemented radiological controls in field. Provided training for personnel on radiological protection and emergency procedures, including criticality events. Reviewed procedures, facility-design changes and safety analyses. Conducted drills for facility radiological emergencies and supervised all decontamination of personnel. Monitored facility and effluents for radioactivity. Implemented the plutonium facility ALARA program.

Radiological Engineer

Rockwell Hanford Operations and ARHCO, Richland, Washington

June 1976   May 1979

Served as a radiological engineer at the DOE Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Program work included spent fuel reprocessing, uranium-plutonium-americium processing, high-level defense waste tank farms, low-level radioactive waste burial, hot-cells and large-scale radioanalytical laboratories (including rad-chem-bio), decontamination canyons, Critical Mass Laboratory, Californium Multiplier, as well as loaned special assignment for DOE Headquarters at the Paducah gaseous diffusion plant. Developed the first-ever centralized Radiation Worker Training Program at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, and instructed over 3,000 Rockwell Hanford workers following the 1976 Americium and Plutonium Ion Exchange Column Accident which destroyed that facility for use. Performed the facility safety analysis for long-term lay-up following the Americium accident.

USDOE Q Security Clearance, Secret Access (1976-1982)
U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power Plant Clearance, Unescorted Access, Safeguards Materials Access, Vital Area Access (1982-1999)
Security Clearance, Critical National Infrastructure Authority, Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (February 2011 – present)
ISOE Expert Group on Occupational Radiation Protection in Severe Accident Management, Severe Accident Management: Radiation Dose Control Fukushima Daiichi and TMI-2 Nuclear Plants, Nuclear Energy Institute, June 17, 2014 (Invited Paper)
National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP) Committee Member SC 1-22, “Radiation Protection for Astronauts in Short Term Missions”, and Implications for Mars Exploration, sponsored by NASA (May 2013- present)
Member, Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Task Force on proposed changes to 40 CFR 190 (Nuclear Facility Effluents Radioactive Releases), April 2014-present
Member, Industrial Advisory Board for the Nuclear Engineering Technology Program in the School of Applied Science and Technology, Thomas Edison State College (2012-present)
National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP), Adjunct Member
Health Physics Society (HPS), Plenary Member
American Academy of Health Physics, Diplomate (DAAHP)
Diplomate, American Board of Health Physics (ABHP)
International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA)
President, Power Reactor Section, Health Physics Society (2008-2010)
Past-President, Power Reactor Section, Health Physics Society (2010-2013)
National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP) Committee Member, SC 1-13, “Impact of Individual Susceptibility and Previous Radiation Exposure on Radiation Risk for Astronauts”, sponsored by NASA (2006-2010), NCRP Report 167, April 2010
Homeland Security Committee, Health Physics Society, Member (2006-2009)
Board of Directors, Power Reactor Section, Health Physics Society (2006-2012)
Health Physics Society, National Member; Power Reactor, Medical Physics, Radiation Safety Officer, Decommissioning, and Homeland Security Sections
American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Past Associate Member
Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM), Past Member
American Nuclear Society (ANS), National Member
American Nuclear Society, Member; Radiation Protection & Shielding Division, Biology & Medicine Division, Aerospace Nuclear Science & Technology Division, Operations & Power Division
ANSI Standard Committee, ANS 5.7.2, Post Accident Monitoring, Past Member
Executive Committee, American Nuclear Society, Central PA Section (1987 1993)
American Nuclear Society, Southern New Jersey Chapter, Past Member
Board of Directors, Health Physics Society, Susquehanna Valley Chapter (1988 1992)
Health Physics Society, Susquehanna Valley Chapter, Past Member
Health Physics Society, New Jersey Chapter, Past Member
Health Physics Society, South Texas Chapter, Past Member
Vice-Chairman, American Nuclear Society, Central PA Chapter (1990-1992)
Chairman, American Nuclear Society, Central PA Chapter (1992-1993)
GPU Nuclear Speakers Bureau (1985-1997)
Penn State University, Nuclear Eng. Curriculum Advisory Committee (1988-1993)
Derry Township Emergency Management Agency Media Officer (1991-1993)
Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) Peer Evaluator, Invited Special Assists
Webinar, “How Can Litigators Meld Expert Evidence with Winning Arguments?” A2L Consulting & Innovative Science Solutions, May 6, 2014 (1.5 hours)
Nuclear Energy Institute Task Force Member, EPA 40CFR190 Radiation Effluent Limits, Advance Notice or Rulemaking, March 2014-present
Health Physics Society Annual Meeting, July 27, 2012, Sacramento, CA, “Fukushima Daiichi Accident Recovery: Dose Considerations Based on the Three Mile Island Unit 2 Accident Experience” (Presentation), Shaw R.P., Ethridge, D.W.
Thorium Energy Alliance Annual Meeting IV, May 31, 2012, Chicago, IL
Radiation Safety Officer Training, Radiation Safety Academy, Gaithersburg, MD, March, 2012 (40 hours, 32 CEUs)
Presentation, Three Mile Island Unit 2 Radiological Dose Management: Lessons Learned Applicable to Fukushima Daiichi, 2012 International ISOE ALARA Symposium, January 9, 2012, Ft. Lauderdale, FL (Invited Speaker)
Presentation, Internal Alpha Dosimetry TMI-2 Cleanup Alpha Challenges, 2012 International ISOE ALARA Symposium, January 8, 2012, Ft. Lauderdale, FL (Invited Speaker)
Professional Enrichment Program, 2012 International ISOE ALARA Symposium, Internal Alpha Dosimetry, January 8, 2012 (2 hours)
Professional Enrichment Program, 2012 International ISOE ALARA Symposium, New ICRP Recommendations, January 8, 2012 (2 hours)
Presentation, “Three Mile Accident Recovery Radiation Dose Management”, to Senior Management at the damaged Nuclear Power Plants of Tokai, November 29, and Onagawa, December 1, 2011.
Presentation to Japan Nuclear Energy Agency (JNES) and Society of Mechanical Engineers on “Three Mile Accident Recovery Radiation Dose Management”, Tokyo, Japan, November 28, 2011
Presentation to Hong Kong Government delegation (Security Bureau) to the U.S. on lessons learned from the Fukushima Daiichi accident, on the topics of the use of Expert Panels on Emergency Preparedness and Emergency Radiochromic Dosimeters, August 19, 2011.
Presentation to Japan Parliament Members (PM), “Fukushima Daiichi and Potential Affects on Tokyo”, including former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama (invited speaker by PM Toshiaki Koizumi), Tokyo, Japan, June 16, 2011.
Professional Enrichment Program, Legal Considerations for Radiation Risk and Dose Projections, HPS Annual Meeting, June 28, 2011 (4 CECs)
Health Physics Society Annual Meeting, June 27-30, 2011, West Palm Beach, FL (12 CECs)
"Radiation Exposure From Medical Imaging Devices: The Dark Cloud in the
Silver Lining," Class Action Litigation, 8/13/10, Rysavy C.F., Shaw, R.P.; Vol. 11:15.
Health Physics Society Annual Meeting, June 27-30, 2010, Salt Lake City, UT (12 CECs)
HPS Annual Meeting Special Session, Nuclear Power Health Physics 2010, Power Reactor Section Sponsored, June 28, 2010 (Program Co-Chair)
National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP) Committee Member, SC 1-13, Impact of Individual Susceptibility and Previous Radiation Exposure on Radiation Risk for Astronauts (sponsored by NASA) (2006-2010), NCRP Report 167, April 2010
Small Modular Reactors, Special Committee on Nuclear Power Newsletter, American Bar Association, April 2010, Rysavy C.F., Rhyne, S. K., Shaw R.P.
USFDA Workshop, Public Meeting: Device Improvements to Reduce Unnecessary Radiation Exposure from Medical Imaging, March 30-31, 2010 (Speaker)
USNRC Advanced Reactor Workshop, “Small and Medium-Sized Reactors”, Webinar, October 7-8, 2009 (12 hours)
“Nuclear Plant Construction:  From the Past to the Present and the Risks that Lie Ahead”, Exponent Webinar, September 10, 2009 (1 CLE)
Health Physics Society Annual Meeting, July 13-15, 2009, Minneapolis, MN (12 CECs)
HPS Meeting Special Session, Radiation Protection for a Nuclear Power Renaissance, Power Reactor Section Sponsored, July 14, 2009 (Program Coordinator)
Health Physics Society Mid-Year Meeting, “Recent Advances in Planning and Response to Radiation Emergencies”, Jan. 31-Feb. 3, 2009, San Antonio, TX (8 CECs)
DHHS Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Threats, Biomedical Research and Development Authority (BARDA) Stakeholders Workshop, Washington DC, September 24-26, 2008
“Ignore NORM at Your Peril – Significant Potential Liability for Mishandling Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials,” Rysavy C.F., Shaw R.P., IOGA News, August, 2008
Health Physics Society Annual Meeting, July 13-17, 2008, Pittsburgh, PA (12 CECs)
Professional Enrichment Program, Health Physics Society, Recent Developments in Radiation Litigation, July 14, 2008 (4 CECs)
Professional Enrichment Program, Overview of Interactive Radioepidemiological Program (IREP), July 15, 2008 (4 CECs)
National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP) Annual Meeting, Low Dose and Low Dose-Rate Radiation Effects and Models, N. Bethesda, MD, April 14-15, 2008 (6 CECs)
“Economic Impacts of Compliance with Dose Based Regulations for Selected Nuclear Power Plant Programs”, EPRI Report, 2008 (Contributing Author)
Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism, Law Enforcement Conference, Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Miami, FL, June 11-15, 2007
Report on Enhanced Emergency Planning, RBR Associates, June 2007 (Contributor)
Electronic Evidence, McCarter & English, July 12, 2006, Continuing Law Education
Health Physics Society Annual Meeting, June 26-29, 2006, Providence, RI (12 CECs)
Nuclear Energy Institute, Groundwater Protection Workshop, Phil., PA, June 8, 2006
Nuclear Energy Institute, Groundwater Protection Initiative Committee (2006)
The 24th Annual International Dosimetry Symposium and National Dosimetry Records Conference, Traverse City, MI, June 6-9, 2005 (Invited Speaker) (12 CEUs)
New York University School of Medicine, Radiation Emergencies: Sources, Exposures, Consequences and Responses, New York, NY, May 7, 2005 (7 CMEs), Program Consultant and Co-Chair (Selected All Faculty Presenters)
National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP) Annual Meeting, Advances in Consequence Management for Radiological Terrorism Events, Crystal City, MD, April 14-15, 2004 (6 CECs)
National Academy of Sciences, Assessment of the Distribution and Administration of Potassium Iodide in the Event of a Nuclear Incident (Critical Reviewer), 2004
Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), Annual Health Physics Forum, July 18-21, 2001, Clearwater, FL.
Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Emergency Preparedness and Communications Working Group, Adjunct Member (2004-present)
Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Radiation Protection Committee, Adjunct Member (1997-2009)
Nuclear Energy Agency/OECD Working Group on Radiation Protection, Paris, France, (Consultant)
Health Physics Society Annual Meeting, July 11-15, 2004, Washington D.C. (12 CECs)
Professional Enrichment Program, 2004 Annual HPS Meeting, Experts and Radiation Litigation, Quehanna Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning (12 CECs)
“Voluntary Full-Body CT Screening, To Screen or Not to Screen, Some Legal Considerations,” Health Physics News, February 2003 (Invited Article), Shaw, R.P.; Rysavy C.F.; J.W. Donald
Testimony, New York City Council, Environmental Protection Committee, Indian Point Nuclear Plant Emergency Preparedness, February 2003
Testimony, U.S. Congressional Forum, Indian Point Nuclear Plant Emergency Preparedness, Marymount College, March 3, 2003
Public Comment, before President Bush’s Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health, Energy Employee Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act, 2003
U.S. WIN Annual Workshop (Nuclear Energy Institute), Radiation Issues, San Antonio, TX, August 4-6, 2002 (Invited Speaker).
National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP) Annual Meeting, Where Biology Meets Epidemiology: Impact on Radiation Risk Estimates, Crystal City, MD, April 10-12, 2002 (6 CECs)
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Exercise Evaluator Training, National Emergency Training Center, Emmitsburg, MD, January 28-February 1, 2002 (Certified FEMA REP Evaluator)
Shaw, R. P.; Rysavy, C. F; Cehn, J. I., A Litigation Primer for the Health Physicist. Health Physics, 81: 246-252; 2001 (Invited Manuscript). (12 CEUs)
Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), Annual Health Physics Forum, July 8-11, 2001, Clearwater, FL.
National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP) Annual Meeting, Fallout from Atmospheric Nuclear Tests—Impact on Science and Society, Crystal City, MD, April 4-5, 2001 (6 CECs)
Galactic Cosmic Radiation & Flight Crew Exposure Forum, American Airlines Training Center, Dallas, Texas, March 19, 2001
Symposium, Health Benefits of Low-Dose Radiation: The Science and Medical Applications, November 15, 2000, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Washington, DC.
Invited Instructor, USNRC sponsored training, Radiation Protection Planning for Decontamination & Decommissioning of Russian Reactors (Kazakhstan), November 8, 2000.
Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), Annual Health Physics Forum, July 31-August 2, 2000, San Diego, CA, IARC U.S. Commercial Nuclear Worker Cancer Study (Invited Speaker)
Health Physics Society Annual Meeting, June 25-28, 2000, Denver, CO (12 CECs)
Professional Enrichment Program, Radiation Litigation, 2000 HPS Meeting (12 CECs)
National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP) Annual Meeting, Ionizing Radiation Science and Protection in the 21st Century, Crystal City, MD, April 5-6, 2000 (6 CECs)
ISOE International ALARA Symposium, Orlando, FL, January 24-25, 2000 (Invited Speaker)
Health Physics Society Annual Meeting, June 27-29, 1999, Philadelphia, PA (12 CECs)
Professional Enrichment Program, 1999 Annual HPS Meeting (12 CECs)

Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), Health Physics Forum, June 21-23, 1999, Stuart, FL

NEA/ISOE ALARA Meeting, Represented U.S. Delegation for Boiling Water Reactors,

October 1998, Paris, France (Invited Speaker)

Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation (MEIR) for Medical Corp Officers, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFFRI), Department of Defense, Crystal City, MD, August 31-September 3, 1998 (Post-Graduate Training)
NEI, Annual Health Physics Forum, June 15-17, 1998, Daytona, FL (Invited Speaker)
NCRP Annual Meeting, Cosmic Radiation Exposure of Airline Crews, Passengers and Astronauts, April 1-2, 1998, Crystal City, MD
Radiation Safety Officer Training, RSO Inc., Rockville, MD, March, 1998 (40 hours)
Presentation, Joint Defense Group, Current and Future Litigation Issues in Health Physics, Midwest and Prairie State Chapters, Health Physics Society, April 17, 1997 (Invited Speaker)
ABHP Certification Course, Hanford, WA, 1998 (40 hours)
UMI/GPU Seminar, Workers Compensation Radiation Injury Claims (Invited Speaker) 1997 (8 hours)
Member, GPUN Committees: General Onsite Review Board (GORB) Committee for Radiological Controls, Chemistry, Occupational Safety & Environment; Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) Health Effects and Radiation Health Effects Advisory Committee
Program on Negotiation for Senior Executives at Harvard Law School, 1996 (8 hours)
Interactive Management, GPUN, 1996 (36 hours)
Anti-Trust Law Training, GPUN, 1996 (8 hours)
Penn State University Executive Institute, Smeal College of Business, Graduate Certificate, 1996 (150 hours)
Oyster Creek Nuclear Plant Systems for Senior Management, 1995 (150 hours)
Reengineering: The Implementation Perspective, Dr. M. Hammer, December 7-9, 1994

Center for Reengineering Leadership, Cambridge, MA

Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation, Penn State University, 1992 (3 graduate hours)
Review for Health Physics, Skrable Enterprises, Nashua, NH, 1992 (55 hours)
Three Mile Island Emergency Director, System and Accident Mitigation Course, 1991 (40 hours)
Member, U.S. Delegation on Nuclear Power to Hungary, WANO, July 1991

Labor Relations for Supervisors, GPUN, 1991 (8 hours)

Implementation of a Lifetime Exposure Reduction Program, presented at the INPO Radiation Protection Managers Workshop, INPO, February 7, 1990 (invited speaker)
Health Physics of Radon, Penn State University, Continuing Education, 1989 (3 CEU's)
ABHP Certification Exam Course, Penn State University, 1988 (48 hours)
Radiation Medicine in the Nuclear Industry, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Faculty Presenter, Philadelphia, PA, September 7-9, 1988 (Best Speaker Award)
Health Physics Certification Course, Nucleon Lectern, Wash., D.C., 1986 (40 hours)
GPUN Manager Development (40 hours)
GPUN Manager Skill Development (40 hours)
GPUN Senn Delaney Leadership Program (76 hours)
GPUN Deming Training (24 hours)
GPUN Coaching for Excellence (8 hours)
GPUN Management Mentor Training (4 hours)
Radiation Litigation: A Primer for the Health Physicist, Nuclear Regulatory Commission/ABHP, Bethesda, MD, 1985 (8 hours)
Applied Radiochemistry   Babcock & Wilcox, 1983 (40 hours)
Internal Dosimetry, Nuclear Data Inc., 1983 (40 hours)
Radiation Exposure Control in Nuclear Plants, Harvard School of Public Health, 1983 (40 hours)
GPUN, Three Mile Island-1, Nuclear Power Plant Systems, 1983 (100 hours)
Gamma Spectroscopy, Canberra, 1983 (40 hours)
Radioactive Waste Shipping Supervisor Training, GPUN, 1983 (16 hours)
ALARA Engineering, General Dynamics, Electric Boat, 1982 (80 hours)
Health Physics Certification Course, Battelle, Richland, WA, 1981 (60 hours)

Licensed Pilot (FAA), Certified Rescue Diver (PADI)

September 2014

Roger Shaw served as a Scientist and Consulting Health Physicist with the law firms of K&L Gates LLP as well as McCarter & English LLP, supporting attorneys and counseling clients on issues related to all types of radiation and to the nuclear industry generally, preparing case analyses, and selecting and preparing expert scientific/medical witnesses. Mr. Shaw’s technical expertise stems from 34 years of applied experience in the commercial and government sectors in nuclear plant operations, radiation protection, radiological engineering, radiological effluents, emergency management, occupational safety and radiation litigation. Mr. Shaw has worked at nuclear facilities for over 20 years as a senior level director/manager, radiological engineer, health physicist and emergency response team member.

Served as First Director of Radiological Controls/Occupational Safety tasked with reorganizing the radiation protection/industrial hygiene departments at Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 into a single department, with savings of $5M+ in 5 years.
Played an integral role for 6 refueling/major maintenance outages at both PWR's and BWR's, the longest being a 5-year major plant modification/maintenance outage at TMI-1 in the aftermath of the 1979 TMI-2 accident.
Successfully completed a rigorous evaluation by a ‘Red Team’ lead by Admiral H.G. Rickover, in preparation for the safe restart of TMI-1, following 5 years of shutdown after the TMI-2 accident.
Directed the TMI-2 Radiological Controls Program during the final shipment of damaged fuel to the Idaho Falls DOE site, and achievement of Post-Defueling Monitored Storage in 1993.
Directed Radiological Controls and Radiological Engineering programs at TMI-1, which received the highest NRC SALP (Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance) ratings for 11 consecutive years.

Directed programs that attained goal of no personnel exposures in excess of the regulatory limits during 15 years of management of the radiation protection programs at TMI-1, TMI-2 and Oyster Creek plants.

First radiation worker to enter the TMI-2 damaged containment (entry #66) and perform radiological surveys of the reactor coolant pumps and pressurizer.
Served as Director of Radiological Controls/Occupational Safety at Oyster Creek BWR, achieving goals of over 4 years of operation without a single NRC cited Notice of Violation (NOV), and dose records for the lowest month, year, fuel cycle and outage in
plant history during this time, while reducing the operating budget from $20M in 1993 to $8M by 1997.
Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI):
Radiation Protection Task Force, independent ad hoc member (1997-present).

Groundwater Protection Initiative Committee, independent ad hoc member (2006).

Emergency Preparedness/Communications Working Group, ad hoc member (2004-2007).
Institute of Nuclear Power Operators (INPO):
Served as an invited INPO peer evaluator at four nuclear plants (Special Assist visits).

Participated in five INPO assessments of the TMI-1 and Oyster Creek sites, three site accreditation renewal assessments for radiation protection personnel training programs, and defended the radiation protection technician and instrument technician qualification programs during two National Academy for Nuclear Training Board Reviews.

Projects and Committees:
Project Manager for the first U.S. commercial nuclear power plant cohort cancer mortality studies by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and Columbia University.
Chairman, Indian Point Emergency Preparedness Independent Expert Task Force, chartered to review the Indian Point Emergency Plan in response to an assessment report by a former FEMA Director, as chartered by the Governor of New York (2003-2009).
Consultant to FirstEnergy Corporation on the assessment and remediation of radioactivity in groundwater.
Member of ANSI Standard Committee, ANS 5.7.2, Post-Accident Radiation Monitoring.
Consultant to OECD/Nuclear Energy Agency on nuclear plant ALARA and radioactive effluent considerations for use with ICRP 2005 Report.
Invited instructor, USNRC training of Kazakhstan officials for nuclear facility D&D.
NEA/ISOE ALARA Meeting, U.S. Delegation to France for BWRs (1998).
Member of the U.S. Delegation to Hungary on Nuclear Power (1991).

Designated by GPU Nuclear (GPUN) as the corporation’s single representative on the Bechtel Corporation’s proposal team for the 1996 bid on the Hanford Management and Integration, 5-year, $25B DOE contract.
Directed the radiation program for all Radiation Generating Devices (x ray machines, accelerators, radioisotope sources) and rewrote/maintained the Facility Design Radiation Protection Manual while a Research Scientist at Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL).
Served as the Radiation Safety Officer for all Federal and State Radioactive Material Licenses for all Battelle PNNL facilities.
Served as the Manager of Radiation Monitoring for all Plutonium Production and Storage Facilities at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation during the final processing of 750 kilograms of weapons-grade plutonium.
Hanford site facility work included spent fuel reprocessing, uranium-plutonium-americium processing, high-level defense waste storage, shallow-land burial, hot-cells and large-scale laboratories (including rad-chem-bio), decontamination canyons, sub-critical pile research facility, Californium Multiplier, as well as loaned special assignments for DOE Headquarters and Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (uranium enrichment).
Prepared the first-ever centralized Radiation Worker Training Program at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, and instructed over 3,000 Rockwell Hanford workers, following the 1976 Americium Ion Exchange Column Accident which destroyed the 241-Z processing facility for any further use. Performed facility safety analysis for long-term lay-up following the accident.
Appointed by GPUN President Philip R. Clark, member of the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Decontamination and Decommissioning for U.S. Uranium Enrichment Facilities (Oak Ridge, Paducah and Portsmouth), to provide committee representation for President Clark.
Participated in a total of over 50 emergency preparedness drills, shift drills and formal exercises as a participant, controller, and scenario developer at Three Mile Island and Oyster Creek Nuclear Plants. Approved all radiological related emergency procedures and Emergency Dose Calculation Manuals (EDCM).
Served as a FEMA REP Evaluator at numerous nuclear plant sites for graded exercises.
Participated as Group Coordinator Radiological Controls for one actual declared Site Area Emergency event at TMI (security event), as well as an actual primary to secondary leak event at TMI-1 (Alert Emergency Classification per USNRC).

Directory: siteresource
siteresource -> Conference edition
siteresource -> The Emergence of the Chinese and Indian Automobile Industries and Implications for other Developing Countries
siteresource -> Impact of an integrated modal tariff on the mobility of low-income population in the são paulo metropolitan region by Jorge Rebelo, Márcia Barone and Marise Vianna
siteresource -> Single-Stage Bidding English Edition The World Bank December 2008
siteresource -> Some Propositions on Local Governance handout
siteresource -> Operations Procurement System Page Number: 1
siteresource -> Office memorandum
siteresource -> How Small Can You Go? Combining Census and Survey Data for Mapping Poverty in South Africa
siteresource -> The enabling environment for mobile banking in africa
siteresource -> Consultations on Conditionality in World Bank Development Policy Operations

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