Royal Canadian Legion Branch 25 dispatch royal Canadian Legion B

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Royal Canadian Legion Branch 25


Royal Canadian Legion Br. 25

96 Great Northern Rd

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario P6B 4Y5

Phone: 705-945-8721

Fax: 705-945-6372

Ladies Auxiliary: 705-256-2941

Lounge: 705-256-6921


JUNE 2016

Korea Vets Parade June 24 - 7 PM
Quote of the Day
Roses are red, Violets are blue, but they don’t get around like the dandelions do. (Slim Acres)

Canadian Troups Landing on D-Day
A reminder to be eternally grateful

President’s Address – Respectfully submitted by Wayne Paulencu
On May 2nd., I attended at the Armoury for the 2310 Parade

May 5th – Comrade Ernie Bremner and I addressed the 49th. Regiment on Legion membership benefits.

May 17th – We had a meeting with COPA at the Bush Plan Museum for the August 8-15 show. There will be a B-17 and possibly a B-25 in attendance at the show.
In regard to the above, we are looking for any RCAF veteran who served during WWII to contact the Branch at 705-945-8721 and we will be happy to include you in the ceremony.

May 21st – There was a Drive A Ford Event plus an Antique/Classic car show in support of all Cadet units here at the Branch

May 25th – We attended at the Delta for the Ontario Volunteer Service Awards banquet. Recipients of this award from the Branch were: Sara (Ann) Robichaud, Mary Anne Martin, David Stokes, Patricia Stokes, and Marilyn Walsh – Congratulations to all.
There will be no general Membership meetings during the summer – our next one is September 7th. Your Executive will still be meeting monthly to address any concerns.

Have a safe and happy summer holiday and we will see you in the fall.
LA President’s Address – Respectfully submitted by Wendy Phillips
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On April 30th., we hosted our Zone Convention – it was a huge success. I wish to thank everyone who helped in any way, you were greatly appreciated.
Our Pasta Fundraiser was down a little bit in May, but I hope the next one will see more people enjoying our superior Pasta & Meatballs – the next one is Wednesday June 15th.
As per the poster, our Strawberry Tea and Bake Sale is approaching quickly – June 12th., from 1 PM – 3 PM.

At this time, I would like to thank everyone for their support this past year as President. I would also like to wish your new President (Shelley Jones) and her executive a great year.
Ladies, have a safe and great summer.
Youth Education – Respectfully submitted by Marilyn Patterson
A short note to say that our representative at Provincial Public Speaking – Colton Oliverio received a runner-up award. Congratulations!
Sports – Respectfully submitted by Marilyn Patterson
We have two Mixed Dart Teams going to the Provincial Tournament to be on June 4th 2016. These teams are: Tom VanHoof’s 4-some, and Chad Bowen’s 4-some.
Track & Field – Respectfully submitted by Marilyn Patterson
All forms are available to the principals of the schools and also to 74 athletes who placed in the City High School meet and also to the eleven athletes who participated last year; there were forms sent to all Cadet Groups and to the Home Schooled groups as well – hopefully we have a good showing.
Senior Chair – Respectfully submitted by Mary Anne Martin

The senior programs will resume in October.
Sick & Visiting Chair – Respectfully submitted by Mary Anne Martin
Comrades, if you know of any Veterans or widows that are in the retirement and nursing homes, please leave their names in my mailbox and I will get them on to our visiting lists.
Also, I am in need of someone to do the visits at Collegiate Heights from September to December – our regular visitors will be in Florida.
Entertainment Report – Respectfully submitted by Mary Anne Martin
Saturday night entertainment has come to an end and will return again in September/October.

Karaoke night now has a new twist. You could win $50 if your name is drawn at midnight. The trick is, that every time you get up to sing, your name goes into the drum and you have to be in attendance to win. Also, there are secret songs selected by Michael, if you pick the song you win, if it is not won, then the pot grows by $20 for the next week.
To all of my Comrades, I wish you a safe and happy summer.
A little peak into the future: We have Sgt. Wilson’s Army Show coming November 12th to do two shows; one matinee performance at 2:00 PM and an evening performance at 7:00 PM on Saturday November 12, 2016.
Tickets will be: $15 for Veterans, those who served or are serving, nursing home residents, and;

$20 for others who wish to attend.

The tickets will go on sale in September
Regular Entertainment

  • Monday 6:00 p.m. – Armed Forces Night

  • Monday 8:00 p.m. – band practice upstairs – everyone welcome

  • VON exercise classes for people over 55 – absolutely free starting at 9:15 and running until 10:15 – get in on the action. New session beginning in the Fall

  • Wednesday 8:00 p.m. – Acoustic Jam – sing, play, enjoy. No egos please.

  • Thursday – Ladies Auxiliary Bingo – 1:00 p.m. You may call the Ladies for more information at: 705-256-2941 last bingo June 16th.

  • Thursday 3:00 P.M. – Meat draw in the lounge

  • VON exercise classes for people over 55 – absolutely free. New session beginning in the fall.

  • Friday nights there is pool downstairs in the Lounge beginning at 7:00 PM

  • Friday 9:00 p.m. - karaoke – come on out and sing along or listen to some great local talent, get involved in our contests.

  • Saturday there is free pool all day in the Lounge.

  • No bands are scheduled for summer – will return in the fall.

If you have any ideas on what type of entertainment you would like to see, please contact me through the office at 705-945-8721.
legion riders (draft)

BIKER STOP FOR COFFEE – respecfully submitted by Wm. Bennett
This is the third year for our “Biker Stop for Coffee”. This safe haven for cyclers to park their bikes and have coffee (safe parking to show off your ride) is becoming very popular. To date, we have had an average of 14 bikes per night.
The 2016 session has started and will run until August 29, 2016. (weather permitting). We are out front from 7 PM until 9 PM. Please, if you know a biker out there, tell them about this weekly event.
On June 25th – the Bikers Rights Organization (BRO) will be using the front parking lot as a starting point and one of their venues for their annual shoot & scoot. The bikes will be here from 11:00 am until 3:00 pm and the riders would be pleased if you showed up to oooooH and aaaaaH their bikes. This is another way to bring awareness to our Biker Stop for Coffee nights.
CENOTAPH REPORT – respectfully submitted by Wm. Bennett
There is a company that is working on the old St. Marys Paper Machine Shop that is looking in to the repair of the cairn at St. Marys. They are in receipt of the application from Veterans Affairs and hopefully it will be successful.
On D-Day (June 6th) at 11:00 a.m. we will be ‘re-planting’ our wooden poppies. They will stay in the garden until November 12th., when they will be removed, dried, and stored until next year.

The poppies are $10 each and will have the name of whomever you wish to remember printed neatly on the flower.

They looked great last summer – let’s have more this year. Call the office at 705-945-8721 to order yours in time for planting.

This year, the Branch is having a BBQ after the ‘planting’ ceremony. The BBQ is from Noon until ?

Hamburgers …………….$2.25 w/cheese……..$2.50


This is a fundraiser towards our General Coffers.
A huge THANK-YOU goes out again this year to Lemieux Composting on Black Dirt Road for their donation of white dolomite for the second ‘poppy’ garden. This local firm has been tremendously supportive of our Branch so when you go there, please tell them Thank-you again.
ISIS and the Nazis have more in Common than you Think
In the aftermath of the First World War and its horrific trench warfare, the German military developed a new doctrine of smashing enemy defensive lines with columns of armour and then racing into their rear areas to create chaos.

In the beginning at least, this strategy worked pretty well. It was call blitzkrieg and, during the early days of the Second World War, it helped the Germans take huge amounts of territory faster than anyone imagined possible. (As it turned out, taking territory with fast-moving armour was one thing, but holding onto it was a much more difficult tactical problem)

Read more in the Legion magazine or visit:
Parade season is upon us and the following is a schedule of parades (to date) that the Band and Colour Party will be attending:
Monday May 30 – Memorial Day, Sault, Michigan step off at 1900 hrs. from Pingatore Cleaners

Friday June 24 – KoreaVets Parade, Sault Locks – step off 1900 hrs.

Friday July 01 – Canada Day Concert

Saturday July 16 – Sault Community Day – step off 1100 hrs.

Friday July 29 – Richards Landing Comm. Day – step off 1900 hrs. (Littleton Street)

Saturday July 30 – Thessalon Community Day – step off 1300 hrs.

Saturday July 30 – Hilton Beach Comm. Night – step off 1900 hrs.

Saturday Aug. 6 – Pickford Hay Days parade – step off 1100 hrs.

Sunday Sept. 11 – Battle of Britain – Soo Airport – step off 1300 hrs.

Friday Nov. 11 – Remembrance Day
We marched at Battle of the Atlantic on Sunday April 1st and again on Monday May 30th for the American Memorial Day parade in Sault, Michigan. A great honour to march with our American counterparts.
Show up at any or all of these parades and support our previous and current troops.
And, speaking of parading, we have all hummed our favourite marching tune – so here is the first verse and chorus, in case you want to really sing it out:

The Maple Leaf Forever
In Days of yore,

From Britain’s shore

Wolfe the dauntless hero came

And planted firm Britannia’s flag

On Canada’s fair domain.

Here may it wave,

Our boast, our pride

And joined in love together,

The thistle, shamrock, rose entwined,

The Maple Leaf Forever


The Maple Leaf

Our Emblem Dear

The Maple Leaf Forever

God save our Queen and Heaven bless

The Maple Leaf Forever

The annual parade at the Sault Locks to remember the start of the Korea War will be held at 7:00 pm on FRIDAY JUNE 24, 2016.

Wreaths will be laid at the cairn in the memory of veterans who lost their lives while serving in all branches of our military including peacekeepers.

It is hoped that the general public will come out to support our aging veterans who served during the Korea War. Branch 25 will be taking an active part with the Band and Colour Party participating.

Signed: Larry Jollineau, President Korea Veterans Association.

The Land of the Morning Calm
North Korea disturbed the morning calm in the early morning hour sof the 25th. of June 1950 with a 4:00 am attck and the world was taken by surprise. The capital of Sourth Korea – Seoul was taken within a few days. Canada was not at all ready to go to war again.
The United Nations made a call for aid to South Korea and Canada’s Prime Minister had the full support of the Government and the House of Commons to take steps to preserve the peace in Korea. On July 5th., eleven days after the outbreak of hostilities, Canada ordered the Canadian Navy to answer the call.
The H.M.C.S. Cayuga, the Athabaskan and the Sioux were to proceed to Korea. They sailed out of Esquimalt on the 30th of July.

During the five years and more that the Royal Canadian Navy maintained a force in Korea, the eight destroyers serving in that force performed valuable services in the cause of the United Nations.

It might be pointed out that the three destroyers sent by the RCN to the Far East represented precisely half the total number of Canadian destroyers then in commission.

And that in order to maintain these three on duty in Korea, it was necessary for the RCN to set aside another two for relief duties.

Thus from July 1950 to the end of 1955, the RCN had to provide five destroyers either on or preparing for Korean duty. A considerable force for a navy that during this period possessed only eleven destroyers to which there were never more than nine in commission at one time.

Statistics however give but a very inadequate picture of the services performed in Korea by the destroyers of the Royal Canadian Navy. For over three years these hard working little ships joined their colleagues in the United Nations force and the ROK Navy in performing a great variety of tasks: Maintaining a blockage of the enemy coast; protecting the friendly islands on both coasts from amphibious assaults and sneak raids; providing support for the coastal flanks of the United Nations armies; bombarding Communist installations, gun emplacements, troop concentrations and road and rail lines along both the east and west coasts; screening the United Nations carriers from the ever-present threat of submarine and aerial attack; supporting the numerous friendly guerillas and ROK regulars in their unremitting harassment of the enemy mainland and islands; bringing aid and comfort to the sick and needy.

Korea’s isolated fishing villages; and performing the countless other tasks that feel to the lot of the UN destroyers serving in the water around Korea.

During the period of hostilities, July 1950 to July 1953, some 3,621 officers and men of the RCN served in Korean waters. If one takes into account the fact that many of these officers and men served more than one tour, it may be stated that the RCN provided personnel for 4,629 tours of duty in Korea. Many of the same sailors were World War II vets.

The United Nations did not intervene in the Korean War in order to crush the North Koreans and unify the country by force. The U.N. intervened solely to “repel the armed attack and restore international peace and security”. In this achievement, the achievement of a large number of United Nations working together, the eight destroyers of the Royal Canadian Navy played an effective part.

June 25, 1950 – Korean War Begins
April 24-25, 1951 – Canadians see action in the Battle of Kapyong
November 22, 1951 – Royal 22nd Regiment sees action at Hill 355
October 2, 1952 – HMCS Iroquois hit off Korean coast
October 23-24, 1952 – Royal Canadian Regiment sees action at Hill 355
July 27, 1953 – The Korea Armistice Agreement is signed at Panmunjom, ending three years of fighting
Come out to the parade on Friday June 24 at 7:00 PM at the Cairn at the Sault Locks and thank these brave soldiers.
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In the news on May 20th., I read where a Korea Veteran was disallowed accessibility to the Veterans Hospital in Halifax because “he arrived (In Korea) two months after the signing of the easefire”

Now on the information we have at the moment (please refer to: if you have internet access) this is a very disturbing event. In this article it mentions that Camp Hill (The Veterans Hospital) should be open to post-Korea veterans as ‘hospital copes with empty rooms.’ Former Veterans Advocate Peter Stoffer says: “You would think the government, with some form of compassion, would say the man did serve in Korea. You’re using a three-letter word to differentiate him from other Korea Veterans”
We will have to wait and see what becomes of this and hold out good thoughts for the Korea War vet.

  1. Ladies Auxiliary annual Strawberry Social is Sunday June 12 here at the Branch – tickets are available from the Ladies Auxiliary at 705-256-2941 or at the bar or in the office.

  1. Sgt. Wilson’s Army Show is coming back on Saturday November 12, 2016 with a matinee at 2pm and an evening show at 7 pm. More information to follow, but you can look forward to a great evening of music and fun. Nostalgic music from WWII and era.

Cadet Liaison Report – Respectfully submiteed by Warren Pihlaja
Navy League Cadets are boys and girls between the ages of 9 and 13. Navy League Cadets come from many different backgrounds, but they all share a common interest: MAKING FRIENDS AND HAVING FUN!

Most corps (that’s what we call each group) meet one evening every week. Corps will also plan occasional weekend activities or trips.

Our program is based on a naval theme. This gives you a chance to try many different things, in a place where teamwork and respect are very important. Also, Cadets that do really well can earn promotions and awards! Although some Corps impose a small administration fee, cadet membertship in the Navy Legue Cadet Program is free. To make this possible, each cadet and their parents/guardians will be expected to participte in fundraising activities.

Fundraising helps your child develop responsibility, community spirit, and work ethic and ensures that every child can participate, regardless of their family’s financial situation.
Annual inspection – Saturday June 11, 2016 at 1200 hours at the Armoury.
For more information on the Navy League Cadet Program, please contact the Navy League Office at 705- 253-1561 or our Cadet Liaison Warren Pihlaja at 705-649-2855

On June 11th., 2016 the 2310 Army Cadets will have a “March to Vimy” parade. They start at Ford Creek, go through the Hub Trail and end up back at Queen Street. These young men and women are raising funds for a 100th Anniversary of Vimy Ridge plaque for the Cairn on Wellington & Gore Streets. If you wish to sponsor one of these cadets or you would just like to make a donation to this terrific cause, you can call Major Pierre Breckenridge at 705-946-5286.
If you, a family member, or a friend is looking to rent a hall for any function, we are available.

With the Ladies Auxiliary catering and an alcohol bar, the hall rental is $150 plus tax = $169.50.

If you don't want catering, but want the bar; or you don’t want the bar and you want catering, the hall rental is $250 plus tax = $282.50.

A copy of the per plate costs is available in the office.

We have a great, centrally located, reasonably priced facility open to the public. All dinners come with table cloths (excluding the Stag & Doe Meal) and there are chair covers to rent at reasonable prices.

Please feel free to give out our number and we will be happy to accommodate.

We will be represented at the Wedding Expo to be held in April at the Bushplane Museum. Looking forward to that.

We also have facilities for those wishing to do a “Memory of Life” celebration. The Burial Committee does a very compassionate service for Veterans and comrades free of charge – either at the Funeral Home, church or the gravesite. Please contact Elane Turner through the office 705-945-8721

(to date of printing)
Ron McCool

Victor Chapman

Alex D’Ettorre
June Veteran Birthdays – Many Happy Returns
John Zorzi, J.J. Campbell, F. Coccimiglio, Ruby Farmer, K.M. Gagnon, D. Hart, R.C. Lavallee, A. Peterson, A.P. Smyth, J.A. Richer, Bill Bennett.

C.G. Taylor, F.W.E. Curtis, M.L. Brown, H.C. Godson, L.G. Harten, D. Martin, Peter Smith, P.J. Paolini, Jr. W.A. Singleton, R. J. Brunette, E.M. Theriault, R.J. Dinsdale, T.J. St. John, D.A. Griswold. D. Kidd.

Bruce Pearce, Mary Anne Martin, J.L. Patterson, Tyler St. John

Birthstone: Moonstone or Pearl

Flower: Rose or Honeysuckle

June has the Summer Solstice, the day with the longest daylight of the year, typically on June 21st., which is also National Nude Day.

June 1, 1831 – James Clark Ross discovered the Magnetic North Pole

June 1, 1974 – The Heimlich maneuver, named after Dr. Henry Heimlich, was published in the journal Emergency Medicine

June 1, 1996 – Major League Baseball debut on FOX

June 2, 1952 – The coronation of Queen Elizabeth II as monarch of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, Pakistan, and Ceylon took place.

June 6, 1944 – Allied troops storm the beaches at Normandy. Canadians take Juno Beach in the largest amphibious operation in history.

June 20, 1837 - Queen Victoria succeeded to the British throne, she was crowned June 28, 1838

June 21, 1940 – the first successful west-to-east navigation of Northwest Passage begins at Vancouver, B.C.

June 24, 1497 – John Cabot claims a new continent in the name of King Henry VII of England after landing near Labrador.

June 24, 1949 – the first television western, Hopalong Cassidy, aired on NBC starring William Boyd.

June 28, 1997 – Mike Tyson bit Evander Holyfield’s ear in the third round of their heavyweight rematch, earning a disqualification.

June 29, 1534 – Cartier sights Prince Edward Island and calls it the ‘best tempered region one can possible see’

During a visit to the mental asylum, I asked the directory “how do you determine whether or not a patient should be institutionalized”?

Well”, said the director, “we fill a bathtub then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the patient and ask him or her to empty the bathtub….”

Oh, I understand,” I said. “A normal person would use the bucket because it’s bigger than the spoon or the teacup.”

No,” said he director, “A normal person would pull the plug. Do you want a bed near the window?”


This is the last session of the VON exercise program. The new session will start up again in the fall and when we get the information, we will pass it along.

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Legion Stands By Its Service to Veterans
A recent article questioned the Royal Canadian Legion’s Service Officers and Assistant Service Officers conduct regarding access to Veteran medical files held at Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC).

The Legion provides assistance to Veterans including still-serving and retired RCMP members and their families to navigate the complicated disability claim application process.

In order to do this important work, VAC has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Legion to approve the release of Veteran information provided the Legion affirms that it will be used solely for the purposes of representing Veterans, In addition, signed authorization to access an individual’s file must be provided as a precursor for Legion assistance. “Several years ago, the Legion identified unauthorized access to the VAC Clint Service Delivery Network (CSDN) and corrective actions were immediately taken.

There have been no founded complaints since then,” says Ray McInnis, Director of the Service Bureau.

Regarding the article’s mention of an investigation into unauthorized access that is currently underway by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner (OPC), while the Legion has not been contacted by the OPC, VAC did contact us and we provided all required information and are confident that our Command Service Offices have acted in accordance with the Privacy Act.

The Legion Service Bureau and all Command Service Officers are in full compliance with the VAC MOU. Command Service Officers are security cleared through VAC for access to the CSDN, they have the signed authority to represent and access is monitored and controlled by VAC. The privacy and confidentiality of our Veterans and their families are of utmost importance to Legion Command Service Officers and in accordance with the Privacy Act.

In any given year, the Legion helps an average of 3,200 Veterans with their disability claims:
I am extremely proud that for 90 years, The Royal Canadian Legion Service Bureau network has been providing representation to Veterans and their families to obtain the care and benefits they deserve”, says Dominion Command President Tom Eagles.

For more information on this, please contact Bruce Poulin at 1-613-292-8760 or
May Lottery Winners
Sharon & Gary Simmons, Linda Lundhild, Valerie McCaig, Lee Ann Pearson, John Findlay, D. Gaudette. Laurie & Tom Desjardins, Bob Bergamin, Leeanne & Garth Hillstrom, John Findlay, Bernadette Merritte, S & R VanDaele, Dave Zanattsa, David Boissineau, Dennis Morley, Josephine Ravlich, Terry Hunt, Jackie Pearce & Sharon Nicholls, Leanne & Roger DellaVedova, Wayne & Rosemary Pinnell, Joanne Lanoskey, Len Perry, Kent McFadden, Leroy & Anne Murdock, Dale Shuttleworth, Mark Chiccarelli, Sue Nicolak
May Monthly Draw Winners
$2000 – Jean Pace – Ticket #4689

$1000 – Sharon Sweeney – Ticket #7508

$500 – Steve Pruce – Ticket #3977

  1. Pop Tabs: Everything you bring in is gratefully received. Please continue to bring them in. We just took in 369 pounds of tabs at $0.38/lb = $140.22 towards our fund for Veterans comforts.

  1. Pop cans for the Shriners to compact and sell the scrap metal for donations to their hospital projects.

  1. Campbell Soup labels go to a church which gets a couple of cents per label and uses the money for items for their youth programs.

  1. Canadian Tire Money is used for the KIDS Christmas Party.

  1. Used eyeglasses are shipped to third world countries. Not the Caribbean.

  1. Lock City Milk Bags. This project is really growing!. At $0.05 per bag, we are doing well. All of the money must be used for youth activities so we basically use it for our children’s Christmas party. Keep those bags coming in!!

Terry Smith, son of George R. Smith – Life member with Branch 25 who lives in Winnipeg, sent along these pictures. George R. as he is commonly known, is one of our avid supporters even though he lives so far away. We thank George’s sonTerry for the pictures and info and just thought we would pass it along – don’t they look great. We wish George and Gwen all the very best and thank Terry for the update.
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Dad as most know now resides in Deer Lodge a Veterans Home here in Winnipeg. He has a single room and enjoys all the attention the staff pays to him. Mom visits with him frequently.

Mom is in a transport wheelchair simply for ease of transport between her residence at Kiwanis and Deer Lodge. She still goes down for all her meals with her walker.

You know that Dementia is a very difficult medical condition to figure out. We can sit with Dad and discuss the Porcupine Camp, all of his friends he made during the war, and stories about all of our family while growing up and where everyone is living and even telephone numbers of family members . But asking him what he had for lunch 10 minutes before, invokes the phrase" I run on the 10 minute rule. Don't ask me anything before that."

Everyone is doing fine and thanks to all for your Love and support.
Please forward to anyone who you think would enjoy these pictures.”

  1. U.S.: Opening of daily flights from Tampa, Florida to St. Petersburg, first service of it’s kind.

  2. U.K.: Trehawke Davies is the first woman to loop the loop at Hendon.

  3. London: Sylvia Pankhurst is rearrested under the “Cat and Mouse” Act. (The Cat and Mouse Act was the name given to prisoners for temporary discharge for Health Reasons – women (suffragettes) were on hunger strikes.

  4. Detroit: Henry Ford announces workers will share $10 million of company profits, and will be paid $5 for eight-hour days rather than $2.34 for nine hour days.

  5. London: Doctors at the Middlesex Hospital claim to successfully treat cancer with radium.

  6. France: First French dirigible flies over Paris

  7. U.K.: submarine A7 is lost after diving near Whitesand Bay (near Land’s End in west Cornwall, England)

  8. US actress Loretta Young is born.

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$125 per golfer Register by July 7, 2016

Contact Orv Shackleton 705-206-2737 to enter

Pamphlet in office
Office Hours

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Anyone & everyone is welcome at the Legion. You do NOT have to be a member to come in and enjoy a refreshing beverage. We are open to the public during the following hours. A great place to meet after work to play pool, darts, or just enjoy some good company.

Monday & Friday – 9am-1pm Tues/Wed/Thurs – 8:30 am – 4 pm

Lounge Hours

Mon –Thurs – 1:00 pm – 11:00 pm

Friday – 1:00 pm – 1:00 am

Saturday – Noon – 11:00 pm
If there is anything you would like to see in the Dispatch, please contact the Office, leave your suggestion and we can see if it will fit.

If any Branch of the Military (cadets and family support group included) would like us to place something in our Dispatch – please do not hesitate to ask. We are here to serve our Veterans, Members and our Community – please help us to do that.
2015-17 Officers/Executive & Committee Chair
President – Wayne Paulencu

Past President – Marilyn Isaacson

1st. Vice – Ernie Bremner – Sgt @Arms/ Membership

2nd. Vice – Ed Rowe –Honours & Awards/

By-Laws/Cadet Liaison

3rd. Vice – Ron Rouleau – Museum Curator/Service Officer

Secretary – Wilma Oliver

Poppy/Youth Ed/Track & Field/Sports – Marilyn Patterson

Treasurer – Carol Piper

Seniors/Entertainment/Sick & Visiting – Mary Anne Martin

Branch Padre(s) Rev. Phil Miller

Capt. Pat Vardy

Mrs. Helen Smith

Bursary – Sean MacNamara

Cenotaph – Bill Bennett

PRO – Debbie Rouleau

TOD/Cadet Liaison – Warren Pihlaja

Burial – Elane Turner
If there is anything any one of us can do, please do not hesitate to contact the office (705-945-8721). The Legion is here to help, please help us to do that.

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