Russell Thomas Jones personal information

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April 2011

Russell Thomas Jones


Home Address: 409 Floyd Street

Blacksburg, VA 24060

(540) 552-3926

Business Address: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Department of Psychology

Blacksburg, VA 24061-04360

Business Phone: (540) 231-5934



B.A. Western Michigan University, 1972

Majors field of study: Psychology and Philosophy with honors

M.A. Pennsylvania State University, 1973

Major field of study: Clinical Psychology

Title of thesis: A Token Economy with Educable Retarded Children

Major advisor: Alan E. Kazdin

Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University, 1976

Major field of study: Clinical Psychology

Title of dissertation: The Role of External Factors in Self-Reward Behavior With


Major advisor: Alan E. Kazdin


1997- Professor

Department of Psychology

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

1984-1997: Associate Professor

Department of Psychology

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

1978-1984: Secondary appointment

In the Department of Psychiatry in the School of Medicine

Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic

1977-1984: Assistant Professor

Department of Psychology

University of Pittsburgh

1976-1977: Clinical internship

Brown University

Providence, RI

1971-1972: Teaching assistant

General Psychology

Western Michigan University

Teaching assistant

Introductory Psychology

Martin Luther King Program

Western Michigan University

1970-1972: Teacher

Downtown Kalamazoo Learning Village

Kalamazoo, MI


Fellow, American Psychological Association (Divisions 12, 45)

Fellows Chair, Division 12, 1997-2001

Member, Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy

Member, The National Fire Protection Association

Member, Association of Black Psychologists

Member, Society for Research in Child Development

Member, Association of Behavior Analysis

Member, Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Advisory Committee for the

Secretary of Education

Board of Directors, Internat’l Society of Trauma Stress Studies

Member, Advisory Committee for Injury Prevention and Control for the Centers of Disease

Control and Prevention

Chair, The Science and Program Subcommittee at the National Injury Prevention Control at the

Centers For Disease Control (2003)Member, Science Program and Work Group of the Advisory Committee for Injury Prevention and Control for the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention

Program Committee, Program Chair for Div. 12 (Clinical Psychology) for the 1986 APA


Program Committee, Midwest Psychological Association (1982-1985)

Served (or presently serving) on Editorial Boards of the following journals:

Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology

Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review

Journal of Cultural Diversity

Journal of Gender, Culture, and Health

Journal of Traumatic Stress

Journal of Pediatric Psychology

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Journal of Behavioral Assessment

Journal of Black Psychology

Behavior Modification

International Newsletter of Social Behaviorism

Topics in Early Childhood Special Education

Applied Research in Mental Retardation

Journal of Clinical Child Psychology

Journal of the Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic

Minority Issues (Journal of Div. 45, APA)

Guest Reviewer, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology

Guest Reviewer, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Guest Reviewer, Journal of Educational Psychology

Guest Reviewer, Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry

Guest Reviewer, The American Psychologist

Guest Reviewer, Clinical Psychology Review

Guest Reviewer, Canadian Journal of Behavioral Psychology


Refereed Articles

Neisworth, J. T., Kurtz, P. D., Jones, R. T., & Madle, R. A. (1974). Biasing of hyperkinetic behavior ratings by diagnostic reports. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 4, 323-329.

Jones, R. T., & Kazdin, A. E. (1975). Programming response maintenance after withdrawing token reinforcement. Behavior Therapy, 6, 153-165.

Jones, R. T., Nelson, R. E., & Kazdin, A. E. (1977). The role of external variables in self-reinforcement: A review. Behavior Modification, 2, 147-179.

Kurtz, P. D., Harrison, O. S., Neisworth, J. T., & Jones, R. T. (1977). Influence of "Mentally Retarded" label on teachers’ nonverbal behavior toward preschool children. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 82, 204-206.

Neisworth, J. T., Jones, R. T., & Smith, R. (1978). Body-behavior problems: A conceptualization. Education and Training of the Mentally Retarded, 10, 265-271.

Jones, R. T., & Ollendick, T. H. (1979). Self-reinforcement: An assessment of external influences. Journal of Behavioral Assessment, 1, 289-303.

Jones, R. T. (1980). Teaching children to make emergency telephone calls. Journal of Black Psychology, 6, 81-93.

Jones, R. T., & Evans, H. (1980). Self-reinforcement: A continuum of external cues. Journal of Educational Psychology, 72, 625-635.

Jones, R. T., & Kazdin, A. E. (1980). Teaching children how and when to make emergency telephone calls. Behavior Therapy, 11, 509-521.

Jones, R. T., Kazdin, A. E., & Haney, J. (1981). Social validation and training of emergency fire safety skills for potential injury prevention and life saving. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 14, 249-260.

Jones, R. T., Kazdin, A. E., & Haney, J. I. (1981). A follow-up to training emergency skills. Behavior Therapy, 12, 716-722.

Haney, J. I., & Jones, R. T. (1982). Programming maintenance as a major component of a community-centered preventive effort: Escape from fire. Behavior Therapy, 13, 47-62.

Jones, R. T., Van Hasselt, V. B., & Sisson, L. A. (1984). Emergency fire-safety skills: A study with blind adolescents. Behavior Modification, 8, 59-78.

Jones, R. T., Van Hasselt, V. B., & Sisson, L. A. (1984). Emergency fire safety skills for blind children and adolescents: Group training and generalizations. Behavior Modification, 8, 267-286.

Evans, H. L., & Jones, R. T., (1984). Self-reinforcement: Impact of instructions, criterion setting, and tangible rewards. Journal of Behavioral Assessment, 6, 207-218.

Hillman, H., Jones, R. T., & Farmer L. (1986). The acquisition and maintenance of fire emergency skills: Effects of rationale and behavioral practice. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 11, 247-258.

Jones, R. T., & McDonald III, D. (1986). Childhood injury: A prevention model for intervention. Education and Treatment of Children, 9, 307-319.

Jones, R. T., & Thornton, J. L. (1987). The acquisition and maintenance of emergency evacuation skills with mildly to moderately retarded adults in a community living arrangement. Journal of Community Psychology, 15, 205-215.

Rivera-Tovar, L. A., & Jones, R. T. (1988). An extension and refinement of telephone emergency skills training: A comparison of training methods. Behavior Modification, 12, 445-465.

Jones, R. T., Ollendick, T. H., McLaughlin, K. J., & Williams, C. E. (1989). Elaborative and behavioral rehearsal in the acquisition of fire emergency skills and the reduction of fear of fire. Behavior Therapy, 20, 93-101.

Williams, C. E., & Jones, R. T. (1989). Impact of self-instructions on response maintenance and children's fear of fire. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 18, 84-89.

Jones, R. T., Ollendick, T. H., & Shinske, F. (1989). The role of behavioral versus cognitive variables in skill acquisition. Behavior Therapy, 20, 293-302.

Jones, R. T., McDonald, D. W., Fiore, M. F., Arrington, T., & Randall, J. (1990). A primary preventive approach to children's drug refusal behavior: The impact of rehearsal-plus. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 15, 211-223.

Rivera-Tovar, L., & Jones, R. T. (1990). Effect of elaboration on the acquisition and maintenance of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 15, 123-138.

Jones, R. T., & Ribbe, D. P. (1991). Child, adolescent, and adult victims of residential fire: Psychosocial consequences. Behavior Modification, 15, 560-580.

Corbin, S., Jones, R. T., & Schulman, R. S. (1993). Drug refusal behavior: The relative efficacy of skills-based and information-based treatment. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 18, 769-784.

Randall, J. & Jones, R. T. (1993). Teaching children fire safety skills. Fire Technology, 29, 268-280.

Jones, R., Ribbe, D., & Cunningham, P. (1994). Psychosocial correlates of fire disaster among children and adolescents. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 7, 117-121.
Jones, R. T., & Randall, J. (1994). Rehearsal-Plus: Coping with fire emergencies and reducing fire-related fears. Fire Technology, 30, 432-444.

Jones, R. T., Corbin, S., Sheehy, L., & Bruce, S. (1995). Substance refusal: More than ″just say no″. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, 4, 1-26.

Ribbe, D., Jones, R. T., & McCarthy, D. M. (1995). Use of videotaped peer modeling in the acquisition of emergency coping skills: Active versus passive strategies. Fire Technology, 31, 212-223.

Holmes, G., & Jones, R. T. (1996). Fire evacuation skills: Cognitive behavioral versus. Computer mediated instruction. Fire Technology, 32, 50-64.

Parker-Davis, M. & Jones, R.T. (1999). Minority Status Stress: Factors That Impact its Effect on African American Students Attending Predominately White Universities. Journal of Gender, Culture and Health, 4(1), 61-82.

Ollendick, T.H., Langley, A.K., Jones, R.T., & Kephart, C.K. (2001). Fear in children and adolescents: Relations with negative life events, attributional style, and avoidant coping. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 42,8, PP. 1029-1034.

Jones, R. T., Frary, R., Cunningham, P., Weddle, J. D., & Kaiser, L. (2001). The psychological effects of Hurricane Andrew on ethnic minority and Caucasian children and adolescents: A case study. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 7, 103-108.

Jones, R. T., Ribbe, D. P., Cunningham, P. B., Weddle, J. D., Langley, A. K. (2002). Psychological impact of fire disaster on children and their parents. Behavior Modification. 163-186.

Jones, R.T., Ribbe, D.R., Cunningham, P.B., & Weddle, D. (2003). Psychosocial Correlates of Wildfire Disaster: Post Disaster Adult Reactions. Fire Technology, 39, 103-117.

Jones, R.T., & Ollendick, T.H. (2005). Risk Factors for Psychological Adjustment Following Residential Fire: The Role of Avoidant Coping. The Journal for Trauma and Dissociation. 6,2,85-99.

Langley, A., & Jones, R.T. (2005). Post-traumatic Symptomatology in Adolescents Following Wildfire: The Role of Coping Strategy & Efficacy. Fire Technology. 12, 587-599.
King, D.W., King, L., McArdle, J.J., Grimm, K., Jones, R.T., Ollendick, T. H. (2006). Characterizing Time in Longitudinal Trauma Research. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 19(2), 205-215.,
R.C., Galea, S., Jones, R.T., & Parker, H.A. (2006). Mental illness and suicidality after hurricane Katrina. World Health Organization Bulletin. 84(10), 1-21.
Haden, S., Scarpa, A., Jones, R.T. Ollendick, T. (2007). "Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Injury: The Moderating Role of Perceived Social Support and Coping in Young Adults". Personality and Individual Differences. 42(7), 1187-1198.
Kessler RC, Galea S, Jones RT, Parker HA. (2006). Mental illness and suicidality after Hurricane Katrina. Bull World Health Organ. 84, 930-939.
Haden, S., Scarpa, A., Jones, R.T. Ollendick, T. (2007). "Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Injury: The Moderating Role of Perceived Social Support and Coping in Young Adults." Personality and Individual Differences. 42(7), 1187- 1198
Galea S, Brewin CR, Gruber M, Jones RT, King DW, King LA, et al. (2007). Exposure to hurricane-related stressors and mental illness after Hurricane Katrina. Archives of General Psychiatry. 64(12), 1427-1434.

Jones, R.T. (2008). Who’s Looking Out for the Kids? Traumatology 14 (1): 23-37.

Jones, R. T., Immel, C., Moore, R. M., & Hadder, J.  (2008).  Hurricanes katrina and rita: Experiences of psychologists and implications for future disaster response. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 39 (1): 100-106.
McLaughlin, K.A., Fairbank, J.A., Gruber, M.J., Jones, R.T.,Lakoma, M.D., Pfefferbaum, B.,

Sampson, N.A., Kessler, R.C. (2009). Serious emotional disturbance among youth exposed to hurricane katrina two years post-disaster. The Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.

McLaughlin, K.A., Fairbank, J.A., Gruber, M.J., Jones, R.T., Osofsky, J.D., Pfefferbaum, B., Samson, N.A., Kessler, R.C. (In Press). Trends in Serious Emotional Disturbance among Youths Exposed to Hurricane Katrina. 49,10, 990-1000
Wilson, L. & Jones, R.T. Therapists as Trauma Survivors: A Case Study Detailing Cognitive  Processing Therapy (CPT) for Rape Victims with a Psychology Graduate Student. Clinical Case Studies, 9, 442-456, doi:1011771534650110386106
Langley, A.K., & Jones, R.T. (2005b). Coping Efforts and Efficacy, Acculturation, and Post-Traumatic Symptomatology in Adolescents Following Wildfire. Fire Technology, 41, 125-143.
Hughes, M., Brymer, M., Chiu, W. T., Fairbank, J.A., Jones, R.T., Pynoos, R. S., Rothwell,V., Steinberg, A. M., & Kessler, R.C. (2011, July 18). Posttraumatic Stress Among Students After the Shootings at Virginia Tech. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.

Lewis, K.M., Langley, A.K., Jones, R.T. Ethnic differences in trauma, anxiety, and depression symptoms among adolescents following Wildfires. (submitted)

Jones, R.T., Dugan Burns, K., Immel, C.S., Schwartz-Goel, K., & Moore, R.M. (Accepted).  Ethnic and racial factors.  In C. Figley (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Trauma: Sage Publications.

Pfefferbaum, B., Schonfeld, D., Flynn, B.W., Norwood, A.E., Dodgen, D., Kaul, R.E., Donato, D., Stone, B., Brown, L.M., Reissman, D.B., Jacobs, G.A., Hobfoll, S.E., Jones, R.T., Herrmann, J., Ursano, R.J., Ruzek, J.I. (In press) The H1N1 Crisis.

Pfefferbaum, B., Flynn, B.W., Schonfeld, D., Brown, L.M., Jacobs, G.A., Dodgen, D., Donato, D., Kaul, R.E., Stone, B., Nonrood, A.E., Reissman, D.B., Herrmann, J., Hobfoll, S.E., Jones, R.T., Ruzeh, J.I., Ursano, R.J., Taylor, R.J., Lindley, D. (In press) The Integration of Mental and Behavioral Health into Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Recovery.

Jones, R.T., et al., (2011) (Online) The ABC’s of Fire: An Encyclopedia and Practical Family Guide to Fire Safety, Prevention, and Recovery. Online Publication available at

Jones, R.T., Ollendick, T.H., Mathia, C., et al. (In press) “When I cam home…Everything was gone.” The Impact of Residential Fires on Children & Adolescents: A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis. Fire Technology.

Jones, R. T. (1980). The role of external variables in self-reinforcement. American Psychologist, 35, 102-104.

Non refereed Articles

Jones, R. T. & Boyd, C. (1988). Childhood injury: A perspective on conceptualization and intervention. Progress Notes, 12, 14-18.

Jones, R. T. (1989). A salute to the founding mothers and fathers of clinical psychology. Clinical Psychologist, 42, 19-28.

Jones, R. T. (1992). Section IV: Racial/ethnic and cultural issues. The Clinical Psychologist, 2, 53-56.

Jones, R.T. & Ollendick, T. H. (1999). The examination of the impact of residential fire on children: Preliminary findings. Fire International.

Jones, R.T. & Ollendick, T. H. (1999) Study investigates children’s posttraumatic stress after experiencing a residential fire. Stress Points.

Randall, J. & Jones, R.T. (1994). Differences in age-related appraisals in children's and adolescents' coping. Fire Engineering.

Jones, R.T. ,Rogers, K., & Ollendick, T. H. The examination of the impact of residential fire on children: Preliminary findings. Fire Engineering. (Reprinted)

Tests and Measurements

Jones, R. T. (1988). The Fire Emergency Dialing Checklist. In M. Hersen & A. S. Bellack (Eds.), Dictionary of behavioral assessment techniques (pp. 226-228). New York: Pergamon Press.

Jones, R. T. (1988). The Fire Emergency Behavioral Situations Scale. In M. Hersen & A. S. Bellack (Eds.), Dictionary of behavioral assessment techniques (pp. 224-226). New York: Pergamon Press.

Nader, K. (1996). Child’s reaction to traumatic events scale (CRTES). Assessing traumatic experiences in children. In Wilson, J. P. and Keane, T. (eds.). Assessing Psychological

Jones, R.T., Fletcher, K., & Ribbe D.R., (2002) Child’s Reaction to Traumatic Events Scale-Revised (CRTES-R): A self report traumatic stress measure. (Available from the author, Dept. of Psychology, Stress and Coping Lab, 4102 Derring Hall, Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, VA 24060).


Turner, S. M., & Jones, R. T. (Eds.)(1982). Behavior therapy and black populations: Psychosocial issues and empirical findings. New York: Plenum.

Book Chapters

Jones, R. T., & Kazdin, A. E. (1981). Childhood behavior problems in the school. In S. M. Turner, K. Calhoun, & H. E. Adams (Eds.), The handbook of clinical behavior therapy. (pp. 121-149). New York: Wiley.

Jones, R. T., & Haney, J. I. (1981). A body-behavior conceptualization of a somatopsychological problem: Race. In R. M. Lerner & A. Rossnagel (Eds.), Individuals as contributors to their development: A life span perspective (pp. 349-387). New York: Academic.

Jones, R. T. (1982). Academic improvement through behavioral intervention. In S. M. Turner & R. T. Jones (Eds.), Behavior therapy and black populations: Psychosocial issues and empirical findings (pp. 121-149). New York: Plenum.

Jones, R. T., & Haney, J. I. (1984). Somatopsychological intervention: A behavioral approach. In R. Smith & J. T. Neisworth (Eds.), The exceptional child: A functional approach (pp. 211-226). 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Jones, R. T., & Haney, J. I. (1985). Behavior therapy and fire emergencies: Conceptualization, assessment, and intervention. In M. Hersen, R. M. Eisler, & P. M. Miller (Eds.), Progress in behavior modification, Vol. 19, (pp. 177-216). New York: Academic Press.

Jones, R. T., McDonald III, D., & Shinske, F. (1990). Accident prevention: Overview and reconceptualization. In Gross, A. M. and Drabman, R. S. (Eds.), Handbook of clinical behavioral pediatrics (pp. 383-401). New York: Plenum Press.

Jones, R. T., & Herndon, C. (1992). The status of black children and adolescents in the academic setting: Assessment and treatment issues. In Walker, E. and Roberts, M. (Eds.), Handbook of clinical child psychology (pp. 901-917). New York: Wiley.

Jones, R. T., & Zaharopoulos, V. (1994). Prevention. In Tarnoski, R. (Ed.), Behavioral Aspects of Pediatric Burn Injuries (pp. 383-401). New York: Plenum Press.

Jones, R. T., Brown, R., Davis, M., Jeffries, R., & Shenoy, U. (1998). Representativeness of African Americans in Behavioral Research and Therapy: The Need for Cultural Considerations. In Jones, R. (Ed.), African Americans in behavior therapy and research (pp.413-450). Hampton, Virginia: Cobbs & Henry.

Jones, R. T., Davis, M., Kephart, C., Langley, A., Weeks, C., and Shenoy, U. (2001). Issues and implications of minority status within clinical child psychology. In M. Roberts & E. Walker (Eds.), Handbook of Clinical Child Psychology (pp. 955-973).

Jones, R. T., Langley, A., & Penn, C. (2001). Fire setters/Victims of Fire setters. In H. Orvashel, J. Faust, & M. Hersen (Eds.), Handbook of Conceptualization and Treatment of Child Psychopathology (pp.355-378). Plenum, New York.

Jones, R. T. & Ollendick, T. H. (2002). The impact of residential fire on children and their families. In A. La Greca, W. Silverman, E. Vernberg, & M. Roberts (Eds.). Helping children cope with disasters: Integrating research and practice. Washington, DC: APA Books.PP. 175-202. American Psychological Association

Sleet, D.A. Hammond, R.M. Jones, R.T., Thomas, N., Fantuzzo, J., Whitt, B. (2001). Injury and Violence Prevention in the Community. In R. H. Rozensky, N. Johnson, C. Goodheart, and R. Hammond (Eds.) Psychology Builds a Healthy World: Research and Practice Opportunities: Washington, DC: APA Books pp. 185-216.

Balaban, V., Steinberg, A., Layne, C., Jones, R.T. & Fairbank, J.(in press). Post-Disaster/Mass Violence Psychological Assessment of Children and Adolescents. In Mikus-Kos A & Friedman MJ (Eds.) Promoting the Psychosocial Well-being of Children following War and Terrorism. Brussels, Belgium: NATO.
Jones, R.T.,Hadder, J., Carvajal, F., Chapman,S., Alexander, A. Conducting Research in Diverse, Minority, and Marginalized Communities. Norris, F., Galea, S., Friedman, M., & Watson, P. (2006). Research methods for studying mental health after disasters and terrorism. New York: Guilford Press pp. 265-277.
1Portions of this chapter were presented at the Roundtable on Screening and Assessment, Outreach, and Intervention for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Needs following Disasters and Mass Violence. (August 26-28, 2003). Bethesda, Maryland, USA: DHHS.
Jones, R.T., & Ollendick, T.H. (2005). Risk Factors for Psychological Adjustment Following Residential Fire: The Role of Avoidant Coping. In Cardena, E. & Croyle, K. Acute Reactions to Trauma and Psychotherapy: A Multidisciplinary and International Perspective, pages 85-99. 
Jones, R.T., System of care (in press). In Domestic Disaster Displacement (3D) Manual: Working with people who have been displaced. Pfhefferbaum, B. (Ed.). University of OK Health Sciences Center.. University of Oklahoma.
Jones, R.T., Arriving at a new place (in press). In Domestic Disaster Displacement (3D) Manual: Working with people who have been displaced. Pfhefferbaum, B. (Ed.). In University of OK Health Sciences Center. University of Oklahoma.
Jones, R.T., Dugan-Burns, K., Immel, C. S., Moore, R. M., Schwartz, K., Culpepper, B.  (In Press).  Impact of hurricane katrina on children and adolescents: Conceptual and methodological implications for assessment and intervention.  In K. E. Cherry (Eds.).  Lifespan Perspective on Natural Disasters.  Springer: New York.
Jones, R.T., Dugan Burns, K., Immel, C.S., Schwartz-Goel, K., & Moore, R.M.
(In Press).  Ethnic and racial factors.  In C. Figley (Ed.), Encyclopedia
of Trauma. Sage Publications.
Jones, R. T., Donlon, K., Dugan Burns, K., Schwartz-Goel, K., Law, M.K., Tragedy at Virginia Tech: Recommendations for mental health response to crisis on campus. In C. L. Mears (Ed.), Reclaiming school in the aftermath: Advice based on experience (pp.153-173). New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

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