Sandra L. Hanson

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Vita of

Sandra Hanson



Born: January 20, 1953

Address: Department of Sociology, Aquinas Hall

The Catholic University of America

Washington, D.C. 20064

Telephone: (202) 319-5955


Address: 2008 North Westmoreland St.

Arlington, VA 22213

Telephone: (703) 532-0060
B.A. Mankato State University, Mankato, MN

Sociology/Psychology (1975) (Summa cum Laude)

M.A. The Pennsylvania State University

Sociology (1978)

Ph.D. The Pennsylvania State University

Sociology (with minor in Statistics) (1981)

AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION : Gender, Education, Race, Family, Labor Markets, Quantitative Methods

Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Missouri - St. Louis, 1981-1982.

Associate, Center for Metropolitan Studies, UMSL, 1981-1982.

Assistant Professor of Sociology, Case Western Reserve University, 1982-1984.

Senior Research Analyst, Decision Resources Corp., 1984-1986.

Assistant Professor of Sociology, The Catholic University of America, 1986-1989.

Associate Professor of Sociology, The Catholic University of America, 1989-1999.

Regular Professor of Sociology, The Catholic University of America, 1999-Present.

Chair of the Sociology Department, The Catholic University of America, 2002-2006.

Introduction to Sociology; Sociology of the Family; Sociology of Campus Life; Sociology of Aging; Sociology of Death and Dying; Family Problems; Sociology of Gender; Gender Across Societies; Generation X; Introduction to Social Statistics; Undergraduate and Graduate level Research Methods and Statistics.
2009 “Perceptions of the Model Minority in Science: Insights from Vignette.” Paper presented at the American Sociological Association meetings.” San Francisco. August 2009.

2009 “Culture, Family and Science Achievement: The Perspective of Model Minority Students.” Paper presented at the Eastern Sociological Association meetings. Baltimore (with Emily Ricke). March 2009.

2008 “Section on Science, Knowledge, and Technology Invited Session. Workforces and

Workplaces of Science and Technology” Discussant. American Sociological Association meetings. Boston. August 2008.

2008 “Thematic Session: Diversifying STEM Fields: Challenges and Advances.” “African American Girls and Women in Science. Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Meetings. Boston. August 2008.
2008. “Gender, Race, and Job Satisfaction in Science Occupations: A Look at the Model Minority” (with Fang Fang). Boston. August 2008.
2007 “Women, men, and Racial Attitudes: A Cross National Study.” Paper presented at the American Sociological Meetings Annual Conference (with Michael Hughes and Steven Tuch). New York City, August 2007
2006 “Asian Americans in Science: Family Influences.” Paper presented at the National Conference on Family Relations (with Yu Meng). Minneapolis. November 2006.
2006 “Asian Americans in Science: Effects of Race and Sex.” Paper presented at the American Sociological Association meetings (with Yu Meng). Montreal. August 2006.
2006 “Swimming Against the Tide: Minority Women in Science.” Paper presented at American Association for the Advancement of Science Meetings. St. Louis. February 2006.

2005 “The Use of Vignettes in Social Science Research.” Paper presented at the National Conference on Family Relations. Phoenix. November 2005.

2005 “The Use of Vignettes in Social Science research: A Web Survey Application Focusing on African American Women’s Perceptions of Race and Gender Discrimination in Science.” Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Meetings. Philadelphia, August 2005.
2004 “The Use of Vignettes in Studying Minority Women’s Experiences in Science.” National Science Foundation, Division of Research, Evaluation, and Communication. Meeting for Principal Investigators. Washington, DC. October 2004.
2004 "Gender Across Societies." Session organizer at World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology. Beijing, China. July 2004.
2003 “Attribution of Success in Science: The Role of Minority Families.” Paper presented at the National Conference on Family Relations. Vancouver. November, 2003.
2003 “Minority Women in Science: Factors that Encourage and Discourage” National Science Foundation, Division of Research, Evaluation, and Communication. Meeting for Principal Investigators. Washington, DC. October, 2003.
2003 “African American Women in Science: Experiences from High School through the

Post Secondary Years and Beyond” Institute for Women’s Policy Research Conference. June, 2003.

2002 “East vs. West: A Comparative Look at Women’s Attitudes About Opportunity,

Status, and Mobility” American Sociological Association. Chicago. August 2002.

2002 Keynote Speaker. “Sport, Gender, and Science”. Center for Research on Sport and

Society Title IX 30th Anniversary Symposium. December 2002.

2002 Panel Member: “What is the ‘Social’ in ‘Science’?” “International and Comparative Studies of Girls and Science” Eastern Sociological Association Meetings. March 2002.
2001 Presider/Discussant. “Comparing Gender Across Societies.” 35th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology. Krakow, Poland, July 2001.
2000 “Explaining the Success of African American Women in High School Science: Family Influences,” National Conference on Family Relations. Minneapolis, MN. November, 2000.
2000 Presider/Discussant. “Math, Science and Engineering Education.” American Sociological Association Meetings. Washington, D.C. August, 2000.
2000 Discussant. “Inequalities in Careers in Academia and Science in a Cross-National Perspective” American Sociological Association Meetings, Washington, D.C., August 2000.
2000 Organizer and Presider. “Comparative Gender Inequality” Eastern Sociological Society Meetings. Baltimore, March, 2000.
2000 “Educational Pathways in Science” presentation on WOMEN AND SCIENCE panel. Sociologist for Women in Society Meetings - Costa Mesa, CA, February 2000.
1999 Organizer and Presider, Session on Sociology of Science. American Sociological Association Meetings B Chicago, Il, August 1999.
1999 “A Comparative Study of Female Elite: Gender Attitudes Among Women Scientists in Germany and the United States” Paper presented at American Sociological Association Meeting B Chicago, IL, August 1999 (with S. Fuchs, S. Aisenbrey and N. Kravets).
1999 “The Benefits of Sport on Science for Women: Race Makes a Difference.” Paper presented at American Sociological Association Meetings B Chicago, IL, August 1999 (with Rebecca Kraus).
1999 “Keys to Empowering Youth: Developing a Science and Technology Mentoring Program” Paper presented at WEPAN conference (Women in Engineering Programs and Advocate Network) B San Antonio, TX, June 1999 (with E. Thompson and C. Lathan).
1998 "Hopefulness vs. Hopelessness: An Examination of Generation X in Poland and the U.S." Paper presented at the American Sociological Association meetings -- San Francisco, CA, August 1998 (with Wojciech Szumowski).
1998 "Catholicism, Country and the Construction of Gender: Catholic Women in Poland and the U.S." Paper presented at the American Sociological Association meetings -- San Francisco, CA, August 1998 (with Kaja Gadowska).
1997 "African American Women in Science: Expecting the Unexpected." Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Meeting -- Toronto, Ontario, August 1997 (with Elizabeth Palmer Johnson).
1997 "Women in Male Domains: Sport and Science." Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Meeting -- Toronto, Ontario, 1997 (with Rebecca Kraus).
1996 "Woman, Sports and Science: Do Female Athletes Have An Advantage?" Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Meetings -- New York, New York, August, 1996 (with Rebecca Kraus).
1995 "Females, Families and Science: A Look at Women Scientists." Paper presented at the National Conference on Family Relations -- Portland, OR, November, 1995.
1994 "Women in the Science Pipeline: The Family Context." Paper presented at the National Conference on Family Relations -- Minneapolis, MN, November, 1994.
1993 "Lost Talent: Unrealized Educational Aspirations and Expectations Among U.S. Youth." Paper presented at American Sociological Association Meetings -- Miami Beach, Florida, August, 1993.
1992 "The Structure of Educational Pipelines to Technical Occupations: Gender Stratification in Mathematics Curricula in Seven Countries". Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Meetings -- Pittsburgh, PA, August, 1992.

(With M. Schaub and D.Baker).

1991 "Young Women's Unrealized Educational Hopes and Expectations." Paper presented at American Sociological Association Meetings -- Cincinnati, Ohio, August, 1991.
1990 "Values and Success: Strategies for At-Risk Children and Youth." Paper presented at the International Conference on Children and Youth At-Risk -- Washington, DC, February, 1990 (with Alan Ginsburg).
1989 "Young Children and Job Satisfaction Among Men and Women." Paper presented at American Sociological Association Meetings--San Francisco, CA, August, 1989 (with Douglas Sloane).
1988 "Antecedents of Teen Fathering." Paper presented at American Sociological Association Meetings--Atlanta, GA, August, 1988 (with Donna Morrison and Alan Ginsburg).
1987 "Costs and Rewards of Two-Earner Families." Paper presented at National Conference on Family Relations Meeting--Atlanta, GA, April 1987 (with Theodora Ooms).
1985 "The Comparability of U.S. National Fertility Surveys." Paper presented at the Population Association of American Meetings--Boston, MA, March 1985 (with David Myers et al.).
1984 "Labor Markets and Job Satisfaction." Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Meetings--San Antonio, TX, August 1984 (with Jack K. Martin and Steven A. Tuch).
1984 "The Determinants of Marital Instability: Some Methodological Issues." Paper presented at the Southern Sociological Meetings--Knoxville, TN, April 1984 (with Steven A. Tuch).
1983 "Family Development and Adjustment to Marital Separation." Paper presented at the Southern Sociological Meetings--Atlanta, GA, April 1983.
1982 "Consequences of Involuntary Childlessness." Roundtable at the Population Association of American Meetings--San Diego, CA, April 1982.

1982 "Sex, Family Status and Satisfaction with Work: An Alternative Model of Job Satisfaction." Paper presented at the Eastern Sociological Meetings--Philadelphia, PA, March 1982 (with Jack K. Martin).
1981 "Consequences of Childlessness on the Importance of and Satisfaction with Homemaker and Work Roles: Findings from a 24-Year Longitudinal Study." Paper presented at the Population Association of America.
1980 "Racial and Cohort Variations in Filial Responsibility Norms." Paper presented at the Eastern Sociological Association Meetings -- Boston, MA, March 1980 (with William J. Sauer and Wayne C. Seelbach).
1978 "Rural-Urban and Cohort Differences in Filial Responsibility Norms." Paper presented at the Gerontological Society Meetings, November 1978 (with William J. Sauer and Wayne C. Seelbach).
1978 "The Involvement of Extended Kin in the Adjustment to Separation and Divorce." Paper presented at the Southern Sociological Meetings, March 1978 (with Graham B. Spanier).
2010. Invited speaker. “Women in Sports.” For Catholic University “Dialogue on Demand” series celebrating Women’s History Month. March 3.
2010. Invited speaker. “Swimming Against the Tide: African American Girls and Science Education”. Keynote speaker for Women’s History Month. Fermilabs. Chicago, ILL. March 10.

2009. Invited speaker. “Swimming Against the Tide: African American Girls and Science Education”. U.S. Department of Education. September 14, 2009.

2009. Invited speaker. “Swimming Against the Tide: African American Girls and Science Education”. National Science Foundation. September 2, 2009.
2009. Testified before U.S. House of Representative Committee on Science and Technology

Subcommittee on Research and Science Education hearing on “Encouraging the Participation of Female Students in STEM Fields.” July 21, 2009.

2009. Invited speaker. “Swimming Against the Tide: African American Girls and Science Education”. National Academy of the Sciences/American Association for the Advancement of Science. April 2009.

2008 Invited speaker. “Race, Gender and Science Education: The Use of

Sociological Frameworks and Methods.” NIH sponsored conference on Understanding Interventions that Encourage Minorities to Pursue Research Careers. Atlanta. May 2008.
2008 Co-organizer (with John White), Conference on “Poverty, Families and Policy: Where Do We Go From Here?” April 2008

2007 Co-organizer (with John White), American Dream Conference. Gave talk on “Whose American Dream: Gender and the American Dream.” Catholic University. March 2007.

2007 “Gender and Race the Effects in Science Achievement.” Invited panel member National Academy of Engineering workshop, National Academy of Science. Washington, DC. Jan 29, 2007.
2005 “Using Vignettes in Sociological Research: Applications to Minority Women in Science.” Paper presented at Centennial Celebration, American Sociological Association. Capital Hill, Washington, DC.
2005 “Sport as Capital: Gender and Sport.” Paper presented at conference on Human Capital

at Opole University, Opole, Poland. April.

2005 “Gender, Country and Religion: Catholic Women in Poland and the U.S.” Presentation

to Polish Sociological Association. Jagiellonian University. March 2005.

2004 "Perceptions of Fairness: Attitudes About Opportunity Among Women Scientists in Germany and the U.S." Ludwig Maxmilions University, Munich, Germany, May 2004.

2004 "Women and Religion" St. Matthews Cathedral Lenten Lecture Series, March 2004

2003 "The Use of Vignetts in Social Science Research" Ludwig Maximilions University, Munich, Germany, May 2003.
2000 “Hopefulness vs. Hopelessness: Generation X.” Institute for Central and Eastern European Studies. Bremen University, Bremen, Germany, July, 2000.
2000 “Entering the Elites: Women in Science.” Institut for Soziologie, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany, July, 2000.
2000 “Entering the Elites: Women in Science.” Institute for Central and Eastern European Studies, Bremen University, Bremen, Germany, July, 2000.
1999 “Generation X in Poland and the U.S.” Sociology Institute. Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, March, 1999.

1998 "Catholic Women in Poland and the U.S." Sociology Institute. Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, February, 1998.
1998 "Women and Science." Efka Women's Center. Krakow, Poland, January, 1998.
1997 "Gender, Family and Work: Illustrations from Research on Women in Science." Sociology Institute. Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, November, 1997.
1997 “Lost Talent: Women in Science." American Consulate, Krakow, Poland, October,1997
Hanson, Sandra L. Review of “Scientific Pioneers: Women Succeeding in Science.” By Joyce Tong. In Contemporary Society 36(2): 139-140. (2007)
Hanson, Sandra L. Review of “Has Feminism Changed Science?” By Londa Schiebinger. In Gender and Society 15:775-776 (2002)
Hanson, Sandra L. Review of “Middletown: A Study in Modern American Culture” by R.S. Lynd and H.M. Lynd. In Journal of Marriage and the Family’s “Year 2000 Decade Review.” 62:847-49 (2000).
Hanson, Sandra L. Review of “Balancing Act: Motherhood, Marriage and Employment among American Women”. In Journal of Marriage and the Family 59: 1034-45 (1997).
Hanson, Sandra L. Review of “Worlds of Pain: Life in the Working-Class Family” by L. Rubin. In Journal of Marriage and The Family, 55: 513-14. (1993).
Hanson, Sandra L. Review of “Women's Two Roles: A Contemporary Dilemma” by Phyllis Moen. In Journal of Marriage and the Family, 54: 999 (November 1992).

Hanson, Sandra L. Review of “First Births in America: Changes in the Timing of Parenthood” by R. Rindfuss, S. Philip Morgan, and Gray Swicegood. In Journal of Marriage and the Family, Vol. 54 (August, 1990).
Hanson, Sandra L. Review of “Family Interaction” by S.J. Bahr. In Teaching Sociology, Vol. 18 (January, 1990).
Hanson, Sandra L. Review of “Work and the Family” by V.K. Oppenheimer. In Journal of Marriage and the Family 45: 450 (May, 1983).
Hanson, Sandra L. Review of “Social Research: Guides to a Decision Making Process” by S. Philliber, M. Schaub, and G.S. Sloss. In International Review of Modern Sociology, Vol. 12, #2 (Autumn, 1982).
The American Dream in the 21st Century. Contract with Temple University Press, Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Swimming Against the Tide: Minority Women in Science. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2009.
Lost Talent: Women in the Sciences. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1996

DeJong, Gordon F., Gretchen T. Cornwell, Sandra L. Hanson, and C. Shannon Stokes. "Consequences of Childlessness on the Attainment of Financial and Nonfinancial Satisfaction Rural Sociology, 49: 441-451 (Fall, 1984).
DeJong, Gordon F., Gretchen T. Cornwell, Sandra L. Hanson, and Shannon Stokes. "Childless and One Child, But Not by Choice: Long Term Consequences for Life Satisfactions, Occupational Attainment, and Mobility Aspirations of Married Women." Report filed with the National Institute for Child Health and Human Development, Contact Number NI-HO-92897, (April, 1981).
Ginsburg, Alan and Hanson, Sandra L. “Values and Success: Strategies for At-Risk Children and Youth.” Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Education (1990).
Hanson, Sandra L. and Fang Fang. “Race, Sex and Job Satisfaction in Science Occupations: A focus on Asian Americans.” Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering.


Hanson, Sandra L. and John Zogby. The Polls-Trends: Attitudes About the American Dream. Public Opinion Quarterly. Advance Access online (doc10.1093/poq/nfq010) (2010).
Hanson, Sandra L. and Yu Meng. “Science Gains and Degrees Among Asian-American Students: Influence of Race and Sex” in Annuals of Research for Engineering Education. Spring/Summer 2009 (

Hanson, Sandra L. and Yu Meng. “Science Majors and Degrees among Asian-American Students: Influences of Race and Sex in “Model Minority” Experiences. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering 14: 225-52. (2008).

Hanson, Sandra L. Success in Science Among Young African American Women: The Role of Minority Families. Journal of Family Issues 28 (1): 3-33. (2007).
Hanson, Sandra L., Ivy Kennelly, and Stephan Fuchs. “Perceptions about Fairness: Gender, and Attitudes about Opportunity among Scientists in Germany and the U.S.” Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering 13: 231-58. (2007).
Hanson Sandra L. “Young Women, Sports and Science.” Theory and Practice. 46 (2): 155-161. (2007)
Hanson, Sandra L. “Success in Science Among Young African American Women: The Role of Minority Families.” Journal of Family Issues 28(1): 3-33. (2006).

Hanson, Sandra L. 2006. “Insights from Vignettes: African American Woman’s Perceptions of Discrimination in the Science Classroom.” Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering 12(1): 11-34.(2006).

Hanson, Sandra L. “African American Women in Science: Experiences from High School through the Post-Secondary Years and Beyond” in J.M. Bystydzienski & S.R. Bird (Eds). Removing Barriers: Women in Academic Science, Technology and Mathematics. Bloomington: Indiana University Press (2006)
Hanson, Sandra L. and Giang Wells-Dang. “Gender and Attitudes About Opportunity in Eastern and Western Europe.” European Sociological Review 22 (1): 17-34 (2006)
Hanson, Sandra L. “Hidden Dragons: Asian American Women in Sport.” Journal of Sport and Social Issues 29: 279-312. (2005)
Hanson, Sandra L. and Rebecca Kraus. “Science Experiences Amongst Women Athletes: Race Makes a Difference.” Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering 9:287-324 (2004).
Hanson, Sandra L. “African American Women in Science: Experiences from High School through the Post Secondary Years and Beyond.” National Women’s Studies Association Journal. 16:96-115. (2004)
Hanson, Sandra L., Fuchs, Stefon, Aisenbrey, Silke, and Kravets, Nataliya. "Attitudes Toward Gender, Work and Family Among Female and Male Scientists in Germany and the U.S. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering 10:99-130. (2004)
Hanson, Sandra L. “Gender, Families, and Science: Influences on Early Science Training and Career Choices” Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering. 6 (2):169-187 (2000).
Hanson, Sandra L. and Elizabeth Palmer Johnson. “Expecting the Unexpected: A Comparative Study of African-American Women’s Experiences in Science During the High School Years.” Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering. 6 (4):265-294 (2000).
Hanson, Sandra L. and Rebecca Kraus. “Women in Male Domains: Sport and Science.” Sociology of Sport Journal 16 (2): 92-110 (1999).
Hanson, Sandra L. and Kaja Gadowska. "Catholicism, Country and the Construction of Gender: Catholic Women in Poland and the U.S." Polish Sociological Review. 127: 353-76 (1999).
Hanson, Sandra L. and Rebecca Kraus. "Women, Sport, and Science: Do Female Athletes Have an Advantage?" Sociology of Education 71: 93-110 (1998).
Hanson, Sandra L., Maryellen Schaub, and David P. Baker. "Gender Stratification in The Science Pipeline: A Comparative Analysis of Seven Countries." Gender and Society, 10: 271-290 (1996).
Hanson, Sandra L. "Gender, Family Resources and Success in Science." Journal of Family Issues, 17: 83-113 (1996)
Hanson, Sandra L. "Lost Talent: Unrealized Educational Aspirations and Expectations Among U.S. Youth." Sociology of Education, 67: 159-183 (1994).
Hanson, Sandra L. "Involving Families in Programs for Pregnant Teens: Consequences for Teens and Their Families." Family Relations, 41: 303-311 (1992).
Hanson, Sandra L. "Involving Families in Programs for Pregnant Teens: Practices and Obstacles." Families in Society, 73: 274-281 (May 1992).
Hanson, Sandra L. and Douglas M. Sloane. "Young Children and Job Satisfaction." Journal of Marriage and the Family, 54: 799-811 (1992).
Hanson, Sandra L. and Theodora Ooms. "The Economic Costs and Benefits of Two-Earner, Two-Parent Families." Journal of Marriage and the Family, 53: 622-634 (August, 1991).
Hanson, Sandra L., Laurie Leitch, Jacqueline Smollar, Theodora Ooms, and Sally Davis. "Family Involvement in Adolescent Pregnancy Programs." Report filed with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Contract Number APR 00946-02-0, (April, 1990).
Hanson, Sandra L., Donna Ruane Morrison, and Alan L. Ginsburg. "The Antecedents of Teenage Fatherhood." Demography, 26: 579-96 (November, 1989).
Hanson, Sandra L. and Alan L. Ginsburg. "Gaining Ground: Values and High School Success." American Education Research Journal, 25: 334-365 (Fall, 1988).
Hanson, Sandra L., Jack K. Martin, and Steven A. Tuch. "Economic Sector and Job Satisfaction.@ Work and Occupations, 14: 286-305 (May, 1987).
Hanson, Sandra L., David Myers, and Alan Ginsburg. "Responsibility and Knowledge: Their Role in Reducing Teenage Out-of-Wedlock Childbearing." Journal of Marriage and the Family, 49: 241-251 (May, 1987)
Hanson, Sandra L., and William J. Sauer. "Children and their Elderly Parents." In Social Support Networks and the Care of the Elderly: Theory, Research, and Policy. Edited by W.J. Sauer and R.T. Coward. Springer Press, (1985).

Hanson, Sandra L., Gretchen T. Cornwell, Gordon F. DeJong and C. Shannon Stokes. "Consequences of Involuntary Low Parity for Women's Perceptions of Homemaker and Work Roles: Findings from a 24-Year Longitudinal Study." Sociology and Social Research, 68: 326-349 (April, 1984)

Hanson, Sandra L. and Steven A. Tuch. "The Determinations of Marital Instability: Some Methodological Issues." Journal of Marriage and Family, 46: 631-642 (August, 1984).
Hanson, Sandra L., William J. Sauer, and Wayne C. Seelbach. "Racial and Cohort Differences in Filial Responsibility Norms." Gerontologist, 23: 627-631 (December, 1984).
Hanson, Sandra L. and Graham B. Spanier. "Family Development and Adjustment to Marital Separation." Sociology and Social Research, 68: 19-40 (April, 1983).
Hanson, Sandra L. "A Family Life Cycle Approach to the Socio-Economic Attainment of Working Women." Journal of Marriage and the Family, 45: 323-338 (May, 1983).
Hanson, Sandra L. "The Effects of Rural Residence on the Socio-Economic Attainment Process of Married Females." Rural Sociology, 47: 91-113 (Spring, 1982).
Hoge, Dean R., Edna K. Smit and Sandra L. Hanson, "School Experiences Predicting Changes in Self-Esteem of Sixth and Seventh Grade Students." Journal of Educational Psychology, 82: 117-127 (1990).
Martin, Jack K. and Sandra L. Hanson, "Sex, Family Status and Satisfaction with Work: An Alternative Model of Job Satisfaction." Journal of Work and Occupations, 12: 91-109 (February, 1985).
Sauer, William J., Wayne C. Seelbach and Sandra L. Hanson. "Urban-Rural and Cohort Differences in Filial Responsibility Norms." Journal of Minority Aging, 5: 299-305 (March, 1981).
Spanier, Graham B. and Sandra L. Hanson. "The Role of Extended Kin in the Adjustment to Marital Separation." Journal of Divorce 5: 33-48 (1981). Reprinted in The Impact of Divorce on The Extended Family, Ester Oshiver Fisher (ed.). New York: Haworth Press, 1982.
Thompson, E., C. Lathon, S. Hanson, C. Derney-Teryalon, P. Rajendram, and T. Peng. “Keys to Empowering Youth: Developing a Science and Technology Mentoring Program.” Pp. 209-214 in Moving Beyond Individual Programs to Systematic Change. Women in Engineering Programs and Advocates Network Conference proceedings (1999).
“The Model Minority: Gender, Race, and Science Achievement Among Asian Americans”
Fulbright Fellow. 1997-1998. Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University. Krakow, Poland.

Testified before U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science and Technology subcommittee on Research and Science Education hearing on “Encouraging the Participation of Female Students in STEM Fields.” July 21, 2009.

Inside Higher Ed did an interview with Dr. Hanson on the research presented in Swimming Against the Tide: African American Girls in Science Education. It can be found at: Link:

Member, NSF Panel. Dissertation Grant Committee. Nov. 2005 - Nov. 2007.

Invited to attend cross-disciplinary workshop on new engineering curricula. Sponsored by American Sociological Association, Center for the Advancement of Scholarship on Education, and National Academy of Engineering. Washington, DC April 26-27, 2006.
Associate Editor, Journal of Marriage and Family, 1983 - 2005
Associate Editor, Journal of Family Issues, 1989 - 1999.
Reviewer for Social Forces, Sociology of Education, American Sociological Review, Social Science Quarterly.
Participant, NSF Workshop on Studying Human Resources in Science and Engineering, June 1989.
Participant, NIH Review Group, "Minority Youth Health Behavior Research: The Development and Application of Interventions." (July, 1992).
Participant, NSF Conference, "Women & Science." (December, 1995).
Member, Reuben Hill Award Committee, National Conference on Family Relations (1995-Present)
Participant, Betty Friedan’s Women, Men and the Media Foundation’s Symposium “News Coverage of Women in Sport - Winner or Loser?” (November 1998).
Speaker, Women’s Sports Foundation Summit ‘99 on panel session “Research in Women’s Sports” (April 1999).
Program Co-Director. Two programs (Keys and Gateways) for mentoring young girls in science and engineering at Catholic University (1997-1999).
Panel Chair, NSF Review Group, “Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Scholarships Program” (November 1999).
Co-Program Chair. Eastern Sociological Society Meetings., March 2000.
Discussant, “Gender Issues in International Achievement” CPRE TIMSS Policy Forum 2000: Research on TIMSS: New Analyses and Implications. Washington, D.C. June, 2000.
Panel, NSF Review Group, “Gender Equity: High School, Undergraduate, Teacher and Faculty Development and Educational Technologies” (May 2001).
Principal Investigator: “Gender, Race and Science: Asian American Women as Model Minority?” National Science Foundation. September 2006 - August 2010. (HRD: 0624493) $255,649.
Principal Investigator: “US-Germany Cooperative Research: ‘Perceptions of Fairness: Attitudes About Opportunity and Status Among Women Scientists in Germany and the U.S.’” National Science Foundation. April 2003-April 2006. $10,000. (Int. 0233241 -- U.S. - Germany Cooperative Research Program.)
Principal Investigator: “Supplement to support Research Experience for Undergraduates”. National Science Foundation. Funded July 15, 2002-June 30, 2004. $10,000.
Principal Investigator: “ROLE: Combining New and Mature Data Collection Technologies to Better Understand Facts that Encourage and Discourage African American Women in SMET Education.” National Science Foundation. Funded July 15, 2002 - June 30, 2004. $159,621.

(REC 0208146 -- Division of Research, Evaluation and Communication.)

Co-Principal Investigator "Gateways to Engineering: Workshops for High School Girls Opening the Way to Career Paths in Engineering." Engineering Information Foundation. Funded Jan. 1997-Dec. 1999. $85,300.
Principal Investigator "Lost Talent: Women in Science" National Science Foundation #RED-9453059. Funded June 1995 - May 1997. $77,677.
Principal Investigator "Patterns of Development in Young Women's Educational Choices and Experiences in Math and Science." National Science Foundation. #RED SES-9122802. Funded March, 1991 - August 1994. $96,996.
Principal Investigator "Effects of Family Involvement on AFL Program Clients." Office of Teen

Pregnancy, Health and Human Services #APR 00946-02-0. Funded November 1987 - October, 1989. $200,000.

Co-Principal Investigator "Employed Daughters, Family Systems, and Old Parents" National Institute Aging #1 R01 AGO3484. Principal Investigator: Sarah Matthews. Funded May, 1984 for 18 months. $67,425.
Catholic University Research Initiation Grants
Monies to help support graduate student for consultation and collaboration using Geographic Mapping Software (GIS). 2009. $1,950.
Monies for indexing Swimming Against the Tide: African American Girls in Science

Education. 2008. $1,000.
Monies to arrange conference on American Dream. 2007. $1500.
Monies to travel to American Association for Advancement of Science to present paper on Minority Women in Science. 2006. $ 2,000.
Monies to support graduate student work on Minority Women in Science Research Project. 2004. $2,000.
Travel to present “East vs. West: A Comparative Look at Women’s Attitudes About Opportunity, Status, and Mobility.” at the 2002 Meeting of the American Sociological Association - Chicago. $700.
Travel to organize session on Comparative Gender Studies at International Institute of Sociology Meetings, Krakow. 2001. $1,000.
Travel to present on Sociology of Science panel, Eastern Sociological Society Meeting, March 2001. $650.
“Survey of Minority Women at National Society for Black Engineers Conference” April 2000 - April 2001. $1,000.
Travel to present on “Women in Science” panel, Sociology for Women in Society conference. February, 2000. $300.
“Generation X in Poland.” November 1998 - November 1999. $1,000.
“Gender Differences in Grade School Math and Science.” December 1992 - December 1993. $2,400.
“A Cross Country Look at Young Women’s Math Achievement.” April 1991 - April 1992. $1,500.
“Young Women in Math and Science” March 1990 - March 1991. $1,520.
“Modeling Young Women’s Math and Science Experiences” December 1990 - December 1991. $1,000.
“Young Women’s Educational and Occupational Expectations: Do Post-High-School Decisions Match High School Expectations?” March 1987 - March 1988. $1,800.

Professor David Baker

Professor of Education Policy Studies and Sociology

Department of Education Policy Studies

409 Rackley Hall

Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Professor William D’Antonio

Adjunct Professor of Sociology

Department of Sociology

Catholic University

Washington, D.C. 20064


Professor Mary Frank Fox

Professor of History, Technology and Society

Department of History, Technology and Society

Georgia Institute of Technology

Atlanta, GA 30332-0345


Professor John McCarthy

Professor of Sociology

Department of Sociology

912 Oswald Tower

Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Professor Bronislaw Misztal

Professor of Sociology

Department of Sociology

Catholic University

Washington, D.C. 20064


Hanson Vita July 2010

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