Scientist Emeritus Publications 2009-2011

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Scientist Emeritus Publications 2009-2011
Aagaard, B.T., Barall, M., Brocher, T.M., Dolenc, D., Dreger, D., Graves, R.W., Harmsen, S., Hartzell, S., Larsen, S., McCandless, K., Nilsson, S., Petersson, N.A., Rodgers, A., Sjogreen, B., and Zoback, M.L., 2009, Data Files for Ground-Motion Simulations of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Scenario Earthquakes on the Northern San Andreas Fault: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series no. 413, p. Report: iv, 22 p.; Data Files.

Aagaard, B.T., Graves, R.W., Rodgers, A., Brocher, T.M., Simpson, R.W., Dreger, D., Petersson, N.A., Larsen, S.C., Ma, S., and Jachens, R.C., 2010, Ground-Motion Modeling of Hayward Fault Scenario Earthquakes, Part II: Simulation of Long-Period and Broadband Ground Motions: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 100, no. 6, p. 2945-2977.

Adams, D.T., Langer, W.H., Hoefen, T.M., Van Gosen, B.S., and Meeker, G.P., 2010, Examination of Libby, Montana, Fill Material for Background Levels of Amphibole from the Rainy Creek Complex Using Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report no. 2010-1056.

Adams, L.G., Farley, S.D., Stricker, C.A., Demma, D.J., Roffler, G.H., Miller, D.C., and Rye, R.O., 2010, Are Inland Wolf-Ungulate Systems Influenced by Marine Subsidies of Pacific Salmon?: Ecological Applications, v. 20, no. 1, p. 251-262.

Addison, J.A., Beget, J.E., Ager, T.A., and Finney, B.P., 2010, Marine Tephrochronology of the Mt. Edgecumbe Volcanic Field, Southeast Alaska, USA: Quaternary Research, v. 73, no. 2, p. 277-292.

Ager, T.A., Carrara, P.E., and McGeehin, J.P., 2010, Ecosystem Development in the Girdwood Area, South-Central Alaska, Following Late Wisconsin Glaciation: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 47, no. 7, p. 971-985.

Ager, T.A., Carrara, P.E., Smith, J.L., Anne, V., and Johnson, J., 2010, Postglacial Vegetation History of Mitkof Island, Alexander Archipelago, Southeastern Alaska: Quaternary Research, v. 73, no. 2, p. 259-268.

Akinin, V.V., Miller, E.L., and Wooden, J.L., 2009, Petrology and geochronology of crustal xenoliths from the Bering Strait region: Linking deep and shallow processes in extending continental crust: Special Paper of the Geological Society of America, p. 39-68.

Akinin, V.V., Prokopiev, A.V., Toro, J., Miller, E.L., Wooden, J., Goryachev, N.A., Alshevsky, A.V., Bakharev, A.G., and Trunilina, V.A., 2009, U-Pb SHRIMP ages of granitoides from the main batholith belt (North East Asia): Doklady Earth Sciences, v. 426, no. 1, p. 605-610.

Al-Ameri, T.K., Pitman, J., Naser, M.E., Zumberge, J., and Al-Haydari, H.A., 2011, Programed oil generation of the Zubair Formation, Southern Iraq oil fields: Results from Petromod software modeling and geochemical analysis: Arabian Journal of Geosciences, v. 4, no. 7-8, p. 1239-1259.

Aleinikoff, J.N., Ratcliffe, N.M., and Walsh, G.J., 2011, Provisional zircon and monazite uranium-lead geochronology for selected rocks from Vermont: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, no. 2011-1309, p. iii, 46 p.

Aleinikoff, J.N., Slack, J.F., Hayes, T.S., Fanning, C.M., Mazdab, F.K., and Wooden, J.L., 2010, U-Pb and trace elements in xenotime from sediment-hosted Co-Cu-Au and Cu-Ag deposits, ID-MT: Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 74, no. 12, p. A11-A11.

Alexander, C.R., and Lee, H.J., 2009, Sediment accumulation on the Southern California Bight continental margin during the twentieth century: Special Paper of the Geological Society of America, p. 69-87.

Al-Hwaiti, M.S., Zielinski, R.A., Bundham, J.R., Ranville, J.F., and Ross, P.E., 2010, Distribution and mode of occurrence of radionuclides in phosphogypsum derived from Aqaba and Eshidiya Fertilizer Industry, South Jordan: Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, v. 29, no. 3, p. 261-269.

Almberg, E.S., Cross, P.C., Johnson, C.J., Heisey, D.M., and Richards, B.J., 2011, Modeling Routes of Chronic Wasting Disease Transmission: Environmental Prion Persistence Promotes Deer Population Decline and Extinction: Plos One, v. 6, no. 5.

Amato, J.M., Lawton, T.F., Mauel, D.J., Leggett, W.J., Gonzalez-Leon, C.M., Farmer, G.L., and Wooden, J.L., 2009, Testing the Mojave-Sonora megashear hypothesis: Evidence from Paleoproterozoic igneous rocks and deformed Mesozoic strata in Sonora, Mexico: Geology, v. 37, no. 1, p. 75-78.

Anderson, J.A., Morin, R.H., Cannia, J.C., and Williams, J.H., 2009, Geophysical Log Analysis of Selected Test Holes and Wells in the High Plains Aquifer, Central Platte River Basin, Nebraska: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report no. 2009-5033, p. iv, 17 p.

Andrews, D.J., 2010, Ground motion hazard from supershear rupture: Tectonophysics, v. 493, no. 3-4, p. 216-221.

Andrews, J.T., and Eberl, D.D., 2011a, Determination of sediment provenance by unmixing the mineralogy of source-area sediments: The "SedUnMix" program: Marine Geology, v. 291-294, no. 1-3, p. 24-33.

Andrews, J.T., and Eberl, D.D., 2011b, Surface (sea floor) and near-surface (box cores) sediment mineralogy in Baffin Bay as a key to sediment provenance and ice sheet variations: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 48, no. 9, p. 1307-1328.

Andrews, J.T., Jennings, A.E., Coleman, G.C., and Eberl, D.D., 2010, Holocene variations in mineral and grain-size composition along the East Greenland glaciated margin (ca 67°-70°N): Local versus long-distance sediment transport: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 29, no. 19-20, p. 2619-2632.

Apps, J.A., Zheng, L., Spycher, N., Birkholzer, J.T., Kharaka, Y., Thordsen, J., Kakouros, E., and Trautz, R., 2011, Transient changes in shallow groundwater chemistry during the MSU ZERT CO2 injection experiment: Energy Procedia, p. 3231-3238.

Arbogast, B.F., Knepper, D.H., Langer, W.H., Jr., Cappa, J.A., Keller, J.W., Widmann, B.L., Ellefsen, K.J., Klein, T.L., Lucius, J.E., and Dersch, J.S., 2011, Development of industrial minerals in Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Circular no. 1368, p. vii, 87 p.

Arnold, L.R., Mladinich, C.S., Langer, W.H., and Daniels, J.S., 2010, Land-Use Analysis and Simulated Effects of Land-Use Change and Aggregate Mining on Groundwater Flow in the South Platte River Valley, Brighton to Fort Lupton, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report no. 2010-5019, p. viii, 117 p.

Arvidson, R.E., Ashley, J.W., Bell, J.F., Chojnacki, M., Cohen, J., Economou, T.E., Farrand, W.H., Fergason, R., Fleischer, I., Geissler, P., Gellert, R., Golombek, M.P., Grotzinger, J.P., Guinness, E.A., Haberle, R.M., Herkenhoff, K.E., Herman, J.A., Iagnemma, K.D., Jolliff, B.L., Johnson, J.R., Klingelhofer, G., Knoll, A.H., Knudson, A.T., Li, R., McLennan, S.M., Mittlefehldt, D.W., Morris, R.V., Parker, T.J., Rice, M.S., Schroder, C., Soderblom, L.A., Squyres, S.W., Sullivan, R.J., and Wolff, M.J., 2011, Opportunity Mars Rover mission: Overview and selected results from Purgatory ripple to traverses to Endeavour crater: Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets, v. 116.

Aryal, A., Sathyakumar, S., and Schwartz, C.C., 2010, Current status of brown bears in the Manasalu Conservation Area, Nepal: Ursus, v. 21, no. 1, p. 109-114.

Ashley, R.P., Bailey, E.A., Balistrieri, L.S., Foster, A.L., Gough, L.P., Gray, F., Koski, R.A., Rytuba, J.J., Seal, R.R., II, Smith, K.S., Stillings, L.L., and Wanty, R.B., 2010, Introduction to pathways of metal transfer from mineralized sources to biorecptors: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin no. 2191-1, p. Chapter 1; 7 p.

Aucott, W., 2010, Water Information Programs in Kansas: U.S. Geological Survey General Information Product no. 104.

Babb, J.L., Kauahikaua, J.P., and Tilling, R.I., 2011, The story of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory -- A remarkable first 100 years of tracking eruptions and earthquakes: U.S. Geological Survey General Information Product no. 135, p. vi, 63 p; PDF Downloads of Report in standard resolution, for printing, and for ebooks and tablets 85342.

Badarch, G., Dejidmaa, G., Gerel, O., Obolenskiy, A.A., Prokopiev, A.V., Timofeev, V.F., and Nokleberg, W.J., 2010, Chapter 6: Devonian through Early Carboniferous (Mississippian) Metallogenesis and Tectonics of Northeast Asia: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper no. 1765-6, p. 56 p. Available online. 5000000.

Badarch, Gombosuren, Dejidmaa, Gunchin, Gerel, Ochir, Obolenskiy, A.A., Prokopiev, A.V., Timofeev, V.F., and Nokleberg, W.J., 2010, Devonian through Early Carboniferous (Mississippian) metallogenesis and tectonics of Northeast Asia, in Nokleberg, W.J., ed., Metallogenesis and tectonics of northeast Asia: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1765, chapter 6, 56 p.

Baedecker, M.J., and Wood, W.W., 2009, William "Bill" Back: An Incisive Geochemist and a Great Mentor: Ground Water, v. 47, no. 2, p. 314-318.

Baedecker, M.J., Eganhouse, R.P., Bekins, B.A., and Delin, G.N., 2011, Loss of volatile hydrocarbons from an LNAPL oil source: Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, v. 126, no. 3-4, p. 140-152.

Baer, D.R., Grosz, A.E., Ilton, E.S., Krupka, K.M., Liu, J., Penn, R.L., and Pepin, A., 2010, Separation, characterization and initial reaction studies of magnetite particles from Hanford sediments: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, v. 35, no. 6-8, p. 233-241.

Bailey, E.A., Shew, N.B., Labay, K.A., Schmidt, J.M., O'Leary, R.M., and Detra, D.E., 2010, Stream-sediment samples reanalyzed for major, rare earth, and trace elements from ten 1:250,000-scale quadrangles, south-central Alaska, 2007-08: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report no. 2010-1147, p. iv, 6 p.; XLS Table; Metadata; Location map of stream sediment samples.

Baines, A.G., Cheadle, M.J., John, B.E., Grimes, C.B., Schwartz, J.J., and Wooden, J.L., 2009, SHRIMP Pb/U zircon ages constrain gabbroic crustal accretion at Atlantis Bank on the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 287, no. 3-4, p. 540-550.

Baker, R.G.A., Rehkamper, M., Hinkley, T.K., Nielsen, S.G., and Toutain, J.P., 2009, Investigation of thallium fluxes from subaerial volcanism-Implications for the present and past mass balance of thallium in the oceans: Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 73, no. 20, p. 6340-6359.

Bakun, W.H., 2009, Comment on "Revisiting the 1872 Owens Valley, California, Earthquake" by Susan E. Hough and Kate Hutton: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 99, no. 4, p. 2589-2590.

Bakun, W.H., Capera, A.G., and Stucchi, M., 2011, Epistemic Uncertainty in the Location and Magnitude of Earthquakes in Italy from Macroseismic Data: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 101, no. 6, p. 2712-2725.

Bakun, W.H., Stickney, M.C., and Rogers, G.C., 2011, The 16 May 1909 Northern Great Plains Earthquake: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 101, no. 6, p. 3065-3071.

Bakun, W.H., Stickney, M.C., Rogers, G.C., and Ristau, J., 2010, Modified Mercalli intensity assignments for the May 16, 1909, Northern Plains earthquake: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report no. 2010-1185, p. iii, 96 p.; Tables Folder.

Baldridge, A.M., Hook, S.J., Crowley, J.K., Marion, G.M., Kargel, J.S., Michalski, J.L., Thomson, B.J., de Souza, C.R., Bridges, N.T., and Brown, A.J., 2009, Contemporaneous deposition of phyllosilicates and sulfates: Using Australian acidic saline lake deposits to describe geochemical variability on Mars: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 36.

Baldwin, A.H., Hammerschlag, R.S., and Cahoon, D.R., 2009, Evaluation of restored tidal freshwater wetlands: Book chapter: New York, Elsevier, p. xxxi, 941 + CD.

Balistrieri, L.S., Box, S.E., Bookstrom, A.A., Hooper, R.L., and Mahoney, J.B., 2010, Impacts of historical mining in the Coeur d'Alene River Basin: U.S. Geological Survey no. 2191-6, p. Chapter 6; 18 p.; Tables; Figures.

Ball, B.A., Cobban, W.A., Merewether, E.A., Grauch, R.I., McKinney, K.C., and Livo, K.E., 2009, Fossils, Lithologies, and Geophysical Logs of the Mancos Shale from Core Hole USGS CL-1 in Montrose County, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report no. 2009-1294, p. v, 38 p.

Ball, J.W., McMleskey, R.B., and Nordstrom, D.K., 2010, Water-chemistry data for selected springs, geysers, and streams in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, 2006-2008: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report no. 2010-1192, p. vi, 84 p.; Appendices; Photographs.

Banasik, K., Horowitz, A.J., Owens, P.N., Stone, M., and Walling, D.E., 2010, IAHS-AISH Publication: Preface: IAHS-AISH Publication, v. 337.

Barber, L.B., Antweiler, R.C., Flynn, J.L., Keefe, S.H., Kolpin, D.W., Roth, D.A., Schnoebelen, D.J., Taylor, H.E., and Verplanck, P.L., 2011, Lagrangian Mass-Flow Investigations of Inorganic Contaminants in Wastewater-Impacted Streams: Environmental Science & Technology, v. 45, no. 7, p. 2575-2583.

Barber, L.B., Keefe, S.H., Kolpin, D.W., Schnoebelen, D.J., Flynn, J.L., Brown, G.K., Furlong, E.T., Glassmeyer, S.T., Gray, J.L., Meyer, M.T., Sandstrom, M.W., Taylor, H.E., and Zaugg, S.D., 2011, Lagrangian sampling of wastewater treatment plant effluent in Boulder Creek, Colorado, and Fourmile Creek, Iowa, during the summer of 2003 and spring of 2005--Hydrological and chemical data: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report no. 2011-1054, p. viii, 18 p.; Figures; Tables; Data Tables Download.

Barlow, P.M., and Moench, A.F., 2011, WTAQ version 2-A computer program for analysis of aquifer tests in confined and water-table aquifers with alternative representations of drainage from the unsaturated zone: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods no. 3-B9, p. v, 13 p.; Appendix; Figures.

Barnes, J.W., Bow, J., Schwartz, J., Brown, R.H., Soderblom, J.M., Hayes, A.G., Vixie, G., Le Mouelic, S., Rodriguez, S., Sotin, C., Jaumann, R., Stephan, K., Soderblom, L.A., Clark, R.N., Buratti, B.J., Baines, K.H., and Nicholson, P.D., 2011, Organic sedimentary deposits in Titan's dry lakebeds: Probable evaporite: Icarus, v. 216, no. 1, p. 136-140.

Barnes, J.W., Brown, R.H., Soderblom, J.M., Soderblom, L.A., Jaumann, R., Jackson, B., Le Mouelic, S., Sotin, C., Buratti, B.J., Pitman, K.M., Baines, K.H., Clark, R.N., Nicholson, P.D., Turtle, E.P., and Perry, J., 2009, Shoreline features of Titan's Ontario Lacus from Cussini/VIMS observations: Icarus, v. 201, no. 1, p. 217-225.

Barnes, J.W., Soderblom, J.M., Brown, R.H., Buratti, B.J., Sotin, C., Baines, K.H., Clark, R.N., Jaumann, R., McCord, T.B., Nelson, R., Le Mouelic, S., Rodriguez, S., Griffith, C., Penteado, P., Tosi, F., Pitman, K.M., Soderblom, L., Stephan, K., Hayne, P., Vixie, G., Bibring, J.P., Bellucci, G., Capaccioni, F., Cerroni, P., Coradini, A., Cruikshank, D.P., Drossart, P., Formisano, V., Langevin, Y., Matson, D.L., Nicholson, P.D., and Sicardy, B., 2009, VIMS spectral mapping observations of Titan during the Cassini prime mission: Planetary and Space Science, v. 57, no. 14-15, p. 1950-1962.

Barnes, J.W., Soderblom, J.M., Brown, R.H., Soderblom, L.A., Stephan, K., Jaumann, R., Le Mouelic, S., Rodriguez, S., Sotin, C., Buratti, B.J., Baines, K.H., Clark, R.N., and Nicholson, P.D., 2011, Wave constraints for Titan's Jingpo Lacus and Kraken Mare from VIMS specular reflection lightcurves: Icarus, v. 211, no. 1, p. 722-731.

Barringer, J.L., Reilly, P.A., Eberl, D.D., Blum, A.E., Bonin, J.L., Rosman, R., Hirst, B., Alebus, M., Cenno, K., and Gorska, M., 2011, Arsenic in sediments, groundwater, and streamwater of a glauconitic Coastal Plain terrain, New Jersey, USA-Chemical " fingerprints" for geogenic and anthropogenic sources: Applied Geochemistry, v. 26, no. 5, p. 763-776.

Barron, J.A., Bukry, D., and Field, D., 2010, Santa Barbara Basin diatom and silicoflagellate response to global climate anomalies during the past 2200 years: Quaternary International, v. 215, no. 1-2, p. 34-44.

Barron, J.A., Bukry, D., Dean, W.E., Addison, J.A., and Finney, B., 2009a, Paleoceanography of the Gulf of Alaska during the past 15,000 years: Results from diatoms, silicoflagellates, and geochemistry: Marine Micropaleontology, v. 72, no. 3-4, p. 176-195.

Barron, J.A., Bukry, D., Dean, W.E., Addison, J.A., and Finney, B., 2009b, Paleoceanography of the Gulf of Alaska during the past 15,000 years: Results from diatoms, silicoflagellates, and geochemistry: Marine Micropaleontology, v. 72, no. 3-4, p. 176-195.

Barth, A.P., and Wooden, J.L., 2010, Coupled elemental and isotopic analyses of polygenetic zircons from granitic rocks by ion microprobe, with implications for melt evolution and the sources of granitic magmas: Chemical Geology, v. 277, no. 1-2, p. 149-159.

Barth, A.P., Walker, J.D., Wooden, J.L., Riggs, N.R., and Schweickert, R.A., 2011, Birth of the Sierra Nevada magmatic arc: Early Mesozoic plutonism and volcanism in the east-central Sierra Nevada of California: Geosphere, v. 7, no. 4, p. 877-897.

Barth, A.P., Wooden, J.L., and Mueller, P.A., 2010, Melt evolution in a calc-alkalic batholith recorded in silicate and oxide mineral assemblages: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 74, no. 12, p. A56-A56.

Barth, A.P., Wooden, J.L., Coleman, D.S., and Vogel, M.B., 2009, Assembling and Disassembling California: A Zircon and Monazite Geochronologic Framework for Proterozoic Crustal Evolution in Southern California: Journal of Geology, v. 117, no. 3, p. 221-239.

Bartolino, J.R., Anderholm, S.K., and Myers, N.C., 2010, Groundwater resources of the East Mountain area, Bernalillo, Sandoval, Santa Fe, and Torrance Counties, New Mexico, 2005: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report no. 2009-5204, p. viii, 81 p.; Appendices; Downloads: Appendix 81; Appendix 82 XLS; Appendix 83 XLS; Plate: 25 inches x 38 inches 24000.

Barton, R., Bird, K., Hernández, J.G., Grajales-Nishimura, J.M., Murillo-Muñetón, G., Herber, B., Weimer, P., Koeberl, C., Neumaier, M., Schenk, O., and Stark, J., 2009, High-impact reservoirs: Oilfield Review, v. 21, no. 4, p. 14-29.

Battaglia, M., and Hill, D.P., 2009, Analytical modeling of gravity changes and crustal deformation at volcanoes: The Long Valley caldera, California, case study: Tectonophysics, v. 471, no. 1-2, p. 45-57.

Bayless, E.R., Arihood, L.D., and Fowler, K.K., 2011, Hydrogeology and simulation of groundwater flow at the Green Valley reclaimed coal refuse site near Terre Haute, Indiana: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report no. 2011-5116, p. vii, 54 p.; Appendices 100000.

Beauval, C., Yepes, H., Bakun, W.H., Egred, J., Alvarado, A., and Singaucho, J.C., 2010, Locations and magnitudes of historical earthquakes in the Sierra of Ecuador (1587-1996): Geophysical Journal International, v. 181, no. 3, p. 1613-1633.

Behrendt, J.C., 2009, President's Letter: Polar Times, v. 3, no. 15, p. 2.

Behrendt, J.C., 2009, President's Letter: Polar Times, v. 3, no. 14, p. 2.

Behrendt, J.C., 2009, Review of Review of Peter C. Mancall, 2009, Fatal journey: the final expedition of Henry Hudson: Basic Books, A Member of Persus Books Group, New York, 303 p.

Belousov, A., Belousova, M., and Miller, T. 2009, Kurile Islands, in Encyclopedia of Islands, eds. R.G. Gillespie and D.A. Clague, Univ. of California Press, Berkeley, p. 520-525.

Bencala, K.E., Gooseff, M.N., and Kimball, B.A., 2011, Rethinking hyporheic flow and transient storage to advance understanding of stream-catchment connections: Water Resources Research, v. 47.

Bennett, J.P., 2011, Copper mines may affect lichens of two Southern Arizona national protected areas: Article: Stuttgart, Germany, E. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, v. 106, p. 8 p.

Bennett, J.P., and Wetmore, C.M., 2010, Lichen diversity changes along the Mississippi River in the Minneapolis-St. Paul urban area: Bryologist, v. 113, no. 2, p. 252-259.

Benson, L.V., 2010, Who provided maize to Chaco Canyon after the mid-12th-century drought?: Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 37, no. 3, p. 621-629.

Benson, L.V., 2011a, Development and application of methods used to source prehistoric Southwestern maize: a review: Journal of Archaeological Science.

Benson, L.V., 2011b, Erratum to: Factors Controlling Pre-Columbian and Early Historic Maize Productivity in the American Southwest, Part 2: The Chaco Halo, Mesa Verde, Pajarito Plateau/Bandelier, and Zuni Archaeological Regions (J Archaeol Method Theory, 10.1007/s10816-010-9083-y): Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, v. 18, no. 1, p. 110-110.

Benson, L.V., 2011c, Factors Controlling Pre-Columbian and Early Historic Maize Productivity in the American Southwest, Part 1: The Southern Colorado Plateau and Rio Grande Regions: Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, v. 18, no. 1, p. 1-60.

Benson, L.V., 2011d, Factors Controlling Pre-Columbian and Early Historic Maize Productivity in the American Southwest, Part 2: The Chaco Halo, Mesa Verde, Pajarito Plateau/Bandelier, and Zuni Archaeological Regions: Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, v. 18, no. 1, p. 61-109.

Benson, L.V., Lund, S.P., Smoot, J.P., Rhode, D.E., Spencer, R.J., Verosub, K.L., Louderback, L.A., Johnson, C.A., Rye, R.O., and Negrini, R.M., 2011, The rise and fall of Lake Bonneville between 45 and 10.5 ka: Quaternary International, v. 235, p. 57-69.

Benson, L.V., Pauketat, T.R., and Cook, E.R., 2009, Cahokia's boom and bust in the context of climate change: American Antiquity, v. 74, no. 3, p. 467-483.

Benson, L.V., Pauketat, T.R., and Cook, E.R., 2010, Reply to comments of Nolan and Cook: American Antiquity, v. 75, no. 4, p. 984-985.

Benson, L.V., Stein, J.R., and Taylor, H.E., 2009, Possible sources of archaeological maize found in Chaco Canyon and Aztec Ruin, New Mexico: Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 36, no. 2, p. 387-407.

Benson, L.V., Taylor, H.E., Plowman, T.I., Roth, D.A., and Antweiler, R.C., 2010, The cleaning of burned and contaminated archaeological maize prior to (87)Sr/(86)Sr analysis: Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 37, no. 1, p. 84-91.

Benz, H.M., Herman, M., Tarr, A.C., Hayes, G.P., Furlong, K.P., Villasenor, A., Dart, R.L., and Rhea, S., 2011a, Seismicity of the Earth 1900-2010 eastern margin of the Australia plate: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report no. 2010-1083-I, p. 1 Plate: 24.01 x 35.70 inches 8000000.

Benz, H.M., Herman, M., Tarr, A.C., Hayes, G.P., Furlong, K.P., Villasenor, A., Dart, R.L., and Rhea, S., 2011b, Seismicity of the Earth 1900-2010 New Guinea and vicinity: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report no. 2010-1083-H, p. 1 Map Sheet: 35.01 inches x 23.01 inches 8000000.

Benz, H.M., Herman, M., Tarr, A.C., Hayes, G.P., Furlong, K.P., Villasenor, A., Dart, R.L., and Rhea, S., Compilers, 2011c, Seismicity of the Earth 1900 - 2010 Australia plate and vicinity: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report no. 2010-1083-G, p. 1 Plate: 36.03 x 24.00 inches 15000000.

Benz, H.M., Herman, M., Tarr, A.C., Hayes, G.P., Furlong, K.P., Villasenor, A., Dart, R.L., and Rhea, S., Compilers, 2011d, Seismicity of the Earth 1900-2010 Aleutian arc and vicinity: U.S. Geological Survey-Open-File Report no. 2010-1083-B, p. 1 Map Sheet: 35.37 inches x 23.89 inches 5000000.

Benz, H.M., Tarr, A.C., Hayes, G.P., Villasenor, A., Furlong, K.P., Dart, R.L., and Rhea, S., Compilers, 2010, Seismicity of the Earth 1900-2007, Caribbean Plate and Vicinity: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report no. 2010-1083-A, p. Map PDF: 36.04 inches x 24.00 inches 8000000.

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