Seeley historical library journal articles

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Journal articles

May 2012

ANNALES, Volume 67, Number 2, 2012
Une Antiquité celtique

Buchsenschutz, O. et al. L’âge d’or de l’aristocratie celtique, IVe et IIIe siècles avant J.-C.

Histoire atlantique

Sebastiani, S. L’Amérique des Lumières et la hiérarchie des races: disputes sur l’écriture de l’histoire dans l’Encyclopédie britannique (1768-1788)

Slauter, W. Le paragraphe mobile: circulation et transformation des informations dans le monde atlantique du XVIIIe siècle

Vidal, C. Pour une histoire du monde atlantique ou des histoires dans et au-delà du monde atlantique ?

Échanges et communautés

Boureau, A. Le vœu, la dette et le contrôle pontifical des échanges au début du XIIIe siècle

Dribe, M. et al. Manorialisme et gestion du risque dans la société préindustrielle: la Suède aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles

Scheele, J. L’énigme de la faggāra : commerce, crédit et agriculture dans le Touat algérien

ARCHIVES, Volume 36, Number 123-4, October 2011
Moore, J.S. Redating the Cartae Baronum

Dymond, D. Fair and foul in historical evidence

Barber, B. Petitioning Parliament ‘to remedy these great mischief’: the west riding of Yorkshire Quarter sessions and law reform, 1729-1731

Summers, A. Gaps and bias in the records: researching Christian-Jewish charitable collaborations, 1880s-1920s

Baur, N. John Draisey and Joseph Melling, public policy and patient privacy: archiving patients’ mental health records from the age of the great hospital, c.1948-1970

Prochaska, F. The changing fortunes of philantrophy

Waley, D. & Whittick, C. The earl, his daughter, her brother’s housekeeper and the cat: the remarkable story of the Sheffield park archive

Gaunt, R.A. ‘Captain swing’ on trial: a prosecutor’s perspective. Extract from the diary of Godfrey Tallents [notes and documents]

Fair, C.C. Prospects for effective internal security reforms in India

Myers, W.M. & Sheehan, R.S. The impact of the Australian High Court on elite opinion

Hintjens, H. & Hodge, D. The UK Caribbean overseas territories: governing unruliness amidst the extra-territorial EU

Mbiba, B. Zimbabwean Diaspora politics in Britain: insights from the Cathedral moment 2009

CONTEMPORARY BRITISH HISTORY, Volume 26, Number 2, June 2012
Manton, K. Labour and the 1949 Parliament Act

Uri Bar-Noi, U. ‘Short list for a long haul’: Britain’s role in the process of relaxing strategic export controls during 1953-1954 revisited

Durham, M. The British extreme right and Northern Ireland

Tomlinson, J. De-globalization and its significance: from the particular to the general

Patterson, H. The border security problem and Anglo-Irish relations 1970-1973
CULTURAL & SOCIAL HISTORY, Volume 9, Issue 2, June 2012
Williamson, F. Space and the city: gender identities in seventeenth-century Norwich

Prasad, N.V. Indian or Arabian?: the construction of territorially based identities in the Raj, 1866-88

Dodds, B. Representations of bandits in mid-nineteenth-century Spain

Malhotra, A. Performing imperial masculinity in British theatre in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century

Duffett, R. A taste of army life: food, identity and the rankers of the First World War

Special Topic: the social self in post-war Britain

Thane, P. Introduction: exploring post-war Britain

Langhamer, C. Love, selfhood and authenticity in post-war Britain
THE ECONOMIC HISTORY REVIEW, Volume 65, Number 2, May 2012
Edwards, J. & Ogilvie, S. Contract enforcement, institutions, and social capital: the maghribi traders reappraised

Greif, A. The Maghribi traders: a reappraisal?

Federico, G. How much do we know about market integration in Europe?

Muldrew, C. ‘Th'ancient Distaff’ and ‘Whirling Spindle’: measuring the contribution of spinning to household earnings and the national economy in England, 1550-1770

Fenske, J. Land abundance and economic institutions: Egba land and slavery, 1830-1914

Minns, C. & Wallis, P. Rules and reality: quantifying the practice of apprenticeship in early modern England

Bignon, V. et al. Bagehot for beginners: the making of lender-of-last-resort operations in the mid-nineteenth century

Grafe, R. & Irigoin, A. A stakeholder empire: the political economy of Spanish imperial rule in America

Schulze, M.S. & Wolf, N. Economic nationalism and economic integration: the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the late nineteenth century

Faith, R. The structure of the market for wool in early medieval Lincolnshire

Fusaro, M. Cooperating mercantile networks in the early modern Mediterranean

Harris, B. et al. Long-term changes in sickness and health: further evidence from the Hampshire Friendly Society

Dribe, M. et al. If the landlord so wanted . . . family, farm production, and land transfers in the manorial system

Henriksen, I. et al. The strange birth of liberal Denmark: Danish trade protection and the growth of the dairy industry since the mid-nineteenth century

EUROPEAN HISTORY QUARTERLY, Volume 42, Number 2, April 2012
Astigarraga, J. The economic thought of A. Genovesi in the late Spanish Enlightenment: R. De Salas’s critical analysis

Anderson, P. The Chetwode Commission and British diplomatic responses to violence behind the lines in the Spanish civil war

Tran, T.V. The failure of the French tripartite experiment in May 1947

Papadogiannis, N. Between Angelopoulos and The Battleship Potemkin: cinema and the making of young communists in Greece in the initial post-dictatorship period (1974-81)

Hoffman, R.G. Justice in modern Europe: Germany and France in the nineteenth century [review article]

McDonough, F. Mapping historiographical trends in recent scholarship on the holocaust [review article]

Boucher, D. The just war tradition and its modern legacy: jus ad bellum and jus in bello

O’Driscoll, C. A ‘fighting chance’ or fighting dirty?: irregular warfare, Michael Gross and the Spartans

Pattison, J. The legitimacy of the military, private military and security companies, and just war theory

Roberts, P. The supreme emergency exemption: Rawls and the use of force

Sutch, P. Human rights and the use of force: assertive liberalism and just war

Evans, M. Just war, democracy, democratic peace

Long, G. Disputes in just war theory and meta-theory
GERMAN HISTORY, Volume 30, Number 2, 2012
Dixon, C.S. The sense of the past in reformation Germany: Part II

Manz, S. Nationalism gone global: The Hauptverband Deutscher Flottenvereine im Auslande 1898-1918

Hughes, M.L. Reason, emotion, pressure, violence: modes of demonstration as conceptions of political citizenship in 1960s West Germany
Forum: Modern German history and the handbook

Glenn, P.H German polycentrism and the writing of history


Fenemore, M. Distorting mirror for society or mosaic stones of a fragmented self: the writing of Franz Göll

Dym, J. & Offen, K. Maps and the teaching of Latin American history

Craib, R. & Migration and labor in the Americas: praxis, knowledge, and nations

Overmyer-Velázquez, M.

Monsma, K. Words spoken and written: divergent meanings of honor among elites in nineteenth-century Rio Grande do Sul

Ipsen, W. Patrícias, patriarchy, and popular demobilization: gender and elite hegemony in Brazil at the end of the Paraguayan war

THE HISTORICAL JOURNAL, Volume 55, Number 2, June 2012
Waddell, B. Governing England through the manor courts, 1550-1850

Davies, S. Depictions of Brazilians on French maps, 1542-1555

Underwood, L. Youth, religious identity, and autobiography at the English colleges in Rome and Valladolid, 1592-1685

Yamamoto, K. Reformation and the distrust of the projector in the Hartlib circle

Hunter, M. The decline of magic: challenge and response in early Enlightenment England

Burnard, T. & Follett, R. Caribbean slavery, British anti-slavery, and the cultural politics of venereal disease

Bentley, M. Henry Hallam revisited

Cook, H. Emotion, bodies, sexuality, and sex education in Edwardian England

Sutcliffe-Braithwaite, F. Neo-liberalism and morality in the making of Thatcherite social policy

Kapman, C. The English crisis, emperor Leopold, and the origins of the Dutch intervention in 1688

Historiographical Review

Mungello, D.E. Reinterpreting the history of Christianity in China

HISTORICAL RESEARCH, Volume 91, Part 1, April 2012
Cubitt, C. The politics of remorse: penance and royal piety in the reign of Æthelred the unready

Ambler, S. The Montfortian bishops and the justification of conciliar government in 1264

Fitzpatrick, A. Mendicant order politics and the status of Christ’s shed blood

Davies, C.S.L. Information, disinformation and political knowledge under Henry VII and early Henry VIII

Cummins, D. Exclusive oratories and magnificent pagodas: the Anglican proprietary chapels of eighteenth-century Bath

Davey, J. Supplied by the enemy: the Royal Navy and the British consular service in the Baltic, 1808-12

Carr, R. Conservative veteran M.P.s and the ‘lost generation’ narrative after the First World War

Wallace, C. The Liberals and Afghanistan, 1878-80

Meredith, S.C. A catalyst for secession?: European divisions on the parliamentary right of the Labour party 1962-72 and the schism of British social democracy
HISTORY TODAY, Volume 62, Issue 6, 2012
Fenby, J. China’s tall poppy syndrome

Millington, C. In the shadow of the ‘dark years’

Longmuir, M.V. Burma’s road to the future

Phillips, N. Calling up your ancestors

Bradley, I. Still sacred?

Jones, D. Today’s history: more ancient than modern

Kelly, A. Taking the blitz to America

Hudson, R. In focus: going for good

Mee, N. Venus in the face of the sun

Dunlop, T. Today’s history: the indelible legacy of a seafaring heritage

Runciman, D. Political games

Stanley, T. The contrarian

Law, S. The she-wolfes of Navarre

Feuchtwanger, E. Making history: I was Hitler’s neighbour

HISTORY AND THEORY, Volume 51, Number 2, May 2012
Jordheim, H. Against periodization: Koselleck’s theory of multiple temporalities

Leuridan, B. & Froeyman A. On lawfulness in history and historiography

Scheer, M. Are emotions a kind of practice (and is that what makes them have a history)?: a Bourdieuian approach to understanding emotion

Biess, F. Thinking after Hitler: the new intellectual history of the Federal Republic of Germany (on A. Dirk Moses, German Intellectuals and the Nazi Past and eight other books) [review article]

Trüper, H. On Humanism in Intercultural Perspective: Experiences and Expectations. Edited by Jörn Rüsen and Henner Laass [review essay]

Peden, K. on Stefanos Geroulanos, An Atheism that is Not Humanist Emerges in French Thought ) [review article]

Tyynelä J. & De Mey, T. on Lubomír Doležel, Possible Worlds of Fiction and History: The Postmodern Stage [review article]

Grimmer-Solem, E. on Sebastian Conrad, The Quest for the Lost Nation: Writing History in Germany and Japan in the American Century [review article]

Norkus, Z. on Idealization XIII: Modeling in History (Poznań Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, vol. 97). Edited by Krzysztof Brzechczyn [review article]
Warner, M. Intelligence and reflexivity: an invitation to a dialogue

Strachan-Morris, D. threat and risk: what is the difference and why does it matter?

Phythian, M. Policing uncertainty: intelligence, security and risk

Gill, P. Intelligence, threat, risk and the challenge of oversight

Warner, M. Fragile and provocative: notes on secrecy and intelligence

Peterecz, Z. Sparrow mission: a US intelligence failure during World War II

Jensen, M.A. Intelligence failures: what are they really and what do we do about them?

Bonilla, D.N. ‘Secret intelligences’ in European military, political and diplomatic theory: an essential factor in the defense of the modern state (sixteenth and seventeenth centuries)

Nemeth, E. Strategic value of African tribal art: auction sales trends as cultural intelligence

JOURNAL OF AMERICAN STUDIES, Volume 45, Number 4, 2011
Gardner, L. & Sewell, B. Beyond the ends of the earth: Donald Rumsfeld, the mantra of progress, and an outer-space view of America’s war on terror

Ryan, M. Bush’s “useful idiots”: 9/11, the liberal hawks and the cooption of the “war on terror”

Pitchford, J. The “Global war on terror,” identity, and changing perceptions: Iraqi responses to America’s war in Iraq

Morley, C. “How do we write about this?:” the domestic and the global in the post-9/11 novel

Bond, L. Compromised critique: a meta-critical analysis of American studies after 9/11

Crownshaw, R. Deterritorializing the “homeland” in American studies and American fiction after 9/11

Kimberly, E. Politics and poetics of Fear after 9/11: Claudia Rankine’s Don’t let me be lonely

Jarvis, L. 9/11 digitally Remastered?: Internet archives, vernacular memories and

Westwell, G. Regarding the pain of others: scenarios of obligation in post-9/11 US cinema

Carroll, H. September 11 as heist

Round Table

Kroes, R. et al. The ascent of the falling man: establishing a picture’s iconicity

JOURNAL OF AMERICAN STUDIES, Volume 46, Number 1, February 2012
Tyrell, I. America’s national parks: the transnational creation of national space in the progressive era

Sutter, P.S. The trouble with “America’s national parks”; or, going back to the wrong historiography: a response to Ian Tyrrell

Dunlap, T.R. Beyond the parks, beyond the borders: some of the places to take Tyrrell’s perspective replies

Tyrrell, I. “America’s national parks: the transnational creation of national space in the progressive era”

Swenson, A. Response to Ian Tyrrell “America’s national parks: the transnational creation of national space in the progressive era”

Tyrrell, I.I. Tyrrell replies

Bell, J. Building a left coast: the legacy of the California popular front and the challenge to cold war Liberalism in the post-world war II era

Kennedy, D. Here is/where there/is: some observations of spatial deixis in Robert Creeley’s poetry

CHEW III, W.L. The journée du dix août as witnessed by a yankee merchant

Gustavson, A. From “observer to activist”: documentary memory, oral history, and Studs Terkels “Essence” narratives

Hobbs, A. Family and the renegotiation of masculine identity in Philip Roth’s The Plot Against America

Durán-Almarza, E.M. Ciguapas in New York: transcultural ethnicity and transracialization in Dominican American performance

Mendelssohn, M. Notes on Oscar Wilde’s transatlantic gender politics

Bennett, B. Home songs and the melodramatic magination: from “home, sweet home” to The Birth of a Nation

Berkowitz, M. The Madoff paradox: American Jewish sage, savior, and thief

Lahr-Vivaz, E. Passing for solitude: incest and ideology in the Lone Star state

Quilley, G. et al. Roundtable: Alan Rice’s Creating Memorials, Building Identities: The Politics of Memory in the Black Atlantic

JOURNAL OF THE EARLY REPUBLIC, Volume 32, Number 2, Summer 2012
Hammond, J.C. Slavery, settlement, and Empire: the expansion and growth of slavery in the interior of the North American continent, 1770-1820

Altschuler, S. From blood vessels to global networks of exchange: the physiology of Benjamin Rush’s Early Republic

Marques, L. Slave trading in a New World: the strategies of North American slave traders in the age of abolition

Isenberg, N. The empire has no clothes [review essay]

JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF IDEA, Volume 73, Number 2, 2012
Lane, M. The origins of the statesman–demagogue distinction in and after ancient Athens

Truitt, E.R. Celestial divination and Arabic science in twelfth-century England: the history of Gerbert of Aurillac’s talking head

Keller, V. Accounting for invention: Guido Pancirolli’s Lost and Found Things and the development of Desiderata

Richards, J. Useful books: reading vernacular regimens in sixteenth-century England

Susato, R. Taming “the tyranny of priests”: Hume’s advocacy of religious establishments

Vovchenko, D. Modernizing orthodoxy: Russia and the Christian East (1856-1914)

Keedus, L. Liberalism and the question of “The Proud”: Hannah Arendt and Leo Strauss as readers of Hobbes
Tammes, P. “Hack, pack, sack”: occupational structure, status, and mobility of Jews in Amsterdam, 1851-1941

Aguirre, B. Better disaster statistics: the Lisbon earthquake

Adler, J.S. Cognitive bias: interracial homicide in New Orleans, 1921-1945

Flannery, M.A. Planetary history, Wallace, and natural selection [review essay]

JOURNAL OF MEDIEVAL HISTORY, Volume 38, Number 2, June 2012
Goldberg, J.L. The use and abuse of commercial letters from the Cairo Geniza

Gasper, G.E.M. & Money and its use in the thought and experience of Anselm, archbishop

Gullbekk, S.H. of Canterbury (1093-1109)

Neocleous, S. Financial, chivalric or religious?: the motives of the Fourth Crusaders reconsidered

Deller, W.S. The texture of literacy in the testimonies of late-medieval English proof-of-age jurors, 1270 to 1430

Cels, M.B. Reconciling mendicant and secular confessors in late medieval England

Griffiths, R. Richard, duke of York, and the crisis of Henry VI’s household in 1450-1: some further evidence

THE JOURNAL OF PEASANT STUDIES, Volume 39, Number 2, 2012
Fairhead, J. et al. Green grabbing: a new appropriation of nature?

Corson, C. & MacDonald, K.I. Enclosing the global commons: the convention on biological diversity and green grabbing

Leach, M. et al. Green grabs and biochar: revaluing African soils and farming in the new carbon economy

Cárdenas, R. Green multiculturalism: articulations of ethnic and environmental politics in a Colombian ‘black community’

Benjaminsen, T.A. & Bryceson, I. Conservation, green/blue grabbing and accumulation by dispossession in Tanzania

Ojeda, D. Green pretexts: ecotourism, neoliberal conservation and land grabbing in Tayrona National Natural Park, Colombia

Gardner, B. Tourism and the politics of the global land grab in Tanzania: markets, appropriation and recognition

Nalepa, R. & al. Marginal lands: the role of remote sensing in constructing landscapes for agrofuel development

Neimark, B. Green grabbing at the ‘pharm’ gate: rosy periwinkle production in southern Madagascar

Seagle, C. Inverting the impacts: mining, conservation and sustainability claims near the Rio Tinto/QMM ilmenite mine in Southeast Madagascar

Ybarra, M. Taming the jungle, saving the Maya forest: sedimented counterinsurgency practices in contemporary Guatemalan conservation

Snijders, D. Wild property and its boundaries – on wildlife policy and rural consequences in South Africa

McCarthy, J.F. et al. Trajectories of land acquisition and enclosure: development schemes, virtual land grabs, and green acquisitions in Indonesia’s outer islands

Tienhaara, K. The potential perils of forest carbon contracts for developing countries: cases from Africa

Baletti, B. Ordenamento territorial: Neo-developmentalism and the struggle for territory in the lower Brazilian Amazon

Filer, C. Why green grabs don’t work in Papua New Guinea

Cordelli, C. The institutional division of labor and the egalitarian obligations of nonprofits

Boettcher, J.W. The moral status of public reason

Leib, E.J. & Ponet, D.L. Fiduciary representation and deliberative engagement with children

Ottonelli, V. & Torresi, T. Inclusivist egalitarian liberalism and temporary migration: a dilemma

Shrage, L. Does the government need to know your sex?
THE JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN HISTORY, Volume 78, Number 2, 2012
Manganiello, C. Hitching the new south to “white Coal”: water and power, 1890-1933

Smith, Z. Tom Watson and resistance to federal war policies in Georgia during World War I

Sharpless, R. Neither friends nor peers: Idella Parker, Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, and the limits of gender solidarity at Cross Creek
THE SCOTTISH HISTORICAL REVIEW, Volume 91, Part 1, April 2012
Brown, K.M. Honour, honours and nobility in Scotland between the Reformation and the national covenant

Jackson, C. & Glennie, P. Restoration politics and the advocates’ secession, 1674-1676

Walsh, P. The bubble on the periphery: Scotland and the south sea bubble

Smout, T.C. A new look at the Scottish improvers

Holmes, S.M. The relics of St Merolilanus and Scotland [notes]

THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY JOURNAL, Volume 43, Number 1, Spring 2012
Hoorens, V. & Renders, H. Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa and witchcraft: a reappraisal

Kessler, S.R. Guyon’s faint and Elizabethan soteriological debate: double predestination in The Faerie Queen, book 2, canto 8

Murphree, D.S. Gendering the borderderlands: conquistadors, women, and colonialism in sixteenth-century Florida

Dennis, K. Camilla Peretti, Sixtus V, and the construction of Peretti family identity in counter-Reformation Rome

Williams, I. The Tudor Genesis of Edward Coke’s immemorial common law

Schnucker, R.V. & Kolb, R. A tribute to Raymond B. Waddington, outgoing senior editor

Waddington, R.B. Basta, finite, no mas, th-th-th-that’s all, folks!
WAR IN HISTORY, Volume 19, Number 2, April 2012
Honig, J.W. Reappraising late Medieval strategy: the example of the 1415 Agincourt campaign

Bara, X. The Kishū Army and the setting of the Prussian model in feudal Japan, 1860-1871

Üngör, U.Ü. Orphans, converts, and prostitutes: social consequences of war and persecution in the Ottoman Empire, 1914-1923

Tunc, T.E. Less sugar, more warships: food as American propaganda in the First World War

Lambert, N.A. On standards: a reply to Christopher Bell [debate]
THE WILLIAM AND MARY QUARTERLY, Volume 69, Number 2, 2012
Van Deusen, N.E. Seeing Indios in sixteenth-century Castile

Paton, D. Witchcraft, poison, law, and Atlantic slavery

Cangany, C. Fashioning moccasins: Detroit, the manufacturing frontier, and the Empire of Consumption, 1701-1835

Bullock, S.C. & McIntyre, S. The handsome tokens of a funeral: glove-giving and the large funeral in eighteenth-century New England

WOMEN’S HISTORY REVIEW, Volume 21, Number 2, April 2012
Hunt, J.E. The ‘intrusion of women painters’: Ethel Anderson, modern art and gendered modernities in interwar Sydney, Australia

Littell-Lamb, E.A. Engendering a class revolution: the Chinese YWCA industrial reform work in Shanghai, 1927-1939

Cullen, S.M. Fay Taylour: a dangerous woman in sport and politics

Jahanshahrad, H. A genuine civil society and its implications for the Iranian women’s movement

Croucher, R.F. & Croucher, J.S. Mrs Janet Taylor and the civil list pension-a claim to recognition by her country

Ward, V.B. A Christian challenge: Chō Takeda Kiyoko and feminist thought in modern Japan

Lee, C. Prostitution and Victorian Society revisited: the contagious diseases acts in Kent

Schwartz, L. Women, religion and agency in modern British history [review essay]

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