Senior Year Informational Packet

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Senior Year Informational Packet

Senior Portraits for the yearbook are done through LifeTouch Photography. These portrait sittings are scheduled during the summer before your senior year. If you miss your portrait session, please contact LifeTouch directly to schedule a new appointment. 337.533.8993

Senior Supplies are ordered through Graduate Sales and dates are announced to students as they become available. For questions regarding these orders, please contact them at their local office 337.480.4048.

Sealed Transcripts for seniors are made available within two school days when a request is made in the counselor’s office. Requests must be done in writing and must include the complete address or fax number of the recipient (university, college, etc). There is no charge for this service while you are still attending high school. After graduation, you will be charged $5.00 for each transcript requested.

Important Dates You Should Make Note of:

SHHS Senior Registration

August 2, 2013 (9 a.m. to Noon)

First Day of School

August 14, 2013

Labor Day (no school)

September 2, 2013

ACT (register at by 8/23/13)

September 21, 2013

Teacher InService (no school for students)

September 23, 2013

ACT (register at by 9/27/2013)

October 26, 2013

Homecoming Dance

October 26, 2013

Teacher InService (no school for students)

October 28, 2013

Daylight Savings (Fall back one hour)

November 3, 2013

Veteran’s Day (no school)

November 11, 2013

Thanksgiving (no school)

November 25-29, 2013

Senior Panoramic

December 3, 2013

ACT (register at by 11/8/13)

December 14, 2013

Christmas, New Year (no school)

December 23, 2013-Jan 3, 2014

Return on Monday, Jan 6, 2014

First Semester Ends

January 8, 2014

Financial Aid Meeting (FAFSA/TOPS)

February 13, 2014

Martin L. King, Jr. Day (no school)

January 20, 2014

Teacher InService (no school for students)

February 3, 2014

ACT (register at by 1/10/14)

February 8, 2014

Mardi Gras Holiday (no school)

March 3-5, 2014

Daylight Savings (Spring Forward one hour)

March 9, 2014


March 15, 2014

State Testing

March 18, 2014

State Testing (Phase II)

April 7-10, 2014

ACT (register at by 3/7/14)

April 12, 2014

Easter/Spring Break

April 18-25, 2014

Senior Honors Night

May 8, 2014


May 15, 2014

Student’s Last Day

May 23, 2014

Graduation Dress Code

Graduation Practice is Thursday, May 15, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. at Burton Coliseum. This practice is mandatory for all students participating in the graduation ceremony.

If you have a question about your attire, please contact the principals before purchasing anything:



Dresses or skirt/blouse ensemble

Dress Pants (any color)

Dress shoes

Dress shoes

Collared Shirt with Full Tie

Not Allowed: Pants, Jeans of any color, shorts, tennis shoes, beach shoes, flip flops, slides, slippers, T-Shirts, open collared shirts, corsages, non-academic stoles, sashes, or other attachments, piercings other than ear piercings, unnatural hair color or streaks, Mohawks or designs shaved in hair, writing on graduation cap or attachments to gown of any kind

Not Allowed: Bowties, Jeans of any color, shorts, tennis shoes, beach shoes, flip flops, slides, slippers, T-Shirts, open collared shirts, boutonnieres, non-academic stoles, sashes, or other attachments, piercings other than ear piercings, unnatural hair color or streaks, Mohawks or designs shaved in hair, writing on graduation cap or attachments to gown of any kind

This event is formal and important. No student will be allowed to disrupt in any manner so as to embarrass themselves, their peers, or Sam Houston High School. Disruptive students WILL be escorted from the ceremony and given their diploma at a later time. Any student removed from the ceremony will be barred from the Sam Houston Campus for one year.


Listed below are various scholarships with their requirements, application procedures, and value (if known). Review this information and make a list of the scholarships in which you are interested in applying. Have a calendar to keep up with scholarship deadlines and senior activities occurring throughout the year. Senior applications are posted under the counselor’s tab of the school’s website.

*An asterisk indicates the application will be available in the counselor’s office at some point in the school year.

Industry Scholarships

Listed below are the scholarships that are available to children of these companies. Parents are encouraged to check with their employer for possible scholarships; if any are found the Sam Houston counselors would like to know about them.

Citgo Scholarship: Seniors who are children of Citgo employees or retirees may apply. Applicant must have a 3.2 GPA. Scholarship is valued at $8,000. Application must be obtained from Citgo.

Conoco/Phillips Scholarship: Seniors who are children of Conoco employees and retirees may apply. Application must be obtained from Conoco/Phillips.

Dyn-McDermott Scholarship: Senior whose parent is an employee may apply. Application must be obtained from Dyn-McDermott.

Firestone Tire and Rubber Scholarships: Students whose parent is an employee of Firestone may apply. Application must be obtained from the Firestone personnel office.

PPG Scholarship: Senior whose parent is an employee may apply. Application must be obtained from PPG.

Pinnacle Scholarship: Senior whose parent is an employee of Pinnacle may apply. Applications must be obtained from Pinnacle.

Sasol Scholarship: Senior whose parent is an employee of Sasol. Applications must be obtained from Sasol.

Westlake Chemical Scholarship: Senior whose parent is an employee may apply. Applications must be obtained from Westlake Chemical.

College Scholarships

Most of our state-supported universities choose their recipients from outstanding high school graduates who file an application with the individual university, complete ACT testing by October or December of their senior year with a minimum score, and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Students should have ACT scores sent directly to colleges. Application forms can be obtained from the counselor’s office or from the university’s scholarship and testing office.


McNeese Academic Scholarship Applications and the Application for Admission must be submitted by DECEMBER 1st for priority consideration.

MSU Board of Supervisors Academic Scholarships: Awarded to outstanding graduates based on a combination of GPA and ACT. Scholarships are $2,800 (subject to change) per academic year.

*McNeese Com-STEM Scholarships: Requirements include a high score on ACT, excellent GPA and pursuing the associate or bachelor’s degree in STEM disciplines at McNeese.

MSU Distinguished Achievement Award: Available to incoming freshmen who have achieved academic and leadership success. The award is typically $500-$1,500 per year (subject to change).

MSU Enrollment Management Scholarship: Available to first-time McNeese attendees. Selection is based on GPA, ACT, class rank, and/or other qualities which demonstrate the potential for success at the college level.

MSU H.C. Drew Foundation Scholarships: Awarded to students who major in one of the following disciplines: Accounting, Ag Sciences, Chemistry, Clinical Lab Science, Computer Information Technology, Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Finance, Teacher Education, Engineering, Nursing, Nutrition and Family Studies, Paralegal Studies, Biological Sciences with a Premed Concentration, and Special Education. Selection is based on a combination of high school grades and ACT scores (subject to funding).

*MSU Alumni/Black Alumni Chapter: graduating black high school senior, 2/5 GPA, 20 ACT, essay

McNeese Honors College Scholarship: Applicants must have at least a 3.4 GPA and 27 on ACT. The award value: up to $34,784.

*McNeese Orthopedic Disabilities Scholarship: Applicant must have a physician verified orthopedic disability, acceptable academic credentials, and applied for McNeese admissions. Standardized test scores, GPA, courses completed, extracurricular activities/participation and leadership positions/potential.

*McNeese Lake Charles American Press Scholarship: 2.5 GPA, demonstrate leadership qualities, financial need, essay required. $600 per semester for 4 regular semesters will be awarded to a Sam Houston student.

LSU Scholarships

LSU Academic Scholarship Applications and the Application for Admission must be submitted by NOVEMBER 1st for priority consideration.

LSU Alumni Scholarship: 100 students are selected on the basis of grades, ACT of 31 or better and/or National Merit Selection Index scores. To apply, students must complete scholarship and admissions applications, an essay, and a list of activities and awards.

LSU Honor Scholarships: Awarded to 500 students who are either a finalist or semifinalist in National Merit Scholarship Program or have an ACT composite of at least 26 with an “A” average in English and Math. To apply, students must complete applications, an essay, and a list of activities and awards.

Other Louisiana Universities and their Scholarships

Priority Deadlines:

UL Lafayette-November 15th, Tulane-November 15th, Northwestern-December 1st, UL Monroe-December 15th, Louisiana Tech-January 5th, Grambling-June 1st, University of New Orleans-January 15th, Southern University at N.O.-January 15th,

Louisiana College-throughout the year, Southeastern-no formal deadline

Sowela Technical Community College Scholarships: plan to attend Sowela after graduating, contact the Financial Aid Director in the Financial Aid office. The number is 491-2688. Students may visit this office before graduation to apply for a scholarships and financial aid.

*Grambling University Ray D. Molo Alumni Chapter Book Stipend: Awarded to a graduating Calcasieu Parish Senior who has a 2.5 GPA or better and plans to attend Grambling. An essay is required. Amount: $1,000.

Louisiana College Scholarships: Seniors having an ACT composite of 25 and who have a minimum 3.0 GPA in academic subjects will be competing for two scholarships: Louisiana College Top 20 Scholars and Presidential Scholars.

Louisiana Tech: Scholarships are offered through the General Scholarship program as well as scholarships in each of the five colleges: Administration and Business, Applied and Natural Sciences, Education, Engineering and Science, and Liberal Arts. Scholarship and Admission applications are due by DECEMBER 1st.

Nicholls University Louisiana Society of Professional Surveyors Education Foundation Scholarship: Awarded to a student planning to pursue a career in surveying through the “Geomatics” program at Nicholls University. Amount $4,000.

Southeastern Louisiana University Leadership Scholarship: Students planning to attend Southeastern Louisiana University, has a 2.5 GPA, demonstrated strong leadership, and plans to join a student organization at the college level. Amount: $500 for the first four semesters with an option for continued scholarships in later semesters.

Southeastern University Alumni Federation Lake Charles Chapter Book Stipend Award: Amount $500 annually. Must have a 2.5 GPA, ACT of 20 and plan to attend Southern University in the fall following graduation.

Tulane Valedictorian Scholarship: Students who are certified as a valedictorian (summa cum laude) by their high school. Must have a 4.0 GPA or higher.

Tulane Legislative Scholarship: Each Louisiana state senator and representative nominates one recipient each year who meets the following criteria: permanent resident of Louisiana and graduate of Louisiana high school, 27 ACT, ranked in top 25% of class, admitted to a full-time undergraduate division of Tulane University. To learn more about each legislator’s process for awarding his/her scholarship, contact your state legislature and provide a copy of your resume along with a cover letter expressing your interest in the scholarship. You may access legislator contact information at The value of the scholarship changes with tuition each year. Receipt of scholarship one year does not guarantee subsequent years.

*Lamar State College-Port Arthur: Gayle Sims Memorial Scholarship for seniors planning to attend Lamar, grades are not sole determining factor but “B” average is preferred.

Grants, Loans, and State Scholarships (TOPS)

The federal financial aid application is used to apply for grants, loans, and the work-study program at colleges. On-line applications are available after January 1st and require the parent to complete their income tax return for the preceding tax year in order to complete portions of the application. The state of Louisiana also uses the federal financial aid application form to apply for TOPS scholarships (deadline for these programs if July 1st).

Tops-Opportunity: Minimum 2.5 Core GPA, Minimum 21 ACT, 19 Core Units. Pays Louisiana Public tuition.

Tops-Performance: Minimum 3.0 Core GPA, Minimum 23 ACT and 19 Core Units. Pays Louisiana Public tuition plus $400.

Tops-Honors: Minimum 3.0 Core GPA, Minimum 27 ACT and 19 Core Units. Pays Louisiana Public tuition plus $800.

Tops-Technical: Minimum 2.5 Core GPA, Minimum 20 ACT and 17 Core Units (Option I) or 19 Core Units (Option II). Pays Louisiana Public tuition only.

Rockefeller State Wildlife Scholarship: Students that plan to major in Forestry, Wildlife or Marine Science and who have at least a 2.5 GPA and 20 ACT many apply at Amount: $1,000 annual award up to $7,000.

Private Scholarships

AES Engineering Scholarship: Submit essay of no more than 1000 words, “What are your dreams for your future? When you look back on your life in thirty years, what would it take for you to consider your life successful?” Submit essay to: Include your full name, name of your high school, and your plans for the next year. Amount $500.

Al’s Formal Wear Scholarships: Two scholarships valued at $1,000 are awarded each year. To apply visit Entries are accepted October through May.

Horatio Alger Association Louisiana Scholarship: Awarded to 50 high school seniors who demonstrate integrity, perseverance in overcoming adversity, strength of character, financial need, good academic record, commitment to pursue a college education, and a desire to contribute to society. To apply go to Entries are accepted January through April. Amount $10,500.

American Fire Sprinkler Association Scholarship: Students are required to read an essay about automatic fire sprinklers, then take a ten-question multiple-choice test in which each question answered correctly earns the student one entry into a drawing for one of ten $2,000 scholarships. To apply go to Entries are accepted from September through April.

American Legion Oratorical and other scholarships a variety of scholarship options: Legacy scholarship – parent lost while serving country, Baseball scholarship – must be nominated by Louisiana American Legion, Oratorical Contest – begins on state level, etc. Visit the website

Gus Archie Scholarship: for an outstanding student who plans to pursue a degree in petroleum engineering. Amount: $6,000 per year for up to four years. To apply go to

The Art Institute Scholarship: Awarded to eligible students interested in pursuing a degree in the creative or applied arts. To apply go to

AXA Achievement Scholarship: Awarded to students who are active in the community, have led a project that benefits others, or have overcome personal challenges. Amount$2,000, $10,000 and $25,000. To apply go to

The James Beard Foundation Scholarship: Awarded to a qualified high school senior who plans to attend a culinary school. To apply go to

*Beauregard Electric (BECi) Scholarship: Offered to students who reside on BECi service lines. Must have a 2.0 GPA. Entries are accepted January through March. Amount $1,500.

Best Buy Scholarship: Awarded to eligible seniors with solid grades and community service or work experience. Apply online at or Entries accepted December through February. Amount $1,000.

Bolton Ford “A’s for Excellence”: bring copy of report cards to Bolton Ford dealership, each “A” earns an entry in the drawing, amount $3,000

*Black Heritage Festival Scholarship: Awards one scholarship per Calcasieu Parish High School. Must have a minimum 2.8 GPA with a minimum 18 ACT. Amount $500

*Kyle Andrew Broussard Memorial Scholarship: Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) awards two scholarships to seniors who were active in their official FCA Huddle at their school. Amount $1,000.

Buick Achievers Scholarships: For students who are leaders in the classroom and the community, but who man not have the financial means to attend college. Applicants must plan to major in a field that focuses on engineering, technology, design or business. To apply go to Amount $2,000 - $25,000

BK Scholars: To apply go to Entries are accepted November through January. Amount $1,000 - $50,000. Burger King employees and children of employees are eligible to apply.

Black and Lee Scholarship: essay required, Amount $500, http://www.studentscholarships.gor/scholarshipsandgrants.php

*Community Chest Sam Houston Scholarship: for those attending a university, computer courses, or on-the-job training, ACT and transcript are considered, as well as religious and community involvement and financial need. Amount $500

*Robert C. Byrd Scholarship: Demonstrates outstanding academic achievement and extracurricular achievement. Must have 3.5 GPA and 23 ACT. Amount $6,000 ($1,500/year for up to 4 years).

John Cannon Memorial Scholarship: Honors former president of The National Academy of Television Arts and Science Association. Demonstrate exceptional talent as a creator of video programming as well as outstanding academic achievement and potential for success in a highly competitive field. To apply go to Amount $40,000 ($10,000/year for up to 4 years)

Caretenders Scholarship Program: attend accredited university, trades or technical school, Amount $500,

*Civic Club Scholarship: information to be received in the spring, will go to a Sam Houston student

Chase LA SMART Start Scholarship: Be accepted by a four-year college or community college in Louisiana. Must have a 2.5 GPA and an ACT of 19. To apply go to Essay is required. Amount: A four-year scholarship to a qualifying college, yearly book stipend, eligibility for a paid internship at Chase and on-the-job training.

Coca-Cola Scholars Program: Students with a 3.0 GPA apply at Applications are accepted August through October. Amount $10,000 or $20,000.

*Delta “Dream Education” Scholarship: Lake Charles Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. $1,000 to a minority female senior. Must pursue a degree in education. Based on academic performance, community service and financial need.

*Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Scholarship: $2,000 to a graduating high school senior. Based on academic performance, community service, and financial need.

Delta Tech Scholarships: Offers several scholarships each year to senior planning to attend Delta Tech. Visit the Delta Tech website at for details

ESA Foundation Scholarships: This foundation offers several scholarships. To view scholarships visit

FFA Scholarships: The National FFA Organization offers several scholarships to members. To view scholarships visit

FIRE Scholarships: The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education sponsors a “Freedom in Academia” essay contest. First place is a $5,000 scholarship. Second place is a $1,000 scholarship. To enter visit

Freedom Alliance Scholarship: Must be a dependent of a U.S. Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Guardsman or Marine who has become permanently disabled as a result of an operational mission or training accident, or has been killed in action. Apply at

Gates Millennium Scholars (GMS): need-based merit scholarship, must be African American, American Indian, Alaska Native, Asian Pacific Islander American or Hispanic American. Apply online at

Gilbraitti Scholarship: includes essay, Amount $500, go to

Healthy Choices Scholarship: Amount $500,

Mildred D. Higgins High School Scholarship: LASFAA will award at least four $5000 scholarships to students planning to attend member institutions. Apply online at

Imagine America Scholarship: Students considering attending a technical, vocational or career education school. Must have a 2.5 GPA. To apply go to Amount $1,000.

*John J. Johnson, II Memorial Foundation Scholarship: Must have high moral standing, 3.0 GPA, must participate in extracurricular activities. Must be nominated by your school.

Junior League of L.C. Brance Out and Grow Scholarship: female with a 3.0 GPA, commitment to volunteerism and cannot be immediate relative of active JLLC member. Amount $1500

KFC Colonel’s Scholars: Financial need and an entrepreneurial spirit, 2.5 GPA, plan to earn a bachelor’s degree. Apply on line at Amount up to $20,000

Kids Chance Scholarship: for children of Louisiana workers who have been killed or permanently and totally disabled in an accident compensable under state or federal Workers’ Compensation Act. To apply go to Amount $500 to $3,000

*Knights of Columbus Scholarship: student of the Catholic faith who exemplifies leadership and Catholic values. State winners receive $4,000

Susan G. Komen Scholarship: student who has lost a parent or guardian to breast cancer or has own breast cancer diagnosis. Apply at Amount $40,000 ($10,000/year for up to 4 years)

LHSAA Scholarships: several scholarships are given. Applications available online at

The Louisiana Housing Council: Students who reside in or who otherwise receive direct housing benefits from one of the member agencies of the Council. The LHC may award up to ten scholarships. Either one $4,000 or two $3,000 scholarships may be awarded with each payable over four years. Also a number of one year scholarships of varying amounts may be awarded. To apply go to

Louisiana JCI Senate Foundation Scholarship Program: $1,000 to students who plan to continue their education at accredited post-secondary universities or vocational schools. Apply at

Louisiana Life Safety and Security Association Youth Scholarship: Sons or daughters of active duty law enforcement and fire service personnel. Applications and guidelines at Click on “Scholarship Information”. Two awards are presented in Louisiana.

*Louisiana Solid Waste Association: Dr. Gordon P. Boutwell, Jr. Memorial Scholarship , essay, letters of rec, Amount $1,000

Louisiana Young Bankers Scholarship: Parents must be employed by a bank in Louisiana, have a 3.0 GPA, will attend a Louisiana university and major in the college of business. To apply go to Amount $1,000

Lift Parts Express Scholarship: Amount $1,000. Go to

LM Scholarship Program: enroll in a degree program of 2 years in length or greater, 3.0 GPA, essay required, go to

McKelvey Foundation Entrepreneurial Scholarship: Plan to attend a 4-year college, own and operate a genuine business and have at least one paid employee. Apply at Amount up to $10,000/year for up to 4 years.

*Carol Meyer Memorial Scholarship: pursuing a career in mathematics or mathematics education, must have a 2.5 GPA and a 17 ACT. Amount $ 500

*National Association of University Women Scholarship: to a graduating senior girl who has a 2.5 GPA and plans to attend a 4-year university. Amount $1,500

*National Association of University Women Book Stipend: to a graduating senior girl with a 2.0 GPA. Amount $250

*National Pan-Hellenic Council Book Stipend: 2.5 GPA, 20 ACT Amount $500

National Achievement Scholarship: must take PSAT, recognition of Black American students,, Amount $2500

Navy Scholars Program: high school graduate or equivalency, Navy Physical Qualification, ACT of 22 in English and 21 in Math. To apply go to Amount up to $180,000

NFIB Young Entrepreneur Award: must be operating a small business, visit to apply

Outstanding Students of America Scholarships: minimum 3.0 GPA, commitment to community and school activities, 250-word essay highlighting accomplishments and reasons you feel you deserve or need this scholarship. Amount $1,000

Prudential Spirit of Community Award: made a difference through volunteering over the past year, go to and click on “Apply Now”. Amount $1,000 - $5,000

Questbridge Scholarships: National College Match program which helps outstanding low-income students gain admission and full 4-year scholarships. Go to

Rogers Community Volunteer Scholarship: contributed a minimum of 10 hours volunteer service in your community in the last 12 months, 2.5 GPA. Amount $500. Go to

Scholarship by Design: Amount $500.

Sedary & Associates Scholarship: enroll in a college, trades or technical school, essay required. Amount $500. Go to

Shell Process Technology Scholarship: plan to enroll in a two-year Process Technology degree program. To apply go to Amount $2,200

Simon Youth Foundation Scholarship: academic record, leadership, school and community activities, financial need. Obtain an application at the Simon Marketplace (customer information center) at Prien Lake Mall.

Society of Automotive Engineer’s Scholarship: interested in the study of engineering and related sciences. Applications are accepted September 1 through December 1 at

Society of Petroleum Engineer’s Scholarship: interested in pursuing a degree in Petroleum Engineering. Go to

*SWLA Center for Health Services Health Care Scholarship: must have a 2.5 GPA and plan to pursue a college degree in the health care field. One page typed essay is required

Student-View Scholarship Program: plan to attend a 4-year college, community/junior college or career school. Awarded by random drawing. To apply go to and complete a 15-20 minute application survey about colleges in your area. Amount $500 - $4,000

*The Lawrence Toups, Jr. Foundation Scholarship Program: plan to attend McNeese and pursue a degree related to agricultural studies, must have a 2.75 GPA. Amount $1,000

*Tournament of Stars Scholarship: financial need, academic success, community involvement and essay. Amount $500

UCB Family Epilepsy Scholarship Program: for students living with epilepsy who demonstrate academic and personal achievement. Amount $5,000. Apply at

*US Senate Youth Program: serve in a selected or elected civic, student government or student council position. Required to prepare a portfolio of accomplishments/activities and write a 300-word essay in a 45 minute period from a list of selected topics. Amount $5,000

*Versie Williams Memorial Scholarship: 2.5 GPA, ACT 20, essay is required. Scholarship amount $4,000, book stipend amount $250-$375

Wal-Mart Foundation Scholarship: $1,000 is awarded by each store on the basis of test scores, GPA, extra-curricular activities, work activities, and financial need. Apply at

Youth Volunteer Scholarship: over 2 years have completed 50 hours of volunteer work, 3.5 GPA, essay Amount $500, go to

Athletic Scholarships

A student athlete must meet NCAA guidelines in order to be awarded an athletic scholarship by a college. These guidelines require a specific ACT score and grade point average in a “Core Curriculum”. Seniors must apply online with the Eligibility Center. The website to register is

Louisiana High School Athletic & Coaches Association: several different scholarships are given at the end of the years. Applications are available only online at

Scholar Athlete Milk Mustache of the Year Scholarship: excels in academics, athletics, and community service. Go to Amount $7,500

BigSun Scholarship: athletes are eligible regardless of sport, must submit a 500 word or less essay describing why you should be the winner. Amount $500

LELA SCHOLARSHIPS: Essay and video contest “What’s your college game plan?”, $1,500 first place for each category, complete FAFSA to apply for financial aid, Contact Lela rep if one-on-one assistance is needed



  • 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243)

  • Deadline June 30, 2013


  • CPSB website, “Parents/Students” tab, under “Resources” go to “Digital Media/ Resources”

  • Complete a scholarship search suited to you based on career plans, activities and GPA

  • Look under “College Prep Tools”


  • $2,500 Christian college scholarship drawing

  • online application –

  • unspecified deadline

LELA SCHOLARSHIPS (Louisiana Education Loan Authority)

  • Register at

  • - “Like” Ask Lela for scholarship drawings

  • Quarterly random drawings


  • Free online scholarship search matched to your profile


  • Free online scholarship search matched to your profile


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