Serial Killer Research Project

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Serial Killer: ___________________________________________

Serial Killer Research Project

Project will have 2 main components:

  1. Research Paper- length will be determined by required information- must be MLA format

  2. Presentation- includes a PowerPoint and the actual presentation

Paper Requirements:

  1. Follows MLA format- 12 pt, Times New Roman, Double-spaced, Works Cited

  2. Includes the following information

    1. Biography- Where are they from? Who were their parents? Birth and Death Dates? Significant events of childhood? Were there any early signs of an issue? What did their adulthood look like?

    2. Psychological Disorders- Have they been diagnosed with any? If yes, how? Which ones? Brief descriptions of them. What kind of treatment did they go through, if any?

    3. The Crimes- Description of the crimes, time length of crimes, victimology, and number of victims

    4. Capture and Trial- What were they like when they were captured (behavior)? Were they capable of standing trial? What were they charged with? Who defended them? Brief description of trial and sentencing

    5. Your Opinion: Do you think nature or nurture had a larger impact on this person’s life? What do you think led this person to commit these crimes? Why? Do you think these crimes could have been prevents? How?

  3. The paper should be about 3 pages long- the length will vary depending on the serial killer and the details you decide to include

  4. Sources! Your paper needs to include at least 5 reputable sources

    1. They should be cited in text and on the Works Cited page at the end

Presentation Requirements:

  1. Follow all “good presentation” guidelines- avoid too many words, contrast colors, no distracting transitions

  2. Have a condensed version of all of the information in your paper

  3. Pictures/visuals to enhance understanding (no puppy pictures)

  4. Presentation is from 5-7 minutes long

    1. Speak clearly and loudly

Due Dates:

  • Reports due January 24th, Presentations will be given during your final exam time.



10 Points

9-8 Points

7-6 Points

5 Points


MLA Format

Paper follows all MLA format rules

Paper follows most MLA format rules

Paper follows some MLA format rules

Paper follows one MLA format rule

Paper is not in MLA format

Biographical Info

Paper exceeds biographical requirements

Paper includes all required info

Paper includes most bio info

Paper includes some bio info

Section Missing

Psychological Disorder (x2)

Paper exceeds required psychological disorder info

Paper includes all psychological disorder info

Paper includes Most required psychological disorder info

Paper includes some psychological disorder info

Section Missing

The Crimes

Paper exceeds required crimes info

Paper includes all required crime info

Paper includes most required crime info

Paper includes some crime info

Section Missing

Capture and Trial

Paper exceeds required capture and trial info

Paper includes all required capture and trial info

Paper includes most required capture and trial info

Paper includes some required capture and trial info

Section Missing

Opinion (x2)

Paper exceeds required opinions

Paper includes all required opinions

Paper includes most required opinion

Paper includes some required opinions

Section Missing

In-text Citations

Each piece of evidence is cited properly using MLA guidelines

Most evidence is cited

Some evidence is cited

No in-text citations

Works Cited

Paper includes complete Works Cited in MLA format

Paper includes Works Cited- no MLA format

Missing Works Cited

Grammar and Spelling

Paper is free from all major grammar and spelling mistakes

Paper has minor issues with grammar and spelling

Paper has significant issues with grammar and spelling

Paper is riddled with grammar and spelling mistakes

Total: __________/110*3= ______________/330 Points








Presentation includes all required content

Presentation includes most required content

Presentation includes some required content

No Presentation


Easy to see info- appealing

Mostly legible info

Confusing layout and colors

Impossible to read info

No presentation

Presentation Skills

Appropriate voice, tone, volume, and info

Weak voice, volume, bad info

Hard to hear- just reading the slides

No presentation


Stays within limit

No presentation

Total: __________/40-*3= ____________/120

Project Total= Rough Drafts 100+Paper 330+Presentation 120=_________/550 points

List/Summary of Serial Killers to Work With

David Berkowitz:

Calling himself the Son of Sam, this serial killer terrorized New York City in the late 1970s. What is he doing now and will he ever get paroled?

Paul Bernardo & Karla Homolka:

Known as the Ken and Barbie of Murder and Mayhem, Karla is now free because of her deal with the government. A new film exploits their torture and murder of school girls.

Jerry Brudos:

Sharon Wood, 24, left her secretarial job in Portland and entered the basement level of a parking garage to look for her car when a tall, pudgy man approached her. She later told police that she had sensed someone behind her and had tried to return to an area where she could hear other people. But then someone tapped her shoulder and she turned around. The man was holding a pistol.

In a split second, she decided to fight. She had barely a chance against him, but she believed that if she didn't struggle while someone might still hear her, she'd die that day. Instinct told her that this man had murder on his mind.
Sharon kicked at him with her high-heeled shoes, screamed again and bit him hard. Yet he managed to slam her head on the concrete, dazing her. Fortunately another car came along, and her attacker ran off. She survived, but not long afterward another young woman did not.
Brudos is one of the most shocking serial killers ever and the subject of Ann Rule's book The Lust Killer. He abducted, tortured & mutilated young women in his garage, right under the noses of his wife and children. An analysis of the psychological factors that created this monster.
Serial killer Jerry Brudos, died March 28, 2006.

BTK- Dennis Rader:

For three decades, the terrifying serial killer who called himself BTK ("Bind, Torture, Kill") was uncaught. First he would cut the phone lines, and then he would get into the house somehow, waiting for his victim to come home. The killings drove Wichita's women into a frenzy, but then the murders unexplicably stopped. Police theorized that BTK could have died or have been incarcerated for some other crime or mental disease, or maybe even moved away.

Then in March, 2004, BTK sent a very convincing letter to the local newspaper, taking responsibility for the September, 1986, unsolved death of Vicki Wegerle. Included with the letter were a photocopy of Wegerle's driver's license and three photos of her body that BTK took after he killed her.
In May, BTK sent a copy of the chapter titles of David Lohr's Crime Library story on the case to a local TV station. Lohr's feature story was the only BTK case history on the Net at that time. However, BTK had changed several of the chapter titles, including one that he changed to "Will There Be More?"
And so, it began again, with BTK impatiently pointing out to police the murders of his that they missed. Finally, BTK made the mistake that culminated in his capture.
Here is the most detailed story of this case as it unfolded in 1974 and then again in 2004.

Ted Bundy:

The most frightening of serial killers: a handsome, educated psychopathic law student who stalked and murdered dozens of young college women who looked very much like a young woman who broke off her relationship with him.

Bundy was a very adept and glib con artist who faked a broken arm in a sling to convince young women to help him carry his textbooks to his car. Once there, he battered them with a baseball bat and carried them off for ghoulish rituals.

John Norman Collins:

Convicted of one murder in the late 1960s Michigan college campus serial murder case, police believed that he was responsible for all of them. Collins was implicated superficially in fifteen murders, but only the first seven on the list were officially considered his

At the time, he was a 22-year-old student at Eastern Michigan University, majoring in education when he was arrested for the murder of Karen Sue Beineman. He was from Center Line, a suburb north of Detroit, where he had lived with his mother and stepfather. At six feet, he was wiry and muscular, with neatly trimmed dark brown hair and sideburns. Many people thought him handsome and easy to talk to.
Attractive or not, he had a dark side that was beginning to emerge. He had belonged to a fraternity, but had been kicked out under suspicion of theft. He had also engaged in petty burglaries for fun and kept his four motorcycles running with stolen parts. One of his professors suspected him of cheating.
In addition to being sexually very aggressive with dates, Collins also had expressed some ideologies that bordered on psychopathy. He had told a girl that if a man had to kill, he killed. If he decided it was right for him to do it, then he had to do it. The perfect crime, he told her, was when there was no guilt. Without guilt, a person could not get caught.
New DNA evidence and the conviction of Gary Earl Leiterman suggest that there were several perpetrators.

Juan Corona:

In Sutter County, California, near the Feather River five miles north of Yuba City, a Japanese farmer named Goro Kagehiro was touring his peach orchard on May 19, 1971 when he spotted a freshly-dug hole between two trees that appeared to be the size of a man. He could not understand why someone had dug there. It turned out to be the grave of migrant workers who had been the victims of a killing spree. At least 25 men were eventually found buried in that area.

Corona provided labor to the farmers and was eventually convicted of the crimes, but evidence has surfaced that suggests a rush to judgment.

Charles Cullen:

When his marriage went downhill, this male nurse began to relieve the tensions from domestic failure, depression, alcoholism and chronic debt by injecting patients with medicines that were deadly. He was dismissed by several hospitals who suspected that he was killing patients, but employment laws in PA and NJ made hospitals liable if they gave negative comments about former employees. He confessed to murdering 35 patients, but the number may be closer to 40.

Jeffrey Dahmer:

Young man from a normal family, as far as any family under a microscope can be designated "normal," reaches puberty and starts to fantasize about sex with dead men. As these fantasies begin to take over his conscious mind, his link with the real word begin to disintegrate. He becomes more and more alienated with his family, who cannot fathom what is going on and are powerless to help him.

He moves away, takes a low-level job far beneath his abilities, and starts to lure young minority men to his apartment where he conducts bizarre experiments on them, brutalizes and finally kills them. As if this were not enough, he then mutilates and decapitates them, has sex with their corpses and cannibalizes them.
Inevitably, he is brought to justice, and like many men who go to prison for life, he professes to find God and embrace religion before he was killed by a fellow prisoner. But does he really or is this just one more prisoner sham?

Joseph Edward Duncan III:

Convicted child molester with a history of assaults on children going back to his teenage years, he is nonetheless released on bond when he again molests a youngster. This time, Duncan goes big time. He steals a car, goes to Idaho where stalks an entire family. Then he breaks in, brutally murders the adults and an older child and abducts the two younger children.

When Duncan tires of molesting the abducted boy, he kills him and throws him away. By sheer luck, the abducted girl gets the attention of people in a restaurant who recognize her from Amber Alerts and capture this serial killer and rescue the terrified child.

Albert Fish:

This gentle-looking, benevolent grandfather cleverly lured children to their death, then devised recipes to eat them. This cannibal model for Hannibal Lector is a study in criminal psychology and a true enigma. His wife thought him to be a wonderful husband and his children believed him to be a model father. What inner torments caused him to drive many spikes into his pelvis and tell people that he looked forward to his execution?

John Wayne Gacy:

One of the most notorious serial killers, "respectable" Chicago-area businessman hires young men to work in his contracting company, then rapes and murders scores of them, burying their bodies on his properties. In prison, he became the focus of researching the psychopathic mind.

Vernon Geberth:

Profile of famous veteran chief and investigator examines his accomplishments, his theories, and his most famous cases, including a real story that inspired the Hannibal Lector escape scene in the Silence of the Lambs.

Eddie Gein:

Considered to be a mild-mannered bachelor whose emotional development had been stunted by his domineering mother, he shocked the world when police found his vest of human skin and a cache of body parts. Gein is the model for The Silence of the Lambs' Buffalo Bill and Psycho's Norman Bates.

Kitty Genovese:

Her name was Catherine Genovese, the 28-year-old daughter of Italian-American parents. But to millions of people who read her story when it first appeared in New York Citys press, she would forever be remembered as "Kitty" Genovese. What happened to her, what happened to all of society on that dreadful night in the spring of 1964, would reverberate across the country and generate a national soul-searching that is reserved for only the most catastrophic of events. And nearly 40 years later, her name has become synonymous with a dark side of an urban character that, for many people, represents a harsh and disturbing reality of big city life.

Green River Murders:

Scores of women murdered in the Seattle area results in the longest running homicide investigation in U.S. history. Finally DNA evidence points the finger at Gary Leon Ridgway as the killer

H.H. Holmes:

Diabolical con artist, child murderer and serial killer, he built a terror mansion to lure female travelers to their death.

Edmund Kemper:

At age 15, this genius-level serial killer killed his grandparents. Then he killed pretty hitchhikers and ended up decapitating his mother.

Henry Lee Lucas:

Along with psychopath sidekick Ottis Toole, he traveled the U.S. raping, robbing, killing, and mutilating men, women & children. Originally thought to have killed 360 people, some of his confessions are now discredited. Whatever number of murders he & Toole committed, these two serial killers set a new standard in depravity.

Charles Manson:

Many hardened criminals blame their crimes on their parents, but few have as clear a case as Charles Manson. His mother was an alcoholic prostitute who sold him for a pitcher of beer. In and out of reform school as a youngster, he had an IQ of 109 and became a kind of institutional politician and manipulator by age 19.

From then on his continuous scrapes with the law landed him in prison. His record there described Charlie as having "a tremendous drive to call attention to himself.
On March 21, 1967, Charlie was released from prison in California. He was 32 years old and more than half of his life had been spent in institutions. He protested his freedom. "Oh, no, I can't go outside there...I knew that I couldn't adjust to that world."
Charlie started to attract a group of followers, many of whom were very young women with troubled emotional lives who were rebelling against their parents and society in general.
This was the core of the Manson Family execution team who he ordered to kill pregnant actress Sharon Tate, her wealthy house guests, and the well-to-do LaBiancas.
Charlie was trying to start a race war and vet himself as a prophet of doom.

Timothy McVeigh & Terry Nichols:

The men responsible for one of the most shocking terrorist attacks within America - the Oklahoma City bombing. Update of the Nichols' trial.

The Night Stalker:

Known as the Night Stalker, he worships Satan and longs to sit next to him in Hell. His series of horrifying crimes in the suburbs of Los Angeles and San Francisco were meant to show Satan that he is just as evil as Jack the Ripper.

Incredibly, this fiend was the darling of many groupies who found his rebelliousness irresistible. Now on death row in California, he has married one of them.

Sign Up Sheet

Andrea Yates – post-partum murder

Susan Smith – murdered children

Jeffrey Dahmer – serial killer/cannibal

Richard Speck – 8 student nurses

John Wayne Gacy – “Killer Clown”

Ted Bundy – famous serial killer

Jim Jones – cult leader, mass suicide

David Westerfield – VanDam Murder

David Berkowitz – Son of Sam

Lisa Michelle Lambert – Lancaster County

Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson – Hate Crime against Matt Shephard

Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono – Hillside Stranglers

Timothy McVeigh – Oklahoma City Bombing

Glennon Engelman – Dentist / Hitman

Charles Manson – Cult Leader – “The Family”

Pamela Smart – Teacher – students murdered her husband

The Menedez Brothers – killed parents

Marie Hilley – “Black Widow” – killed husband, poisoned daughter

Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold - Columbine

Charles Whitman- University of Texas sniper

Albert DeSalvo – “Boston Strangler”

Ed Kemper – “Coed Killer”

Richard Trenton Chase – “Vampire of Sacramento”

Carl Panzram – serial killer – across the US

Ed Gein – Buffalo Bill and Psycho inspiration

Aileen Wournos – “Monster”

Richard Ramirez  - “Nightstalker”

Henry Lee Lucas – Prolific Serial Killer or Liar?

David Ludwig – Lititz murders

Ted Kaczynski – The Unabomber

Albert Fish – “Werewolf of Wysteria” – Hannibal Lector

Dennis Rader – “BTK” Killer

Scott Peterson – Killed pregnant wife

Wayne Williams – Atlanta Child Murders

Jerry Brudos – “The Lust Killer”

Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka – “Ken and Barbie of Murder and Mayhem”

John Norman Collins – Michigan Murders

Charles Cullen – “Killer Nurse” – New Jersey

Gary Leon Ridgway – “Green River Killer”

H. H. Holmes – Hotel for Murder

John Allen Muhammad – DC Sniper

Seung-Hui Cho – Virginia Tech Shooter

Carl (Coral) Eugene Watts – “The Sunday Morning Slasher”

Dean Corll – “The Candy Man”

Richard Angelo – “Angel of Death” (nurse)

Belle Gunness – rare female serial killer

Angel Maturino Resendiz – “The Railroad Killer”

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