Sigaccess fy’09 Annual Report

Keynote Speakers: Albert-László Barabási, Distinguished University Professor at Northeastern University, From Networks to Human Behavior

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Keynote Speakers: Albert-László Barabási, Distinguished University Professor at Northeastern University, From Networks to Human Behavior

Susan T. Dumais, Gerard Salton Award Lecture, An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Information Retrieval

Best Paper: Jaime Arguello, Fernando Diaz, Jamie Callan & Jean-Francois Crespp. Sources of Evidence for Vertical Selection.

Attendance: Total registrations: 598; Main conference: 535; Workshops: 290; Tutorials: 231; Industry track: 40; First time attendees: 286

Sponsors: Microsoft Research; Information Retrieval Facility; Yahoo; Google; IBM Research; Sun Microsystems; Northeastern; UMass-Amherst.

Future SIGIR Conferences: 2010 will be held in Geneva, Switzerland on July 18 – 23; 2011 will be held in Beijing, China on July 24 – 28; 2012 will be held in Portland, Oregon, USA, tentatively July 22 – 25.
Bids were presented at the conference for SIGIR 2013, which is a year for Europe, Africa, or the Middle East to host SIGIR. The 5 bidding cities were: Barcelona, Spain; Dublin, Ireland; Edinburgh, Scotland; Haifa, Israel; and Vienna, Austria. The bidding groups will now be reviewed by the Executive Committee, and those considered viable will be asked to submit formal bids following the ACM protocol.

Other Conferences
SIGIR also co-sponsors three other ACM conferences, CIKM, JCDL, and WSDM. Each of these upcoming conferences was reported on at the SIGIR ’09 Conference,
In Cooperation

In addition to the four conferences that SIGIR sponsors or co-sponsors, we “cooperate” with several other IR-related conferences but have no financial stake in them. These conferences compliment the technical focus of our own conferences. As a cooperating society, SIGIR members obtain reduced registration fees and other member benefits at these conferences.


The SIGIR Web site is maintained by SIGIR's Information Officer, Djeord Hiemstra. It provides timely information about SIGIR-sponsored conferences, “in cooperation” conferences, and SIGIR activities, as well as Business Meeting slides, the annual report, and other information about how SIGIR operates and SIGIR’s history. In addition to providing information about the organization, the SIGIR web site also hosts the SIGIR Forum and SIG-IRList sites.

The SIGIR Forum is co-edited by Diane Kelly and Ian Ruthven. The Forum is published three times a year. The Special issue is the SIGIR Proceedings; the December and June issues cover IR conferences, workshops and symposia, as well as in-depth essays based on the Salton Award Lecture and other keynote addresses, as well as short papers on current research trends. The Forum appears both online ( and in paper.
The SIG-IRList is a SIGIR-sponsored electronic newsletter (, that had been edited for the past five years by Raman Chandrasekar, now has a new editor, Mark Smucker, of the University of Waterloo. The SIG-IRList provides a regular newsletter of IR information and nicely compliments the archival publication SIGIR Forum. The SIG-IRList contains job announcements, notices of publications, conferences, workshops, calls for participation, and project announcements. It is a much valued and appreciated service of SIGIR for its members.
Membership and Membership Programs

SIGIR remains focused on devising means for retaining those formerly non-members who receive a one-year free membership in SIGIR with their conference registration. It is important for retaining these members in the years in which the conference is not located in their sphere of the world. We are looking for ways to enhance our membership benefits, such as a more active publicity campaign, offering new online membership services, and developing stronger ties with related organizations, including more joint meetings.

SIGIR offers members the following benefits: SIGIR Forum (paper & online); reduced conference registration fees to sponsored and “in cooperation” conferences; access to the ACM Digital Library; as well as optional Proceedings and DiSC Packages, and the SIG-IRList electronic newsletter. The SIGIR Proceedings Package includes copies of the CIKM and JCDL conference proceedings. The SIGIR Digital Symposium Collection (DiSC) package includes a DVD containing proceedings from a wide range of IR- and DB-related conferences (including SIGIR, CIKM, JCDL, SIGMOD, and SIGKDD), and newsletters from a wide range of ACM SIGs (including SIGIR and SIGMOD).
The SIGIR Executive Committee has discussed the question of providing hard copy Conference Proceedings at the conference during the general discussion at the Annual Meeting and then during an Executive session, and has decided to advise next year’s conference chair to provide a ‘No Paper’ option. The belief is that over time, the attendees’ desire for hard copy proceedings will diminish to the point where CDs only can be distributed, and the membership will be satisfied.

In addition to Best Paper Award(s), SIGIR has only one other award that it bestows, the Gerard Salton Award. SIGIR continues working to put forth deserving nominees for the general ACM Awards.

Gerard Salton Award

This award is presented every three years to an individual who has made "... significant, sustained and continuing contributions to research in information retrieval". It honors Professor Gerry Salton, who is considered by most to be the man most responsible for the establishment, survival, and recognition of the field of IR. The Salton Award Committee is comprised of the available prior winners of the Salton Award, in consultation with the SIGIR Chair. This year, the prior winners serving on the committee were Bruce Croft, Keith van Rijsbergen, William Cooper, Tefko Saracevic, and Steve Robertson.

The 2009 award winner was Susan T. Dumais, Principal Researcher in the Adaptive Systems and Interaction Group at Microsoft Research. Her research focus is on understanding the user and their context and improving their life and work, with many significant contributions which serve as an important bridge between information retrieval and human computer interaction.

ACM Fellows

SIGIR is quite frustrated at its failure to have more of its members be honored as ACM Fellows, and had no awardees last year. Bruce Croft has assumed leadership for nominations for ACM Fellows for the coming year. While there have already been several names suggested by members, the fact that to be eligible for an ACM award, one must be a continuous member of ACM for several (e.g., five) years, some of these prominent members of the IR field don’t meet this requirement, and thus were ineligible. Bruce will continue his efforts to have SIGIR’s most prominent researchers be appropriately recognized as Fellows.


In addition to the elected officers, SIGIR is served by a large community of volunteers:

Asia Regional Representative to the EC: Tetsuya Sakai

Forum Editors: Ian Ruthven & Diane Kelly

SIG-IRList Editor: Mark Smucker

Information Director: Djoerd Hiemstra

JCDL Liaison: Edie Rasmussen

WSDM Liaison: Ricardo Baeza-Yates

SIGIR thanks them all for their work on behalf of the IR community during the last year.
The coming year is an election year for SIGIR. Mark Sanderson, of Sheffield, will be chairing the Nominations Committee.

SIGIR had another productive and successful year, with important intellectual and social contributions. Our conferences have been successful in all senses (with strong technical content and good international participation), and our financial situation is quite healthy. Perhaps most importantly, we continue to have very strong participation in ACM SIGIR by the international IR community, especially in a willingness to serve as volunteers for conference and SIG-related activities. The Executive Committee thanks the IR community for its help during the past year.

SIGITE FY’09 Annual Report

July 2008 – June 2009

Submitted by: Han Reichgelt, Past Chair

By and large, FY2009 was another successful year for SIGITE, and the organization achieved many of the goals it had set itself.

SIGITE 08 was held in Cincinnati, OH, hosted by the University of Cincinnati, and sponsored by Microsoft and EMC. Attendance was around 125 attendees, similar to the attendance at SIGITE 07.
Although the acceptance rates of submissions remained at just below 50%, the general consensus of the conference attendees was that the quality of the papers presented at SIGITE continues to improve. There is a distinct trend away from papers that present case studies to papers that present educational research and assess the extent to which the pedagogical innovations presented in the paper actually make a difference in student learning. This is a welcome development. At the same time, SIGITE is starting to see some papers that present other than purely educational research.
This year the conference also included a highly successful meeting of IT department chairs immediately preceding the conference proper. The meeting allowed IT department chairs to discuss a number of issues, including how to increase research output and external research funding and how to effectively implement fair tenure and promotion processes.
The intellectual and financial success of the conference is entirely due to the local organizers, Mark Stockman from the University of Cincinnati and to the chair of the review committee, Dr J Ekstrom from Brigham Young University. SIGITE owes them a depth of gratitude. SIGITE is also grateful to Henry Walker from Grinnell University who allowed us to use the submission engine that he developed for SIGCSE.
The 2009 conference will be held from October 21-24 in Arlington, VA, hosted by George Mason University and preparations for the conference are well advanced. Because of the economic climate, our plans for the conference are very conservative and we have done everything possible to cut down on costs without compromising the quality of the conference.
SIGITE continues to enjoy a healthy financial position. It has a fund balance of over $65,000 up from just over $57,000 a year ago.
SIGITE’s membership seems to have stabilized around 450 members. However, inspection of the membership list indicates that there are no faculty representatives from many institutions offering IT degree programs, suggesting that there is considerable scope for an increase in membership. The vice-chair, Mark Stockman, has worked with the regional representatives and has created a mailing list of around 1,500 faculty associated with IT programs around the country but not members of SIGITE. Each will receive an invitation to attend SIGITE 09.
With the help of the ACM Education Council, SIGITE completed a revised draft of the 4-year IT model curriculum, which was recently accepted by the ACM Education Council. SIGITE is grateful to the writing committee, consisting of Barry Lunt and J Ekstrom from BYU, Rich LeBlanc from the Georgia Institute of Technology and Greg Hislop from Drexel University, and the many volunteers who helped put the document together. At the moment, the 4 year model curriculum is being used as the basis for a 2 year model curriculum.

Although SIGITE does not wish to lose its educational focus, the SIGITE membership has discussed the need for both a well-defined research agenda for IT and for a single place in which to publish such research. SIGITE has responded to this in two ways. First, the SIGITE leadership changed the name of the newsletter to “Research in Information Technology”. The hope is that the name, which better reflects the content and the fact that the newsletter is a fully peer-reviewed publication, will encourage more high-quality submissions. As the name suggests, Research in Information Technology will publish not only educational research in Information Technology, it will also publish non-educational research. Second, SIGITE is sponsoring a small project to collect as much information as possible about graduate theses that have been published in IT over the last few years. The plan is to make at least the titles and abstracts available in electronic format although we would hope that we can also make the actual theses available.

SIGITE elected new officers in June. The new officers are

Mark Stockman Chair

Jim Leone Vice Chair

Theresa Steinbach Treasurer/Secretary

The new officers were selected from a reasonably large slate of candidates and there were many new volunteers among the candidates.
Future Challenges
Although SIGITE is in a healthy state at the moment, there seems to have been some stagnation in the growth of the membership. Given the fact that there are many IT programs emerging around the country, it should be possible for SIGITE to significantly increase its membership and to become a larger, financially even healthier organization. The focus in the coming year will therefore be on increasing the SIGITE membership.

SIGKDD FY’09 Annual Report

July 2008-June 2009

Submitted by: Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro, Past Chair

1. Annual Awards

The 2009 ACM SIGKDD Innovation Award was given to Padhraic Smyth for his contributions to both the theory and application of probabilistic and statistical approaches to data mining.

The 2009 ACM SIGKDD Service Award was given to Sunita Sarawagi for her significant contributions and services to the KDD community over the past decade.

The 2009 SIGKDD Doctoral Dissertation award has attracted a high number of excellent applicants.  The winner was

 Jure Leskovec, for his dissertation "Dynamics of Large Networks" (advisor: Christos Faloutsos, Carnegie Mellon University).

Runner up was Arthur Zimek, dissertation "Correlation Clustering" (advisor: Hans-Peter Kriegel, Ludwig Maximilians University, Germany).

Honorable mentions were given to

  • Dr. Aris Gkoulalas-Divanis (Dissertation: "From Itemsets Through Trajectories to Location Based Services: A Knowledge Hiding Privacy Approach"; Advisors: Elias Houstis and Vassilios Verykios, University of Thessaly, Greece) and

  • Dr. Hong Cheng (Dissertation: "Towards Accurate and Efficient Classification: A Discriminative and Frequent Pattern-Based Approach"; Advisor: Jiawei Han, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). Both finalists will also be recognized at the opening ceremonies and will receive a certificate of recognition.

All annual awards were presented at KDD-09 Conference in Paris.

2. Significant Publications

The KDD 2009 annual conference maintained SIGKDD position as the leading conference on data mining and knowledge discovery, with a record 659 submissions (21% acceptance rate). 

Among the topics presented at KDD-09 were Social networks, Recommender systems, Clustering, Temporal & Streams Mining, Anomaly detection, Graph mining, Text mining, Search and advertising, Security and Privacy, Enterprise & Finance applications, Telecom applications, and Information Extraction & Text Mining.

Best Research Paper award was given to:

Collaborative Filtering with Temporal Dynamics, by Yehuda Koren

Best Research Paper Runner-up paper was:

A LRT Framework for Fast Spatial Anomaly Detection, by  Mingxi Wu, Xiuyao Song, Chris Jermaine, Sanjay Ranka, John Gums

Best Student Paper Winner:

                Anonymizing Healthcare Data: A Case Study on the Blood Transfusion Service, by Noman Mohammed, Benjamin C. M. Fung, Patrick C. K. Hung, Cheuk-kwong Lee

Best Student Paper Runner-up was:

                Optimizing Web Traffic via the Media Scheduling Problem, by Lars Backstrom, Jon Kleinberg, Ravi Kumar

KDD-09 Conference continued to have strong participation of the industrial researchers, as evidenced by the record 122 papers submitted to the industrial track (34 accepted).  

The Best Application Paper award was given to

Large-Scale Behavioral Targeting, by Ye Chen, Dmitry Pavlov, John Canny

The Best Application runner-up was:

                Sustainable Operation and Management of Data Center Chillers using Temporal Data Mining      by Debprakash Patnaiky, Manish Marwah, Ratnesh Sharma, Naren Ramakrishnany

2.1 Workshops and Tutorials

In addition, KDD 2009 hosted 11 Workshops and 7 Tutorials.

Full-day Workshops

    * W1 - Statistical and Relational Learning and Mining in Bioinformatics (StReBio'09)

    * W2 - The 3rd International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Sensor Data (SensorKDD-2009)

    * W3 - ACM SIGKDD Workshop on CyberSecurity and Intelligence Informatics (CSI-KDD)

    * W4 - Workshop on Visual Analytics and Knowledge Discovery (VAKD '09)

    * W5 - The Third International Workshop on Data Mining and Audience Intelligence for Advertising (ADKDD)

    * W6 - The 3rd Workshop on Social Network Mining and Analysis (SNA-KDD)

Half-day Workshops

    * W7 - Human Computation Workshop (HCOMP 2009)

    * W8 - Data Mining using Matrices and Tensors (DMMT'09)

    * W9 - Third Workshop on Data Mining Case Studies and Practice Prize (DMCS)

    * W10 - KDD cup 2009: Fast Scoring on a Large Database (KDDcup09)

    * W11 - The First ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Uncertain Data (U'09)

Tutorials topics included:

  • Mining Large Time-evolving Data Using Matrix and Tensor Tools

  • A Statistical Framework for Mining Data Streams

  •  Statistical Modeling of Relational Data

  • From Trees to Forests and Rule Sets -- A Unified Overview of Ensemble Methods.

  •  Learning Bayesian Networks

  • Time Series Classification

  • Mining Shape and Time Series Databases with Symbolic Representations

2.2 SIGKDD Explorations

SIGKDD Explorations published two issues:

June 2008, Volume 10,

December 2008, Volume 10, Issue 2

3. Significant programs that provided a springboard for further technical efforts

ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (TKDD),, with Jiawei Han as editor in Chief, has established itself as a top-tier journal for the field.  TKDD published 4 issues in 2007 and 2008, respectively, and 3 issues in 2009 so far.


4. Innovative programs which provide service to some part of your technical community

KDD-09 featured a novel conference social networking and scheduling platform,

It provided conference attendees with many useful abilities, including managing conference schedule, meeting each other, and commenting on papers.  SIGKDD is in process of evaluating the success of this effort.


5. A very brief summary for the key issues that the membership of that SIG will have to deal with in the next 2-3 years.


Some of the key issues for SIGKDD and SIGKDD members:

  • Maintaining effective SIGKDD operation after transfer to new SIGKDD leadership.

  • Difficulty in getting industry participation in KDD conference

  • Growing rift  in the relevance of problems that academia can work on due to the difficulty of getting access to large real-world data, with some of the most important data and research problems locked inside Google, Yahoo,  Microsoft, and other web “giants”.

  • Getting new membership and especially student members

  • Negative perception of “data mining” in the US (and sometimes reality) that data mining is a technology which invades privacy (eg. Recent NH and VT laws prohibiting “prescription data mining”)

SIGMETRICS FY’09 Annual Report

July 2008 - June 2009

Submitted by: Carey Williamson, Chair
It was a busy and productive year for ACM SIGMETRICS, featuring two major award winners, a strong annual conference, a growing set of conference partnerships, and numerous new initiatives undertaken by the SIG Executive Committee.


The 2009 ACM SIGMETRICS Achievement Award was presented to Dr. Frank Kelly of the University of Cambridge. This prestigious award honours an individual who has made long-lasting influential contributions to the theory or practice of computer/communication system performance evaluation.

Frank Kelly is Professor of the Mathematics of Systems in the University of Cambridge. His main research interests are in random processes, networks, and optimization. The nomination materials

identified Professor Kelly's "sustained record of making fundamental breakthrough contributions to a wide range of research areas in the theory and optimization of stochastic networks, and their applications to the performance evaluation of communication and computer systems". Some of his most significant contributions include work on quasireversibility in product form queueing networks, Erlang fixed point approximations, optimization of circuit-switched networks, and resource allocation and congestion control.

Dr. Kelly received his award at the ACM SIGMETRICS/Performance 2009 conference in Seattle in June 2009. The citation for the award was:

"For fundamental contributions to the theory and optimization of stochastic networks, and their applications to computer and communication systems".

The Rising Star Researcher Award for 2009 was presented to Dr. Alexandre Proutiere from Microsoft Research. This award recognizes his "significant contributions to the analysis and design of distributed

control mechanisms in wired and wireless data networks".

Dr. Proutiere is a researcher in the Systems and Networking group at Microsoft Research, Cambridge (UK). He received his PhD in Applied Mathematics from Ecole Polytechnique in France in 2003. His research interests are in the design and performance evaluation of computer networks, with a specific interest in resource allocation and control in wireless systems. Before joining Microsoft Research in June 2007, he was with France Telecom R&D and Ecole Normale Superieure (Paris), working on developing a traffic theory for the Internet. His CV indicates Best Paper awards at SIGMETRICS 2004 and MobiHoc 2009, and substantial service on technical program committees for ACM SIGMETRICS, IEEE INFOCOM, ACM CoNext, IEEE WiOpt, IEEE RAWNET, and ITC. He is also an Associate Editor for Performance Evaluation.
Dr. Proutiere received his award at the ACM SIGMETRICS/Performance 2009 conference in Seattle in June 2009.

Conference Activities


The annual ACM SIGMETRICS conference continues to be the premier forum for high quality performance evaluation research.
This year's conference was held in Seattle, WA, with John Douceur and Albert Greenberg (both from Microsoft Research) as the General Chairs. The Program Chairs were Thomas Bonald (France

Telecom) and Jason Nieh (Columbia University). About 180 paper submissions were received,

with 27 of these (15%) accepted for the conference. The accepted papers covered a broad range of topics, including theoretical performance analysis, measurements, peer-to-peer systems, streaming,

Internet, wireless, storage, and energy conservation.

Financially, the conference struggled, and is likely to result in a small loss (approximately $2K US). The attendance for the main conference was about 112 people, with 140 as the total for the week (including tutorials and workshops). These numbers are down from the past few years. Some reasons include the general economic downturn, the recent swine flu, and the travel issues involved for Europeans to reach the US West Coast. Some inexperience on the part of the organizers, and the lack of timely publicity, may have also played a role in the story.
Several workshops are included as part of the overall conference week, including MAMA (MAthematical performance Modeling and Analysis) and HotMetrics (Hot Topics in Metrics). Two new workshops were added this year: one on environmental aspects of IT infrastructure management (GreenMetrics), and one on machine learning applications in networks.
For the second year in a row, we had a full 3 days for the main conference (27 papers, 21 posters, 3 keynote talks, plus demo session, industrial panel, and student thesis panel). The conference took place mid-week (Tues-Thurs) with the workshops provided as bookends on Monday and Friday.

The conference had printed proceedings again this year, which continue to be popular with our attendees. Some student travel support was provided through industrial sponsorship funds.

The general feedback on the conference was very positive. The technical content of the conference was very strong. The hotel was very nice, though a bit expensive for some. The meeting facilities and quality of the food were excellent. There were transient problems with A/V and wireless Internet

connectivity, but overall these were good. The banquet was held off-site at Cutters near Pike Place Market. Attendees liked the outing, and it also saved the conference money on hotel F&B. Conference Web site was hosted on the ACM server, and managed by Adam Wierman (CalTech) as Web master.

Two papers received awards at the conference. The Best Paper award was presented to the authors of "The Age of Gossip: Spatial Mean Field Regime". The Kenneth C. Sevcik Oustanding Student Paper Award went to the paper on "Network Adiabatic Theorem: An Efficient Randomized Protocol for Contention Resolution".
The ACM SIGMETRICS 2010 conference will take place at Columbia University in New York in mid-June 2010. The General Chair is Vishal Misra (Columbia University). The Program Chairs are Paul Barford (University of Wisconsin) and Mark Squillante (IBM Research). An initial CFP was distributed

at SIGMETRICS/Performance 2009. The Web site will be launched soon. The organizers are very proactive and energetic, so we expect a very successful event next year.

The SIGMETRICS 2011 conference will be part of ACM's Federated Computing Research Conference (FCRC) in San Jose, California, in June 2011.
Our SIG is now doing co-sponsorship or in cooperation status with several other conferences. Co-sponsorship occurs regularly for ACM SenSys (10%) and WOSP (50%). In cooperation was approved for IMC (Internet Measurement Conference), as well as SimuTools and ValueTools on a trial basis.

We look forward to strengthening these partnerships in future years. Other possible partnerships include QEST and MASCOTS.

New Initiatives


Our SIG has many items on the go at the time of this writing. A few of these are detailed below.
The SIGMETRICS Web site ( received a dramatic overhaul this past year,

with the new version launched in January 2009. The site now provides a single source for SIG info, news, awards, and conference links. The Web masters are Adam Wierman and Sydney Garstang from CalTech.

We created a new SIG "Test of Time" award to honour influential SIGMETRICS papers from the past. The award received approval from ACM in May 2009. The first set of awards will be presented at the SIGMETRICS 2010 conference to honour up to 3 papers from the first 25+ years of SIGMETRICS.

Starting in 2011, one award will be presented per year to honour a paper from 10-12 years earlier. Philippe Nain (INRIA) has agreed to chair the initial award selection committee.

Our SIG is an approved ``nominator'' for possible papers to appear in the Research Highlights section of the new CACM. This is an opportunity to showcase top-quality SIGMETRICS work to a much broader audience. One of our nominated papers, ``Modeling the Relative Fitness of Storage'' from SIGMETRICS 2007, was featured in the April 2009 issue of CACM. We are always on the outlook for more papers suitable for nomination.
Our official SIG newsletter is ACM Performance Evaluation Review (PER). Our former editor, Evgenia Smirni, stepped down from her position this year, following 6 years of noble service. We have selected Leana Golubchik (USC) as the new editor, starting in July 2009. She has some exciting new ideas to

revitalize PER and increase its value as a SIG benefit.

SIGMETRICS is working on a proposal for a new transactions-style journal, tentatively called ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation (ToMPE). An initial proposal was submitted to the ACM Publications Board, and the feedback from ACM and several closely-related SIGs is being incorporated into the next version of the submission. We hope to have the journal approved

before next year's conference (SIGMETRICS 2010).

With assistance from ACM HQ, and our members, we are compiling a history of SIGMETRICS and its conference series over the past 35 years. This information will appear on the SIGMETRICS Web site in summer 2009. We also hope to celebrate the SIG history at the SIGMETRICS 2010 conference when the Test of Time awards are launched.
As with most ACM SIGs, the number of SIGMETRICS members has been slowly declining over the years, and currently stands at 505 members. As a remedial measure, we have offered complementary one-year SIG memberships to students attending their first SIGMETRICS conference. Also, in a recent cleanup of the SIGMETRICS members mailing list, we compiled a list of (former) members for whom SIG membership has lapsed or email addresses are obsolete. We are considering using this data for

either a membership drive, or a survey as to why they have left the SIG.

Issues and Challenges


The economy was a challenge for everyone this past year, including our SIG. The conference organizers felt the pinch in two ways, both in reduced attendance, and in reduced industrial sponsorship. Nonetheless, the conference was close to break-even financially, and the technical and social aspects were very strong. The people that attended the event certainly received good value.
The traditional challenges for our SIG are visibility and membership. We have addressed visibility with a revamped Web site, and a broader range of partnerships with other conferences, with appropriate quality control, of course. Regarding membership, we have studied our database and mailing lists more closely, and have some possible targeted marketing strategies to encourage former members to rejoin, or at least tell us why they have let their memberships lapse. We also hope that the proposed journal, the new Test of Time awards, and the planned SIG history event will help rekindle SIG interest from some of our former members. We anticipate a growth in our membership base in the year ahead as these plans move into action.


July 2008- June 2009

Submitted by: Erik Altman, Chair
The following are highlights of SIGMICRO's activities during fiscal year 2009.

SIGMICRO has worked to ensure the success of our flagship MICRO conference, which celebrated its 41st anniversary last year in the lovely surroundings of Lake Como, Italy. SIGMICRO has also helped start and support several other major conferences since 2001: CASES, CGO, and Computing Frontiers. All are doing well as reported below. As also reported below, we have a strong program to encourage student attendance at our conferences, with numerous travel grants provided to help defray cost of attendance, in addition to heavily discounted student registration rates. We have also relaunched our Newsletter and have begun an ambitious history project.
MICRO-41: December 8-12, 2008

SIGMICRO's flagship conference was successful with turnout of 197 people, smooth operation, an attractive venue, and numerous interesting technical talks, keynotes, workshops, and tutorials. In all, 40 papers were accepted from a near record total of 210 submissions, an increase of more than 25% over the previous year. There were also 5 workshops and 11 tutorials --large increases over the previous year.

Location: Lake Como, Italy

Outings: Lake Como Tour and Reception. Lake Como boat tour.

General Co-Chairs: Antonio Gonzalez, Intel and UPC, and Cristina Silvano, Politecnico di Milano Program Co-Chairs: Paolo Faraboschi, HP Labs and Steve Keckler, UT-Austin

Keynotes: Charles R. Moore (AMD), David E. Shaw (D.E. Shaw Research and Columbian University)

11 Tutorials:

  • • Programming Throughput-Oriented Architectures with Ct

  • • On-Chip Communication Architectures: Busses, Networks-on-Chip and Beyond

  • • Coherence and Memory Consistency Models

  • • VLIW Compilation Environment and Multi-Processor Architecture of Diopsis

  • • COTSon: Infrastructure for System-Level Simulation

  • • Design Variability: Trends, Models, and Design Solutions

  • • Performance Tools for Understanding the Behavior of Running Programs on the Cell B.E

  • • Modeling, Verification and Mapping of Applications on WSN Architectures

  • • Microprocessor Memory Array Circuits for Architects

  • • Changing Factors in Memory System Design

  • • CAD Solutions for System-Level Power Optimization

5 Workshops:

  • • dasCMP: Workshop on Design, Architecture and Simulation of Chip Multi-Processors

  • • Streaming Systems: From Web and Enterprise to Multicore

  • • New Frontiers in High-performance and Hardware-aware Computing (HipHac)

  • • 3rd Workshop on Dependable Architecture (WDA-3)

  • • Network on Chip Architectures (NoCArc)

Best Paper Award:

"Data Access Partitioning for Fine-grain Parallelism on Multicore Architectures"

Michael Chu, University of Michigan Rajiv Ravindran, Hewlett Packard Scott Mahlke, University of Michigan

"From Soda to Scotch: The Evolution of a Wireless Baseband Processor"

Mark Woh (University of Michigan at Ann Arbor)

Yuan Lin (University of Michigan at Ann Arbor)
Sangwon Seo (University of Michigan at Ann Arbor)
Scott Mahlke (University of Michigan at Ann Arbor)
Trevor Mudge (University of Michigan at Ann Arbor)
Chaitali Chakrabarti (Arizona State University)
Richard Bruce (ARM Ltd.)
Danny Kershaw (ARM Ltd.)
Alastair Reid (ARM Ltd.)
Mladen Wilder (ARM Ltd.)
Krisztian Flautner (ARM Ltd.)

Best Student Presentation Award:

Katherine E. Coons, UT-Austin, for

"Strategies for Mapping Data Flow Blocks to Distributed Hardware"

Venkatraman Govindaraju, Wisconsin, for

"Toward A Multicore Architecture for Real-time Ray-Tracing"

Student travel: $4915 donated by SIGMICRO.
CGO 2009: March 22 -25, 2009

Also Co-Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN.

CGO [Code Generation and Optimization] continued to attract high quality papers and sessions at its 7th annual conference. Submissions increased to 70 from 66 the previous year, of which 26 papers were accepted. In addition, CGO 2008 featured three keynotes, a panel, and numerous workshops and tutorials. After being held in the Bay area in 2007 and Boston in 2008, CGO was held in Seattle.

Location: Seattle Waterfront Marriott Hotel. Seattle, Washington

General Chair: Ali-Reza Adl-Tabatabai, Intel and David Tarditi, Microsoft Program Chair: Mary Hall, University of Utah

Keynotes: Joel Emer, (Intel) Vikram Adve (UIUC)

1 Tutorial:

• SSA-RA: SSA-Based Register Allocation

4 Workshops:

  • • EPHAM Workshop on Exploiting Parallelism using GPUs and other Hardware-Assisted Methods

  • • ODES 7th Workshop on Optimizations for DSP and Embedded

  • • OPEN64 2nd Annual Workshop on Open64

  • • WISH Workshop on Infrastructures for Software/Hardware co-design

Best Paper Award:

"Revisiting Out-of-SSA Translation for Correctness, Code Quality, and Efficiency"

Benoit Boissinot, Alain Darte, Benoit Dupont de Dinechin, Christophe Guillon, and Fabrice Rastello

Best Student Presentation Award:

"Automatic Feature Generation for Compilers for Machine Learning Based Optimizing Compilation"

Hugh Leather, Edwin Bonilla, and Michael O'Boyle

"Optiscope: Performance Accountability for Optimizing Compilers"

Tipp Moseley, Dirk Grunwald, and Ramesh Peri

Student travel: $1000 in grants from SIGMICRO.
CASES 2008: October 19-24, 2008

Also in Cooperation with ACM SIGBED

CASES [Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems] joined two other embedded systems conferences in 2006 to create a larger "ESWeek" grouping and promote cross-fertilization of efforts in the embedded area. The combination of conferences was a success, and ESWeek was has been repeated since, with the 2008 version in Atlanta, Georgia. In all, 64 submissions were received, of which 27 were accepted.

Location: Atlanta, Georgia

One of 3 Conferences in Embedded Systems Week:


  • • CODES+ISSS (Co-sponsored by ACM SIGDA and SIGBED)

  • • EMSOFT (Sponsored by ACM SIGBED)

  • General Co-Chairs: Christoph Kirsch, Salzburg and Nikhil Dutt, UC-Irvine

  • Program Chair: Erik Altman, IBM

  • Keynotes: Bill Athas, Apple

  • Margaret Martonosi, Princeton

1 Workshop:

• 4th Compiler Assisted SoC Assembly Workshop (CASA08)

1 Tutorial:

• SSA-Based Register Allocation

Best Paper Award:

"Control Flow Optimization in Loops Using Interval Analysis"

Mohammad Ali Ghodrat, Tony Givargis, and Alex Nicolau

Computing Frontiers 2009: May 18 -20, 2009

Computing Frontiers continued to attract high quality papers on futuristic ideas on the frontier of computing. 113 abstracts were received which resulted in 71 submissions, of which 26 were accepted. Computing Frontiers continued to locate in its traditional venue: the lovely island of Ischia, near Naples, Italy.

Location: Hotel Continental Terme, Ischia, Italy

General Co-Chairs: Gerry Johnson, Colorado State University Carsten Trinitis, TU München

Program Co-Chairs: Georgi N. Gaydadjiev, TU Delft Alex Veidenbaum, UC-Berkeley

Keynotes: Roger Espasa, Intel Michael Shebanow, nVidia

Panel: Compiler Technologies for Current and Future Computer Systems Organizers: Almadena Chtchelkanova and Alex Nicolau Participants: Keshav Pingali, Gianfranco Bilardi, Barbara Chapman, and Albert Cohen

3 Workshops:

  • • DaGreS'09

  • • CompBio 2009

  • • CHP-MAW 2009

Student travel: $2400 in grants
We are working to improve the value of SIGMICRO to its members:

• We have revived the SIGMICRO Newsletter to provide timely news, blogs, education and other material for the SIGMICRO community. Russ Joseph of Northwestern is the editor.

• We are working to capture SIGMICRO history, via an oral history project under the auspices of the larger ACM oral history project. Yan Solihin of North Carolina State is leading this effort, and has begun his work with the first person to be interviewed. These oral histories will be available to SIGMICRO members via the Digital Library. The first set of interviews for the oral history have been completed and are currently being transcribed and summarized.

    1. We are also exploring other ways to add value:

• Providing simplified mechanism for ACM and SIGMICRO membership when registering for our flagship MICRO Conference.

• Encouraging qualified members of SIGMICRO to become Senior and Distinguished ACM Members.

• Providing a discount on SIGMICRO membership for members of other SIGs. Joint membership helps encourage cross-pollination of ideas and areas, which often leads to productive results.

• Minimizing conflicts between conferences dates.


The leadership of SIGMICRO is relatively stable. The one change is our new Secretary-Treasurer

Milos Prvulovic, who has been doing an excellent job since assuming the position in November

Chair: Erik Altman (IBM)

Vice-Chair Lizy John (University of Texas, Austin)
Secretary-Treasurer: Milos Prvulovic (Georgia Technological University)
Members-at-Large: Jim Dehnert (Google)

David Kaeli (Northeastern University)

Sally McKee (Cornell University)

SIGMIS FY’09Annual Report

July 2008- June 2009

Submitted by: Janice C. Sipior, Chair
Mission and Overview
SIGMIS is the Special Interest Group on Management Information Systems of the ACM. Members of SIGMIS are interested in information systems and technologies for management and the management of these systems and technologies. SIGMIS was founded in 1961 as the Special Interest Group on Business Data Processing and later was known as the Special Interest Group on Business Information Technology. Today, SIGMIS has about 600 members throughout the world. SIGMIS publishes The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems (Data Base, for short) and holds the annual SIGMIS CPR conference dedicated to computer personnel research. SIGMIS also participates in the annual International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) and the annual International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) TC8 committee, as well as other conferences. SIGMIS promotes student achievement, is a cofounder of ISWorld Net, and partners with other organizations to provide services to members and to the profession.

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