Soc 316: community research seminar

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Rob Rosenthal Extension 2943

Spring 2010 PAC 204

Tu & Th 1:10-2:30 Office Hours: Wednesday 9:00-11:30

CCP Conference Room and by appointment

TA: Lexi Sturdy,

0: TH 1/21 Business and beginnings

1: TU 1/26 An introduction to service learning and community research

ALL: Dewey, “Experience and thinking”

Saltmarsh, “Education for critical citizenship”

Howard, “Community service learning in the curriculum”

Berte & O’Neil, “Old and new models of academic service”

Nyden et al, “University-Community collaborative research”

*Park, “What is participatory research?”

Strand et al, “Principles of best practice for community-based research”

Bringle & Hatcher, “Reflection in service-learning”

de Acosta, “Journal writing in service-learning”

Fish, “Why we built the Ivory Tower”

AFWP: AFWP Proposal

AFWP web site:

FSCC: FSCC proposal

FSCC, “Meeting minutes”

MARC: MARC proposal

MARC, “Community resources”

MARC, “Saturday for Kids packet”

RVS: RVS proposal

RVS website:

2: TH 1/28 Service learning and community research, continued

(First AMT meeting between 1/29 and 2/5)

ALL: Stoeker, “The imperfect practice of collaborative research”

Stoeker, “Are academics irrelevant?”

Horton, “The Appalachian land ownership study”

Hondagneu-Sotelo & Raskoff, “Community service-learning”

Brodsky, “More than epistemology”

Illich, “To hell with good intentions”

Cruz, “A challenge to the notion of service”

Heaney, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em”

Reardon, “Participatory Action Research and real community...”

*Gaventa, “The powerful, the powerless, and the experts”

Ramsay, “Establishing agency relationships”

Ramsay, “Cultivating agency allies”

Weinberg, “Negotiating community-based research” (continued, next page)

* Available only in hard copy at Olin and CCP reserves

SOC 316, Spring 2010 Page 2
AFWP: Noel-Levitz, “Why did they enroll?”

FSCC: City of Middletown, “Fire department packet”

MARC: ARCH, “Respite for children with disabilities…”

NICHCY, “Respite care”

Wikipedia, “Respite care”

RVS: Henry & Lucca, “Facilitators and barriers to employment”

Corrigan & Watson, “Understanding the impact of stigma…”
3: TU 2/2 Methodologies

ALL: Babbie, “The logic of sampling”

Sommer & Sommer, “The questionnaire”

Sjoberg et al, “The case study approach in social research”

Fontana & Frey, “Interviewing”

Weiss, Learning from Strangers, chapters 3-4

Mullings, “Insider or outsider, both or neither”

Kim, “Pollsters beginning to count cell users”

AFWP: Powell & D’Angelo, “Guide to improving parenting education…”

Askov, “Family literacy: A research agenda to build the future”

FSCC: Westfield Fire District, “Westfield fire department packet”

South Fire District, “South fire department packet”

MARC: Parent to Parent of Georgia, “Respite care”

Child Welfare Information Gateway, “Respite care services for families…”

Green, “Care for the caregivers”

RVS: Coo, “Employment barriers for persons with psychiatric disabilities”

Stuart, “Employment equity and mental disability.”

Stuart, “Mental illness and employment discrimination.”
4: TH 2/4 Ethics, AMTs, and last thoughts about theories of community research

(Second AMT meeting between 2/5 and 2/12)

ALL: Skim the methodology section of three previous CRS reports

Cloke et al, “Ethics, reflexivity and research”

Babbie, “The ethics and politics of social research”

Doyle, “The big issue”

Polanyi & Cockburn, “Opportunities and pitfalls of community…”

Willis et al, “The undergraduate perspective on community-based…”

(continued, next page)

SOC 316, Spring 2010 Page 3

AFWP: Hill & Winston, “Low-income students and highly selective private colleges”

Winston, Hill & Zimmerman, “A note on how well available income…”

FSCC: OLR, “OLR research report packet 1”

MARC: ARCH, Crisis respite: Evalutating outcomes for children and families...”

RVS: Hand & Tryssenaar, “Small business employers' views…”

Mizzoni & Kirsh, “Employer perspectives on supervising individuals…”

Henry & Lucca, “Facilitators and barriers to employment”

Henry & Lucca, “Contextual factors and participation in employment…”

5: TU 2/9 Group Reports: AFWP & FSCC

AFWP: Hill & Winston, "Access: Net Prices, Affordability, and Equity…”

Rowan-Kenyon, “Predictors of delayed college enrollment…”

FSCC: OLR, “OLR research report packet 2”

City of Middletown, “Grand list”

State of Connecticut, “Title 7, Chapters 104 & 105”

MARC: Connecticut Lifespan Respite Coalition, “Get creative about respite…”

King, “Respite for parents of special needs children”

Alabama Lifespan Respite Resource Network, “Starting respite programs”

RVS: Marwaha & Johnson, “Views and experiences of employment among…”

Stip, Caron & Mancini-Marïe, “General population and attitudes…”

Crowther et al, “Helping people with severe mental illness to obtain work”

Mental Health Commission, “Achieving the promise”

SOC 316, Spring 2010 Page 4

6: TH 2/11 Group Reports: MARC & RVS

AFWP: Winston & Hill, “Access to the most selective private colleges by…”

Hill, Winston &Boyd, "Affordability: Family incomes and net prices…”

Winston, "Toward a theory of tuition”

FSCC: Flaherty, “An analysis of PILOT”

Greiman, “Connecticut’s payment-in-lieu-of taxes program”

Lowery, “Government spending and efficiency”

Brudney & Duncombe, “An economic evaluation of paid, volunteer…”

MARC: Abelson, “Respite care needs of parents of children with…”

Chan & Sigafoos, “Does respite care reduce parental stress…”

RVS: Bassett et al, “Work issues for young people with psychosis”

Gold & Marrone, “Mass Bay employment services…”

Norman et al, “The role of perceived norms in the stigmatization …”

Diksa & Rogers, “Employer concerns about hiring persons with…”

Corrigan, Larson & Kuwabara, “Mental illness stigma…”

7: TU 2/16 Exchange of field notes

AFWP: Zimmerman, Rosenblum & Hillman, "Institutional ethos, peers…”

Center for Student Opportunity web site

(continued, next page)

SOC 316, Spring 2010 Page 5

RVS: Markowitz, “The effects of stigma on the psychological well-being…”

MARC: Cotterill et al, "Reviewing respite services”

Folden & Coffman, “Respite care for families of children with disabilities”

8: TH 2/18 Group Meeting 1 (1:10-1:50): AFWP

Group Meeting 2 (1:50-2:30): FSCC

Group-generated readings due

AFWP: Mathtech, “Factors related to college enrollment”

Fry, “College enrollment hits all-time high”

MARC: Hoare et al, “A community survey of children with severe intellectual…”

Minkes et al, “Consulting the children”

9: TU2/23 Group Meeting 1 (1:10-1:50): MARC

Group Meeting 2 (1:50-2:30): RVS

ALL: Milliken et al, "Diversity and creativity in work groups"

Nijstad & Paulus, "Group creativity"

Sandelin, "Basics of consensus"

Reminder: Today’s field notes are to be on “Group Process”
10: TH 2/25 Group Process discussion

AFWP: McPherson & Schapiro, Does student aid affect college enrollment?”, “Falling home ownership, equity, affect college enrollment”
11: TU 3/2 Group Reports: AFWP & FSCC

AFWP: Harding, “Cultural heterogeneity, college goals, and college enrollment…”
12: TH 3/4 Group Reports: MARC & RVS


BREAK: Saturday, March 6--Sunday, March 21

SOC 316, Spring 2010 Page 6

13: TU 3/23 Writing a report 1

(update AMT with community partner this week)

No field notes due today

ALL: Babbie, “The research report”

Skim at least three past CRS reports you didn’t look at for class 4

14: TH 3/25 Lesson in SPSS

ALL: review Babbie, “The logic of sampling”

Field, Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, chapters 1-3

(chapter 3 only available at CCP)

SPSS tutorial (accessed through SPSS program on PCs at PAC lab)

15: TU 3/30 Group Reports: AFWP & FSCC


16: TH 4/1 Group Reports: MARC & RVS
17: TU 4/6 Group Meeting 1: FSCC

Group Meeting 2: AFWP

18: TH 4/8 Group Meeting 1: RVS

Group Meeting 2: MARC

19: TU 4/13 Writing a Report 2


ALL: Pestello et al, “Community and the practice of sociology”

Markus et al, “Integrating community service and classroom...”

Finn & Vanourek, “Charity begins at school”
20: TH 4/15 Group Reports: AFWP & FSCC

ALL: Fisk, “The science of education”

Horton & Freire, “Editors’ introduction”

21: TU 4/20 Group Reports: RVS & MARC

ALL: Horton & Freire, “Ideas”

Boyte & Farr, “The work of citizenship and the problem…”

Rosenthal, “Dilemmas of local antihomelessness movements”
22: TH 4/22 Reflection

ALL: Eyler & Giles, “Where’s the Learning in Service-Learning? excerpt”

SOC 316, Spring 2010 Page 7



23: TU 4/27 Discussion of AFWP and FSCC drafts

ALL: AFWP draft report

FSCC draft report

Bring written comments on each to be turned in to that group after class.
24: TH 4/29 Discussion of MARC and RVS drafts

ALL: MARC draft report

RVS draft report

Bring written comments on each to be turned in to that group after class.
Friday, 4/30: Corrected first draft of AFWP, FSCC to RR
Monday, 5/3: Corrected first draft of MARC, RVS to RR

AFWP, FSCC first drafts returned, corrected,

given to community partner
25: TU 5/4 Final Discussions
Wednesday, 5/5: MARC, RVS first drafts returned, corrected,

given to community partner
Friday, 5/14: FINAL REPORT DUE

SOC 316, Spring 2010 Page 8

Assignments and Evaluation

1. Group work:

a. An Agreement on Methodology and Timeline (AMT), due Thursday, 2/11;

b. Additional group-generated readings for the project, due Thursday 2/18;

c. An updated AMT, due Tuesday, 3/30;

d. A methodology section, due Tuesday, 4/6;

e A literature review, due Thursday, 4/8;

f. An outline of your report, due Tuesday, 4/13;

g. A first draft of your group report, due Friday, 4/23 (AFWP, FSCC) or Monday 4/26 (MARC, RVS), 10% of grade;

g. The final report, due Friday, 5/14, 30% of grade.

2. Individual work:

a. Field notes/journal entries and Journal Summaries: You are expected to make field notes (called “journal entries” in some of the readings) each time you do any kind of work related to the course: readings, meetings, primary research, thinking about the issues, etc. We will discuss the finer points of field notes and journal writing in class.

A copy of your notes from the week will be handed in every Tuesday beginning February 2 (except as noted on the syllabus). Please type these; you may want to keep a copy for yourself (though they will generally be returned the following class).

You will exchange your field notes of the week with other members of the class on February 16 (so, on the day only, don’t write anything you don’t want others to read).

Your February 23 entry must be an analysis of group process within your group; these will serve as the basis for our discussions on February 25 (but anything you write will be confidential; unlike the February 16th exchange of notes, only I will see these).

Field notes form the basis for your Journal Summaries. Journal Summaries are 5-8 page papers in which you look back at your field notes and analyze the major issues in light of the literature we’ve read on Community Research. They will be handed in twice: Friday, 3/5, and Friday, 5/7. Each will count for 15% of your grade.

Journal summary 2 must include a section in which you discuss the social roots of the issue, problem, or situation your group has investigated, and how your group work affects (or doesn’t affect) those roots. You may find Eyler & Giles’ discussion of the “What?/So What?/Now What?” progression helpful here.
b. A self-evaluation of your work, 10% of grade;
c. Peer evaluation, 20% of grade.

SOC 316, Spring 2010 Page 9

Th 1/28 – Th 2/4 First AMT meeting with community partner

Th 2/4 – Th 2/11 Second AMT meeting with community partner

Th 2/11 AMT due

[Th 2/11 – T 2/16 Third AMT meeting with community partner if necessary]

Th 2/18 Group-generated reading list due

M 2/22 - F 2/26 Individual meetings with RR

Pre-test instrument

Begin data collection

F 3/5 Journal Summary 1 due

Sa 3/6 - Su 3/21 Break

M 3/22 - F 3/26 Update AMT with community partner

Tu 3/30 Updated AMT due

Tu 4/6 Methodology section due

Th 4/8 Literature review due

Tu 4/13 Outline due
F 4/23, 2PM First draft AFWP, FSCC due

M 4/26, 2PM First draft MARC, RVS due

Tu 4/27 Bring written comments re AFWP and FSCC drafts

Th 4/29 Bring written comments re MARC and RVS drafts

Tu 4/27 – F 4/30 Meet with RR and AE to discuss draft
F 4/30 AFWP, FSCC corrected first draft to RR

M 5/3 AFWP, FSCC returned; correct, give to community partner

M 5/3 MARC, RVS corrected first draft to RR

W 5/5 MARC, RVS returned; correct, give to community partner

Th 5/6 – M 5/10 Meet with community partner to discuss first draft
F 5/7 Journal Summary 2 due
M 5/10 – F 5/14 Public presentations (if community partner wants)
F 5/14 Final Report due

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