Ss 2007 Mi 10-12, E6 hs: Crime Fiction Bibliography Please note

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Prof. Dr. R. Borgmeier

SS 2007

Mi 10-12, E6

HS: Crime Fiction


Please note: If in the following bibliography there is no explicit mentioning of where an article or a certain book is located they are available in the university or departmental library and can be found in the OPAC. The folder is in Room 339.

I. General Works on the Crime Novel 1
II. Texts 7

1. Edgar Allan Poe, The Murders in the Rue Morgue (1841) 7

2. Arthur Conan Doyle, The Speckled Band (1892) 10

3. Agatha Christie, The Mysterious Affair at Styles (1920) 12

4. Dorothy Sayers, Murder Must Advertise (1933) 13

5. Dashiell Hammett, The Maltese Falcon (1929) 15

6. Raymond Chandler, The High Window (1943) 17

7. Patricia Highsmith, The Talented Mr. Ripley (1955) 20

8. P. D. James, A Taste for Death (1986) 21

9. Elizabeth George, A Great Deliverance (1989) 22

10. Barbara Vine / Ruth Rendell, Gallowglass (1990) 22

11. Sara Paretsky, Guardian Angel (1992) 23

12. Minette Walters, The Devil’s Feather (2005)

I. General Works on the Crime Novel
Albert, Walter. "Murder Once Removed: A Continuing Supplement to Detective and Mystery Fiction". Armchair Detective: A Quaterley Journal Devoted to the Appreciation of Mystery, Detective, and Suspense Fiction 20,3 ;4 (1987), 279-292; 386-398.

Arnold, Armin & Josef Schmidt (eds.). Reclams Kriminalromanführer. Stuttgart: Reclam, 1978.

Atkins, John. The British Spy Novel. Styles in Treachery. London: Calder, 1984.
Auden, Wystan Hugh. "The Guilty Vicarage: Notes on the Detective Story, by an Addict". The Dyer's Hand and Other Essays. London, 1962. 146-158.
Baker, Robert A. & Michael T. Nietzel & Bill Pronzini. Private Eyes: One Hundred and One Knights: A Survey of American Detective Fiction, 1922-1984.
Bakerman, Jane S. (ed.). And Then There Were Nine...More Women of Mystery. Bowling Green: Popular, 1985.
Bargainnier, Earl F. (ed.). Ten Women of Mystery. Ohio: Bowling Green State Univ. Popular Press, 1981.
Bargainnier, Earl F. (ed.). Twelve Englishmen of Mystery. Ohio: Bowling Green U Popular P, 1984.
Bargainnier, Earl F. (ed.). Comic Crime. Bowling Green: Popular, 1987.
Barnes, Melvyn. Best Detective Fiction. A Guide from Godwin to the Present. London: Clive Bingley, 1975.
Becker, Jens- Peter. Der englische Spionageroman. Historische Entwicklung, Thematik, literarische Form. München: Goldmann, 1973.
Becker, Jens-Peter. Sherlock Holmes & Co. Essays zur englischen und amerikanischen Detektivliteratur. München: Goldmann, 1975.
Bell, Ian. "Looking for Clues: Crime and the Critics". The New Welsh Review 2,1 (1989), 10-13.

Bensen, D. R. "The Education of a Mystery Writer". Lucy Freeman (ed.). The Murder Mystique: Crime Writers on Their Art. New York: Ungar, 1982.

Benstock, Bernard (ed.). Essays on Detective Fiction. London: Macmillan, 1983.
Benstock, Bernard (ed.). Art in Crime Writing: Essays on Detective Fiction. New York: St. Martin's, 1983.
Binyon, T.J. 'Murder Will Out'- The Detective in Fiction. Oxford: OUP, 1989.
Boileau, Pierre & Thomas Narcejac. Der Detektivroman. Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1964.

Brodersen, Kai. Crimina: die Antike im modernen Kriminalroman. Frankfurt / Main: Verlag Antike, 2004.

Broich, Ulrich. "Der entfesselte Detektivroman". Gattungen des modernen englischen Romans. Wiesbaden: Athenaion, 1975. 17-56.
Broich, Ulrich. "Die Detektivliteratur." Anglistik & Englischunterricht 6 (1978): 145-154.
Buchloh, Paul G. & Jens-Peter Becker (eds.). Der Detektiverzählung auf der Spur: Essays zur Form und Wertung der englischen Detektivliteratur. Darmstadt: Wiss. Buchgesellschaft, 1977.
Buchloh, Paul G. Der Detektivroman. Studien zur Geschichte und Form der englischen und amerikanischen Detektivliteratur. Darmstadt: Wiss. Buchgesellschaft, 1973.
Carr, Helen (ed.). From My Guy to Science-Fiction: Genre and Women's Writing in the Postmodern World. London: Pandora, 1989.
Cawelti, John G. Adventure, Mystery & Romance: Formula Stories as Art and Popular Culture. Chicago UP, 1976.
Conrad, Horst. Die literarische Angst. Das Schreckliche in Schauerromantik und Detektivgeschichte. Düsseldorf: Bertelsmann, 1974.
Craig, Patricia. "Crime in Paperback". London Times Literary Supplement Oct. 29 (1982), 4152, 1197.
Craig, Patricia & Mary Cadogan. The Lady Investigates: Women Detectives and Spies in Fiction. London: Gollancz, 1981.
Deeck, William F. "Fictional Fiction". Armchair Detective: A Quaterley Journal Devoted to the Appreciation of Mystery, Detective, and Suspense Fiction 20,2 (1987), 148-150.

Deitmer, Sabine. "Der Detektivroman und sein literarischer Wert. Versuch zur Neubewertung einer Gattung". Anglistik und Englischunterricht 2 (1977), 27-42.

Denning, Michael. Cover Stories: Narrative and Ideology in the British Spy Thriller. London (u.a.): Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1987.
Depken, Friedrich. Sherlock Holmes, Raffles und ihre Vorbilder: Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte und Technik der Kriminalerzählung. Amsterdam: Swets & Zeitlinger , 1967.
Docherty, Brian. American Crime Fiction. New York: St. Martins Press, 1988.
Dunker, Michael. Beeinflussung und Steuerung des Lesers in der englischsprachigen Detektiv- und Kriminalliteratur. Frankfurt (u.a.): Lang, 1991.
Eames, Hugh. Sleuths, Inc. Studies of Problem Solvers Doyle, Simenon, Hammett, Amber, Chandler. Philadelphia, 1978.
Egloff, Gerd. Detektivroman und englisches Bürgertum. Konstruktionsschema und Gesellschaftsbild bei Agatha Christie. Düsseldorf: Bertelsmann Universitätsverlag, 1974.

Finckh, Eckhard. Theorie des Kriminalromans. Stuttgart: Reclam, 1974.

Finke, Beatrix. Erzählsituationen und Figurenperspektiven im Detektivroman. Amsterdam: Grüner, 1983.
Fullbrook, Kate. Free Women: Ethics and Aesthetics in Twentieth-Century Women's Fiction. New York (u.a.): Haarvester Wheatsheaf, 1990.
Goette, Jürgen-Wolfgang. Der Kriminalroman: Texte zur Theorie und Kritik. Frankfurt (u.a.): Diesterweg, 1980.
Grossvogel, D. I. Mystery and its Fictions. Baltimore: John Hopkins UP, 1979.
Hagen, Odean A. Who Done It. A Guide to Detective, Mystery and Suspense Fiction. New York: Bowker, 1969.
Hamilton, Cynthia S. Western and Hard Boiled Detective Fiction in America: From High Noon to Midnight. Houndmills, Basingstoke (u.a.): Macmillan, 1987.
Harper, Ralph. The World of the Thriller. Baltimore: John Hopkins Press, 1974.
Haycraft, Howard. Murder for Pleasure. The Life and Times of the Detective Story. New York: Bildo and Tannen, 1974.
Haycraft, Howard (ed.). The Art of the Mystery Story: A Collection of Critical Essays. New York: Biblo and Tannen, 1976.
Henderson, Lesley (ed.). Twentieth-Century Crime and Mystery Writers. Chicago: St. James P, 1991.
Hilfer, Tony. The Crime Novel: A Deviant Genre. Austin: U of Texas P, 1990.
Kayman, Martin A. From Bow Street to Baker Street: Mystery, Detection and Narrative. Basingstoke (u.a.): Macmillan, 1992.
Keating, H. R. F. (ed.). Crime Writers. Reflections on Crime Fiction by Reginald Hill (u.a.). London: British Broadcasting Corp., 1977.
Keating, H. R. F. "A Case for Crime". The New Welsh Review 2,1 (1989), 14-15.
Krieg, Alexandra. Auf Spurensuche: der Kriminalroman und seine Entwicklung von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Marburg: Tectum-Verlag, 2002.
La Cour, Tage. The Murder Book. An Illustrated History of the Detective Story. London: Allen & Unwin, 1971.
Lange, Günter. "Zur Didaktik des Kriminalromans". Wirkendes Wort: Deutsche Sprache in Forschung und Lehre 27 (1977), 269-282.
Madden, David (ed.). Tough Guy Writers of the Thirties. Carbondale, 1968.
Marsch, Edgar. Die Kriminalerzählung. Theorie - Geschichte - Analyse. München: Winkler, 1972.
Masters, Anthony. Literary Agents: the Novelist as Spy. Oxford (u.a.). Blackwell, 1987.

May, Charles E. "From Small Beginnings: Why Did Detective Fiction Make its Debut in the Short Story Format?". Armchair Detective: A Quaterley Journal Devoted to the Appreciation of Mystery, Detective, and Suspense Fiction 20,1 (1987), 77-81.

Mead, David G. "Signs of Crime: Aspects of Structure in Science Fiction Detective Stories". Extrapolation: A Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy 28,2 (1987), 140-147.

Merry, Bruce. Anatomy of the Spy Thriller. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 1977.

Messent, Peter B. Criminal Proceedings: the contemporary American crime novel. London: Pluto Press, 1997.
Most, Glenn W. & William W. Stowe (eds.). The Poetics of Murder: Detective Fiction and Literary Theory. New York (u.a.): Harcourt Brace Jovanovick, 1983.
Murde, A. E. The Development of the Detective Novel. London: Peter Owen, 1968.
Nusser, Peter. Der Kriminalroman. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1980.
Ogdon, Bethany. "Hard-Boiled Ideology". Critical Quaterly 34,1 (1992), 71-87.
Ousby, Ian. Bloodhounds of Heaven: The Detective in English Fiction from Godwin to Doyle. Cambridge, Mass. & London, 1976.
Ostrowski, Witold. "Historical Sources of the Poetics of the Crime Novel and Detective Short-Story". Zagadnienia Rodzajow Literackich 25,2 (1982): 5-19.
Palmer, Jerry. Thrillers: Genesis and Structure of a Popular Genre. London: Arnold, 1978.

Panek, Leroy Lad. Walteau's Shepherds. The Detective Novel in Britain. Bowling Green : Popular, 1979.

Panek, Leroy Lad. An Introduction to the Detective Story. Bowling Green: Popular, 1987.

Panek, Leroy Lad. Probable Cause: Crime Fiction in America. Bowling Green: Popular, 1990.

Peterson, Marie und Ragnar Stromberg. "Breaking with Tradition: A Discussion of the New Aims of the Detective Novel. " In: Swedish Book Review, Wales, 1997, 1, 32-35.
Plowden, Philip. "Crime Writing , American Style". The New Welsh Review 2,1 (1989), 21-23.

Porter, Dennis. The Pursuit of Crime. Art and Ideology in Detective Fiction. New Haven: Yale UP, 1981.

Priestmann, Martin. Detective Fiction and Literature: The Figure on the Carpet. Basingstoke, Hampshire (u.a.): Macmillan, 1990.
Pykett, Lyn. "Seizing the Crime: Recent Women's Crime Fiction". The New Welsh Review 2,1 (1989), 24-27.
Rader, Barbara A. & Howard G. Zettler (eds.). The Sleuth and the Scholar: Origins, Evolution and Current Trends in Detective Fiction. New York (u.a.): Greenwood Press, 1988.

Reddy, Maureen T. Sisters in Crime: Feminism and the Crime Novel. New York: Continuum, 1988.

Reinert, Claus. Das Unheimliche und die Detektivliteratur. Entwurf einer poetologischen Theorie über Entstehung, Entfaltung und Problematik der Detektivliteratur. Bonn: Bouvier Verlag Herbert Grundmann, 1973.
Richter, David. "Murder in Jest: Serial Killing in Post-Modern Detective Story". Journal of Narrative Technique 19,1 (1989), 106-13.
Routley, Erik. The Puritan Pleasures of the Detective Story. A Personal Monograph. London: Gollancz, 1972.
Ryley, Robert M. "The Lullaby of Murder". Armchair Detective: A Quaterley Journal Devoted to the Appreciation of Mystery, Detective, and Suspense Fiction 20,4 (1987), 362-365.

Schmitz, Erhard (ed.). Zur Aktualität des Kriminalromans. Berichte, Analysen, Reflexionen zur neueren Kriminalliteratur. München: Fink, 1978.

Schopen, Bernard A. "From Puzzles to People: The Development of the American Detective Novel". Studies in American Fiction 7 (1979), 175-189.
Schulz-Buschhaus, Ulrich. Formen und Ideologien des Kriminalromans. Ein gattungsgeschichtlicher Essay. Frankfurt: Athenaion, 1975.
Schulze-Witzenrath, Elisabeth. "Die Geschichte des Detektivromans. Zur Struktur und Rezeptionsweise seiner klassischen Form". Poetica 11 (1979), 233-258.
Schütz, Erhard (ed.). Zur Aktualität des Kriminalromans: Berichte, Analysen, Reflexionen zur neueren Kriminalliteratur. München: Fink, 1978.
Snow, C. P. "The Classical Detective Story". Dora B. Weiner & William R. Keylor (eds.). From Parnassus: Essays in Honor of Jacques Barzun. New York: Har.-Row., 1976.
Späth, Eberhard. Der Britische Kriminalroman, 1960-1975. Gießen: Hoffmann, 1983.

Stafford Norman E. "Partners in Crime". Armchair Detective: A Quaterley Journal Devoted to the Appreciation of Mystery, Detective, and Suspense Fiction 23,3 (1990), 349-353.

Staley, Thomas F (ed.). Twentieth Century Women Novelists. London: Macmillan, 1982.

Steele, Timothy. "The Structure of the Detective Story: Classical or Modern?" Modern Fiction Studies 27,4 (1981/82), 555-570.

Steinbrunner, Chris et al (ed.). Encyclopedia of Mystery and Detection. New York, 1976.

Suerbaum, Ulrich. Krimi: eine Analyse der Gattung. Stuttgart: Reclam, 1984.

Symons, Julian. The Detective Story in Britain. London, 1962.
Symons, Julian. Bloody Murder. From the Detective Story to the Crime Novel: A History. Hamondsworth: Penguin, 1975.
Tani, Stefano. The Doomed Detective: the Contribution of the Detective Novel to Postmodern American and Italian Fiction. Carbondale (u.a.): Southern Illinois Univ. Press, 1984.

Thomson, H. Douglas. Masters of Mystery. A Study of the Detective Story. Folcroft: Folcroft Press, 1973.

Thomson, June. "A Talent for Murder". The New Welsh Review 2,1 (1989), 15-17.
Tschimmel, Ira. Kriminalroman und Gesellschaftsdarstellung. Eine vergleichende Untersuchung zu Werken von Christie, Simenon, Dürrenmatt und Capote. Bonn, 1979.
Vogt, Jochen. Der Kriminalroman. Zur Theorie und Geschichte einer Gattung. München: Fink, 1971.
Walker, Ronald G.; June M. Frazer (eds.). The Cunning Craft: Original Essays on Detective Fiction and Contemporary Literary Theory. Macomb: Western Illinois Univ., 1990.

Watson, Colin. Snobbery with Violence: Crime Stories and Their Audience. London, 1971.

Winks, Robin W. "American Detective Fiction". American Studies International 19,1 (1980), 3-16.
Winks, Robin W. (ed.). Detective Fiction. A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1980.
Winn, Dilys (ed.). Murder Ink. The Mystery Reader's Companion. New York: Workman Publ., 1977.
Zmegac, Victor. Der wohltemperierte Mord. Zur Theorie und Geschichte des Detektivromans. Frankfurt/: Athenaum, 1971.

II. Texts
1. Edgar Allan Poe, "The Murders in the Rue Morgue"
Achilles, Jochen. "Monkey Business in Intercultural and Intertextual Perspective: Species and Ethnos-Orientation in Poe´s 'The Murder in the Rue Morgue,' Le Fanu´s 'Green Tea,' and Spofford´s Circumstance' ". IN: Nyman, Jopi u.a (ed.) Animal Magic: Essays on Animals in the American Imagination. Joensuu: University of Joensuu, 2004.
Asarch, Joel K. "Telling Tale: Poe's Revisions in 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue' ". Library Chronicle 41 (1976): 83-90.
Bronzwaer, W. "Deixis as a Structuring Device in Narrative Discourse: An Analysis of Poe's 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue' ". English Studies 56 (1975): 345-359.
Buchloh, Paul Gerhard. "Poe, 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue' ". Die amerikanische Kurzgeschichte. Ed. Karl Heinz Göller und Gerhard Hoffmann. Düsseldorf, 1972. 94-102.

Christopher, J. R. "Poe and the Tradition of the Detective Story". The Mystery Writer's Art. Ed. F. M. Nevins. Bowling Green, 1970. 19-36.

Conger, Sydny M. "Another Secret of the Rue Morgue: Poe's Transformation of the Geisterseher Motif". Studies in Short Fiction 24.1 (1987). 9-14.
Creswell, Catherine J. "Poe's Philosophy of Aesthetics and Ratiocination: Compositions of Death in 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue'". IN: Walker, Ronald G. u.a. (Ed.). The Cunning Craft: Original Essays on Detective Fiction and Contemporary Literary Theory. Macomb: Western Illinois Univ., 1990. 38-54.
Crisman, William. "Poe's Dupin as Professional, the Dupin Stories as Serial Text". Studies in American Fiction 23.2 (1995). 215-29.
Dameron, J. Lasley. "Poe's Auguste Dupin". IN: Dameron, J. Lasley u.a. (Ed.). No Fairer Land: Studies in Southern Literature before 1900. Troy: Whitston, 1986. 159-171.
Daniel, Robert. "Poe's Detective God". Twentieth Century Interpretations of Poe's Tales: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. William L. Howarth. Englewood Cliffs, 1971.

Fisher, Benjamin F. "Poe, Blackwood's, and 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue' ". American Notes and Queries 12 (1974): 109-111.

Frank, Lawrence. "'The Murders in the Rue Morgue': Edgar Allan Poe's Evolutionary Reverie". Nineteenth Century Literature 50.2 (1995). 168-88.
Grella, George. "Poe's Tangled Web". Armchair Detective 21.3 (1988). 268-275.
Hawkins, John. "Poe's 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue' ". Explicator (1964/65): Item 49.

Hayes, Kevin. The Cambridge Companion to Edgar Allan Poe. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2004.

Irwin, John T. "Reading Poe's Mind: Politics, Mathematics, and the Association of Ideas in 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue'". American Literary History 4.2 (1992). 187-206.

Irwin, John T. "A Clew to a Clue: Locked Rooms and Labyrinths in Poe and Borges". Raritan 10.4 (1991). 40-57.

Jones, Buford and Kent Ljungquist. "Monsieur Dupin: Further Details on the Reality Behind the Legend". Southern Literary Journal 9.i (1976): 70-77.
Jordan, Cynthia S. Poe's Re-Vision: The Recovery of the Second Story". American Literature 59.1 (1987). 1-19.
Keller, Mark. "Dupin in the 'Rue Morgue': Another Form of Madness?". Arizona Quarterly 33 (1977): 249-255.
Kennedy, J. Gerald. A Historical Guide to Edgar Allan Poe. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001.

Kühnelt, Harro H. "Die 'Detective Novel' ". Die Bedeutung von Edgar Allan Poe für die englische Literatur. Innsbruck, 1949.

Lemay, J. A. Leo. "The Psychology of 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue' ". American Literature 54.2 (1982): 165-188.

Lemire, Elise. " 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue': Amalgamation Discourses and the Race Riots of 1838 in Poe´s Philadelphia". IN: Kennedy, Gerald J. u.a. (Hg): Romancing the Shadow: Poe and Race. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001

Lethridge, Julian. "The Historian as Destective: Historical Method in Edgar Allen Poe´s 'TheMurder in the Rue Morgue' ". IN: Engler, Bernd u.a. (Hg): Re- Visioning the Past: Historical Self-Reflexivity in American Short Stories. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher, 1998.


Link, Franz H. "Die Detektivgeschichte". Edgar Allan Poe: Ein Dichter zwischen Romantik und Moderne. Frankfurt, 1968.304-313.
Magistrale, Tony; Poger, Sidney. Poe's children: connections between tales of terror and detection. New York: Lang, 1999.
Martin, Terry J. "Detection, Imagination, and the Introduction to 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue'". Modern Language Studies 19.4 (1989). 31-45.
Matthews, J. Brander. "Poe and the Detective Story". The Recognition of Edgar Allan Poe: Selected Criticism Since 1829. Ed. Eric W. Carlson. Ann Arbor, 1966. 82-94.

Moore, John Robert. "Poe, Scott and 'The Murders in ther Rue Morgue' ". American Literature 8 (1936): 52-58.

Nygaard, Loisa. "Winning the Game: Inductive Reasoning in Poe's 'Murders in the Rue Morgue'". Studies in Romanticism 33.2 (1994). 223-54.
Panek, Leroy L. "Play and Games: An Approach to Poe's Detective Tales". Poe Studies 10 (1977): 39-41.
Porges, Irwin. "The Detective Story". Edgar Allan Poe. Philadelphia, 1963. 127-142.

Ritter, Erich H. "Ratiocination about an Ape: A Poeto-Logical Investigation of a Murderer". Orbis Litterarum 46.2 (1991). 65-86.

Rollason, Christopher. "The Detective Myth in Edgar Allan Poe's Dupin Trilogy". IN: Docherty, Brian (Ed.). American Crime Fiction: Studies in the Genre. New York: St. Martin's, 1988. 4-22.
Schuhmann, Kuno. "Essay und Detektivgeschichte". Die erzählende Prosa Edgar Allan Poes: Ein Beitrag zu einer Gattungsgeschichte der 'short story'. Heidelberg, 1958. 79-112.

Simper, De Loy. "Poe, Hitchcock, and the Well-Wrought Effect". Literature /Film Quarterly 3 (1975): 226-231.

Skaggs, Merrill Maguire. "Poe's Longing for a Bicameral Mind". The Southern Quarterly 19.2 (1981): 54-64.
Van Leer, David. "Detecting Truth: The World of the Dupin Tales". IN: Silverman, Kenneth (Ed.). New Essays on Poe's Major Tales. Cambridge:Cambridge UP, 1993. 65-91.

Wallace, Robert K. " 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue' and Sonata Allegro Form". Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 35 (1977): 457-463.

Woolf, Paul. "Prostitutes, Paris and Poe: The Sexual Economy of Edgar Allen Poe´s 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue'. Clues: A Journal of Detection 25.1 (2006): 6-20.


2. Arthur Conan Doyle, "The Speckled Band"
Baring-Gould, William S. Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street: A Life of the World's First Consulting Detective. New York, 1962.
Cochran, William P. "Rummaging through the Empty House". The Baker Street Journal 30 (1980): 212-215.
Gerber, Richard. "Name as Symbol: On Sherlock Holmes and the Nature of the Detective Story". Armchair Detective 8 (1975): 280-287.
Göller, Karl Heinz. "Doyle 'The Speckled Band' ". Die englische Kurzgeschichte. Ed. Karl Heinz Göller und Gerhard Hoffmann. Düsseldorf, 1973. 70-79.
Hall, Trevor H. Sherlock Holmes and His Creator. London, 1978.
Hennessy, Rosemary u. R,. Mohan. "'The Speckled Band': The Construction of Woman in a Popular Text of Empire". IN: Hodgson, John A. (Ed.). Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes: The Major Stories with Contemporary Critical Essays. Boston: St. Martin:s, 1994. 389-401.
Higham, Charles. The Adventures of Conan Doyle: The Life of the Creator of Sherlock Holmes. London, 1976.
Hodgson, John A. "The Recoil of 'The Speckled Band': Detective Story and Detective Discourse". IN: Hodgson, John A. (Ed.). Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes: The Major Stories with Contemporary Critical Essays. Boston: St. Martin:s, 1994. 335-52.
Jenkins, William D. "Hunting Down The Speckled Band". The Baker Street Journal 41.1 (1991). 37-38.
LaVallo, Frank. "The Case of the Deathless Detective". Texas Quarterly 11,ii (1968): 180-199.

MacQueen, Ian. Sherlock Holmes Detected: The Problem of the Long Stories. Newton Abbot, 1974.

Moorman, Charles. "The Appeal of Sherlock Holmes". The Southern Quarterly 14 (1976): 71-82.

Needleman, Lionel. "Unravelling 'The Speckled Band'". The Baker Street Journal 34.3 (1984). 139-149.

Nordon, Pierre. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. L'homme et l'Oeuvre. Paris, 1964.
Park, Orlando. Sherlock Holmes, Esq. and John H. Watson, M. D. An Encyclopedia of Their Affairs. Evanstown, 1972.
Pointer, Michael. The Sherlock Holmes File. New York, 1976.
Pratte, Pierce. "The Uncelebrated Accomplice of the Speckled Band". The Baker Street Journal 40.3 (1990). 144-148.
Rauber, D. F. "Sherlock Holmes and Nero Wolfe: The Role of the 'Great Detective' in Intellectual History". Journal of Popular Culture 6 (1972): 483-495.
Rosenberg, Samuel. Naked is the Best Disguise: The Death and Resurrection of Sherlock Holmes. Indianapolis, 1974.
Shepherd, Walter. On the Scent with Sherlock Holmes. Some Old Problems Resolved. London, 1978.
Symons, Julian. Portrait of an Artist: Conan Doyle. London, 1979.
Tracy, Jack W. The Encyclopedia Sherlockiana. New York, 1977.

3. Agatha Christie, The Mysterious Affair at Styles
Ashley, Leonard R. N. " 'The Sausage Machine': Names in the Detective Fiction of Dame Agatha Christie". Literary Onomastics Studies 11 (1984): 1-36.
Barnes, Daniel R. "A Note on The Murder of Roger Ackroyd". Mystery and Detection Annual 1 (1972): 254-255.
Birns, Nicholas u. M. B. Birns. "Agatha Christie: Modern and Modernist". IN: Walker, Ronald G. u.a. (Ed.). The Cunning Craft: Original Essays on Detective Fiction and Contemporary Literary Theory. Macomb: Western Illinois Univ., 1990. 120-134.
DeMarr, Mary Jean. "The Comic Village". IN: Bargainnier, Earl F. (Ed.). Comic Crime. Bowling Green: Popular, 1987. 75-91.
Dose, Gerd. "Agatha Christie und nicht P.G. Wodehouse: Beobachtungen und Überlegungen zur wissenschaftlichen Rezeption englisch-sprachiger Popularliteratur im deutschsprachigen Kulturraum". Anglistik and Englischunterricht 17 (1982). 9-49.
Dueren, Fred. "Hercule Poirot: The Private Life of a Private Eye". Armchair Detective 7 (1974): 111-115.
Egloff, Gerd. Detektivroman und englisches Bürgertum: Konstruktionsschema und Gesellschaftsbild bei Agatha Christie. Düsseldorf, 1974.
Ercoli, Emma. "Agatha Christie". Nuova Antologia 520 (1974): 239-248.
Grossvogel, David I. "Death Deferred: The Long Life, Splendid Afterlife and Mysteriokus Workings of Agatha Christie". IN: Benstock, Bernard (Ed.). Art in Crime Writing: Essays on Detective Fiction. New York: St. Martin's, 1983. 1-17.
Hawkes, David. "Agatha Christie". IN: Winks, Robin W. u.a. (Hg). Mystery and Suspense Writers: The Literature of Crime, Detection, and Espionage, I-II. New York: Scribner´s, 1998.
Irons, Glenwood. "From Spinster to Hipster: The 'Suitability' of Miss Marple and Anna Lee". IN: Irons, Glenwood (Ed.). Feminism in Women's Detective Fiction. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1995. 64-73.
Keating, H. R. F., Ed. Agatha Christie: First Lady of Crime. London, 1977.
Knepper, Marty S. "Agatha Christie - Feminist". Armchair Detective 16.4 (1983): 398-406.

Maida, Patricia D. u. N.B. Spornick. Murder She Wrote: A Study of Agatha Christie's Detective Fiction. Bowling Green: Popular, 1982.

Morgan, Janet. Agatha Christie: A Biography. Glasgow, 1985.
Morgan, Janet. "Death and Dresden Dolls". London Times Literary Supplement 5 (1981). 620.

Nickerson, Edward A. "'Realistic' Crime Fiction: An Anatomy of Evil People". Centennial Review 25.2 (1981). 101-132.

Osborne, Charles. The Life and Crimes of Agatha Christie. London, 1982.
Shaw, Marion u. S. Vanacker. Reflecting on Miss Marple. New York: Routledge, 1991.

Singer, Eliot A. "The Whodunit as Riddle: Block Elements in Agatha Christie". Western Folklore 43.3 (1984): 157-171.

Slung, Michele. "Let's Hear It for Agatha Christie: A Feminist Appreciation". IN: Rader, Barbara A. u.a. (Ed.). The Sleuth and the Scholar: Origins, Evolution, and Current Trends in Detective Fiction. Westport: Greenwood, 1988. 63-68.
Suerbaum, Ulrich."Neues vom Krimi? P.D. James und die Veredelung des Detektivromans". Anglistik und Englischunterricht 37 (1989). 7-31.
Vipond, M. "Agatha Christie's Women". International Fiction Review 8.2 (1981): 119-123.

Wagoner, Mary S. Agatha Christie. Boston, 1986.

White, William. "Agatha Christie: A First Checklist of Secondary Sources". Bulletin of Bibliography 36 (1979): 14-17, 49.
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4. Dorothy Sayers, Murder Must Advertise
Bander, Elaine. "Dorothy L. Sayers and the Apotheosis of Detective Fiction". Armchair Detective 10 (1977): 362-365.
Campbell, Sue Ellen. "The Detective Heroine and the Death of Her Hero: Dorothy Sayers to P. D. James". Modern Fiction Studies 29.3 (1983): 497-510.
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Love, William F. "Butler, Dabbler, Spy. Jeeves to Wimsey to Bond". IN: Dale, Alzina Stone (Hg). Dorothy L. Sayers: The Centenary Celebration. New York: Walker, 1993. 31-43.

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Steele, Timothy. "The Structure of the Detective Story: Classical or Modern?". Modern Fiction Studies 27.4 (1981). 555-570.
Stein, Thomas Michael. "The Social Vision in Dorothy L. Sayers' Detective Fiction". Inklings 12 (1994). 109-29.
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5. Dashiell Hammett, The Maltese Falcon
Abrahams, Paul P. "On Re-Reading The Maltese Falcon". Journal of American Culture 18.1 (1995). 97-107.
Chastain, Thomas. "The Case for the Private Eye". IN: Freeman, Lucy (Hg). The Murder Mystique: Crime Writers on Their Art. New York: Ungar, 1982. 72-32.
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Maxfield, James F. "La Belle Dame sans merci and the Neurotic Knight: Characterization in The Maltese Falcon". Literature Film Quarterly 17.4 (1989). 253-260.
Metress, Christopher. "Dashiell Hammett and the Challenge of New Individualism: Rereading Red Harvest and The Maltese Falcon". Essays in Literature 17.2 (1990). 242-60.
Naremore, James. "Dashiell Hammett and the Poetics of Hard-Boiled Detection". IN: Benstock, Bernard (Ed.). Art in Crime Writing: Essays on Detective Fiction. New York: St. Martin's, 1983. 49-72.
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Reid, Robin Ann. "The Centenary Caper: Casing two Competing Schools of Detective Fiction". Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature 46.1-2 (1992). 55-62.
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6. Raymond Chandler, The High Window
Abrahams, Etta C. "Where Have All the Values Gone? The Private Eye's Vision of America in the Novels of Raymond Chandler and Ross McDonald". Armchair Detective 9 (1976): 128-31.

Apostolou, John L. "A.K.A. Philip Marlowe". Armchair Detective 17.2 (1984). 201-202.

Arden, Leon. "A Knock at the Backdoor of Art: The Entrance of Raymond Chandler". IN: Benstock, Bernard (Ed.). Art in Crime Writing: Essays on Detective Fiction. New York: St. Martin's, 1983. 73-96.
Babener, Liahna K. "Raymond Chandler's City of Lies". IN: Fine, David (Ed.). Los Angeles in Fiction: A Collection of Original Essays. Albuquerque: U of New Mexico P, 1984. 109-131.
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Christianson, Scott R. "A Heap of Broken Images: Hardboiled Detective Fiction and the Discourse(s) of Modernity". IN: Walker, Ronald G. u.a. (Ed.). The Cunning Craft: Original Essays on Detective Fiction and Contemporary Literary Theory. Macomb: Western Illinois Univ., 1990. 1355-148.

Crombie, Winifred. "Raymond Chandler: Burlesque, Parody, Paradox". Language and Style, 16.2 (1983). 151-168.
Douthwaite, John. "Conversational Style as Symbolism". IN: Torsello, Carol Taylor u.a. (Hg). British/American Variation in Language, Theory and Methodology. Bologna: CLUEB, 1998.
Dove, George N. "The Complex Art of Raymond Chandler". Armchair Detective 8 (1975), 271-274.
Durham, Philip. Down These Mean Streets a Man Must Go: Raymond Chandler's Knight. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1963.
Ewert, Jeanne C. "Hardboiled (Had I But Known)". Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres 16 (2001) 11-25.
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Giudice, Renate. Darstellung und Funktion des Raumes im Romanwerk von Raymond Chandler (Mainzer Studien zur Amerikanistik, 14). Frankfurt a.Main: Lang,1979.
Grob, Norbert. "Härte und Ruppigkeit als Bluff". tip 1 (1979), 18-20.
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Holden, Jonathan. "The Case for Raymond Chandler's Fiction as Romance". Kansas Quarterly 10, IV (1978), 41-47.
Howe, Alexander N. "The Detective and the Analyst: Truth, Knowledge, and Psychoanalysis in the Hard-Boiled Fiction of Raymond Chandler". Clues: A Journal of Detection 24.4 (2006) 15-29. (ordered)
Humm, Peter. "Camera Eye / Private Eye". IN: Docherty, Brian (Ed.). American Crime Fiction:

Studies in the Genre. New York: St. Martin's, 1988. 23-38.
Isaac, Frederick. "Laughing with the Corpses: Hard-Boiled Humor". IN: Bargainnier, Earl F. (Ed.). Comic Crime. Bowling Green, OH: Popular, 1987. 23-43.
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Koichi, Suwabe "The Case of the Femme Fatale: A Poetics of Hardboiled Detective Fiction". Journal of the American Literature Society of Japan 2 (2003). 55-72. (ordered)
Kuzmics, Helmut. "Der Schriftsteller als Soziologe: R. Chandlers und D. Hammetts 'hartgesottener Privartdetektiv' als Sozialcharakter". Die Horen: Zeitschrift für Literatur, Kunst und Kritik 32.4 (1987). 101-111.
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Lott, Rick. "A Master of Style: Chandler's Hardboiled Disguise". Journal of Popular Culture 23.3 (1989). 65-75.
McShane, Frank. The Life of Raymond Chandler. New York: Dutton, 1976.
Marling, William. Raymond Chandler (Twayne's United States Authors Series). Boston: Twayne, 1986.
Mawer, Randall R. "Raymond Chandler's Self-Parody". Armchair Detective 14.4 (1981), 355-59.

Meador, Roy. "Chandler in the Thirties: Apprenticeship of an Angry Man". Book Forum 6.2 (1982). 143-153.

Merrill, Robert. "Raymond Chandler´s Plots and the Concept of Plot". Narrative 7.1 (1999), 3-21. (ordered)
Murray, Charles Shaar. "Philip Marlowe. The Chandler Syndrome". New Musical Express 25.8 (1979), 26.
Nickerson, Edward A. "'Realistic Crime Fiction': An Anatomy of Evil People". The Centennial Review 25.2 (1981),101-132.
Rabinowitz, Peter J. "Chandler Comes to Harlem: Racial Politics in the Thrillers of Chester Himes". IN: Rader, Barbara A. u.a. (Ed.). The Sleuth and the Scholar: Origins, Evolution, and Current Trends in Detective Fiction. Westport: Greenwood, 1988.
Reck, Tom S. "Raymond Chandler's Los Angeles". IN: Van Dover, J.K. (Ed.). The Critical Responses to Raymond Chandler. Westport: Greenwood, 1995.
Speir, Jerry. Raymond Chandler. New York: Ungar, 1981.
Steele, Timothy. "The Structure of the Detective Story: Classical or Modern?". Modern Fiction Studies 27.4 (1981). 555-570.
Steiner, T.R. "The Mind of the Hardboiled: Ross Macdonald and the Roles of Criticism". IN: Van Dover, J.K. (Ed.). The Critical Responses to Raymond Chandler. Westport: Greenwood, 1995.
Stowe, William W. "From Semiotics to Hermeneutics: Modes of Detection in Doyle and Chandler". IN: Most, Glenn W. u.a. (Ed.). The Poetics of Murder: Detective Fiction and Literary Theory. San Diego: Harcourt, 1983. 366- 383.
Symons, Julian. "The Case of Raymond Chandler". N.Y. Times Magazine (1973), 13,22,25,27.

Tanner, Stephen L. "The Function of Simile in Raymond Chandler's Novels". Studies in American Humor 3.4 (1984). 337-346.

Tate, T.O. "The Longest Goodbye: Raymond Chandler and the Poetry of Alcohol". Armchair Detective 18.4 (1985). 392-406.
Van Dover, J.K. (Ed.). The Critical Responses to Raymond Chandler. Westport: Greenwood, 1995.
Wolfe, Peter. Something More Than Night: The Case of Raymond Chandler. Bowling Green: Popular, 1985.

7. Patricia Highsmith, The Talented Mr. Ripley
Anon. "The Talented Miss Highsmith". Times Literary Supplement 24 (1979), 1147-48.

Borgmeier, Raimund. "Patricia Highsmith- Giving Crime Writing a Good Name". Anglistik und Englischunterricht 37 (1989). 43-63.

Cooper Clark, Diana. "Patricia Highsmith: Interview." Armchair Detective 14.4 (1981). 313-320.

Evans, Odette L'Henry. "A Feminist Approach to Patricia Highsmith's Fiction". IN: Docherty, Brian (Hg). American Horror Fiction: From Brockden Brown to Stephen King. New York: St. Martin's, 1990. 107-119.

Golsan, Katherine. "Adaption as Forgery: The Case of The Talented Mr. Ripley". Post Script: Essays in Film and the Humanities 23.3 (2004). 19-35.
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Hilfer, Anthony C. "'Not Really Such a Monster': Highsmith's Ripley as Thriler Protagonist and Protean Man". Midwest Quarterly 25.4 (1984). 361-374.

Klein, Kathleen Gregory. "Patricia Highsmith". IN: Bakerman, Jane S. (Hg). And Then There Were Nine... More Women of Mystery. Bowling Green, OH: Popular, 1985. 170-197.

Martin, John W. "Humor and Malevolence in Wenders' The American Friend". Michigan Academian 12.2 (1980). 145-153.

8. P. D. James, A Taste for Death
Bakerman, Jane S. "Interview with P. D. James". Armchair Detective: A Quaterley Journal Devoted to the Appreciation of Mystery, Detective, and Suspense Fiction 10 (1977), 55-57, 92.
Benstock, Bernard. "The Clinical World of P.D. James". IN: Staley, Thomas F. (Hg). Twentieth Century Women Novelists.London: Macmillan, 1982. 104-129.
Campbell, Sue Ellen. "The Detective Heroine and the Death of her Heroe: Dorothy Sayers to P. D. James." Modern Fiction Studies 29,3 (1983), 497-510.
Craig, Patricia. "An Interview with P. D. James". London Times Literary Supplement June 5 (1981), 4079, 641-642.
Harkness, Bruce. "P. D. James". Bernard Benstock (ed.). Art in Crime Writing: Essays on Detective Fiction. London (u.a.): Macmillan, 1983.
James, P.D. "The Art of the Detective Novel". New Welsh Review. Cardiff, Wales. 1989 Summer, 2:1 (5), 4-9.
Joyner, Nancy Carol. "P. D. James". Earl F.Bargainnier (ed.). Ten Women of Mystery. Bowling Green: Bowling Green State U Popular P, 1981.
Kresge-Cingal, Delphine. "Intertextuality in the Detective Fiction of P.D.James: Literary Game or Strategic Choice?" Clues: A Journal of Detection 22.2 (2001) 141-52.
Lehmann, David. "A Queen of Crime". Newsweek 27 (1986), 46-47.
Porter, Dennis. "Detection and Ethics: The Case of P. D. James". Barbara A. Rader & Howard G. Zettler (eds.). The Sleuth and the Scholar: Origins, Evolution, and Current Trends in Detective Fiction. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1988.
Priestman, Martin. "P.D.James and the Distinguished Thing". Leader, Zachary (Hg). On Modern British Fiction. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.
Reed, J. D. "Mistress of Murder". Time 40 (1986), 46-52.
Salwak, Dale. Mystery Voices: Interviews with British Crime Writers. San Bernardino: Borgo, 1991.
Winks, Robin W. "P. D. James. Murder and Dying". The New Republic 7 (1976), 31-32.
9. Elizabeth George, A Great Deliverance
Borgmeier, Raimund. "Alte Muster-neue Fiktion: Elizabeth George und die Tradition des Detektivromans". IN: Petzold, Dieter u.a. (Hg). Unterhaltungsliteratur der achtziger und neunziger Jahre. Erlangen: Universitätsbund Erlangen-Nürnberg, 1998. (ordered)
Dillon-Parkin, Crow. "Elizabeth George: A Class Double Act." [Interview]. IN: Duncan, Paul (Hg). The Third Degree. Crime Writers in Conversation. Harpenden, Herts: No Exit Press, 1997.
Koppelman, Kate. "Deliver Us to Evil: Religion as Abject Other in Elizabeth George´s A Great Deliverance". IN: Kim, Julie H. (Hg). Race and Religion in the Postcolonial British Detective Story: Ten Essays. Jefferson: McFarland, 2005.
Libretti, Tim. "Detecting Empire from Inside-Out and Outside-In: The Politics of Detection in the Fiction of Elizabeth George and Lucha Corpi". IN: Kim, Julie H. (Hg). Race and Religion in the Postcolonial British Detective Story: Ten Essays. Jefferson: McFarland, 2005.

See, Lisa. "Elizabeth George: An American in Scotland Yard". (Interview). Publishers Weekly (11.12.1996): 38-39.

Stenger, Karl L. "Elizabeth George" IN: Anderson, George Parker (Hg). American Mystery and Detective Writers. Detroit: Gale, 2005.
Stone, Nancy Stephanie. "Well-Schooled in Murder." (Interview). The Armchair Detective 25 (1992): 260-269.

10. Ruth Rendell / Barbara Vine, Gallowglass
Bakerman, Jane S. "Ruth Rendell". Earl F. Bargainnier (ed.). Ten Women of Mystery. Bowling Green: Bowling Green State U Popular P, 1981.
Barnard, Robert. "A Talent to Disturb: An Appreciation of Ruth Rendell". Armchair Detective: A Quaterley Journal Devoted to the Appreciation of Mystery, Detective, and Suspense Fiction 16,2 (1983), 146-152.
Clark, Susan L. "A Fearful Symmetry". Armchair Detective: A Quaterley Journal Devoted to the Appreciation of Mystery, Detective, and Suspense Fiction 22,3 (1989), 228-235.

Cooper Clark, Diana. "Interview with Ruth Rendell". Armchair Detective 14.2 (1981). 108-117.

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Stowe, Milliam W. "Popular Fiction as Liberal Art". College English 48,7 (1986), S.646-666.

11. Sara Paretsky, Guardian Angel
Kinsman, Margaret. "'Different and Yet the Same': Women´s World/Women´s Lives and the Classroom". IN: Klein Gregory, Kathleen (Hg). Diversity and Detection Fiction. Bowling Green: Popular, 1999.

Paradis, Kenneth. "Warshawski´s Situation: Beauvoirean Feminism and the Hardboiled Detective". South Central Review: The Journal of the South Central Modern Language Association 18.3-4 (2001), 86-101. (ordered)

Shuker-Haines, Timothy; Umphrey, Martha M. "Gender (De)Mystified: Resistance and Recuperation in Hard-Boiled Female Detective Fiction". IN: Delameter, Jerome H. u.a. (Hg). The Detective in American Fiction, Film, and Television. Westport: Greenwood, 1998. (ordered)

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