Barbara Oakley, PhD, pe page of Curriculum Vitae

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Curriculum Vitae

Barbara Oakley, PhD, PE

Professor of Engineering

Oakland University
Barbara Oakley, PhD, PE is a Professor of Engineering at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan; the Ramón y Cajal Distinguished Scholar of Global Digital Learning, McMaster University; a Visiting Scholar at the University of California, San Diego; and Coursera’s inaugural “Innovation Instructor.” Her work focuses on the complex relationship between neuroscience and social behavior. Dr. Oakley’s research has been described as “revolutionary” in the Wall Street Journal—she has published in outlets as varied as the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times.

Barbara is the author of New York Times best-selling science book A Mind for Numbers, as well as instructor of the world’s most popular massive open online course: UCSD-Coursera’s Learning How to Learn, with 1.6 million registered students. She has won numerous teaching awards, including the American Society of Engineering Education’s Chester F. Carlson Award for technical innovation in engineering education and the Theo C. Pilkington award for Biomedical Engineering Education. Dr. Oakley has headlined and keynoted conferences around the world, speaking at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, UCLA, the University of Michigan, the Naval Post Graduate Institute, the Defense Language Institute, Baidu Headquarters in Beijing, for the Association of Chief Executive Officers in Greece; the International Conference on MOOCs in Taiwan, Hitchwood Capital Management LP in Manhattan, the “On Course” National Educators Conference, and scores of other venues.

Dr. Oakley has adventured widely through her lifetime. She rose from the ranks of Private to Captain in the U.S. Army, during which time she was recognized as a Distinguished Military Scholar. She also worked as a communications expert at the South Pole Station in Antarctica, and has served as a Russian translator on board Soviet trawlers on the Bering Sea. Dr. Oakley is an elected Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering.


Institution Degree Date

  • Oakland University Ph.D. Systems Engineering 1998

  • Oakland University M.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering 1995

  • University of Washington B.S. Electrical Engineering 1986

  • University of Washington B.A. Slavic Languages & Literature 1977

Professional Employment: Full- or Part-time Academic Positions since Bachelor’s Degree
Institution or Company Position From/To Full or Part-Time

  • University of California Visiting Scholar Oct. 2014 – present Full

San Diego

  • Oakland University Professor 2014 – present Full

  • Oakland University Associate Professor 2004 – 2014 Full

  • Oakland University Assistant Professor 1998 – 2004 Full

  • Michigan Technological Adjunct Assistant 1999, 2001, 2003 Part

University Professor

  • Oakland University Teaching Assistant 1996-1998 Part

  • FireFly Enterprises Independent Consultant 1990-1996 Part

Utica, Michigan

  • Ford Motor Company Product Design Engineer 1989-1990 Full

Dearborn, Michigan

  • Spectra Technology, Inc. Controls Task Manager 1986-1989 Full

Bellevue, Washington

  • ITT Antarctic Services Radio Operator 1983-1984 Full

South Pole Station, Antarctica

  • Marine Resources Russian Translator 1982-1983 Full

Bering Sea, Pacific Northwest Coastline

  • U.S. Army Regular Army Signal Officer 1977-1981 Full

West Germany (2LT – CPT)

  • U.S. Army Enlisted (Private- SP4) 1974-1975 Full

Defense Language Institute, Monterey, CA
Major Research Areas
STEM education; learning; pathological altruism.
Awards and Honors

  1. Ramón y Cajal Distinguished Scholar of Global Digital Learning, McMaster University (2016)

  2. Inaugural “Innovation Instructor,” Coursera (2015)

  3. American Society of Engineering Education Chester F. Carlson Award for outstanding technical innovation in the field of engineering education (2015)

  4. American Society of Engineering Education Theo C. Pilkington Award for outstanding educator in advancing the field of bioengineering (2015)

  5. Oakland University Teaching Excellence Award, 2013

  6. Nautilus Award for the book Practicing Sustainability, 2013.

  7. Finalist, Society of Midland Writers, for the book Cold-Blooded Kindness, 2012.

  8. Fellow, American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineers, 2009.

  9. Fellow, World Academy of Art and Science, 2009.

  10. Finalist, Midlands Writers Awards, 2008.

  11. Appointed to Senior Member, IEEE, 2002.

  12. Naim and Ferial Kheir Teaching Award, 2002.

  13. John D. and Dortha J. Withrow Teaching Award, 2001.

  14. National Science Foundation New Century Scholar, 1999.

  15. Election into Tau Beta Pi, 1999.

  16. National Science Foundation FIE New Faculty Fellow, 1998.

  17. First Place, Pacific Northwest Writers’ Conference Literary Awards, 1990.

  18. Antarctic Services Medal, National Science Foundation, 1984.

  19. Distinguished Military Scholar and Graduate, U.S. Army, 1977.

  20. Association of the United States Army Award, 1976.

Published or to-be-published Works

E. Annotated Bibliography


  1. Mindshift: How Ordinary and Extraordinary People Have Changed Their Lives through Learning—and You Can Too, Tarcher-Penguin, to-be-published April 18, 2017.

  2. A Mind for Numbers, by Barbara Oakley, Tarcher-Penguin, July 2014.

This New York Times best-selling science book uses insights from neuroscience to show college and high school students how to learn math and science more easily and effectively.

  1. Practicing Sustainability, edited by Guruprasad Madhavan, Barbara Oakley, David Green, David Koon, and Penny Low. Springer, October, 2012. Selected for a 2013 Nautilus Silver Book Award.

  2. Pathological Altruism Eds Barbara Oakley, Ariel Knafo, Guruprasad Madhavan, David Sloan Wilson, Oxford University Press, January 2012.

  3. Cold-Blooded Kindness, by Barbara Oakley, Prometheus Books, April, 2011.

  4. Career Development in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Eds. Guruprasad Madhavan, Barbara Oakley, Luis Kun, Springer, 2008.

  5. Evil Genes: Why Rome Fell, Hitler Rose, Enron Failed, and My Sister Stole My Mother’s Boyfriend, by Barbara Oakley, Prometheus Books. October, 2007.

  6. Hair of the Dog: Tales from Aboard a Russian Trawler, Barbara Oakley, WSU Press, 1996.

Book Chapters

  1. “Chapter 21. Empathy, Theory of Mind, Cognition, Morality, and Altruism,”by Mark Reimers and Barbara Oakley, in On Human Nature: Biology, Psychology, Ethics, Politics, and Religion, ed. Michel Tibayren, Francisco Ayala, Elsevier, 2016.

  2. “Consilience through the Integration of Engineering and Social Science,” by Barbara Oakley, in Darwin’s Bridge, Uniting the Humanities and Sciences, ed. Joe Carroll, Dan P. McAdams, and Edward O. Wilson, Oxford University Press, 2016.

  3. “Machiavellians and Organizational Evil,” by Barbara Oakley, in The Foundations of Organizational Evil, (M.E. Sharpe, 2012), ed. Carole L. Jurkiewicz, Ph.D. (pp. 31-76)

  4. “Pathological Altruism — An Introduction,” Barbara Oakley, Ariel Knafo, and Michael McGrath, a chapter in Pathological Altruism, Oxford University Press, 2012. (Pages 3-9.)

  5. “Too Much of a Good Thing? Foreign Aid and Pathological Altruism,” by Guruprasad Madhavan and Barbara Oakley

  6. “Codependency and pathological altruism,” by Michael McGrath and Barbara Oakley, a chapter in Pathological Altruism, Oxford University Press, 2011, pages 49-74.

  7. “Writing Non-Fiction Books,” by Barbara Oakley, a chapter in G. Madhavan, Barbara Oakley, and Luis Kun, Career Development in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Springer 2008. (Pages 283-287.)

  8. Area Editor of the Sensors and Instrumentation Section of the Wiley Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering. April, 2006.

  9. “Tribology,” Gary Barber and Barbara Oakley, invited book chapter for the Macmillan Encyclopedia of Energy, 2000. (Pages 1163-1167.)

Articles and Related Items

  1. Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

  1. “Creating a Sticky MOOC,” by Barbara Oakley, Debra Poole, and MaryAnne Nestor, OLC Online Learning Journal, 20, 1, (2016), 1-12.

  2. “Reducing Hospital ICU Noise: A Behavior-Based Approach,” Avinash Konkani, Barbara Oakley, Barbara Penprase, The Journal of Healthcare Engineering, June issue 5, 2, (2014): 229-46.

  3. “A Practical Approach to Understanding—and Applying!—the Scholarship of Application,” Barbara Oakley and Cynthia J. Finelli, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Education, 57, 2, May, (2014), 69-74.

  4. “Concepts and implications of altruism bias and pathological altruism,” invited paper, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, by Barbara Oakley, 110, Supplement 2 (2013): 10408-10415.

  5. “Do higher dispositions for empathy predispose males towards careers in nursing? A descriptive correlational design” Barbara Penprase, Barbara Oakley, Reuben Ternes, & Dana Driscoll. Nursing Forum 2014 Jan 3. doi: 10.1111/nuf.12058.

  6. “Empathy as a determining factor for nursing career selection,” Barbara Penprase, Barbara Oakley, Reuben Ternes, & Dana Driscoll, Journal of Nursing Education. 2013, 52 (4):192-197.

  7. “Reducing Hospital Noise: A Review of Medical Device Alarm Management,” by A. Konkani, B. Oakley, T.J. Bauld, The Journal of Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology, Nov/Dec 2012, pp 478-487.

  8. “Noise In Hospital Intensive Care Units - A Critical Review of a Critical Topic,” The Journal of Critical Care, Avinash Konkani, Barbara Oakley, 2012, 27 (5): 522 e1-9. Selected for special editorial comment; most viewed paper.

  9. “Best Practices Involving Teamwork in the Classroom: Results from a Survey of 6,435 Engineering Student Respondents,” Barbara Oakley, Darrin Hanna, Zenon Kuzmyn, Richard Felder. IEEE Transactions on Education, August 2007, 50 (3) 266-272.

  10. “Compact Planar Antennas for Short Range Wireless Automotive Communication,” Basim Al-Khateeb, Victor Rabinovich, Barbara Oakley, Nikolai Alexandrov. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2006, 55 (4) 1425-1435.

  11. “Small Printed Meander Dipole Antenna Performance, Including the Effect of RF Cables, in the 315-MHz Frequency Band,” Victor Rabinovich, Basim Al-Khateeb, Barbara Oakley, Nikolai Alexandrov. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, September 2006, 48 (9) 1828-1833.

  12. “A Signal and Noise Measurement Procedure for an Antenna/RF Receiver Combination in a Short Range Communication System,” Victor Rabinovich, Basim Al-Khateeb, Barbara Oakley, and Nikolai Alexandrov. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, October 20, 2005, 47 (2) 116-119.

  13. “A Relative Technique for Characterization of PCV Error of Large Aperture Antennas Using GPS Data,” Daniel Aloi, Andrew Rusek, and Barbara Oakley. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2005, 54 (5) 1820-33.

  14. “An Active Receiving Antenna for Short-Range Wireless Automotive Communication,” Basim Al-Khateeb, Victor Rabinovich, Barbara Oakley. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, November 20, 2004, 43 (3) 293-297.

  15. “A Review of Nanobioscience and Bioinformatics Initiatives in North America,” Barbara Oakley and Darrin Hanna. Invited paper by the Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, 2003, 2 (4) 74-84.

  16. “Four-Point Electrode Measurement of Complex Impedance in the Vicinity of Bovine Aorta for Quasi-Static Frequencies,” David Stiles, Barbara Oakley. Bioelectromagnetics, January 2005, 26 (1) 54-58.

  17. “Using a System-on-a-Chip Implantable Device to Filter Circulating Infected Cells in Blood or Lymph,” Darrin Hanna, Barbara Oakley, and Gabrielle Stryker. IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, 2003, 2 (1) 6-13.

  18. “Simulated Characterization of Atherosclerotic Lesions in the Coronary Arteries by Measurement of Bioimpedance,” David K. Stiles, Barbara A. Oakley. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2003, 50 (7) 916-921.

  19. “Turning Student Groups into Effective Teams,” Barbara Oakley, Richard Felder, Rebecca Brent, Imad Elhajj. Journal of Student Centered Learning, 2004, 2 (1) 9-34.

  20. “Ultrasonic Parameters as a Function of Absolute Hydrostatic Pressure. I. A Review of the Data for Organic liquids,” Barbara Oakley, Gary Barber, Tony Worden, and Darrin Hanna. Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 2003, 32 (3) 1501-1533.

  21. “Ultrasonic Parameters as a Function of Absolute Hydrostatic Pressure. II. Mathematical Models of the Speed of Sound in Organic Liquids,” by Barbara Oakley, Darrin Hanna, and Meir Shillor, and Gary Barber. Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 2003, 32 (3) 1535-1544.

  22. “It Takes Two to Tango: How ‘Good’ Students Enable Problematic Behavior in Teams,” Barbara Oakley, Journal of Student Centered Learning, Fall 2002, 1 (1) 19-27.

  23. “Noninvasive Cardiac Absolute Pressure Sensing: A Fundamentally New Approach,” Barbara Oakley, David Stiles, Virinder Moudgil. Medical Hypothesis, October 2001, 57 (4) 515-519.

  24. “Toying with a Capstone Design Course,” Michael Latcha, Barbara Oakley, Journal of Engineering Education, October 2001, 90 (4) 627-629.

  25. “A self-contained, portable variable-pressure hydrostatic cell for use in low gauge pressure electromagnetic, ultrasonic, and photoacoustic studies,” Barbara Oakley, Forrest Wright, Gary Barber, Michael Latcha, Chris Kobus, and Pamela Grim. Review of Scientific Instruments, January 1999, 70 95-97.

  1. Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings

  1. “Tendencies Towards DEEP or SURFACE Learning for Participants Taking a Large Massive Open Online Course (MOOC),” Amber Kemppainen, Jon Sticklen, Barbara Oakley, Denzel Chung, 2015 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE).

  2. “Time-Domain Reflectometry (TDR) in Graduate Courses,” Andrew Rusek, Subramanian Ganesan, Barbara Oakley, Daniel Aloi, ASEE North Central Section Conference, 2012.

  3. “Improving Student Understanding of Instrumentation and Measurement in US Engineering Undergraduate Programs,” by Andrew Rusek, Barbara Oakley, and Subramaniam Ganesan, ASEE North Central Section Conference, Grand Rapids, April 3 - 4, 2009.

  4. “A Framework for Developing Courses on Engineering and Technology for Non-Engineers,” John Krupczak, Timothy Simpson, Vince Bertsch, Kate Disney, Elsa Garmire, Barbara Oakley, Mary Rose, Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, June, 2008.

  5. “Career and Professional Development in Bioengineering: Translation of a Conference Initiative to Education and Training,” Guru Madhavan, Aimee Betker, Jennifer Flexman, Barbara Oakley, Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, June, 2008.

  6. “Easy-to-Do Transmission Line Demonstrations that Demonstrate Sinusoidal Standing Waves and Transient Pulse Reflections,” Andrew Rusek, Barbara Oakley, Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Conference, Honolulu, HI, June, 2007.

  7. “The Untapped Student Goldmine,” Barbara Oakley, Lorenzo Smith, Yin-Ping (Daniel) Chang, Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Conference, Honolulu, HI, June, 2007.

  8. “Electroporation-Induced Cell Lysis in SWLA-2 Hybridomas,” Barbara Oakley, Darrin Hanna, Sara Martens, Brooks Gross, Gabrielle Stryker. Proceedings of the IEEE-EMBS 2006 Conference, September 1-4, 2006, New York, New York.

  9. “Cell Lysis in SWLA-2 Hybridomas due to 1 kHz AC Electric Fields,” Barbara Oakley, Darrin Hanna, Sachin Kandlikar, Brooks Gross, Gabrielle Stryker, Proceedings of the IEEE-EMBS 2005 Conference, September 1-4, 2005, Shanghai, China.

  10. “Detection of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus using a Capacitive Immunosensor,” Darrin Hanna, Brooks Gross, Sachin Kandlikar, Elizabeth Lempicki, Barbara Oakley, Gabrielle Stryker, Proceedings of the IEEE-EMBS 2005 Conference, September 1-4, 2005, Shanghai, China.

  11. “Preliminary Results Related to the Principle and Application of Drug Galvano-Acupuncture,” Chen Fu, Barbara Oakley, Shudong Li, Wenlei Zhao, Proceedings of the IEEE-EMBS 2005 Conference, September 1-4, 2005, Shanghai, China.

  12. “Compact Diversity Antenna System for Remote Control Automotive Applications,” Victor Rabinovich, Basim Al-Khateeb, Barbara Oakley, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE AP-S URSI International Symposium (Washington DC on July 3-8, 2005)

  13. “Significant Improvements in Statewide Test Results As the Result of Using A Japanese-Based Supplemental Mathematics System, Kumon Mathematics, in an Inner-Urban School District,” Barbara Oakley, Doreen Lawrence, Jesse Petway, Mark Jackson, Pat Dessert, Darrin Hanna, Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Conference, Portland, OR, June 2005

  14. “An Alternate Route for a Career Path Related to Engineering Education: A Kumon Franchise,” Doreen Lawrence and Barbara Oakley,” Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Conference, Portland, OR, June 2005. Kumon North America, Inc.

  15. “Development of a State-of-the-Art Bioengineering Lecture Series: An Interdisciplinary Program of Industry, Academia, and Community,” Guruprasad Madhavan, Diana B. Anderson, Joanna M. Hedels, Jason B. Cole, Barbara A. Oakley, and Kenneth J. McLeod, 2005 ASEE St. Lawrence Section Conference, Binghamton University, Binghamton, New York.

  16. “An Examination of the Effect of Decaying Exponential Pulse Electric Fields on Cell Mortality in Murine Hybridoma Cells, Human Natural Killer Cells, and CD-1 Strain Mouse Spleenocytes,” Sachin Kandlikar, Barbara Oakley, Darrin Hanna, and Gabrielle Stryker. Proceedings of the IEEE-EMBS 2004 Annual Conference, September, 2004

  17. “An Examination of the Effect of an AC Pulsed Electric Field on Cell Mortality in SWLA-2 Hybridomas,” Brooks Gross, Sachin Kandlikar, Barbara Oakley, Darrin Hanna, Andrew Rusek, and Gabrielle Stryker. Proceedings of the IEEE-EMBS 2004 Annual Conference, September, 2004.

  18. “Comparison of Conformal and Nonconformal Meshes in the Electromagnetic Simulation of Atherosclerotic Lesions,” David K. Stiles and Barbara A. Oakley, Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE EMBS Annual Conference, September 17th – 21st, 2003, Cancun, Mexico.

  19. “Using the Kumon Method to Revitalize Mathematics in an Inner-Urban School District,” by Barbara Oakley, Doreen Lawrence, Walter Burt, Broderick Boxley, and Chris Kobus, Proceedings of the ASEE 2003 Conference, June 21st – 25th, 2003, Nashville, TN

  20. “Simulation of Electromagnetic Fields in a Microelectrode Array,” Barbara Oakley, Julie de Hagen, Darrin Hanna, Basim Al-Khateeb, Mahmoud Al-Nsour, Proceedings of the IEEE EMBS Special Topic Conference on Nanobioscience, Genova, Italy, June 6th, 2002.

  21. “Simulation of Four-Point Electrode Measured Impedance and Current Densities Near an Atherosclerotic Lesion,” David Stiles, Barbara Oakley, 2nd Annual International IEEE-EMBS Special Topic Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine & Biology, Madison, Wisconsin, May 2nd – 4th, 2002.

  22. “Demonstrating CDMA, Frequency Hopping, and Other Wireless Techniques with PSPICE,” Andrew Rusek, Barbara Oakley, Proceedings of the 2002 ASEE Conference, June 16th – 19th, Montreal, Quebec.

  23. “Closing the Loop in High-Frequency Amplifier Design Processes,” Andrew Rusek and Barbara Oakley, Proceedings of the ASEE Midwest Conference, Oakland University, Winter, 2002.

  24. “A Cost-Effective Amplifier for Electromagnetic Field Strength Measurement,” Andrew Rusek and Barbara Oakley, Proceedings of the 2001 Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, October 25th – 28th, 2001 Istanbul, Turkey.

  25. “Pspice Applications in the Teaching of Wireless and High Frequency Electronics,” Andrew Rusek and Barbara Oakley. Proceedings of the 2001 ASEE Conference, June 24th – 27th, 2001, Albuquerque, NM.

  26. “Pspice Applications in the Teaching of Communications Electronics,” Andrew Rusek and Barbara Oakley. Proceedings of the 2001 ASEE Conference, June 24th – 27th, 2001, Albuquerque, NM.

  27. “Computer Modeling of CAN Automotive Bus Transceivers,” Andrew Rusek, Barbara Oakley. Proceedings of the Second IEEE Electro-Information Technology Conference, Oakland University, June, 2001.

  28. “Software Tools for Teaching High Frequency Electronics Courses,” Andrew Rusek, Barbara Oakley. Proceedings of the Second IEEE Electro/information Technology Conference, Oakland University, June, 2001

  29. “Leading Engineers Towards English,” Barbara Oakley, Frontiers in Education Conference, Tempe, Arizona, 1998.

  30. “Incorporating Writing Skills into the Engineering Curriculum,” Barbara Oakley, Brian Connery, Kris Allen, Proceedings of the 1999 Frontiers in Education Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, November, 1999.

  31. “A Percolation Model for Rapid Vacancy Diffusion during Initial Void Growth in Minimum-Size VLSI Conductors,” Barbara Oakley and Hoda S. Abdel-Aty-Zohdy, Proceedings of the 1995 International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, Charlottesville, Virginia, Volume II, 313-317.

  1. Non-Peer Reviewed Articles

  1. How To Be A Great Public Speaker Even If It Sounds Scary,” by Barbara Oakley, Huffington Post, June 8, 2016.

  2. Science Says This Is The Best Way To Learn And Remember New Things,”by Barbara Oakley, Forbes, July 8, 2016.

  3. This Science-Backed Technique Is the Secret to Better Learning Creating neural patterns–“neural chunks”–underpins the development of all expertise,” by Barbara Oakley, Inc. Magazine, June, 2016.

  4. Why Virtual Classes Can Be Better Than Real Ones: An engineering professor takes online-course critics to school,”by Barbara Oakley, Nautilus Magazine, October, 2015.

  5. "Learning How We Learn: In an unlikely confluence, bioengineers are finding fertile ground in research and teaching about learning,” Barbara Oakley, Pulse IEEE Volume 6, Issue 2, March 2015, pp. 37-41.

  6. How I Rewired My Brain to Become Fluent in Math,” by Barbara Oakley, Nautilus Magazine, Oct 2, 2014.

  7. Three Simple Strategies for Learning Anything Better,” Barbara Oakley,, September 24, 2014.

  8. How We Should be Teaching Math,” by Barbara Oakley, op-ed for Wall Street Journal, September 22, 2014.

  9. "Paradoxes of Learning - Is Your Usual Method Backfiring?," by Barbara Oakley, July 23, 2014.

  10. "Giving Till it Hurts: An Interview with Barbara Oakley, The Freeman, July 29, 2013.

  11. Is It Too Late To Not Be a Jerk? A Discussion of the Teachability of Kindness, Zocolo Public Square, Barbara Oakley, October 3 2012.

  12. "Killing with Kindness: Studying the evolution of altruistic behaviors reveals how knee-jerk good intentions can backfire," by Barbara Oakley, Guruprasad Madhavan, Ariel Knafo, and David Sloan Wilson, The Scientist, February 1, 2012.

  13. "Your good = my bad: When helping hurts" by Barbara Oakley, Oxford University Press Blog, Nov 16, 2011.

  14. “Be Careful What You Wish For—Kindness as a Double-Edged Sword,” invited essay for Zócalo Public Square, a not-for-profit daily Ideas Exchange that blends digital humanities journalism and live events. October 1, 2012.

  15. “Are We Killing People with Kindness?” by Barbara Oakley, featured article, The UK Independent, 6 November 2011.

  16. “The harmful side of doing good,” by Barbara Oakley and Guruprasad Madhavan, op-ed for The New Scientist, September 10, 2011, pp 28-29.

  17. “Braving the Elements,” by Barbara Oakley, The Times Higher Education Supplement (London, UK), May 20, 2010, pages 46-48.

  18. "Too kind? Maybe it's codependency," by Barbara Oakley, Reflections on Nursing Leadership 36 (1), 2010, 3 pages.

  19. “Hard Wired to Bully,” by Barbara Oakley, Reflections on Nursing Leadership, Feb., 2009,

  20. Writing Raw's 7 Questions with Barbara Oakley, June, 2009.

  21. "What a Tangled Web We Weave," by Barbara Oakley, The Scientist, April 10th, 2009.

  22. "Writing Compelling Nonfiction," by Barbara Oakley, Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Book Reviews, Volume 8, Number 2, July-December 2009.

  23. “The Killer in the Lecture Hall,” by Barbara Oakley, Op-Ed for New York Times, April 19th, 2007, republished in The International Herald Tribune and many other papers worldwide.

  24. “The Devil Inside,” by Barbara Oakley, The Times Higher Education Supplement, pp 18-19, November 30th, 2007. Invited article.

  25. “A world afflicted with blind spots,” by Barbara Oakley, op-ed in the Chicago Tribune, December 6, 2007.

  26. “On Ayn Rand, Objectivism, and Atlas Shrugged,” by Barbara Oakley, Normblog, (one of the most popular blogs in England). Invited article. (Discusses Rand’s work in relation to neuroscientific findings.)

  27. “Introduction to IEEE-EMBS – What Can the Society Do for You?” Barbara Oakley, Lisa Lazareck, Laura Wolf. Seven page article describing the various facets of IEEE-EMBS. Proceedings of the IEEE-EMBS 2005 Conference, September 1-4, 2005, Shanghai, China.

  28. Twelve “Society Activities” columns for the EMB Magazine, 2004-2005.

  1. MOOC

“Learning How to Learn,” massive open online course through Coursera and UC San Diego with co-instructor with Dr. Terrence Sejnowski, the Francis Crick Professor at the Salk Institute. The course has had over a million students in its first year, and has received enormously positive feedback from many of its students. It is emerging as the world's biggest online course.

  1. Presentations

  1. Universidad Francisco Marroquin, various talks November 23rd and 24th, 2016.

  2. Antigua 10X Festival, Antigua, Guatemala, November 18, 2016.

  3. DevLearn, Las Vegas, November 16th, 2016.

  4. Opening keynote, University of Nebraska Extension Conference, Kearney, Nebraska, 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. November 8, 2016.

  5. Luncheon speech “How to Learn,” University of Nebraska East Campus, Lincoln, Nebraska, November 7, 2016; Integrating Teamwork and Active Learning into the Classroom.

  6. US Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Nov 3, 2016.

  7. York University, Toronto, Ontario, October 19th, 2016

  8. Keynote, Learning How to Learn and other talks, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, October 18th, 2016.

  9. The Michigan chapter of the American Association of Physics Teachers (MIAAPT), Lansing Community College, Lansing, Michigan, October 15, 2016.

  10. Chief Judge and Guest speaker/Keynote Speaker Premium Teaching Award Ceremony and Workshop, University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Kingston, Jamaica, October 6 & 7, 2016.

  11. Keynote, Improvement through Self-Reflection and other talks, Ivy Tech Bloomington Faculty Professional Development Conference, August 12, 2016.

  12. Opening keynote speaker, EMBS ISC 2016, Ottawa, May 30th, 2016.

  13. Keynote on learning, Liberating Leaders Conference, Bedales School, Petersfield, Hampshire UK, 25 May 2016.

  14. Keynote presentation for the Association of Chief Executive Officers, Athens, Greece, May 14, 2016.

  15. Opening keynote speaker, Maryland Association for Adult, Community and Continuing Education, May 12, 2016, 1:00 – 2:00 pm.

  16. Talks on learning in Bogotá and Medellín, Colombia, May 5, 6, 7 and 10, 2016, commemorating the 25th anniversary of COLFUTURO.

  17. Keynote speaker, Enriching Scholarship Conference, University of Michigan, May 2, 2016.

  18. Opening keynote speaker, On Course National Conference, April 8th, 2016, Orange County, CA.

  19. Opening keynote speaker, Courage to Risk Conference, January 22nd, 2016, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

  20. Attendee at the fifth annual Antigua Forum, Antigua, Guatemala on January 14-17, 2016; Speaker and visitor at the Universidad Francisco Marroquín, Guatemala City, Guatemala, January 18-19th, 2016.

  21. Keynote Speaker at the Higher Education Learning and Teaching Association of Southern Africa (HELTASA) conference: 17-20 November 2015, Potchefstroom, South Africa.

  22. Invited speaker, “Learning How to Learn,” Baidu Headquarters, Beijing, China, October 23, 2015.

  23. Keynote speaker, “An Extraordinary Opportunity,” Coursera Asia Regional Workshop, Hong Kong, October 17, 2015.

  24. “Learning How to Learn” workshop, IEEE-Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference, Milan, Italy, August 22 -29, 2015.

  25. “Learning How to Learn” and other talks, Student/Academic Affairs vision-planning retreat, Eastern Michigan University, August 4th, 2015.

  26. Panelist for the “Enlightening Minds” session on Wednesday, July 1, 2015, from 9:45–10:45 am Pacific Time, for the U. S. News & World Report national leadership summit for STEM education and workforce development, Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, CA.

  27. "Lessons from a basement studio," UCLA, Los Angeles, California, June 25, 2015.

  28. Keynote speaker, INNOVATE 2015, "Innovation in Learning: An Animal Sciences Curriculum for the 21st Century,” Braselton, Georgia, May 31, 2015.

  29. “Human Nature and Philanthropy,” Spark Forum, The Philanthropic Enterprise, May 21-22, 2015, Charlotte, North Carolina.

  30. “Learning in STEM,” Charlotte Area Science Network 12:30 pm, May 21, 2015 Charlotte, North Carolina.

  31. Keynote speaker, Western Region Education Service Alliance, Asheville, NC, May 19th, 2015.

  32. Workshop with Barbara Oakley—How to Make a Riveting Online Class, Harvard University, Boston, MA, May 6th, 2015.

  33. “Overcoming the Pain in Your Brain,” UCLA Healthy Campus Initiative Symposium, University of California, Los Angeles, April 30th, 2015.

  34. Keynote Speaker on “Learning How to Learn,” Center for Distance Learning Conference, Empire State College, State University of New York, Saratoga Springs, NY, April 22, 2015.

  35. "E.G. West's Education and the State," Liberty Fund Conference, Cancun, Mexico on April 10-12, 2015.

  36. “Practical Ideas for Improving Your ‘In-Person’ Class—Lessons Learned from Teaching 500,000 in a MOOC,” Barbara Oakley, Oakland University, April 3, 2015.

  37. “Learning How to Learn,” invited keynote speech, Adelphi University, New York, March 31, 2015.

  38. "Learning How to Learn," Hope College, Holland, Michigan. March 30, 2015.

  39. IEEE-Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Administrative and Executive Committee meetings, 26 -29 March 2015, Orlando, Florida.

  40. Closing speaker for the "All in the Mind" Teaching and Learning Conference, Berkhamsted School, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, UK. March 21st, 2015.

  41. “Learning How to Learn,” University of Warwick, Coventry, England, March 13, 2015.

  42. California K-12 education leaders event, March 6th, 2015, Riverside Mission Inn, Riverside, CA.

  43. “Learning about Learning,” Web TV Show "Circle of Insight," Irvine, California, 9:00 am March 4, 2015.

  44. Coursera Partners Conference 2015, March 2nd and 3rd, 2015: Quantifying a ‘Sticky’ MOOC with High Retention and Activity Levels; Promoting Your MOOC: Going Beyond the ‘If You Build It, They Will Come’ Mentality

  45. "Making Lasting Memories and Life-Long Learning": (San Francisco, CA), Co-sponsored by the Stanford School of Education, UC Berkeley and the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives. February 12-14, 2015.“A Mind for Numbers: How to Excel in Math and Science – and Anything Else You Study” Friday, February 13, 2015 4:15–5:30 PM; “Lessons From a Basement Studio on How to Make—and Use—a ‘Sticky’ Online Course to Enhance Student Learning” Saturday, February 14, 2015, 8:30–9:45 AM

  46. “The Making of a Sticky MOOC,” Coursera Headquarters , Mountain View, CA, February 11, 2015.

  47. “Learning How to Learn,” Authors@Google, Mountain View, CA, February 10, 2015

  48. “Learning How to Learn,” the University of Connecticut, to celebrate the grand re-opening of the Academic Achievement Center. February 5, 2015.

  49. “Learning How to Learn,” MMAH Dinner Meeting, November 23rd Lansing, Michigan.

  50. “Learning How to Learn,” at the conference “Mathematics education in high school: challenges and progress,” National Autonomous University of Mexico through the Ministry of Institutional Development, the SUMEM (University Seminar for the Improvement of Mathematics Education), Mexico City, Mexico, 5 November 2014, (Remote link).

  51. "Learning How to Learn," Barbara Oakley, International Student Conference, IEEE-EMBS, Conception, Chile, November 3rd, 2014.

  52. Keynote Speaker, Teaching and Learning Collective’s Speaker Series and Conference, Central Michigan University, Mt Pleasant, Michigan, October 1-3, 2014

  53. Learning How to Learn," Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan, September 11, 2014, 7-8pm.

  54. "Learning How To Learn," Finlandia University, Hancock, Michigan, September 11, 2014, 10-11am

  55. "Engineering a Mind for Numbers: How to Start Your Education in a STEM Field," incoming class of freshman engineering students, the evening of September 10, 2014, Rozsa Center, Michigan technological University, Houghton, Michigan.

  56. "Learning How to Learn," Barbara Oakley, half day workshop at the IEEE-Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, August 26, 2014.

  57. “Pathological Altruism and Altruism Bias,” invited speech for the San Jose State University Provocative Lecture Series, February 27, 2014.

  58. “Learning How to Learn,” San Jose State University, February 28, 2014.

  59. “Learning More Creatively,” invited speech, eBay Headquarters, San Jose, California, July 16, 2013.

  60. “How to Learn More Deeply and Creatively,” Invited speech for the NSF Temporal Dynamics Learning Center, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, March 12, 2013.

  61. “Pathologies of Altruism,” Invited speech for The Salk Institute of Biological Sciences, La Jolla, CA, March 11, 2013

  62. Invited speaker, National Academy of Sciences Colloquium: In The Light of Evolution VII: The Human Mental Machinery, January 11-12, 2013, Beckman Center of the National Academy of Sciences, Irvine, California.

  63. Brain Based Learning Workshop, Oakland University Center for Teaching and Learning, Jan 24, 2013.

  64. Invited talk for the School of Business Administration: Entrepreneurship 305, "Creativity and Innovation," Jan 16, 2012, 9:20 – 10:10 AM.

  65. How to Learn Math & Science—Insights from Chess Experts, OU-WB Medical School, Nov 30, 2012.

  66. Invited talk at the conference "Evolution in Biology, the Human Sciences, and the Humanities." University of Missouri, St. Louis, April 26, 27, 28, 2012. (All expenses paid by conference.)

  67. “Understanding Relationship of Stress Reduction through Effects of MBSR Training for Health Care Providers,” Barbara Penprase, Amy Johnson, Laura Pittiglio, Barbara Oakley, Toni Grant. MNRS (Midwest Nursing Research Society), April 12-15, 2012, Dearborn.

  68. Caring too Much? Empathy Characteristics of Nurses May Provide a Vital Clue Towards Reducing Burnout,” Barbara Penprase, Barbara Oakley, Reuben Ternes. Dana Driscoll, MNRS (Midwest Nursing Research Society), April 12-15, 2012, Dearborn.

  69. American Society for Public Administration Conference, Las Vegas, NV, March 3rd, 2012—Invited panel presentation regarding my book chapter in “Machiavellians and Organizational Evil,” published in The Foundations of Organizational Evil,(M.E. Sharpe, 2012), ed. Carole L. Jurkiewicz, Ph.D.

  70. Keynote speaker, Utah Children’s Justice Symposium/Utah Prosecution Council Domestic Violence Conference, Midway, UT (Zermatt Resort), May 14, 2011.

  71. Invited talk at The University of Michigan for the Evolution and Human Adaptation Program (EHAP) and the Research Center for Group Dynamics (RCGD) at the Institute for Social Research for the lecture series in Winter 2012 on "Extravagant Altruism."

  72. Poster presentation at the Society for Social Neuroscience Conference, Washington DC, November 10-11, 2011, “The correlation of empathizing-systemizing with political party and political affiliation,” Barbara Oakley, Barbara Penprase, Dana Driscoll, Rueben Ternes.

  73. Michigan State University, Faculty Emeriti Association, 10:00 October 27th, 2011.

  74. Yale University, for the Institute for Social and Policy Studies, October 12th, 2011.

  75. Kickoff speaker for “Dixie Forum,” Dixie State College, St. George, Utah, 12:00 noon, September 20th, 2011.

  76. Convocation speech for Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri, September 1, 2011.

  77. Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, MI, Life Sciences Seminar Series, 12:30 PM, Feb 1, 2011. Barbara Oakley, invited speaker.

  78. Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio 43403, Psychology Building, Room 108, 11:30 on April 8, 2010. Barbara Oakley, invited speaker for Psychology Department.

  79. Humber College, Ontario, Canada, Thursday, February 9, 2010, 12:00 noon. Barbara Oakley, invited speaker for university as a whole.

  80. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89154-5003, Thursday, October 22, 2010, 4:00 PM. Barbara Oakley, invited speaker for university as a whole.

  81. Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, Saginaw Valley State University, 7400 Bay Road, University Center, MI 48710. Thursday, August 13, 2009, 9:30 AM. Barbara Oakley, invited speaker for the Institute.

  82. Mountain States Genetics Foundation Annual Conference, Northwest Research and Education Institute, Barbara Oakley, Keynote Speaker, July 17, 2009, Denver, CO.

  83. Emeritus College (a program of Diablo Valley College), 1250 Arroyo Way, Walnut Creek, CA 94596, Thursday, May 21, 1:00 PM. Barbara Oakley, invited speaker for program.

  84. California Institute of Technology, 1200 East California Boulevard, Pasedena CA 91125, Sunday, May 17, 2:00 PM (Sponsored by Michael Shermer and the Skeptics Society). Barbara Oakley, invited speaker for university as a whole.

  85. Montana Tech of the University of Montana, 1300 West Park Street, Butte, MT 59701, Monday, April 06, 2009, 7:00 PM. Barbara Oakley, invited speaker for university as a whole.

  86. Contact: Cultures of the Imagination Conference, NASA Ames Research Center, Saturday, April 04, 1:30 - 2:00 PM, 2009. (On "Too Kind.) Barbara Oakley, invited speaker.

  87. Three hour continuing education seminar on "Dealing with Disruptive People" for the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses, Four Points by Sheraton near I-94/​Briarwood Mall, Ann Arbor, MI Saturday, March 28, 12:30 - 3:45 PM, 2009. Barbara Oakley, invited speaker.

  88. Michigan State University, 118 Psychology Building, Lansing, Michigan, Thursday, March 26th, 7:00 PM, 2009. Barbara Oakley, invited speaker for university as a whole.

  89. Reedley College, RC Forum Hall, 995 North Reed Avenue, Reedley, CA 93654 Thursday, March 19, 7:00 PM, 2009. Barbara Oakley, invited speaker for college as a whole.

  90. Cobleskill University, SUNY, State Route 7, Cobleskill New York 12043, Monday, February 23, 7:00 PM, 2009. Barbara Oakley, invited speaker for university as a whole.

  91. Marymount Manhattan College, 221 East 71st Street, NY, NY 10021, Tuesday, February 24, 7:30 PM, 2009. Barbara Oakley, invited speaker for college as a whole.

  92. Case Western Reserve University, Strosacker Auditorium, 10900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44106, Wednesday, November 12, 2009, 7:00 PM. Barbara Oakley, invited speaker for college as a whole, sponsored by the Center for inquiry.

  93. Binghamton University, kick off lecture for the EvoS seminar series, 4400 Vestal Parkway East, Vestal, NY, 13850, Friday, September 05, 4:00 PM. Barbara Oakley, invited speaker.

  94. Duke University (sponsored by the Science Book Club), Tuesday, August 5th, 2008 at 3:15 pm. Barbara Oakley, invited speaker for the university’s science book club.

  95. Michigan State University, 7:00 pm April 23, 2008, Barbara Oakley, invited speaker (by Psychology Dept) for college as a whole.

  96. Invited panel discussion member for the panel on “Evil and Sin” (with authors John Portmann, professor of religious studies ("A History of Sin") and Jennifer Geddes, research associate professor, Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture ("Evil After Postmodernism"), Virginia Festival of the Book, 8:00 pm, March 27th, 2008, Charlottesville, VA.

  97. Grand Valley State University, 7:30 pm, February 12th, 2008. Barbara Oakley, invited speaker for college as a whole, sponsored by the Center for Inquiry.

  98. “Teamwork Pitfalls,” invited workshop on teaching effectively with teams (Philadelphia). October 26th, 2007, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. Barbara Oakley, invited speaker.

  99. “Integrating Teamwork into the University Classroom,” Invited workshop on teaching effectively with teams (Philadelphia). May 9th, 2005. Barbara Oakley, invited speaker.

  100. The Power of Teamwork at the On Course National Conference, March 2-3—Barbara Oakley, invited workshop.

  101. Panel discussion “The Recipe to Succeed in MS/PhD Research,” Shanghai EMBS Conference, September 4th, 2005. Barbara Oakley, organizer and speaker.

  102. “Integrating Teamwork into the University Classroom,” Barbara Oakley, invited workshop, Hong Kong, September 15th, 2005.

  103. “The Use of Medical Imaging to Predict the Potential for Unethical Behavior in Workers Involved in Crucial National Defense Issues,” Barbara Oakley. Third International Conference on Ethical Issues in Biomedical Engineering, June 4-6, 2005, Alfred University, Alfred, New York.

  104. “Comparison of Conformal and Nonconformal Meshes in the Electromagnetic Simulation of Atherosclerotic Lesions,” David K. Stiles (presenter) and Barbara A. Oakley, 2003 IEEE EMBS Annual Conference, September 17th – 21st, 2003, Cancun, Mexico.

  105. “Using the Kumon Method to Revitalize Mathematics in an Inner-Urban School District,” by Barbara Oakley (presenter), Doreen Lawrence, Walter Burt, Broderick Boxley, and Chris Kobus, ASEE 2003 Conference, June 21st – 25th, 2003, Nashville, TN.

  106. “Cooperative Learning,” Barbara Oakley (presenter). A two-hour workshop given to the staff of Mark Twain Elementary in Pontiac, November 7th, 2002.

  107. “Simulation of Electromagnetic Fields in a Microelectrode Array,” Barbara Oakley (presenter), Julie de Hagen, Darrin Hanna, Basim Al-Khateeb, Mahmoud Al-Nsour, Proceedings of the IEEE EMBS Special Topic Conference on Nanobioscience, Genova, Italy, June 6th, 2002

  108. “Simulation of Four-Point Electrode Measured Impedance and Current Densities Near an Atherosclerotic Lesion,” David Stiles (presenter), Barbara Oakley, 2nd Annual International IEEE-EMBS Special Topic Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine & Biology, Madison, Wisconsin, May 2nd – 4th, 2002.

  109. “Demonstrating CDMA, Frequency Hopping, and Other Wireless Techniques with PSPICE,” Andrew Rusek, Barbara Oakley (presenter), Proceedings of the 2002 ASEE Conference, Montreal, Quebec, June 18th 2002.

  110. “Cooperative Learning,” three hour invited workshop by Barbara Oakley given to the Electronics Institute of the Maltese College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), Paola, Malta, June 11th, 2002.

  111. “Incorporating Writing Skills into the Engineering Curriculum,” one hour invited workshop by Barbara Oakley given to the Electronics Institute of the Maltese College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), Paola, Malta, June 12th, 2002.

  112. “Working with Problem People in Teams,” by Barbara Oakley, one hour invited lecture given at the University of Malta, Msida, Malta, June 13th, 2002.

  113. “Electromagnetic Simulation in the Development of Microelectrodes,” by Barbara Oakley invited public lecture given at the University of Malta, Msida, Malta, June 13th, 2002

  114. “How do I Plan a Course,” by Barbara Oakley, three hour invited workshop given to the Electronics Institute of the Maltese College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), Paola, Malta, June 14th, 2002.

  115. “Two to Tango,” by Barbara Oakley, invited lecture for the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Research Experience for Undergraduates, (Dr. Fatma Mili), June 26th, 2002. Revised invited lecture: “Dealing with Hitchhikers and Couch Potatoes on Teams,” given to the REU students May 16th, 2003.

  116. “Basics of Research,” by Barbara Oakley, invited lecture for the Office of Grants, Contracts, and Sponsored Research, given to the 50 new faculty of Oakland University at their orientation lecture, August, 2000, and again in August, 2001.

  117. Invited keynote speaker for the Girls Excel in Math and Science Conference, Plymouth-Canton Community Schools, March 17th, 2001. Approximately 150 students in attendance.

  118. “The Dielectric Properties of Whole Blood at Pressure up to 250 kPa,” Barbara Oakley, David Stiles (presenter), Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual Conference, July 2000, Chicago.

  119. “Effects of Anticoagulants on the Dielectric Properties of Blood,” David Stiles (presenter), Barbara Oakley, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual Conference, July 2000, Chicago.

  120. “Climbing Mount Improbable: Assessing the Communications Skills of Engineering Students,” March 9th, 2000. Invited seminar by Barbara Oakley for Oakland University.

  121. “Making Your Classroom an Active Learning Environment,” Barbara Oakley, invited seminar for a university-wide presentation sponsored by the Teaching and Learning Committee, November 11th, 1999.

  122. “Look But Don’t Touch: In Pursuit of Biomedical Noninvasive Pressure Sensing,” Barbara Oakley, invited colloquium for the Department of Physics, Oakland University, September 30th, 1999.

  123. “Highlights from the NSF New Century Scholar Workshop,” Barbara Oakley, presented at the Faculty Retreat in September, 1999.

  124. “Laser System Integration and Mathematical Modeling of Acoustic Waves Produced by Laser Light Propagating through a Photoacoustic Cell,” Reena Datta (co-presenter), Brian Boniface (co-presenter), Barbara Oakley, Fourth Annual Michigan Space Grant. Consortium Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, October 9th, 1999.

  125. “Towards Student Centered Learning: Collaborative Teaching,” Barbara Oakley, School of Engineering and Computer Science, March 4th, 1999.

  126. “Cooperative Teaching,” Barbara Oakley, Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering Monthly Hour, January 25th, 1999.

  127. “Towards Noninvasive Pressure Sensing: Past Results, Future Challenges,” Barbara Oakley, Third Annual Michigan Space Grant Consortium Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, October 10th, 1998.

H. Memberships in Scholarly Societies

  • American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineers, Fellow

  • IEEE-Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Senior member

  • American Society of Engineering Education

I. Reviewer for

  • Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

  • Physics in Medicine and Biology

  • Physiological Measurement

  • Journal of Neural Engineering

  • The Journal of Personality and Individual Differences

  • Journal of Political Psychology

  • The IEEE Transactions on Education

  • IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics

  • The Journal of Engineering Education


  • Wiley-Interscience

  • Oxford University Press

  • Prometheus Books

  • Citadel Press

  • McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math

Conference Organizations

  • BRIMS (Behavioral Representation in Modeling & Simulation)

  • ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineering

  • Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers-Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society

  • American Society of Engineering Education

J. Selected Recent Service

  • Vice President, Members, IEEE-Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2014-2016.

  • Committee of Appointments and Promotions (CAP), Fall, 2011 – 2012

  • SECS Executive Committee, 2011 – 2012.

  • Co-Advisor for Tau Beta Pi, 2003 – 2012.

  • SECS Committee on Academic Standing, 2001-2011. (Chair of the Committee, 2001-2003).

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