Standard World History: Mrs. Kimberly K. Curran/Atlantic Coast High School

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Standard World History: Mrs. Kimberly K. Curran/Atlantic Coast High School 538-5120 ext 1505

Course Design: Standard World History is a yearlong required course that covers historical eras from the post-classical era to the Cold War and “hot spots” of contemporary history. In order for students to be successful on the FCAT reading exam in the spring, the students will learn strategies to use for reading informational text. Approximately 70% of the reading passages on the 10th grade FCAT test consist of informational text, and a large portion of that text is social studies content. Students will complete required performance tasks/assessments each unit and their progress will be tracked throughout the year using the History Alive Interactive Notebook with success plans being developed when necessary. Students will have homework every week and should also be actively reading their textbook at home EVERY week.
Notebook: You will be required to keep an interactive notebook. Interactive implies that you will be constantly using this notebook. It is not simply a storage device. I require two 3 subject, 11 x 8 ½ spiral notebooks. We will set up one in August and the second in January. Your notebook will be graded periodically with no notice given. I do this so that you keep up with your notebook every day and have it in class every day. You will use this to organize class and home activities to help you study. It will become a valuable learning device as this course is cumulative. Homework and class work will be graded when I pick the notebook up. If it is not stapled to the correct page, it is not there and will not be graded.
Your notebook is extremely important. There is no “alternative assignment”.

If your notebook is lost or stolen, all ungraded work will have to be redone and you will be at a serious disadvantage when it comes test time.
Course Outline:


Unit Name

Total weeks(estimate)


Post-classical Age



Middle Ages



Renaissance and Reformation



Scientific Revolution and Age of Discovery



Age of Absolutism and Enlightenment



Revolutions and Nationalism



Industrial Revolution






World War I



Russian Revolution



World War II and The Holocaust



Cold War and Contemporary Hot Spots


Grading: This is a required course for graduation that focuses on literacy in preparation for the FCAT Reading Exam this spring. Be prepared to work hard on a consistent basis. Students will receive the grade they earn. There will be periodic quizzes and tests at the end of each unit. You will also have a comprehensive exam each nine weeks and a comprehensive final exam in June. This course also has a required end of course exam that is given by Duval County. You can expect homework every week and to be actively involved in class activities every day.
I follow the Duval County grading scale of:

90-100=A (excellent)

80-89=B (above average)

70-79=C (average)

60-69=D (below average)

0-59=F (failing)

Your grade will be averaged as follows:

Tests/Exams: 30%

Essays/Projects/FCAT short and extended responses/required performance assessments: 30%

Interactive Student Notebook/Class work: 20%

Homework/ Quizzes: 20%
ATTENDANCE POLICY: From the DCPS Student Code of Conduct.

  • Students who are absent shall receive a grade of zero (0) for work missed for the day(s) or class periods(s) in which the absence(s) occur. Students shall be responsible for making up missed work for each absence. Students shall receive 100% credit for the make-up work for all absences completed within the allotted time. The school principal shall determine the appropriate length of time for completion of assignments.

  • Students with unexcused absences shall be held accountable through provisions of the Code of Student Conduct. Other appropriate penalties, such as detention beyond the regular school schedule or appropriate counseling programs for students and parents, may be administered at the school principal's or designee's discretion.

  • Any student who misses more than eight (8) days of a course or four (4) days on a block schedule during one grading period must meet both criteria below to be eligible for a passing grade (A-D) in that course:

  1. The student passes the required comprehensive quarter exam or the required comprehensive project in the course. A comprehensive exam or comprehensive project will be given to all students in courses for each grading period; and

2. The student has an overall passing grade in the course for the grading period.

MAKE-UP WORK: It is your responsibility to find out what work you missed while you were out and to turn it in. I will not discuss make-up work during regular class time. You may email me or see me before or after school or during lunch. All assignments are listed online each week and you are required to keep a copy of your assignments on your calendar in your notebook. All worksheets are kept at the Student Supply Center for four days after we use them. Also, the master notebook is available during lunch most days, after school from 2:00-2:30, and on grade recovery days. If you are absent, tests and quizzes are made up after school on the first Friday after you return. I truly can’t emphasize enough how important it is to be here EVERY DAY! This class is an active class that often engages in activities that are difficult if not impossible to make up (skits, presentations, experiential exercises etc.)

SCHEDULE: I keep a weekly schedule online at You will type in my last name (CURRAN) and 32256 and click on the page for standard world history. All test dates will be announced on the day we start the chapter or unit. Your homework will also be listed at.
Grade recovery policy: Available most Friday afternoons from 2:00-4:00

  1. You may rewrite an essay, FCAT short/extended response, or required performance assessment that you received less than 70% credit on after school on Friday. I will be there to go over the rubric with you and assist you in improving your writing. You must rewrite your essay/FCAT response in my presence. In other words, I must see you doing the work. You may not bring an essay/response done somewhere else. Upon successful completion of the essay/response, your grade will be changed to 70%.

  2. You may grade recover any assignment that you did not receive 70% on in my presence on Friday after school as well. Remember, I must see you doing the work.

  3. You may grade recover a notebook grade that you did not receive 70% on once. This must also be done with me after school on Friday.

  4. Quizzes are not eligible for grade recovery.

  5. Unit tests and nine week exams may be corrected to earn up to half the missed points if a test correction form is completed and turned in with the test within one week of Mrs. Curran handing the test back.

  6. If you commit academic dishonesty (cheating, copying, loaning your work), you are no longer eligible for grade recovery.

  7. If you receive a “D” or “F” as a quarter grade, you may be eligible for grade recovery if:

    1. You have completed all missed work related to absences per the attendance policy in the Student Progression Plan.

    2. You have not been charged with plagiarism or cheating.

    3. You meet with the teacher after school to discuss grade recovery within two weeks after report cards are issued.

    1. Upon completion of all grade recovery work assigned by the progress report time of the current nine weeks, and receiving a passing score on comprehensive exam given that covers the material mastered through that nine weeks, you will receive a “C”.

Late work IS NOT accepted unless there was a SERIOUS ILLNESS or FAMILY EMERGENCY. A note must accompany the assignment or an email to
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Personal pride and integrity are essential to Atlantic Coast’s dedication to academic excellence and are fundamental elements of the Student Statement of commitment. Cheating is a Class II offense as defined in the Duval County School Board Student Code of Conduct. Consequences may include suspension from school. Cheating, to include plagiarism, copying homework or class work, cutting and pasting from the Internet, and copying ANYTHING from another student’s notebook will not be tolerated.
PARENT CONFERENCES: to schedule a conference, the parent/guardian should call the appropriate house office.

River & Ocean House: 904 538 5120, Ext 1035

Behavior Policies:

PHILOSOPHY: You are responsible for your behavior. We are here to learn, and the only way that we can accomplish our goal is if everyone conducts himself or herself in a calm, reasonable, and polite manner. Students who cannot behave in a calm, reasonable, and polite manner are attempting to make it more difficult for me to teach the entire class and are thus “stealing” the education of other students. This will NOT be tolerated.
Students will report to class on time, prepared to participate in class activities, and they will do nothing to disrupt the learning process.

In addition, all Atlantic Coast rules will be followed. They include:

  1. All students will treat EVERYONE in this school with respect.

  2. All students will raise their hand and wait to be recognized before asking or answering a question.

  3. Hall passes are issued at the discretion of the teacher and for emergencies only.

CONSEQUENCES: Students who find themselves unable to follow our rules will be dealt with in one of the following manners.

  1. Verbal warning and reminder of the rule.

  2. Parent contact

  3. Referral to administrator

  4. Parent-teacher-student-administrator conference

These rules have been established to ensure that we are able to accomplish our goals. WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. If we treat others with the respect and courtesy that we want to be treated with, then we won’t have any problems. I am a reasonable person who is on a mission to ensure that all of my students excel. Your cooperation is expected and appreciated.

Closing Thoughts: This course is designed to challenge students. Please, if you find yourself struggling, look at it as an opportunity to grow and learn and come see me early on so we can figure out a corrective course of action. I am here to help you to be successful. If you have any questions regarding this syllabus, assignments, materials, or your progress, please feel free to contact me via email at Also, please sign up for updates at I am looking forward to working with you this year to create a positive and successful learning experience.
Please sign and return this sheet to Mrs. Curran This copy of the syllabus will be glued into the interactive notebook. You may print a copy to keep from my website. I highly recommend that all parents sign up to receive automatic email updates from my new school notes site. You may access the site by going to

I also have a website at

I have read Mrs. Curran’s Standard World History syllabus and I understand what is expected and required. I understand that I must be willing to commit time outside of class to be prepared to participate in class activities. I also understand that keeping up with the reading schedule and homework is essential for success in this class. In addition, I am aware that Mrs. Curran strongly suggests that all parents and students sign up for email updates at

__________________________ __________________________

Parent’s signature Date

__________________________ __________________________

Student’s signature Date

Print student’s name here: ____________________________________


Dear Parents,

During the course of the yearlong World History class your child is currently enrolled in there will be a few selected scenes from historical movies shown to dramatize certain events or persons. It is my objective, therefore, to show these movie clips throughout the year so that my students can better understand the particular time frame we are discussing. For example, a scene from “First Knight”, if shown, would dramatize the medieval legend of King Arthur and is an excellent portrayal of medieval culture. In all cases, students will be tested or will have to write some form of critique on any video clip shown in class. They are not shown merely for entertainment.
Keeping School Board policy in mind, I feel it is my duty to notify parents that some of these videos are rated PG-13 usually due to some adult language or violence. Your signature at the bottom of the authorization form will acknowledge your approval for your child to view the movies that have been previewed for use in this class. If you object to your child viewing these selected films, then he or she will be excused from the class and given an alternative assignment to cover the missed material.

Thank you,

Kimberly K. Curran

____________ Yes, I give my son/daughter______________________________ permission to view the movies selected for use in his/her World History class.

_____________NO, I DO NOT give my son/daughter_______________________

permission to view the movies selected for use in his/her World History class. I understand that he/she will be excused from the room when the movies are shown.

Signature of Parent: _____________________________________
Date: ______________

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