Strategic plan

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The Mission of the Distance Learning Section (DLS) of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) is to provide leadership in promoting and supporting the development and delivery of library services for distance learning programs offered by higher education institutions.

The ACRL Distance Learning Section will establish itself as the leading

association-based resource for information, expertise, guidance, collaboration, and advocacy for distance learning library services within the Association of College and Research Libraries, the profession, and higher education.

1. Strategic Initiative: The Distance Learning Section will become the acknowledged leader in developing and articulating effective practices in distance learning library services.
Objective: To promote research, scholarship and the development of quality performance measures in distance learning library services to provide members and the library profession with an information and knowledge base for the development of effective practices

A. Publicize effective practices for distance learning library services through increased public relations and marketing efforts

B. Promote visibility of the Section through the wide distribution of the DLS brochure
C. Identify, make available (on the DLS Web page), and update outcomes assessment tools based on ACRL guidelines (and using the ACRL task force study on outcomes assessment posted on the Web)
D. Disseminate and promote the use of the ACRL Guidelines for Distance Learning Library Services through meetings, professional publications, accrediting agencies, conference programs and presentations within home institutions, and state library associations
Responsibility: *

  1. Communications Committee; Instruction Committee; Liaison Committee

  2. Communications Committee; Conference Program Planning; Liaison Committee; Membership Committee

  3. Communications Committee; Instruction Committee; Membership Committee; Research Committee; Web Committee

  4. Guidelines Committee coordinates efforts of all members; each committee reports annually the status of their efforts to Strategic Planning Committee


Ongoing for all
Special resource implications:

* It is assumed that individual Section members will play an active role in supporting the DLS Strategic Plan

2. Strategic Initiative: The Distance Learning Section will address the major forces affecting distance learning library services as identified in the DLS Environmental Scan.
Objective: To develop Section activities that reflect changes, developments, and trends in the external environment

A. Revise the Environmental Scan to identify trends and impact factors prior to the next strategic planning cycle

B. Assess Section activities annually in light of its strategic plan and that of ACRL in order to respond to the needs of its members
C. Participate in regular five-year reviews as mandated by ACRL
D. Review all DLS committee charges annually and refer changes to the Vice-Chair

Responsibility: *

  1. Strategic Planning Committee

  2. Strategic Planning Committee

  3. Strategic Planning Committee

  4. Executive Committee; Strategic Planning Committee; all other DLS committees


See Actions above
Special resource implications:

* It is assumed that individual Section members will play an active role in supporting the DLS Strategic Plan

3. Strategic Initiative: The Distance Learning Section will provide support for its members.
Objective: To maintain the vitality of the Section and increase the Section’s base of support

  1. Provide orientation for new DLS members and updates for continuing members

  1. Provide orientation for chairs and committee members

C. Create an intern program to encourage participation in Section committees

D. Promote awareness of DLS for members through the DLS brochure, listserv, Web page, and other venues

  1. Increase marketing and public relations efforts through implementation of the Section's marketing plan

  1. Provide opportunities for Section members to participate in committee work virtually

  1. Provide continuing education/professional development opportunities and courses for Section members

Responsibility: *

A. Communication Committee; Membership Committee; Research Committee; Web Committee;

B. Executive Committee and Past Chair

C. Instruction Committee

D. Membership Committee; Web Committee

E. Membership Committee

  1. Executive Committee

  2. Instruction Committee; Research Committee


Special resource implications:

* It is assumed that individual Section members will play and active role in supporting the DLS Strategic Plan

4. Strategic Initiative: The Distance Learning Section will seek ways to work closely with other sections of ACRL and divisions of ALA.
Objective: To improve section collaboration within ALA
A. Encourage the active involvement of the ACRL Board liaison in Section discussions and activities
B. Identify collaborative partners within ALA
C. Network with other ACRL sections

  1. Identify and participate in activities of other sections of ACRL and divisions of ALA

E. Network with librarians through state and regional ACRL chapters

F. Collaborate with ACRL on promoting DLS discussion group and conference programs

  1. Inform DLS members of relevant discussion groups and conference programs sponsored by other ALA groups

Responsibility: *

A. Chair

B. Liaison Committee; Executive Committee

C. Liaison Committee; Executive Committee; Research Committee

  1. Liaison Committee; Conference Program Planning; Electronic Resources Committee

  2. Executive Committee

  3. Executive Committee

  4. Liaison Committee


Special resource implications:



* It is assumed that individual Section members will play an active role in supporting the DLS Strategic Plan

5. Strategic Initiative: The Distance Learning Section will seek collaborative partners outside ALA.

Objective: To improve the visibility of the Section beyond ALA

A. Identify associations outside the library profession for collaboration and participation in their activities (e.g., AAHE, Distance Learning Association, EduCause)
B. Participate in joint pre-conference and conference programs

C. Work with commercial vendors in the distance learning arena on appropriate issues to foster discussion and research.

Responsibility: *

A. Liaison Committee; Executive Committee

B. Liaison Committee; Executive Committee

C. Executive Committee; Liaison Committee


  1. Immediate

  2. Start at ALA Annual Conference 2004

  3. Ongoing

Special resource implications:

Travel funds

External presenters fees/funding

* It is assumed that individual Section members will play an active role in supporting the DLS Strategic Plan

6. Strategic Initiative: The Distance Learning Section will offer professional development opportunities for librarians and serve as an advocate for librarians implementing services for distance learning library services.

Objective: To provide effective educational and consulting services by utilizing the knowledge and leadership skill of DLS members

A. Create and make available electronically a consultant/advisory database of resources and contacts that includes free as well as fee-based services

B. Create mentoring programs for those new to distance learning librarianship
C. Share best practices
D. Conduct and evaluate needs assessment surveys
E. Disseminate information about distance learning via conference programs, DLS Newsletter, Web page, etc.

Responsibility: *

A. Electronic Resources Committee; Instruction Committee; Membership Committee; Research Committee; Statistics Committee; Web Committee;

B. Instruction Committee

  1. Electronic Resources Committee; Instruction Committee; Research Committee; Statistics Committee; Web Committee

  2. Research Committee; Statistics Committee

  3. Communications Committee; Conference Program Planning Committee; Research Committee; Web Committee


  1. By ALA Annual Conference 2004; thereafter ongoing

  2. By ALA Annual Conference 2004; thereafter ongoing

  3. Identify by ALA Annual Conference 2004; share and disseminate at ALA Midwinter Meeting 2005; thereafter ongoing

  4. By ALA Annual Conference 2003; thereafter ongoing

  5. Ongoing

Special resource implications:

Survey preparation and dissemination
* It is assumed that individual Section members will play an active role in supporting the DLS Strategic Plan.

Adopted 1/27/03

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