Annual InStructional unit plan

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annual InStructional unit plan

UNIT: BAN, BUS, MAG, MKT, PAL & RLE_________

Please give the full title of the discipline or department.

You may submit as a discipline or department, as is easiest for your unit.

CONTACT PERSON:__Dr. Ron Pardee_____________

Due: May 17, 2013

Please send an electronic copy to:

Vice President, Academic Affairs

Dr. Wolde-Ab Isaac at

and send an electronic copy to your divisional dean.

Form Last Revised: March 11, 2013

Web Resources:

Instructional Unit Plan

Please retain this information for your discipline’s/department’s use (or forward to your chair). A database will be created and distributed to the relevant councils and committees as requested.
The Unit Plan is conducted by each unit at the college and consists of an analysis of changes within the unit as well as significant new resource needs for staff, resources, facilities, and equipment. It should be submitted or renewed every year by mid May in anticipation of budget planning for the fiscal year, which begins July 1 of the following calendar year.
Data sets are available on the Program Review website. Please consult with your Department Chair or Daniel Martinez for assistance interpreting the data relevant to your discipline. Also, review the course retention and success data provided at

The data are disaggregated by gender, ethnicity, age, socioeconomic status, and delivery method (hybrid, online, face-to-face). Within these categories, course data are further disaggregated by transfer, CTE, and developmental categories. Note that you are only required to mention data relevant to your analysis or requests. Please utilize these data or data collected by your discipline to assess your goals and as rationale for resource requests.
The questions on the subsequent pages are intended to assist you in planning for your unit. The forms that follow are separated into pages for ease of distribution to relevant offices, councils and committees. Don’t let formatting concerns slow you down. If you have difficulty with formatting, the Administrative Support Center can adjust the document for you. Simply add responses to those questions that apply and forward the document to the Administrative Support Center with a request to format it appropriately.
If you cannot identify in which category your request belongs or if you have general funding request questions, please contact the Vice President of Business Services, Charles Wyckoff at 951-222-8307 or Within each resource request form, a recommended contact person is listed to assist you with estimating the cost of your requests. It is vital to include cost estimates in your request forms. Please cite the source for the cost estimates and indicate if the costs are one-time or recurring. If the costs are recurring, provide cost of a service contract and length of time needed. Also, please indicate if grant funds have been sought and denied. FAILURE TO PROVIDE COST ESTIMATES MAY RESULT IN YOUR REQUEST NOT BEING CONSIDERED. Please see Unit Plan Rubric for the prioritization criteria. TO ACHIEVE MAXIMUM POINTS WRITE YOUR RATIONALES BASED ON THE RUBRIC CRITERIA. IF CRITERIA ARE NOT ADDRESSED IT WILL BE GIVEN ZERO POINTS.
The college mission is available on the RCC home page, and the goals and strategies are available at

Instructional Unit Plan Update

  1. Trends and Relevant Data

  1. What is your unit’s mission statement?

The Business, Banking, Management, Marketing, Paralegal, and Real Estate programs are part of the Business and Information Systems &

Technology Department and as such has developed the following mission statement.

The Business programs increase capabilities of our community through the improvement of individuals through developing technical skills, analytical abilities, and critical thinking. Our efforts develop local and regional competitiveness for businesses through the preparation of traditional students and expanding the skills of life-long learners.

This mission statement is very well aligned with the college’s mission statement shown below.
Riverside City College provides a high-quality affordable education to a diverse community of learners by offering career-technical, transferable, and pre-college courses leading to certificates, associate degrees, and transfer. Based on a learner-centered philosophy, the College fosters critical thinking, develops information and communication skills, expands the breadth and application of knowledge, and promotes community and global awareness. To help students achieve their goals, the College offers comprehensive learning and student support services, student activities, and community programs. RCC empowers and supports students as they work toward individual achievement, intellectual curiosity, and life-long learning.

  1. Has there been any change in the status of your unit? (if not, skip to #3)

    1. Has your unit shifted departments?


    1. Have any new certificates or programs been created by your unit?

Yes. The department / programs have been instrumental in developing:

  • Business Transfer Model Curriculum (submitted to the District, pending state submission and approval)

  • Entrepreneurship degree & certificate pattern approved at the state on May 7 2013

  • International Business (POR submitted to the District, pending state submission and approval)

  • Cosmetology Entrepreneurship and

  • Cosmetology Supervision & Management certificates (submitted to the District, pending state submission and approval).

    1. Have activities in other units impacted your unit? For example, a new nursing program could cause greater demand for life science courses.

Yes. The CIS program has increased the access to computerized classrooms which have allowed several courses to be offered in that computerized environment. Our collaboration with CAT & CIS has increased over the past two years.

  1. How have environmental demographics and external factors affected your discipline’s enrollment? If there have been significant changes, please indicate those changes. If there are no significant changes in your unit’s opinion, indicate “None” and skip to question #4.

2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Enrollments 3,558 3,238 3,669 4,221 4,669 4,592 4,099

Retention 86.1% 86.5% 82.2% 83.0% 80.7% 83.5% 83.9%

Success 65.8% 66.7% 62.0% 63.4% 63.1% 64.4% 67.3%

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Efficiency 467.25 407.46 435.02 498.23 658.52 651.77 653.48
The data indicate that the Discipline continues to be a “Cash Cow” for the college with an efficiency of 653 WSCH / FTEF in the 2011-12 academic year. Total enrollment did decline in our area from highs in the 2009-10 & 2010-11 years, but enrollment in this discipline is about the size of the entire undergraduate enrollment at Cal Baptist University. Enrollment could be much larger if we were able to restore sections lost during the budget crisis.

  1. In reviewing your unit’s enrollment data, does your unit have plans to improve any aspects of enrollment management (ex: persistence, scheduling patterns, etc.)? If your plan necessitates resource changes make sure those needs are reflected in the applicable resource request sections.

We have revised the course rotation plan to accommodate the fewer number of sections and reduced number of part time faculty mandated by budget cuts. It will take longer for students to complete all certificates and degrees. Courses that used to have multiple sections have fewer sections and some now are offered only once per year. Courses that were offered once per semester are now offered once per year, while others which were offered every other semester are now offered once every other year.

This has adversely affected the persistence, completion, and graduation rates of our students.
This seems to have been a systemic issue applicable to all CTE programs at RCC.

The graph above shows the dramatic decline in the AS degrees, as a percent of all degrees, awarded at RCC since 2008

The above graph shows the dramatic increase in AA degrees, as a percent of all degree, awarded at RCC starting in 2008
The above graph shows the number of AS degrees awarded at RCC for the years 2000 through 2012
It appears that something happened in 2008 that caused the sharp decline in number of AS degrees, while the number of AA degrees awarded has increased. We do not have the resources at the unit level to investigate the cause of this decline in AS degrees over this time period.
According to the study “Doing What Matters”, the statewide average for percentage of CTE awards as a percent of total degrees is about 30 – 32 %, our decline to 24% is below the statewide average and indicates some negative “special cause” influence unique to RCC.
The discipline needs to increase the number of sections offered, going back to a number of sections between what is being offered now and what was offered in 2008 The major resource to accomplish this would be adjunct faculty and authorization to develop a growth plan to return to the number of sections offered prior to 2008. This discipline could easily double in enrollment within five years, if we were allowed the resources to offer more sections, and build more programs.
Looking at the number of sections offered (Table below) in the discipline (excluding ACC) during the primary terms since Fall 2007 shows a pretty steady reduction in section offerings over this time period. The comparison of Fall 2007 to Fall 2012 shows a reduction in offerings of 32%. This translates into a reduction in enrollment, which will translate into a reduction in completers and graduations.
The public policy Institute of California reported in March 2013 that the community colleges dropped about 86,000 students (a 21 percent reduction) between 2007-08 and 2011-12. Our reduction of 32% over this same time period is excessive. We request that our restoration of lost sections be accelerated.

The most apparent detail found in the enrolment table above is that the discipline has held an average enrollment (duplicated headcount) of about 2300 students each semester. This is about one fourth of the total enrollment at Norco College and Moreno Valley.

  1. Please report on the progress made on any of your 2012-2013 unit goals.

Goals from 2012-13
Business Department would like to be separated from CIS Department, be no longer BUS/CIS combined Department

      1. Professional Business School Accreditation

      2. Autonomy; Department Identify; Accountability

      3. Budget Control

      4. Student Success Rate

The goal of returning to being an independent department (separate from CIS) was placed on hold for the year and will be re-visited as we make progress toward become a “School of Business”.

The goal of becoming accredited by ACBSP (Accrediting Council for Business Schools and Programs) was essentially abandoned during the budget crisis, but has not been forgotten. We will be again including this as one of our goals, but it will be resource dependent.
The goal of budget control was also abandoned due to the budget crisis, but we do need to take a more realistic view of what it really takes to financially support our program areas.
Student success rate was identified as a goal, but we did not really establish targets or determine what realistic expectations could be accomplished.

  1. Please indicate your 2013-14 unit goals and/or strategies. You may insert relevant information from your CIPR Targets Addendum and/or your CIPR. Please include the needed support on the resource request forms along with the supporting rationale.

    1. In the Comprehensive Instructional Program Review (CIPR) Targets Addendum, your discipline is developing strategies to improve or maintain students’ levels of achievement in course retention, course success, persistence, and program completion. What goals and/or strategies has your discipline set to improve student achievement for the academic year 2013-14?

The two tables above show the retention and success rate for each program area included in this unit plan, for the time period of 2008 – 2012. We seem to meet or exceed the success target more frequently than we meet or exceed the retention target. Through discussion of these data and the data sorted by gender, the full-time faculty agreed to focus on the area that we are already relatively good at. We will continue to implement strategies intended to improve student success rates by at least .6% on average.
Starting the Fall 2013 semester, some of the specific strategies to continuously improve our student success rates are:

  1. Continue to reach out to students at risk, via Early Alert

  2. Motivate student success by implementing an “Recognition of Success” Award Letter and a recommendation from to Discipline to be tutors at Tutorial Services

  3. Encourage usage of Tutorial Services by embedding Tutorial Services Video (created via Pathway of Excellence committee)

  4. Engage the students through Riverside Business Discipline Facebook page where constantly update information useful to students’ success. e.g. reminders to apply for graduation, explanation of certificates, guidance of courses to take, etc.

  5. Guide students through completion of certificates and degrees via “Roadmap to Success’

  6. Development of a discipline definition of Online, Hybrid, Web-enhanced, and face-to-face course offering so that full-time and part-time instruction using these modalities is consistent for our students.

  7. Development of a business student code of conduct to enhance the classroom experience and prepare our students for the business environment.

  8. We would like to see the merging of additional disciplines such as Economics added to our proposed School of Business.

    1. In addition to completion, the college has identified improving student-faculty interaction as a priority. What goals and/or strategies has your discipline set to improve faculty-student interaction for the academic year 2013-14?

From the CCSSE survey

Improving student-faculty interaction is not simply faculty spending more time with students, it is also how faculty interact with their students. With that under consideration, we will establish a working document that will describe professional interaction expectations between faculty and students. This will be based on the standards presently used in professional business relationships. We will disseminate these standards to all faculty within the discipline and post them on the RCC Business Discipline facebook page. When we looked at the CCSSE survey to determine what elements comprise the “student-faculty interaction” evaluation in an effort to identify additional activities which would improve the results on this survey, the college’s lowest score was in the area of “Discussed ideas from readings or classes”. We will disseminate this information to all discipline faculty, but actually believe that this is the primary focus for most classroom discussions, so question the relevance of this score to our discipline. The second lowest score for RCC was “talked about career plans”. Since this is obviously beyond the scope of most classroom assignments, we will attempt to improve this interaction by scheduling monthly discussion groups focused on career planning for business majors.
We are concerned that this data is aggregate for the whole college and our efforts will have a minimal impact, so we would like to know the specific data for our discipline in order to better target our improvements.
Each year thru our Law Society Club, which is connected to paralegal students in our program, we hold a Paralegal Open House that is geared toward encouraging and improving student-faculty interaction. Students in the paralegal program, or those interested, are able to spend substantial time outside of the classroom with their peers and faculty in the program as well as legal professionals in the field. There are interactive activities during the Paralegal Open House that promotes student-faculty interaction. After the event, students are encouraged to sit and talk with paralegal faculty to discuss their educational plans, careers, goals, and concerns.
Additional activities of student-faculty interaction are promoted thru advising clubs. Two faculty in the department have been regular faculty advisors for both the Business club and Law Society club. Advisors meet with students in the program on a weekly basis, outside of the classroom. Student-faculty interaction with students in the program usually take place two times a week; during the planning of special engagements, these meetings can take place up to 3 or more times week.

    1. Are there other goals aligned to college goals your discipline is pursuing in 2013-14?

College goals:

I. Student Access & Support

Discipline goals: Extend the capabilities of the RCC Business facebook page and continue PodCasts

II. Responsiveness to the Community

Discipline goals: Expand the usefulness and effectiveness of the Entrepreneurship @ RCC website

Conduct monthly “Sharktank” Entrepreneurial Council consultation to business start-ups in the community

Visit to local high schools to speak with counselors about are many certificates and degree programs; including participating in high school career fair days.

Currently invite community to participate in annual Paralegal Open House

III. Culture of Innovation

Discipline goals: Expand the capabilities of the RCC Business facebook page and continue iTunes PodCasts

Develop interdisciplinary certificate/degree program focused on Hospitality Management, our School of Culinary Arts and include one of the area hotels.

There is a fairly new program innovation and initiative sponsored by the Coalition of Access to Fairness and Justice (COAF). This initiative is geared to provide a “pipeline” to law school for students who begin their education at community colleges. Studies have shown that many California lawyers, especially minorities, began their education at California community colleges. This program aims to partner various community colleges, universities and law schools by way of providing matriculation agreements under what would be known as the “2-2-3” agreement/program: A student would complete their first 2 years at community college, subsequent 2 years at university and then finish with their last 3 years at law school. COAF is seeking “faculty champions” for this new initiative and we plan on having a faculty member join up and become one of the “champions” for RCC. In time, the goal will be to fully introduce this program to our students, and work with other colleges, universities and law schools to facilitate the work frame of the initiative. This is an amazing opportunity for our students, faculty and community at large.
In addition, the Mock Trial program here at RCC is a great gateway to making the CAOF program successful. Students in the paralegal program have already been recognized for their achievements via John Marshall Law School Undergraduate Diversity Mock Trial competitions both regionally and nationally; RCC students have cumulative won over $100,000 in scholarships/law school tuition waivers. Additionally, the annual Paralegal Open House facilitates all of the above, and is a great tool for securing new students into the program and the proposed COAF initiatives. Further, the RCC Paralegal Program is also pursuing the change all PAL designated courses to LAW. These changes will attractively align with all initiatives mentioned above to support of the paralegal program.
IV. Resource Development

Discipline goals: Continue to attempt to locate external funding for Entrepreneurship program and

The development of a “court” classroom as part of the future school of business.

V. Organizational Effectiveness

Discipline goals: Review the ACBSP guidelines for accreditation as a “Professional Business School” Develop a plan, resource requirements, and timeline for obtaining ACBSP accreditation.

Continue to explore possibility of offering BA in Business Administration

Increase the success rates in discipline courses.

Discipline goals for 2013-14, are aligned with college goals

Goals from the Fall 2011 CIPR are:

  • Regain sections that were cut due to budget considerations,

  • Expand curriculum in areas relevant to building a stronger local economy (e.g. entrepreneurship and marketing)

  • Make needed revisions to SLO’s as a result of our discussion and analysis.

  • Improve the capstone course concept

  • Seek external funding to become a “Center of Excellence” for Entrepreneurial Business

As of the end of Spring 2013 semester, ALL of our classes have updated COR with revised SLO’s, Methods of Instruction and Evaluation and GE mapping.

  • As of spring 2013 all courses taught each semester have updated COR with revised SLO’s, methods of instructions and evaluation and GE Mapping.

  1. Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Summary and Update

As a matter of good practice and in alignment with Accrediting Commission of Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) standards, RCC faculty participate in ongoing and systematic efforts to assess courses, programs, and degrees. Reports on specific assessment projects undertaken by individual faculty or groups of faculty in your discipline should be referenced here, but the primary purpose of this update is to provide an overview of your discipline’s assessment activities (data, responses to data, results, reports, etc.) since your last unit plan update as well as your current plans for assessing student learning. Please note, since unit plans are completed during the spring semester, we are asking you to report on the previous spring semester data along with the current spring semester plans.

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