Subject: Computer Graphics Class tybsc(CS) 2015-2016 c introduction to computer graphics what is mean by pixel?

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Subject: Computer Graphics Class TYBsc(CS) 2015-2016


1.What is mean by pixel?

2.List out any four applications of Computer Graphics.

3.Define Computer graphics.

4.What is intensity?

5.What is GLUT?

6.Differ pixel and point.

7.Discuss various components of Computer graphics Representation.

8.Give difference between Raster Vs Vector.

9.Write short note on OpenGL Library.

10.What do you mean by event driven programming?

11.Explain the concept of transformation in computer graphics.


1.What is mean by locator?

2.List out different devices used for graphics interaction.

3.What is mean by Cursor?

4.List out the use of scroll bar in computer Graphics.

5.What do you mean by valuator.

6.Give the difference between trackball and spaceball.

8.What is Data Glove?

9.What do you mean by logical interaction also Explain any 2 devices for it.

10.Explain the structure of light pen and joystick.

11.How does mouse interaction happens in computer Graphics.

12.Write a code for mouse interaction in computer Graphics.

13.How does Keyboard interaction happens in Computer Science.

14.Write a code for keyboard interaction in computer Graphics.

15.Explain the concept of GUI also explain any two interface components(controls)

16.Explain the general structure of OpenGL code.

17.”Touch panel is the future of computer Graphics”,Comment


1.List out different types of frame buffers.

2.What is bit-plane.

3.List out Components of display file.

4.What is Look-Up table(LUT)

5.What is shadow mask?

6.Give advantages of shadow masking.

7.Advantages of DVST.

8.Disadvantages of shadow masking .

9.What is flat panel display.

10.Advantages of LCD.

11.What is impact printer.

12.Explain the concept of frame buffer with it’s type.

14. Write a short note on display file.

15. Highlight look up table with its uses for image storage.

16.Explain the concept of Monitor.

17.Differentiate Random scan CRT and Raster scan CRT.

18.Explain the concept of DVST.

19.What is mean by flat panel display .Highlight it’s merits and demerits.

20.Explain the concept of plotter .

21.List out advantages and disadvantages of Dot Matrix printer.

22.Highlights the use of non-impact printer over impact printers.

Ch.4 Raster Scan Graphics

1.What is raster graphics?

2.List out the key features of raster graphics.

3.List out advantages of DDA.

4.What is scan conversion.

5.Differentiate concave and convex polygon.

6.Explain the concept of polygon filling.

7.Write a note on circle generation Algorithm.

8.Compare various techniques of polygon filling.

9.List out and compare line drawing algorithm.

10.Explain the working of Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm.

Ch.5 Transformations

1.What do you mean by transformation?

2.List out different geometric transformation?

3.Define Translation,Rotation,Scaling.

4.Define Homogeneous coordinate.

5.explain the concept of viewing pipeline for 2D-transformation.

6.Explain window to viewport coordinate system?

Ch.6 Clipping

1.What is clipping?Give applications of clipping.

2.Distinguish between concave and convex polygon.

3.What are the constraints for point clipping ?

4.Which are inside-outside tests performed for line clipping?

5.How the 4 bit region code are set?

6.Line clipping algorithm can’t be used for polygon clipping Justify.

7.Explain cohen-sutherland Line Clipping Algorithm?

8.Explain Midpoint Subdivision Line Clipping Algorithm.

9.Explain Sutherland-Hodgeman polygon clipping Algorithm.

10.Explain Wailer- Atherton polygon clipping Algorithm.

Ch.7 3D Transformation and Viewing

1.what is projection?What is the need of projection.

2.What are the types of projection?

3.Write a short note on parallel projection and perspective projection.

4.Explain basic 3D transformation on object.

5.What are various 3D viewing parameters ?explain in brief.

6.Explain 3D clipping in brief.

7.Derive the 3d transformation matrix to transform world coordinates to viewing coordinates.


1.What is need of hidden surface elimination?

2.Explain two approces used to determine hidden surfaces.

3.Explain backspace detection Algorithm.

4.Explain Z-buffer algorithm along with advantages and disadvantages.

5.Explain Scan-line algorithm for hidden surface removal.

6.Explain Depth sorting or Painter’s algorithm for hidden surface removal.

7.Explain BSP tree algorithm.

8.What is coherence?Discuss various types of coherence that can be used to make more efficient visible algorithm.

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