Ingliz tilida barcha tillardagidek ega kesim bilan shaxs sonnnig birlik ko’pligi jihatdan moslashshi shartdir. Lekin ba’zi istisno qoidalar mavjuddir.
Subject (birlik) + Verb (birlik)
The girl is playing. The elevator works well.
Subject (ko’plik) + Verb (ko’plik)
The girls are playing. The elevators work well.
Subject (sanalmaydigan) + Verb (birlik)
Gold was discovered long ago. Subject and Subject + Verb (ko’plik)
Tom and Nick are at home. The girls and the boys are playing. Gold and oil were discovered long ago. 2. Subject + Verb /// Subject + Verb singular singular plural plural
The elevator works very well.
singular singular The elevators work very well.
plural plural The boy is studying in the room
singular singular The boys are studying in the room
plural plural The actress and her manager are going to a party tonight.
plural subject plural verb The list of items is/are on the desk. 3 subject + [prepositional phrase] + verb
predlogli ibora
. The study of languages is very interesting.
singular subject singular verb Several theories on this subject have been proposed.
plural subject plural verb The view of these disciplines varies from time to time.