Tennessee Master Gardener Alliance 2 Important Dates: 2 tmg alliance Board of Advocates 5

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Tennessee Master Gardener Alliance Membership Directory

Together We Are A Stronger Extension Master Gardener Program

Table of Contents

Tennessee Master Gardener Alliance 2

Important Dates: 2

TMG Alliance Board of Advocates 5

Meet the Alliance Board of Advoctes 6

Eastern Region 6

Central Region 9

Western Region 12

State Program Coordinator
UT Extension Plant Sceinces 13


Dyer County Master Gardener Association 15

Officers 15

Fayette County Master Gardener Association 16

Officers 16

Hardeman County Master Gardener Association 17

Officers 17

Haywood County Master Gardener Association 18

Officers 18

Madison County Master Gardener Association 19

Officers 19

Montgomery County Master Gardener Association 21

Officers 21

North West TN Master Gardener Association 23

Officers 23

Shelby County Master Gardener Association 24

Officers 24

Tipton County Master Gardener Association 26

Officers 26

Davidson County Master Gardener Association 27

Officers 27

Officers 29

Putnam County Master Gardener Association 30

Officers 30

Robertson County Master Gardener Association 31

Officers 31

Sumner County Master Gardener Association 32

Officers 32

Williamson County Master Gardener Association 34

Officers 34

Wilson County Master Gardener Association 35

Officers 35

Cumberland County Master Gardener Association 37

Officers 37

Greene County Master Gardener Association 39

Officers 39

Hamilton County Master Gardener Association 40

Officers 40

Knox County Master Gardener Association 41

Officers 41

Lakeway Area Master Gardener Association 42

Officers 42

North East TN Master Gardener Association 43

Officers 43

Rhea County Master Gardener Association 44

Officers 44

Roane County Master Gardener Association 46

Officers 46

Sequatchie & Bledsoe Master Gardener Association 48

Officers 48

Bylaws of Tennessee Master Gardener Alliance 49

Tennessee Master Gardener Alliance

The Tennessee Master Gardener Alliance is a state organization of county, state and Extension leadership. The Alliance structure fosters understanding, facilitates communication, encourages networking, and identifies areas of improvement. The purpose of the Alliance is to create a recognized structure for every county to contribute to the state Master Gardener Program. The Alliance allows group leadership an opportunity to participate in decision making, goals setting and identifying initiatives for the program.

The Alliance has three parts: The active MG county groups; the TMG Alliance Board; and the University Extension who hosts the TMG certification program. The County Alliance membership is composed of active MG counties in the three geographic regions of Tennessee. All active county groups have equal representation in the Alliance. The regional county groups discuss relevant issues that affect Master Gardener volunteers, local groups and the state program. Alliance meetings are coordinated and sponsored by the TMGAB members at regional and state events. Regional meetings are held annually, prior to a state Winter School, so that regional input is shared during the state Alliance meeting at the preceding Winter School.

The preceding flowchart illustrates the patterns and activities of communication in the TMG program. The TMG Alliance is a state membership group for county presidents, or presidential appointed officers, who act as delegates for a county (also referred to as a member) at state program planning meetings. TMG Alliance members should convey issues and concerns to all state or regional meetings. The TMG Advocacy Board uses county reports, meeting feedback and individual contacts to collect and provide communication for the TMG program.

In the TMG Alliance power is distributed evenly to counties with representation present. Members of the TMG Alliance are strongly encouraged to contribute to TMG sponsored leadership training for understanding, networking and support.

Important Dates:

January 15- Annual Reports Due

February- Winter School and State Alliance Gathering

March- Deadline for TMG Alliance Board Applications

May-June- Regional Alliance meetings

Fall- Administrative Partnership Meeting with UT Extension

TMGAB meets every first Thursday of the month for a conference call.

Eastern Region

Master Gardener Counties




Tennessee Master Gardener Advocacy Board

(3 agents) (12 MGs) (1 State Coordinator)

Western Region

Master Gardener Counties

Central Region

Master Gardener Counties


Regional/State Alliance Meetings

County Annual Reports/Forms

TMGAB Strategic Plan

TMG Bylaws

Listserv/Direct Email


UT Administrative-Volunteer Partnership Meeting

Impact Statement

Annual Reports

Communication Map for TMG Alliance

TMG Alliance Board of Advocates

The Tennessee Master Gardener Alliance Board (TMGAB) is a state Extension program committee of advocates created to include representation by all facets of the Tennessee Master Gardener Program. It is composed of three county Extension agents (who are local Master Gardener Program coordinators representing each region), 12 certified Master Gardeners (four from each region) who have served as volunteers and have been active in their local MG programs, one state Extension specialist who has worked with the MG Program, and the state Master Gardener coordinator who serves as a facilitator of this committee.

The TMGAB is charged with the following tasks:

  • Establish program policies.

  • Define relationships between University of Tennessee Extension and Master Gardener volunteers.

  • Work with the state MG program coordinator to identify and develop new program information and materials, and revise existing program information as needed.

  • Set goals, as well as objectives and action plans for obtaining those goals, for the Tennessee Master Gardener Program.

  • Evaluate and provide oversight to the growth and development of the Tennessee Master Gardener Program as we seek to accomplish the program’s mission and purpose as it relates to the University of Tennessee Extension, Master Gardener volunteers, communities and individual Tennesseans.

  • Provide leadership for the TMG Alliance, a state-wide organization structured by region.

TMGAB recruits members who are interested in and committed to doing the work required of this committee and who can attend the necessary meetings. Positions require a two-year term of service, with members rotating off in alternate years. If you are interested in serving, please review and complete the criteria on the TMGAB application (available on the Tennessee Master Gardener Web site). The board communicates monthly by conference call and meets twice a year; the state coordinator and the TMGAB will determine the necessity of additional meetings.
Board members head a state project from the TMG Strategic Plan: Currently these projects are: Leadership, Outreach, 3R’s, Training and Communication. Board members recruit team members for county membership to accomplish these goals. Read more about each project in the meet the member section of this directory. Contact a project leader if you would like to participate on a special project team.

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