Terrae Incognitae Volumes 1-17

Printing Press as an Agent of Change: Communication and Cultural Transformations in Early Modern

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Printing Press as an Agent of Change: Communication and Cultural Transformations in Early Modern

Europe, The (1979), by Elizabeth L. Eisenstein (Review by David B. Quinn), XII 115-120

Privateering (see also: Pirates), and Englsih imperialism in the Caribbean, XII 68

-as distinct from buccaneering, XII 68

-proscription of, in the Caribbean (1667), XII 68

-English, in Gulf of Paria, IX 7, 11, 20

-French, in Gulf of Paria, IX, 7, 11

Problema histórico resuelto Cuál pudo ser el mapa con el estrecho que vio Magallanes en la tesorería

del rey Portugal (1973), by Carlos Sanz (Review by Richard Boulind), VI 85-86

Proceedings of the Vinland Map Conference (1971), edited by Wilcomb E. Washburn (Review by Bruce

B. Solnick), IV 132-133

Processo gráfico usado pelos marinheiros do século XVII na determinaçāo da amplitude ortiva de um

astro (1970), by Luís de Albuquerque (Review by Bruce B. Solnick), III 135-136

Procopius (fl. 530), on Thanet, I 36

“Projected Voyage of Juan de Agramonte to the Carolinas, 1511, The,” by L.-A. Vigneras, XI 67-70

Promise of Eden: The Canadian Expansionist Movement and the Idea of the West, 1856-1900 (1980), by Doug Owram (Review by Tom Nesmith), XVI 111-113

Prost, Henri (Urban Planner, fl. 1927), and seaports, XI 11

Ptolemy, Claudius (2nd century), geographical conceptions of, IV 85-86, 89, 91; VI 78-79, 81-82

-geography (1482 edition), influence of, on Atlantic voyages, VI 78-79, 82

“Publication in the Aftermath of ‘Ancient Vermont,” by Vincent H. Cassidy, XII 95-100

Publishers, maritime, list of, III 107-110

Purchas, Samuel (Historian, 1575?-1626), on English claims in North America, VII 18, 20

-on Japan, V 48-52, 54

Pyard, François (fl. 1601-1611), voyages of, publication of, VII 33

Pytheas of Massilia (4th century B.C.), voyage of Thule, IX 83

quadrant, XV 84, 87, 93

Quebec, as site of Vinland, II 53

Quetzalcóatl, relation of, to Christian theology, VIII 69-70

Queyroz, Fernāo de (Jesuit, 1617-1688), and Portuguese imperialism, VIII 80-82

Quinn, Alison M. and David B. Quinn (eds.), The English New England Voyages, 1602-1608 (1983) (Review by John B. Hattendorf), XVI 95-97

-(eds.) Virginia Voyages from Hakluyt (1973) (Review by Wilcomb E. Washburn), VI 88-89

Quinn, David B., Early Maryland in a Wider World (1982) (Review by Martin Torodash), XV 248-250

-, “The English Contribution to Early Overseas Discovery,” VIII 91-97

-(ed.), The Hakluyt Handbook (1974) (Review by Paul Stewart), VII 79-80

-(ed.), New American World: A Documentary History of North America to 1612 (1979)

(Review by Wilcomb E. Washburn), XII 112-115

-, North America from Earliest Discovery to First Settlement: The Norse Voyages to 1612 (1977)

Review by Jonathan Marwil), XI 92-93

Wilcomb E. Washburn), VI 88-89

-, “Turks, Moors, Blacks, and Others in Drake’s West Indian Voyage,” XIV 97-104

-, “’Virginians’ on the Thames in 1603,” II 7-14

- and Alison M. Quinn (eds.) The English New England Voyages, 1602-1608 (1983) (Review by John B. Hattendorf), XVI 95-97

-(eds.) Virginia Voyages from Hakluyt (1973) (Review by Wilcomb E. Washburn), VI 88-89

Quintana, Manuel José (1772-1857), on Balboa’s expedition (1513), VI 10

Quintero, Alonso (Navigator, fl. 1530), and Diego de Almaro, X 70

Quivira Society (Los Angeles, Albuquerque, and Berkeley), comparative description of, VI 70

Rabb, Theodore K. Enterprise and Empire: Merchant and Gentry Investment in the Expansion of

England, 1575-1630 (1967) (Review by M. E. Coyle), II 99-100

Radisson Society (Toronto), comparative description of, VI 69-70

Rafn, Carl Christian (1795-1864), Antiquitates Americanae (1837), influence of, on Vinland scholarship,

II 40-41

-on Vinland, II 39-41, 44

Railroad Maps of the United States: A Selective Annotated Bibliography of Original 19th-Century

Maps in the Geography and Map Division of the Library of Congress (1975), compiled by

Anthony M. Modelski, VII 91-92

“Ralegh’s First Reconnaissance of Guiana? An English Survey of the Orinoco in 1587,” by Joyce Lorimer,

IX 7-21

Raleigh, Sir Walter (1552?-1618), and Guiana, IX 12-21

-and Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa, IX 15-18

-and search for El Dorado, VII 24-25; IX 15-16, 21

-and survey of Orinoco River (1587), IX 7-8, 12-13, 16-21

-discoveries of, as basis of English territorial claims, VII 12-13, 19-20

-in Gulf of Paria, IX 7

-interests of, in Virginia (1602), II 10-12

Ramos, Demetrios (Historian), on Treaty of Tordesillas (1494), VI 52

Ramusio, Giovanni Battista (1485-1557), on Balboa’s expedition (1513), VI 8-9

Randles, W. G. L., De la terre plate au globe terrestre: Une mutation épistémologique rapide, 1480-1520 (1980). Cahiers des annals, no. 38 (Review by Josef Konvitz), XIII 53-54

Rare Americana: A Selection of One Hundred and One Books, Maps, and Prints Not in the John Carter

Brown Library (1974) (Review by Bruce B. Solnick), VI 90-91

Rastell, John, attempted expedition of, to North America (1517), III 59-65

-Arthur W. Reed on, III 59-60

-and Thomas Howard, III 60

Rayfield, Donald, The Dream of Lhasa: The Life of Nikolay Przhevalsky, Explorer of Central Asia (1976)

(Review by George Kish), X 102-103

Reappraisals in Overseas History: Essays on Post-War Historiography about European Expansion (1979), edited by P. C. Emmer and H. L. Wesseling (Review by Peter Duignan), XIII 71

Rebmann, Johannes (Missionary, 1820-1876), as explorer, I 68

-on Mount Kilimanjaro, I 68-69

“Recent Literature in Discovery History,” compiled by Barbara B. McCorkle, XI 71-82; XII 85-94; XIII 37-45; XIV 117-125; XV 233-243; XVI 71-80; XVII 89-105

“Recommendations for Contributors,” X 87-88

Reconquista (Spain), XII 2-4. 6-8

Rediscovery of New Mexico, 1580-1594: The Exploration of Chamuscado, Espego, Castano de Sosa,

Morlette, and Leyva de Bonilla and Humana (1966), by George P. Hammond and Agapito Rey

(Review by Marvin D. Bernstein), II 110-112

Red Man’s Land- White Man’s Law: A Study of the Past and Present Status of the American Indian

(1971), by Wilcomb E. Washburn (Review by William N. Fenton), V 83-84

Reed, Arthur W. (Historian), on John Rastell expedition (1517), III 59-60

Reeves, Benjamin (fl. 1825), as member of Santa Fe Road Commission, VII 40, 42, 47

Rego, Sebastiāo do (1699-1785), and Portuguese imperialism, VIII 86-87

Reis, Piri see Pire Reis

Religious conversion, as instrument of imperialism, XI 19-22, 25-27, 47

-compared to war, XII 13-14

-historical literature on, XI 26-27

Religious literature, Dutch, 17th century, influence of travel literature on, VIII 41-42

Renaissance (see also: “15th century” and “16th century” as subheadings in other entries), ancient Egyptian wisdom in, X 29-30

-expectation of a Golden Age in, X 25, 27, 30-33, 35-39, 42-43

-historical scholarship in, X 25-17, 29-30, 33, 37-39, 42-43

-Italian, and voyages of discovery, VIII 19-25

-Medieval science and, IV 23-25

-Platonic scholarship in, X 29-30, 42

-role of science in, IV 20

“Renaissance Concept of the Earth in Its Influence upon Copernicus, The,” by Thomas Goldstein,

IV 19-52

Report of the General Survey in the Southern District of North America (1971), by William Gerard de

Brahm (Review by Jesse H. Wheeler, Jr.) V 81-83

Resolution Journal of Johann Reinhold Forster, The (1982), edited by Michael E. Hoare (Review by Sanford H. Bederman), XVI 83-85

Retud, Jean (Captain), deposition on survey of the Orinoco River (1587), IX 8-11, 17, 20

Reuter, Otto, on Vinland, II 45

Revolt of the Netherlands see Netherlands, Revolt of the

Rey, Agapito and George P. Hammond, The Rediscovery of New Mexico, 1580-1594: The Exploration of

Chamuscado, Espego, Castaño de Sosa, Morlette, and Leyva de Bonilla and Humaña (1966)

(Review by Marvin D. Bernstein), II 110-112

Reykjanes Ridge (North Atlantic), IX 84-85, 87

Reynolds, Clark G. and William J. McAndrew (eds.), University of Maine at Orono: 1973 Seminar in

Maritime and Regional Studies Proceedings (1974) (Review), VII 93

Rhode Island, as site of Vinland, II 55-56

Rhone River, delta of, on portolan charts, IX 28-29

Ribeiro, Diego (Cartographer, d. 1533), and location of Molucca Islands, VI 55-56

Ribeiro Gaio, Joāo (Bishop of Malacco, fl. 1578-1611), and Portuguese imperialism, VIII 77

Riccioli, Giovanni Battista (1598-1671), theory of ocean currents, III 25-26

Rice, grown in Jamaica, I 21

Richer, Jean (1630-1696), and geographical measurement, II 17

Ridderus, Franciscus (fl. 1664), travel literature of, VIII 41

Riedel, Ludwig, and Russian expedition to Brazil (1821-1829), III 75, 77, 79, 81-82, 84-87, 89-92

Rijp, Jan Cornelius (fl. 1596-1609), and search for Northeast Passage, II 70

Rios, Hernando (fl. 1609), and proposed search for Islas Rica de Oro y Rica de Plata, VI 61

Ristow, Walter W. (comp.), À la Carte: selected Papers on Maps and Atlases (1972) (Review by George

Kish), V 69

- American Maps and Mapmakers: Commercial Cartography in the Nineteenth Century (1985) (Review by Dennis Reinhartz), XVII 118-119

-(comp.), Guide to the History of Cartography: An Annotated List of References on the History

of Maps and Mapmaking (1973) (Review), VI 96-97

-and R. A. Skelton (comps.), Nautical Charts on Vellum in the Library of Congress (1977)

(Review by Jeannette D. Black), XII 109-110

Ritter, Carl, on Ulrich Jasper Seetzen, IV 107

Roanoke Island, XIV 97, 99, 100

Robert II (King of Scotland, 1316-1390), and Earldom of Orkney, II 81

Robert, Willem C. H. (ed.), The Dutch Explorations, 1605-1756, of the North and Northwest Coast of

Australia (1973) (Review by Philip B. Gates), VII 84-85

Robertus Angelicus (fl. 1272), on Aristotelian cosmography, IV 32

Robinson, Edward (1794-1863), on John Lewis Burckhardt, IV 105

Roding, Johann Hinrich, Allgemeines Worterbuch der Marine (1969) (Review by Bruce B. Solnick),

II 119

Roditi, Edouard, Magellan of the Pacific (1973) (Review by Paul Stewart), V 85-86

Rodriguez de Fonseca, Juan (Bishop, 1451-1524), and Christopher Columbus, IV 120, 122, 124

-influence of, on Spanish colonial policy, IV 120-122, 124

Rodriquez Serrano, Juan see Serrano, Juan Rod Rodriguez

Rogers, Francis M., “Agents for Nautical Publications,” III 107-110

-, Atlantic Islanders of the Azores and Madeiras (1979) (Review by C. R. Boxer), XII 108-109

-, Precision Astrolabe: Portuguese Navigation and Transoceanic Aviation (1971) (Review by

Oliver Dunn), IV 147-148

Rogozinski, Stefan (1861-1896), XVII 1-13

-a.k.a. Rogue-gin-and-whiskey, XVII 9

-death, XVII 10

-departed Cameroon, XVII 10

-early life, XVII 2

-Liba Lakes, XVII 3, 12, (map) 13

-Prospectus submitted to Royal Geographical Society, XVII 3

Rojas, Fernando de (fl. 1475?-1538), La Celestina, XII 5, 7

Roldán, Bartolome (fl. 1490-1500), on Alonso de Ojeda expedition (1499), IV 121

“Role of the Great Upper German Families in Financing the Discoveries, The,” by Hermann Kellenbenz,

X 45-59

“Role of the Italian Merchant Class in Renaissance and Discoveries, The,” by Thomas Goldstein, with

comment by Marvin Becker, VIII 19-28

Roman exploration, by sea, X 9-12

Romanticism, 19th century, and cultural attitudes toward the sea, XI 9

Romanus Pontifex (Papal Bull, 1455), and Portuguese imperialism, VIII 73

Romoli, Kathleen, on Balboa’s expedition (1513), VI 11-13, 16

Rotberg, Robert I. (ed.), Africa and Its Explorers: Motives, Methods, and Impact (1970) (Review by Philip

W. Porter), X 94-97

Roteiro apócrifo do esreito de Magalhāes-Tentative de identificaçāo de autoria Um (1970), by Max Justo

Guedes (Review by Bruce B. Solnick), III 134-135

Rouer, Raymond de (Baron de Forquevaux) see Forquevaux, Raymond de Rour, Baron de

Royville, Le Roux de (d. 1652), and Compagnie de la Terre ferme, XI 46, 50, 52-55

Rubio y Muñoz-Bocanegra, Ángel, on Balboa’s expedition (1513), VI 13

Rubstov, Nestor Gavrilovich, and Russian expedition to Brazil (1821-1829), III 76-77, 82-83, 86-90, 92

Rudbeck, Olof (1630-1702), on Vinland, II 34

Rugendas, Johann Mortiz (Artist), and Russian expedition to Brazil (1821-1829), III 76, 78, 92

Ruiz, Bartolomé (Navigator, d. 1530), and Diego de Almagro, X 68-69

-and exploration of Peru, X 68-69

-and Francisco Pizarro, X 67-69

-and Pedrarias Dávila, X 67

-and Vasco Núñez de Balboa, X 67

-death of, X 69

Russell, John (Cartographer), map of 1794, Lake Parima on, VII 28

Russian Academy of Science, Georg Heinrich Langsdorff and, III 71-73, 83, 85, 91-92

Russian American Company, and Aleut Indians, V 28-29, 33-34, 37, 39

-and Fort Ross (California), V 28-29, 40

-in California, V 27-29, 31, 39-40

-Jonathan Winship and, V 28

-Joseph O’Cain and, V 28

Russian Fur-hunting, in Aleutian Islands, 18th century, II 87-89, 91-93; V 27-29

-on California coast, 18th century, V 27-29, 34

Russian voyage of circumnavigation (1803-1807), III 71-73

Russian Discoveries between Asia and America, with Supplement to Russian Discoveries (1970, reprint of

1787 edition), by William Coxe (Review by Henry Castner), XI 111-112

Russian Imperial Scientific Expedition, to Brazil (1821-1829), III 70, 75-96; map III 80

Rutters (see also: Charts, nautical), manuscript, seamen’s preference for, XII 50, 54, 61

-Mediterranean, of William Barents, XII 55-56

-origin of, XII 50, 54

-trade in, Dutch, XII 52, 54, 69-60

Rutters of the Sea: The Sailing Directions of Pierre Garcie: A Study of the First English and French

Printed Sailing Directions, with Facsimile Reproductions, The (1967), by D. W. Waters (Review

by Andrew E. Rothovius), II 96-99

“Ruy López de Villalobos and the Route to the Philippines,” by Harry Kelsey, XVII 29-45

Sable Island (Nova Scotia), attempted Portuguese colonization of, V 61-64

Sacrobosco, Johannes de (fl. 1230), on Aristotelian cosmography, IV 30, 32

Sagas, Icelandic, sailing directions in, II 45-46

-Vinland in, I 59-64; II 31-35, 38, 42-46, 48-49, 51-54, 56, 59

Sahara, as trade route between Carthage and West Africa, IX 91-94

-Herodotus on, IX 93-94, 96

“Sailing Orders for the Manila Galleons of 1635-1636, The,” by C. R. Boxer, IV 7-17

“Sailing Orders for the Portuguese East-Indiamen of 1640 and 1646,” C. R. Boxer, XII 37-48

St. Augustine (Florida), Baptista Boazio’s map of, X 79

-geography of, X 79

Saint Hilaire, Auguste de (Naturalist, 1799-1853), in Brazil, III 74, 94

St. John’s Newfoundland Museum (catalog), Treasures: 900 Years of the European Presence in Newfoundland and Labrador (1983) (Review by Dennis Reinhartz), XVI 113

Salamanca, Juan Cerezo (Governor of the Philippines), and the Manila galleon (1645-1636), IV 7, 11

Salcedo, Diego de (Governor of the Philippines), and the Manila galleon (1668), IV 8

Sale, Antoine de la (fl. 1440), on Greenland, IV 61-62

Salisbury, Neal, Manitou and Providence: Indians, Europeans, and the Making of New England, 1500-1643 (1982) (Review by Francis Jennings), XVI 100-102

Sallust (86-34 B. C.), geographical conceptions of, IX 75-76, 78-79

-Histories, and Isles of the Blessed, IX 75-80

“Sallust, Plutarch, and the ‘Isles of the Blest,’” by Philip O. Spann, IX 75-80

Salmon, in Vinland, II 49-51

Samoyed people (Siberia), and Vinland Maps, IV 81-84

San Agustin (ship), loss of (1622), XI 35-37

Sancho IV (King of Castile), and Castilian imperialism, XII 8

Sanders, Ronald, Lost Tribes and Promised Lands: The Origins of American Racism (1978) (Review by

Harold J. Cook), XI 83-88

Sanderson, Michael and Derek Howse, The Sea Chart: An Historical Survey Based on the Collections in

the National Maritime Museum (1973) (Review by Thomas R. Smith), IX 107-109

San Francisco Bay (California), as site of Sir Francis Drake’s landing (1579), IX 49, 51, 53, 55, 57

San Ignacio (ship), loss of (1622), XI 37, 39

San Salvador Island, XV 81, 82, 92, 98, 100, 103

Sanson, Guillaume (Cartographer, d. 1703), map of 1677, Lake Parima on, VII 26

Santa Catalina (ship), loss of (1622), XI 37, 39

Santa Cruz, Alsono de (Cartographer, 1500-1572), I 51

-and location of Molucca Islands, VI 56

-on Greenland, IV 62

Santaella, Rodrigo de Fernandez de see Fernandez de Santaella, Rodrigo de

Santa Fe (Mexico), United States trade with, VII 39, 42

Santa Fe Road Commission, VII 40, 42, 44, 46-50

Santa Fe Trail, survey of (1825-1827), VII 39-51; maps VII 41, 43, 45

Santa Margarita (ship), loss of (1622), XI 30, 34

Santa Maria (Columbus’ flagship), XV 85, 105

Santo Domingo (see also: Hispanolia), XIV 97-99, 102

-Alessandro Geraldini on, XII 32

-Baptista Boazio’s map of, X 53-55

-geography of, X 77-78

-German investments in, X 53-55

Santos, Antonio (fl. 1775), and search for Lake Parima, VII 28

Sanz, Carlos, Bibliografía general de los descubrimientos australes (1975) (Review), VII 92

-, Ciento noventa mapas antiguos del mundo de os I al XVIII, que forman parte del proceso

cartográfico universal (1970) (Review by Bruce B. Solnick), III 136

-, “The Discovery of America: The Three Maps which Determined It, Promoted Knowledge of Its

Form, and Fixed Its Name,” VI 77-84

-, Juan Sebastián Elcano, auténtico protagonista de la primera vuelta alrededor del mundo

  1. (Review by Richard Boulind), VI 85-86

-, ?Problema histórico resuelto? ?Cuál pudo ser el mapa con el estrecho que vio Magallanes en

la tesorería del rey de Portugal? (1973) (Review by Richard Boulind), VI 85-86

Sāo Jorge da Mina (West Africa), Portuguese trading post at, I 32

Saris, John (d. 1646), residence in Japan, V 50, 52-53

Sarmiento de Gamboa, Pedro (Navigator, 1530?-c1590), search for El Dorado, IX 15-16

-and Sir Walter Raleigh, IX 15-18

Sauer, Carl O., The Early Spanish Main (1966) (Review by Stanley F. Blount), I 79

Savage, William W., Jr., and Stephen I. Thompson (eds.), The Frontier: Comparative Studies, Volume 2 (1979) (Review by Donald W. Whisenhunt), XIII 73-74

Savelle, Max, Empires to Nations: Expansion in America, 1713-1824 (1974) (Review by Robert R.

Palmer), X 92-93

Scarron, Paul (Playwright, 1610-1660), and Compagnie de la Terre ferme, XI 49, 56

Schilder, Günter, Australia Unveiled: The Share of the Dutch Navigators in the Discovery of Australia

  1. (Review by Richard Boulind), X 89-92

Schomburgh, Sir Robert H. (1804-1865), on Lake Parima, VII 29

Schǿning, Gerhard (1722-1780), on Vinland, II 36

Schurz, William Lytle, on carrera de Filipinas, XII 37

Science, and cultural attitudes toward the sea, XI 3-12

-medieval, and the Renaissance, IV 23-25

-role of, in the Renaissance, IV 20

“Science by Litigation: A Cosmographic Feud,” by Ursula Lamb, I 40-57

Science in the British Colonies of America (1970), by Richard Phineas Stearns (Review by Bruce B.

Solnick), III 122-123

Scientific method, in 16th-century Spain, I 40-57; VI 54-58, 60-62

Scientists and the Sea, 1650-1900: A Study of Marine Science (1977), by Margaret Deacon (Review by

John A. Wolter), V 93-94

Scott of the Antarctic (1978), by Elspeth Huxley (Review by Theodore J. Karamanski), XI 113

Sea, and 20th-century art, XI 14-15

-cultural attitudes toward, 18th century, XI 4-6

-19th century, XI 8-11

-20th century, XI 10-17

-and Captain James Cook, XI 6

-and Count Luigi Ferdinando Marsigili, XI 4-5

-and science, XI 3-12

-and voyages of discovery, XI 2-3, 5-6

-Dutch, 16th and 17th centuries, XI 4

-English, 16th and 17th centuries, XI 3-4

-imposition of land culture on the, XI 2-4, 9-15, 17

Sea around Them: The Atlantic Ocean, A. D. 1250, The (1968), by Vincent H. Cassidy (Review by David

L. Hicks), II 94-95

Sea Chart: An Historical Survey based on the Collections in the National Maritime Museum, The (1973),

by Derek Howse and Michael Sanderson (Review by Thomas R. Smith), IX 107-109

Sea Charts of the Early Explorers, 13th to 17th Century (1984), by Michel Mollat du Jourdin and Monique de La Roncière, with Marie-Madeleine Azard, Isabelle Raynaud-Nguyen, and Marie-Antoinette Vannereau, translated by L. le R. Dethan (Review by Jonathan T. Lanman), XVII 115-117

Sea Otter furs, Russian trade in, II 92-93

Sea Venture: Captain Gray’s Voyages of Discovery, 1787-1793 (1981), by Francis E. Cross and Charles M. Parkin, Jr. (Review by Carol Urness), XV 250-251

Seaports, 19th century, XI 9-11

-20th century, XI 11-13

-Henri Prost and, XI 11

-relations with central governments, XI 11-12

Search for a Place: Black Separatism and Africa, 1860 (1969), by M. R. Delany and Robert Campbell

(Review by Donald E. Liedel), IV 144-146

“Search for the Mythical Lake Parima, The,” by Edward J. Goodman, VII 23-30

Sebastiāo (King of Portugal, 1554-1578), and Portuguese Imperialism, V 64; VIII 76-77, 79

-as object of Messianic cult, VIII 79-80, 84, 87

Sebert, L. M. and G. Fremlin (eds.), National Atlases: Their History, Analysis, and Ways to Improvement

and Standardization (1972) (Review by J. B. Post), V 70

Seboek, Lou (ed. And comp.), Atlases Published in the Netherlands in the Rare Atlases Collection (1973)

(Review by John A. Wolter), VIII 98

Secret Discovery of Australia: Portuguese Ventures 200 Years before Captain Cook, The (1977), by

Kenneth Gordon McIntyre (Review by André Gschaedler), XI 108

Seetzen, Ulrich Jasper (fl. 1802-1810), adoption of Arab costume and religion by, IV 107-108

-Carl Ritter on, IV 107

-comparison of achievements with John Lewis Burckhardt, IV 106-110

-death of, IV 102

-exploration of, in Arabia, IV 101-102

-in Egypt, IV 101

-in Palestine, IV 95, 98, 100-103, 106-110; map IV 96-97

Selim “the Grim” (Ottoman Emperor, 1467-1520), VI 20-21, 25, 32

Selman Reis (d. 1527), and expansion of Ottoman empire, VI 22-23, 26, 28, 31, 33

Senex, John (Cartographer, d. 1740), map of 1721, Lake Parima on, VII 27

Serles (Pirate, fl. 17th century), and logwood trade, XII 76

Serour, Mordochai abi- see Abi-Serour, Modochai

Serpa, Fernández de (d. 1568), and search for El Dorado, VII 23

Serrano, Juan Rodriguez (fl. 1515), and “line of demarcation,” VI 53-54

Sertorius, Quintus (d. 72 B. C.), and Isles of the Blessed, IX 75, 78-80; X 9

Settlement of Polynesia: A Computer Simulation, The(1973), by Michael Levison, R. Gerard Ward, and

John H. Webb (Review by James E. Kelley, Jr.), VI 95-96

Severin, Tim, The Brendan Voyage (1978) (Review by Vincent H. Cassidy), XI 91-92

Sharp, Bartholomew (Pirate, fl. 1680), and logwood trade, XII 65, 69, 76-77

Shetland Islands, and the Zeno narrative, II 75, 78-84

“Shifting Vinland- Tradition and Myth,” by Matti Enn Kaups, II 29-60; Rejoinder, III 97-105

Shinn, Beryle, and Sir Francis Drake’s plate of brass, IX 49-59

-letter to Albert E. Doerr [text], IX 57-59

Ship design, and Pre-Columbian exploration, X 11

Shipping lanes, transatlantic, establishment of, XI 6, 8-9

Ships (see also: Caravel, Galleaon: Nau), Carthaginian, seaworthiness of, IX 97-98

-Portuguese, 15th and 16th centuries, design of VII 12-14

-Russian, 18th century, construction of, II 89-91

-Spanish, 17th century, rats in, XI 38-39

-sails and rigging in, XI 32, 34-36

-seamanship in, XI 34-36

Ships, Seas, and Scientists: U. S. Naval Exploration and Discovery in the Nineteenth Century (1974), by

Vincent Ponko, Jr. (Review by Clinton R. Edwards), VII 86-87

Shipwrecks and Archaeology: The Unharvested Sea (1969), Peter Throckmorton (Review by Carol

Urness), II 100-101

Shprintsin, Noemi G. (Anthropologist), on Brazil, III 93

Siam, Chinese expedition to (1408-1411), III 36

Sibley, George Champlin (fl. 1825), as member of Santa Fe Road Commission, VII 40, 42, 44, 46-49

Sibley, Marilyn McAdams, Travelers in Texas, 1761-1860 (1967) (Review y Ivan D. Steen), II 112-114

Sierra Leone, as missionary center, I 71-72

Do Sigilo Nacional sobre os Descobrimentes … (1924), by Jaime Cortesāo, I 23-26

“Silence, policy of,” Portuguese, 15th and 16th centuries, I 23-24

-Historical literature on, I 23-27, 34

Silva Tello de Meneses, Joāo da (Count of Aveiras, d. 1650), and António Vieira, XII 38

-and carreira da Ìndia (1640-1646), XII 37-39

-and John IV of Portugual, XII 38-39

-as viceroy of India, XII 39

-biographical data on, XII 37-38

-return voyage from India (1646), sailing orders for [text], XII 46-48

-voyage to India (1640), sailing orders for [text], 39-46

Silveira, Gonçalo da (Priest, 1526-1561), as African Missionary, I 70

Silverberg, Robert, The Longest Voyage: The Story of the Daring Men Who Sailed around the World in

The Glorious Age of Discovery(1972) (Review by Robert H. Power), X 112-113

Simpson, Donald, Dark Companions: The African Contribution to the European Exploration of East

Africa (Review by Wolfe W, Schmokel), IX 110-112

Sinclair, Henry (Earl of Orkney, d. 1400?), as vassal of Haakon of Norway, II 80-84

-identification of, with “Prince Zichmni,” II 78-84

-installation of, as Earl of Orkney, II 80-83

-North American expedition of, II 85-86

-pacification of Orkney and Shetland Islands by, II 80-84

Sir Aurel Stein: Archaeological Explorer (1977), by Jeannette Mirsky (Review by Svat Soucek),

X 103-105

Sir Francis Drake: A Pictorial Biography with an Historical Introduction and a Detailed Catalogue of

the Author’s Collection (1970), by Hans P. Kaus (Review by Bruce B. Solnick), III 117

Sir Francis Drake and the Famous Voyage, 1577-1580: Essays Commemorating the Quadricentennial of Drake’s Circumnavigation of the Earth (1984), edited by Norman J. W. Thrower (Review by Harry Kelsey) XVII 113-114

Sir Francis Drake’s West Indian Voyage, 1585-1586 (1981), edited by Mary Frear Keeler (Review by John T. Juricek), XIV 129

Skelton, R. A,, obituary, by Helen Wallis, IV 126

-on Greenland, IV 57, 92

-on Vinland Map, I 58, 62-64; IV 73-74, 76, 80, 87, 89-91, 93

-, Captain Cook- After Two Hundred Years: A Commemorative Address Delivered to the Hakluyt

Society (1969) (Review by Bruce B. Solnick), II 119

-, Maps: A Historical Survey of Their Study and Collecting (1972) (Review by Douglas W.

Marshall), V 65-66; (1972, 1975) (Review), VII 91

-and Walter W. Ristow (comp.), Nautical Charts on Vellum in the Library of Congress (1977)

(Review by Jeannette D. Black), XII 109-110

Skerki Bank (Mediterranean shoals), on portolan charts, IX 26-27, 29

Sketches of Early Texas and Louisana (1966), by Frederic Gallardet (Review by Ivan D. Steen),

II 112-114

Skilliter, S. A., William Harborne and the Trade with Turkey, 1578-1582: A Documentary Study of the

First Anglo-Ottoman Relations (1977) (Review by Svat Soucek), XI 100-101

Skraelings. Identified as Eskimos, IV 54, 60, 62

-in Vinland, II 53-60

Slaves, XIV 97-104

Slaves of the White God: Blacks in Mexico, 1570-1650 (1976), by Colin A. Palmer (Review by Patricia Mulvey), XIV 130-133

Slavery, in the Caribbean, 16th century, IV 122-124

-introduction of, to Jamaica, I 13

-of American Indians, by the Spanish, IV 123-124

Slave trade, in America, Juan de la Cosa and, X 65

Slessarev, Vsevolod, on Portuguese “policy of silence,” I 27

-on Prester John, X 17, 19

Slessarev, Vsevolod and Pirie Sublett, “The Vinland Caption Reexamined,” I 58-67

Sloane, Sir Hans, A Voyage to the Islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, St. Christopher’s, and Jamaica …

(1707-1725), I 14-15

Smith, Buckingham (Historian, 1810-1871), on Verrazzano Voyage of 1524, XI 59-60

Smith, John (1580-1631), and missionary activity in Virginia, XI 20-22

-capture of, by Pamunkey Indians (1607), II 11-12

Smith, Roger C., “Vanguard of Empire: The Mariners of Exploration and Discovery,” XVII 15-27

Snorri Sturluson (1178-1241), on Vinland, II 35

Snyder, Martin D., “Bishop Geraldini’s Itinerarium of 1522,” XII 21-35

Società Ramusiana (Venice), comparative description of, VI 67

“Societies for the History of Discoveries,” by G. S. Dunbar, VI 65-71

Society for the History of Discoveries, comparative description of, VI 71

Society of Jesus see Jesuit

Society of Saint-Malo, and spice trade, II 62

“Sojourn of Rabbi Mordochai Abi-Serour in Timbuctoo and French Trans-Saharan Interests, The,” by

Sanford H. Bederman and Jack I. Biles, III 45-48

Solinus, Gaius Julius (3rd century B. C.), on Thanet, I 35-36

Solnick, Bruce B., “After Columbus: Castile in the Caribbean,” IV 119-124

-, “In the Beginning …” [editorial policy statement], I 9

Soria, Treaty or (1291), XII 8-9, 11

Southeast Frontier of New Spain, The (1979), by Peter Gerhard (Review by Gilbert M. Joseph), XIII 62-65

Southern continent see Terres australes

Souza, Thomaz Oscar Marcondes de see Marcondes de Souza, Thomas Oscar

Soviet Geographical Exploration and Discoveries (1974), by N. A. Gvozdetsky (Review by George Kish),

X 113-114

Spain, and Dutch commercial expansion, II 65, 73

-annexation of Portugal by, IV 112-113

-attacks on North Africa by, 16th century, XII 7

-colonial policy of, as directed by Juan Rodriguez de Fonseca, IV 120-122, 124

-conquest of Canary Islands by, XII 5-7, 9

-conquest of the Caribbean by, IV 119-124

-conquest of Granada by, XII 6-7

-in the spice trade, X 49-51

-on the Vinland Map, IV 74-75

Spaniard in the Portuguese Indies, A (1967), by James B. McKenna (Review by Paul Stewart), II 103-104

Spanish Caribbean: Trade and Plunder, 1530-1630, The (1978), by Kenneth R. Andrews (Review by B.

R. Burg and Patricia A. Adank), XII 101-103

Spanish cosmographers, 16th century, I 40-57; VI 51-64

“Spanish Comographic Juntas of the Sixteenth Century, The,” by Usurla Lamb, VI 51-64

“Spanish Diet in the Atlantic Crossing, the 1570s,” by John C. Super, XVI 57-70

Spanish empire see Imperialism, Spain

-exploration, 15th and 16th centuries, I 40-57

-relationship of, to conquest, X 61-62

galleons see Galleons, Spanish

-interpretation of Columbus’s discoveries, VII 61-63

Spanish Main, see Caribbean

Spanish Netherlands, see Netherlands, Spanish

Spanish Politics and Imperial Trade, 1700-1789 (1979), by Geoffrey J. Walker (Review by Benjamin Keen), XIII 60-62)

Spanish reconquista, see Reconquista (Spain)

Spanish Scientists in the New World: The Eighteenth-Century Expeditions (1981), by Iris H. W. Engstrand (Review by Ursula Lamb), XIV 128

Spann, Philip O., “Sallust, Plutarch, and the ‘Isles of the Blest,’” IX 75-80

Spate, O. H. K., Monopolists and Freebooters – The Pacific Since Magellan (1983) (Review by William R. Stanley), XVI 115-117

Speed, John (Cartographer, 1552-1629), map of South America of 1627, Lake Parima on, VII 26

Spence, Mary Lee and Donald Jackson (eds.), The Expeditions of John Charles Fremont, Volume I:

Travels from 1838 to 1844, and Map Portfolio (1970) (Review by Robert W. McCluggage), III


Spencer, Richard (Diplomat, fl. 1608), and Twelve Years Truce, II 65

Spice Islands see Molucca Islands

Spice trade, Charles V and, II 25

-Ottoman involvement in, 16th century, VI 31-32

-Portugal in, X 48-49, 51

-Society of Saint-Malo and, II 62

-Spain in, X 49-51

Spink, John ad D. W. Moodie, Eskimo Maps from the Canadian Eastern Arctic (1972) (Review by John

Bockstoce), VII 81-82

Spittler, Christian Friedrich (fl. 1802), and Africa mission work, I 74

Spix, Johann Baptist von, expedition to Brazil (1817), III 70, 81

Sprengel, Matthias (1746-1803), on Vinland, II 37

Spurr, Richard E. and Charles E. Taylor (comps.), Aerial Photographs in the National Archives (1971)

(Review by John A. Wolter), V 96

Stafford, Sir Edward (1552?-1605), XIV 104

-and Guiana, IX 14015, 18

Stalker, John (fl. 1688), on Japan, V 58

Stanton, William, The Great United States Exploring Expedition of 1838-1842 (1975) (Review by

Vincent Ponko, Jr.), IX 101-103

Stearns, Raymond Phineas, Science in the British Colonies of America (1970) (Review by Bruce B.

Solnick), II 122-123

Stedmen, John G. (Captain, 1744-1797), map of c1777, Lake Parima on, VII 28-29

Steele, Colin, English Interpreters of the Iberian New World from Purchas to Stevens: A Bibliographic

Study (1975) (Review by Bruce B. Solnick), VII 80-81

Steensby, Hans P. (1875-1920), on Vinland, II 53

Stefansson, Vilhaljmur (1879-1962), on Greenland, IV 55-56

Stefansson and the Canadian Arctic (1978), by Richard J. Diubaldo (Review by Trevor Lloyd), XVI 105-107

Steffen, Jerome O., Comparative Frontiers: A Proposal for Studying the American West (1980) (Review by Diane North), XIV 133-134

-and David Harry Miller (eds.), The Frontier: Comparative Studies (1977) (Review by

Thomas S. Burns), XI 113-115

Stephen Long and American Frontier Exploration (1980), by Roger L. Nichols and Patrick L. Halley (Review by Eric W. Wolf), XV 246-247

Stephenson, Richard W., “The Henry Harrisse Collection of Publications, Papers, and Maps Pertaining to the Early Exploration of America,” XVI 37-55

-, “The Mapping of Nothwest Boundary of Texas, 1859-1860,” VI 39-50

Stern, Steve J., Peru’s Indian Peoples and the Challenge of Spanish Conquest: Huamanga to 1640 (1982) (Review by Bruce B. Solnick), XVI 118-119

Stevin, Simon (Mathematician, 1548-1620), invention of “sailing chariot” by, VIII 29-30

Stommel, Henry, Lost Islands: The Story of Islands that have Vanished from Nautical Charts (1984) (Review by Edward J. Goodman), XVII 111-112

Storm, Gustav (1845-1903), on Vinland, II 41, 44

Strabo (63? B. C.- 24 A. D.), and Isles of the Blessed, IX 79-80

Strachan, Michael and Boies Penrose (ed.), The East India Company Journals of Captain William Keeling

and Master Thomas Bonner, 1615-1617 (1971) (Review by T. K. Rabb), V 86-87

Stromer family, investments in the New World, X 46

Struggle for Brazil: Portugal and “The French Interlopers” (1500-1550), The (1970), by Regina

Tomlinson (Review by Bruce B. Solnick), IV 149

Struys, Jan Janszoon (fl. 1650), on Japan, V 55

Sturluson, Snorri see Snorri Sturluson

Suarez de Carabajal, Juan (Bishop of Lugo, fl. 1554), and Casa de Contratacion, VI 57-58

Sublett, Pirie and Vsevolod Slessarov, “The Vinland Caption Reexamined,” I 58-67

Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas (1971), by Antonio de Morga (Review by Bruce B. Solnick), IV 138-139

Sudan, as origin of Nok iron technology, IX 89, 92-93

Suhm, Peter Frederick (Historian, 1728-1798), on Vinland, II 37

Suitcase Farming Frontier: A Study in the Historical Geography of the Central Great Plains, The (1974),

by Leslie Hewes (Review by John Parker), IX 99- 101

Suleiman I “the Magnificent” (Ottoman Emperor, 1496?-1566), reaction of, to European voyages of

discovery, VI 19, 21, 25-30, 32, 37

Sumatra, Chinese expedition to (1408-1411), III 36

Summarie and True Discourse of Sir Francis Drake’s West Indian Voyage, A (1589), by Walter Bigges,

publishing history of, X 71, 71n, 72, 77, 80

Super, John C., “Spanish Diet in the Atlantic Crossing, the 1570s,” XVI 57-70

Surtsey: The New Island in the North Atlantic (1967), by Sigurdur Thorarinsson (Review by C. I.

Jackson), I 92-93

Susto, Juan Antonio, on Balboa expedition (1513), historical literature on, VI 14

Sweet potato, grown in Jamaica, I 12, 16

Sweyn I (King of Denmark, d. 1014), and Icelandic bishops, I 60-61

Symond, Rev. William (fl. 1609), defense of English claims in North America by, VII 17

Syrtes (Mediterranean gulf), on portolan charts, IX 33-36

Szwed, John F., and Roger D. Abrahams, After Africa. Extracts from British Travel Accounts and Journals of the Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth Centuries concerning the Slaves, their Manners, and Customs in the British West Indies (1983) (Review by Neville Hall), XVI 97-100

Taillemite, Etienne (ed.), Bougainville et ses compagnons de voyage autour du monde, 1766-1769 (1978)

(Review by Robert Vignery), XI 109

Tarter Relation (1245?), by Giovanni de Piano Carpini, Marian Plezia on, I 65-66

-relation of, to Vinland Map, I 59, 65-66

Tarter River, on Vinland Map, IV 82-83

Tarters, Sea of the, on Vinland Map, IV 81-83, 90

Tate, D. J. M., The Making of Modern Southeast Asia, Volume I: The European Conquest (1971) (Review

by Martin Torodash), V 89-90

Taunay, Aime Adrien (Artist), and Russian expedition to Brazil (1821-1829), III 78, 83-84, 86-87, 84-95

Taunay, Alfredo d’ Escragnolle (1843-1899), and Russian expedition to Brazil (1821-1829), III 92-94

Taviani, Paolo Emilio, I viaggi di Colombo: la grande scoperta (1984) (Review by George Kish), XVII 114-115

Taylor, Charles E. and Richard E. Spurr (comps.) Aerial Photographs in the National Archives (1971)

(Review by John A. Wolter), V 96

Tea, influence on Dutch life, 17th century, VIII 36-39

Teach, Edward (Pirate, d. 1718), and logwood trade, XII 65, 74, 77

Tebienkov, M. D. (Captain), Atlas of the Northwest Shores of America … (1852), and Humboldt Bay,

V 29, 31-34, 36, 39

“Tempest over Ancient America: Vermont Conference of 1977” [report], by Warren L. Cook, X 81-85

Temple, Sir William (1628-1699), on Japan, V 57

Tentler, Thomas, comment on “Confronting Cultures: The Effect of the Discoveries on Sixteenth-Century

French Thought,” by Amy Glassner Gordon, VIII 57

Terra Corterealis, on 16th century maps, IV 76-77

terre plate au globe terrestre: Une mutation épistémologique rapide, 1480-1520, De la (1980), by W. G. L. Randles. Cahiers des annals, no. 38 (Review by Josef Konvitz), XIII 53-54

Terres australes, Andrea d’Albagno and, IX 64-70

-Bartolomeu Velho and, IX 65, 67-69, 70

-Fernando Oliveira and, IX 68-70, 72

-Francesco d’Albagno and, IX 64-70

-Lancelot Voisin, sieur de la Popeliniere, and, IX 63-64, 66-67, 70-72

-Raymond de Rouer, Baron de Fouquevaux, and, IX 65, 68-70

Territorial acquisition in Age of Discovery, see Imperialism

Terry, C. M. (fl. 1886), and source of the Mississippi River, VII 56

Texas Boundary Commission, see United States and Texas Boundary Commission

Texas, mapping of northwest boundary of, VI 39-50; maps VI 41, 44, 47, 49

Texeira da Mota, Avelino, on Treaty of Tordesillas (1494), VI 52

Thanet (island), identified with death, I 35-36

“Theories of Wind Patterns and Ocean Currents from the Discoveries to the End of the Seventeenth

Century,” by Harold L. Burstyn, III 7-31

Thévenot, Melchisédech (1620?-1692), as editor of travel literature, VII 31, 37

Thevet, André (fl. 1555), on Brazil, III 67

-theory of ocean currents, III 9, 11-12

Thomas (Apostle), evangelical mission of, VIII 69-70

Thompson, George A. (fl. 1812-1830), Geographical and Historical Dictionary of America and the

West Indies (1827), on El Dorado, VII 29

Thompson, Leonard, and Howard Lamar (eds.), The Frontier in History: North America and Southern Africa Compared (1981) (Review by Kristine L. Jones, XVI 102-103

Thompson, Stephen I. and William W. Savage, Jr. (eds.), The Frontier: Comparative Studies, Volume 2 (1979) (Review by Donald W. Whisenhunt), XIII 73-74

Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, Surtsey: The New Island in the North Atlantic (1967) (Review by C. I. Jackson),

I 92-93

Thorfinn Karlsefni see Karlsefni, Thorfinn

Three Relation of the West Indies in 1659-1660 Rene Lausonniere (1969), by Cosimo Brunetti (Review by

Bruce B. Solnick), II 120

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