The acl places considerable emphasis on the interview process as a positive developmental

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The Process

The ACL places considerable emphasis on the interview process as a positive developmental

experience for the cadet. The Scholarship Review Board usually consists of three members, two of which are appointed from ACL personnel together with one military officer. The interview usually last for 15-20 minutes, and since the awarding of the course is at stake, the process can be very stressful for the cadet.

To prepare the cadet for the board, the ACL recommends each Sponsoring Committee organize a "dress rehearsal" for each, and these are referred to as "Mock Boards". They are intended to replicate the atmosphere the cadet will experience in the actual Board, thereby lowering the stress felt throughout the interview. They are not intended to "teach" cadets the subject matter of the questions, but rather the way in which the questions are asked, and the procedure to expect.

When "Mock Boards" are carried out properly, the effect on the cadet is usually dramatic; in fact,

interviewers have consistently reported that they can tell which cadets have had mock boards,

without asking them, as their performance is usually so much superior to those who have not been through the process.
It is important that cadets supplement this guide with further preparation, as only studying the questions will not adequately prepare them for their interview.
What Cadets Can Expect at the Review Board

A two or three-person Interview Board normally comprised of Air Cadet League representative, a military representative and a civilian representative.

How long

The interview will last between twelve to fifteen minutes; perhaps a little longer for lACE applicants and those Air Cadets applying for more than one National Course.

What do I wear to the Review Boards?

Unless otherwise instructed, cadets wear C-1 uniform. There will not be a formal inspection, but you are being inspected and marked by the Board on your dress and deportment throughout the interview. Shiny boots, fresh haircut and creases are noted; it is important to ensure that you have the correct badges in place (proficiency badges, summer camps, etc.) and that the uniform fits properly.

C1 Uniform

  • Wedge

  • Tie

  • Dress shirt with rank slip-ons

  • Tunic with name tag (if available) and ribbons

  • Belt

  • Pants

  • Grey wool socks

  • Boots


Unless given other instructions, you will enter facing the Board, wearing headdress, and salute.

Announce yourself by rank, name and squadron to the Board and walk smartly to the side of the

single chair sitting in front of the Board table. Wait until you are offered a seat.

Sit when instructed to do so. Remove your wedge and hold it on your lap, sit on it, or tuck it

under a leg. Sit patiently until addressed by a member of the Board.

The members of the Board want you to feel comfortable and relaxed. Try to be so, while

maintaining respect and decorum. Be prepared to say some initial words about yourself.

You will most likely be asked general knowledge questions about current events, the World

situation, geography, Canada and its government, the Provinces, Air Cadets, the Air Cadet

League and the Canadian Forces. If you are applying for PPS or GPS, you will be asked about

aviation and flight theory.

You will also be asked questions to assess your knowledge, interest, motivation and attitude

towards the course(s) for which you have applied.

When the interview is completed, stand, replace headdress, salute, and smartly depart the room.
Some of the points keenly considered by the panel are:

• Does the Cadet really want this course?

• Does the Cadet understand the course and the mental- and physical- commitment

required, if selected?

• Course graduates have a responsibility to their Squadron to set an example for junior

Cadets, and to provide leadership and instruction. Is the Cadet aware of this obligation?


After you depart, the Board members will confer and assign marks for: general knowledge,

course knowledge, attitude, motivation, ability to express yourself, Squadron contributions,

uniform appearance, and bearing.


A Selection Board will review the complete application and the standardized results of the

Interview Board marks, and arrive at a total score out of 100, which will determine your position

on the Merit List.


Cadets who are selected for courses must continue good attendance and performance at their

Squadron, prior to leaving for summer training. COs may recommend that a Cadet's application

be withdrawn, if his or her performance deteriorates to the point that they are undeserving of the


Summary of Conduct During the Interview

1. Entering the Room:

  • Come to Attention at the door

  • Salute

  • Announce yourself

  • Walk sharply to the chair

  • Wait for permission to be seated

2. Seating:

  • Remove your wedge and place on your lap

  • Sit straight with both feet flat on floor

  • Do not slouch

  • Relax and smile

3. During the Interview

  • The chairperson will introduce the board to you, give a short preamble and then begin with the questions

  • Answer in complete sentences, giving plenty of information

  • Avoid using slang terms

  • Avoid playing with your uniform

  • Speak to all members of the board, maintain eye contact

  • Try to use a few seconds after each question to gather your thoughts for an answer

  • Try to project an image of maturity and composure

  • If you do not understand a question ask "Could you please rephrase the question, Sir/Ma'am?"

  • If you don't know the answer to the question, avoid stalling or make up an answer. Simply state "I'm sorry, I don't know."

  • Usually at the end of the interview, you will be asked if you have any questions for the board.

  • Always use Sir or Ma’am when answering the Board members

4. Leaving the Room

  • Stand at attention facing the review board

  • Replace headdress

  • Thank the Board Members for the interview

  • Salute

  • Turn Right or Left

  • Walk sharply out of room

Interview Board Questions

Board Chairpersons are to ensure that the Cadet candidates are asked questions specific to the

course(s) desired. Each Board member is usually assigned a specific area (e.g. education, or

aviation, etc.) and limited to two questions from each subject area.

Remember only about 15-20 minutes is allocated per Cadet, followed by discussion among

Board members before scoring.

You may be asked about your cadet career, future aspirations, or any of a number of general

questions. You will surely be asked why you want to attend the particular course you are

applying for, and why you feel that you are particularly qualified for it.

You will be asked some technical questions pertaining to the type of course you are applying for.

You will probably be asked about the Air Cadet League of Canada and its role and relationship to the Squadron.

It is important to understand the relationships and roles and responsibilities of the military (DND)

and the civilian side (the Air Cadet League and Sponsoring Committees).
What to do if you don't know the answer to a question?

Simple! If you don't know, then state that you don't know. Don't fumble around or beat around the bush. The Board will always appreciate an honest statement. "I do not know the answer to that question." Do not be disturbed when the Board does not reveal the correct answer: they are not permitted to.

Why does the Board want me to answer all these questions?

Remember that the Board is interviewing you. They are looking for suitability for a particular

course. The Board interview is merely a way of assessing how well you have learned the

subjects involved in your cadet career. The answering of questions is also a way of seeing how

well you prepared for this interview and if you are truly serious about working hard and putting

your "all" into the course you have applied for.

General Questions:

Current Events:

 Name and briefly discuss a National and an International current event (in the news).

 How do you keep up with current events? Why is it important?

 Appropriate general geography questions (e.g., name three capitals of Canadian provinces, or African or South American countries).

 How many Provinces and Territories in Canada
General Knowledge:

 Name three former Prime Ministers.

 Name two current Provincial Premiers.

 What was Ontario called just before Confederation?

 Name a Canadian satellite.

 Name two CF aircraft.

 What do the acronyms NATO and NORAD stand for?

 What are the aims of the Air Cadet movement?

 What are the three levels of Government in Canada?

 In what year was the constitution of Canada founded?

 Number of squadrons in Canada

 Describe leadership

 Motto of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets

 Describe the Air Cadet Ensign

 What is the age limit for Air Cadets?

 In what position on the air cadet uniform is the name tag worn?

 Where on the cadet uniform is the Warrant Officer’s badge worn?

 Where on the cadet uniform is the Proficiency badge worn?

 Who is the Minister of National Defense?

 Who is the Chief of Defense Staff?

 Who is the Area Cadet Officer? (ACO)

 What is the population of Canada?

 What federal party is in power?

What are the names of the federal opposition parties? Who are their leaders?

 What is the population of Ontario?

 Who is the premier of Ontario? What party does he/she represent?

 What are the names of the Provincial opposition parties?

 Who is the Queen’s representative in Canada?

 Who is your Member of Parliament? (MP)

 Who is the Queen’s Representative in Ontario?

 Who is the municipal government representative in your area?
Squadron Activities:

 How did you become interested in the Cadet movement?

 What are your current Squadron responsibilities?

 Are you a member of any Squadron teams, band and drill, flag party, other “clubs” (e.g., a/c modeling)?

 Have you entered an Effective Speaking Competition (or Debating Competition)?

 Who are your Air Cadet Squadron Staff?

Commanding Officer

Deputy Commanding Officer

Range Officer

Training Officer

Administration Officer

Supply Officer

Air Cadet League and Sponsors:

 What organization sponsors your Squadron?

 Do you know the Squadron Sponsoring Committee Chairperson’s name?

 What is the role of the Air Cadet League in the Air Cadet Program?

 Do you know the OPC Director assigned to your Squadron?

 What are the proceeds from the Annual OPC Lottery used for?

 Name the National President of the Air Cadet League of Canada.

 Name the two parties act as partners to provide support to the Air Cadet Movement.

 Name two sources of funds that support your squadron (cadet fundraising, DND, donations, SSC)

 The Air Cadet Service Medal is awarded to cadets who successfully complete 4 years in the program. Who provides them?

 Name 3 of the responsibilities of your Sponsoring Committee

 Who owns the gliders that are used when your Squadron goes on a Gliding day?

 In what year was the Air Cadet League formed?

 What are the three levels of the Air Cadet League today?

 What are the responsibilities of the Canadian Forces and the Air Cadet League with the Cadet program?

 What benefit does the Air Cadet League provide in Canada?

 In what year did the Air Cadet League launch an experimental gliding program?

 How many flights does the Air Cadet Movement carry out each year in Canada?

 How many cadets graduate from the Gliding and Power programs each year across Canada?

 Name three responsibilities of the Air Cadet League of Canada

 Name three responsibilities of the Ontario Provincial Committee

 How many aircraft and what type of aircraft are owned by the Ontario Provincial Committee?

 Who is responsible for the cost of insurance, parts, overhauls and replacement of these aircraft?

 How many Squadrons in Ontario?

 Who is the Sponsoring Body of your Squadron?

 Who is the Chairman of the Provincial Air Cadet League?

 Who is the Secretary of the Provincial Air Cadet League?

 Who is the Air Cadet Liason for your Squadon?

 What name is the local level of the Air Cadet League normally known as?
Personal Assessment:

 What do you consider your own strength or weakness?

 What targets have you set for your personal growth or improvement?

 If you had to change something about yourself what would it be?

 What skills and abilities have you acquired as a result of belonging to Air Cadets?

 What do you see as being the greatest advantage of joining Air Cadets for a young person?

 What has been your biggest challenge you have faced as a result of joining Air Cadets?

 What has been your greatest accomplishment in Air Cadets?


 Do you participate in any organized school teams, groups (band, football, etc)?

 On an average evening, how much time do you dedicate to homework?

 What do you use your home computer for? (e.g., games, research, emails)

Career Interests:

 Where are you headed in life?

 Do you plan to take any post-secondary school education (e.g., community college, university, flight school, military college)?

 What discipline (or course) do you wish to pursue?

 Have you discussed your career with a Guidance Counsellor?
Other Interests:

 Do you have a part time job? Does it compete with Cadets or school?

 Are you involved with any citizenship activities in your community outside of Cadets?

 Do you have any hobbies?

 What community related activities does your Squadron participate in? Cadets Caring for Canada? Squadron Exchanges? Civic Events? Community assistance?
General Course:

 Why did you apply for this course?

 What have you done to improve your chances of being selected for this course?

 If you were successful in obtaining this Scholarship course, how will you apply the skills learned on this course when you return to your squadron? (Cadet may answer how to apply skills within the squadron and their personal life)

 What skills have you acquired through the Air Cadet Program that would make you a good candidate for this course?
For IACE Candidates: (also be familiar with IACE program and its member nations)

 Have you had the opportunity to travel?

 What do you or would you get out of travelling?

 Have you ever been on an exchange?

 Tell us about an IACE country of your choice.

 Tell us the importance of community service and your contributions to your community.

 Describe Canada as you would to your hosts in the Exchange Country.

 Describe how big Canada is for someone in England.

 Talk about Canada’s government.

 Why is it important for you to go on this Exchange? How will it benefit you?

 What are your summer plans besides IACE?

 Have you undertaken any research to prepare for this course, such as culture, geography, demographics of the country that you are interested in visiting?

 Name a country that participates in the IACE program other than the UK and the United States.
 What would be an issue that you would like to discuss with Air Cadets from other countries participating in the IACE program

How would this International Exchange challenge you?

For Power Pilot Candidates:

 Did you write the qualifying exam in prior years?

 How did your Squadron prepare you for this Power Pilot Scholarship course?

 Do you want to pursue a flying career?

 How will you “give back” to the Squadron what you will learn on this course?

 If you took glider scholarship last year, how did your CO have you assist with training in your Squadron program?

 Would today be a good flying day? Why or why not?

 Who funds the Power Pilot scholarships?

For Glider Pilot Candidates:

 How did your Squadron prepare you for the qualification exam?

 Have you participated in any glider familiarization flights? How many? Where?

 Why do you have an interest in this program?

 Do you have an appointment for your Transport Canada medical?

 Do you know what the proceeds from lottery tickets sales are for?

 Briefly explain how a glider flies.

 What are the primary control surfaces of a glider?

 Can you state three cloud types?

 Would today be a good flying day? Why or why not?

For Advanced Aviation Technology Course – Airport Operations Candidates:

 What interests you about the field of Airport Operations?

 Which airports have you visited or travelled through? OR, Name three well-known airports.

 What are some of the career opportunities associated with Airport Operations?

 What is a terminal?

 Name three different areas of airport operations you’d be interested in studying.

 How will you apply your newly learned skills on return to the Squadron?

 How do you think military airports differ from civilian airports? What elements are the same?

What is the purpose of Airside guidance signals?

 Name 2 types of approach lights.

 What is the VHF General Distress frequency?

 What colour are taxiway edge lights?

For Advanced Aviation Technology Course – Aircraft Maintenance Candidates:

 Why did you choose this specialty course?

 Have you had any technical training in school? Elsewhere?

 How will you apply your newly learned skills on return to the Squadron?

 Has your Commanding Officer discussed the training program on this course with you?

 Name the 4 functions of oil.

 What is propeller pitch?

 Name the 3 axes of an aircraft.

 What forces are produced by the flow of air around a propeller?

 Name the 4 types of propellers.

For Advanced Aerospace Course – Aircraft Maintenance Candidates:

 Why did you apply for this particular course?

 What do you expect to learn by attending this course?

 What specific aspects of aerospace studies are you most looking forward to learning more about?

 Do you ever read books or magazines or browse the Internet to learn more about aerospace-related issues and activities?

 How many Canadian astronauts can you name who have flown into space?

 Name the three largest aerospace companies in the work that manufacture commercial aircraft.

 Have you ever attended an airshow?

 How does this course relate to any career or personal goals you might have?

 Do you plan to apply for a Glider and/or Power Scholarship in the future?

 If you successfully complete this course, how will your squadron benefit from the skills and knowledge you acquire?

 Name the organization responsible for Canada’s space program.

 Name the first Canadian astronaut in space.

 Name the first Canadian woman in space.

 On December 19, 2012, which Canadian astronaut launched aboard a Soyuz spacecraft to the International Space Station (ISS) and became the first Canadian commander of the ISS?

 Which 2 locations have the Canadian Space Agency been researching for possible sites for the CSA?


Remember that members sitting on the Board are impressed by individuals who display confidence and self-assurance. Relax and try to enjoy the experience. Don't forget that you have earned the right to appear before this Board by being a rather outstanding individual. You have accomplished many things during your cadet career. You are already successful in your own right!

General Information


The Air Cadet League was formed on 09 April1941 to build a supply of pre-trained airman for the RCAF during World War II.

To Learn -To Serve- To Advance

Governor General of Canada

Prime Minister of Canada (PM)

Minister of National Defense (MND)


Premier of Ontario

Lieutenant Governor

You should familiarize yourself with the Mayor and Councilors

FOR IACE CANDIDATES be able to describe Canada to someone from another country

Population (National, Provincial & Municipal)

Major Industries

Tourist Spots


Current Design adopted on 15 Feb 1965

The Maple Leaf has 11 points
Course Applied For

Be familiar with where your course is located and its duration.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Military Members Summary

Director of Cadets and Junior Canadian Ranger (DCdts): Headquartered in Ottawa at National

Defence Headquarters; Colonel G.M. Pratt, OMM, CD is responsible for developing policies governing all cadet activities throughout Canada.

Prairie Region Commander: Headquartered in Winnipeg at 2 Canadian Air Division

Headquarters; Brigadier-General Martin Galvin is responsible for the effective delivery of the cadet programs in Prairie Region.

Commanding Officer, Regional Cadet Support Unit (Prairie) (CO RCSU (Pra)): Headquartered at 17 Wing Winnipeg; LCol R.W. (Rob) Kamphius, CD is responsible for all cadet activities throughout Prairie Region, including Manitoba.

Officer-in Charge (0/C) Air Training: Headquartered at RCSU (Pra); Maj W Woollven is responsible for air cadet training in Prairie Region.

Area Cadet Officer (Air) (ACO (Air)): An Officer on staff of the RCSU (Pra) responsible for the air cadet squadrons in their assigned area. The ACO (Air) visits the squadrons on a regular basis, and is responsible for reporting to the OIC Air Training on the state of the squadron. This officer is the primary source of contact between the squadron and the remainder of the military.
Cadet Liaison Officer (CLO): A Canadian Forces Officer or Non-Commissioned Member (NCM) from the supporting Wing. Although not in the direct chain of command and communication, the

CLO acts as a link between the squadron and the support base. The CLO can be very useful in acquiring access to other resources and personnel that the squadron may need. (from 435 Squadron.

Overall Responsibilities of the Canadian Forces

The Canadian Forces through the National Defence Headquarters and Regional Commanders is responsible for the:

 supervision and administration of Cadet Squadrons;

 material to Cadet Squadrons, in accordance with the scales of issue approved by the Minister;

training, pay and allowances for Cadet Instructors;

 funds for payment of allowances and training bonuses authorized by Q.R {Cadets) and Q.R&O;

 transportation, as authorized by the Minister;

 facilities and staff for summer training centres and courses approved by the Minister;

 syllabi and training aids, in accordance with scales of issue approved by the Minister;

 medical care as authorized by Q.R {Cadets);

 liaison with cadet squadrons;

 Officers or appropriate civilians to carry out formal functions at annual reviews;

 policy on the enrolment, appointment, promotion, transfer and release of Officers of the Cadet Instructor Cadre {CIC);

 policy respecting agreements for the employment of Civilian Instructors and the terms of their employment; and

 policy on enrolment requirements for Cadets, appointment to Cadet ranks and transfers of cadets between Cadet Squadrons.
Overall Responsibilities of the Air Cadet League

The Air Cadet League of Canada through its League Headquarters and Provincial Committees, is responsible for:

 making recommendations to the Chief of the Defence Staff for the formation, organization or disbandment of Cadet Squadrons;

 providing names of possible candidates for enrolment in the Canadian Forces as Cadet Instructor Cadre (CIC) Officers, or for employment as Civilian Instructors;

 making comments to the appropriate Region Commander regarding the appointment, promotion, transfer or release of CIC officers and Civilian Instructors;

 providing financial support as required;

 providing and supervising Squadron Sponsors and Squadron Sponsoring Committees;

 providing advice, training and assistance to Squadron Sponsoring Committees;

 overseeing, in cooperation with the CF, the effective operation of Air Cadet Squadrons and their Squadron Sponsoring Committees;

 Administering trust accounts set up for awards to outstanding Cadets;

 identifying and providing other appropriate awards to recognize commendable Cadets' and

volunteers' performances;

 participating in the Cadet Selection process for national courses and exchange programs; and

 establishing policies and procedure for the registration and screening of civilian volunteers

The Squadron Sponsor

A Sponsor (distinguished from an SSC) can be a local organization, service club, parent association or group of people that agrees to provide essential resources (people for the SSC; training, storage and administration facilities; money in the form of donations; gifts in kind) needed to create and/or support a squadron.

Responsibilities of the Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC)

The Squadron Sponsoring Committee of an Air Cadet Squadron shall be responsible for:

 assisting in recruiting suitable persons to be Cadets in their Squadron;

 making comments through their Provincial Committee to the appropriate Region Commander regarding the appointment, promotion, transfer or release of Cadet Instructor Cadre (CIC) Officers for their Cadet Squadron;

 assisting in providing names of possible candidates for replacement Officers and for positions as Civilian Instructors or volunteers;

 inviting suitable persons to be members of the Squadron Sponsoring Committee;

 Liaison with other Cadet unit Squadron Sponsoring Committees;

 providing appropriate accommodation for their Squadron’s training, administration and stores when it is not provided by the CF;

 providing training aids and equipment, including band instruments not supplied by the CF;

 arranging Cadet recreational programs;

 providing transportation when not available from the CF, for local training exercises;

 providing for the financial and administrative needs of the Squadron;

 supporting Provincial Committee activities

 providing input to Cadets’ applications for summer training;

 providing such other facilities or assistance as may be mutually agreed between the Squadron Sponsor, the Squadron Sponsoring Committee, and the CF; and

 registering and Screening all volunteers in accordance with League policies

Resources & Links

Read the newspaper, watch television news, and listen to the radio to gain as much knowledge about current events in Ontario, Canada, and throughout the world.

A review of your drill manual and cadet level books will aid you in answering some questions asked by the Board.
Air Cadet League of Canada:

Air Cadet League of Canada (Ontario)

Department of National Defense:

Canadian Cadet Organization: http://www.cadets.calhome-accueil.aspx?LangType=4105

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