The Economics of Tobacco Farming in Zambia

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Recent Publications


Goma, F, J Drope, R Zulu, Q Li, GChelwa, R Labonté, J Banda. (2017). "The Economics of Tobacco Farming in Zambia" (Revised version) Lusaka: University of Zambia School of Medicine and Atlanta: American Cancer Society.

Walton-Roberts, M., Runnels, V., Rajan, I., Sood, A., Nair, S., Thomas, P., Packer, C.,

MacKenzie, A., Tomblin-Murphy, G., Labonté, R., Bourgeault, I., “Causes, consequences and policy responses to the migration of health workers: Key findings from India,” Human Resources for Health (in press).

Khayatzadeh-Mahani, A., Breton, E. Ruckert, A., & Labonté, R. “Banning shisha smoking in public places in Iran: an advocacy coalition framework perspective on policy process and change” Health Policy and Planning (in press).
Labonté, R., Runnels, V., Crooks, V., Johnston, R. & Snyder, J. “What does the development of medical tourism in Barbados hold for health equity? An exploratory qualitative case study,” Global Health Research and Policy (in press)
Ruckert, A. and Labonté, R "Reducing health inequities: Is universal basic income the way forward?" Journal of Public Health (in press) (2017)
Najafizada, S.A., Labonté, R., and Bourgeault, I. “Stakeholder’s perspective: Sustainability of a community health worker program in Afghanistan,” Evaluation and Planning (in press) (2016)
Khayatzadeh-Mahani, A., Labonté, R., & Masoud, A. Barriers to a Health in All Policies (HiAP) approach to childhood obesity: A case study of Iran. Critical Public Health (in press) (2017)
Khayatzadeh-Mahani, A., Labonté, R., Ruckert, A. and De Leeuw, E. “Using sustainability instead of health equity as a collaboration magnet to encourage multi-sector collaborations for health,” Global Health Promotion (in press) (2016)

Javanparast, S. Baum, F., Freeman, T., Labonté, R., Ziersch, A., Kidd, M. and Mackean, T. “Lessons from Medicare Locals for Primary Health Networks” Medical Journal of Australia (in press).

Freeman, T., Baum, F., Labonté, R., Javanparast, S., Lawless, A., “Primary health care reform, dilemmatic space, and risk of burnout among health workers,” (in press) Health.

Ruckert, A. (accepted and forthcoming). Global health diplomacy: A critical review. In P. Buss & S. Tobar (Eds.), Global Health and Health Diplomacy: Latin-American Perspectives. Rio de Janeiro: Fiocruz (reprint of published journal article).

Ruckert, A. (forthcoming). Globalization and the rise of precarious employment: The new frontier for workplace health promotion. In I. L. Bourgeault, R. Labonté, C. Packer, & V. Runnels (Eds.). Population Health in Canada: Issues, Research & Action. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press (reprint of published journal article).

Ruckert, A. (forthcoming). Inequities in housing and the health of recent immigrants to Canada. In I. L. Bourgeault, R. Labonté, C. Packer, & V. Runnels (Eds.). Population Health in Canada: Issues, Research & Action. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press (reprint of published journal article).

Ruckert, A. (forthcoming). The global financial crisis and health equity: Early experiences from Canada. In I. L. Bourgeault, R. Labonté, C. Packer, & V. Runnels (Eds.). Population Health in Canada: Issues, Research & Action. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press (reprint of published journal article).


Freeman, T., Baum, F., Labonté, R., Javanparast, S., Lawless, A., “Primary health care reform, dilemmatic space, and risk of burnout among health workers,” Health. Pp.1-21. * DOI: 10.1177/1363459317693404

Magati P, Q Li, J Drope, R Lencucha, R Labonté. 2016. The Economics of Tobacco Farming in Kenya. Nairobi: International Institute for Legislative Affairs and Atlanta: American Cancer Society.
Makoka D, A Appau, R Lencucha, J Drope. 2016. Farm-Level Economics of Tobacco Production in Malawi. Lilongwe: Centre for Agricultural Research and Development and Atlanta: American Cancer Society.

Khayatzadeh-Mahani, A., Ruckert, A., & Labonté, R. “Obesity prevention: co-framing for intersectoral ‘buy-in’”, Critical Public Health (2017) 1-8.

Labonté, R., Schram, A. & Ruckert, A. “The TPP is Dead, Long Live the TPP?” International Journal of Health Policy and Management (2017):6(x):1-3
Labonté, R., “Framing Political Change: Can a Left Populism Disrupt the Rise of the Reactionary Right?” International Journal of  Health Policy and Management 6(x):1-3 (2017)
Labonté, R., “Health Promotion in an Age of Normative Equity and Rampant Inequality,” International Journal of Health Policy and Management (2016), 5(12), 675-82.
Thow, A.M., Hawkes, C., Jones, A., Ali, I. & Labonté, R. “Nutrition Labelling is a Trade Policy Issue: Lessons from an Analysis of Specific Trade Concerns at the World Trade Organization”, Health Promotion International (2017) 1-11.
McNamara, C. and Labonté, R. “Trade, Labour Markets and Health: A prospective policy analysis of the Trans-Pacific Partnership” International of Health Services (2017). (45%)
Torres S, Balcázar H, Resenthal LE, Labonté R, Durrell F, & Chiu Y. Community health workers in Canada and the U.S.: Working from the margins to address health equity [commentary]. (2017) Critical Public Health (limited free downloads) 


Johnston, R., Crooks, V., Ceron, A., Labonté, R., Snyder, J., Nunez, E., Flores, W., “Inbound Medical Tourism in Central America and the Caribbean: Factors Driving and Inhibiting Sector Development and Their Health Equity Implications,” Global Health Action (2016) 12(9):1-10.

Baum, F., Sanders, D., Fisher, M., Anaf, J., Freudenberg, N., Friel, S., Labonté, R., London, L., Scott-Samuel, A., Sengupta, A. “Assessing the health impact of transnational corporations: its importance and a framework,” Globalization and Health (2016) 12(27):1-7.

Labonté R. “That’s enough patients for everyone!” Stakeholder views on attracting patients into Barbados and Guatemala’s emerging medical tourism sectors. Globalization and Health (2016) 12(60) (open access)

Nour S, Labonté R, & Bancej C. Impact of the 2008 global financial crisis on the health of Canadians: repeated cross-sectional analysis of the Canadian Community Health Survey, 2007–2013. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (2016)
Freeman T, Baum F, Lawless A, Labonté R, Sanders D et al. Case study of an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service in Australia: Universal, rights-based, publicly-funded comprehensive primary health care in action. (2016) Health and Human Rights 18:2 (open access)
Baum, F., Freeman, T., Sanders, D., Labonte, R. et al. “Comprehensive primary health care under neo-liberalism in Australia” (November 2016) Social Science & Medecine 168
Lencucha, R., Drope, J., Labonte, R., & Zulu, R. “Costs, revenues and profits: an economic analysis of smallholder tobacco farmer livelihoods in Malawi” (October 2016) Tobacco Control.
Labonté, R., Proulx, K., & Ruckert, A. (2016). Canada’s flagship development priority: Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Canadian Journal of Development Studies (August 2016).

Schram, A., Ruckert, A., Labonté, R. and Miller B. “Media and neoliberal hegemony: Canadian newspaper coverage of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement” (2016) Studies in Political Economy.

Lencucha, R., Labonté, R., and Drope, J. “Rhetoric and the Law, or the Law of Rhetoric: How countries oppose novel tobacco control at the WTO,” (July 2016) Social Science and Medicine.

Ruckert, A., Labonté, R., Schram, A. Miller, B., Friel, S., Gleeson, D., Thow, A.- M. "Policy Coherence, Health, and the Sustainable Development Goals: a health impact assessment of the TPP” (April 2016) Critical Public Health

Ruckert, A., Labonté, R., & Schram, A. (2016, February 9). The verdict is in: The TPP is a threat to the well-being of Canadians [Web log comment].

Baker, P., Friel, S., Schram, A., Labonté, R., & Stucker, D. (2016). Trade and Investment liberalisation, food systems change and ultra-processed food consumption: a natural experiment contrasting the soft drinks markets of Peru and Bolivia. Globalization and Health. 12(24): 1-13.

Bourgeault, I., Labonté, R., Runnels, V., Packer C. and Tomblin Murphy, G. (2016). Knowledge and potential impact of the WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel: Does it matter for source and destination country stakeholders? Human Resources for Health. 14(25): 121-123.

Crooks, V., Johnston, R. Labonté, R, Snyder, J. “Critically reflecting on Loh’s “Trends and structural shifts in health tourism”, Social Science and Medicine (2016) 152:186-0.

Friel, S., Ponnamperuma, S., Schram, A., Gleeson, D., Thow, A-M., Labonté, R.. (2016)  Shaping the discourse: What has the food industry been lobbying for in the Trans Pacific Partnership trade agreement and what are the implications for dietary health? Critical Public Health

Labonté, R., & Ruckert, A. (2016, February 9). “Canada should reject trade deal,” Winnipeg Free Press

Labonté, R. and Ruckert, A. “Trans-Pacific Partnership needs close scrutiny,” Winnipeg Free Press, 10/5/2015 p.A9.

Labonté, R. and Stuckler, D., “The rise of neoliberalism: How bad economics imperils health and what to do about it,” Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health * (2016) 70(3):312-318

Labonté, R., Ruckert, A., & Schram, A. (2016). The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and health: Few gains, some losses, many risks. Globalization and Health. 12(25): 1-7.

Labonté, R., Ruckert, A., & Schram, A. (2016, February 3). Philip Morris v Australia: A crushing blow to Big Tobacco or a deferral of sentencing for plain packaging? Healthy Policies.

Labonté, R., Schram, A. and Ruckert, A. (2016). The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Is It Everything We Feared For Health? International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 5(8): 487-496.

Ruckert, A. (2016). There are those who globalize, and then those who are globalized: Canadian accounts of globalization (Globalization and Health Equity Working Paper Series, University of Ottawa).

Ruckert, R., Labonté, R., Lencucha, R., Runnels, V., and Gagnon, M. (2016) Global health diplomacy: A critical review of the literature. Social Science and Medicine, 155, 61-72. URL


Ruckert, A. & Labonté, R. (2015, September 30). The Trans-Pacific Partnership threatens the health of Canadians. [Web log comment]. Retrieved from

Ruckert, A., Labonté, R. & Schram, A. (2015, July 15). The final push: The TPP and Canada. [Web log comment]. Retrieved from

Akintola, G., Gwelo, N.B., Labonté, R. and Appadu, T., “The global financial crisis: experiences of and implications for community-based organizations providing health and social services in South Africa” Critical Public Health. (2015) Vol. 26, No. 3, 307–321

Caldbick, S., Labonté, R., & Ruckert, A. (2015). Health equity in times of austerity: Ontario’s deficit in historical perspective. Canadian Review of Social Policy, 72/73, 1-34.

Kaewanuchit, C., Muntaner, C., Labonté, R. and Johnson, D.A. “Stress among Thais farmworkers under globalization: a causal model,” Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 23(1):169-182, March 2015.

Labonté R, Cobbett E, Orsini M, Spitzer D, Schrecker T and Ruckert A. “Globalization and the Health of Canadians: 'Having a Job is the Most Important Thing'” Globalization and Health. (May 2015) 11:19 doi: 10.1186/s12992-015-0104-1

Labonté, R. & Ruckert, A. (2015). Austerity lite? Health equity and the neoliberal capture of Canada. In G. Boychuk, R. Mahon, & S. McBride (Eds.), The Financial Crisis and Global Social Policy. Vancouver: UBC Press.

Labonté, R. “From the Myth of Level Playing Fields to the Reality of a Finite Planet,” International Journal of Health Policy and Management (2015) 5:2 137-139  doi:10.15171/ijhpm.2015.202

Labonté, R. “Medical tourism isn’t always a fair deal for developing countries,” The Conversation, February 25, 2015.

Labonté, R. “Medical travel and trade: equitable access or economic grab?” 30 June 2015.

Labonté, R. and Lencucha, R. “Regulating Electronic Cigarettes: Between Precaution and Harm Reduction,” Canadian Medical Association Journal. CMAJ, 2015. 

Labonté, R., Attaran, A., Bourgeault, I., Tomblin-Murphy, G., Sanders, D. “Trading health for oil? Uganda should not export its health workers,” The Lancet Vol. 385 February 28, 2015.

Labonté, R., Parker, R.H., Ruckert, A. (2015). Global healthcare policy: Structural adjustment and the austerity agenda. In E. Kuhlmann, R.H. Blank, I.L. Bourgeault, & C. Wendt (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Healthcare Policy and Governance. London: Palgrave/Macmillan.

Labonté, R., Sanders, D., Mathole, T., Crush, J., Chikanda, A., Dambisya, Y., Runnels, V., Packer, C., MacKenzie, A., Tomblin-Murphy, G. and Bourgeault, I. “Health worker migration from South Africa: Causes, consequences and policy responses,” Human Resources for Health (2015) 13:92:1-16

LabontéR. “Globalization and Health,” in Wright, J.D. (editor-in-chief) International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Edition, (2015). Oxford: Elsevier, pp.198-205.

Labonté, R. and Ruckert, A. “Austerity Lite: Social Determinants of Health under Canada’s Neo-Liberal Capture,” in McBride, S., Boychuk, G. and Mahon, R. (eds.) The Global Crisis and Social Policy (2015) Vancouver: UBC Press (pp. 272-291).

Labonté, R., Baum, F, and Sanders, D. “Poverty, Justice and Health,” in R. Detels, C.C. Tan, Q.A. Karim, and M. Guilliford (eds.). Oxford Textbook of Public Health (2015) pp.89-105.

Lencucha, R., Drope, J., Labonté, R., Goma, F. and Zulu, R. “Investment Incentives and the Implementation of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: Evidence from Zambia” Tobacco Control July 6, 2015.

Lencucha, R., Labonté, R. and Drope, J. “Tobacco plain packaging: too hot for regulatory chill,” The Lancet Vol 385, p.1723, March 2 2015.

Macdonald, L. & Ruckert A. (2015). Continental shift: Rethinking Canadian aid to the Americas. In S. Brown & D. Black (Eds.), Rethinking Canadian Aid. Ottawa: Ottawa University Press.

McKee, M. and Labonté, R., “European Commission’s proposals on trade secrets,” Editorial, BMJ, 2015, pp 1-2 doi: 10.1136/bmj.h1369

Najafizada, S. A. M., Bourgeault, I., Labonté, R., Packer, C., & Torres, S. (2015). Community health workers in Canada and other high-income countries: A scoping review and research gaps. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 106(3). doi: 10.17269/cjph.106.4747

Najafizada, S.A., Labonté, R., Bourgeault, I., Torres, S., Packer, C. "The role of Community Health Workers in Canada and some other HICS: a scoping review" Canadian Journal of Public Health, March/April 2015.106(3):e157–e164.

Packer, C., Runnels, V and Labonté, R. (2015). “Canada’s response to female genital mutilation: Are we failing our girls?” Canadian Medical Association Journal, doi:10.1503 /cmaj.141215.

Ruckert, A. (2015). The international financial institutions, structural adjustment, and poverty reduction. In J. Steans & D. Tepe (Eds.), Handbook on Gender in International Relations. London: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Ruckert, A. (2015, January). Global health diplomacy: What is it and why does it matter? Diplomacy Mag, 1.

Ruckert, A. (2015, October 5). TPP needs close scrutiny. The Winnipeg Free Press.

Ruckert, A., Caldbick, S. and Labonté, R. “Equity in Times of Austerity: Ontario’s Revenue Crisis in Historical Perspective” Canadian Review of Social Policy 72/73 (2015): 30-63.

Ruckert, A., Labonté, R., and Parker, R. “Global healthcare policy and the austerity agenda,” in Kuhlmann, E., Blank, R., Bourgeault, I., and Wendt, C. (eds.) The Palgrave International Handbook of Healthcare Policy and Governance, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, (2015) pp.37-53.

Schram, A., Ruckert, A. and Labonté, R. “The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Trading Away Our Health?” Canadian Journal of Public Health. May/June (2015) 106(4) doi:10.17269/cjph.106.4896

Schram, A., Labonté, R., Baker, P., Friel, S. Reeves, A. and Stuckler, D. “The role of trade and investment liberalization in the sugar-sweetened carbonated beverages market: a natural experiment contrasting Vietnam and the Philippines” Globalization and Health (October 2015) 11:41

Thow, A-M, Snowdon, W., Labonté, R., Gleeson, D., Stuckler, D., Hattersley, L., Schram, A., Kay, A., Friel, S. “Will the next generation of preferential trade and investment agreements undermine prevention of noncommunicable diseases? A prospective policy analysis of the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement” Health Policy 119 (2015): 88-96.

Woldie, M., Morankar, S., Feyissa, G.T., Labonté, R. and Sanders, D. “Coverage of child health services in rural districts of Ethiopia with the Health Services Extension Program,” Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology 2015, 7(7):223-231 

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