Meeting convened at the Union Office Meeting called to order at 7: 30PM

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Meeting convened at the Union Office

Meeting called to order at 7:30PM

Meeting presided by President Harvey

Attendance as recorded


Motion 2000-04-01 MOTION MADE to accept the minutes of the March Executive Board Meeting.


  1. Treasurer’s Report: Given by Treasurer Vissari:

(See attached financial report and include salient points.) We continue to be in excellent financial shape.
MOTION 2000-04-02 to accept Treasurer’s Report:


2. New members: Applications for new membership were reviewed.
MOTION 2000-04-03 to accept the following applicants as new members: (as listed). The applications of Williams & Hanover should correctly reflect their daily hire status at Montgomery Community Television.


Secretary’s Agenda:

  1. Communications received by mail for the board. Several notes of thanks were received from our members in consideration of expressions sent to grieving families and recuperating members. In addition, we received a note of thanks from United Steel Workers of America, AFL-CIO, District 1 for our financial aid.

  1. The board was advised again action is being taken on the Article X charge filed by Local 16 member Daniel Rapak against Local 31 member Rick Mendoza. The charge has been reviewed and certified by RVP Lee. The accused has verbally expressed that he has no preference in the form of a trial body. Therefore, in accordance with Section 10.6 of the NABET-CWA by-laws, the Regional Vice-President will appoint a four person Trial Body. The matter will be heard in Atlanta. The Local Secretary will set the trial date in the next month. All parties will be notified of the arrangements.

Old Business:


New Business:

  1. Date of next EB meeting May 8, 2000. Passed without objection.

  1. Mobilization: No report.

  1. CWA Request for Donations – (note) Please post. The Board took special note of the request from CWA for the family of Brother Russell H. Whitaker. The Board feels that there is an unusual need to be addressed. Therefore:

    MOTION 2000-04-04: To appropriate $500 to the “Tonya Elizabeth Whitaker Fund.”

    MOVED: Stewert Second: Guastadisegni PASSED

  1. ABC Affairs. Nightline field work and Work on is steadily increasing. The is some question about vacation entitlements for members going on ELAP. The union is looking into the issue with the company. Grievance meetings to be held soon.

  2. House TV Gallery. Representative not present. No report.

  3. Montgomery Community TV Affairs: Contract talks are coming soon. The station has hired two new technicians.

  1. NBC Affairs: Issue of stage managers not assigned to the small studio and excessive OT. The company has been negotiating for the air switching work associated with PAX-TV channel 66. There are new restrictive requirements for drivers of company vehicles.

  1. PBS Affairs: Representative not present. No report.

  2. TVS Affairs: No report. We were able to resolve two grievances with the company.

  3. US Air Arena: Representative not present. No report.

  4. WHUT Affairs: Representative not present. They are wrapping up negotiations.

  5. WJLA Affairs. The labor board ruled in our favor on the issue of the company’s denial of reasonable union leave requests. WJLA is to be the target of mobilization training efforts. Letters are to be sent to NABET, CWA and all others in this labor community.

  6. WMAL/WRQX Affairs: No representative. No report.

  7. WRC Affairs: There was a training meeting held. Several areas and issues were discussed, such as OT and workload, safety in the field, and Day of Air operations.

MOTION 2000-04-05 to adjourn.


Meeting adjourned at 9:18 PM.

Respectfully submitted,


Maurice Thomas III


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