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Although German in origin, the bulk of the family in this country has come to
be identified with that group of early Americans known as the "Pennsylvania
Dutch".  The early English settlers coined this term and although they really
meant to say "Deutsch", meaning German, the word soon became corrupted into
"Dutch".  They applied this name to those German, Swiss, and even French
Huguenots who had arrived here in the 1700's and early 1800's and settled
first in that small area roughly defined as south-central and eastern
Pennsylvania.  In the late 1700's many of these immigrants, or their
descendants, began migrating down into the Shenandoah Valley area of Maryland
and Virginia and into certain counties of North Carolina.  The early 1800's
brought the big land lotteries which attracted these people to Georgia,
Missouri, etc.  At this same time the big push into Ohio and the Midwest
began. [17]

In 1724 about ten thousand Palatine embarked from French ports destined for
New Orleans.  They have been swallowed up with the French immigration to
Louisana and their German surnames "Frenchified".

The big immigration in Texas occurred in the 1840's and the California Gold
Rush attracted a number of them.

The spelling of a surname generally has little significance.  Even Benjamin
Franklin would sometimes write his name as "Franklyn".  As the tax lists show,
one year we have George Deel in Milford Twp., Bucks County, PA and in
subsequent years he is listed as Dell, Tell, Teell, and Deal.  However, the
variations in the spelling of the name came about --- either in an attempt by
the family member to conform with his English neighbors, or an English clerk's
phonetic spelling of the name --- it makes the researcher's task more
difficult. [17]

Early 18th Century Palatine Emmigration

In 1709 Queen Anne of England, desiring good Protestant, sturdy workers to
colonize the Mohawk Valley in New York State and work her tar pits there,
financed 6 shiploads of Germans from the Palatinate or Pfalz area of South
Germany.  They sailed from Amsterdam harbor in Holland and landed in London
where they lived in wretched, miserable conditions.  Some she sent to certain
Irish counties but most sailed for New York.  They found conditions in the
Mohawk Valley almost as bad as those they had left behind -- their area in
Germany had earlier been devastated by the 30 Years' War -- and many returned
in 1711 to Germany.  Many also migrated down into the Tuplehocken Valley area
of Pennsylvania but the majority settled in New York where today that area is
filled with German names.

Sailing with the 3rd party which embarked 5-10 June 1709 were Johan Diel and
wife.  The 4th party sailed 21 June 1709 with Henrig Diel, Ananias Tiell (with
wife and two children).  The 5th party sailed 15 July 1709 with Kristiaan Diel
and wife.  Sixth party sailed 28 July 1709 with Johan Jurg Diel and wife and
one child.  Those who returned to Holland in 1711 were Christiaan Dhiel and
one person, Herman Diehl and three persons, George Thiel and four persons,
Johannes Thiel and two persons.  Governor Hunter issued rations for these
emigrants and in 1710 Annanias Dill (alias Thiel) had two adults and two
children. Any one under 10 was considered a child.  In 1712 he had 1-2 on
these subsistence lists.  Wilhelm Dill had 1-2 in 1710 and 1-0 in 1712.  Anna
Clara Dillin ("in" or "en" denoted female) had 1-0 in 1710 and 1712.  Adolph
Thiel had 2-1 both years.  The Simmendinger Register shows that in 1717
Wilhelm Diell, wife, and one child were living in New York City. [17]

Lists of Germans From the Palatinate Who Came to England in 1709

Most of these Germans eventally found their way to New York's Mohawk Valley.
On 27 May 1709, Bernard Tiel, age 40, husbandman and vinedresser (h & v), his
wife, sons aged 13,10,2, and daughters aged 18,11,6,4 were members of the
Reformed Church.  ON 2 June 1709, Johann Tiel, age 22, h & v, and his wife
were members of Catholic Church.  Adolf Diel, age 32, h & v, and his wife were
member of Reformed Church.  On 11 June 1709, John Thiel, age 50, h & v, his
wife, daughter age 18 and 12 were members of Lutheran Church.  Herman Tiel,
age 26, h & v, his wife and daughter age 2 were member of Lutheran Church.
Jacob Tiel, age 24, a cooper, was member of Lutheran Church.  Ananias Tiel,
age 36, a wheelwright, his wife and sons age 5 and 1 were members of Lutheran
Church. [17]

Pennsylvania German Pioneers

These three volumes comprise an almost lifetime work of leading Pennsylvania
Dutch authorities, Dr Strassburger and Dr Hinke.  They are the most complete
collection of immigration lists for the Pennsylvania Dutch.  The law required
that three lists be made of the passengers for each ship.  One was made by the
Captain, one by the clerk on the dock at Philadelphia, and the third was the
signatures of the immigrants themselves.  However, only infrequently were the
three lists actually made.  And although you would expect the one signed by
the immigrants to be the most accurate, this was not always the case.  Some
could only make their "X", some attempted to scrawl their signatures, and many
were illiterately illegible.  When the lists differ, the spelling variations
are placed in brackets.  Port of embarkation was Rotterdam unless otherwise

Hans Michl (Michel) Tiell (Diel) with 3-1/2 persons in his party arrived on
the "William and Sarah" on 18 September 1727.  Weyan Teale (Wyan Diell) came
on "Molley" on 30 September 1727.  Alexander Till (Alex-... [page 3 ends,
pages 4 and 5 missing, beginning on page 6] ..migrants named in the ship lists
was Michael Diel who located in Philadelphia.  On a list of passengers mainly
from Ireland arriving in American ports was Francis Deale from Granard who
arrived in the port of New York in 1815 on the "Amphion".  The port of
departure was Dublin. [17]

Passenger Arrivals, 1819-1820

Arriving during the quarter ending 31 March 1820 were: Johanna C Diehl, age
40, a butcher from Germany on "Telemachus" intending to become an inhabitant
of US and John Deal, age 23, a merchant from Ireland on "Victory" intending to
become an inhabitant on Nova Scotia.  For quarter ending 30 September 1820
were:  J Diehl (male, age 22) a smith from Germany and A M Diehl (female, age
25) a servant from Germany on "Unity" intending to become inhabitants of US.

Passengers Who Arrived in the United States, 1821-23

Dehl, age 38, male, shoemaker from France arrived on the "Baltic" for the
quarter ending (q.e.) 31 December 1821.  For q.e. 30 September 1822, T M Teal,
age 47, male, merchant from Portugal on "Eliza".  For q.e. 31 December 1822,
Margaret Teale, age 40 from Ireland on "Alexander".  For q.e. 30 September
1823, D Teale, age 40, male, merchant from Great Britain, on "Cortes". [17]
A New Land Beckoned

In 1846 a mass immigration of Germans occurred in Texas.  They landed on the
Texas coast, mostly at Galveston, and traveled inland to specially formed
counties that awaited them.  Among these immigrants were Christian Diehl, age
56, who died, from Bretthausen, his widow Christine nee Brandenberger, and
eight persons and one baby, who arrived in 1845 on the "Garonne".  Martin
Diehl, single from Camberg, in 1846 on the "Bohemia".  Christian Thiel,
single, age 25, in 1844 on "Ferdinand".  Gustav Thiel arrived in 1846 on
"Franziska" and resided in Galveston County.  Wilhem Thiel, widower, with two
children from Drinhausen in 1846 on "Henry".  August Thiele, married, from
Kohlde (Pohlde?) in 1846 on "Talisman".  Carl Thiele, single, and Carl Thiele,
married, from Wendessen, Brauschweig (Brunswick), arrived in 1846 on "Louise"
and resided in Comal County.  Heinrich Thiele, single, from Peine, Hannover in
1846 arrived on "Louise".  Heindrich Thiele arrived from Hohenfelde, Weimar,
in 1845 on "Margaretha".  Wilhiem Thiele, single, came from Pohlde, in 1846 on
"Talisman". [17]

California Pioneer Register and Index

In 1844 John Deal, an American sailor of the "Benjamin Morgan" landed sick and
was aided by the consul at Mont. in 1844-5.  In 1846, J F Diel was in company
F of California Battalion.  Also, in 1846 Valentine Diel was in this same
company.  In 1848 he had a lot at San Francisco. 'The name was perhaps, Diehl,
who, according to Ballhaus, was an overland immigrant with Hoppe and Harlan.
He was still at San Francisco, a grocer, in 1852-4, and later a farmer near
Mayfield, where he died about 1882.'  Hiram Teal, native of New England,
brought a stock of goods from Mazatlan and kept a store at San Francisco in
1841-43.  He went to Honolulu in 1843 on the "Diamond" en route for Mexico.

Naturalizations of Foreign Protestants in American and West Indian Colonies

Naturalized at the Philadelphia County courthouse: Peter Deal, Pennslyvania,
10 April 1760; George Diehl, Alsace Twp., Berks Co., PA, 7 April 1761; John
Deal, Longswamp Twp., Berks Co., PA, 29 September 1762.  John Gottfried Teele,
Northern Liberties Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA, 3 April 1763; Adam and George
Deel, Dover Twp., York Co., PA, 1 April 1764; Caspar Deal, Carnarvon Twp.,
Lancaster Co., PA, 9 September 1764; Michael Diehl, Long Swamp Twp., Berks
Co., PA, 22 September 1765; Theobald Diehl, Germantown Twp., Philadelphia Co.,
PA, 22 September 1765; Nicholas Diehl, York Twp., York Co., PA, 22 September
1765; Eberhard Diehl, North Liberties Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA, 4 October
1765; Wigand Diehl, Frederick Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA, 10 October 1765;
Michael and Daniel Diehl, Springfield Twp., Bucks Co., PA, 10 October 1765;
Jacob Diehl, Upper Milford Twp., Northampton Co., PA, 15 July 1765; Yost
Deile, Lowhill Twp., Northampton Co., PA, 12 September 1765; William Deile,
Springfield Twp., Bucks Co., PA, 15 October 1765; Peter Diehl, Lower Saucon
Twp., Northampton Co., PA, 14 October 1765; Henry Diehl, Moore Twp.,
Northampton Co., 20 October 1765.  The following are listed under "Quakers and
other Protestants who scruple to take an Oath":  Francis Diehl, North
Liberties, Philadelphia Co., PA 1765;  Mathias Diehl, Germantown Twp.,
Philadelphia Co., PA, 1765; Peter Diehl, Haycock Twp., Bucks Co., PA, 1765;
Peter Diehl, Springfield Twp., Bucks Co., 1765;  Christian Diehl, Germantown
Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA, 1765.  Peter Deihl of Lancaster Co. was
naturalized in Lancaster Co., PA, 16 May 1769. [17]
Colonial Maryland Naturalizations

Nicholas Diel, a German, was naturalized on 14 April 1762.  His communion was
administered at the Reformed Church, Frederick Co., MD.  Christian Teal, a
German, was naturalized on 14 September 1763.  His communion was administered
at St. Pauls (no location). [17]

Pennsylvania Archives - Land Caveat Book

At a meeting of the Governors the 24th February 1767: Nicholas Deal, agent for
George Stevenson, hearing postponed.  Meeting on 27 June 1769: Jacob Deal, -
als Teel, advised to take out a new Warrant for 91 acres.  Meeting on 30 March
1773: Faelix Deel was involved in a dispute over land which had been surveyed
for his father, Peter, who died 1755, who had taken out a Warrant for 50 acres
in 1755.  Meeting on 26 May 1789: the case of Charles Diehl vs Andrew Finley
was dismissed.  Meeting 3 Augus 1790: Frederick Deihl's Warrant for 60 acres
is order executed.  Meeting 2 May 1791: the hearing of Joseph Martin vs
Kesster Deel is postponed. [17]

Wills and Administrations of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania

This includes Union, Mifflin, and Indiana counties.  Letters of Administration
granted Sophi and Michael Deal, 12 November 1799 for deceased Phillip Deal.
Letters granted 31 March 1813 for deceased John and Henry Deal of West
Buffalo. [17]

Index of Berks County, Pennsylvania, Wills and Administration Records

Wills include: John Deehl, 1780 Will Book B, p14 and Book 3, p13, John Fear,
executor.  Adam Diehl, 1828, Will Book 6 p244, Adam Diehl, exec.  John Diehl,
1793, Will Book B, p316 and Will Book 3 p207, Philip and John Diehl, execs.

Early Deals in United States

In 1697, a John Deal is shown on a list of taxpayers of Perquimens Precinct,
North Carolina [10].

In 1722, a William Deall and John Deall are shown patenting land [4]

In 1729, a Malachi Deal is shown on the first tax list in Perquimans County,
NC [7].  He is listed next to Jesse Bunch. [A William Deal married Anna Bunch
in this county].

In 1738-41 in Lancaster County, Pennslyvania, Deals are mentioned in Will
Books. Michael Deal intestate 1738, again in 1739, and William Deal intestate
1741 [1,14].  Later, Deals with different spellings, e.g. Deil, Diehl, are men
tioned [1].

In April 1759 in Lancaster County, Pennslyvania, a Daniel Deal (Rev War Vet)
was born.

In 1769 in Pasquotank County, North Carolina, these Deal names appeared on the
county tax list:  Thomas Deal (1-0-0), John Deal (1-0-0), and Richard Deal
(1-0-0) [3].

In 1774, William Deal may have been born in North Carolina.

Deals fought in the Revolutionary War.  These six Deals are listed in the DAR
Patriot Index [8].  Daniel Deal, born April 1759, died 4 July 1839/40, mar
ried Catherine Shake, a private from Pennsylvania (file W6999).  [Daniel Deal
entered service from Lancaster, Penn., as private for 2 months under Captain
Stevens, 6 months under Captain Anthony Frecker, Colonel Klotts and General
Mercer.  His pension claim W6999, B L Wt 36640-160-55.  Daniel Deal married
Catherine Shake in 1801 and died 4 July 1839 in Floyd County (IN).]  George
Deal, born 1758, died 1832, married Mary Anna Meyers, a 2nd sargarent from
Maryland.  John Deal, born 1754, died 11 Mar 1838, married Elizabeth Bridges,
a private from Mass.  John Deal, born 1746, died 1788, married Elizabeth
Gardener, a soldier from Pennsylvania. Martin Deal, born 14 Jan 1721, died 12
Dec 1792, married (1st) Fraulein Bunsinger, (2nd) Anna Catherine Zerkiebel, a
private from Pennslyvania.  William Deal, born Dec 1721, died Feb 1811,
married Johanna Reisley, a private from New York. [8]  Others include:  Henry
Deal, from Pennsylvania (file R2631); Jacob Deal, from North Carolina (file
S8318 BLWt 26154:160-55); Samuel Deal, from Pennslyvania (wife Isabella, file
W6253); Jacob Diehl, from Pennsylvania (file S22209).

In 1777, there were three Deals serving in Colonel Alexander Martin's Second
Regiment.  Pvt Isaac Deal in Hall's Company, desceased 1 Jan 1779, Pvt
William Deal in Hall's Company, died 5 Mar 1778, and Pvt Reuben Deal, in
Martin's Company (3 years), died 28 Apr 1778.

Later, the Greene County North Carolina history listed some men that served
from Greene County 9].  This list included:  William Deal and Edward Deal.
This list in cluded men that saw duty in the Revolutionary War, with the State
Militia, Continental Army or otherwise.

In January 1778, A Private William Deal appeared on the 6 February 1778 Muster
Roll of Captain Clement Hall's Company, 2nd North Carolina Battalion,
recommended by Colonel John Patten.

In 1780 in Greene County, NC, District 7, in the Alstonburg and Speight's
Bridge vicinity of northwestern Greene County, Edward Deal (with 100 pounds
wealth) was the 15th who appeared, William (with 382 pounds) appeared 62nd.
Greene County was formed in 1799 when the name of Glasgow County was changed
to Greene.  The bulk of courthouse records (1791-1876) were destroyed by fire
in 1876. [9]

On August 8, 1793, the polls were opened for the county of Glasgow at Snow
Hill to elect two persons qualified to represent said county in House of
Commons in the General Assembly [9].  The list of voters included:  2-Edward
Dale [Deal], 194-William Deale jr, 226-William Deale, 240-Lewis Deale,
244-Thomas Deale, 293-Abel Deale [9].

In Greene County, North Carolina, during the 1800 census, these Deals are
listed:  Andrew Deal (p 600), Thomas Deal (p 601), Lewis Deal (p 598), William
Deal (p 598) [9].

In 1800 in North Carolina, the census index lists these Deal names: in Greene
County, Abel Deal (p 595), Andrew Deal (p 600), Lewis Deal (p 598), Thomas
Deal (p 601), William Deal (p 598);  in Prq county, Abner Deal (p 652), John
Deal (p 646), Joseph Deal (p 653), Joseph Deal (p 660), Malicha Deal (p 652),
Moses Deal (p 663), William Deal (p 654), William Deal (p 656);  in Nwn
county, Adam Deal (p 5);  in Pasquotank County, Adam Deal (p 639), John (p
637);  in Brk County, George Deal (p 742), Jacob Deal (p 742), John Deal (p
739), Mary Deal (p 741);  in Lincoln County, George Deal (p 867), George Deal
(p 874), Jacob Deal (p 867), Peter Deal (p 874), William Deal (p 874), William
Deal (p 874), William Deal (p 884);  in Edg County, James Deal (p 193);  in
Wake County, James Deal (p 728);  in Dpl County, John Deal (p 417), John Deal
(p 439);  in Chw County, William Deal (p 124) [11]

In 1810 in North Carolina, the census index lists these Deals names: in
Pasquotank County, Adam Deal (p 893), Daniel Deal (p 895), James Deal (p 895),
John Deal (p 895), Malachi Deal (p 895);  in Srr County,  Daniel Deal (p 650);
in Edg County, Eli Deal (p 775);  in Lincoln County, George Deal (p 500),
George Deal jr (p 450), George Deal sr (p 450), Jacob Deal (p 450), Jacob Deal
jr (p 500), Jacob Deal sr (p 500), John Deal (p 436), John Deal (p 500),
William Deal (p 450), William Deal jr (p 450), William Deal jr (p 450),
William Deal sr (p 450);  in Brk County, Henry Deal (p 339), Jacob Deal (p
339), John Deal (p 336), William Deal (p 339);  in Rowan County, Joseph Deal
(p 289);  in Bfr County, Thomas Deal (p 130) [12].

In 1810 in North Carolina, William Deal of Chowan County (heir to William
Deal, Soldier) to Jesse Cherry, 640 acres [folder 308 P of A] [13]

In 1820 in Floyd County, Kentucky, census, David Deal and William Deal are
listed.  David's census entry shows:  Males - 1 over 45, 1 not ?.  William's
entry shows: Males - 1 over 45, 1 26-45, 1 under 26, 1 under 10 and females -
1 26-45, 1 under 16, 4 under 10.  3 not ?.

In 1822 in Harrison County, KY, Andrew Deal married Mary Barnett.  Andrew
assisted by brother John Deal.  Mary, daughter of James Barnett, assisted by
David Barnett.
In 1830 in Indiana, Deal names are shown in the census index [2].  In Putnam
County, Andrew and John Deal, in Harrison County, Daniel and John Deal, in
Floyd County, Daniel Deal, in Clay County, Michael and William Deal, in Monroe
County, Nancy Deal, and in Wayne County, John Deale [2].


[1]  Fulton, Eleanore Jane & Barbara Kendig Mylin. An index to Will Books and
     Intestate Records of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 1729-1850.
     Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1974. Copy rec'd from Ruthela
     Deal Kline, 6/20/90.
[2]  AIS. 1830 Indiana Census Index. Copy rec'd from Ruthela Deal Kline,
[3]  Pasquotank County, NC Tax List, 1769. Page 1201 (reference data unknown)
     Copy rec'd from Ruthela Deal Kline, 6/20/90.
[4]  [Source/location unknown, p.183] Patent Book Three, page 113. Patent
     1988 William Deall and John Deall. 18 Oct 1722. Copy rec'd from Ruthela
     Deal Kline, 6/20/96.
[5]  [Source/location unknown, p. 351] Patent Book 15, page 129. Patent 4,936
      Abel Deal. 15 Mar 1756. Copy rec'd from Ruthela Deal Kline, 6/20/90.
[6]  [Source/location unknown, p. 478] Patent Book 16, page 292. Patent 6,759
     Abel Deal jr. 1 Sep 1759. Copy rec'd from Ruthela Deal Kline, 6/20/96.
[7]  History of Perquimans County. pp 22, 116, 144, 145, 200, 211, 236, 237.
     Copy rec'd from Ruthela Deal Kline, 6/20/96.
[8]  DAR Patriot Index. p.182. Copy rec'd from Ruthela Deal Kline, 6/20/96.
[9]  Creech, James M. History of Greene County, North Carolina.
[10] List of Early Tax Payers in Perquimens Precinct in 1697. Copy rec'd from
     Ruthela Deal Kline, 6/20/90.
[11] Index to the 1800 Census of North Carolina, p.63
[12] Index to the 1810 Census of North Carolina, p. 66
[13] Journal of North Carolina Genealogy. Fall 1964, p.340
[14] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Wills, 1729-1850 and Intestates
     Extracted by Nellie Mae Spars, 25 E Penn Way, Sparks, NV 89431.  Copy

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