Time: Friday 1: 00-3: 00 Location: mdcl 2232 & Site Visits Instructor: Danielle Soucy Office: hsc 3H46-b phone

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Aboriginal Health Elective


Winter 2017
Time: Friday 1:00-3:00 Location: MDCL 2232 & Site Visits

Instructor: Danielle Soucy Office: HSC 3H46-B Phone: ext. 22824 Email: soucy@mcmaster.ca Office Hours: by appointment-business hours PURPOSE: Students will be provided with a survey of Aboriginal health in Canada providing an opportunity for an increased breadth of knowledge. This elective will impart both a broad understanding of Aboriginal Peoples and their health status, practice, care, delivery and a narrow focus in varying degrees of health priorities and needs in its shape and mix amongst and between First Nations, Inuit and Métis. This course challenges students to be critical of Western discourse, privilege and power and affords students the opportunity to be self-reflective of their own views regarding Aboriginal health.
GENERAL OBJECTIVES: The Aboriginal Health Elective, through a series of 11 two-hour sessions (including one all day session), provides students with knowledge and skills related to health care practice and policy from within Aboriginal contexts; enables students with tools for knowledge acquisition and critique outside of western pedagogy and put into practice concepts required to understand and manage health for and with Aboriginal Peoples; engage in culturally competent and safe practice through knowledge development; and, the ability to identify areas of need specific to Aboriginal Peoples health.

Attendance: 10% (Includes site visits)*** Readings: Part I. 30% Part II. 20%

Policy Paper: 25% Art Project: 15%
READINGS: The readings for this course are selected to first provide grounding for the student of the concepts required to meet the course objectives. Second the readings will compliment the lectures provided by guest speakers, and third to assist in the development and completion of course assignments. Your assignments for the readings are twofold.

Part I. For part I. you will complete a critical response and exploration of the readings listed in the Foundational Knowledge section of the reading list. This response should address the following questions: Why are these considered foundational, how do they fit into the overall course purpose/objectives, how do they assist our learning and critique of Aboriginal health in its current canon and what is the relationship between them? They will be evaluated on the following components: Demonstrated understanding of key points; critical exploration and connection that is reflective and relevant to the questions posed for the assignment; clear and effective summary; and, overall your written work is: articulate, organized, thoughtful and original.

  • Format: Microsoft word 2,500-3,000 words or 10-12 pages-double spaced excluding references, 12 pt. standard font. 8.5” x 11” with standard margins. Papers should use either APA or Turabian (Chicago) style for citation. Due Date: Papers are to be submitted in both hard and e-copy no later than 5:00 pm on February 3, 2017. Late papers will be deducted 2 marks per day.

Part II

Each session has assigned readings and it is expected that you will complete all the readings as listed. For each session you will complete one 500 word (1 page-single spaced or 2 page-double spaced) critical response to one of the assigned readings. A peer on a scale will evaluate your response: incomplete-poor-fair-good-excellent. As a peer you are responsible for a fair and critical response of your colleagues work that includes a 250-word rationale for your rating which the instructor will evaluate using the same scale (incomplete-poor-fair-good-excellent). When evaluating the critical response you should look at the following components: clear and effective summary; demonstrated understanding of key points; critical commentary- employing evaluation and connection with related material; quality of questions raised- reflective and relevant to reading and course material. A word.docx template will be available and the instructor will assign the readings and reviewers. Your mark will be based on the total performance of the nine submitted critical responses. All nine responses for Part II are due March 3, 2017 in hard copy and by email. It is important that you communicate with your peers about timelines to ensure that your work is complete as both a writer and reviewer by the due date.

POLICY PAPER: Students will consolidate their learning through the process of writing a policy paper. To select the policy area for your paper begin by selecting a social determinant of health, a broader SDOH and population, and then write the policy paper framed within a Two-Eyed Seeing methodology. The paper should build upon the lectures and readings throughout the elective.

  • Criteria: The 5000 word paper should include an introduction; problem description; policy options; conclusion and recommendations. A minimum of 25 references is expected with no more than 15 coming from the course suggested readings. References should reflect the current canon on the topic area and include five new references from Indigenous scholarship. Do not use Wikipedia. Use Canadian spelling and capitalize proper names for nations of people. Please avoid using possessive phrases such as Canada‘s First Nations, but rather use First Nations in Canada. When possible use the name of the nation of the person or group you are writing about, for example; Mi’kmaq vs. Aboriginal or First Nation.

  • Format: Microsoft word 20 pages double-spaced excluding references, 12 pt. standard font. 8.5” x 11” with standard margins. Papers should use either APA or Turabian (Chicago) style for citation. Students are encouraged to address any questions regarding the paper no later than March 28, 2017!

  • Due Date: Papers are to be submitted in both hard and e-copy no later than 5:00 pm on April 24, 2017. Late papers will be deducted 2 marks per day.

ART PROJECT: Students are expected to develop an art piece that communicates a relationship between art and health. This piece is a reflection of how the teachings and practices of this course has been experienced by you and has impacted your understanding of Aboriginal health, healing and health care. All forms of media are acceptable for the project and students are encouraged to be innovative and creative when designing their piece. This can be in any fine art or multi-media form. Students will provide a two-page synopsis of what the art piece is trying to communicate and the context from which it was framed. (Students are welcome to access materials at the ASHS student space for their projects). The art projects will be presented during our last class. Due March 24, 2017.

Suggested reading: Art and Health

Muirhead, Alice & de Leeuw, Sarah. (2012). Art and wellness: the importance of art for

Aboriginal peoples’ health and healing. National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health. Prince George, BC. NCCAH. Retrieved December 1, 2015 from wellness_EN_web.pdf
Reference materials:

  • http://library.mcmaster.ca/citation-and-style-guides

  • http://www.yorku.ca/lfoster/2006-07/sosi4440a/lectures/PolicyPaperWriting_CompulsoryFormat.html

  • http://www.fhs.mcmaster.ca/ashs/health_elective.html

Readings not available online will be made available at the ASHS student space HSC 2A1E

Introduction: January 6, 2017

Introduction to Course: Indigenous Sciences and Methodologies

Danielle Soucy, Director ASHS, Asst. Clinical Prof., Dept. of Family Med. & Adj. Asst. Prof. MSc. Global Health Program, McMaster University

Session 1: January 13, 2017

Physician Perspective on the Social Determinants of Health and Cultural Competency and Safety

Guest Speaker: Cornelia (Nel) Wieman, MD, FRCPC, Aboriginal Faculty Advisor, FHS; Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry, McMaster University

Session 2: January 20, 2017

Indigenous Health Policy, Research and Ethics

Guest Speaker: Chelsea Gabel, PhD, Associate Professor, Health, Aging & Society, McMaster University

Session 3: January 27, 2017

Traditional Approaches to Health & Healing and Working with the UN and UNDRIP

Guest Speaker: James Lamouche, Associate Director, Indigenous Student Services

Session 4: February 3, 2017

Traditional Health in Urban Contexts-site visit 

De Dwa Da Dehs Nye>s

Session 5: February 10, 2017

Indigenous Knowledge, Health and HIV

Guest Speaker: Randy Jackson, Lecturer, Graduate Students Faculty, School of Social Work, Faculty Department of Health Aging and Society

Session 6: February 17, 2017

Aboriginal Children’s Hurt and Healing Initiative

Guest Speakers: ACCH Team, Dalhousie University and Eskasoni First Nation

Reading Week: February 20-24
Session 7: March 3, 2017

Six Nations Family Health Team- site visit

The Six Nations Family Health Team is a community led and consists of 11 multidiscipline providers including a traditional healer.

Session 8: March 10, 2017

Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit [Knowledge], Health and the Environment

Guest Speaker: Katherine Minich, MA, Lecturer, Indigenous Studies Program, McMaster University

Session 9: March 17, 2017

Métis Health, Population Data and Statistics

Guest Speaker: Chris Andersen, PhD, Interim Dean, Faculty of Native Studies, University of Alberta

Session 10: March 24, 2016

Health and Well-Being: Interactive Elders Session

Guest Speakers: ASHS Elders in Residence


Battiste, Marie., & Henderson, James Sa’ke’j Youngblood. (2012). Oppression and the

Health of Indigenous Peoples. In Elizabeth A. McGibbon (Ed.), Oppression: A Social Determinant of Health (pp. 89-96). Halifax. NS. Fernwoood Publishing.

Deloria, Vine Jr. (1997). Red Earth White Lies. (pp. 22-­45). Golden, BC: Fulcrum


Durie, Mason, (2004). Understanding Health and Illness: research at the interface

between science and Indigenous knowledge. International Journal of Epidemiology. 33. 1138‐1143.

Hall, Stuart. (2006). The West and the Rest: Discourse and Power. In Roger C.A. Maaka &

Chris Andersen (Eds.), The Indigenous Experience: Global Perspectives. (pp. 165-173). Toronto, ON. Canadian Scholars Press Inc.

Little Bear, Leroy. (2000). Jagged Worldviews Colliding. In Marie Battiste (Ed).

Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision. (pp.77‐85). Vancouver, BC. UBC Press,

Marshall, Murdena., Marshall, Albert and Cheryl Bartlett. (2015). Two-Eyed Seeing in

Medicine. In Greenwood et al (eds.) Determinants of Indigenous Peoples’ Health in Canada: Beyond the Social. (pp. 16-24). Toronto, ON. Canadian Scholars Press Inc.

Smith, Linda Tuhiwai, (2006). Colonizing Knowledges. In Roger C.A. Maaka &

Chris Anderson (eds.), The Indigenous Experience: Global Perspectives. (pp. 91-108). Toronto, ON. Canadian Scholars Press Inc.

TallBear, Kim. (2013). Indigenous and Genetic Governance and Knowledge in Native

American DNA: Tribal Belonging and the False Promise of Genetic Science. (pp. 177-204) Minneapolis, MN. University of Minnesota Press.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. (2015) Truth and Reconciliation

Commission of Canada: Calls to Action. Winnipeg, MB. http://www.trc.ca/websites/trcinstitution/index.php?p=893

---- (2015). Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: What we have Learned: Principles of Truth and Reconciliation. Winnipeg, MB. http://www.trc.ca/websites/trcinstitution/index.php?p=893


Session 1: Physician Perspective on the Social Determinants of Health and Cultural Competency and Safety

Coke, Sarah & A. Kuper, L. Richardson, A. Cameron (2016) Northern Perspective on Medical Elective Tourism: a qualitative study. CMAJ Open 4 (2). E277-283

Guerra, Olivia & Donna Kurtz (2016) Building Collaboration: A Scoping Review of Cultural Competency

and Safety Education and Training for Healthcare Students and Professionals in Canada. , Teaching and Learning in Medicine, DOI: 10.1080/10401334.2016.1234960

Reading, Charlotte. (2015) Structural Determinants of Aboriginal Peoples’ Health. In

Greenwood, Margot et al (eds.) Determinants of Indigenous Peoples’ Health in Canada: Beyond the Social. (pp. 3-15). Toronto, ON. Canadian Scholars Press Inc.

Session 2: Indigenous Health Policy, Research and Ethics

Allan, B & Smylie J. (2015). First Peoples, Second Class Treatment: The role of racism in the

health and well-being of Indigenous Peoples in Canada. Toronto, ON: the Wellesley Institute. http://www.wellesleyinstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Summary-First-Peoples-Second-Class-Treatment-Final.pdf

CIHR/NSERC/SSHRC.(2010). Chapter 9. Research Involving the First Nations, Inuit and

Metis Peoples of Canada. In Tri-­‐council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans. TCPS2. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Retrieved from: http://www.pre.ethics.gc.ca

Hunt, S. (2015). Review of Core Competencies for Public Health: An Aboriginal Public

Health Perspective. Prince George, BC: National Collaborating. Centre for Aboriginal Health. Retrieved from http://www.nccah-ccnsa.ca
Session 3: Traditional Approaches to Health & Healing and Working with the UN and UNDRIP

Robbins, Julian A., & Dewar, Jonathan. (2011). Traditional Indigenous Approaches to Healing and the Modern Welfare of Traditional Knowledge, Spirituality and Lands: A Critical Reflection on Practices and Policies taken from the Canadian Indigenous example. The International Indigenous Policy Journal. 2(4). Article 2.

Steinhauer, Diana and James Lamouche (2015). Miyo-pimatisiwin “A Good Path”:

Indigenous Knowledges, Languages, and Traditions in Education and Health. In Greenwood, Margot. et al (eds.) Determinants of Indigenous Peoples’ Health in Canada: Beyond the Social. Toronto, ON. Canadian Scholars Press Inc. (pp.152-162).

United Nations. (2008) United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.


Session 4: Traditional Health in Urban Contexts-site visit 

Health Council of Canada. (2012). Empathy, Dignity, and Respect: Creating Cultural Safety

for Aboriginal People in Urban health care. Part 2. The Value of Cultural competency and safety (pp 19-61). Health Council of Canada. Retrieved December 1, 2015 from: http://www.healthcouncilcanada.ca/rpt_det_gen.php?id=437&rf=2

Place, Jessica. (2012). The Health of Aboriginal Peoples Residing in Urban Areas.

National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health. (pp. 1-­‐36). Retrieved December 1, 2015 from: http://www.nccah-­‐ccnsa.ca/Publications/Lists/Publications/ Attachments /53/Urban_Aboriginal_Health_EN_web.pdf
Session 5: Indigenous Knowledge, Health, Resiliency and HIV

Nowegesic, Earl. (2010) Addressing HIV/AIDS among Aboriginal People using a Health Status, Health

Determinants and Health Care Framework: A Literature Review and Conceptual Analysis. Canadian Journal of Aboriginal Community-based HIV/AIDS Research. Volume 3. Winter 2010. (pp. 35-46).

Shea, Beverly & Clive Aspin et al (2011) HIV Diagnoses in Indigenous Peoples: comparison of Australia,

Canada and New Zealand. International Health. 3. (pp. 193-198)

Wilson, Ciann. Vanessa Oliver, et al (2016) “Culture as HIV Prevention” Gateways: International Journal

of Community Research and Engagement. Volume 9. No. 1., (pp. 74-88).
Session 6: Aboriginal Childrens' Hurt and Healing Initiative

Latimer, M., Finley, G.A., Rudderham, S., Inglis, S., Francis, J., Young, S., & Hutt-MacLeod, D.

(2014).  “Expression of pain in Mi’kmaq children from one Atlantic Canadian community: A qualitative study”  Canadian Medical Association Journal Open 2(3): E133-E138

Latimer, M., Simandl, D., Finley, A., Rudderham, S., Harman, K., Young, S., MacLeod, E., Hutt-MacLeod,

D., & Francis, J. (2014). Understanding the impact of the pain experience on Aboriginal children’s wellbeing: Viewing through a Two-Eyed Seeing lens”. First Peoples Child and Family Review 9(1): 22-37.
Session 7: Six Nations Family Health Team- site visit

Malloch, Lesley. (2009). Indian Medicine, Indian Health. In Patricia A. Monture & McGuire Patricia D. (Eds). First Voices and Aboriginal Women’s Reader. (pp. 466-479). Toronto, ON: Inanna Publications and Education Inc.

Stout, Madeline Dion. (2015) Atikowisi miyw-ayawi, Ascribed Health and Wellness, to

kaskitamasowin miyw-ayawin, Achieved Health and Wellness: Shifting the Paradigm. In Greenwood, Margot. et al (eds.) Determinants of Indigenous Peoples’ Health in Canada: Beyond the Social. Toronto, ON. Canadian Scholars Press Inc. (pp.143-151).

Wieman, Cornelia. (2009). Six Nations Mental Health Services: A Model of Care of Aboriginal Communities. In Laurence J. Kirmayer & Gail Guthrie Valaskakis (Eds). Healing Traditions: The Mental Health of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada. (pp. 401-418). Vancouver, BC: UBC Press.

Session 8: Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit Knowledge, Health and the Environment

Gabel, Chelsea & J. Pace., C. Ryan (2016) Using Photovoice to Understand intergenerational Influences

on Health and Well-being in a Southern Labrador Inuit Community. International Journal of Indigenous Health Volume 11. Issue 1. (pp. 75-91).

Tagalik, Shirley. (2015) Inuit Knowledge Systems, Elders, and Determinants of Health:

harmony, balance, and the role of holistic thinking. In Greenwood et al (eds.) Determinants of Indigenous Peoples’ Health in Canada: Beyond the Social. (pp.25-32) Toronto, ON. Canadian Scholars Press Inc.
Session 9: Métis Health, Population Data and Statistics

Walters, Maggie & Anderson, Chris. (2013). Indigenous Statistics: A Quantitative

Research Methodology (pp. 111-136). Walnut Creek, CA. Left Coast Press.

Anderson, Chris. (2016) “The Colonialism of Canada’s Metis Health Population Dynamics:

Caught between bad data and no data at all” Journal of Population Research. March. Volume 33. Issue 1. (pp. 67-82)
Session 10: Elders Closing Activity.

No Readings



Attendance is a critical component of the experience. Participants are expected to attend all formal sessions. Reinforcing that message would require a deduction from your overall attendance for any session missed without a McMaster Student Absence Form (MSAF)-no exception.

  • http://mcmaster.ca/msaf/

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  • http://sas.mcmaster.ca

Academic Integrity:

You are expected to exhibit honesty and use ethical behaviour in all aspects of the learning process. Academic credentials you earn are rooted in principles of honesty and academic integrity.

Academic dishonesty is to knowingly act or fail to act in a way that results or could result in unearned academic credit or advantage. This behaviour can result in serious consequences, e.g. the grade of zero on an assignment, loss of credit with a notation on the transcript (notation reads: “Grade of F assigned for academic dishonesty”), and/or suspension or expulsion from the university.
It is your responsibility to understand what constitutes academic dishonesty. For information on the various types of academic dishonesty please refer to the Academic Integrity Policy.

The following illustrates only three forms of academic dishonesty: 1. Plagiarism e.g. the submission of work that is not one’s own or for which other credit has been obtained. 2. Improper collaboration in group work. And 3. Copying or using unauthorized aids in tests and examinations.

  • http://www.mcmaster.ca/academicintegrity

Academic Accommodation for Religious, Indigenous and Spiritual Observances

  • http://www.mcmaster.ca/policy/Students-AcademicStudies/AcademicAccommodation-Observances.pdf

Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities

Students who require academic accommodation must contact Student Accessibility Services (SAS) to make arrangements with the Program Coordinator. Academic accommodation must be arranged for each term of study. Student Accessibility Service Can be contact by phone 905-525-9140 ext. 28652 or e-mail sas@mcmater.ca for further information, consult McMaster University’s policy for Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities.

Instructor Accessibility: For increased flexibility I do not have set office hours but use by appointment with a reasonable time between request for meeting and meeting day/time. Email and telephone communications will occur within business hours with up to a 48-hour response time; please plan accordingly.
Access to the ASHS Student Resource Centre/Space: ASHS located at HSC 2A1E is open between 9-5 Monday through Friday.

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