After the band Camp – on Saturday, July 31st, we will be taking everyone who buys a special group ticket to the DCI Atlanta Southeastern Championshipat the Georgia Dome in Atlanta. The plan is to take a bus and for that reason we are asking for $25 from each person (student or adult) who wants to go. The discounted group tickets are $20 and the balance will go to toward the cost of the bus. We must know by THURSDAY – July 15th if we have 25 people interested in going.
20 people are needed in order to get the group pricing discount.
THEN Return the bottom portion of this form to the school – either on the 15th
or mail a check as soon as possible. Eastside HS Eagle Bands * Attn: Alan Fowler * 10245 Eagle Drive * Covington, GA 30014 ****************************************************************************************
YES – I want to go to the DCI Show at the Georgia Dome.
Please sign me up for ___ tickets. (We would love for some parents to go!)
I understand that I must send in $25 x the number of tickets. Here is who will be attending: ____________________________________________ Student signature: _____________________ Parent signature: __________________________ Amount enclosed: ______________