Townsend Harris High School Mr. Barbetta, Principal Humanities Department U. S. History Ms. Levi, Mr. O’Malley

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Townsend Harris High School Mr. Barbetta, Principal Humanities Department – U.S. History Ms. Levi, Mr. O’Malley

United States History and Government

Course Outline and Homework Assignments
Textbook: American Pageant

Please note: All homework should be done in the homework section of your notebook, unless advise otherwise. Homework should be labeled with topic, number and the pages of the reading should appear on it. The homework should be hand written very neatly (If I can’t read it, I won’t grade it). Homework may be graded at any time so they must ALL be with you at ALL times. (This homework sheet covers assignments for the full year).
Full period exams will be given on the following dates:

Friday, February 13

Wednesday, March 11

Wednesday, March 25

Thursday, April 23

Tuesday, May 5

Friday, June 5

Assignment 1: When does American history begin?

Assignment 2: How has the geography of the United States affected its development? P. 4 - 8

  1. Use maps to identify the size and location of the United States.

  2. Identify the various climate zones, vegetation zones, agricultural areas, natural resources.

  3. Describe how geographical differences can affect a regions cultural development.

  4. Using a map, locate major mountain ranges (Appalachia and Rocky Mountains), major river systems (Mississippi, Rio Grande, Missouri, Ohio, etc.), the Great Plains, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, coastlines, climate, abundance of natural resources and their impact.

  5. Explain how geographic factors can shape a region’s identity.

  6. Identify geographic sections (Northeast, Southwest, etc) and their distinctions.

Assignment 3: How did Pre-Columbian societies in North America work? P. 8 - 10

  1. What was Native American society like before European contact?

Assignment 4: How could the settlement of North America be seen as an invasion? P. 10 - 22

  1. What factors led to Europe’s increased exploration and to the discovery of the New World?

Assignment 5: Why did the English establish colonies in America? P. 24 - 31

  1. Why were the English interested in establishing colonies in America?

  2. How did England finance its colonies?

  3. Describe the challenges the English colonists face in settling Virginia.

  4. How did tobacco influence the future of Virginia?

Assignment 6: How were the New England colonies settled? P.41 - 50

  1. Explain why the Separatists wanted to establish a colony in America.

  2. What did the signers of the Mayflower Compact promise?

  3. Explain the basic beliefs of the Puritan community as outlined in A Model of Christian Charity.

  4. Why were Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson banished from Massachusetts?

Assignment 6: How did the Middle Colonies establish a reputation for diversity? P. 50 - 57

  1. Compare and contrast the reasons for settlement and the economic activities of: New Netherlands, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.

  2. Why were the Quakers persecuted in England?

Assignment 7: How did slavery develop in the English colonies? P. 60 - 70

  1. Describe the conditions in Virginia that led to Bacon’s Rebellion.

  2. How did slavery develop in Virginia?

  3. How did the formation of the Royal African Company affect the lives of enslaved persons in Virginia?

  4. Why did rice become Carolina’s major crop?

Assignment 8: Did mercantilism hurt or hinder the development of the English colonies? P. 82- 86

  1. How did mercantilism help a country maintain a favorable balance of trade?

  2. How did the Navigation Acts affect the economies of the colonies?

  3. How did the British, French and Spanish colonies differ in terms of economic and social factors?

Assignment 9: How did the French and Indian War change North America? P. 98 - 111

  1. Describe the causes of the French and Indian War.

  2. Explain how each of the following contributed to the British victory:

    1. Native Americans

    2. William Pitt

    3. American colonists

  3. Discuss the terms of the Treaty of Paris of 1763.

Assignment 10: How did British colonial policy change after 1763? P. 113 - 122

  1. Why did King George III issue the Proclamation of 1763?

  2. Why did each of the following British policies arouse opposition in the colonies?

    1. Writs of Assistance

    2. Sugar Act of 1764

    3. Stamp Act of 1765

  3. Define: virtual representation

Assignment 11: Could the War for Independence have been avoided? P. 122 - 130

  1. Explain why each of the following increased colonial hostility:

    1. Quartering Act

    2. Townshend Acts (Revenue Act)

    3. Boston Massacre

  2. If the Tea Act actually made British tea cheaper, then why did it cause so much opposition?

  3. How did the colonists oppose British policies?

Assignment 12: Why did the colonists declare themselves independent of British? 132 – 139.

  1. Describe the provisions of the Coercive Acts.

  2. Why did the Quebec Act increase colonial hostility toward Parliament?

  3. How did each of the following lead to colonies closer to a break with Britain:

    1. First Continental Congress

    2. Battles of Lexington and Concord

    3. Common Sense

Assignment 13: Was the American Revolution “revolutionary”? P. 152 – 153; 158 – 160.

  1. Describe the terms of the Treaty of Paris of 1783.

  2. How did the end of the war affect: Native Americans, African Americans and women?

  3. Were the new state governments democratic?

  4. How did the status of White men change as a result of the war?

Assignment 14: How did the Articles of Confederation fail the new nation? P. 160 – 168.

  1. Describe the government created under the Articles of Confederation.

  2. Describe the economic problems facing the United States in 1786.

  3. Why was the Northwest Ordinance considered the greatest accomplishment of the Articles of Confederation?

  4. Why did Shay’s Rebellion lead to a call for a constitutional convention?

Assignment 15: How important was compromise in the drafting of the Constitution? P. 168 – 170.

  1. Compare and contrast the Virginia and New Jersey Plans.

  2. Explain the importance of each of the following in the new constitution:

    1. Separation of powers

    2. Checks and balances

    3. Federalism

    4. Three-fifths clause

  3. Why did the Antifederalists oppose the Constitution?

  4. How were the Federalists able to win the vote for ratification?


Textbook: Magruder’s American Government

Assignment 16: How does federalism create a balance of power? P. 73 - 78

  1. How does the Constitution provide for a division of power?

  2. Define:

    1. Delegated powers

    2. Implied powers

    3. Reserved powers

    4. Concurrent powers

  3. Which powers are forbidden to the federal government?

  4. What does the Constitution say about the powers of the states?

Assignment 17: How does separation of powers protect democracy? P. 56 – 59

  1. How does a limited government protect people’s rights?

  2. How does the system of checks and balances limit the powers of Congress? The President? The Supreme Court?

  3. How was the power of judicial review established?

Assignment 18: How does the Constitution define Congress? P. 238 - 253

  1. Describe the qualifications and term of office for members of the House of Representatives.

  2. How is the member of Representatives for each state determined?

  3. Describe the qualifications and term of office for members of the Senate.

  4. How are members of Congress elected?

Assignment 19: How does a bill become a law? P. 296 – 307

  1. Explain how a bill becomes a law in the House by describing the following steps: Introduction, First Reading, The Committee, Committee of the Whole, Voting

  2. Explain how a bill becomes a law in the Senate by describing the following steps: Introduction, Rules for Debate, Conference Committees, Action by the President

  3. Define: bill, resolution, Speaker of the House, quorum, Rules Committee, filibuster, cloture, veto, pocket veto

Assignment 20: How much power should the President have? P. 315 - 321

  1. What are the Constitutional requirements for President?

  2. Looking at the list of Presidents (p. 318-319), what are the “informal qualifications” for President?

  3. Explain the following roles, giving an example for each:

    1. Chief Executive

    2. Chief Diplomat

    3. Commander-in-Chief

    4. Chief of State

    5. Chief Legislator

    6. Party Chief

Assignment 21: Why is the federal judiciary important? P. 461 – 467

  1. How do Constitutional Courts differ from special courts?

  2. Describe the types of cases that come to federal courts.

  3. How do federal judges get their jobs? Why do they have a life term?

  4. Why did T.L.O. feel her rights were violated? Why did the state of New Jersey bring the case to the Supreme Court?

  5. Define: plaintiff, defendant, original jurisdiction, appellate jurisdiction


Textbook: American Pageant
Assignment 22: How was the Constitution ratified? P. 170 – 177

  1. Describe the method provided for the ratification of the Constitution.

  2. Why did the Anti-Federalists oppose the Constitution?

  3. Why did the Federalists win the ratification vote?

  4. How does the Bill of Rights limit the power of the national government?

Assignment 23: How effective was George Washington as the first U.S. President? P. 180 - 186

  1. How was the first Cabinet created?

  2. Explain the following parts of Alexander Hamilton’s financial plan:

    1. Repayment of all debts

    2. Creation of a National Bank

    3. Taxes

  3. Explain the difference between strict interpretation of the Constitution and loose interpretation of the Constitution.

  4. Did the Whiskey Rebellion weaken or strengthen the new government? Explain.

Assignment 24: How valuable was the advice offered by George Washington in his Farewell Address? P. 190 - 193

  1. How was the United States affected by:

    1. The French Revolution

    2. The war between England and France

    3. The Citizen Genet Affair

  2. Was Jay’s Treaty in the best interests of the US? Explain.

  3. How would George Washington feel about Barack Obama’s foreign policy? Explain.

Assignment 25: How accurately do the first political parties reflect today’s political climate? P. 186 - 190

  1. What is a political party?

  2. How did the first political parties develop?

  3. What advice did Washington give about political parties?

Assignment 26: How did the Alien and Sedition Acts further divide the Federalists and the Democratic Republicans? P. 193 - 200

  1. Explain the origin of the phrase “Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute.”

  2. Why did some Americans believe that the Alien and Sedition Acts were a violation of the Constitution?

  3. Why did Jefferson and Madison write the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions?

  4. Define: XYZ affair, nullification

Assignment 27: How is the election of 1800 a “revolution in government”? p. 202 - 208

  1. Why was Thomas Jefferson elected by the House of Representatives?

  2. How would you rate Jefferson as a President?

  3. How did Jefferson change Federalist policies?

  4. Define: agenda, bureaucracy


Assignment 28: How effective was Thomas Jefferson as President? P. 208 - 219

  1. Why did the United States purchase Louisiana?

  2. How did the Lewis and Clark Expedition benefit the United States?

  3. Why did Jefferson ask Congress for an embargo?

Assignment 29: How justified was the United States in declaring war on Britain in 1812? P. 218 – 222; 224 - 230

  1. Why did the United States declare war against Britain in 1812?

  2. Explain the significance of each of the following:

    1. The burning of Washington DC

    2. The Treaty of Ghent

    3. The Battle of New Orleans

    4. The Hartford Convention

  3. Define: impressment, Old Ironsides

Assignment 30: How did the War of 1812 impact life in the United States? P. 230 - 238

  1. How was the US changed by the “Market Revolution”?

  2. How did the “Waltham System” of Frances Lowell revolutionize manufacturing?

  3. How did the US population change in the years following the War of 1812?

  4. Why did westward migration increase after the War of 1812?

Assignment 31: How was nationalism reflected in US foreign policy after 1815? P. 242 - 244

  1. How did the US try to prevent future wars with Britain after 1815?

  2. Was the Monroe Doctrine a departure from Washington’s policy neutrality? Explain.

  3. How did the US acquire ownership of Florida?

Assignment 32: Did the Supreme Court under John Marshall give too much power to the federal government? P. 238 - 241

  1. Explain the issues and decisions in each of the following Supreme Court cases:

    1. Marbury vs. Madison

    2. McCulloch vs. Maryland

    3. Dartmouth College vs. Woodward

    4. Gibbons vs. Ogden

  2. Identify: John Marshall, judicial review

Assignment 33: Why did the Republican Party split along sectional lines? P. 246 - 250

  1. Compare and contrast the elections of 1824 and 1828.

  2. How did the ideas of the National Republicans differ from those of the Jacksonian Democrats?

  3. Define: sectionalism, “corrupt bargain”

Assignment 34: Was the Andrew Jackson really the “people’s President”? p. 250 - 265

  1. In what ways did Andrew Jackson’s election represent a change from the past?

  2. Every president is judged by the way he handles the crises that occur during his administration. Evaluate the way in which Jackson handled each of the following:

    1. The “Bank War”

    2. Use of patronage

    3. Indian Removal

    4. Tariff Crisis

Assignment 35: How did reform movements change America? P. 307 – 311; p. 320 - 332

  1. How did the Second Great Awakening lead to the Reform Movement of the 1830’s and 1840’s?

  2. Explain the impact of each of the following movements:

    1. Temperance

    2. Public education

    3. Prison and care of the mentally ill

    4. Utopian communities

    5. Women’s rights

  3. Identify: Seneca Falls Convention, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau

Assignment 36: How did the antislavery movement impact America? P. 349 - 357

  1. Define: abolition movement

  2. Explain how each of the following tried to end slavery in the US:

    1. American Colonization Society

    2. American Antislavery Society

    3. Underground Railroad

  3. Was abolition a popular reform in the North? Explain.

  4. Identify: Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison

Assignment 37: How did a belief in Manifest Destiny lead to the expansion of the United States? P. 265 – 270; 276 – 278; 360 - 362

  1. Describe the causes of the Texas War for Independence.

  2. Why did the US go to war with Mexico?

  3. Why did the Wilmot Proviso increase tensions between the North and South?

  4. Define: manifest destiny, Alamo, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Assignment 38: How effective were the compromises dealing with the expansion of slavery? P. 234 – 238; 378 - 387

  1. How did the Missouri Compromise try to solve the problem of the spread of slavery?

  2. Explain the Compromise of 1850.

  3. Why did white Southerners oppose the Compromises?

Assignment 39: How did the question of slavery in the territories further divide the US? P. 396 - 405

  1. Explain how each of the following brought the US closer to a civil war:

    1. Uncle Tom’s Cabin

    2. Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854

    3. Establishment of the Republican Party

    4. Dred Scott Decision

  2. Why didn’t Congress make any attempt to stop the violence in Kansas?

  3. Identify: Stephen Douglas, Charles Sumner, Roger B. Taney

Assignment 40: To what extent was the Civil War inevitable? P. 406 - 415

  1. Explain how each of the following led to the Civil War:

    1. Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    2. John Brown’s Raid

    3. Election of 1860

    4. Attack on Fort Sumter

  2. Identify: Lecompton Constitution, Confederate States of America

Assignment 41: Why did the North win the Civil War? P. 441 – 444; 450 - 456

  1. Compare the strengths and weaknesses of the North and South.

  2. How did the North plan to win the war?

  3. How did the South plan to win the war?

  4. How did the Emancipation Proclamation affect the outcome of the war?

Assignment 42: How did the task of reuniting the nation challenge Lincoln and Johnson? P. 456 – 461

  1. How did Lincoln’s and Johnson’s plans for Reconstruction differ?

  2. Identify: black codes, carpetbaggers, scalawags

Assignment 43: How did Congress deal with Reconstruction? P. 465 - 477

  1. How did Congress plan to deal with the South?

  2. How was the 14th Amendment designed to protect the rights of former slaves?


Assignment 44: How did technology transform American life after the Civil War? P. 512 - 521

  1. Explain the importance of each in the post-war economy.

    1. Bessemer Process

    2. Transcontinental Railroad

    3. Creation of time zones

    4. Telegraph

    5. Electric lighting

    6. Telephone

Assignment 45: How did “Big Business” come to dominate the economy? P. 521 - 526

  1. Identify: Social Darwinism, Business Cycle

  2. Why have some 19th century business leaders been labeled “robber barons”?

  3. Explain how each had been used to eliminate competition:

    1. Monopoly

    2. Cartel

    3. Trust

  4. How do vertical combinations differ from horizontal combinations?

  5. Define the Sherman Antitrust Act and explain why it was unsuccessful.

Assignment 46: How did industrialization affect the lives of workers? P. 497 – 502; 526 - 530

  1. Did the system of piecework benefit bosses or workers? Explain.

  2. Why did the practice of child labor flourish during the late 19th century?

  3. Did the system of division of labor benefit labor or management? Explain.

Assignment 47: How successful were attempts to organize workers? P. 530 - 537

  1. Why was the philosophy of socialism unattractive to most Americans?

  2. How did the Knights of Labor differ from the American Federation of Labor?

  3. Who was responsible for the labor violence of the late 19th century – the workers or management? Explain.

  4. Define: anarchists, collective bargaining

Assignment 48: How did immigration impact the US? P. 539 - 551

  1. Compare patterns of immigration between 1865 and 1890 with those between 1890 and 1920.

  2. Why did Congress pass the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882?

  3. Describe the circumstances leading to the Gentleman’s Agreement of 1907?

  4. Define: Steerage, quarantine, alien

Assignment 49: Why did the government begin to regulate big business after 1870? P. 519 - 530

  1. If you were a voter in the 1890’s, which part would you support? Why?

  2. How did the death of President Garfield lead to the creation of a civil service system?

  3. Explain the importance of each in the controversy over government regulation of business:

    1. Munn vs. Illinois

    2. Wabash v. Illinois

    3. Interstate Commerce Act

  4. How successful was President Harrison in dealing with the trusts?

Assignment 50: Why was the West settled so rapidly after Civil War? P. 586 - 596

  1. How did each of the following encourage westward settlement:

    1. Pacific Railway Act

    2. Morrill Land Grant Act

    3. Homestead Act

  2. Describe the challenges faced by homesteaders.

  3. Describe the technological advantages that made farming on the Great Plains possible.

Assignment 51: How did the settlement of the West affect Native Americans? P. 575 - 584

  1. Describe the causes of the Indian Wars (1858 – 1886).

  2. How did the destruction of the buffalo herds affect the Plains Indians?

  3. Why did Congress adopt a reservation policy?

  4. How did the passage of the Dawes Severalty Act change the US government’s policy toward Native Americans?

  5. Identify: Helen Hunt Jackson


Assignment 52: Why did the problems of the farmer increase after 1870? P. 589 - 595

  1. Describe four problems faced by farmers after 1870.

  2. Why did farmers support the coinage of silver after 1875?

  3. Explain the role of the Farmers’ Alliance and the Grange in the farmers’ protests.

  4. Identify: Mary Elizabeth Lease, Oliver Kelley

Assignment 53: How successful was the Populist movement? P. 595 - 605

  1. Why was the Populist platform (include specific examples) considered radical in 1892?

  2. How did William Jennings Bryan become the Democratic candidate for President in 1896?

  3. Why did the Populist Party lose the election of 1896?

  4. Identify: William McKinley, Grover Cleveland

Assignment 54: Why did the United States go to war against Spain in 1898? P. 608 - 620

  1. Why did some Americans favor a policy of expansion after 1890?

  2. Explain how each of the following was involved in the decision to go to war:

    1. Cuban Rebellion

    2. American newspapers

    3. De Lome Letter

    4. Sinking of the USS Maine

Assignment 55: How did the Spanish American War affect US foreign policy? P. 620 - 627

  1. How did the US gain control of:

    1. Philippine Islands

    2. Hawaii

    3. Puerto Rico

    4. Samoa

  2. How did the Platt Amendment affect Cuban independence?

  3. Was the “Open Door” a wise policy for the United States? Explain.

  4. Why did ant-imperialists believe that the acquisition of a colonial empire violated American principles?

Assignment 56: How justified was Teddy Roosevelt in acquiring the Panama Canal? P. 627 - 631

  1. Why was the US interested in an Atlantic-Pacific canal?

  2. How did the US become involved in the Panamanian revolt?

  3. How ere yellow fever and malaria in Panama conquered?

  4. Explain how the engineering problems connected with the canal were solved.

Assignment 57: How justified was the US in becoming the “policeman of Latin America”? p.

  1. Describe the new reform ideas that became popular in the early 20th century.

  2. Summarize the methods used by muckrakers to bring about reform.

  3. Compare and contrast the goals of the Progressives and the Populists.

  4. Define: injunction, muckraker, municipal, Progressive Era

Assignment 58: How did the Progressives change America? P. 564 – 570; 638 - 641

  1. Describe the urban reforms that took place during the Progressive era.

  2. Explain how each of the following increased citizen participation in government:

    1. Initiative

    2. Referendum

    3. Recall

    4. Direct primary

  3. Explain how the Progressives changed the Constitution (16th, 17th, 18th, 19th Amendments).

  4. Explain the effect of the following on the attempt to reform working conditions:

    1. Lochner v. New York

    2. Muller v. Oregon

Assignment 59: How did the Progressive movement impact the lives of African Americans? P. 554 - 564

  1. How were African Americans disenfranchised after 1890?

  2. Compare and contrast the views of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B Du Bois.

  3. How did the decision of the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson affect African-Americans?

  4. Identify: Niagara Movement, NAACP, George Washington Carver

Assignment 60: To what extent did the Progressive legacy continue after Roosevelt’s presidency? P. 647 - 659; 661 - 667

  1. Why did William Howard Taft lose the support of many Progressives?

  2. Why did Woodrow Wilson win the election of 1912?

  3. How did the Clayton Antitrust Act differ from the Sherman Antitrust Act?

  4. Explain how the Federal Reserve System organized US banking.

  5. Identify: Bull Moose Party

Assignment 61: Why did the United States enter World War I? p. 667 - 675

  1. Why did the US remain neutral when World War I began in 1914?

  2. Why did Wilson believe that the use of the submarine should be banned?

  3. How did the Zimmermann Telegram affect the decision to go to war?

  4. Identify: Sussex Pledge, U-boat, Czar Nicholas

Assignment 62: Why did the Senate refuse to ratify the Treaty of Versailles? P. 691 - 697

  1. How did the Fourteen Points differ from the Treaty of Versailles?

  2. Why did the Senate reject the Treaty of Versailles?

  3. Should Wilson be blamed for the US refusal to join the League of Nations? Explain.

  4. How did the end of World War I affect the US?

Assignment 63: How did World War I impact life at home? P. 678 - 691

  1. Explain the reasons behind the “Red Scare” of the post-war years.

  2. Why did Charles Schenck sue the U.S. government? How did his case affect the civil rights of all Americans?

  3. How did the war affect organized labor?

  4. Identify: Palmer Raids, Sacco and Vanzetti

Assignment 64: Why did the 1920’s “roar”? p. 709 - 713; 716 - 723

  1. Explain how each of the following defined the Harding Presidency:

    1. Refusal to join the League of Nations

    2. Immigration restrictions

    3. Corruption scandals

    4. High tariffs

  2. Describe Coolidge’s attitude toward big business.

  3. Identify: Washington Conference, Kellogg-Briand Pact

  4. How did the practice of installment buying develop?

Assignment 65: How avoidable was the Great Depression? P. 723 - 725; 730 - 736

  1. Explain how each factor led to the Great Depression:

    1. Uneven distribution of wealth

    2. Buying on credit

    3. Buying on margin

    4. Underconsumption

    5. Farm depression

    6. Stock Market Crash

  2. Define: Black Tuesday, business cycle

Assignment 66: How effective was the government’s response to the Depression? p. 736 - 741

  1. How did Herbert Hoover respond to the economic crisis?

  2. Explain how the following attempted to bring relief to the poor:

    1. FERA

    2. CCC

    3. PWA

  3. How did the following try to bring recovery to the economy:

    1. NIRA

    2. “Bank Holiday”

    3. SEC

    4. TVA

Assignment 67: How did the Second New Deal compare to the First New Deal? p. 741 - 749

  1. Explain how each of the following tried to end the Depression:

    1. WPA

    2. AAA

    3. Wagner Act

    4. Social Security

  2. Why were many Americans critical of the New Deal?

  3. Why did FDR try to overcome the opposition of the Supreme Court?

Assignment 68: How did the New Deal bring lasting changes to America? P. p. 749 - 755; 758 - 760

  1. Did the New Deal end the Depression? Explain.

  2. How did the New Deal strengthen organized labor?

  3. Why were “sit down strikes” effective?

  4. How did the New Deal affect the arts?

Assignment 69: Why did the US remain neutral when World War II broke out in Europe? p. 766 - 769; 772 - 775

  1. Compare Hitler’s and Mussolini’s rise to power.

  2. How did the Munich Pact set the stage for World War II?

  3. How did Americans try to avoid involvement in World War II?

  4. Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor?

Assignment 70: How did the Allies win World War II? P. 775 - 783

  1. How was Germany defeated by the Allies?

  2. Why did President Truman order the use of the atomic bomb?

  3. Why did the US government intern Japanese Americans during the war? Was this policy constitutional?

  4. Identify: Yalta Conference, Manhattan Project

Assignment 71: How did the Cold War begin? P. 803 - 814

  1. Who was responsible for the Cold War? Explain.

  2. How wad the Cold War fought?

  3. Explain the importance of each of the following to the policy of containment:

    1. Truman Doctrine

    2. NATO

    3. Marshall Plan

    4. Berlin Airlift

Assignment 72: To what extent was the Korean War a victory for containment? P. 854 - 857

  1. How did the United States become involved in the Korean War?

  2. Why was General MacArthur fired?

  3. Explain the popularity of Senator Joseph McCarthy.

  4. How did belief in the domino theory affect US foreign policy?

Assignment 73: How did the Vietnam War compare to the Korean War? P. 879 – 885; 903 - 905

  1. How did the United States become involved in Vietnam during Kennedy’s presidency?

  2. How did the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution change US policy in Vietnam?

  3. How did Nixon end the Vietnam War?

  4. Identify: Tet Offensive, Viet Cong

Assignment 74: How effective were nonviolent tactics in the struggle for civil rights? P. 832- 834; 850 – 855; 865 - 871

  1. How did the decision in Brown v. Board of Education affect the doctrine of “separate but equal”?

  2. Why was the Montgomery Bus Boycott successful?

  3. How did Martin Luther King Jr. plan to defeat segregation?

  4. How did the violent response to the Freedom Rides and the Birmingham boycott aid the civil rights movement?

Assignment 75: How did the government respond to demands for Civil Rights? P. 895 – 900; 903 – 906

  1. How did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 change race relations in the US?

  2. How did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 attempt to help African Americans?

Assignment 76: How successful was the women’s rights movement of the 1960’s? p. 929 - 936

  1. Identify: National Organization for Women, Roe v. Wade, Betty Freidan

  2. How did the Equal Rights Amendment attempt to improve the status of women in the US?

  3. How did the everyday life of American woman change during the 1960’s and 1970’s?

Assignment 77: How did the presidency of John F. Kennedy impact the United States? P. 889 - 895

  1. How did the presidency of JFK represent a departure from earlier presidencies?

  2. How did JFK’s New Frontier programs change the US?

  3. How did JFK approach the Cold War?

  4. Identify: Cuban Missile Crisis, Bay of Pigs Invasion

Assignment 78: To what extent can the Great Society be considered a continuation of the New Deal? P. 898 - 903

  1. How did LBJ become president?

  2. Explain the reforms put forth by LBJ in the Great Society.

  3. Why was the Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren considered liberal?

  4. Identify: Miranda v. Arizona, Gideon v. Wainwright, Baker v. Carr, Brown v. Board of Education

Assignment 79: How should Richard Nixon’s presidency by remembered? P. 916 - 928

  1. How did Nixon change US policy toward China and the USSR?

  2. Was Nixon responsible for the Watergate break-in? Explain.

  3. Why did Nixon resign?

  4. Identify: détente, SALT, Saturday Night Massacre

Assignment 80: How did Gerald Ford execute foreign and domestic policy? P. 928 - 929

  1. How did Gerald Ford become president?

  2. Why did Ford pardon Nixon for the Watergate scandal?

  3. Why was Ford a relatively ineffective president?

Assignment 81: How did Jimmy Carter overcome difficulties in his presidency? P. 933 - 939

  1. Explain the following problems of Carter’s presidency:

    1. Environment crisis

    2. Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

    3. Iran Hostage Crisis

    4. Stagflation

  2. How effective did the Camp David Accords address the issues facing Israel and Egypt?

  3. To what extent do you believe that 1970’s America was characterized by a “crisis of confidence”?

Assignment 82: How should Ronald Reagan be remembered? P. 942 - 955

  1. How did Ronald Reagan win the election of 1980?

  2. Why was Reagan so popular with the American people?

  3. Explain the concept behind Reaganomics?

  4. How did Reagan approach Cold War foreign policy?

Assignment 83: How did presidency of the first George Bush impact the United States? P. 955 - 962

  1. How does George H.W. Bush appeal to the American people in the election of 1988?

  2. Explain the causes and effects of the 1991 Persian Gulf War.

  3. Explain the economic problems of the early 1990s.

Assignment 84: How good a president was Bill Clinton? P. 965 - 972

  1. Why did Bill Clinton win the election of 1992?

  2. How did the Clinton administration change the nation socially? Politically? Economically?

  3. How did the Monica Lewinsky scandal impact Clinton’s popularity?

  4. Identify: Madeleine K. Albright, NAFTA, Christian Coalition, Globalization

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