Travel & Expense Reimbursement Policy Introduction

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Travel & Expense
Reimbursement Policy


As an ActionLink employee you are working for the most successful company in its industry! Some of the philosophies that have helped ActionLink achieve this success are reflected in this Travel Policy.


Spending less money so we make our company stronger

– ActionLink employees spend resources strategically, where they will have the greatest impact on the success of the company. For instance, we don't have lavish offices, many of us work from home, and we travel economically.


Paying attention to the details, we help save money

– ActionLink employees pay attention to details, whether it's extra training for reps or watching where we spend our money. This is one of the key attributes that help separate ActionLink from our competitors. The travel policy reflects this attention to detail to minimize guesswork and ensure a smooth process for you.


While this policy may not represent how you would travel, lodge, or even tip as an individual, remember that as a traveling ActionLink employee you are representing our company. At ActionLink we are secure in our decisions to control costs in this area for the greater good of the company. We hope that you appreciate the opportunities of working for a successful company and we ask you to respect these travel policies and your fellow employees whose job it is to administer them.




The policy applies to business expenses incurred both while traveling and locally.


This policy supersedes all other documentation on travel and expense reporting.


Responsibility and Enforcement


The traveler is responsible for complying with the travel policy.


The approval function is a vital element of expense control and the approver is responsible for accurately reviewing expense reports for compliance.


ActionLink assumes no obligation to reimburse employees for expenses that are not in compliance with this policy.


Who to Call When You Have Questions


Please refer to Appendix for specific contact names and numbers.

Making Travel Arrangements


Use of Travel Department


All air, lodging, and car rental reservations should be booked by the Travel Department. ActionLink books the lowest available rates for reasonable levels of service in air, hotel and auto rental. To accomplish this, the Travel Department has been given strict guidelines they are required to follow in making travel arrangements. Maximum approvals that can be made by the Travel Department are $400.00 roundtrip airfare, $100 per night lodging and $49.00 a day car rental.

ActionLink management must approve any exceptions to the maximums allowed. The Travel Coordinator will obtain approvals as needed. Please understand that exceptions or travel expense amounts that needed special approval will required additional time for processing. The Travel Department will attempt to incorporate preferred carriers and routing where possible within the established guidelines.
Please see the Air Travel, Lodging, and Car Rental sections for more details.
Payment of Travel Expenses


Consistent payment practices are important to keep processes clear for travelers, reduce double payments and other errors, and speed the expense reimbursement process. Standard payment practices for ActionLink are as follows:


  • Airfare – Reserved by the Travel Coordinator and paid by ActionLink directly.

  • Lodging & Rental Cars – Reserved by Travel Coordinator; but the employee must use an individual corporate credit card or a personal credit card to pay for the actual expense and then submit it for reimbursement.

  • Meals and other expenses - Paid by traveler on individual corporate credit card


Lodging for certain large events, such as CES or NTPP, may be paid by ActionLink directly. All other exceptions to the above may be approved on an occasional basis by ActionLink Executive Management.


Travel Authorization Required


Employees and their managers are responsible for determining the need for business travel. Pre-approvals for all travel are required. It is the responsibility of ActionLink travelers to ensure their manager has approved any travel prior to making any reservations. District Managers require approval from their Regional Manager and Regional Managers require approval from their Director.

Procedure: The traveling employee should e-mail a completed Travel Request Form to the Travel Department noting the approving manager’s name and with a cc to that manager on the e-mail address section.


If an employee’s manager is not available, and waiting could cause a missed opportunity to save money on advance airline booking, the employee should obtain advance approval from the manager’s supervisor or a member of Executive Management.


ActionLink may deny reimbursement if advanced approval is not obtained.


Advance Notice


30-day advance notice is recommended for all travel requests. Submitting requests early gives the Travel Department more opportunity to make arrangements convenient to the traveler and helps keep costs down. Requests submitted less than 15 days prior to the departure date will require additional approval from a member of Executive Management.


 Any arrangements NOT booked by the Travel Department that exceed these limits must have pre-approval from a member of Executive Management. Such items submitted for reimbursement without the appropriate approvals may not be reimbursed due to failure to follow company policy and procedure. For any items prepaid by the Travel Coordinator on the ActionLink corporate credit card, it is your responsibility to confirm your individual corporate card is not billed also.

Air Travel


Timing of Travel


The Travel Department will obtain the lowest reasonable airfare consistent with the traveler’s schedule. This may include lay-over stops and connections as necessary.


Travel should be booked to minimize the impact on normal working hours. Generally departure for a next day meeting should be late afternoon or evening.


Preferred Carriers


The Travel Department will book tickets on the carrier offering the lowest fare having a schedule matching the travelers’ needs.




You are free to use any accrued frequent flyer miles to upgrade a ticket.


Class of Service


Coach class will be booked for all travel.


Private or Charter Airplanes
ActionLink does not reimburse use of private or charter airplanes for travel.
Frequent Flyer Programs
Employees are entitled to any benefit earned from frequent flyer programs. However, under no circumstances should the employee cause additional expense (i.e., higher fare, longer stay, etc.) to the Company to achieve extra benefits from these programs.


Flight Insurance

Individual flight insurance is not a reimbursable expense.
Denied Boarding Compensation


Airlines occasionally offer free tickets or cash allowances to compensate travelers for delays and inconveniences due to overbooking, flight cancellations, changes of equipment, etc. Travelers may retain any compensation that they receive for involuntarily given up seats. Please keep in mind that the change in schedule must not interfere with the conducting of our business.


Employees must not voluntarily give up seats if, as a result, ActionLink incurs additional costs or a loss of the employee's productive time for business purposes.




Refunds of airline tickets or other expenses, which have already been purchased by ActionLink, must be promptly returned to ActionLink.

Unused Airline Tickets


When travel plans have been changed you must contact the Travel Department immediately


For standard tickets, employees are responsible for ensuring that the unused airline tickets (refundable and non-refundable) are promptly returned to the Travel Department for credit or re-issue.

Lost or Stolen Tickets


Most Airline tickets today are issued electronically. However, if you are issued a paper ticket and it is lost or stolen please notify the Travel Department immediately. If Travel cannot be contacted it is the travelers' responsibility to take all appropriate actions when a ticket is lost or stolen.


The general procedure requires the traveler to complete a lost ticket application at the airport. Make sure to arrive at the airport early to allow time for the process. Purchase of a replacement ticket may be required by the airline. If this occurs, the employee will be reimbursed directly by the airline for the replacement ticket once the lost ticket application has been processed. Since airlines will only reimburse the ticket purchaser directly such tickets should not be submitted to ActionLink for reimbursement. A copy of the lost ticket application must be forwarded to the Travel Department with an explanation.


Employees may request an advance for the period it takes the airline to process the reimbursement, usually one to two months. Please note the reason on the advance request.



Hotel Selection


Travelers should book all hotel reservations through the Travel Department.


Travelers will not be reimbursed more than the stated limits for any hotel without pre-approval from the Travel Department.


Changes made by the traveler that increase cost over a Travel Department booking will not be reimbursed.


Room Sharing


Employees traveling together should expect to share hotel rooms with the following exceptions:


  •           Members of the Executive Management Team such V.P.’s, Directors, and


  •          Managers will not be expected to share rooms with their employees

  • Other extenuating circumstances may make rooming with another employee

inappropriate or not possible. Such situations should be brought to the attention of your manager or to the HR department by the employee(s) in question who have concerns or need special consideration.

Hotel Cancellation Procedures
When guaranteed reservations cannot be met, travelers are responsible for canceling or changing the room reservation to avoid a "no show" charge. Cancellations should be made by calling the hotel.


Travelers should request and record the cancellation number in case of billing disputes.


Travelers will be held responsible for "no-show" charges unless there is sufficient proof that the charge could not be avoided.


Staying with Friends or Relatives
Employees may be reimbursed for a nice meal given to friends or relative hosts in lieu of and not exceed their lodging expense if they have the pre-authorization from their manager. Receipts and a full explanation must be submitted for all such expenses.

Car Rental


Car Selection


Travelers should book car reservations through ActionLink’s Travel Department. The Travel Department will negotiate the best rate available through one of the major rental agencies.


Employees traveling together to the same destination are expected to share a car rental.


Car Size


The Travel Department will rent intermediate size (Class C) cars. Travelers may request full size in advance if four or more people are traveling together. Unauthorized upgrades will not be reimbursed.


Car Insurance


Please do not select the rental car agency auto insurance coverage; ActionLink has auto insurance coverage that protects business use of rental vehicles.




Employee should submit receipts for reimbursement of gasoline costs when renting cars. The standard mileage rate does not apply to rental cars. Employees are expected to refuel rental cars before returning them to avoid paying the premium prices charged by car rental agencies, or to elect the pre-pay option if doing significant driving.

Auto Accidents


In the event of an accident please take the following steps:


1.      Do not admit fault with words or behavior.

2.      Contact the police immediately and get a police report number. It is the safest course of

action, and may be legally required depending on the location. You should make a

reasonable attempt to do this.
3.      Get the other party's information and write down their name, driver’s license state and

number, their insurance carrier name and policy number and their contact information.

  1. Immediately notify ActionLink and the rental car agency if accident occurs in a rental



For damage discovered by the rental company upon return, contact ActionLink immediately.

Other Transportation


Personal Car


Employees may use personal cars for business travel purposes when other means of transportation are unavailable or not economical. It is the responsibility of the owner of a vehicle being used for business to carry adequate insurance coverage for their protection and for the protection of any passengers. You should be sure to notify your insurance carrier of your intention to use your vehicle for ‘business travel purposes.”

ActionLink does retain auto insurance coverage that protects business use of personally owned vehicles.


The use of personal cars for business will be reimbursed at rate of $0.22 per mile. Receipts for gas in a personal car will not be reimbursed. The difference between ActionLink’s mileage reimbursement rate and what is allowed by the IRS may be tax deductible; please consult your tax advisor. This mileage allowance covers all automobile costs, except parking and tolls, which may be submitted separately for reimbursement.

Ground Transportation


Employees are expected to use public transportation or free hotel shuttles where available and to share ground transportation when traveling together.


The cost of taxis is only reimbursable when more economical means of transportation (e.g., hotel vans, shuttles) are not available, or, due to business requirements, not appropriate to the travel schedule.

Meals and Entertainment


Meals vs. Entertainment


Use the Meals section of the expense report for documenting meals for yourself and other ‘Employees’ if you are picking up a tab. The Miscellaneous section should only be used if non-Employees are included in the group to explain the expense on the expense report.


Personal Meals While Traveling


ActionLink reimburses reasonably priced personal meals (at actual cost) for Employees while they are on business trips. Since costs vary depending upon the region of the country, the following guidelines regarding acceptable costs of meals should be followed: a range of up to $10.00 for breakfast, up to $10.00 for lunch, and up to $20.00 for dinner. In addition ActionLink will reimburse for miscellaneous snacks, coffee, bottled water, etc. up to a $5 per day maximum. Itemized receipts are required to support all meal and snack expenses. Alcoholic beverages will not be reimbursed.


If picking up the tab for other Employees while traveling, the names of accompanying Employees, amount, location, and date of the expense must be listed on the expense report.

Entertainment Expenses (Please note that entertainment expenses require prior approval from a member of Executive Management.)


The primary intent of entertainment is to advance significant new business or business relationships. As such, any entertainment must include actual or prospective customers, applicants, or other non-ActionLink individuals for business purposes. ActionLink employees attending should be limited to appropriate key persons.

All entertainment dinners or business dinners expected to exceed $100.00 total need pre-authorization from Executive Management to be ensured reimbursement. No verbal approval will be accepted. If written approval is not obtained, ActionLink will reimburse only 50% of the dinner.


Expense report documentation must include:

  •        written approval for any dinners exceeding $100.00 total

  • the names of all individuals attending and their company affiliation

  •        the business purpose of the meeting

  •       a detailed receipt, in addition to the credit card slip


Prudent and proper entertaining is expected. Exceptions to the above parameters must be approved by Executive Management

Moderate tips on meals will be reimbursed; as a guideline 15% for normal service, 20% for excellent service. Please see the Miscellaneous Reimbursable Expenses section for additional details.

Telephone and Internet Usage




Employees will be reimbursed for all business calls while traveling that are reasonable and necessary for conducting business. Reasonable personal calls home while out of town on a business trip, generally no more than one per day of reasonable length, are also reimbursable.


The ActionLink toll-free 800 number (888.737.8757) should be used to contact the office and access voice mail if using a land line. If using your cell phone to contact the office use 330-665-3906 or 330-665-1660.


Occasional travelers may make advance arrangements with the Travel Coordinator for a loaner calling card or cell phone if they expect their trip to require more than occasional long distance calls.


Internet Access


Local numbers only should be used for Internet dialup. Toll free numbers incur expensive per minute surcharges and should not be used. You can search for local access numbers at your Internet provider’s website.


Cellular Phone/Calling Card


Company cellular phones and calling cards, where reasonable and necessary for conducting business, will be provided on an as needed basis that is determined by an EVP. A cell phone allowance may also be requested in the case of DM’s. The allowance is $25 a month to allow additional minutes be added to their existing plans. This requires written approval and justification by the employee's manager. These can be requested through an EVP.

 Company cell phones and calling cards are to be used primarily for business purposes. These should not be used for personal calls, other than one reasonable call home per day while traveling.


Due to excessive cost, the use of cellular phones to access directory numbers should be avoided whenever possible. Employees should always call other ActionLink field employees with company phones on their local numbers. Do not use employee issued 800 numbers to speak to each other. When calling the office from your cell phone dial 330-665-3906 or 330-665-1660 only, not the 800 number.


Air Phone


Due to the high cost, travelers may use an air phone only if an emergency. This must be fully documented on your expense report.


Home Telephone


Business phone calls placed from the employee's home phone or personal calling cards are reimbursable. The complete original bill, with business calls highlighted, must be attached to the expense report.

Other Expenses
Equipment and Supplies


In general equipment and supplies should be purchased through company channels and not through the expense report process. If necessary, purchases of the following over $100 require additional advance approvals as indicated by a Purchase Requisition signed by an EVP.      


Miscellaneous Reimbursable Expenses


Good judgment is expected when traveling on ActionLink’s behalf and submitting an expense does not necessarily mean it will be reimbursed. The following expenses, when directly related to business travel, are generally reimbursable:


  •          Fees for currency conversion and pre-purchased travelers checks; must have receipt


  •          Reasonable cash withdrawal fees while traveling. Pre-approval required.


  •          Laundry and dry cleaning during trips of seven consecutive days or longer -

Cleaning for 1-2 outfits to allow employees to pack more reasonably for longer trips.


  •          Parking and tolls


  •          Passport, visas, and required inoculations


  •          Tips –

Moderate tips will be reimbursed.

Please detail by day and category all cash tips in the supporting documentation to your expense report. (examples of tip categories: taxi, shuttle, bellman, luggage handling, valet parking, etc.)


  •          Miscellaneous Expenses -

Work supplies should be brought with you whenever possible. If these items are needed to successfully perform your tasks while on business, submit the receipt and an explanation in your expense report.

Miscellaneous Non-reimbursable Expenses


The following are examples of expenses that are not reimbursable:


  • Child care, house sitting, and kennel fees.

  • Credit card late payment fees or interest (unless extenuating circumstances exist).

  • Credit card cash advance fees.

  • In-room or on-plane movies.

  • Personal articles (e.g., luggage, briefcases, clothing, etc.) and mini bar items.

  • Sundries (toiletries, medicine, aspirin, etc.).

  • Personal life insurance.

  • Lost luggage.

  • Gifts – Exceptions must be fully documented (reason for gift, recipient name and

    • organization) and pre-approved in writing by an EVP or CEO/President.

  • Personal services (e.g., barber, hair stylist, massage).

  • Traffic and parking fines.

  • Personal entertainment expenses (e.g., theater tickets, sightseeing trips) except as

    • described under Entertainment Expenses.

  • Moving expenses, car or housing allowances -

    • These should be submitted through Executive Management for pre-approval

    • and processing.

  • Loss or damage to personal property – The company assumes no responsibility for

    • loss or damage to an employee’s personal property during business travel.

  • Alcoholic beverages (excluding pre-approved entertainment expenses with clients or

    • prospective clients).

Combining Personal Travel with Business


Prior to combining any personal travel with a business trip, you should have a discussion with your manager for advance approval.


The cost of trip routing that includes personal business must be compared to the cost of a direct trip. The employee must pay any incremental cost.


Significant Others


If traveling with a significant other the employee is expected to conduct business as usual. All expenses related to the significant other are personal and should be deducted from any expense report submissions including, the cost differential between double occupancy and a single, and all meals.


Significant others included in business meals or entertainment events locally are considered personal and should be deducted from expense reimbursement submissions.

Individual Corporate Credit Card


Use of Individual Corporate Credit Card


The Individual Corporate Credit Card is intended for business use only, and must not be used for personal expenses.

How to Apply


There must be a valid and recurring need for an employee to qualify for an Individual Corporate Credit Card. The manager of the employee to be issued a card would need to complete a request and submit this to the Accounting Department. The employee would then be instructed to complete the application.


Applications are available from the Corporate Credit Card Administrator and require EVP approval. By returning the signed application, you are indicating a request for an Individual Corporate Credit Card and that you understand the terms and conditions as stated in this Travel Policy.


Billing and Payment


Employees are accountable for all charges on their Individual Corporate Credit Card. Monthly billings are sent to corporate and each employee’s portion will be emailed directly to the employee for review.

Receipts for all charges on an employee’s Corporate Credit Card must be submitted to corporate along with the accompanying expense report and Manager approval. Failure to provide itemized receipts for charges on the company card may result in future expense reimbursements being denied.

Disputed Charges


Employees are not liable for unauthorized or incorrect charges to their Individual Corporate Credit Card, provided that they dispute these charges immediately after receiving statements that reflect unauthorized or incorrect charges.


Lost or Stolen Cards


A lost or stolen card must be reported to the credit card company as soon as the traveler discovers it is missing. Data on stolen charge cards indicate that unauthorized use of stolen cards is greatest in the first few hours after the theft.


To report a lost or stolen card, please call the corporate travel card provider at their customer service number and also the corporate card administrator.


Emergency Replacement Card


For an emergency replacement card contact the Corporate Credit Card provider or the corporate card Administrator.


Cardholder Employee Termination


Managers are responsible for notifying the card administrator of pending terminations. Upon termination of employment, all corporate cardholders must promptly reconcile, account for and pay, any remaining balances.


The card must be returned to ActionLink either prior to, or at the time of exit interview.



Cash Advances




Travel advances are available to Employees traveling on Company business. The advance must be requested at least one week in advance of departure using a Check Request form. Manager approval must be obtained before submitting your request.


Please remember, advances are actually advances on your paycheck. You must account for every expense appropriately through an expense report on your return and reimburse ActionLink for any unused balance of the advance, or the amount will be deducted from your next paycheck. A refund may be obtained by submitting the appropriate documentation.




Employees are expected to minimize their use of cash by charging travel and entertainment expenses to their Individual Corporate Credit Card whenever possible.


The employee has the responsibility for all cash and travelers checks, even if lost, stolen, or misplaced.


Expense Reporting


When to Use an Expense Report


Expense reports should be used only for travel and expenses incurred directly in the performance of job duties. Moving expenses, housing and auto allowances, legal or other personal expenses paid on behalf of the employee by ActionLink should be submitted to Executive Management for processing. Receipts should be scanned in and attached, or mailed in if it is not possible to scan in.


Filing Expenses


An Excel spreadsheet expense report form is available and must be used by all Employees filing expenses. The form must be completed in Excel (not manually) so that automatic calculations are utilized.


Expense reports must show explicit business purpose for each segment of a trip.


Travelers should file expense reports no later than two weeks after completion of each trip. ActionLink will not reimburse any expenses submitted more than 60 days from date of occurrence.


Any questions about expense items and documentation should be resolved with the employee’s manager prior to submission. Do not submit questionable items to see whether accounting will catch them. Employees doing so may have future expense reports delayed for additional reviews and approvals.


Any discrepancies discovered in expense reports already paid will be corrected with the next expense payment.



The employee should submit their expenses to their manager for approval. If the employee's immediate manager is not available the next higher authority must approve the report.

To accommodate frequent travelers and their managers, e-mail expense forms and scanned receipts will be accepted. The approving manager may forward the expense report directly to AP indicating their approval. The traveler should send a printed copy of the expense report with receipts and other attached documentation to AP if email and scanned receipts are not possible.


Managers should review expense reports on a timely basis. Managers, not accounting, have ultimate responsibility for ensuring their employees comply with this Travel and Expense Reporting Policy.

Documentation Requirements


Company policy requires receipts for all expenditures. At a minimum, name of vendor, date, and total expense incurred must appear on all receipts submitted for reimbursement. Expense categories and business purpose must be completed for each expense. See “miscellaneous expense from above details”


Travelers must submit the following documentation along with their expense report:


  •          Airline tickets – in the unusual case where a self booked ticked has been approved; submit the original passenger coupon plus invoice/itinerary. Original corporate or personal credit card receipt must also be submitted.


  •          Hotel – itemized hotel bill. The corporate travel card or personal card receipt must also be submitted (exception when quick checkout option has been utilized).


  •         Car Rental – car rental agreement. The corporate travel card or personal card receipt must also be submitted (exception when quick check-in/out option has been utilized).


  •          Meals/Entertainment – itemized cash register receipt and credit card receipt if paid by credit card. See the Meals & Entertainment section for additional details.


  •          Telephone – copy of the complete phone bill with business calls highlighted.


  •          Other expenses – original receipt completed by the vendor or charge billing statement and charge slip.


Missing Receipts


If the expense was incurred on a credit card, the original statement may be submitted with a full explanation of the expense and the reason for the missing receipt. This must also be accompanied by additional manager approval and only after an attempt has been made with the retailer to obtain a copy of the receipt.


For expenses missing receipts and not paid by credit card a full written explanation of the expense must be submitted including the reason for the missing receipt. The explanation must be specifically approved by the employee’s manager (in addition to the overall expense report approval). This may only be done on the original expense report submitted for the trip or event, not after the fact.


Extended Travel


It is recommended that Employees engaged in extended travel complete expense reports during travel. See Approvals section above for e-mail submission.



Reimbursement of Expenses


Following receipt of properly prepared and approved expense report by established cutoff dates, Accounting will reimburse the employee on the next scheduled payroll for all business travel and entertainment expenses that fall within the guidelines of this policy.

Cutoff dates for the next check run: Employee’s ‘Non-Pay’ Friday


Incorrect or Incomplete Expense Reports


Expense reports that are incorrect or incomplete will not be paid until corrected or completed as needed. If an expense report has numerous or significant issues the entire report may be returned to the employee for correction.

Appendix – company contact information

Corporate Headquarters Office



Executive Vice President – ActionLink Operations

Cindy Fitzgibbons, ext. 106
Executive Vice President – ActionLink Operations

Karl Shaw, ext. 137
Executive Vice President – ServicePlus Operations

Steve Wilson
Company Travel Coordinator

Melissa Peaco

Extension 178
Accounting Department

Mariah Miller, Accounting & Expenses Administrator

Extension 152
Corporate Credit Card Administrator

Mike Ely, Controller

Extension 194
Executive Administrative Assistant & Event Coordinator

Marilyn Chapple, Office Manager

Extention 113
Director of IT

Ronn Koester

Cell: 419.944.9009
Human Resources Dept.

Melissa Guy, Director of HR, ext. 188

Shirley Dodson, HR Manager, ext. 181

Dave Gries, Payroll Administrator, ext. 139

Synia Rodgers, HR Administrator, ext. 109

Laura Reed, HR Administrator, ext. 157

Shawna Davis, HR Administrative Asst., ext. 196

Travel Policy and Expense Reimbursement Acknowledgement
I, ________________________________ (Print you name) have read and agree to all terms and conditions in ActionLink’s travel policy and expense reimbursement policy dated Version – December, 2007.

Signature and acceptance Date:

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­__________________________________ ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___________________________

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