Turkey’s comenius project meeting report

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G.R.E.E.N” Go Re- Educate Earth Now”

24-31 MAY

G.R.E.E.N Comenius multilateral project runs from 2012-2014, in the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), coordinated by the National COMMUNITY PROGRAMS FOR EDUCATION AND TRAINING PROFESSIONAL.

During the 24th to 31th May 2014, " İskenderun Lisesi " National School in İskenderun/HATAY was the Project host of the meeting on the "Food Chain" topic. It included in the project schedule the GREEN Comenius multilateral, with an international participation from Italy, Germany, Spain, Turkey and Hungary. Bur Italy did not attend this meeting. There were 12 teachers from the partner schools and 13 students involved in the debate of the current topics: Food Chain. Actions included in the program of this meeting aimed both of the socialization and cultivation sides, through Saint Pierre Church, Habibi Neccar Mosque, Catholic and Ortadox Churces, Fresk Museum, walking around old city centre, Armenian Village, Beşikli Cave, Payas Caravasary, Kastabala Ancient City, Aslantaş Open-Air-Museum, Saint Paul Well and Temple, Tarsus Waterfall, etc. cultural heritage and and presentations PPT, in order to provide the students, the teachers, the parents and the guests a comprehensive image in the finest details of the phenomenon of Food Chain.

The main points of the meeting project was the official opening, on Monday at 9.00 visiting the local Mayor to inform on our project study and introduce the teachers from partner school. 10:00 a.m. in the school library, followed by the presentation of the school, the event programme, the social activities, the participation at the lessons in order of chainging the teaching experience and an international performance, supported by students in the five participating countries. There were also an exhibition which the six partner schools had created then. When the teachers and students entered the school, Students performed Turkish Folk Dance for half an hour at school. A Folk dance trainer called Feyzan Damar from public Education Center trained the students for 6 months. After each school presented theirpresentation on „Food Chain”, there were a session of Turkish Public music. Music teacher of host school and its students performed some Turkish music.

In the late afternoon, the teachers involved in the Comenius Project met in order to discuss about the dissemination activities of the meeting, the drafting of website , the assessing and the meeting products. An important aspect of the discussion was evaluation of the last subtitle and the whole project. We all agreed that all our works will be uploaded on each school’s website so that everybody in the countries and world can access our works on the enironment. All project presentations would be presented to the students for , at least, five following years. CDs including each partner’s work exchanged. During the presentations, each partner school presented their results of the questionnaires.

The objectives of cultural significance (Tuesday, the 27th May). Saint Pierre, Habibi Neccar Mosque, Ortadox and Catholic Churces, bazaar and Fresk Museum, Armenian Village in Vakıflı Village and Beşikli Cave. On Wednesday, May 28th, Another cultural Heritage in Tarsus. Saint Paul Well, Temple and Museum and Tarsus Waterfall. Hacı Ömer Sabancı Mosque in Adana. After tiring days, in order to relax, there was a bout tour, from Konacık to İskenderun Bay. Then, host students and teacers introduced the city to the guests: They explored the city. On Friday 30th May, the group visited a private wind power plant. The menager of the company gave them information about clean technology. And the group visited the migrating birds observation point. Afret lunch, the group visited Payas Caravansary in Payas.

The meeting programme, including the organizing and planning of the Project activities, the visits related to the purpose of the project, the school visits, the cultural exchanges,
were emphasized by Necat Tektaş.

G.R.E.E.N Comenius multilateral project runs in the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), coordinated by the National COMMUNITY PROGRAMS FOR EDUCATION AND TRAINING PROFESSIONAL

The Project TEAM and their responsabilities

Name & Surname



Necat Tektaş

English Teacher, The coordinator of the project

Coordination of the project meeting, translation running activities, evaluation, dissemination, making partenerships with the Teachers Training

Ali Kuruca


Organization of meeting with the Mayor, Power Plant Company, guidance of scientific or cultural visits.

Mithat Kaba, Ayla Özbeytemur


Producing of scientific materials, tiping of media materials, the brochure, posters, coordination of the students activities;

Gazel Duymaz


Coordination of the cultural activities, and exhibitions:

Cebel Duymaz


organization of the visits, documentation, translation,

Green Desk Point posters;

Fatma Aybala Özcan


documentation, producing PPT, brochure, disemination,

Green Desk Point posters

Canan Hamutoğlu


documentation, producing PPT, brochure, dissemination,

Green Desk Point posters ;

Rumeysa Beyza Çelik


documentation, producing PPT, brochure, part of cultural activities;

Ece Benli


documentation, producing PPT

Gizem Tap


documentation, producing materials for

Green Desk Point;

Polen Fırat


documentation, producing PPT, brochure, dissemination photography

Mustafa Alkoçak


making interviews, questionaires, dissemination ;

Erkan İbrahim Bilirim


making interviews, questionnaires, dissemination, organization of creative recycling contest;

Ramazan Akyüz


documentation, producing PPT and others materials for the brochure and

Green Desk Point creative recycling workshop;

Evrim Soğuksu


documentation, producing PPT and others materials for the brochure and

Green Desk Point ;

Bünyamin Cem Bıkmaz


documentation, producing PPT and others materials for the brochure and

Green Desk Point;

Tufan Gökpınar


documentation, producing PPT and others materials for the brochure photography;

Ece Toparlak


making interviews, questionnaires, disemination ;

Merve Taktak


making interviews, questionnaires, dissemination and Green Desk Point;

Seda Güzel


documentation, producing PPT and others materials and Green Desk Point posters;

1. The above students hosted or joined all actvities with the foreign students.

2. The activities held by the students and teachers consist of documentation, supervising and evaluation, producing photoes and pictures, interpretation of the questionnaires, making interviews, producing PPTs and the brochure, dissemination of the project meeting on the website.

The foreign partners
Thirteen foreign students and following teachers took part at the Comenius project in Turkey:

  • Alexander Goetz, Esra KAYA, from Kaufmannisches Berufskollege, Oberberg, Germania;

  • Eniko Penzesne Gyor, Levente Batar, Bela Roncz, Dóra Penák Lutheran Petofi Secondary School

of Aszod, Hungary;

  • Trinidad Zarza Alabanda, Francisco Báez IES Galileo Galilei, Spain.

  • Tischer Andra, Chirila Diana, Nemes Delia, Ileana Gabos from Octavian Goga, Sibiu Romania


  • Presentation of „Food Chain”

  • Getting familiarize with „Food Chain” in the world and partner countries;

  • Developing teamwork abilities in order to succed and promote the image of our country and our school;

  • Socialisation and widening the cultural univers, widening the students knowledge about the art, the culture, ICT skills and the language of the countries involved in the project;

  • Producing international teamwork multimedia projects;

  • The project evaluation.

  • To be familiar with walks of life of host school.

Documentation sources: Internet, various studies provided by the Agency of the

Environment, Official reports of the Environment, a private power plant compant, turism information centre

The SWOT analysis of the Project meeting

Considering the answers of the questionnaires of the foreign teachers and students, the CNOG project team produced the folloving analyse:



  • Great teamwork conditions

  • Teachers’ participation and warm atmosphere;

  • Best presence of officials and specialists;

  • High standards of scientific quality of the students work;

  • Diversity of scientific and cultural activities;

  • High standards of the scientific informations provided by the participants;

  • High linguistic competence both of the students and teachers;

  • Best achievenement of practical session and experiments;

  • Great organisation of scientific and cultural activities;

  • Great condition of accomodation in hotels and host families;

  • Warm atmosphere.

  • The schedule a little too busy, so that less free time;

  • Too short time of the project meeting

Snapshots from the Project meeting activities

25-31/05/2014 İskenderun, Osmaniye, Antakya, Tarsus, Samandağ

26/05/2014 İskenderun Lisesi


  • Comenius G.R.E.E.N. Project Diary;

  • Disemination on the local forum of the Comenius projects and on the multilaterale 2012 yahoogroup: www.futuregreeners.com,

  • https://www.facebook.com/groups/283146191799752/, http://www.iskenderunhaber.com/2014/06/02/belendeki-ruzgar-enerjileri-santralini-gezdiler/

  • http://iskenderungazetesi.com/avrupali-ogrenciler-belendeki-ruzgar-enerjileri-santralini-gezdi/

  • http://136dbaskp.ni.net.tr/ruzgar-enerji-santralini-gezdiler-377290ny.html

  • http://www.iskenderunses.net/haber_detay.asp?haberID=18783

  • http://iskenderun.bel.tr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4282:cevre-konulu-proje-kapsaminda-4-uelkeden-gelen-konuklar-beledye-bakani-seyf-dngl-zyaret-ett&catid=34:haberler&Itemid=18

  • http://www.iskenderunn.com/cevre-konulu-proje-kapsaminda-4-ulkeden-gelen-konuklar-baskan-seyfi-dingil-ziyaret-etti/

Indoor dissemination
The event type: the Council of the teaching stuff , the meeting of the Comenius project team will diseminate the Comenius project activities trough PPT presentations and debates

Number of participatipants: 60 + 60 + 60

Audience: teachers and others

Type event: disemination of the Comenius project mobility

Methods used: PPT presentations, debates

Number of participants: 180

Audience: students from grades IX, X; XI, XII

The Comenius project impact on the students of İskenderun Lisesi

  • The questionnaires were applied to the students who were involved in the Comenius project and their families, connected to the project activities and the active involvment in all the activities proposed at all the levels.

  • The Comenius project activities are well known by the students, especially the scientific debates, where the students took part voluntarily.

  • The students have been given the opportunity of participation in all the activities during the project meeting, being involved as hosts, organisers of the event or in the teamwork of the scientific presentations, the evaluation of the questionnaires, or the dissemination of the project activities;

  • The students have improved their English language communication skills and ITC competences.

The Comenius project impact on the teachers

  • The class teachers, the teachers of Sciences and the teachers of modern languages (English mainly) had an active contribution in promoting the Comenius project, either as members of Comenius project team or participants at green activities initiated by the students of school, in order to promote the spirit of protecting of the environment;

  • The Comenius project teachers team included teachers of modern languages, teachers of sciences

(Biology, Physics, Chemistry). The teachers were involved in all the stages of the project

( organization, evaluation and dissemination );

  • Throughout of the exchange of good practices between the project partners, the teachers had the opportunity of getting familiar with the European teaching-evaluation system, to learn more about European educational school system and to improve their communication skills in English language.

The Comenius project impact on the school institution
The teachers and the students of school had the opportunity to involve themselves in the Comenius project in order to build a higher prestige of our school institution. So the institution’s prestige was reconfirmed once again by the appearances in the local newspapers.

Final products:

Before the Comenius meeting in İskenderun Lisesi, the project teams produced brochures, DVDs, PPT presentations, posters, articles for magasines and newspapers, questionnaires and the Diary of the project meeting.

Conclusions: All the targets of the Comenius project meeting were completely fulfiled.

Note: This Comenius project was realised with the financial support of the European Committy in the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), coordinated by the National COMMUNITY PROGRAMS FOR EDUCATION AND TRAINING PROFESSIONAL. The report represents the strict point of view of the authors and the eventual utilisation of the informations in it are not the responsability of the ANPCDEFP or the European Committy.

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