Twin City Area Public Relations Subcommittee

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Twin City Area

Public Relations Subcommittee

Revised, July, 2015

Table of Contents

I Name
II Purpose

III General
IV Goals
V Participation and Voting
VI Meetings
VII Public Relations Sub-Committee Structure
VIII Qualifications, Terms of Service, Roles and Responsibilities
IX Elections
X Funding
XI Amendment of Guidelines
XII Grievance Procedure
I Name

The name of this Committee shall be the Twin City Area Public Relations Subcommittee of Narcotic Anonymous, hereinafter called the PR Subcommittee.

II Purpose

The purpose of the PR Subcommittee is to work together in the spirit of unity and cooperation to carry the message of recovery. In addition, the PR Subcommittee shall fulfill the goals as stated in this document, and serve the NA groups and the community at large in the Twin City Area. This is to ensure that our message reaches all those who might benefit from the NA program of recovery. The Subcommittee will accomplish this by coordinating the services we provide to maximize our ability to fulfill our primary purpose.

III General

The PR Subcommittee shall perform all functions historically performed by the Hospitals and Institutions Committee and Public Information Committee. This Subcommittee shall adhere to the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts of Narcotics Anonymous. It will utilize the most current local, region and world approved service handbooks and materials that are written for providing PR services as additional resources.

IV Goals

The goals of the PR Subcommittee are:

A. Clarify what services NA can and cannot be provided to the community in which we live

B. Make NA members aware of their role in NAs Public Image

C. Aim for the public to recognize NA as a positive and reliable organization

D. Internal

    • Provide education regarding the responsibilities of each service position

    • Encourage and support our trusted servants

    • Demonstrate leadership and training

    • Provide Traditions and Concept workshops aka Learning Days

E. External

    • Represent NA as an effective, reliable and responsible program of recovery

    • Inform professionals and the general public that NA is an effective, reliable and responsible program of recovery

    • Work with professionals and the public to use their services to reach potential members (PSA’s Bus Signs, Meeting Space)

    • Create solid and reliable relationships via external interactions with the public

V Participation and Voting

A. Participation in the Subcommittee shall be open to any NA member

B. Voting privileges in the Subcommittee shall be open to participating PR Subcommittee members

C. Consensus based decision making shall be used in all decision making whenever possible

VI Meetings

A. The PR Subcommittee shall meet monthly in regular session to be decided upon by the voting members in attendance at the first PR Subcommittee meeting and subsequently can be changed by a motion and majority consensus

B. A special meeting may be called by the PR Chairperson and/or at the written request of any PR Admin member

C. In the event of a special meeting, the Chairperson and/or Vice-Chairperson must make all reasonable attempts to notify the service body of the change (i.e., email, posting on the TCANA website, telephone and notice posted at the facility at the regularly scheduled time, notating new locations, time and/or date)

D. A PR Subcommittee inventory shall be held at least, but not limited to, every two years at the end of the PR Chairperson’s term of service
VII Public Relations Subcommittee Structure

Admin Body




Alternate Secretary

VIII Qualifications, Terms of Service, Roles & Responsibilities

We recommend that all Sub-Committee Admin members possess the following qualifications:

A. The willingness and desire to serve

B. Have a thorough understanding of the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, Twelve Concepts of Narcotics Anonymous and the content of the PR Handbook

C. Have the time and resources to be an active participant

In addition to the qualifications listed above, further suggested requirements for each service position are as follows:

A. PR Chairperson

  1. 4 years continuous clean time

  2. Terms of Service 1 year to serve no more than 2 years consecutive

  3. Previous PR Subcommittee or other relevant service experience


  1. Coordinates all public relations efforts

  2. Preside at all regular and special Subcommittee meetings

  3. Makes regular reports to TCASC on the status of all proposed, current or completed plans

  4. Represents PR Subcommittee at the regular meeting of the TCASC

  5. Attend the quarterly regional H&I/PI Subcommittee meeting alternately

  6. If elected officer or coordinator position is vacant, ensures the duties of that position are fulfilled

B. PR Vice-Chairperson

1. 3 years continuous clean time

2. Terms of Service 1 year

3. Previous PR Subcommittee or other relevant service experience

4. Willing to move into PR Chairperson Position


  1. In absence of the PR Chairperson, assumes all those responsibilities normally carried out by the chairperson until the TCASC has an election for that position

  2. Works closely with the PR Chairperson

  3. Attends the regular meetings of the PR Subcommittee

  4. Works with all Subcommittee coordinators to assure the most effective and efficient use of available resources

  5. Attend the quarterly regional H&I/PI Subcommittee meeting alternately

  6. If elected officer or coordinator position is vacant, assists PR Chairperson in ensuring the duties of that position are fulfilled

  7. Conduct PR Subcommittee Orientations

C. PR Secretary

  1. 2 years continuous clean time

  2. Terms of Service 1 year

  3. Previous PR Subcommittee or other relevant service experience


  1. Keeps a complete record in the form of minutes of every PR Subcommittee meeting

  2. Maintain records of attendance at PR Subcommittee meeting

  3. Prepares written committee correspondence

  4. Maintains files of all PR Subcommittee items

  5. Supports PR activities coming from the Special Projects Coordinator

D. PR Secretary - Alternate

  1. 1 year continuous clean time

  2. Terms of Service 1 year

  3. Previous PR Subcommittee or other relevant service experience

  4. Willing to move into Secretary Position


  1. Learning position to assume same responsibilities of Secretary

  2. Maintains lists of presentations and facilities

  3. Support the Secretary as needed

E. PR Literature Coordinator

1. 2 years continuous clean time

2. Terms of Service 1 year

3. Previous PR Subcommittee or other relevant service experience

4. Familiarity with NAWS, TCASC and PR Subcommittee literature policies


  1. Attend monthly PR Subcommittee meeting

  2. Coordinates literature needs for all public relations activities

  3. Coordinates literature requirements with TCASC, CRNA and/or NAWS Literature

  4. Submit requests for disbursement of funds from TCASC treasurer for all orders

  5. Makes monthly report to the PR Subco0mmittee which includes financial statement

  6. Supports PR activities coming from the Special Projects Coordinator

F. PR Literature Coordinator - Alternate

  1. 18 months continuous clean time

  2. Terms of Service 2 years

  3. Previous PR Subcommittee or other relevant service experience

  4. Familiarity with NAWS, TCASC and PR Subcommittee literature policies


  1. Learning position to assume same responsibilities of PR Literature Coordinator

  2. Supports the Literature Coordinator as needed

  3. Fill in and assist as needed

G. Web Coordinator

  1. 2 years continuous clean time

  2. Terms of Service 1 year

  3. Previous PR Subcommittee or other relevant service experience

  4. Possess the technical ability to update Area website

  5. Familiarity with all internet and website related NAWS handbooks


  1. Attend monthly PR Subcommittee

  2. Coordinates all website activities & updates

  3. Makes monthly written report to the PR Subcommittee on the status of the website

  4. Supports PR activities coming from the Special Projects Coordinator

  5. Be single point of accountability for Area, Regional & World meeting schedule updates

  6. Review and ensure response is made from emails submitted to the TCANA Website

H. Web Coordinator - Alternate

  1. 2 years continuous clean time

  2. Terms of Service 1 year

  3. Previous PR Subcommittee or other relevant service experience

  4. Possess the technical ability to update area website

  5. Familiarity with all internet and website related NAWS handbooks


    1. Learning position to assume same responsibilities of Web Coordinator

    2. Supports the Web Coordinator as needed

    3. Fill in and assist as needed

I. Phone line Coordinator

1. 2 years continuous clean time

2. Terms of Service 1 year

3. Previous PR Subcommittee or other relevant service experience

4. Familiarity with all Phoneline related NAWS handbooks


  1. Attend monthly PR Subcommittee meeting

  2. Prepare and submit required budget request to the PR Subcommittee as needed

  3. Makes monthly written report to the PR Subcommittee on the status of all completed and ongoing phone line plans

  4. Maintain current awareness of the telephone services we employ from the local telephone carrier, including service plans, billing and technical assistance procedures

  5. Act as primary representative between the PR Subcommittee and the service providers to ensure supplies and lists are updated frequently

  6. Shall be available on an “on call” basis to answer questions and concerns by carriers, and to troubleshoot and rectify problems with ensuring the ability to answer calls

  7. Supports PR activities coming from the Special Projects Coordinator

  8. Can assist with PR Committee Orientations

J. Phone line Coordinator - Alternate

1. 2 years continuous clean time

2. Terms of Service 1 year

3. Previous PR Subcommittee or other relevant service experience

4. Familiarity with all Phone line related NAWS handbooks


  1. Learning position to assume same responsibilities of Phone Line Coordinator

  2. Supports the Phone Line Coordinator as needed

  3. Fill in and assist as needed

K. H&I Coordinator

  1. 3 years continuous clean time

  2. Terms of Service 1 year

  3. Previous H&I panel leader experience

  4. Familiarity with the NAWS PR Handbook, H&I related publications and all facility guidelines


  1. Attend monthly PR Subcommittee meetings

  2. Attend quarterly regional H&I meetings

  3. Assist with PR Committee Orientations

  4. Serve as single point of contact for all facilities

  5. Submit literature requests to Literature Coordinator

  6. Randomly visits meetings at facilities and solicits feedback on PR services being provided

  7. Works with PR Subcommittee officers and Panel Leaders regarding all panel presentations

  8. Makes monthly written report to the PR Subcommittee on the status of panel presentations, meetings, facility changes, etc.
  9. Insures regularly scheduled panel meetings are held and all panel leaders are informed of current facility rules and policies

  10. Supports PR activities coming from the Special Projects Coordinator

L. H&I Coordinator - Alternate

  1. 2 years continuous clean time

  2. Terms of Service 1 year

  3. Previous H&I panel leader experience

  4. Familiarity with the NEWS PR Handbook, H&I related publications and all facility guidelines


  1. Learning position to assume same responsibilities of H&I Coordinator

  2. Attend monthly PR Subcommittee meetings

  3. Supports the H&I Coordinator

  4. Fill in and assist as needed

M. PR Coordinator

  1. 2 years continuous clean time

  2. Terms of Service 1 year

  3. Previous PR Subcommittee or other relevant service experience

  4. Familiarity with Public Information related NAWS handbooks


  1. Attend monthly PR Subcommittee meeting

  2. Coordinate all public information activities

  3. Makes monthly written report to the PR Subcommittee on the status of public information presentations

  4. Prepare and submit required budget request to the PR Subcommittee as needed

  5. Attend quarterly regional subcommittee meeting

  6. Supports PR activities coming from the Special Projects Coordinator

  7. Can assist with PR Committee Orientations

N. PR Coordinator - Alternate

  1. 1 year continuous clean time

  2. Terms of Service 1 year

  3. Previous PR Subcommittee or other relevant service experience

  4. Familiarity with Public Information related NAWS handbooks


  1. Learning position to assume same responsibilities of PR Coordinator

  2. Attend monthly PR Subcommittee meeting

  3. Supports the PR Coordinator

  4. Fill in and assist as needed

O. Special Projects Coordinator (Learning Days, Poster Drives, etc)

  1. 3 years continuous clean time

  2. Terms of Service year

  3. Previous PR Subcommittee or other relevant service experience


  1. Attend monthly PR Subcommittee meeting

  2. Makes monthly written report to the PR Subcommittee on the status of special projects

  3. Makes monthly report to the PR Subcommittee which includes financial statement

  4. Maintains close communication with the TCASC PR Subcommittee Web Coordinator to ensure events are posted

P. Special Projects Coordinator - Alternate

  1. 2 years continuous clean time

  2. Terms of Service year

  3. Previous PR Subcommittee or other relevant service experience


  1. Learning position to assume same responsibilities of Special Projects Coordinator

  2. Attend monthly PR Subcommittee meeting

  3. Supports the Special Projects Coordinator

  4. Fill in and assist as needed

Q. Schedules Coordinator

  1. 1 years continuous clean time

  2. Terms of Service 1 year

  3. Have access to a computer and software to make updates


  1. Attend monthly PR Subcommittee meeting

  2. Responsible for the collection of data, updating and printing of schedules

  3. Attend scheduled PR Subcommittee and TCASC meetings quarterly for schedule updates and distribution+

  4. Ensure bills associated with printing are turned into the TCASC Treasurer

  5. Maintains close communication with the TCASC PR Subcommittee Web Coordinator

R. Schedules Coordinator - Alternate

  1. 1 years continuous clean time

  2. Terms of Service 1 year

  3. Have access to a computer and software to make updates


  1. Learning position to assume same responsibilities of Schedules Coordinator

  2. Attend monthly PR Subcommittee meeting

  3. Supports the Schedules Coordinator

  4. Fill in and assist as needed

S. H&I Panel Leaders

1. 1 years continuous clean time or greater dependent on the facility requirements

2. Terms of Service 1 year

3. 6 months previous panel member or other relevant service experience

4. Willingness to become familiar with NAWS PR Handbook, all H&I related publications and all facility guidelines


  1. Conducts facility panel meetings/presentations according to facility guidelines, NA handbooks and service guidelines

  2. Informs H&I Coordinator as soon as possible when unable to conduct meeting

  3. Invite Panel Members to meeting and inform them of all applicable rules of the facility and procedures for that meeting

  4. Go over “Do/Don’ts” with panel members

  5. Attend monthly PR Subcommittee meeting

  6. Makes monthly written report to the H&I Coordinator on the status of the facility relationships

  7. Pick up and distribute literature for facility

  8. Maintain communication with H&I Coordinator as required

T. H&I Panel Leaders - Alternates

1. 1 years continuous clean time or greater dependent on the facility requirements

2. Terms of Service 1 year

3. 6 months previous panel member or other relevant service experience

4. Willingness to become familiar with NAWS PR Handbook, all H&I related publications and all facility guidelines


  1. Learning position to assume same responsibilities of H&I Panel Leader

  2. Attend monthly PR Subcommittee meeting

  3. Supports the H&I Panel Leader

  4. Fill in and assist as needed

  5. Maintain communication with H&I Coordinator as required

U. Resource Pool Coordinator

  1. 2 years continuous clean time

  2. Terms of Service 1 year

  3. Previous PR Subcommittee or other relevant service experience


  1. Resource pool consists of H&I and PR panel members, phone line volunteers, special projects participants, twelve step volunteers and other NA members willing to serve.

  2. Participates in meetings/presentation at facilities according to NA handbooks, service guidelines and PR Subcommittee guidelines

  3. Maintains current listing of resources and their qualifications

  4. Provides resources to PR positions as needed

V. Resource Pool Coordinator - Alternate

  1. 1 years continuous clean time

  2. Terms of Service 1 year

  3. Previous PR Subcommittee or other relevant service experience


  1. Learning position to assume same responsibilities of Resource Pool Coordinator

  2. Attend monthly PR Subcommittee meeting

  3. Supports the Resource Pool Coordinator

  4. Fill in and assist as needed

Resource Pool Member Requirements

H&I Panel Members – must meet facility clean time requirements and/or clearance criteria. If facility does not establish clean time requirements, the panel member must meet the PR Subcommittee panel member clean time requirement of 6 months

Phoneline Carriers – Clean time requirement of six months

PR Panel Members – Clean time requirement of six months

Special Projects Participants – Qualifications and service term based on the specific needs of the special project as determined by the Special Projects coordinator

Twelve Step Volunteers- Clean time requirement of 3 years

IX. Elections
A. General

Elections for the PR Subcommittee Chair will be conducted by the TCASC in June. Voting can be held at the PR Subcommittee level for a recommendation of a nominee to the TCASC. All other Subcommittee positions will be elected at the PR Subcommittee in July. Any participant may nominate an individual for election to a PR service position who meets the qualifications of that position as outlined in these guidelines. Nominees must be present to be elected. A simple majority is required to elect service members.

B. Non-Compliance

A PR Subcommittee Member may be removed from office for non-compliance via a vote at the PR Subcommittee meeting. A 2/3rd vote in favor is required for removal.

Non compliance is defined as:

1. Loss of clean time

2. Failure to attend and/or submit a written report for two consecutive PR Subcommittee meetings

3. Failure to attend three consecutive PR Subcommittee meetings

4. Inability to meet the outlined qualifications of one’s position
C. Moratorium

A six month moratorium shall be required of PR Subcommittee Admin member resigning or removed from their elected position prior to completion of their term unless they resign in order to fill another position within the PR Subcommittee and/or TCASC

D. Terms of Service

An elected PR Subcommittee Member shall assume the duties of the office at the end of the meeting at which s/he was elected. In the event a PR Subcommittee Member is unable to fulfill their term, the PR Chairperson shall appoint an interim Subcommittee Member to serve until the next regularly scheduled election for that position. Any PR Subcommittee Member fulfilling an interim position shall be considered as having completed their term of service. No individual shall hold more than one PR Administrative position at any given time.

X. Funding

Budgets are simply a projection of anticipated expenses for the upcoming quarter/year and should be prepared as deemed necessary. Funding requests in excess of approved amounts must be submitted to the TSASC by the PR Chair for approval per TCASC guidelines.

  1. All positions must submit budget requests at the PR Subcommittee in April

  2. Budgets must be detailed in nature

  3. Records and receipts must be kept including proposed vs. actual expenditures as well as any revenue generated

  4. Budgets must be turned into TCASC per guidelines by the PR Chairperson in May

XI. Amendment of Guidelines

Any PR Subcommittee Member may propose an amendment to the guidelines at a regular monthly PR Subcommittee meeting. The proposal must be seconded and submitted in writing. A 2/3 majority of voting members present is necessary to amend. The amendment shall go into effect immediately upon its adoption unless the motion to adopt specifies a time otherwise or relates to a required modification to the TCASC guidelines. Motions that require a TCASC guidelines change must be submitted and approved by that TCASC body in compliance with the TCASC guidelines.


Debate on motions to amend guidelines shall occur during the TCASC session in which the amendment is proposed. Subsequent to review by the groups, voting on such motions shall occur without debate.

XII. Grievance Procedure
Grievances will be heard under “Concerns” on the agenda at each regularly scheduled PR Subcommittee meeting. This will be a standing item and is provided for anyone having a grievance against the PR Subcommittee or its members.

Format - To be heard a grievance must:

  1. Be written

  2. Clearly state the Problem

  3. Propose a resolution

Discussion - PR Subcommittee will discuss and attempt to resolve the grievance

Review - In the event that the aggrieved party is not satisfied with the PR Subcommittee’s actions, they may present the grievance to the TSASC per TCASC guidelines.

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