Unit Topic: The Gilded Age and the Progressive Era Conceptual Lens

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US History II Unit 2: All That Glitters Isn’t Gold (1880 – 1920)

Unit 2: All that Glitters isn’t Gold (1880 – 1920)c:\documents and settings\nicole.lipp\local settings\temporary internet files\content.ie5\7nowwx0k\mc900216461[1].wmf

Unit Topic: The Gilded Age and the Progressive Era
Conceptual Lens: Reform
Unit Overview:

Essential Standards:

  • US2.H.3.2: Explain how economic, political, social, military, and religious factors influenced the patterns of migration and settlement within the United States since the end of Reconstruction. (e.g., gold rush, destruction of the buffalo, reservations, ethnic neighborhoods, etc.)

  • AH2.H.3.3: Explain the roles of various racial and ethnic groups in settlement and expansion since Reconstruction and the consequences for those groups (e.g., American Indians, African Americans, Chinese, Irish, Hispanics and Latino Americans, Asian Americans, etc.)

  • AH2.H.3.4: Analyze voluntary and involuntary immigration trends since Reconstruction in terms of causes, regions of origin, and destination, cultural contributions, and public and government response (e.g., new immigrants, port of entry, ethnic neighborhoods, settlement houses, immigration restrictions)

  • AH2.H.4.1: Analyze the political issues and conflicts that impacted the United States since Reconstruction and the compromises that resulted (e.g., Populism, Progressivism, working conditions and labor unrest, New Deal, Wilmington Race Riots, Eugenics, Civil Rights Movement, Anti-War protests, Watergate, etc.).

  • AH2.H.4.2: Analyze the economic issues and conflicts that impacted the United States since Reconstruction and the compromises that resulted (e.g., currency policy, industrialization, urbanization, laissez-faire, labor unrest, New Deal, Great Society, supply-side economics, etc.).

  • AH2.H.4.3: Analyze the social and religious conflicts, movements and reforms that impacted the United States since Reconstruction in terms of participants, strategies, opposition, and results (e.g., Prohibition, Social Darwinism, Eugenics, civil rights, anti-war protest, etc.).

  • AH2.H.4.4: Analyze the cultural conflicts that impacted the United States since Reconstruction and the compromises that resulted (e.g., nativism, Back to Africa movements, modernism, fundamentalism, black power movements, women’s movement, counterculture, Wilmington Race Riots, etc.).

  • AH2.H.5.1: Summarize how the philosophical, ideological and/or religious views on freedom and equality contributed to the development of American political and economic systems since Reconstruction (e.g., “separate but equal”, Social Darwinism, social gospel, civil service system, suffrage, Harlem Renaissance, the Warren Court, Great Society programs, American Indian Movement, etc.).

  • AH2.H.5.2: Explain how judicial, legislative, and executive actions have affected the distribution of power between levels of government since Reconstruction (e.g., New Deal, Great Society, Civil Rights, etc.).

  • AH2.H.8.1: Analyze the relationship between innovation, economic development, progress and various perceptions of the “American Dream” since Reconstruction (e.g., Gilded Age, assembly line, transcontinental railroad, highway system, credit, etc.).

  • AH2.H.8.2: Explain how opportunity and mobility impacted various groups within American society since Reconstruction (e.g., Americanization movement, settlement house movement, Dust Bowl, Great Migration, suburbia, etc.).

  • AH2.H.8.3: Evaluate the extent to which a variety of groups and individuals have had opportunity to attain their perception of the “American Dream” since Reconstruction (e.g., immigrants, Flappers, Rosie the Riveter, GIS, blue collar worker, white collar worker, etc.).

  • AH2.H.8.4: Analyze multiple perceptions of the “American Dream” in times of prosperity and crisis since Reconstruction (e.g., Great Depression, Dust Bowl, New Deal, oil crisis, savings and loan crisis, dot.com bubble, mortgage foreclosure crisis, etc.).

Conceptual Webbing:

Exploration, Settlement, Movement, and Expansion

Conflict and Compromise

Freedom, Equality, and Power

International Affairs and Foreign Policy


Progress, Crises, and the American Dream

AH2.H.3.2, AH2.H.3.3, AH.2.H.3.4
Big Ideas:

  • Causes and influence of immigration

  • Causes and impact of industrialization

  • Causes and consequences of natural disasters on migration patterns

Essential Vocab

Ethnic neighborhoods, push/pull factors, new v old immigrants, Ellis Island, Angel Island, Urbanization, Galveston Hurricane of 1900, 1906 San Francisco earthquake, 1889 Johnstown Flood, settlement houses, immigration restrictions, Chinese Exclusion Act, Gentleman’s Agreement, Chicago’s packing houses, New York’s garment industry, Cleveland’s steel mills, nativism, Jane Addams, University Settlement Society of New York, YMCA, Tammany Hall, James Michael Curley, Chicago/Cook County, Great Chicago Fire, urban living conditions, religious pluralism, cultural diversity, urban slums, tenement houses, industrialization,

AH2.H.4.1, AH2.H.4.2, AH2.H.4.3, AH2.H4.4
Big Ideas:

  • Struggle between labor unions , big business, levels of government, and public opinion

  • The influence of Muckrakers on society

Essential Vocab

Progressivism, working conditions, labor unrest, Haymarket Square Riot, Pullman Strike, Great Railroad Strike, Homestead Strike, Molly Maguires, Pinkerton Boys, collective bargaining, strike, Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, Great Chicago Fire, Wilmington Race Riots, civil rights, Bourbon Redeemers, Jim Crow, political machines, patronage, Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall in NYC, James Pendergast of Kansas City, Ed Crump of Memphis, Pendleton Civil Service Act, Interstate Commerce Act of 1887, Sherman Anti-Trust of 1890, 1896 Election, 1896 Election, Eugene V. Debs and the Socialist Party, Eugenics, Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft, Woodrow Wilson, Plessy v Ferguson, currency policy, bimetallism, Social Darwinism, Knights of Labor and Terrance Powderly, American Federal of Labor, Samuel Gompers, American Railway Union and Eugene V. Debs, United Mine Workers, “Mother”, Social Gospel Movement, settlement houses, Progressivism, , cultural diffusion, cultural diversity, Lillian Wald’s Henry Street Settlement in New York, Jane Addams and Ellen Starr’s Hull House in Chicago, muckrakers, Jacob Riis, Upton Sinclair, Ida Tarbell, Ida B. Wells, Lincoln Steffens, Child Labor, Captains of Industry, Robber Barons,

AH2.H.5.1, AH2.H.5.2

Big Ideas:

  • The extension and disenfranchisement of minority rights (e.g., Native Americans, African Americans, immigrants, women, etc.)

  • Abuse of government power

Essential Vocab

“Separate, but equal”, de jure segregation, de facto segregations, Social Darwinism, “survival of the fittest”, Eugenics, universal women’s suffrage, social gospel, civil service, Pendleton Civil Service Act of 1883, political patronage, Captains of Industry, Robber Barons, disenfranchisement of African Americans,

AH2.H.8.1, AH2.H.8.1, AH2.H.8.3, AH2.H. 8.4
Big Ideas:

  • Impact of new technological innovations on American culture

  • The different views of the American Dream

Essential Vocab

Horizontal and vertical growth of urban centers, Thomas Edison’s incandescent light bulb, phonograph, and motion pictures, George Westinghouse’s electrical distribution system, JD Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, JP Morgan, Buffalo Bill’s “Wild West Show”, city parks, vaudeville, Coney Island, bicycles, Eastman Kodak, boxing, professional baseball, Ellis Island, Angel Island, Settlement Houses, the Wright Brothers, Americanization Movement, Tenement Houses, Immigration increase, Political Machines, Ida B. Wells’ “Lynching and Other Southern Horrors”, Booker T. Washington, WEB Du Bois, Frank Norris and “The Octopus”, Muckrakers, Thomas Nast, Jacob Riis’ “How the Other Half Lives”, Lincoln Steffens’ “The Shame of the Cities”, Ida Tarbell’s “History of Standard Oil”, Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle”, Andrew Carnegie’s “

Gospel of Wealth”, Pullman Strikers and “Report and Testimony on the Chicago Strike of 1894”, Frederick Winslow Taylor’s “The Principles of Scientific Management”, child labor images by Lewis Hine, Eugene V. Debs “Yes, I am my Brother’s Keeper”, Carrie Chapman Catt, Alice Paul, Lucy Burns, Talented 10th, NAACP, Niagara Movement,

Essential Questions:

Exploration, Settlement, Movement, and Expansion

Conflict and Compromise

Freedom, Equality, and Power

International Affairs and Foreign Policy


Progress, Crises, and the American Dream


  1. How did industrialization and increased immigration impact the social, economic, political, and cultural identity of the United States?

  1. How did immigration and industrialization shape urban life?


  1. Why were there sweeping social, economic and political reforms at the turn of the century?

  1. How did the rapid industrialization of the Gilded Age create economic, social, and political change in the U.S.?

  1. Why social, economic, and political factors led to the need for the formation of labor unions?

  1. To what extent were labor unions effective in meeting the political, economic, and social needs of laborers?

  1. How effective were labor unions in improving the lives of American workers?

  1. To what extent did industrialization affect the relationships between government, business, and the worker?

  1. How did the political, economic, and social conditions of the Gilded Age lead to the Progressive Era?

  1. To what extent did progressive political reform successfully combat the social and economic ills created by a rapidly industrializing society?

  1. What tactics were most effective in bringing about the social, economic, and political reforms of the Progressive Era?

  1. How effective was the Progressive Movement in addressing the political, economic, and social needs of all Americans?

  1. How successful were the Progressive Era Presidents in leading reform efforts?

  1. Does society cause government to change or does government cause society to change?

  1. Why did multiple perspectives develop for addressing racial injustice during the Progressive Era?

  1. To what extent did industrialization affect the relationships between government, business, and the worker?


  1. What characteristics were vital to the success of industrial leaders of the Gilded Age?

  1. How did captains of industry accumulate wealth and power?

  1. Should an individual be allowed to accumulate as much wealth as possible?

  1. How did the government’s role in economic and political affairs change during this era?

  1. To what extent was the government’s changing role necessary and positive in this era?

  1. To what extent were the social, political, and economic standing of African Americans positively affected by progressive efforts?


  1. Did immigration and rapid industrialization have a positive or negative impact on the economic and social structure of the United States?

  1. How did technological advancement affect industrialization and the role of the government?

  1. How did scientific and technological advances create a mass consumer culture?

  1. To what extent did an emerging mass consumer culture define what it means to be an American?

  1. How was American culture redefined during the Progressive Era?

  1. What did it mean to be black in America at the turn of the century?

  1. How did Americans of this period define progress?

  1. What was the economic and social impact of the technological changes of the Progressive Era?

  1. McDougal-Littell Resources

    1. Textbook: The Americans

      1. Chapter 14: A New Industrial Age

      2. Chapter 15: Immigration and Urbanization

      3. Chapter 16: Life at the Turn of the 20th Century

      4. Chapter 17: The Progressive Era

    2. Internet: www.Classzone.com

      1. Primary Sources for Chapter 14 http://www.classzone.com/cz/books/americans05/get_chapter_group.htm?cin=14&rg=research_and_writing&at=primary_sources&npos=3&spos=14&var=primary_sources

        1. Samuel Gompers “On the Goal of Trade Unions”, 1883 ,

        2. Jennie Curtiss, “How Women are Treated by the Pullman Company”, 1894

        3. New York Times from 141 Men and Girls Die in Factory Fire, 1911

      2. Primary Sources for Chapter 15 http://www.classzone.com/cz/books/americans05/get_chapter_group.htm?cin=15&rg=research_and_writing&at=primary_sources&npos=3&spos=15&var=primary_sources

        1. Anonymous, “Twelve Hundred More”, 1870s

        2. U.S. Government from the Chinese Exclusion Act, 1882

        3. Jane Addams, “The Modern City and the Municipal Franchise for Women”, 1906

      3. Primary Sources for Chapter 16 http://www.classzone.com/cz/books/americans05/get_chapter_group.htm?cin=16&rg=research_and_writing&at=primary_sources&npos=4&spos=16&var=primary_sources

        1. Harper’s Weekly from “The Base-Ball Season”, 1886

        2. Frederick Dwight from “Automobiles, the Other Side of the Shield”, 1908

      4. Primary Sources for Chapter 17 http://www.classzone.com/cz/books/americans05/get_chapter_group.htm?cin=17&rg=research_and_writing&at=primary_sources&npos=4&spos=17&var=primary_sources

        1. U.S. Government from The United States of American v Susan B. Anthony, 1873

        2. Florence Kelly on The Need for Child Labor Laws, 1905

  1. Other Internet Resources

    1. The Library of Congress

      1. Women’s Suffrage Primary Source Set - http://www.loc.gov/teachers/classroommaterials/primarysourcesets/womens-suffrage/

      2. Labor Unions and Working Conditions: United We Stand - http://www.loc.gov/teachers/classroommaterials/lessons/labor/index.html

    2. The Urban Experience in Chicago

      1. Hull House Experience - http://www.uic.edu/jaddams/hull/urbanexp/index.htm

    3. Digital History

      1. The Gilded Age - http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/modules/gilded_age/index.cfm

      2. Progressives - http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/modules/progressivism/index.cfm

    4. The Square Deal

      1. Theodore Roosevelt’s Square Deal & Bull Moose Party - http://www.squaredeal.com/roosevelt/index.html

  2. Literature

    1. Upton Sinclair: The Jungle

    2. Ida B. Tarbell: History of Standard Oil

    3. Ida B. Wells: Lynching and Other Southern Horrors

    4. Lincoln Steffens: The Shame of the Cities

    5. Jacob Riis: How the Other Half Lives

    6. Russell Conwell: Acres of Diamonds

    7. Emma Lazarus: The New Colossus

  1. Audio/Visual Resources

    1. Videos/DVDs

      1. America: The Story of Us “Metropolis”

      2. Far and Away

      3. Schlesinger Series: Immigration and Cultural Change

      4. PBS’ The Immigrant Experience

      5. PBS’ New York

    2. Images

      1. Stone Walls Do Not a Prison Make (Boss Tweed) : http://www.loc.gov/pictures/resource/cph.3a00899/

      2. Boss Tweed Escaped from Prison: http://www.americaslibrary.gov/jb/recon/jb_recon_boss_3_e.html#__utma=37760702.1462399990.1340209899.1340209899.1340209899.1&__utmb=37760702.32.9.1340210603306&__utmc=37760702&__utmx=-&__utmz=37760702.1340209899.1.1.utmcsr=bing|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=libary%20of%20congress&__utmv=-&__utmk=200245100

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