University police action plan (Immediate) Strategy

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Strategy: Develop and adopt an improved recruitment and retention system
Recommendation: Ensure that recruitment and selection processes value community orientation and interpersonal skills as highly as other skills, knowledge and abilities. (xiv)

Study and build model to identify all aspects.

Actions / Tasks


Resources Needed

Date to be Completed

The psychological test currently given to applicants screens for traits that value community orientation and interpersonal skills and rates these as a priority on the test.

Stone and Associates is the vendor that currently administers the test and specializes in police applicant testing.

No additional resources are required

This task already has a history in the department and will continue for future recruitment and hiring. Complete

Look for tests currently being used by other police agencies and evaluate the test to insure they test for desirable traits necessary for this strategy and insure the tests have been ‘normed’. Engage a professional police psychologist to profile the personality traits best suited to campus law enforcement work.

Command, supervisory and administrative staff of the department, The office of Affirmative Action, the Human Resources Employment office, and a professional police psychologist

Funds to engage the professional police psychologist will be needed. Still need the funds for this.

June 30, 2004, Some tests have been evaluated and portions adopted, incorporated into some of the test now given particularly the psychological test. 85% complete

With the failure to locate acceptable applicant test already in use, develop a test in house that test for the desirable traits and ‘norm’ the test

Command, supervisory and administrative staff of the department, The office of Affirmative Action, and Human Resources Employment office

No additional resources are required

This task will require the development and having an acceptable test ‘normed’ this process will take several cycles of applicant testing and hiring to insure the validity of the test. The earliest possible date for this is January 2004.

Expected results and milestones: Insure new hires possess the traits and values necessary to move the department to a community oriented policing environment.

Plans for review, monitoring, and assessment: Once the medium has been selected and is being used, the results of the test will be reviewed after each hiring cycle. The new-hires selected as a result of displaying the desirable traits on the test will be monitored and evaluated during the training and probation periods on their abilities to use these traits in the performance of the job. Assessment will take place by periodically surveying the campus community for the satisfaction of performance of these officers.

Strategy: Develop and adopt an improved recruitment and retention system
Recommendation: Aggressively and immediately attack the turnover/retention problem

• This will entail a turnover analysis, completion of the pay and benefit study, and, most likely, enriching the economic package for officers (xiv)

Actions / Tasks


Resources Needed

Date to be Completed

Without a competitive economic package being in place, all other efforts to attract and retain excellent personnel with the traits desirable for the future improvements in the Police Department are futile as this is the foundation upon which quality perspective employees are encourage to apply and quality current employees are encouraged to stay. A professional salary administrator has conducted salary surveys of police officers in the Atlanta area and developed and submitted several competitive economic packages since June of 2002. None have been accepted, possibly, because of the current budgetary climate. Adopt the most competitive of these packages as soon as possible. This program is recommended on page 64 of the IACP report.

Vice President for Finance and Administration, Salary Administrator, Chief of Police, Budget and Planning, and Human Resources.

The amount of additional funding has been determined in the proposed economic packages proposed by the salary administrator. This will require moving resources in creative ways as it is understood no new funding will be forthcoming.

July 1, 2003

Some headway was made on beginning salaries for PSO 1 and PSO 2 personnel on filled positions during the FY ’04 budget process. However, this progress is minor and a stop-gap measure. Much work needs to be done on market and equitable salaries for the Police Dept. This will continue to be a priority issue.

Establish an exit interview and form to be completed by persons outside the police department (Human Resources) when police personnel leave the employ of the GSU police Department, designed to record the categories explained on page 63 EVALUATION, the IACP report. Survey all ex-employees who left within the past 24 months. Put the results into a database. Analyze and develop plans to address these patterns of categories that develop, if possible.

Human Resources, as recommended by the IACP report

No additional resources will be needed

The form can be developed and put into practice by June 30, 2004

Expected results and milestones: Eliminate the poor compensation package as a reason for not attracting and retaining excellent employees in order to determine and address the other causes for being unable to attract desirable applicants and encouraging desirable employees to remain employed.

Plans for review, monitoring, and assessment: The economic package will be reviewed annually by a professional salary administrator. The turnover rate and reasons for termination of employment will be monitored and assessed by the Chief of Police and Human Resources in order to develop actions to address any changes.


Strategy: Adopt a full community-policing model
Recommendation: Convert from traditional to campus (community) oriented as the dominant philosophy and operating style (xiii)

• Restructure patrol organization to facilitate the community policing model.

• Establish a training plan for community and problem-solving policing

• Conduct agency-wide community policing training

Describe roles and responsibilities at the Village

Pilot in one zone

Actions / Tasks


Resources Needed

Date to be Completed

Assign community policing officers to the University Village. All officers assigned to the Village are on a non-rotating basis

Six Officers and three Corporals are assigned to the Village on a non-rotating basis for at least six months duration at a time.

No additional resources needed

Completed April 1, 2003

Clarify the roll and responsibilities of the officers assigned to the University Village

Officers assigned to the Village above, and watch Lieutenants and Housing Staff

No additional resources needed

Completed April 1, 2003

Assign community policing officers to three defined zones of the campus on the day and evening watches.

Six officers assigned to community policing duties to three defined zones of the campus.

No additional Resources needed

Completed April 1, 2003

Note: See attachment of team concept policing design.

Establish a training plan for a community policing model to include problem-solving policing:

  • Dr. Robert Ford will conduct a half- day workshop on a community policing and problem-solving policing model.

  • Develop a community policing and problem solving policing training program.

  • Train all police personnel on the community policing and problem-solving model

Command and supervisory staff of the Police Department

Asst. Director of Police, Training Lt., supervisory patrol staff

Conducted by the training Lt. and other instructors from the GSU Criminal Justice Department

Additional funds for the expenses and compensation of Dr. Ford

No Additional funds needed for this phase

Additional funds for overtime if necessary and the expenses of guest instructors if necessary

CompletedMarch 24, 2003

Completed April 15, 2003

Completed June 1, 2003 This is a continuous training topic and is also a topic in basic training for all new officers.

Expected results and milestones: A change in the culture and policing environment to incorporate the Police Department into the mainstream of the University community and environment.

Plans for review, monitoring, and assessment: The task will be assessed annually by conducting a survey of the stakeholders as to the functioning and satisfaction with the Police Department. This should be done by June 2004.

Strategy: Adopt a full community-policing model
Recommendation: Aggressively leverage the expertise and resources of university faculty, staff, and students in department operations (xiv)

• Involve these university stakeholders in research, planning, information systems design, problem solving, and an abundance of other activities.

Actions / Tasks


Resources Needed

Date to be Completed

Note: The Police Department adopted and began the implementation of a Team Concept Policing plan for the entire Department. See the attachment for a full explanation of this plan.

This replaced the task of creating a Campus Security Partnership Committee.

All Patrol Officers

Non Additional

The first phase of this plan was implemented on the Day Watch at the beginning of Winter Semester 2004. Expected completion to the other watches for the entire plan is July 2004.

Expected results and milestones: The results of this action will help solve problems in an effective, efficient, and economical way involving the University community to achieve the desired results.

Plans for review, monitoring, and assessment: Periodic surveys of the faculty, staff, and students as well as by the teams self assessment and annual evaluations and annual evaluations of officers assigned.


Strategy: Adopt a full community-policing model
Note: The following three recommendations are combined since they are so close in expected results:

Recommendation: Ensure that department executives, commanders, and supervisors model customer-oriented behaviors. (xiv)

Recommendation: Employ the performance evaluation process to nurture, assess, and renew campus-oriented behaviors. (xiv)

Recommendation: Ensure that patrol and investigative practice are structured to emphasize customer orientation. (xiv)

Actions / Tasks


Resources Needed

Date to be Completed

Hold a brainstorming session of all the Departments executives, commanders, and supervisors to define and identify customer-oriented behaviors. Ms. Julia Bannerman will facilitate the session.

All command, management, and supervisory staff, and Ms. Julia Bannerman.

A meeting room sufficient to accommodate 35 to 40 people.

Completed May 2003

Add the customer-oriented behaviors, as will be defined above, to the current annual evaluation forms and evaluate personnel on their degree of exhibiting these behavior in completing their assigned work. Train evaluators to look for these behaviors throughout the year and rate their subordinated on these behaviors.

All Police Department Personnel

No additional resources needed

These will be added to the annual evaluation forms for the calendar 2004 due to be completed March 2005.

After the first task above is completed and all investigators and patrol officers have participated they will be given additional specialized training in performing their jobs in a customer-oriented fashion.

All patrol officers and investigators.

No additional resources needed

This is an on going. Training emphasizing customer service is given a priority since June 2003.

Expected results and milestones: The expected results are to help further change the policing environment closer to a customer-oriented environment, and to train police personnel how to perform their duties in a customer-oriented policing environment.

Plans for review, monitoring, and assessment: Review, monitoring and assessment will be a function of the evaluation process.


Strategy: Adopt a full community-policing model

Recommendation: Intensify use of “true” directed patrols. (xvi)

• Ensure that directed patrols are crime analysis driven and evaluated for effectiveness.

Actions / Tasks


Resources Needed

Date to be Completed

Crime stats will be analyzed weekly by the supervisor and commander of the directed patrols as taken from ARMS and deploy the directed patrols using these crime stats to identity areas of crime problems.

These crime stats will be compiled and compared with the weeks before and weeks after the deployments to determine the effectiveness of the directed patrols on a quarterly basis by the commander and supervisors of the directed patrols and the Police Major.

Officers assigned to the directed patrol units supervisors and commanders of the units and community service officers

No additional resources needed

Completed June 30, 2003

Note: The directed patrols have been quite successful in reducing specific crimes in specific areas such a vehicle break-ins in the parking lots and decks and arresting the criminals.

Expected results and milestones: The expected results are to reduce the crimes in targeted areas and result in more arrest of criminals.

Plans for review, monitoring, and assessment: The review and monitoring of programs will be weekly by the supervisors and commanders of the directed patrols and assessment will be quarterly by the same people and the Police Major. GSU Police will meet with Atlanta Police Zone 5 personnel on crime statics.


Strategy: Establish an information management unit in the department, including a crime analysis section.
Recommendation: Intensify the production and campus-wide distribution of crime and security-related information (xv)

• Load the GSUPD website with appropriate (non-confidential) information. Advertise the availability of the information and access instructions. Have the proposed community policing officers provide their cell phone numbers to stakeholder groups.

Actions / Tasks


Resources Needed

Date to be Completed

Establish a link to the home page of the Police Department web site to the daily crime summary in order to make it easily assessable.

Finance and Administration Web Master, (Kana), Police Department Technology support staff, (Cassandra Thornton)

No additional at this time.

CompletedApril 15, 2003

Maintain web site to keep current as soon as information changes and review all information at least monthly.

Ms. Cassandra Thornton

No additional at this time. The purchase of additional software may be necessary.

Completed April 15, 2003

Establish a program to have Timely Notices and wanted persons notices (BOLO’s) placed on the Police web site in a timely manner.

Finance and Administration Web Master, (Kana), Police Department Technology support staff, (Cassandra Thornton)

No additional at this time. Any additional will be determined by the method to accomplish this task.

June 30. 2004

Expected results and milestones: The expected results, is to intensify and reduce the time to notify the campus community of criminal activity that may pose additional dangers.

Plans for review, monitoring, and assessment: The review and monitoring will be done continuously by the Police technology staff and assessment by the users of the service and police command staff.

Strategy: Strengthen the criminal investigations function
Recommendation: Strengthen the criminal investigations function. (xvi)

• Relieve the commanding officer of ancillary time-draining responsibilities; add one investigator; ensure that higher quality preliminary investigations are conducted by first responders; develop greater skills in economic crimes, sex offenses, and computer crimes investigations; tighten the case review process.

Actions / Tasks


Resources Needed

Date to be Completed

Reassign special events planning to the Support Services Lt.

Support Services Lt. (LT. H. M. Winston)

No additional resources needed

Completed March 15, 2003

Reassign first line supervision of the investigators to Sergeant in the Investigations section and the first line supervision of the Directed Patrol to the Corporal assigned to this unit.

Sgt. R. Mack, Cpl. K. Byrd

No additional resources needed

Completed March 15, 2003

Will hold on adding an additional investigator as a result of the budget reduction measures for FY ’03. This hold may also be necessary for FY ’04 because of the budge climate in the State.

The Investigations Lt. and Training Lt. will develop in-service training for preliminary investigations skills for all first responder police officers.

Lt. L. Brinkley, Lt. V. Grant

No additional funds needed at this time

Completed All officers trained. June 30, 2003

The Investigations Lt. and Training Lt. will identify advanced training courses for investigative officers and schedule them to attend.

All investigative officers, Lt. L. Brinkley, Lt. V. Grant

No additional resources needed at this time

This is an ongoing activity but will be intensified starting immediately

Expected results and milestones: The expected result is a more effective investigative process.

Plans for review, monitoring, and assessment: The program is reviewed, monitored, and assessed by Lt. L. Brinkley and Major C. Mullis on a constant and continuing basis.

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