Uri alon curriculum Vitae Personal Details

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Curriculum Vitae
Personal Details:

Date of Birth: March 16, 1969

Place of Birth: Tel-Aviv, Israel

Citizenship: Israel

Address: Dept. of Molecular Cell Biology

The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 76100

Tel: (972) 8-934-4448, Fax: (972) 8-934-4125.

Email: urialon@weizmann.ac.il,

Web: www.weizmann.ac.il/mcb/UriAlon


    1. Post-Doctoral Fellow with S. Leibler

Dept. Molecular Biology, Princeton University

1992-1996 Ph.D., Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science

1989-1992 M.Sc., Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

1986-1989 B.Sc., Physics and Mathematics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Talpiot Project)


2000-2004 Senior Scientist, Dept. Molecular Cell Biology (joint membership at

Dept. Physics of Complex Systems), Weizmann Institue of Science

2004-2008 Associate Professor, Dept. Molecular Cell Biology (joint membership at Dept. Physics of Complex Systems), Weizmann Institue of Science

2008-2010 Visiting Professor, Dept. Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School

2008- Full Professor, Dept. Molecular Cell Biology, Weizmann Institute of


Teaching experience:

2000-2014 Developed, wrote textbook and and taught Systems Biology graduate course for biology, physics and computer science tracks, Weizmann Institute of Science

Research Interests:

Systems Biology. Experimental and theoretical study of protein networks. Design principles of genetic circuits. Physics of biological systems. Physics of human behavior: improvisation and joint creativity.

Awards and Fellowships:

1996 - Wolf Foundation Ph.D. Prize, Weizmann Institute of Science

1996 - Rothchild postdoctoral fellowship

1997/8 Markee Fellowship, Princeton University

1999 - Alon Fellowship, Weizmann Institute of Science

2000 - Moore Fellowship, Caltech

2001 - EMBO Young Investigator Award

2001 - Carl and Frances Korn Career Development Chair in the Life Sciences

2003 - Minerva Junior Research Group on Biological Computation

2003 - Levinson award, Weizmann Scientific Council

2003 - IBM Faculty award

2004 - Overton Prize, International Society for Computational Biology

2005 - Teva Founders Prize for Biomedical Research

2007 -EMBO member

2009 -Radcliff Fellowship

2009 - Michael Bruno Memorial Award

2014 - HFSP Nakasone Award for breakthrough in the life sciences

2017- Jacques Solvay Chair in Physics

Uri Alon- Books:

U. Alon

An Introduction to Systems Biology: Design Prinicples of Biological Circuits

CRC Press, 2006

Uri Alon- selected publications

1. Alon U., Drory A., Balberg I. Systematic Derivation of Percolation Thresholds in Continuum Systems, Phys. Rev. A 42, 4634-4638 (1990)

2. Alon U., Balberg I., Drory A., New, Heuristic Percolation Criterion for Continuum Systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 2879-2882 (1991)
3. Drory A., Balberg I., Alon U., Berkowitz B., Analytic Determination of Percolation Thresholds in Anisotropic Systems, Phys. Rev. A 43, 6604-6612 (1991)
4. Alon U., Shvarts D., Mukamel D., Scale Invariant Regime in Rayleigh-Taylor Bubble Front Dynamics, Phys. Rev. E 48, 1008-1014 (1993)
5. Alon U., Hecht J., Mukamel D., Shvarts D., Scale Invariant Growth of Hydrodynamically Unstable Interfaces, Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 2867-2870 (1994)
6. Hecht J., Alon U., Shvarts D., Potential Flow Models of Rayleigh-Taylor and Richtmyer Meshkov Bubble Fronts, Phys. of Fluids 6, 4019-4030 (1994)
7. Alon U., Hecht J., Ofer D., Shvarts D., Power Laws and Similarity of Rayleigh-Taylor and Richtmyer-Meshkov Mixing Fronts at All Density Ratios, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 534-537 (1995)
8. Shvarts D., Alon U., Ofer D., Verdon C.P., McCrory R.L., Nonlinear Multi-Mode Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in Two and Three Dimensions, Physics of Plasmas 2, 2465-2472 (1995)
9. Hecht J., Ofer D., Alon U., Shvarts D., Orszag S.A., McCrory R.L., 3D Simulations and Analysis of the Nonlinear Stage of the Rayleigh-Taylor Instability . Laser and Particle Beams 13, 423-450 (1995)
10. Ofer D., Alon U., Shvarts D., McCrory R.L. and Verdon C.P., Modal Model for the Nonlinear Multi-Mode Rayleigh-Taylor Instability, Physics of Plasmas 3, 3073-3090 (1996)
11. Alon U., Evans M.R., Hinrichson H., Mukamel D., Roughening Transition in a One-Dimensional Growth Process, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 2746-2749 (1996)
12. Alon U., Mukamel D., Gel-Electrophoresis and Diffusion of Ring Shaped DNA, Phys. Rev. E 55,1783-1793 (1997)
13. Sadot O., Erez L., Alon U., Oron D., Levin L. A., Erez G., Ben-Dor G., and Shvarts D.,

Study of Nonlinear Evolution of Single-Mode and Two-Bubble Interaction Under the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80,1654-1657 (1998)
14. Alon U., Evans M.R., Hinrichson H., Mukamel D., Smooth Phases, Roughening Transitions, and Novel Exponents in One-Dimensional Growth Models, Phys. Rev. E, 57,4997-5012 (1998)
15. Oron D., Alon U. and Shvarts D., Scaling Laws of the Rayleigh-Taylor Ablation Front Mixing Evolution in Inertial Confinement Fusion, Phys. Plasmas 5,1467-1476 (1998)
16. Rikanati A., Alon U. and Shvarts D., Vortex Model for the Nonlinear Evolution of the Multimode Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability at Low Atwood Numbers, Phys. Rev E. 58, 7410-7418 (1998)
17. Alon U., Camarena L., Surette M.G., Aguera y Arcas B., Liu Y., Leibler S., Stock J.B., Response Regulator Output in Bacterial Chemotaxis, EMBO J., 17,4238-4248 (1998)
18. Alon U., Surette M.G., Barkai N., Leibler S., Robustness in Bacterial Chemotaxis,

Nature 397,168-171 (1999)
19. Alon U., Barkai N., Notterman D.A., Gish K., Ybarra S., Mack D.,. Levine A. J, Broad Patterns of Gene Expression Revealed by Clustering Analysis of Tumor and Normal Colon Tissues Probed by Oligonucleotide Arrays, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA , 96,6745-50 (1999)
20. Oron D, Sadot O, Srebro Y, Rikanati A, Yedvab Y, Alon U, Erez L, Erez G, Ben-Dor

G, Levin LA, Ofer D, Shvarts D Studies in the nonlinear evolution of the Rayleigh-Taylor and Richtmyer-Meshkov instabilities and their role in inertial confinement fusion. Laser and Particle Beams 17,465-475 (1999)

21. Sadot O, Erez L, Oron D, Erez G, Ben-Dor G, Alon U, Levin LA, Shvarts D

Studies on the nonlinear evolution of the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability Astrophysical Journal (supplement series) 127: (2) 469-473 (2000)
22. Rikanati A, Oron D, Alon U, Shvarts D. Statistical mechanics merger model for hydrodynamic instabilities Astrophysical Journal (supplement series)127: (2) 451-457 (2000)
23. Staropoli J.F., Alon U., Computerized analysis of chemotaxis at different stages of bacterial growth, Biophys. J. 78, 513-519 (2000)
24. Lev Bar-Or R., Maya R., Segel L.A., Alon U., Levine A.J., Oren M.. Generation of oscillations in the p53-Mdm2 feedback loop: A theoretical and experimental study, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA , 97,11256-11261 (2000)
25. Barkai N., Alon U., Leibler S.. Robust Amplification in adaptive signal transduction networks. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 2:1-7 (2001)
26. Oron D, Arazi L, Kartoon D, Rikanati A, Alon U, Shvarts D, Dimensionality dependence of the Rayleigh-Taylor and Richtmyer-Meshkov instability late-time scaling laws Physics of Plasmas 8 (6): 2883-2889 (2001)
27. Notterman DA, Alon U, Sierk AJ, Levine AJ. Transcriptional gene expression profiles of colorectal adenoma, adenocarcinoma, and normal tissue examined by oligonucleotide arrays. Cancer Res. 61:3124-30. (2001)
28. Kalir S., McClure J., Pabbaraju K., Southward C., Ronen M., Leibler S., Surette M.G., Alon U.. Ordering genes in a flagella pathway by analysis of expression kinetics from living bacteria. Science, 292:2080-2083 (2001)
29. Shen-Orr S., Milo R., Mangan S., Alon U.. Network motifs in the transcriptional network of E. coli, Nature Genetics, 31:64-8 (2002)
30. Ronen M., Rosenberg R., Shraiman B., Alon U.. Assigning numbers to the arrows: parametrizing a gene regulation network by using accurate expression kinetics, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA 99:10555-60 (2002)
31. Rosenfeld R., Elowitz M., Alon U.. Negative autoregulation speeds the response times of transcription networks, J. Mol. Biol., 323:785-793 (2002)
32. Milo R., Shen-Orr S., Itzkovitz S., Kashtan N., Chklovskii D., Alon U.. Network motifs: basic building blocks of complex networks, Science, 298:824-827 (2002)
33. Rosenfeld N., Alon U.. Response delays and the structure of transcription networks, J. Mol. Biol., 329:645–654 (2003)
34. Setty Y., Mayo A., Surette M., Alon U.. Detailed map of a cis-regulatory input function, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA, 100:7702-7707 (2003)
35. Itzkovitz S., Milo R., Kashtan N.,.Ziv G, Alon U., Subgraphs in random networks, Phys. Rev. E , 68:026127 (2003)
36. Alon U., Biological Networks: the Tinkerer as an Engineer, (Viewpoint). Science, 301:1866 (2003)
37. Mangan S., Alon U., Structure and function of the feed-forward loop network motif. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003, 100:11980-5 (2003)
38. Mangan S., Zaslaver A., Alon U., The coherent feedforward loop serves as a sign-sensitive delay element in transcription networks. J Mol Biol. 334:197-204 (2003)
39. Kashtan N., Itzkovitz S., Milo R., Alon U., Efficient algorithms for estimating subgraph numbers and detecting network motifs. Bioinformatics, 20(11):1746-582 (2004)
40. Kashtan N., Itzkovitz S., Milo R., Alon U., Topological generalizations of network motifs, Phys. Rev. E. 70:031909 (2004)
41. Lahav G., Rosenfeld N., Sigal A., Geva N.,. Levine A.J, Elowitz M.B., Alon U., Dynamics of the p53-Mdm2 feedback loop in living cells. Nature Genetics 36:147-50 (2004)
42. Milo R., Itzkovitz S., Kashtan H., Levitt R., Ayzenshtat I., Sheffer M., Alon U., Super-families of evolved and designed networks. Science, 303:1538-1542 (2004)
43. Zaslaver A., Mayo A., Rosenberg R., Bashkin P., Sberro H., Tsalyuk M., Surette M.G., Alon U, Just-in-time transcription program in metabolic pathways, Nature Genetics, 36, 486 - 491 (2004)
44. Kalir S., Alon U, Reprogramming the dynamics of the flagella network using a quantitative blueprint, Cell, 117:713–720, (2004)

45. Itzkovitz S. and Alon U, Subgraphs and network motifs in geometric networks.

Phys Rev E 71, 026117 (2005)

46. Itzkovitz S., Levitt R., Kashtan N., Milo R., Itzkovitz M., Alon U, Coarse-Graining and Self-Dissimilarity of Complex Networks. Phys Rev E 71, 016127 (2005)

47. Dekel E., Mangan S., Alon U., Environmental selection of the feed-forward loop circuit in gene-regulation networks, Physical biology, 2, 2, 81-88 (2005)

48. Kalir S., Mangan S., Alon U., A coherent feed-forward loop with a SUM input function prolongs flagella expression in Escherichia coli, Mol Syst Biol, msb4100010-E1-msb4100010-E6, (2005)

49. Rosenfeld N, Young J.W., Alon U., Swain P.S., Elowitz M. B., Gene Regulation at the Single-Cell Level, Science, 307:1962-1965, (2005)

50. Dekel E. and Alon U., Optimality and evolutionary tuning of the expression level of a protein, Nature, 436:588-922 (2005)

51. Kashtan N. and Alon U., Spontaneous evolution of modularity and network motifs. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 102: 13773-13778 (2005)

52. Mangan S., Itzkovitz S., Zaslaver A. and Alon U., The Incoherent Feed-forward Loop Accelerates the Response-time of the gal System of Escherichia coli. JMB, 356:1073-81 (2006)

53. Shinar G., Dekel E., Tlusty T., Alon U., Rules for gene regulation based on error minimization, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 103:3999-4004 (2006)

54. Mayo AE, Setty Y, Shavit S, Zaslaver A, Alon U, Plasticity of the cis-regulatory input function of a gene. PLoS Biol.;4(4):e45.(2006)

55. Rosenfeld N, Perkins TJ, Alon U, Elowitz MB, Swain PS, A fluctuation method to quantify in vivo fluorescence data, Biophys J. 28 (2006)

56. Geva-Zatorsky N., Rosenfeld N., Itzkovitz S., Milo R., Sigal A., Dekel E., Yarnitzky T., Liron Y., Polak P., Lahav G. and Alon U., Oscillations and variability in the p53 system, Molecular Systems Biology 2, E1 - E13 (2006)

57.. Sigal A, Milo R., Cohen A., Geva-Zatorsky N., Klein Y., Alaluf I., Swerdlin N., Perzov N., Danon T., Liron Y., Raveh T., Carpenter A.E., Lahav G., Alon U, Dynamic proteomics in individual human cells uncovers widespread cell-cycle dependence of nuclear proteins. Nature Methods 3, 525 - 531 (2006)

58. Zaslaver A., Bren A., Ronen M., Itzkovitz S., Kikoin I., Shavit S., Liebermeister W., Surette M.G. Alon U, A comprehensive library of fluorescent transcriptional reporters for Escherichia coli, Nature Methods 3, 623 - 628 (2006)
59. Zaslaver A., Mayo A., Ronen M. , Alon U., Optimal gene partition into operons correlates with gene functional order, Phys Biol. 18;3(3):183-9 (2006)

60. Itzkovitz S., Milo R., Kashtan N., Levitt R., Lahav A., Alon U., Recurring Harmonic Walks and Network Motifs in Western Music, Advances in Complex Systems, Vol. 9, Nos. 1&2 121–132 (2006)

61. Itzkovitz S., Tlusty Z. Alon U., Coding limits on the number of transcription factors BMC Genomics. 19;7:239 (2006)

62. Sigal A., Milo R., Cohen A., Geva-Zatorsky N., Klein Y., Liron Y., Rosenfeld N., Danon T., Perzov N., Alon U., Variability and memory of protein levels in human cells, Nature 19. 444: 643-6 (2006)

63. Zaslaver A., Mayo A., Ronen M., Alon U., Optimal gene partition into operons correlates with gene functional order Phys Biol. Sep 18;3(3):183-9 (2006)

64. Sigal A., Danon T., Cohen ., Milo R., Geva-Zatorsky N., Lustig G., Liron Y., Alon U., Perzov N., Generation of a fluorescently labeled endogenous protein library in living human cells Nature Protocols 2(6):1515-27. (2007)

65. Alon U., Network motifs: theory and experimental approaches Nature Reviews Genetics 8, 450-461 (2007)

66. Alon U., (Essay) Simplicity in biology Nature. 29;446(7135):497 (2007)

67. Itzkovitz S., Alon U., The genetic code is nearly optimal for allowing additional information within protein-coding sequences Genome Res.;17(4):405-12 (2007) See reviews in: Genome Research and Nature Reviews Genetics

68. Amit I, Citri A, Shay T, Lu Y, Katz M, Zhang F, Tarcic G, Siwak D, Lahad J, Jacob-Hirsch J, Amariglio N, Vaisman N, Segal E, Rechavi G, Alon U, Mills GB, Domany E, Yarden Y.
A module of negative feedback regulators defines growth factor signaling. Nat Genet. 39(4):503-12 (2007)

69. Kashtan N., Noor E., Alon U., Varying environments can speed up evolution

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 104: 13711-13716 (2007)

70. Kalisky T., Dekel E., Alon U., Cost-benefit theory and optimal design of gene regulation functions Phys. Biol. 4 229-245 (2007)

71. Parter M., Kashtan N.and Alon U., Environmental variability and modularity of bacterial metabolic networks BMC Evol Biol. 7 (1):169 (2007)

72. Shinar G., Milo R., Martinez MR, Alon U., Input output robustness in simple bacterial signaling systems. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 104(50):19931-5 (2007)

73. Parter M., Kashtan N., Alon U., Environmental variability and modularity of bacterial metabolic networks BMC Evol Biol. 7 (1):169 (2007)

74. Kaplan S., Bren A., Zaslaver A., Dekel E., ,Alon U., Diverse two-dimensional input functions control bacterial sugar genes Mol Cell. Mar 28;29(6):786-92 (2008)

75. Oxman E., Dekel E.and Alon U., Defined order of evolutionary adaptations: experimental evidence Evolution Jul;62(7):1547-54 (2008)

76. Kaplan S., Bren A., Dekel E.and Alon U. The incoherent feed-forward loop can generate non-monotonic input functions for genes Mol Syst Biol.;4:203 (2008)

77. Alon U. (Essay) A biophysicist learns the art of hugging Nature. Jun 5;453(7196):701. 2: (2008)

78. Parter M., Kashtan N. and Alon U., Facilitated Variation: How evolution learns from past environments to generalize to new environments PLoS Comput Biol 4(11): e1000206 (2008)

79. Cohen A., Geva-Zatorsky N., Eden E., Frenkel-Morgenstern M., Issaeva I., Sigal A., Milo R., Cohen-Saidon C., Liron Y., Kam Z., Cohen L., Danon T, Perzov N., Alon U. Dynamic Proteomics of Individual Cancer Cells in Response to a Drug 322, 1511- 1515 Science. (2008)

80. Shinar G., Alon U., Feinberg M., Sensitivity and robustness in chemical reaction networks. SIAM J. Appl. Math., Vol. 69, No. 4, pp. 977–998 (2009)

81. Shinar G, Rabinowitz JD, Alon U Robustness in Glyoxylate Bypass Regulation. PLoS Comput Biol 5(3): e1000297 (2009)

82. Kashtan N., Mayo A., Kalisky T., Alon U., An Analytically Solvable Model for Rapid Evolution of Modular Structure PLoS Comput Biol 5(4): e1000355 (2009)

83. Kashtan N., Parter M., Dekel E., Mayo A., Alon U., Extinctions in heterogeneous environments and the evolution of modularity Evolution 1558-5646.2009.00684 (2009)

84. Goentoro, L., Shoval, O., Kirschner, M.W., and Alon, U., The incoherent feedforward loop can provide fold response in gene regulation Mol Cell, 36, 894–899, (2009)

85. Alon U, (Viewpoint) How To Choose a Good Scientific Problem Mol Cell 35, 726-728 (2009)
86. Cohen-Saidon C., Cohen A.A., Sigal A, Liron Y., and Alon U., Dynamics and Variability of ERK2 Response to EGF in Individual Living Cells Mol Cell, 36, 885-893 (2009)

87. Cohen A., Kalisky T., Mayo A., Geva-Zatorsky N., Danon T., Issaeva I., Kopito R. B., Perzov N., Milo R., Sigal A., Alon U, Protein Dynamics in Individual Human Cells: Experiment and Theory PLoS ONE (4) (2009)

88. Frenkel-Morgenstern, M., Cohen, A.A., Geva-Zatorsky, N., Eden, E., Prilusky, J., Issaeva, I., Sigal, A., Cohen-Saidon, C., Liron, Y., Cohen, L., Danon, T., Perzov, N., Alon, U. Dynamic Proteomics: a database for dynamics and localizations of endogenous fluorescently-tagged proteins in living human cells. Nucleic Acids Res 38, D508-512 (2010)

89. Alon U., How to build a motivated research group Mol Cell. 37(2):151-2. (2010)

90. Geva-Zatorsky N, Dekel E, Cohen AA, Danon T, Cohen L, Alon U., Protein dynamics in drug combinations: a linear superposition of individual-drug response Cell 140(5):643-51 (2010)

91. Rosenheim JA, Alon U, Shinar G. Evolutionary balancing of fitness-limiting factors.Am Nat. 175(6):662-74. (2010)

92. Shachrai I, Zaslaver A, Alon U, Dekel E. Cost of unneeded proteins in E. coli is reduced after several generations in exponential growth. Mol Cell 38(5):758-67. (2010)

93. Geva-Zatorsky N, Dekel E, Batchelor E, Lahav G, Alon U. Fourier analysis and systems identification of the p53 feedback loop. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107(30):13550-5. (2010)

94. Shoval O, Goentoro L, Hart Y, Mayo A, Sontag E, Alon U. Fold-change detection and scalar symmetry of sensory input fields.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107(36):15995-6000. (2010)

95. Noor E., Eden E., Milo R., Alon U., Central Carbon Metabolism as a Minimal Biochemical Walk between Precursors for Biomass and Energy Mol Cell, 39, 809-820 (2010)

97. Hart Y., Madar D., Yuan J., Bren A., Mayo A.E., Rabinowitz J.D., and Alon U., Robust Control of Nitrogen Assimilation by a Bifunctional Enzyme in E. coli Mol Cell, 41, 117-127 (2011)

98. Eden E., Geva-Zatorsky N., Issaeva I., Cohen A., Dekel E., Danon T., Cohen L., Mayo A., Alon U. Proteome Half-Life Dynamics in Living Human Cells Science, 331, 764, (2011)

99. Moran G. and Alon U., Playback theatre and recovery in mental health: Preliminary evidence The Arts in Psychotherapy 38; 318– 324 (2011)

100. Noy L., Dekel E., and Alon U., The mirror game as a paradigm for studying the dynamics of two people improvising motion together Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 27;108(52):20947-52 (2011)

101. Shoval O, Sheftel H, Shinar G, Hart Y, Ramote O, Mayo A, Dekel E, Kavanagh K, Alon U. Evolutionary Trade-Offs, Pareto Optimality, and the Geometry of Phenotype Space. Science 336(6085):1157-60 (2012)
102. Geva-Zatorsky N., Issaeva I., Mayo A., Cohen A., Dekel E., Danon T., Cohen L., Liron Y., Alon U., Eden E. Using bleach-chase to measure protein half-lives in living cells.

Nat Protoc. 7(4):801-11 (2012)
103. Sasson V, Shachrai I, Bren A, Dekel E, Alon U. Mode of regulation and the insulation of bacterial gene expression. Mol Cell 46(4):399-407 (2012)

104. Hart Y, Antebi YE, Mayo AE, Friedman N, Alon U. Design principles of cell circuits with paradoxical components. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 22;109 (21):8346-51. (2012)

105. Hart Y, Alon U. The utility of paradoxical components in biological circuits. Mol Cell. 49(2):213-21(2013)

106. Szekely P, Sheftel H, Mayo A, Alon U. Evolutionary tradeoffs between economy and effectiveness in biological homeostasis systems. PLoS Comput Biol. 9(8):e1003163 (2013)

107. Kavanagh KD, Shoval O, Winslow BB, Alon U, Leary BP, Kan A, Tabin CJ. Developmental bias in the evolution of phalanges Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Epub ahead of print (2013)
108. Keren L, Zackay O, Lotan-Pompan M, Barenholz U, Dekel E, Sasson V, Aidelberg G, Bren A, Zeevi D, Weinberger A, Alon U, Milo R, Segal E, Promoters Maintain their Relative Activity Levels Under Different Growth Conditions Molecular Systems Biology , 9:701 (2013)
109. Sheftel H, Shoval O, Mayo A, Alon U, The Geometry of the Pareto Front in Biological Phenotype Space Ecology and Evolution, (2013)
110. Friedlander T, Mayo AE, Tlusty T, Alon U, Mutation Rules and the Evolution of Sparseness and Modularity in Biological Systems PLoS ONE , 8:e70444 (2013)
111. Bren A, Hart Y, Dekel E, Koster D, Alon U, The Last Generation of Bacterial Growth in Limiting Nutrient Bmc Systems Biology , 7:27 (2013)
112. Hart Y, Mayo AE, Shoval O, Alon U, Comparing Apples and Oranges: Fold-Change Detection of Multiple Simultaneous Inputs PLoS ONE , 8:e57455 (2013)
113. Farkash-Amar S, Zimmer A, Eden E, Cohen A, Geva-Zatorsky N, Cohen L, Milo R, Sigal A, Danon T, Alon U. Noise genetics: inferring protein function by correlating phenotype with protein levels and localization in individual human cells PLoS Genet. 6;10(3):e1004176. (2014)

114. Hart Y, Noy L, Feniger-Schaal R, Mayo AE, Alon U. Individuality and togetherness in joint improvised motion. PLoS One Feb 12; 9(2):e87213. (2014)

115. Rothschild D, Dekel E, Hausser J, Bren A, Aidelberg G, Szekely P, Alon U,

Linear Superposition and Prediction of Bacterial Promoter Activity Dynamics in Complex Conditions PloS Computational Biol., 10:e1003602 (2014)
116. Hart Y, Reich-Zeliger S, Antebi Y, Zaretsky I, Mayo AE, Alon U, Friedman N,

Paradoxical Signaling by a Secreted Molecule Leads to Homeostasis of Cell Levels

Cell, 158:1022–1032 (2014)
117. Adler M, Mayo A, Alon U Logarithmic and power law input-output relations in sensory systems with fold-change detection. PloS Computational Biol 10(8):e10037812014 (2014)
118. Noy L, Alon U, Friedman J Corrective Jitter Motion Shows Similar Individual Frequencies For the Arm and the Finger Experimental Brain Research (2015)
119. Hart Y, Sheftel H, Hausser J, Szekely P, Ben-Moshe NB, Korem Y, Tendler A, Mayo AE, Alon U, Inferring Biological Tasks Using Pareto Analysis of High-Dimensional Data Nature Methods (2015)
120. Friedlander T, Mayo AE, Tlusty T, Alon U Evolution of Bow-Tie Architectures in Biology

Plos Computational Biology (2015)
121. Aidelberg G, Towbin BD, Rothschild D, Dekel E, Bren A, Alon U,

Hierarchy of Non-Glucose Sugars in Escherichia Coli BMC Systems Biology , 8:133 (2014)

123. Tendler A, Mayo A, Alon U. Evolutionary tradeoffs, Pareto optimality and the morphology of ammonite shells BMC Syst Biol. 9:12 (2015)

124. Korem Y, Szekely P, Hart Y, Sheftel H, Hausser J, Mayo AE, Rothenberg ME, Kalisky T,

Alon U, Geometry of the Gene Expression Space of Individual Cells Plos Computational Biology (2015)

125. Szekely P, Korem Y, Moran U, Mayo AE, Alon U

The Mass-Longevity Triangle: Pareto Optimality and the Geometry of Life-History Trait Space

Cells Plos Computational Biology (2015)
126. Feniger-Schaal R, Noy L, Hart Y, Koren-karie N, Mayo AE, Alon U

Would You Like to Play Together? Adults’ Attachment and the Mirror Game

Attachment &Amp; Human Development , (2015)

Selected Lectures and Conferences 2002-present

  1. Invited speaker, Mathematics and Molecular Biology VII ‘Modeling across the Scales of Atoms to Organisms Sante Fe, January 2002

  2. Invited speaker, Conference on 'Integrated approaches for functional genomics', Spain, June, 2002

  3. Invited speaker, Conference on 'Regulatory proteins interplay and traffic on DNA, Curie Institute, Paris, July, 2002

  4. Invited speaker, Workshop on Dynamics of Biological systems, Denmark, August, 2002

  5. Invited speaker, Max Planck Institute, Dresden October, 2003

  6. Invited speaker, ICSB 2002 Stockholm Dec 2002

  7. Invited speaker Workshop on 'Information Processing in the Biological Organism', Bethesda, November 2003

  8. Invited speaker ICSB conference, St. Louis, November, 2003

  9. Invited speaker, UC Irvine, Irvine, November, 2003

  10. Invited speaker, ACHES conference, San Francisco, November, 2003

  11. Invited speaker, Center for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, January, 2004

  12. Invited speaker, Conference on 'Protein networks and devices', Aspen Center of Physics, Colorado, January, 2004

  13. Invited speaker, NCBI conference, Madrid, April 2004

  14. Invited speaker, Stanford University, Palo Alto, April, 2004

  15. Invited speaker, Princeton University, Princeton, April, 2004

  16. Invited speaker, Harvard University, Boston, April, 2004

  17. Invited speaker, Conference on 'Design of Chemical Circuits', Berlin, May, 2004

  18. Invited speaker, Conference on 'Bacterial Neural Nets', Barcelona, May, 2004

  19. Invited speaker, Gordon Conference on 'Bacterial signal transduction', Mt. Holyoke College, Boston, July, 2004

  20. Invited speaker, ISMB conference, Glasgow, August, 2004

  21. Invited speaker, Biology Forum, Stockholm, August, 2004

  22. Keynote speaker, Overtone prize, ISCB, Glasgow, September, 2004

  23. Invited speaker, EMBL conference, New York, December, 2004

  24. Lecture series at the FEBS School for Systems Biology, Gossau, March, 2005

  25. Invited speaker, Alfred Nobel Symposium, Stockholm, June, 2005

  26. Invited speaker, ICTP conference, Trieste, July, 2005

  27. Invited speaker, Isaac Newton Institute Workshop ' Theory and Applications of Coupled Cell networks', Cambridge, Sept. 2005

  28. Invited speaker, X- meeting Bioinformatics, Caxanbu, Brazil, October, 2005

  29. Invited speaker, Colloqium, Marie Curie Institute, Paris, Feb, 2006

  30. Invited speaker, Caltech University, Pasadena, April, 2006

  31. Invited speaker, Cambridge University, Cambridge, June, 2006

  32. Invited speaker, BIOSYS06 workshop 'Physics of Biological Systems" Dresden, June, 2006

  33. Invited speaker, Physics of cellular objects summer school, Cargese, August, 2006

  34. Lecture series at 'Dynamic Days', Crete, September, 2006

  35. Invited speaker, Symposium on 'Where is Theoretical Biology Heading', Humboldt University, Berlin, October, 2007

  36. Lecture series at FEBS Advanced course, Salzberg, March, 2007

  37. Invited Speaker, Columbia University, New York, March, 2007

  38. Keynote Speaker, "Global regulation of gene expression' meeting, Cold Springs Harbor, March, 2007

  39. Invited speaker, Conference on 'Evolvability: the evolution of evolution', Varenna, April, 2007

  40. Invite speaker, Computational and Systems Biology Initiative, seminar series, MIT, February, 2008

  41. Keynote speaker, ' 7th Annual Symposium of the New York University Center for Genomics and Systems Biology, "Systems Biology across all scales” New York, May, 2008

  42. Invited speaker, Conference on Logic of Gene Expression, HHMI, Janilla Farm, May 2008

  43. Keynote speaker, Keynote speaker RECOMB Regulatory Genomics Boston, November, 2008

  44. Invited speaker, Special Seminar Series at The Rockefeller University, January, 2009

  45. Invited speaker, , Invitational Speaker Series, California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences, San Francisco March 2009

  46. Keynote speaker, 2nd meeting on Computational Cell Biology, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, March, 2009

  47. Invited speaker, University Lecture series, University of Texas, Southwestern April, 2009

  48. WL Bragg Lecture at the 4th symposium on the Physics of Living Matter, Cambridge University, September 2009

  49. Invited speaker, Stat Physics Conference, Rutgers University, December, 2009

  50. Invited Speaker, Dept. Chemical Systems Biology, Stanford University, January 2010

  51. Invited speaker, Proteomics 2010, Childrens Hospital, Boston, Mass. April 2010

  52. Invited Speaker, Caltech, April 2010

  53. Invited Speaker, NetSci 2010 international School and Conference on Complex Network Science, Boston, May 2010

  54. Plenary Lecture (EMBO Lecture)FEBS 35th congress, 'Molecules of Life' June,2010

  55. Invited Speaker, BIOmics conference, Weizmann Institute, November, 2010

  56. Keynote Lecture The 2nd Batsheva Seminar on the Development of the Musculoskeletal System, Ein Gedi, February 2011

  57. Katzir Lecture, Bekur Hamapecha, Tel Aviv University, April, 2011

  58. Invited Speaker, EMBO conference on The Operon Model and its Impact on Modern Molecular Biology, Paris May, 2011

  59. Invited Speaker, Conference on Physics and Biological Systems Budapest,,June 2011

  60. Plenary Lecture, Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, Krakow, July 2011

  61. Invited Speaker, Q-Bio Conference, Sante Fe, New Mexico August, 2011

  62. Invited Speaker SystemsX.ch Conference on Systems Biology, Basel, Switzerland, Oct 2011

  63. Invited Speaker, Solvay Workshop on Design Principles and Hardware of Biological Circuits, Brussels, Feb 2012

  64. Invited Speaker, Pew Biomedical Scholars and Latin American Fellows Programs, Panama, March 2012

  65. Invited Lecturer, Cargese Summer School, Aug 2012

  66. Symposium chair 37th FEBS Congress, Seville, Sept. 2012

  67. Koshland lecture, UC Berkeley, California Oct, 2012

  68. Invited Speaker, Cal Tech, California Oct, 2012

  69. TEDx talk, Lausanne, Switzerland Jan. 2013

  70. Hilldale Lecturer in Physical Sciences, Madison, Feb. 2013  

  71. Keynote Speaker, BacNet ESF-EMBO conference, Warsaw, Poland, March 2013

  72. Invited Speaker in the ‘What is Life’ series Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, May, 2013

  73. Invited Speaker Statistical Mechanics of Biological Cooperativity, Aland, May, 2013

  74. TED Global talk Edinburgh, June, 2013

  75. Keynote Speaker for the Annual Meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Chicago, July, 2013

  76. Invited Speaker, Symposium on Creativity, Copenhagen, October, 2013

  77. Invited Speaker, Biological Distributed Algorithms Jerusalem, October. 2013

  78. Invited Speaker, Physics of Biology, Geneva, November 2013

  79. Keynote Speaker, SB@NL2013 symposium, Holland November 2013

  80. Keynote Speaker, Max Delbrueck Center Graduation Ceremony December, Berlin, 2013

  81. Invited Speaker, Workshop on ‘Mechanics and growth of tissues: from development to Cancer’ Paris, Jan, 2014

  82. Invited Speaker, Ilanit conference, Eilat, Feb, 2014

  83. Keynote Speaker, European Zebrafish PI meeting, Ein Gedi, March, 2014

  84. Invited Speaker, NoE Microscopy Consortium, Stockholm, June, 2014

  85. Lecturer, International Systems and Synthetic geology Summer School, Taormina, Italy June, 2014

  86. HFSP Naskone Award Ceremony, Lugano, Switzerland, July 2014

  87. Keynote Speaker Career Fair Goetingen Germany Sept 2014

  88. Jean Mitchell Watson Lecture Series, University of Chicago October 2014

  89. Invited Speaker VBC PhD symposium Vienna November 2014

  90. Invited Speaker EMBL/EMBO conferenceFrom functional Genomics to Systems Biology Heidelberg Nov 2014

  91. Speaker at ERC presentation at World Economic Forum Davos Switzerland Jan 2015

  92. Invited Speaker Q-Bio conference Hawaii Feb 2015

  93. Invited Speaker MIT Institute for Medical Engineering and Science Boston Feb 2015

  94. Invited Speaker 25th Anniversary Symposium of the Beckman Center for Molecular & Genetic Medicine Stanford California Feb 2015

  95. Keynote Speaker at Cambridge Networks Day, Cambridge UK May 2015

  96. Invited Speaker ESF-EMBO conference on Bacterial Network BacNet 15 Spain May 2015

  97. Invited Speaker for Cas conference Synthetic Biology II Germany July 2015.

  98. Inviter Speaker for Nikolaus lecture 2015 at BSRT Germany December 2015 .

  99. Inviter Speaker MSKCC's Presidential Seminar Series Memorial Sloan Kettering October 2015.

  100. Invited Speaker for Systems Immunology:From Molecular Networks to Human Biology USA January 2016

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