Varner Elementary School Media Center Policies and Procedures Handbook Spring 2011 Stephanie Warmoth table of contents

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Varner Elementary School

Media Center

Policies and Procedures Handbook

Spring 2011

Stephanie Warmoth





Purpose Statement


1. Demographics of Varner Elementary and Cobb County School System


2. Mission Statement


3. Philosophy and Goals



Public Relations Policy



Selection Criteria Policy



Donated/Gift Materials Policy



Reconsideration of Materials Policy



Media Services Policies


1. Circulation Policy Print and Non Print


2. Overdue Policy


3. Video Policy


4. Inventory Policy


5. Lost or Damaged Materials Policy


6. Weeding Policy


7. Mending and Repairing Print Materials Policy



Definition and Scope of Technical Services Policy



Copyright Policy



Leadership and Professional Growth Policy



Interlibrary Loan





Collection Management


1. Consideration File


2. Ordering Procedures


3. Receiving Procedures: Bar Code Treatment/Physical Processing


4. Periodicals / Serials / Newspaper Control


5. Weeding Procedures


6. Repair and Mending Procedures


7. Inventory Procedures



Technical Services


1. Tools Necessary for Original Cataloging


2. Cataloging Procedures - Quick Start Guide


3. Direction Sheet for Para-Professional, Volunteer, Student Assistant


4. Lost or Damaged Book Procedures



Collaboration Resources


1. Reconsideration of Materials Procedures


2. Instruction / In-service / Staff Development


3. Advocacy: Tips for Stakeholders


4. School Website, Video Streaming and GPB Educational Resources


5. School TV News


6. Scheduling of the Library Media Center





Media Center Floor Plan









Sample Marc Records



Overdue Notice – Student



Overdue Notice – Parent or Guardian



Photo Release Form



Confidentiality Release Form



Film Permission Form



Copyright Notification Form



Copyright Websites



Copyright Law – Poster



Permission to use a Third Party Copyright Request



Resources for Professional Growth



Interlibrary Loan Form



Consideration File Form



Order Forms/Contact Information



Websites used for Copy Cataloging



Collaboration form – Appeal Process Checklist



Form to Submit Requests for Reconsideration (to remove materials)



Sample letter of Acknowledgement/ Instructional Materials Appeal



Appeal Hearing Ballot



Notice of Decision/ Appeal



Media Center Schedule



Disposition Form



Steps to Follow When Weeding



Paraprofessional Evaluation Form



Damaged Book Notice



Volunteer Handbook



Stakeholder Tips




I. Purpose Statements

  1. Demographics of Varner Elementary and Cobb County School System

Varner Elementary School serves a rapidly changing suburban community in Powder Springs, Georgia. Varner opened in 1990, and is one of 71 elementary schools in the Cobb County School District. The current student population of this pre-k through fifth grade elementary school is around 830. The student population changes everyday with a steady influx of new students. Varner Elementary School’s population consists of 38% black, 45% white, 8% Hispanic, 7 % multi-racial and 3% other. 27% of the school’s population is categorized as economically disadvantaged, and 13% of students are students with disabilities.

As of the 2000 census, Cobb County had a population of 607,751 with 7.7% Latino, 68.8% white, 18.4% black, and 3% Asian (Muni Net Guide, 2000). The city of Powder Springs had a population of 12,481 with 4.3% Latino, 56.1% white, 37.4% black and 1.1% Asian. (Muni Net Guide, 2000)

  1. Mission Statement

Varner Elementary Media Center supports the school community by selecting and providing access to resources that support the curriculum, by teaching information literacy, and by promoting reading.

  1. Philosophy and Goals

The media center’s program goals of promoting reading, research, and curriculum support will help the school attain the academic objectives outlined in the School Improvement Plan and those set by state and federal standards.

The mission of Varner Elementary School is to provide a caring and challenging learning environment where students value themselves, their community, and the benefits of life-long learning. The media center participates in achieving this mission by supporting the curriculum, helping students develop information literacy skills, and fostering a love of reading. The media center collection, programs, and facilities are developed systematically to achieve these goals. The media center staff performs a service role within the school as curriculum planning partners, program administrators, instructors, and reading advocates.

Goal 1: Increase collaboration with teachers.
Rationale: Information Power describes media specialists as "the essential link that connects students, teachers, and others with the information resources they need" (AASL, 1998, p. 4). The purpose of a media center is to provide resources for the school community and to assist patrons in gaining the maximum benefit from the materials available. The role of the media specialist is to be a teacher, instructional partner, and information specialist "committed to the process of collaboration" (AASL, 1998, p.5). The teacher-librarian should proactively seek collaboration opportunities and solicit teacher input for collection development.
Goal 2: Promote reading and help students become life-long readers.
Rationale: The Information Power principles for learning and teaching advise media specialists to become enthusiastic advocates for reading as a pleasurable activity and as a gateway skill to other types of literacy (AASL, 1998, p. 66-67). Reading well is the key to becoming a life-long learner and participating citizen in our society. The media specialist should solicit student input on purchasing decisions and select a variety of materials to suit the cultural backgrounds, reading levels, and intellectual development of student patrons.
Goal 3: Maximize use of existing media center space and equipment so patrons can take full advantage of resources available.
Rationale: Information Power access and delivery standards state that media specialists are responsible for ensuring physical and intellectual access to the items in their collections. Specifically they are to "coordinate the acquisition and circulation of all information and instructional resources…organize all resources for effective and efficient use manage space, equipment, resources, and supplies" (AASL, 1998, p.87).
Goal 4: Develop a research and information literacy program through the media center.
Rationale: A research program will complement goal three's emphasis on physical access to information by facilitating full intellectual access. The media center should be "the information center of the school," and should educate students to become "discriminating consumers" of information (AASL, 1998, p.7). In addition, a research program will provide opportunities for collaboration with teachers and support student achievement on state and national assessments.
Goal 5: Develop instructional practices within the media center which will improve teaching practices and student achievement.
Rationale: The role of the media specialist is to “provide leadership and expertise in acquiring and evaluating information resources in all formats” (AASL, 1998, p. 5). The media specialist should provide instruction for teachers and students about current research practices and data.
II. Public Relations Policy

Cobb County School District (District) believes that open and accurate two-way communication with stakeholders – including school employees, students, parents/guardians, vendors and the tax-paying public – develops support for public education and builds a relationship of trust with the community. (Cobb County School District, 2007)

The Cobb County School District strives to maintain a positive, purposeful, and active relationship with the families of its students, and with the wider community in which it operates. We do this by working with the Parent Teacher Association (PTA), the Cobb Chamber of Commerce, civic organizations, local school councils, and other groups to build the community support vital to the success of our schools (Cobb County School District, 2009).

A. Goals and Objectives:

Educational public relations are a planned and systematic two-way process of communication between the District and its stakeholders, both internal and external. Its program serves to stimulate a better understanding of the role, objectives, accomplishments, and needs of the District.

Educational public relations is a management function which:

  • interprets public attitudes

  • identifies the policies of the Board of Education, Administrative Rules and procedures of the District with the public interest

  • executes a program of action to encourage public involvement and to earn public understanding and acceptance

Therefore, the District shall keep the general public informed about its schools, keep school employees informed, and stimulate interest in and build support for the District and its programs.

B. News Releases, Conferences, and Interviews:

The District shall maintain a working relationship with newspapers, radio and television stations and other news media. The Board of Education and the District, through the Communications Office, will endeavor to keep the public informed of the achievements and challenges of the District and to interpret the school program to the citizens of this community. The Communications Office will maintain a file of all news releases (Cobb County School District, 2007).

Communications Office:

  1. Photo and Information Use

The Cobb County Public Schools are bound by a commitment to their families to use discretion when releasing information to the media regarding our schools. As such, there are specific procedures in place to protect the safety of our students, faculty & staff while still allowing media coverage of events.

Varner Elementary School likes to celebrate the achievements of our students and staff. Throughout the year, we take photographs and video of various activities. These photos may be published to the school’s website, the school’s closed circuit television program, newsletters or brochures. They may also be released to the newspaper to promote school activities.

Children, if pictured, will only be identified by first name. At the beginning of each school year, County policy requires that each student have a photo release on file that is signed by a parent or guardian (or the student if over 18). This release covers all photos of the children that are used in any media outside of the school and must be accessible to teachers and staff (see Appendix 7).

The main contact for Media Center Relations will be the Media Specialist, with approval from Administration. The Media Specialist may contact news outlets to promote various activities throughout the media center. They will secure approval from the Administration prior to contacting the media, and will be diligent in assuring that any student who is photographed or filmed has a signed photo release on file.
2. Media Center Activities
The Media Center maintains a presence on the Varner Elementary website: This includes a blog from the media specialist highlighting current lesson plans for each grade level, a calendar of upcoming events, pictures and reports on past events. The website also includes a searchable listing of Accelerated Reader tests and books that the school has purchased, as well as a link to the Cobb County virtual library with a number of student and teacher resources.
Varner Elementary Media Center takes seriously its mission to promote reading. Numerous activities are planned throughout the school year. Many of these events will appear on the school master calendar, in the student calendar that appears in the student handbook and on the school website. These programs include, but are not limited to:

    • Fall and Spring Annual Scholastic Book Fair

    • Read Across America (Dr. Seuss’ Birthday) – which we celebrate by welcoming local high school students (in Cat in the Hat attire!) to read with our student

    • Accelerated Reading drawings – each student will receive a raffle-style ticket for each AR test that they pass. The teachers will turn these tickets into the office monthly and 1 name from each class will be drawn and will receive a book for their home library.

    • Author visits- these may be set up through the Media Center or through classroom teachers

    • Summer Reading Programs- Varner Elementary promotes both the County Summer Reading Program (in association with the Cobb County Public Library)

    • Six Flags Summer Reading Program (which rewards students with free admission to Six Flags for completing a designated number of reading hours)

    • Atlanta Hawks/Atlanta Thrashers Reading Program (which provides free tickets to designated games for completing a designated number of reading hours.)

    • Special Collections – Books are highlighted that coincide with many events and activities. These include Holidays and Seasons, Children’s Book Week (highlighting Newberry and Caldecott winners), Black History Month, Women’s History Month, and other events such as Elections that will enhance student learning.

III. Selection Criteria Policy
Cobb County Board Administrative Rule IJK addresses Media Programs and Supplementary Materials Selection.

In selecting materials for the Media Center, the District’s stated goal is to provide “the quality, quantity and variety of print and non-print materials and equipment to support the school’s curricular offerings and to challenge individual students at their developmental level” and “to accommodate the varied learning needs of students” (“Media programs . . . ,” 2008).

The selection policy includes an acknowledgement of the right of patrons to have the opportunity to choose reading materials, while also recognizing the rights of parents and guardians to have a voice in the selections their students make.

The policy reads: “The District respects the right of an individual to make independent decisions about reading materials. Further, the District acknowledges the right of parents/guardians and other citizens to be involved in the library media programs of the schools and the use of supplementary materials and to raise questions through established procedures when materials appear inappropriate for public school use” (“Media programs . . . ,” 2008). The procedure for requesting a review of materials is addressed at (Cobb County, 2010)

Media materials are selected by “qualified personnel” at both the system and school level. At the district level, a media contact person chosen by the superintendent functions as liaison between the district and the Georgia Department of Education. At the school level, the library media specialist(s) has primary responsibility for the selection of materials. LMS are supported in this process with input from teachers. Additionally, district and/or school level library media committee(s) “may serve in an advisory capacity” (“Media programs . . . ,” 2008).
Regulations and criteria for the selection of media materials are addressed in three separate sections of Board Administrative Rule IJK: Library Media Program Goals, Criteria for Selection, and Specifications for Purchase:
Library Media Program Goals:

  1. To maintain a climate conducive to the students’ growth in factual knowledge, literary appreciation, aesthetic values and ethical standards;

  2. To assist students in the development of the attitudes and skills which will enable them to become independent, lifelong learners;

  3. To assist students by supporting the curriculum and instructional program of the school;

  4. To provide access to materials that support a wide range of student needs;

  5. To provide a framework for cooperatively planned instructionally related, unified library media programming developed at the local level.

Criteria for Selection: [To be considered by Library Media Committee when making recommendations.]

  1. The District’s philosophy, curriculum and objectives

  2. Teaching strategies encouraged by the District

  3. Nature of the school population to be served

  4. Existing collection

  5. Budget priorities

  6. Technology items

In addition to the above criteria, computer software programs and Internet delivered resources with access fees should be tested for compatibility with existing computer equipment and network systems as part of the selection process. To assure the most efficient use of resources, assurances should be obtained from the vendor that all of the features of the software will work in the environment in which it is to be used. To provide this assurance, vendors should be expected to provide an evaluation copy for testing and/or accept returns of software that cannot be made to work in the designated environment within a 90-day period.

Specifications for Purchase:

  1. The author or producer should be qualified as a subject specialist

  2. Concepts, content, and vocabulary should be appropriate for the potential user

  3. Facts presented should be accurate and up to date

  4. Information should be logically arranged

  5. Subject matter should hold the attention of the student

  6. Format of the material should be attractive and durable

  7. Illustrations should be pertinent and well executed

  8. Items should meet a real or potential need

  9. Evaluation from standard selection aids should be given consideration

  10. Topics of a sensitive nature (i.e. social, political, religious) should be given a balanced treatment, with both pros and cons represented

  11. Equipment for purchase shall be considered on the basis of the following:

  1. Quality

  2. Durability

  3. Ease of use

  4. Ease of maintenance and serviceability

  5. Functionality

  6. Safety

  7. Cost

(“Media programs . . . ,” 2008).

IV. Donated / Gift Material Policy
Cobb County policy stipulates the following criteria for materials received as gifts:
“The acceptance of instructional materials as gifts to library media centers must comply with the provisions of Administrative Rule KH (Solicitation and Advertising on School Property)* and may be subject to the review and decisions of the School Library Media Committee. Gifts must contribute to the furtherance of the objectives of the instructional programs and shall be subject to the same evaluation criteria as those used for purchasing materials.

“For these reasons, the definition below is intended to clarify which items are (and are not) library media center materials and consequently, which items should (and should not) be cataloged in the library automation system.


Library media materials are print, non-print, or equipment items which:

• Are available to all teachers and/or all students.

• Are few in number and shared by many users.

• Are used exclusively in the library media center or are circulated for short periods of time.

• Are shelved with other like materials, according to recognized national standards for library media centers (i.e. call number, Dewey classification), AND

• Satisfy the district media selection policy and support the collection development plan created by the library media specialist and school media committee.

The following are not library media materials:

• Items intended to be used only by specific departments, subjects, or classes.

• Items of which the school owns numerous copies.

• Items issued to one person, one group, or one classroom for a semester or longer.

• Items shelved by level (i.e. guided readings), reading program (i.e. Accelerated Reader, Reading Counts), or other locally-defined systems.

• Materials that do not satisfy the district selection policy, or support the media center collection development plan.”

(Cobb County School District, 2010)

Donated material addressing controversial issues must give a balanced treatment of the issues if they are to be accepted for the school library media center. The library media specialist shall keep records of the disposition of gifts for a period of three years” (“Media programs . . . ,” 2008).
*Note: Administrative Rule KH deals with the levels of approval needed to distribute donated materials to students. It addresses donations from for-profit/private entities/organizations, public government agencies, and school support organizations/partners in education (“Solicitation and advertizing . . .” 2008).

V. Reconsideration of Materials
    Cobb County supports the principles of intellectual freedom as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States and endorsed by the American Library Association. The county also respects the rights of members of the community to voice their opinions and have input on materials made available in schools. In consideration of this respect for parental and community involvement, the county has instituted a policy for the reconsideration of material. This policy is detailed in Board Administrative Rule IJK and reads as follows:
Objections may be raised to instructional materials used in the District’s educational   program despite the fact that the individuals selecting such material were duly qualified to make the selection, followed proper procedure and observed the criteria for selecting such material. To have standing to either initiate a complaint or intervene through the appeal process, a person must be a citizen of Cobb County excluding the city of Marietta. When an individual raises a question concerning the content of any material, the person and the question should be treated with respect for the rights of the questioning individual and the rights of others who may view the material differently.

VI. Media Services Policies
1. Circulation Policies
The Cobb County School District strives to provide quality print and non-print materials that support student achievement. These materials shall support the curriculum and challenge the students on their developmental level.

In accordance with the Official Code of Georgia § 24-9-46 concerning the nature of certain library records, the media specialist will provide each student with a release form that parents can sign (see Appendix 8) (Cobb County School District, 2009). This release form allows teachers to access a student’s media center records.


At the beginning of the year, the media specialist will provide each student with a bar-coded card which will be their library card for the year.

The student is responsible for bringing this card for checking out materials.

  • General collection materials are fiction and non-fiction. These items can be circulated to teachers and students.

  • Reference materials and periodicals may be used by students in the media center, but they may only be checked out by a teacher.

  • Teacher resources, audio visual materials, and electronic equipment may only be circulated to teachers



  • Students may check out materials from the general circulating collection of Fiction and Non Fiction.

  • Students in grades PreK-1 are allowed to check out 1 book at a time for 2 weeks.

  • Students in grades 2-5 are allowed to check out 2 books at a time for 2 weeks.

  • Students do not check out the following materials: teacher resources, audio visual materials, periodicals, reference and equipment

  • Students may use reference materials and periodicals in the media center.


  • Teachers may check out materials from the general circulating collection, teacher resources, audio visual materials, periodicals, reference and equipment

  • Teachers may check out an unlimited number of materials for 30 days.

  • Teachers are asked to be considerate of the needs of others when checking out materials


  • Students are allowed two renewals for a book.

2. Overdue Materials Policy

  • Students will check out materials for one week. If after two weeks the material has not been returned, the student will receive an overdue notice (Appendix 5)

  • Overdue notices will be sent out weekly to notify students and teachers who have materials more than two weeks overdue materials on their accounts.

  • If the book has not been returned in four weeks, an overdue notice will be sent home to the parent (Appendix 6)

  • Students will not be charged overdue fines.

  • Students will be unable to check out another book until the late book is returned.

  1. Video Policy

  • The media center owns a collection of videos that are allowed under the licenses purchased by the school.

  • It is the media center’s policy to not show outside videos that are not allowed under this license.

  • The exception to this is when a guest speaker shows a video for a program. This video must be made specifically for the program being offered.

  • The school will show G rated films with no parent approval

  • The school will only show PG films with signed parent approval (see Appendix 9).

  1. Inventory

  • An inventory of all media center materials should be conducted at the end of every school year.

  • During inventory, materials (which include books, audio visual materials, and electronic equipment) will be checked for damage and for being outdated.

  • Materials that are damaged or outdated should be pulled and discarded.

  • The media specialist should keep note of the items being pulled if she/he feels these should be replaced in the next school year.

  • Any electronic equipment that needs to be cleaned should have this done before the next school year begins.

  1. Lost or Damaged Materials Policy

The accountability for textbooks, library media materials, other instructional materials, and portable equipment, including but not limited to, laptops, camcorders, digital cameras, cell phones, pagers, PDAs, and PCs, purchased through public and/or school funds (instructional resources) is the responsibility of the person to whom these items are issued. For students, this means the student and his/her parent/guardian; for employees, this means the employee (District Property Replacement/Restitution, 2009).

The Official Code of Georgia Section 20-2-1013 stipulates provisions for the care of library books and media materials:
All textbooks, library books, and media materials purchased by local units of administration with state Quality Basic Education Program funds or any other means of acquisition shall remain the property of the local unit purchasing or acquiring them. Each local unit of administration shall establish such policies as it deems necessary for the care and protection of its textbooks, library books, and media materials as a condition to receiving all or part of the state contributed Quality Basic Education Program funds allotted to the local unit. Such policies may include any of the following sanctions against a pupil who fails or refuses to pay for a lost or damaged textbook, library book, or media material at the replacement cost:

   (1) Refusal to issue any additional textbooks, library books, or media materials until restitution is made; or

   (2) Withholding of all grade cards, diplomas, or certificates of progress until restitution is made (2011).

  1. Weeding Policy

From time to time, books and other library media materials or equipment may become too damaged, worn, or dated to be of value to students and teachers. Library media specialists should make sure that these items are disposed of in a way that is properly documented and is fiscally and environmentally responsible.  Library media specialists should also adhere to any specific requirements associated with the item's funding source and any other applicable policies set forth by the school board, the CCSD Financial Services division, or the local school administration.

  1. Mending/ Repairing Policy

The importance of maintaining District resources is addressed in several Board Policies. The financial implication of proper property maintenance is addressed in Cobb County Board Administrative Rule ECAD; it states, “The purchase of instructional resources represents a significant expenditure of public funds each year in the . . . District” (District Property Replacement/Restitution, 2009)). Board Administrative Rule DN addresses Cobb’s ethical obligations to properly maintain materials. It reads, “The Cobb County School District (District) has a responsibility to uphold the public trust. Protections of District assets . . . purchased with public funds is one way the District seeks to uphold this trust (School Properties Disposition, 2010). Finally, Board Administrative Rule SD-8 charges the Superintendent with protecting the District’s assets in a manner that is “consistent with best business practices,” including ensuring that “[f]acilities and equipment are properly and sufficiently maintained” (Asset Protection, 2008).

VII. Definition and Scope of Technical Services Policy

The main goal for a library media center catalog is to provide quality, consistent catalog information that all patrons can easily search to locate items for check-out.  This section will provide information and expectations for managing MARC data in the district so this goal can be accomplished.

Destiny is a District application. The catalog is developed and maintained by both district personnel and local school media specialists.  Therefore, access to catalog or import records is only granted to the media specialists.

(Overview, 2009)

Circulation Types




use for all videos, DVDs, audio CDs, maps, globes, models, etc.; items assigned an AV call # prefix)


use for all eBooks; items assigned the eBook call # prefix


use for all equipment items; items assigned the EQ or EQU call # prefix


use for magazines; items assigned the MAG or M call # prefix


use for items circulated primarily to faculty; items assigned a PRO call # prefix (may be used for audiovisual collection when inter-shelved with professional books)


use for items in your reference collection; items assigned the REF or R call # prefix


use for most items in the Destiny database.  All Dewey ranges (000s - 900s) and many call # prefixes (E, BIO, SC, FIC) will use this circulation type. This is the "default" circulation type.

Short Term

use for special short term circulation items (one or two days)

(Circulation Types, 2009)
VII. Copyright Policy
“The Cobb County School District recognizes that the District and its employees and students strive to adhere to copyright, patent and other intellectual property laws of the United States and related court decisions” (Cobb County School District, 2006)
In all instances school personnel shall adhere to fair use guidelines and all copyright laws. Media materials and equipment shall not be used in any manner to violate Board Policy, District Administrative Rules or state and federal law.
Each staff member is expected to review these policies and will sign a form acknowledging their receipt of the policy. Violation of this policy may be deemed grounds for termination (see Appendix 10).
Administrative Rules are as follows:

A. Copyright:

Under copyright law, any material prepared by an employee within the scope of his or her employment is called a "work made for hire." For District employees, this means that any materials an employee creates within the scope of employment at the District are "works made for hire" and belong to the District, unless ownership is transferred by the District to the employee in writing. (Cobb County School District, 2006)

B. Patent:

Under patent law, the patent rights to an invention of a District employee created within the scope of employment may, depending upon the circumstances, belong to the District or may allow the District to obtain a non-exclusive, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free license ("shop right") to use the invention. (Cobb County School District, 2006)

Websites that may be helpful to provide additional information are presented in Appendix 11.
What is Copyright?
Copyright is a property right granted to authors, the purpose of which is to advance the public welfare by promoting artistic and scientific progress. Author’s creations are considered Intellectual Property. All creative works are eligible for copyright. Ideas and thought are the only things not eligible for copyright
Educational Exceptions to US Copyright Law: Fair Use
When determining the use fair use of a work, four factors must be considered. These are also known as the four tests of fair use:

  • the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;

  • the nature of the copyrighted work;

  • the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole;

  • the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

Programs must be used for face to face instructional purposes.

Purchased videos may be used for direct instruction only, not entertainment.

Showing Video on CCTV – Closed Circuit TV Use

  • Programs shown must state that CCTV use is authorized.

  • Programs are simultaneous transmission of live broadcasts.

  • Videos purchased by the school with closed circuit rights

Also Permissible is:

    • Most instructional programs purchased from instructional production companies.

    • Most programs provided by state agencies.

    • Any original work.

    • Cable in the Classroom programming.

    • Simultaneous transmission of any live broadcast.

Using “Home use only” Videotapes on closed-circuit TV:

Rental videos follow this rule but may not be used if a contract with rental agent limits the rental to “home use.”
All videos not owned by a Cobb County media center must have prior approval by the school’s designated person.
Videotaping for Classroom use:

  • Program may be kept 45 days and must be used within 10 school days.

  • Taping is done only at request of a teacher.

  • Program content may not be edited.

  • Rights are only for educational institutions, not for individuals.

  • Programs may be recorded once for the same teacher.

  • Copyright notice on the recorded program must appear.

Taping from satellite or cable has additional requirements:

    • Requires permission of the copyright holder.

    • Programs may be taped from cable that may also be received on local open air broadcast stations.

    • Payment of appropriate fees for broadcasts, if applicable.

Terminology for Videotaping

  • Analog: copying to VHS format.

  • Digital: copying to DVD or other media.

  • Off-air taping: off-air is delivered via an antenna, not cable or satellite (for example-. CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, etc.)

  • Satellite/Cable: is delivered via a paid subscription service by satellite or cable.

Printed Materials
Copyright laws must be posted by every copy machine in the building. A sample of this notice can be found in Appendix 12.

You can make single copies of:

  • a chapter of a book

  • an article from a magazine

  • a short story, poem (250 words or less) or essay

  • a chart, cartoon or picture.

  • two pages from a illustrated picture book

  • if there is insufficient time to request permission

You can make multiple copies for classroom use of:

  • a complete poem or excerpt from a poem that is 250 words or less

  • a complete article or short story of less than 2500 words

  • excerpts from a larger work or a special work not to exceeds 2500 words or 10% of the whole, whichever is less

  • one chart, graph, diagram per book or article

Limits to photocopying:

  • copying is for one (1) course only

  • no more than 9 instances of multiple copying in one term

  • same item not reproduced from term to term

  • no charge is made to students beyond the actual photocopying cost

  • no copying of consumable works (workbooks, etc).

Certain materials are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according to the multimedia fair use guidelines and are restricted from further use.
The Internet is not public domain.

Assume that ALL web pages (information and codes) are copyright protected.

Electronic postings are not public domain- ideas in Blogs and E-mails.


Assume that if content is copyrighted in print, it is also copyrighted in the multimedia format.
Posting from the Internet

  • When linking to web pages, research terms of use agreement.

  • Assume all graphics are copyrighted, and ask for permission before posting to your site and give credit.

  • Assume all html codes are copyrighted, ask for permission before copying

Instructional Guidelines for Using Multimedia
Teachers may legally use copyrighted multimedia materials for

  • Face-to-face student instruction.

  • Directed student self-study.

  • Real-time online instruction—provided the technology prevents copying of the copyrighted material.

  • Teaching courses for a period of up to two years after the first instructional use.

  • Presentation at peer workshops and conferences.

Users may legally use copyrighted multimedia materials for academic work only, however, the user must:

Give credit to the source (include the author, title, publisher, and place and date of publication.

  • On the opening slide, home page, etc. and on any accompanying printed materials, state that certain materials are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according to the multimedia fair use guidelines and are restricted from further use.

When a student creates a multimedia work using copyrighted material the following guidelines apply:

  • No more than two copies

  • If the student project contains copyrighted material and posted online, the work may be held for only 15 days after the initial use.

  • Projects with copyrighted material may only be used for student learning and may not be duplicated for any other purpose

Copyrighted Multimedia Limitation

  • Up to 3 minutes or 10%, whichever is less, of a single copyrighted multimedia (online video, flash, power point, animation, etc.)

  • Up to 30 seconds or 10%, whichever is less, of music and lyrics from a single musical work.

  • Up to 2,500 fields or cell entries or 10%, whichever is less, from a numerical database or data table.

  • Up to five photos or illustrations by one person, and no more than 15 images or 10 percent, whichever is less, from a single published work.

Students and employees should comply with District Administrative (Intellectual Property), as well as federal, state or local laws governing copyrighted material.
Students/employees will not:
           (1) Download or upload files to the District’s technology that might cause
                copyright infringement; or
           (2) Install, use, store, distribute or transmit unauthorized copyrighted or
                trademarked materials on District technology.

(Cobb County School District, 2008)

Software Questions and Answers:
What are The Consequences of Software Piracy?

Unauthorized duplication of distribution of software is a federal crime. It can carry a penalty of fines up to $250,000 or for teachers: jail terms up to five years

Why Copyright for Software?

All software, like all other tangible, original work, is copyrighted on creation. Because no piece of software has been in existence long enough to pass into the public domain, the only public domain software currently available is software that the owner has expressly relinquished to the public domain. Such software is usually clearly labeled.

What are the Steps to add New Software at School?

  • Speak with your Technology Contact Person

  • Provide all the documentation that accompanies the software (number of licenses)

  • Provide all the Program Disks

  • Must have an instructional purpose

Public Domain
Uses of works in the public domain are not restricted by copyright law.

Definition: in law, legal availability for public use, free of charge, of materials, processes, devices, skills, and plans that are not protected by copyright or patent, including those on which copyright or patent has lapsed.

Items in the public domain were either published prior to 1923 have fallen into the public domain or have been marked as in the public domain by the creator.

VIII. Leadership and Professional Growth Policy

“The CCSD Professional Learning staff is committed to providing professional development that is a comprehensive and intensive approach to improving teachers' and principals' effectiveness in raising student achievement” (Cobb County School District, 2009).

Resources for professional growth (Appendix 14)

IX. Interlibrary Loan Policy
Media centers in the Cobb County School District may share resources. Media specialist may view resources by changing the Destiny setting to view all Cobb County Schools.
Media centers in Cobb County may also borrow resources from the Cobb County Public Library System. They may do this by contacting the public library closest to the school. The attached form (Appendix 15) will guide the library in locating the materials.
I. Collection Management
1. Consideration File
If a stakeholder has an interest in the media center acquiring specific materials, that request should be made in writing using the Consideration File Form (Appendix 16). All requests will be considered but must meet appropriate guidelines as outlined in the County selection policy. Final decision will be made by the Library Media Specialist who may receive input from the Media Committee and the Principal.
2. Ordering Procedures
Specifications for Purchase:

Library media materials are considered for purchase on the basis of the following:

        a. The author or producer should be qualified as a subject specialist

b. Concepts, content, and vocabulary should be appropriate for the potential user     

        c. Facts presented should be accurate and up to date

        d. Information should be logically arranged

        e. Subject matter should hold the attention of the student

        f. Format of the material should be attractive and durable

        g. Illustrations should be pertinent and well executed

        h. Items should meet a real or potential need

        i. Evaluations from standard selection aids should be given consideration

        j. Topics of a sensitive nature (i.e. social, political, religious) should be given a

           balanced treatment, with both pros and cons represented

        k. Equipment for purchase shall be considered on the basis of the following:

           (1) Quality
           (2) Durability
           (3) Ease of use
           (4) Ease of maintenance and serviceability

           (5) Functionality

           (6) Safety

           (7) Cost

Selection Criteria Procedures

Specific Purchasing Instructions can be found at:



Library Supplies:

Destiny Desk Scanner:
3. Receiving Procedures: Bar Code Treatment/Physical Processing
Purchased Cataloging - Whenever possible, processing is included when purchasing an item. Vendors are provided with specifications and a range of bar codes to use when processing materials. Purchased cataloging includes MARC records which can be downloaded into the system’s union catalog (Destiny). See Appendix 4 for sample MARC records. When an order arrives, the media specialist completes the processing as follows:
Book Processing

  • The order is checked in; materials are inspected and checked against the purchase order/invoice.

  • Book jacket, if there is one, is laminated.

  • The book is stamped with the school name. Name stamping is placed on the bottom of the inside front cover

  • The barcode is attached and a label protector is placed over the barcode.

  • A target is placed in the book. The barcode is written on the target and then covered with book tape. The target is placed on the top inside front cover of books that circulate and on the bottom inside back cover of reference materials.

AV Processing

  • The order is checked in; materials are inspected and checked against the purchase order/invoice.

  • DVDs/videos are previewed. (Correct title, sound/video quality, full length, etc.)

  • A barcode is attached to the front cover; a label protector is placed over barcode.

  • Spine label is attached; yellow label protector is placed over the spine label.

  • The following information is written in permanent marker directly on the video, disc, etc.: school name, call number, barcode number.

Manual Cataloging – When processing is not available from the vendor, the media specialist following the procedures outlined below:

The following materials are used for cataloging procedures at Varner Elementary:

  • Sear List of Subject Headings, 18th Edition

  • Abridged Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index, Edition 14

  • Destiny Library Manager/Participant Guide, Follett Software Co., 2007-08

  • Preprinted barcode labels

  • Clear protective tape; label protectors

  • Due date stickers with security target

  • School stamp

4. Periodicals / Serials / Newspaper Control

The media specialist keeps a master list of all magazine subscriptions. This list includes the start/stop dates and frequency of publication. New issues are processed as follows:

  • Receipt of the issue is noted on the master list.

  • A white label is affixed near the upper right-hand corner of the magazine; month/day/year (as appropriate) of issue is written on the white label (This is done to facilitate locating this information.)

  • The previous issue of that magazine is removed from the plastic cover and the more current issue is inserted.

  • Past issues are filed in labeled vertical holders. Past issues are kept for one full year. They are then offered to teachers for use on class projects.

  • If an issue fails to arrive in a timely manner, the media specialist contacts the jobber to request a replacement copy or credit.

The media specialist does not keep a written record of newspaper delivery; however, should issues fail to arrive, the media specialist contacts the news agency for a late delivery or credit. The newspapers (The Atlanta Journal Constitution & The Marietta Daily Journal) are placed on end tables in the media center seating area. These are moved to the recycle bin at the end of each day.

5. Weeding Procedures
Weeding is necessary to maintain the effectiveness of the media center. Weeding is done by the Media Center staff. Volunteers may be utilized, but the Media Specialist must review all items to be removed from the Media Center. See Appendix 26 for Steps to Follow When Weeding

Federally-Funded Materials
Before discarding a book or other item, determine if it was purchased with federal funds.  (Check the inside cover and title page for a Title program stamp.)  If the item was purchased with federal funds and is less than five years old, create a record of its disposal as follows:

  1. On the title page*, write "Discarded" and the current month and year (i.e., "Discarded 9/2009").

  2. On the title page, write a brief reason for disposal (i.e., "Damaged" or "Outdated").

  3. If they are not already listed on the title page, write your school name and the federal Title program under which the item was purchased (i.e., Title I, Title II, Title IV).

  4. Tear out the title page and place it in a folder labeled "Federal Disposals [year]," where [year] is the current school year (i.e., "Federal Disposals 2009-2010"). Keep this folder in your files for at least five years.

  5. Proceed with the discard process outlined below.

*For AV materials and items without a title page, simply make a photocopy of the cover or print the copy information page from Destiny.  On this photocopied/printed page, write in the discard date and reason, along with any of the other items that aren't already listed there (title, author, school name, and funding source).

Prepare the Items for Discard

  • Delete the items from Destiny. (Be sure to check the "Track as weeded" option).

  • Remove any barcode labels and other labels that identify your school name or the district. Also, black out any stamps or other markings that identify your school name or the district.  Be sure to check the inside covers, title page, and other standard marking locations.

  • Using a permanent marker, write the word "DISCARD" in several prominent places on the item.

  • If you plan to replace the item, be sure to put a reminder note in your purchase consideration file.


    1. Discarded items must be sent to the CCSD Warehouse for disposal. The general instructions below will provide some direction, but if you have questions, problems, or special requests, contact the CCSD warehouse staff.

    1. Place the items in small, sturdy shipping boxes.  (Use the boxes your new book shipments arrive in; avoid using the thin boxes used to ship copy paper.)

    2. Fill the boxes as completely as possible so they can be stacked without collapsing.

    3. Tape the boxes closed, and label them for pickup.

    4. Prepare a haul request using the warehouse service form. In the column under "number of items," list the number of boxes.  For the item description, write "Boxes of library media materials for discard."

    5. Send the haul request to the warehouse staff, and keep a copy for your records.

  • If appropriate, discarded items may be given to teachers for classroom use or reused in materials production in the library media center before they are sent to the warehouse. (For example, the images from a book with a broken binding and missing pages could be cut out and used in student collages.) However, discarded items may not be sold and may not be distributed to individuals or agencies outside the school. Once a discarded item is no longer being used in this fashion, the remnants should be sent to the warehouse for disposal.

 Disposal of Magazines & Newspapers

Once they are no longer current or relevant, copies of print periodicals and other ephemeral items need not be stored in the library media center. They can be given to students or teachers, or they can be recycled in the CCSD Single Stream Recycling program.
Surplus/Disposal of Furniture, AV Equipment, and Technology Items

Library Media Furniture and Equipment that is damaged or outdated should be surplused according the current procedures established by the CCSD Warehouse and the Property Control department:

CCSD Warehouse Website

  • Library media specialists should maintain records of all library media center furniture and equipment that is surplused or discarded for a minimum of five years after it is discarded.

6. Repair and Mending Procedures

Books with minor damage, such as loose binding, torn pages, and stray marks, are repaired in house by the media specialist or paraprofessional. Varner Elementary has used a rebinding service in the past for the repair of costly reference books; however, with the advent of on-line databases, rebinding has proven to be too costly and/or unnecessary.
The following materials are kept on hand for repair/mending damaged books:

  • Book tape

  • Transparent tape

  • Rubber cement

  • Scissors

  • Book glue

  • Art-Gum eraser

  • Goo Gone

  • Heavy rubber bands

Common mending procedures include the following.

Cleaning Marked Pages/Covers:

  • Use an art-gum eraser to remove pencil marks. Rub from the inside margin to the outside of the page.

  • Use Goo Gone to remove sticky substances from covers. Apply a small amount of Goo Gone to a paper towel and rub the cover lightly until the substance is removed.

Repairing Torn Pages:

  • Use a strip of tape long enough to cover the entire tear and have at least ½ inch excess to fold over the edge of the page. Place the tape over the tear, fold the tape over the edge, and smooth down.

Repairing Loose Pages:

  • If only a few pages are loose, reattach each page separately. To do this, use two strips of tape, each the full length of the page. Carefully position one strip of tape so that half the width is on the inner side of the front of the loose page and the other half is on the inner side of the preceding page. Place the second strip of tape along the inner edge of the back side of the loose page and on the following page. If a large section of pages is loose, follow the instructions for repairing loose binding.

Repairing Loose Binding:

  • Apply rubber cement to both the inner spine of the book and to the back of the pages.

  • Allow the glue to air dry for at least an hour, until it feels tacky.

  • Close the book, putting pressure on the spine.

  • Place rubber bands around the book to keep it tightly closed for at least a day.

7. Inventory Procedures

  • The media center will conduct an inventory yearly during the last two weeks of school.

  • The media center will not circulate books during the last two weeks of the school year in preparation for inventory.

  • To conduct an inventory using the Destiny system the media specialist should use the following links:

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