Webb Bridge Chorus 4455 Webb Bridge Road, Alpharetta, ga 30005 (470) 254-2940 2017-2018 Chorus Syllabus Teacher

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WGroup 1ebb Bridge Chorus

4455 Webb Bridge Road, Alpharetta, GA 30005 - (470) 254-2940

2017-2018 Chorus Syllabus
Teacher: Caroline Goldstein – goldsteinc@fultonschools.org

Chorus Website: webbbridgechorus.weebly.com
Class Periods:

Period 2: 7th Grade Chorus

Period 3: 7th Grade Chorus

Period 5: 8th Grade Chorus

Period 7: 6th Grade Chorus
Student Materials:

Pencils (2)


Lined notebook paper

Supplies to Bring at the Beginning of the Year (Due: August 25th):

½ -inch, three-ring binder **Must be ½ inch to fit in binder slot!**

1 pack of pencils

1 box of tissues

1 bottle of hand sanitizer (6th), 1 package of Band-Aids (7th), 1 container of Lysol wipes (8th)

1 pack of white-board markers

Class Resources:

Choral Octavos* (sheet music) (Issued by WBMS Choral Program – may not be taken home)

*Please note that we will perform sacred and secular music representing many cultures. Music is selected for its educational and artistic merit, not to promote any particular religion or belief.
Course Information and Objectives:

WBMS Chorus is a year-long, performance-based class. Chorus is open to any student and does not require any prior experience. Students will learn to sing using proper breath support, diction, posture, articulation, and tone. In addition, they will sight-read written music, notate music, and explore the historical and cultural contexts of a wide variety of repertoire. Through participation in the choral program, students will explore practice techniques and performance skills.

Teacher/Parent Communication:

Email – is the most efficient way to contact teachers

Conferences – may be scheduled based on each student’s needs

Interim Report Cards – come home every 4 ½ weeks

Home Access Center – please check frequently for your child’s progress and always provide us with your current email address
Please ensure you are also registered for the Home Access Center (HAC) so you can view your child’s grades. Teachers will post grades in TAC within 2 weeks of test dates or project/assignment due dates.

Fulton County Schools Grading Scale:




F=69% and below

Grading System:

As a way to measure growth, we will use the following break-down:

Participation: 50%

Summative Assessments (concerts, dress rehearsals): 35%

Formative Assessments (classwork, quizzes)): 15%


To see the list of the music standards taught in chorus, please visit the following website (pages 36-43):


Concert Participation Policy:

Chorus is a performance-based course and attendance at all concerts and performances is expected. All students should attend the entire rehearsal and/or performance. Students’ grades are impacted by their participation in dress rehearsals and performances. If a student has an emergency or illness that necessitates that he/she miss a required rehearsal or performance, he/she will be given the opportunity to complete an assignment of equal magnitude to take the place of his/her concert participation grade. Please communicate in writing any absences (other than severe illness or the loss of a family member) to Ms. Goldstein with at least one week’s notice.

Class Participation Policy:

All students are expected to participate fully. If a student is not feeling well enough to sing, he/she will be sent to the clinic. Students who are well enough to remain at school but are unable to sing will be expected to do an alternative assignment to earn his/her participation points for the day.

Make-Up Work:

Following an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to contact his/her teachers to arrange for make-up work. The contact must be made within one school day of returning. If the teacher is absent, contact should be made upon the first day of the teacher’s return.

Students are given the same number of days to complete make-up work as the absence, not including the day of return. For instance, if a student is absent two consecutive days, he/she has two days (not including the day of return) to complete the assignments. The teacher will establish a reasonable schedule for completing tests, labs, etc. that cannot be done independently by the student. The policy above applies to excused absences. Students with an excused absence are eligible to make-up work for full credit. While students are allowed to make up work due to unexcused absences, the make-up work for students with unexcused absences may be penalized up to 10% of the maximum value of the graded assignment.
Assignments made prior to the absence, including tests/quizzes scheduled for the day of return, are generally due upon the student’s return. Students who are present for any portion of the school day are expected to turn in all assignments due on that day in order to receive full credit.

Failure to complete make-up work within the designated time frame may result in a grade reduction for the assignment.

Assignments missed due to pre-approved absences are due upon the student’s return unless the teacher has approved other arrangements in advance.

Late Assignments:

In an effort to promote accountability, responsibility, and executive functioning growth, students are expected to submit academic work on the due date assignment by teachers. Ten points will be deducted each day an assignment is late, but will not exceed thirty points.  If the assignment would have earned an 80 or above if turned in on time, then 70 is the minimum score it will receive. Students may not submit late materials once the unit of study has ended. In other words, once the student has taken the summative assessment for the unit, the work that was due for that unit will remain “NHI” (not handed in), which counts as a zero in the gradebook.

Honor Code:

In an effort to encourage good study habits, fair competition, and positive development in the area of academics, the Webb Bridge faculty supports a strong policy for academic honesty.  Student assignments turned in for grading should be the sole work of that individual student.  To prevent cheating, including plagiarism, students may not collaborate with other students or adults on their assignments unless the teacher has given explicit permission to do so. This includes the giving or receiving of information in any manner, including electronically. In situations where collaboration is allowed, the teacher will clearly define what level of collaboration is appropriate.  Under no circumstances is it acceptable for two students to submit identical work, unless the assignment included a group component that makes it permissible or copy and paste from a resource. Students are encouraged to consult with their teacher regarding what level of collaboration is acceptable prior to completing an assignment. 

An environment of academic integrity is the work of all members of the WBMS community; thus, the duty to report any part of academic dishonesty falls on all including students. If any community member suspects or witnesses academic dishonesty, he or she is required to report the incident immediately (within 24 hours) to his or her teacher or administrator. Students who knowingly make false accusations are subject to disciplinary consequences. 
Students who are found in violation of the WBMS Honor Code Policy will receive academic and disciplinary consequences. Students will be responsible for re-assessment up to 70 percent and disciplinary consequences will be based on the student's responsibility cycle.
 *No electronic device may be displayed during any assessment without the explicit direction from the teacher. Violating this requirement may result in an Honor Code violation.
Recovery Process:

Recovery is an opportunity for students to recover from a low (73 and below) or failing cumulative grade in a particular subject. Recovery is permitted when all work required to date has been completed and the student has demonstrated a legitimate effort to meet all course requirements, including attendance. Students should contact the teacher concerning recovery opportunities. Teachers are expected to establish a reasonable time period for recovery work to be completed during the semester. All recovery work must be directly related to course objectives and must be completed 10 days prior to the end of each semester.

Student grades represent what students know, understand, and can do. To that end, if students are failing, they are essentially not learning. With this in mind, if students fail a summative assessment, once all work is completed, the student will be required to work with his/her teacher to participate in a re-teaching activity, complete a re-learning activity, and then will re-take a similar assessment in order to cement learning. The highest grade that can be earned on this re-assessment is 74%.
The recovery process must be initiated by the student within five days of the student receiving the graded assignment and the grade being posted to Home Access Center (HAC). Furthermore, all Recovery opportunities expire ten days before the end of each semester.

Help Sessions:

Ms. Goldstein is available on select days before and after school to work with students individually/in small groups. If class time does not allow, students may use this time to make up tests and quizzes.

Extra-curricular Ensembles Rehearsal Schedule:

Decibelles – Mondays and Wednesdays 7:45-8:25

A Cappella – Thursdays 7:45-8:25

Guys’ Club – Fridays 7:45-8:25

Class Expectations:

Exemplifying Excellence Every Day

In Chorus, this means all students should:

-Arrive to class on time with their agendas, paper, and two pencils.

-Immediately pick their music binders and begin the warm-up.

-Participate fully in rehearsal.

-Maintain a positive attitude

-Honor the music by only talking when appropriate.

-Stick to water in class and performances (no gum, food, candy, sugary drinks, etc…)

-Respect others’ property, rights, and opinions.


1st Offense – Verbal Warning

2nd Offense – Verbal Warning and Behavior Log

3rd Offense – Classroom Consequence and Parent Notification

4th Offense – Office Referral

5th Offense – Parent-Student Conference. In addition, the student will be placed on Performance Probation and will be unable to perform with the group until his/her conduct improves. Students placed on Performance Probation will be required to complete an alternative project to take the place of his/her concert grade.

Concert Attire:

We wear a uniform to maintain a professional, unified appearance. All

students are expected to purchase the required attire. If you are unable to afford the attire, please contact Ms. Goldstein and your grade-level administrator so we can make accommodations.
Ladies’ Formal Uniform:

-Floor-length black choral dress (purchased through WBMS - $60)

-Solid black dress shoes (sneakers, sandals, boots, etc…).

-Long hair pulled back with a small, neutral hair accessory

-Jewelry limited to small, inconspicuous earrings and medical IDs
Ladies’ and Men’s Informal Uniform:

-Chorus t-shirt (purchased through WBMS - $10)

-Blue jeans without rips or decorations)


Men’s Formal Uniform:

White tuxedo shirt (purchased through WBMS - $25))

Black dress pants

Black socks

Black dress shoes (no sneakers, sandals, boots, etc…)

-Long hair pulled back

Any student who is not properly dressed in our uniform will not be permitted to perform. The student will receive a grade of 50% for his/her concert participation grade.

Webb Bridge Middle School’s Choral Program holds a major fundraiser in the fall. All money raised will support our choral program, accompanist fees, and the purchase of items such as sheet music and supplies.

Calendar: Please note that dates may be added or changed.








Chorus Family Info Meeting

WBMS Cafeteria

6:00 PM

All Families

Highly Encouraged


Signed syllabus due



All Choruses


8/28/17 or 8/30/17

Decibelles Auditions


7:45 AM

All Ladies



District Honor Choir Auditions


7:30 AM

Interested Students



First Decibelles Rehearsal


7:45 AM




Chorus Retreat


4:10-8:00 pm

All Choruses

Highly Encouraged


First Guys' Club Rehearsal


7:45 AM

All Men



Fall Concert


5:30 call, 6:30 pm concert

All Choruses



Community Children's Choral Festival

Northminster Presbyterian Church


6th Grade Chorus



District Honor Chorus






Cluster Concert


5:45 pm call, 6:30 pm perf

8th Grade



All-State Auditions

Dutchtown HS





Chorus Winter Concert


5:45 pm call, 7:00 pm perf

All Choruses



All-State Auditions

North Springs HS





Universal Trip

Orlando, FL


8th Grade



All-State Chorus

Classics Center Athens, GA





ACDA Southern Division Honor Chorus

Louisville, KY





LGPE Rehearsal


4:10-5:30pm rehearsal

All Choruses



Pre-LGPE Rehearsal and Concert


4:10-5:15pm rehearsal, 5:30 pm perf

All Choruses



Large Group Performance Evaluation


Day and Time TBA

All Choruses



Six Flags Trip

Six Flags Over GA


6th Grade Chorus



Spring Concert Dress Rehearsal


4:10-5:15 pm

All Choruses



Spring Concert


5:30 call, 6:30 pm concert

All Choruses


My child and I have read the Webb Bridge Middle School Chorus Syllabus and agree to meet the obligations set forth by the choral program. We have noted all rehearsal and performance dates.

Parent Signature: _________________________________ Date: _________
Student Signature: ________________________________ Date: __________
Additional Information
Student’s Name: __________________________________________________
Student’s Grade: ________ Student’s Height: _______
Parent’s Name: ___________________________________________________
Parent’s Email Address: ____________________________________________
Parent’s Phone Number: __________________________________________
Does your student play an instrument? If so, which one(s)? __________
Does your student take music lessons? If so, whom does he/she study?


Additional Opportunities
GMEA All-State Chorus

7th and 8th grade choral students are eligible to audition for GMEA’s All-State Chorus. Students who are selected for All-State Chorus must pass two rigorous auditions. The first audition will take place at Dutchtown High School in Hampton, GA on November 11, 2017. The second audition will take place on January 18, 2018 at North Springs High School in Sandy Springs, GA. All-State Chorus will take place from February 15th-17th in Athens, GA.

The audition process involves quite a bit of preparation, though the auditions and event itself are incredibly rewarding. Any student who is interested in auditioning should plan to practice with Ms. Goldstein before and/or after school. Any student who is selected will need to attend the auditions and event with a parent/chaperone. The cost of registration and music is approximately $50. In addition, each student will be responsible for the cost of his/her travel, hotel, and meals.
GMEA District V Honor Chorus

Webb Bridge may select 6th-8th grade students to participate in GMEA District V Honor Chorus (6th in the 4th-6th Grade Honor Chorus, 7th and 8th in the Middle School Honor Chorus). District Honor Chorus is a great way to meet other singers from Fulton County, Atlanta Public Schools, and the private schools in those districts. The event will take place on October 27th and 28th in the metro-Atlanta area. Please note that the performance on October 28th will take place in the early afternoon. Please only commit this if your child is willing to postpone any Halloween celebrations until that evening! The cost of participation and music is approximately $45.

Georgia American Choral Directors Association Treble Honor Chorus

GA ACDA Treble Honor Chorus is open by audition to any of our choral students with unchanged voices. The event will take place in June (exact date TBA) at Spivey Hall on the campus of Clayton State University. The cost of registration is approximately $65. Each student must have a parent chaperone.

American Choral Directors Association National Honor Choir

This year, the American Choral Directors Association’s Southern Division Conference will take place in Louisville, KY. To audition, students will need to submit a recorded track that they will create with Ms. Goldstein’s assistance before or after school. Auditions must be recorded in between September 1, 2017 and September 30, 2017. Students will be notified about the result of their audition by December.

Selected students will attend the event from February 21st-24th in Louisville. All participating students must attend with a family chaperone. Please note that while this is one of the most amazing choral experiences offered in the country, it is quite expensive! The cost to participate is approximately $150 plus travel expenses (note that it is required by ACDA that you stay at the honor choir hotel).
*Please contact Caroline Goldstein (goldsteinc@fultonschools.org) if your child would like to audition but is in need of financial assistance.

Honor Chorus Audition Sign-Up
My child would like to audition for the following choirs (audition is at Haynes Bridge Middle School):
_____ GMEA District V Honor Chorus (6th-8th)

_____ GA ACDA Treble Honor Choir (6th-8th)


_____ ACDA Southern Honor Choir (6th-8th - auditions through ACDA)

_____ GMEA All-State Chorus (7th and 8th - auditions through GMEA)
I understand that if my child is selected for one or more of the honor choirs, it is mandatory that he/she attends the event in its entirety. Students who are not able to commit should not audition as to allow another student to take advantage of the opportunity.
Student’s Name: __________________________________________________
Parent’s Name: ___________________________________________________
Parent’s Signature: _______________________________ Date: __________

Uniform Order Form
Student’s Name: __________________________________________________

Student’s Grade: ________

Required Uniform Pieces:
Uniform T-shirt Size: ______

(sizes YL, YXL, AS, AM, AL, AXL, AXXL)

Dress Size: _____ (females)
Please note that all students will be measured their formal shirts (males) and dresses (females). While dress sizes will be used as a guide in combination with measurements, we will order the exact t-shirt size you request.
Optional Spirit-Wear:
Performing Arts Department T-Shirt Size: _____

(sizes YL, YXL, AS, AM, AL, AXL, AXXL)

Chorus Hoodie Size: _____

(sizes YL, YXL, AS, AM, AL, AXL, AXXL)

All clothing pieces are custom-ordered and may not be exchanged for different sizes.


Female Dress (if not already owned): $60 ______

Male Tux Shirt (if not already owned): $25 ______

Unisex Uniform T-shirt: $10 ______


Performing Arts Department T-Shirt: $10 ______

Chorus Hoodie: $20 ______

Total Amount Included: ______
*Please initial if not purchasing a dress or tux shirt:

My child already owns a chorus dress or tux shirt _____

Checks may be made payable to Webb Bridge Middle School and are due by Friday, September 1st.

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