Welcome to Universal-sim release V610 Universal-sim is a standalone unlocking device that can unlock your mobile phone. It should be used together with your operator simcard and should stay at all times inside the phone

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Welcome to Universal-SIM

Release V610

Universal-SIM is a standalone unlocking device that can unlock your mobile phone. It should be used together with your operator simcard and should stay at all times inside the phone.

What's new in version V610:

  • Solved some Universal-SIM stability problems that caused the phone to display insert sim after a while

  • Modified custom presets configuration to fit the NEW PRESETS LAYOUT

    • Please modify all your preset.ini files YOUR OLD PRESETS WON’T WORK!!!

    • Add for each preset ( PRESET_SHOW = "NO") for more detailed info please read the appropriate section of this manual. ( Advanced settings )

  • Tested with more than 200 simcards,

  • Modified the way informations from operator card are displayed and the way are read from simcard.

  • Added 3G compatibility detection (usefull for some phones to detect incompatible cards ). If your simcard reads “ Card is compatible with 3G Phones ( MOMO MD-1 )” that means is possible for the card to work with 3G phones but is not 100% guaranteed. We will try to improve the detection process also in upcoming updates to help you check faster if a simcard is not compatible with 3G phones. ( Samsung P910 / Momo MD-1 and others ).

  • Improved smartcard reader compatibility.

  • Tested on MOMO Design MD 1 and MD 2 phones. ( Please use the MOMO Design setting for this phones. ) A lot of simcards are not compatible with MD1 phones, In fact from 200+ simcards that we have only few are working T-Mobile UK some, 3 Hong Kong some, so please use the Read operator card button to check for compatibility ( is not detecting cards 100% yet but we are still working on this ). But be 100% sure if the program will display that is not compatible with 3G phones that means is not compabile for sure.

  • Added SHOW DONE option for each setting and preset. ( Default is DISABLED ) Using this option you can choose to force the Mobile Phone to display an UNLOCK DONE message after unlock operation is completed ( Not applicable for Nokia Default and TESTMODE unlock types ).

What's new in version V600:

  • Solved many bugs from previous version

  • Added custom presets configuration. It’s easy now to apply your favorite presets.

  • Tested with more than 180 operator simcards.

  • Added new smartcard reader types. You won’t be required to use only PKEY Vista to perform the update procedure. You can use now serial smartcard readers! ( non ISO )


Universal-SIM Installation 4

Universal-SIM configuration 10

FAQ / Known issues & problems 18

Questions and Answers 19

Universal-SIM Installation

Cut the sim card from your mobile operator to fit the UNIVERSAL-SIM. Cutting of your Operator’s SIM should be kept to a minimum.

Insert into mobile phone (in picture you can see a Nokia 6120c)

Universal-SIM needs to be configured in order to work with your mobile phone. For this you must use a card reader. Universal-SIM is tested with Omnikey readers, PKEY readers and with serial readers starting from version V600. To use old software you must use PKEY or Omnikey readers!

Works best with PKEY Vista and compatible serial readers.

PKEY Readers are of 2 types ( NEW ONE AND OLD ONE ).

Here is how the new one looks like ( PKEY Vista ): you can recognize it after the 32 pin chip used – it works under Windows Vista driverless

Here is the old one ( PKEY XP ): you can recognize it after the BIG IC used

For PKEY XP you will need to download the necessary drivers.

Also Universal-SIM is compatible with a wide range of serial readers ( USB to SERIAL ) etc.

Here is one sample reader:

You can see the 3.579545 Mhz Quarz providing a baudrate of 9600 bps required by Universal-SIM !

You might try other USB / Serial readers that look similar with this one.

! How to insert Universal-SIM into the reader !

Emergency Boot MODE

If you preffer you can solder the 2 pins from Automatic card detection. It will be easyer to detect Universal-SIM this way. Otherwhise you must insert some plastic into the reader to simulate simcard insertion!

ATTENTION! After you have inserted Universal-SIM into the card reader make sure you have no other smartcard readers connected to your computer and then connect the reader to the USB port of your computer.

After you have inserted the reader into computer you need to update the card to match the version of update software used.

Check our webpage for updates regularly!

If you are using other readers than OMNIKEY and PKEY READERS, like the one we’ve presented earlier you must check the Update using USB/Serial Smartcard Reader checkbox!

After selecting the reader type press the Update button to update your Universal-SIM first!

It will take few seconds to update your Universal-SIM.

Universal-SIM configuration

A.Normal Mode

STEP 1: After we have successfully updated Universal-SIM we select the phone type according to the phone you want to unlock.

Using Universal-SIM as TESTCARD -> Select "Testcard" from phone type menu and apply the settings. This setting is special designed to work with Sony Ericsson phones in order to emulate the testcard.

STEP 2: The next setting is ATR Type. According to our tests Use Card ATR option is the best one. If you have problems with phone recognizing simcard you should try the other ATR settings.

Next you choose the mode you want to use. If you want to do more advanced settings to your Universal-SIM please check the Advanced checkbox and those possible settings will appear. To continue STEP 2 ( Advanced settings ) go to Advanced Settings Page in this manual.

STEP 3: Please take out Universal-SIM from the ISO compatible reader ( PKEY ETC ) and insert ONLY mobile network operator simcard ( your simcard ).

After you’ve inserted the simcard into the reader, if necessary please unplug and then plug your reader back into the USB of the computer.

Make sure the simcard has PIN code disabled !

Press Read operator card button in Universal-SIM software.

Now your simcard settings are automatically learned by Universal-SIM software.


  • Take OUT operator simcard from the ISO reader

  • Insert Universal-SIM into the ISO reader ( INSERT ONLY UNIVERSAL-SIM, not together with the simcard )

  • Press Apply Settings button and you are DONE!!

To check the settings are correctly applied use the Read Settings and Log Button !!

B.Advanced Mode

STEP 1: After we have successfully updated Universal-SIM we select the phone type according to the phone you want to unlock.

Using Universal-SIM as TESTCARD -> Select "Testcard" from phone type menu and apply the settings. This setting is special designed to work with Sony Ericsson phones in order to emulate the testcard.

STEP 2: The next setting is ATR Type. According to our tests Use Card ATR option is the best one. If you have problems with phone recognizing simcard you should try the other ATR settings.

Next you choose the mode you want to use. If you want to do more advanced settings to your Universal-SIM please check the Advanced checkbox and those possible settings will appear. To continue STEP 2 ( Advanced settings ) go to Advanced Settings Page in this manual.

Advanced mode enables you to do more in depth settings to your universal-sim. To activate it check Advanced checkbox and new settings will appear on the right like in the next screenshot.

Speed setting enables you to force the sim card to use a exact baudrate while talking with the phone. he default setting is working for all the sim cards so you don't need to change this. If the phone stops responding you can try to select "Use standard baud rate (~10k)".

IMSI setting helps you select desired IMSI.

The default "Use card IMSI" will work with all card types and most of the phones. For some models you can try to adjust IMSI by yourself selecting "Use CUSTOM IMSI". Here is how:

  1. First 3 characters represent the MCC of the network. To unlock your phone this must be either 001 either the MCC of the network on witch the phone is locked.

  2. Next 2 characters represent the MNC of the network. To unlock your phone this must be either 01 either the MNC of the network on witch the phone is locked.

  3. The rest of the characters should be random number from 0 to 9.

  4. EXAMPLE : 001-01-1121324354

  5. Usually use this setting for Blackberry, AMOI phones!

Show Unlock Done setting is a new ( V610 ) implemented setting. It will help you disable / enable SHOW UNLOCK DONE MESSAGE displayed by the phone after each UNLOCK PROCEDURE. This message appears on the Mobile Phone Screen after each successful unlock. ( When you restart the mobile phone ). Sometimes the phone cannot display the message. Works on LG / AMOI / Sony Ericsson Phones and some other.

FAKE SEQUENCE tells Universal-SIM how many times to report fake IMSI to the phone. This can be changed depending on the phone model but is not required.

Usually you don’t have to change this setting. If you have some phone reported working with some competitor card / setting you can use this feature to adjust Universal-SIM to work with that phone. FAKE SEQUENCE field can have maximum 16 characters ( characters must be “1”, “0”, “S” ). “1” means Universal-SIM will report fake IMSI to the mobile phone. “0” means Universal-SIM will report the real IMSI to the mobile phone. “S” means Universal-SIM will enter SLEEP mode and will continue reporting only real IMSI. So it’s better to write “011100S” than “01110011111111”.

ATTENTION: Use the Read Settings and log button to check if your settings are correctly applied to Universal-SIM.

ATTENTION: Don’t forget after you select desired settings to select appropriate phone model button, otherwise the settings will not be applied to Universal-SIM.

ATTENTION: If you are experiencing agenda problems with your phone try other unlock type than “Direct Unlock”.

ATTENTION: Please use an unlocked phone when using for the first time your simcard card! You must activate the simcard in an unlocked phone after you BUY IT IN ORDER TO WORK with UNIVERSAL-SIM!!

ATTENTION: After you applied the setting to the card and your phone is unlocked you need to test if the phone can receive calls. Wait for 30-40 seconds before attempting to call the mobile phone. If you can’t receive calls, you will have to try other settings available for your phone or you will have to try to configure it manually. Read the following information for better understanding of the process.

Unlock type setting is automatically adjusted when you select the phone type. This helps you choose the proper unlocking algorithm for your mobile phone.

Few things to know:

  • TESTCARD unlock type does not unlock your phone. It will only enable you to access phone menu.

  • Most usefull unlock types are: Direct Unlock / Unlock using phone menu / Direct Unlock experimental / Direct Unlock Fast / Direct unlock POLLING

  • Unlock using phone menu unlock type requires additional user intervention and will only work on simcards with STK menu enabled by operator.

    • You need to go to the simcard menu inside your mobile phone and select ANY option available there. What that option does it’s not important. Just select any option available there and wait for few seconds before the phones refreshes itself.

    • You need to repeat this operation each time you power on the phone!

    • Here is How to find Sim Application Toolkit Menu?

      • you have to be sure phone is Sim Application capable ( usually all GSM phones from year 2000 and newer have this option enabled ).

      • You have to make sure that the operator sim card supports Sim Application Toolkit. Usually the operator can tell you this, or it is printed on the SIM card when you buy it. Sim Application Toolkit enabled means the sim card has special additional services that you can access in the menu of the phone. ( like SIM Backup serivice from Orange, Some weather services, etc )

      • you have to make sure that UNIVERSAL-SIM has Sim Application Toolkit enabled. By default when you receive it, this option is enabled!

      • power on the phone! At this step you have 2 ways … if the phone is locked and won’t get unlocked you need to use another phone to get to the menu and program UNIVERSAL-SIM to work with the unlocked phone. If the phone works, and have no signal you need to find the menu.

      • to find Sim Application Toolkit menu you need to open the phone menu and search for it.

      • The menu can be in a lot of places, different from one phone to another. Check later in this page to find out where for some phone models

To see a list with most common settings please go to the next pages of this manual!


  • Take OUT operator simcard from the ISO reader

  • Insert Universal-SIM into the ISO reader ( INSERT ONLY UNIVERSAL-SIM, not together with the simcard )

  • Press Apply Settings button and you are DONE!!

To check the settings are correctly applied use the Read Settings and Log Button !!

Most common settings for your Universal-SIM

NEW !!! – V600

In V600 we’ve implemented the custom presets configuration feature!

The customs presets are located on the hard drive in the presets.ini file.

You can edit this file to add your commonly used presets!



PRESET_NAME = "Nokia 6120c" - preset name

PRESET_ATR = "C" - see possible ATR values


PRESET_IMSI = "001010123456789" - IMSI

PRESET_FAKE = "1111000000000000" - 16 char

PRESET_UTYP = "TEST" - see possible Unlock types


PRESET_SPEE = "LO" ( can be “LO” or “HI” )

PRESET_SHOW = "NO" ( can be “NO” or “YES” )

PRESET_SHOW Means you enable/disable the FORCE SHOW UNLOCK DONE MESSAGE ON PHONE after each unlock procedure performed by Universal-SIM. Sometimes enableing this can cause compatibility problems and phone can stop working. In this case remove this setting.

Unlock types ( PRESET_UTYP field ):











ATR Values ( PRESET_ATR field ):
C = Use card ATR


D = Use Dummy ATR
Possible Fake Sequence ( PRESET_FAKE ) :

0/1 - 16 times

Possible IMSI Modes ( PRESET_IMSE ):




Here are some commonly used settings:

For trigger calibration please use Read operator card button.

  • Use Nokia Default and Nokia Default II for most of the Nokia phones *

  • Use Nokia Default II for example for N95 8GB if it dosen’t work with Nokia Default

  • Nokia Experimental II - 6F45 ( the same with Direct Unlock Polling - 6F45 )

    • Use this for new phone software versions that before wore working with Nokia Default and after update on Nokia website are not working anymore.

    • You can try to use as trigger 6F45 and 6F46.

Sony Ericsson

  • Direct Unlock Experimental - 6F45

  • Direct Unlock Polling - 6F3A


  • Direct unlock experimental - 6F3A

  • Direct unlock experimental - 6F45

  • Direct Unlock Fast - 6F45

Samsung 920SC

  • Direct unlock experimental - 6F3C


  • Select Sharp 770/550 and apply setting or try next setting if it's not working

  • Direct Unlock Experimental - 6F45


  • Direct Unlock Experimental - 6F45

  • Direct Unlock Polling - 6F45

Momo Design – MD-2

  • FULL - 0000


  • Direct Unlock Polling - 6F3A


In Direct unlock Pooling mode, slow simcards can take up to 1 minute before fully registering into the network.

After bootup the phone will aquire network signal and after few seconds will lose it. It is normal. Please wait few more seconds for the phone to register second time to the network.

What 6FXX means ?

This is the trigger for the unlock process:

It means that the card will attempt to unlock your upon receiving from phone the select command with this arguments.

Possible settings that you can try are: 6F3A / 6F3C / 6F3E / 6F3F / 6F40 / 6F45 / 6F46 / 6FAE

For automatic trigger calibration please use Read operator card button.

ATTENTION: The program has the default settings built in each phone type so, usually you don't have to make any settings at all. Just select phone type and press “Apply settings”.

FAQ / Known issues & problems

  1. Phone cannot receive calls after you unlocked it with Universal-SIM

    1. Try another unlocking method from the methods available

    2. Use the read operator card functions and use the triggers provided there

    3. Try to use another simcard to check if it’s simcard problem

      1. If it’s simcard problem please post on the official forum simcard type/ phone model and we will try to help you

      2. If the problem is the same with another simcard and you’ve try all options please check if your phone is supported by Universal-SIM by asking Universal-SIM supporters.

  2. How to check for some phones if the Universal-SIM unlock solution is working good?

    1. For LG U310 and other 3G LG models you can use the following procedure

      1. 566366#*#

      2. Select Modem Setting -> Engineer Mode -> Debug Start

      3. Press LEFT phone button 2 times until you see “DEVICE.. .. GSM”

      4. Press BOTTOM phone button 2 times until you see “LAC/RAC/IMSI” fields

      5. Check your IMSI

        1. If IMSI is starting with “00101” that means the unlock procedure is not working or is not appropriate for your phone

        2. If IMSI is starting with MCC+MNC of the simcard provider you are 100% SURE THAT Universal-SIM works good with your mobile phone.

    2. For other models we don’t know yet how to reach the Field test mode menu and check the IMSI. If you find out this or you already know please post this information in out support forum. Thank you very much for your support!

Questions and Answers

Question: Does this method of unlocking affects my warranty?

Answer: No not at all, your phone is not modified, opened, etc.

Question: Does this sim work with Italian networks and with Italy released mobile phones like LG U310 and others ?
Answer: Yes it works on all 3G networks. Check the movies in our support section.

Question: Universal-SIM is a long lasting solution for unlocking my phone?
Answer: Yes, you can use Universal-SIM as long as you like. Even if you change your phone you will be able to use it!

Question: If i have problems with Universal-SIM how i solve them?
Answer: we are here on gsmforum to help you! Check for Universal-SIM Section in Hardware products.

Question: Is universal sim working with all operator simcards?
Answer: we have tested many simcards and found that they are compatible with Universal-SIM. Some however will not work. We are releasing updates every time we discover problems with card/phone compatibility. The Update & Configuration software will be updated as necessary.

Question: How long this unlocking solution will last?
Answer: in our best views be believe that this solution will last for the next 3 to 5 years. So you have enough time to use Universal-SIM even on newest phone models.

Question: What are the phones supported by Universal-SIM?
Answer: we provide on the www.universal-sim.org website and in the forum a list with most common models that are supported by Universal-SIM.
Because there are too many phone models in the market we can't test on all phones in existence.
In order to keep a shorter list and don't confuse the customers like other sim producers do, we will create a Tested and NOT SUPPORTED phones list, that we will update regularly.
We do this because there are more supported models than unsupported ones!
Also when talking about unsupported models, please remember that some cards are unsupported. Please contact us if you have such a card for assistance.

Question: we need to make extensive settings to the phone and the Universal-SIM ?
Answer: NO. For almost every phone, unlocking it's just a CLICK away. Some phone may require additional user intervention and we will make this process smooth for our customers.

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