Weymouth Recreation

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Weymouth Recreation sealnewsealnew

Where the fun and the friendships begin!

www.weymouth.ma.us/rec - 781-682-6124 pe07136_[1]

January Edition, 2014

Recreation News:
Ugh – Late again!!!
February / April vacations – Thanks to everyone that attended the December vacation and made it the success that it was! We will again be offering vacation programs during the February (February 17 – 21) and April (21 – 25) vacations. These vacations fill so please register early. We will need to limit enrollment. c:\documents and settings\mdoyle\local settings\temporary internet files\content.ie5\gp4884xn\mc900060151[1].wmf
Summer Employment – Have a son or daughter looking for summer work - or some extra time yourselve? We are accepting applications until March 14, 2014! Applications are available online: http://www.weymouth.ma.us/index.php/departments/human-resources/ Also, be on the lookout (on our web-page) – we will be looking to hire some winter / spring staff very soon – a great way to have us get to know you before the summer hires.
Junior Volunteers – Great job last year. Applications for 2014 will be out on March 17th. Registration will be during April vacation.
Program / Summer Program Ideas:

Weymouth Recreation Summer 2014

We are always looking for program ideas and ways to tweak existing programs. We hope to have the Summer 2014 book to the printer on February 6, 2014 – so the deadline for new ideas will have to be January 31, 2014. Of course earlier is better.
Summer Book 2014 – The goal is to release the summer book on - Valentine’s Day – 2/14 guys.

  • Resident registration starts on February 17th

  • Non-resident registration starts March 3rd.

Scholarship Applications – Will be available February 1st. Awards can be processed before registration kick-off.
Snow/ Inclement Weather Policy:

All storm related program cancellations will be posted on www.weymouth.ma.us/rec. Please check the web-page or call 781-535-2245 if you have any questions regarding the weather and the subsequent status of a scheduled evening or weekend program or birthday party. c:\documents and settings\mdoyle\local settings\temporary internet files\content.ie5\ec9icfbd\mc900297883[1].wmf

Donate your used shirts – Don’t store them - donate them now and help send a child to camp in 2014 – sales of used shirts benefit the scholarship program!rec shirt.jpg
New Understanding of Discounts

Because these programs are out so late we will keep the discount prices intact throughout registration. c:\program files\microsoft office\media\cagcat10\j0222015.wmf

Floor Hockey The floor hockey program scheduled to start this month has been delayed. It will be an outdoor program in the spring. Look to future flyers for details.

January table of contents:
Page(s) Program Description

2 Drama Fun, Drawing Workshop, Bay State

Skating lessons, Pre-School Dance for Fun

3/4 Adult classes:Weymouth Fit Club, Martial

Arts Fitness / Self Defense, Hoop, Archery,

Cooking, and Water Colors Painting.

Birthday Parties.

5 Wey-Fun Winter Vacation Program

6 Herring Run Clean-up

Drama Fun (6-9) (V)

When: Tuesdays, Feb.4th – Mar. 18th

(No class - Feb. 18th – Winter Vacation Break)

4:00 – 5:00 p.m. (6-9)

Where: McCulloch Bldg. Min: 8 / Max: 12



Through theatre games and improvisation, children learn basic stage principles such as getting up in front of an audience, creating a character, and working as a team. The casual environment of imaginative games and short scripts teaches kids about the world of stage acting in a low-stress way, keeping the emphasis on having fun! Parents may attend a scene showcase during the final class. Our instructor is Christa Dunn, who studied acting at The American Academy of Dramatic Arts and the American Globe Theatre in New York City. http://www.weymouthrec.com/photopool/large/22228_15970.jpg
Creative Art Workshop (7-12) (V)

(Drawing w/ color and black and white)

When: Thursdays, Feb. 13th – Mar. 23rd

(No class Feb. 20th – Winter Vacation Break)

3:45 – 5:00 p.m.

Where: Teen Center Min: 5/ Max: 10



In this workshop children will use “mixed media” tools such as pencils (color and black and white); chalk, charcoal, graphite sticks; color chalks, (pastels); etc. to create unusual drawings-paintings on paper. They will be introduced to a variety of skills that artists have developed in the 20th century to express ideas and feelings about the world. We will be expressing our own ideas about the world that we live in today. A reminder that the Back to Clay Art Class starting date was pushed back to January 9th due to the snow storm and there are still some slots available.mc900410599[1]

Bay State Skating School
When: Sundays, Jan. 19th – Mar.23rd j0232106

(No class Feb.2nd – Super Bowl Sunday)

5:00 p.m. to 5:50 p.m.
Where: Weymouth Connell DCR Rink
Semester III

Starting Youth Fee * Adults

Jan. 19th



Jan. 26th



Feb. 9th



Feb. 16th



Feb. 23rd



Mar. 2nd






Mar. 16th



Mar. 23rd



Beginner, advanced & intermediate skills are taught by professional instructors. The lessons will be 25 minutes, followed by 25 minutes of practice time. Only registered skaters are allowed on the ice. Skaters must have sharpened figure or hockey skates. Skating helmets are mandatory for students ages 4 ½ to 9 and highly recommended for everyone. Mittens or gloves are encouraged.

This is not a drop-off class.
Pre-School Dance for Fun (3-4) (V)

When: Saturdays, Feb. 8th – Mar. 22nd

(No class- Feb. 22nd - Winter Break)

8:00-9:00 (3-4)

Where: McCulloch Bldg. . Min: 8/ Max: 12


After 1/28

Until 1/28



This introductory class, run by Miss Tracey, will include a combination of tap, ballet and acrobatic techniques. Students should wear comfortable clothing. Ballet and tap shoes are required.

The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing.

Blaise Pascal

Weymouth Fit Club (16+) (V)

(For Men and Women) https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:and9gcqssucxga_xaw2f4iyhuij8wz32l9_mf2_ao5wttrr766-tpyju

When: Wednesday evenings

Time: 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Cost: FREE.

Contact Denise MacDonald @ info@denisemmacdonald.com

Come join us for free training classes that feature a variety of popular Beachbody fitness programs such as P90X, Insanity, Focus T25, and Les Mills Pump as seen on TV. Classes will be a mixture of live and video workouts lead by P90X and Insanity certified trainers.  The workouts featured will vary from week to week and include body-weight training, cardio, plyometrics, core work, martial arts and yoga. All are welcome as the moves in these workouts are modifiable to accommodate all fitness levels.  Nutritional and training advice is available at the end of each session.  Towel, water, yoga mat and positive attitude are all that you need to bring.  Invite some friends and come and see why these workouts are so popular.
Adult Hoop!

Resolve to play more, lace them up again, run the court, drain the shot – have fun! Adult Hoop continues on Saturdays afternoons and Tuesday evenings through the winter and into the late spring. The fee is $8.00 per player at the door. Usually at Chapman Middle School or the High School but locations sometime change at the last second – check where”the game” is at: www.weymouth.ma.us/rec at under Activities - Adult Hoop and then click on “dates”. http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:and9gcrlklvtu69izm7ajo5xylupicha-tfmhatvr3n5utbimiiulrtleq

Birthday Parties (3+)

When: Saturdays 1:30 p.m., 3:05p.m.c:\documents and settings\mdoyle\local settings\temporary internet files\content.ie5\ec9icfbd\mc900436393[1].png

Where: McCulloch Bldg.

Birthday parties are designed for one child or twins and activities are age specific. A 4:40 p.m. party may be available on dates on which the 3:05 p.m. party has been booked. Parties are $125, and details can be found on our website.

Archery (Adults & Seniors) (WR) j0437079

When: Saturdays, Mar.1st - Apr. 5th

11:25 – 12:25 p.m. (Adults)

Where: McCulloch Bldg. Min:10/ Max:12



These classes are designed for novices and experienced participants alike. All equipment is provided. George Williams, a certified N.F.A.A instructor, and C.B. Keith will lead this program. These six week sessions run throughout the school year on Saturdays at 11:30 a.m., with an abbreviated summer program being offered on Saturdays at 10:00 a.m. Program is held in the gymnasium, and weather permitting moves outside during the spring, summer and fall seasons.

Martial Arts Fitness/Self Defense (18+)(V)

(For Men and Women)

When: Thursdays, Jan.30th – Apr.10th

(No class: Feb. 19th Winter Vacation)

7:30 p.m. – 8:15 p.m.

Where: McCulloch Bldg. Min:8/ Max:12



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This motivating and fun workout will teach you the basics of self defense while helping you reach your fitness goals. Taught by Suzanne DiGiammo of Dynamic Martial Arts,this class will teach you the basics of self defense, while helping you reach your fitness goals.There is no self defense experience necessary and all fitness levels are welcome.We will work individually with each student and structure exercises so that everyone reaches their personal highest level of achievement. Classes are taught in a fun and safe environment. Many adults are hesitant to start something new. But the benefits of mental and physical health, stress relief, self defense and general well being are worth taking that first step.The rewards will be felt in all aspects of daily life.We welcome everyone to come join us for a great class! Join us as a solo, as a couple, or as a group. We look forward to seeing you in class! Any questions about the class feel free to email:


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rib roast pic

Pre-Valentines Day Rib Roast

Cooking Class (18+) (V)
Date: Saturday, Feb. 8th

Time: 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.

Where: McCulloch Building

Cost: $45 per person, $70 pair

Minimum: 2 (singles or pairs)

Maximum: 8(singles or pairs)

Come join Chef Mark on a culinary adventure that is sure to wow your significant other. We will use only fresh ingredients, nothing packaged, pre-mixed or processed. Our discussion will go beyond the recipe, and will include shopping tips, timing and planning strategies in the kitchen, and how to create an atmosphere and look that compliments your meal. Come by yourself and plan your special night, or with a companion to share a special night. You will enjoy the process almost as much as you enjoy the meal. Class will run for about 2 ½ hours and then we will stay and enjoy the fruits of our labor.
Tonights Menu:
Cheese plate: Horseraddish Cheddar & Uncured Pepporoni; Stilton Blue, Honey, and Organic Raw Walnuts

Salad: Hearts of Everything: Palm, Romaine, Artichokes and Celery, Homeade Italian Dressing

Main Course: Herb-Crusted Semi Boneless Prime Rib Roast; Twice-Baked Potato, Roasted Brussel Sprouts with Pancetta

Dessert: Winter Berry Shortcake with Marscapone Whipped Cream
Dates: Tuesdays, Feb. 4th – Mar. 18th

(No class -Feb.18th – Winter Break)


Thursdays, Feb.6th - Mar. 20th

(No class – Feb. 20th –Winter Break)

Time: 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Where: Teen Center Conference Room

Minimum:5 / Maximum 20



Bring some beautiful sunshine to your winter days! Watercolor is a translucent medium that sinks into the fiber of a sheet of paper, releasing the light from the surface. Watercolor dries fast, enabling one to work quickly with freshness and spontaneity. Explore the fundamentals of watercolor painting, with an emphasis on exploration and personal expression. Students will work from observation investigating subjects ranging from botanical to landscape. So if you have always wanted to learn how to paint, starting out with watercolors is a simple and creative step towards opening your artistic possibilities! All you’ll need is a box of watercolors, a brush and some beautiful paper.

Bring supplies; a short and inexpensive list will be sent to registrants. Minimum 5. Maximum 20. Each session meets once a week for 6 weeks

one given on Tuesday and another on Thursday.

$120.00 for 6 week session.If a person elects to take both sessions- the second session will be reduced to $100.00.

Wey-Fun Winter Vacation Week

Feb. 17th –21st @ Immaculate Conception Parish Center

Hard to believe that the “2014” New Year has arrived and the February “Winter” School Break is just around the corner. In addition to our home base of activities at the Immaculate Conception Parish Center, our “On the Go” program will include swimming and skating options at the Connell (D.C.R) Pool and Rink in Weymouth.(See specific details below.) Coming off our strongest Christmas School Break Program ever, we welcomed a lot of new faces and look forward to selling out the next two school vacation break programs. Check out our February 7th flyer for developing deatils.

Daily fee schedule

Full day participants stay through lunch.

A.M. early drop-off begins at 8:00 a.m. No charge


8:30 a.m.– 12:30 p.m.


P.M. early drop-off begins at 12:15 p.m.


12:30 – 4:30 p.m.


Ext. Day

4:30 –6:00 p.m.


On The Go

Swim / Skate @ DCR Pool & Rink

No charge

Multi-Sport” Gym Games – The large “double gym” is ideal for traditional team sports: floor hockey, basketball, soccer, and flag football, along with diamond based games such as kickball, t-ball, wiffle ball and Where’s Fenway. Each afternoon session will culminate in a series of fun-filled individual contests and team competitions including camper vs. counselor challenges.


On the Go”- (Limited space) morning programs will offer 6+ participants the opportunity to swim at the DCR pool in Weymouth on Feb.17th, 19th, 20th and 21st

These activities are offered at no charge but require a separate advanced daily registration along with your corresponding Wey-Fun registration. Participants are transported by 15 passenger van. Our Red-Cross certified lifeguard staff who will be in the pool to complement the D.C.R. guards on duty. Our (Limited Space) Tuesday afternoon program will offer 8+ participants the opportunity to skate at the DCR rink on Tuesday Feb. 18th are offered at no charge but also require a separate advanced daily registration along with your corresponding Wey-Fun registration. There is a separate registration for skate rental (cost is $5.00). This registration must happen with your registration for the vacation and skating programs.
Kid’s Choice Zone-”Utilizing (3) spacious adjoining classrooms, we are able to engage participants in more individual pursuits and activities within a smaller group setting throughout the day. Activities might include: table games, arts and crafts projects, chess instruction or tournaments along with specially scheduled daily segments such as Minute to Win It, Lego or Kinnex Building & Engineering Club, Karaoke, Freeze Dance and Music Fun. Be sure to check out the schedule of fun activities on your way out each day to be ready for fun the next day! https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:and9gcrmxyjleuzlngselxgsft9dmsvnyktpgndhdirk7tatwg94ko1i

Kid’s Kitchen” Opens daily at noon to provide a hands-on interactive cullinary experience for kids. Daily specials will keep interested chefs busy every afternoon – whether for their own enjoyment or to feed the hungry masses. This will be a third activity option during the afternoon session, where kids get to eat or take home the fruits of their labor.


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Saturday April 5, 2014

Meet in Herring Run Park

Behind Niko’s Restaurant

At 8:00 AM

Refreshments Provided
Please Bring Gloves and Appropriate Clothing for Work Along the River
The Herring Run Committee
Call 781-749-0189 for more info


1393 Pleasant St. E. Weymouth, MA 02189

Office hours: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Online: 24/7

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