Women at the University Admission of Women Laney, Series 62, 8 10 Admission of women to Emory University, 1953 S

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Women at the University

Admission of Women
Laney, Series 62,
8 10 Admission of women to Emory University, 1953
(SEE ALSO, Photographs, Women's Studies)

Alma Mater

Rast, J, Marvin

Before Coeducation

  • Agnes Scott
    Laney, Series 62
    20 8 Emory-Agnes Scott joint cooperation, 1952-1956

  • Distinguished Students

    • Haygood, Mary (Mamie Haygood Ardis) 1st coed

    • Raoul, Eleonore

  • Memorabilia

Men for Men” Memento pin

Center for Women

Records, 1991-2000, Series 108

Crown, Ali P. (SEE ALSO Emory Women’s Center)

Yarbrough, Dona (SEE ALSO Emory Women’s Center)


  • Chorale

Fernandez, Series 17
6 57 Emory Women’s Chorale
Musical Activities and Organizations Collection (in Series 67 Folder), Series 37,
Records, 1959-1980, Series 53


Constitutions-Performing Groups (theater, music, debate),
Smith, Mrs. Bayne (directed 1st Woman’s Chorale performance, 1955)

SEE ALSO Photographs (Emory Women's Chorale)

  • Glee ( SEE ALSO Photographs, Emory Glee Club, Glee Club)
    Emory University Glee Club records, Series 8

33 15: 3 May 3, 1953, American Woman on Television (“Program Sung at Breakfast Meeting, the Applause was practically an Ovation”)

Memorabilia,Series 1000

Emory Glee Club's oil cloth banner (rolled in brown paper)

  • Sororities

  • Alpha Kappa Alpha, (SEE ALSO Photographs)

Records, Series, 77
1 1 Pearl pages, 2001
1 2 Pearl pages, 2002
1 3 Pearl pages, 2003
1 4 Pearl pages, 2004
1 5 Pearl pages, 2005


1 6 Founding members, 1979


2 20th anniversary, 1999
2 25th anniversary, 2004

    • Panhellenic Council and Social Sororities

Fernandez, Series17
Box 8 (folders 1-16)
Correspondence memoranda, notes, lists, charters and constitutions, building specifications, etc.

Filed first are five folders re general Panhellenic matters such as housing, building of the lodges, and “rushing” for new members. Following is one folder of charters and constitutions. The rest of the series is made up of individual folders for each national sorority which had of had had a chapter at Emory during these years; these folders are arranged alphabetically by sorority name

    • Constitutions-Panhellenic Council and Social Sororities

Fernandez, Series17

6 25 Panhellenic Council

6 26 Alpha Chi Omega

6 27 Alpha Delta Pi

6 28 Alpha Epsilon Phi

6 29 Chi Omega

6 30 Delta Delta Delta

6 31 Kappa Alpha Theta

6 32 Kappa Delta

6 33 Kappa Kappa Gamma

6 34 Phi Mu

8 6 Sorority Charters and Constitutions

Laney, Series 62
2 14 Sororities, 1957-1959

“Hammer-In” Ground Breaking Ceremony, 1972, Collection, 1959-1995, Series, 124

Sorority Records, Series 124

1 1 Alpha Chi Omega, 1959

1 2 Alpha Delta Pi, 1959

1 3 Alpha Epsilon Phi, 1959-1961

1 4 Chi Omega, 1959

1 5 Delta Delta Delta, 1959-1972

1 6 Delta Gamma, 1959-1964

1 7 Interclub council, 1954-1958

1 8 Inter-sorority council, 1989-1995

1 9 Kappa Alpha Theta, 1959

1 10 Kappa Delta, 1959

1 11 Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1959, no date

1 12 Panhellenic council, no date-Constitution

1 13 Panhellenic council, 1967-1970-Events

1 14 Panhellenic council, no date-House

1 15 Panhellenic council, 1959-Installation of national sororities

1 16 Panhellenic council, 1967-1975-Newsletter-Go Greek

1 17 Panhellenic council, 1958-Recommendation re recognition of National Social Sororities

OP 1 Panhellenic council scrapbook

OP 2 Panhellenic lodges scrapbook

1 18 Rush information, 1959-1963

1 19 Phi Mu, 1959

King, Nancy (1st woman to win the Marion Luther Brittain award, highest student honor)

  • Williams-Arant Law Club

Raoul, Eleonore (SEE ALSO Law school)

  • Woman’s (founded 1919, oldest continually operated organization on Atl. campus)

Records, 1919-2006, Series, 34

Atwood, Betty , Series 34, Series 5

6 4 Betty Atwood Room donor book, 1979
Cookbooks (1967, 1976, 1993)

    • XE 393/E52
      Emory Cooks. (1967) (Emory University Archives print collection)

    • XE 393/E53

Emory Cooks Again. (1974?) (Emory University Archives print collection)

  • XE 393/E56
    Emory Seasons. (1993) (Emory University Archives print collection.
    (SEE ALSO, Photographs)

Cookbooks written by EWC and sold as a fundraiser for the Emory University Scholarship Fund.

Houston Mill House, Series 34, Series 3
6 3 Houston Mill House, 1978-1979, 1986, 1993, no date

Long, Mary Myers

4 8 Memorial reflection and order of service for Mary Myers Long, 1992

Scrapbooks and Memorial book, Series 34, Sub-Series 6

BV 1-16 (Archives Bound Volume Collection),

Contains annual display of photographs, programs, etc., of EWC and University programs, events, and activities. Shelved chronologically.

Publications,Series 34, Sub-Series 7, Boxes 13-14

This series includes newsletters created by the Club:

Emory University Woman’s Club Bulletin – 1965-1973

Emory University Woman’s Club Newsletter – 1979-1996

Emory University Woman’s Club Connection – 1997-ongoing

XE 393/A3C6

Emory University Woman’s Club Yearbook. 1919- (Emory University Archives print collection)

Bound volumes of committee and general membership lists arranged chronologically.

XE 393/E52
Emory Cooks. (1967) (Emory University Archives print collection)

XE 393/E53

Emory Cooks Again. (1974?) (Emory University Archives print collection)
(SEE ALSO Photographs)

XE 393/E56

Emory Seasons. (1993) (Emory University Archives print collection.
Cookbooks written by EWC and sold as a fundraiser for the Emory University Scholarship Fund.
Coeducation (SEE ALSO, Photographs)
Registrar's Office files, Series 120
2 3 Subject files-Admission of women, 1925-29

Records, Bacculareate and Commencement, Series 63,

3 17 Elizabeth Dole, 1990


Carter Center collection, Series 101

1 9 Women and the Constitution: a bicentennial perspective, 1988- Collected source material

1 10 Women and the Constitution: a bicentennial perspective, 1988-"The Constitution of the United States"

1 11 Women and the Constitution: a bicentennial perspective, 1988- pamphlets

1 12 Women and the Constitution: a bicentennial perspective, 1988-printed materials and clippings

1 13 Women and the Constitution: a bicentennial perspective, 1988-Program

1 14 Women and the Constitution: a bicentennial perspective, 1988-Program autographed by Erma Bombeck, Eleanor Smeel, Judy Carpenter, Liz Carpenter, [Coretta Scott King?]

1 15 Women and the Constitution: a bicentennial perspective, 1988-Program autographed by Lady Bird Johnson and Sandra Day O’Conner

1 16 Women and the Constitution: a bicentennial perspective, 1988-Registration materials

1 17 Women and the Constitution: a bicentennial perspective, 1988-Speeches and addresses

1 18 Women and the Constitution: a bicentennial perspective, 1988-commemorative pin

2 1 Women and the Constitution: a bicentennial perspective, 1988-notebook

2 2 Women and the Constitution: a bicentennial perspective, 1988-totebag

Distinguished Faculty
University Activities, Series 1000
34e 16 Jacqueline Jordan Irvine, “The Education of children whose nightmares occur

both day and night,” Mar 1999

  • Institute of Liberal Arts

Stevenson, Elizabeth (Ass. Prof. 1977, Prof. 1982, Charles Howard Candler Prof of Am. Studies)

1st to win the Bancroft Prize)

  • Library
    Ruth Pagell (Goizueta Business Library)
    Athletics Committee Records, Series 169

Information Services, Press Releases and Clippings, Series 1000
10i 6 Library, prior to 1967

10i 7 Library, 1967-1974

10i 8 Library, 1975-

10i 9 Library, 1975

  • Library School

Tommie Dora Barker papers, 1905-1971, Division of Librarianship (Emory University), Series 12

Z:\Special Collections\Emory University Archives\Series Descriptions\Series 12, Emory University, Division of Librarianship, Barker Files

Related Division of Librarianship (Emory University), Division of Librarianship records, 1928-2986, Series 13

In 1930, she became the first woman to receive an honorary degree (Doctor of Letters) from Emory University. Tommie Dora Barker served as the American Library Association's Regional Field Agent for the South from 1930 to 1936. She was Dean of the Emory University Library School from 1936 to 1948, when she became the Director of the university's Division of Librarianship. Miss Barker was Atlanta's Woman of the Year in education for 1954, the year she retired as Director Emeriti of the Emory University Division of Librarianship.

The account of her work, a book entitled "Librarians of the South: a Report on Developments, 1930-1935," published by the American Library Association in 1936.

In 1936 Barker was appointed Dean of the Emory University Library School (replacing Clara E. Howard, Dean of the Library school 1930 through 1935).

Clara E. Howard Dean 1930-1935

Lydia Gooding Acting Dean 1935-1936

Tommie Dora Barker Dean 1936-1947

Director 1948-1954

Evalene P. Jackson Director 1954-1964
Division of Librarianship (Emory University), Division of Librarianship records, 1928-1986 Series 13

Z:\Special Collections\Emory University Archives\Series Descriptions\Series 13, Emory University, Division of Librarianship, General records

  • Program of African American Studies

Aldridge, Delores (Grace Towns Hamilton Professor of Sociology)

  • School of Medicine

Gambrell, W. Elizabeth (1st woman graduate of Sch. Of Medicine, 1946)

Papageorge, Evangeline (SEE ALSO School of Medicine) (1st full-time faculty) (Asst. Dean, Sch. Of Med 1956-1975)

  • School of Nursing
    Fort, Ada (Dean, 1950-1975)

Fernandez, Series17, General correspondence, Annual reports

10 17 Dean for Women, 1968-1974

10 18 Dean for Women, 1975-1976

  • Thomas Hopkins- Smith Complex

    • James R. Thomas

    • Isaac Stiles Hopkins

    • Luther M. Smith

Faculty Wives

Battey, Martha Smith (1846-1894) (Robert, spouse)

Battey, Adrienne (b. ca. 1890) (daughter?)

Woodruff, Nell Hodgson (SEE ALSO Nursing)


  • Atlanta Hillel

,Atlanta Hillel Records, 1963-1988, Series 9

1 34 Women

1 40 Women’s Conference 1984

1 44 Kate Stein

  • Honor Council

  • King, Nancy (1st woman to win the Marion Luther Brittain award, highest student honor) SEE ALSO Clubs, Sororities, 1st woman on Honor Council

  • Resident’s Groups
    Fernandez, Series 17

7 33 Resident Women’s Association, 1970, 1971, 1972
7 34 Resident Women’s Association


  • Art & Sciences, School of
    Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Series 1000
    6 17 Women recipients of Ph.D. degree, 1947-1979

  • Law, School of

Raoul, Eleonore, 1st woman law school graduate)

  • Library, School of

Barker files, Series 12

Howard, Clara (SEE ALSO Photographs)

Office files, 1905-1971, Series 23,
Jemison, Margaret

General Libraries Employee Advisory Committee records, Administrative History, Series 117

Laney, Series 62,
13 15 Library School, 1927-1954
Library Administrative records, Series 24

Library Committee records 1932-1983 Series 25

Division and Departmental records 1969-1997

Memorabilia, Series 1000

Division of Librarianship /Division of Library and Information Management

17c 15 History

17c 16 Catalogs, courses of study

17c 17 Library

17c 18 Exhibits, institutes, workshops, lectures

17c 19 Newsletters

17c 20 Closing of the library school, 1986-

17c 21 Miscellaneous

[For additional information about the library school closing, SEE ALSO Vice President

for Academic Affairs, Box 3].

17c 22 **Celebration of Education for Librarianship, 8-9 Apr 1988

17c 23 Reunions, 1991-

Registrar's Office records, Series 120
1 14 Library: President’s files, 1925-1926
1 15 Library School: President’s files, 1925-1926
1 26 President’s files-Library, 1925-26
1 27 President’s files-Library school, 1925-26

EU DLIM Records, MSS 590

Barker, Tommie Dora, Papers MSS

EU DLIM Records transferred 1988, stored off-site


Celebration of Education for Librarianship, 1988

(published in conjunction with closing program)

XE187 .C4 1988 (Emory Archives/Spec Collections)

Z669 .C37C44 1988(General collection)

  • Nursing, School of (SEE ALSO Photographs, Nell Woodruff)
    Series 1,Office files, 1905-1979 (Health Sciences Center at Library)
    Georgia nursing oral history collection, 1986-1991, Manuscript Collection No. 733

Baggerly Grace (SEE ALSO Nursing, School of,
Series 1000, Memorabilia; SEE ALSO Photographs)
53 Nursing memorabilia of Grady Baggarly, alumna (‘15N) and Emory Unit nurse, WWI American
Red Cross Nurse card 1917 May 29

IS Patch

American National Red Cross Nurse pin

American National Red Cross service ribbon with insignia

Wesley Memorial Hospital 1915 graduate nurse’s pin

Bellamy, Verdelle (SEE ALSO Integration)

Calico House

Capital Funds Campaign,Series 91
41.1 10 The Campaign for Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
Capital Campaigns, Series 1000
41.1 10 The Campaign for Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
Davis, Ann King
Dilday, Rose (SEE ALSO Photographs)

Dozier, Alberta (SEE ALSO Photographs)

Emory Unit WWI (SEE ALSO Photographs)

University Activities, Series 1000

World War I: Emory Unit

36b.1 11a Nurses – clippings and drawing (Grady B???)
Emory Unit WWII
Memorabilia, Series 1000
Gold charm honoring Emory's 43rd General Hospital Unit, WWII (1941)
Emory Unit Hospital Banner from WW II

University Activities, Series 1000

36b.1 12 World War II: Action Taken by Emory [see also flag given to T.C. Davison,

'06M, from his medical unit in WW I. Located in 8th floor plan files.]

36b.1 13 World War II: Navy V-12 (college training) Unit

36b.1 14 World War II: Policies

36b.1 15 S. S. Emory Victory (including its ship’s bell)

36b.1 16 World War II: Graduate nursing applicants for Emory Unit

Fernandez, Series 17
1 35 Nursing School

Harris Hall (1st blg named in honor of a woman)

Harris, Florence Chandler

Information Services, press releases and clippings, Series 1000

10d 1 Nursing school, prior to 1961

10d 2 Nursing school, 1961-1969

10d 3 Nursing school, 1970-

Laney, Series 62

10 2 School of Nursing - September 1952-December 1952-1954

10 3 School of Nursing – February, 1949 through August, 1952. 1949-1952

10 4 Nursing, school of, 1942-1948

Memorabilia, Series 74, also listed Memorabilia, Series 1000
4 Nursing memorabilia of Grady Baggarly, alumna (‘15N) and Emory Unit nurse, WWI
American Red Cross Nurse card 1917 May 29

IS Patch

American National Red Cross Nurse pin

American National Red Cross service ribbon with insignia

Wesley Memorial Hospital 1915 graduate nurse’s pin

Registrar's Office Records, Series 120
1 4 School of Nursing, 1930-1942
Saxon, Allie (SEE ALSO Integration)

Wesley Memorial Nurses Training School

Woodruff, Nell Hodgson

  • Medicine, School of

Drummond, Margaret (SEE ALSO Photographs)

Gambrell, Elizabeth

Registrar's Office records
2 18 Subject files-Gambrell, Elizabeth (first woman MED student), 1925-43
University Activities, Series 1000
34e 3 Honors Day Address, E. Smythe Gambrell, 11 May 1968
Papageorge, Evangeline (SEE ALSO Photographs)


Beckett Editorial Project

SEE ALSO Photographs, Series, 110

Beckett Editorial Project

Photo of co-editors Lois More Overbeck and Martha Fehsenfeld of the S. Beckett Editorial Project affiliated with the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Photo used in Spring 1991 Imprint.




Fehsenfeld, Martha

SEE ALSO Beckett Editorial Project




Buck, Polly Stone

3 1 Florrie and the Blessed Town by Polly Stone Buck, 1987-Correspondence

3 2 Florrie and the Blessed Town by Polly Stone Buck, no date-typescript of chapters 1-8

3 3 Florrie and the Blessed Town by Polly Stone Buck, no date-typescript of chapters 9-18

3 4 Florrie and the Blessed Town by Polly Stone Buck, no date-typescript of chapters 19-28

Dodson, Laura Robinson,
Series 47
3 6 Town of Oxford, Georgia, and its Historic Cemetery by Laura Robinson Dodson, 1970. Typescript and copy of vol. 6 no. 2 of Georgia Genealogical Society Quarterly in which the article appeared.

Jemison, Margaret

Series 31, Series III, 1945-1946

4 3 A Methodist Courtship: Love letters of Joseph Benson and Sarah Thompson, 1779-1780 [edited by Margaret M. Jemison, Librarian of the University]

Wood, Amy
Series 60, Without Sanctuary
6 Wood, Amy. Documents of horror: lynching photographs, visual proof and historical memories in contemporary America, draft, no date

6 Wood, Amy. Lynching photography and the “black beast rapist” in the southern white masculine imagination, 2001

Social Movements/Events

  • Civil Rights Movement

  • Women’s Suffrage

Raoul, Eleonore

Women’s Suffrage Convention, Chicago, 1920

  • Women’s Movement
    Fernandez Series 17, Series 0

9 10 Women’s Movement
Student Activities, Series 1000
33 10 Emory Women's Liberation, Women's Alliance [SEE ALSO Emory University Archives: University Activities: Women's Caucus,]

  • Witness to the Holocaust

Series 11

Fernandez, Series 11,

2 10 Francis, Rachel (Alexandria, New Hampshire) - Gardelegen Massacre [memoir received in January 2002]. 1-page transcript

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