There are two categories, relating to either Chemistry or to Scientific writing.
Each of these different skills can be awarded a Complete (2/2) a Partially complete (1/2) or a Not at all (0/2). In exceptional circumstances the teacher can award a Distinction (3/2) for a particular category, which means it is possible to get more than 100% on these essays!
Usually only one category (either 1, chemistry or 2, scientific writing) will be assessed for a given piece of work at any one time (a merit to the first student to spot this), but your use of English will almost always be assessed for every essay.
6.6.1Demonstrating an Understanding of Chemistry (UC)
Describes, states or lists relevant information relating to the topic covered by the title.
Relates the information they have given to a larger idea and uses their understanding of chemistry to EXPLAIN most or all of the information they have provided.
Uses the information that they have provided to identify or explain any trends or larger ideas that this information supports.
Syllabus/subject relevance
Does not include irrelevant material and in addition, clearly demonstrates an awareness of the topics relationship to chemistry, e.g. by including correct and relevant chemical equations or by drawing appropriate and labeled diagrams.
Correct word count
Stays within 20% of the word limit, or if you go over, only includes ideas which are essential to the argument and does not go over by too much. Most of the highest scoring essays will be within the word limit.
6.6.2Demonstrating an understanding of good Scientific Writing (SciW)
Uses three or more sources of information and provides a complete bibliography.
The essay is to an appropriate depth considering the word limit; it EXPLAINS one particular idea very well, rather than listing just lots of related but different ideas.
Insight and originality
Choses an unusual or interesting topic to base the essay around, or uses an unusual and interesting approach to their essay.
Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the subject that goes well beyond the syllabus and whilst exploring larger ideas, is obviously aware of the syllabus.
Uses the correct tone for a scientific essay. Assumes the reader understands the basics of chemistry, e.g. elements and electrons (has iGCSE knowledge), but explains any vocabulary beyond that.
Correct word count
Stays within 20% of the word limit, or if you go over, only includes ideas which are essential to the argument and does not go over by too much. Most of the highest scoring essays will be within the word limit.
6.6.3Demonstrating an understanding of good English
You will, in addition to either of the assessment categories above also be assessed on your English, each of these can be either, Complete (1/1) or Not at all (0/1). A merit to the first student to spot this.Your typical essay then can either be out of 13 marks for category 1 or 15 marks for category 2. Sometimes you will be required to write a longer essay that covers both categories and so will be out of 28 marks.
Use of correct vocabulary
Vocabulary, especially keywords, are correctly used and defined where necessary
Use of correct grammar
Uses grammar correctly
Flow of ideas
Good use of punctuation and the essay flows well, with a recognizable beginning, middle and end. Repetition of synonyms is avoided and there is a comfortable feel to the style of language used (i.e. magniloquence is avoided).
6.7iGCSE Personal skills end of year 11 project rubric
Aspect 1
Aspect 2
Aspect 3
Self-motivation and perseverance
Working within a team
Approaches the project with self-motivation and follows it through to completion.
Collaborates and communicates in a group situation and integrates the views of others.
Shows a thorough awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses and gives thoughtful consideration to their learning experience.
Completes the project but sometimes lacks self-motivation.
Exchanges some views but requires guidance to collaborate with others.
Shows limited awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses and gives some consideration to their learning experience.
Not at all/0
Lacks perseverance and motivation.
Makes little or no attempt to collaborate in a group situation.
Shows no awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses and gives no consideration to their learning experience.
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