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Science Leadership Adv CP


CP text: the United States federal government should:

--provide funding for training teachers in STEM areas

--provide support for discovery-based science courses

--launch a national experiment in postsecondary math education

--create a Presidential Council on STEM education

Adopting educational STEM reform solves – key to increasing numbers of STEM graduates, enthusiasm is not enough

AERA 12 (American Educational Research Association, “PCAST Report Recommends Action to Increase Number of STEM Graduates”, February 2012, http://www.aera.net/Newsroom/AERAHighlightsE-newsletter/AERAHighlightsArchivalIssues/AERAHighlightsFebruary2012/PCASTReportRecommendsActiontoIncreaseNumber/tabid/12598/Default.aspx)

The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) issued a report on February 7 with five recommendations to President Obama to increase the number of STEM graduates by one million in the next decade to meet projected employment needs. These graduates would fill not only traditional STEM jobs but also “STEM-capable” jobs, or non-STEM positions that require STEM skills. The report, Engage to Excel, focuses on the first two years of postsecondary education, wherein nearly 60% of students intending to graduate with a STEM degree switch to a non-STEM major. Decreasing this percentage by 10 percentage points, according to the report, would help reach the goal of one million additional STEM graduates. Potential STEM graduates also include students with a strong interest in STEM but with low mathematics proficiency. This group accounts for 12% of 12th graders. The report cites three factors that contribute to a student’s likelihood of matriculating in a STEM field: intellectual engagement and achievement, motivation, and identification in the field. The report recommends improving the teaching of STEM through increasing engagement, providing tools to help students succeed, and diversifying pathways into STEM. The five recommendations are as follows: Catalyze widespread adoption of empirically validated teaching practices; Advocate and provide support for replacing standard laboratory courses with discovery-based courses; Launch a national experiment in postsecondary mathematics education to address the math preparation gap; Encourage partnerships among stakeholders to diversify pathways to STEM careers; and Create a Presidential Council on STEM Education.


Comprehensive study proves educational reform and focus is key to increasing STEM graduates

PCAST 12 (President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, “REPORT TO THE PRESIDENT ENGAGE TO EXCEL: PRODUCING ONE MILLION ADDITIONAL COLLEGE GRADUATES WITH DEGREES IN SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, AND MATHEMATICS”, February 2012, http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/pcast-engage-to-excel-final_feb.pdf)

In preparing this report, PCAST assembled a Working Group of experts in postsecondary STEM teaching, learning­science research, curriculum development, higher­education administration, faculty training, educational technology, and successful interaction between industry and higher education. The report was strengthened by input from additional experts in postsecondary STEM education, STEM practitioners, professional societies, private companies, educators, and Federal education officials. PCAST found that economic forecasts point to a need for producing, over the next decade, approximately 1 million more college graduates in STEM fields than expected under current assumptions. Fewer than 40% of students who enter college intending to major in a STEM field complete a STEM degree. Merely increasing the retention of STEM majors from 40% to 50% would generate three­quarters of the targeted 1 million additional STEM degrees over the next decade. PCAST identified five overarching recommendations that it believes can achieve this goal: (1) catalyze widespread adoption of empirically validated teaching practices; (2) advocate and provide support for replacing standard laboratory courses with discovery­based research courses; (3) launch a national experiment in postsecondary mathematics education to address the mathematics­preparation gap; (4) encourage partnerships among stakeholders to diversify pathways to STEM careers; and (5) create a Presidential Council on STEM Education with leadership from the academic and business communities to provide strategic leadership for transformative and sustainable change in STEM undergraduate education

Teacher support is critical to student retention – government support solves

PCAST 12 (President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, “REPORT TO THE PRESIDENT ENGAGE TO EXCEL: PRODUCING ONE MILLION ADDITIONAL COLLEGE GRADUATES WITH DEGREES IN SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, AND MATHEMATICS”, February 2012, http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/pcast-engage-to-excel-final_feb.pdf)

Learning theory, empirical evidence about how people learn, and assessment of outcomes in STEM class­ rooms all point to a need to improve teaching methods to enhance learning and student persistence. Classroom approaches that engage students in “active learning” improve retention of information and critical thinking skills, compared with a sole reliance on lecturing, and increase persistence of students in STEM majors. STEM faculty need to adopt teaching methods supported by evidence derived from experimental learning research as well as from learning assessment in STEM courses. Evidence­based teaching methods have proven effective with a wide range of class sizes and increase learning outcomes even as enhancements of traditional lectures. A significant barrier to broad implementation of evidence­based teaching approaches is that most faculty lack experience using these methods and are unfamiliar with the vast body of research indicating their impact on learning. The Federal Government could have a major impact by providing substantial support for programs that provide training for current and future faculty in evidence­based teaching methods and provide materials to support the application of such methods. Established programs run by the National Academies and the American Physical Society (APS) have trained many faculty, and evaluations of these programs have demonstrated that they change the participants’ teaching methods and have positive effects on student achievement and engagement. These programs provide successful models for replication and expansion. Although evidence­based teaching methods do not necessarily require more resources than traditional lectures, the transition requires time and effort that can be costly for colleges and universities. Given the Federal Government’s interest in maintaining a strong STEM workforce, Federal support, in partnership with private and academic institutional investment, will be needed to initiate these changes, after which they can be sustained over the long term without external assistance.

Federal funding solves more engaging courses – key to retention, enthusiasm isn’t enough

PCAST 12 (President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, “REPORT TO THE PRESIDENT ENGAGE TO EXCEL: PRODUCING ONE MILLION ADDITIONAL COLLEGE GRADUATES WITH DEGREES IN SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, AND MATHEMATICS”, February 2012, http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/pcast-engage-to-excel-final_feb.pdf)

Traditional introductory laboratory courses generally do not capture the creativity of STEM disciplines. They often involve repeating classical experiments to reproduce known results, rather than engaging students in experiments with the possibility of true discovery. Students may infer from such courses that STEM fields involve repeating what is known to have worked in the past rather than exploring the unknown. Engineering curricula in the first two years have long made use of design courses that engage student creativity. Recently, research courses in STEM subjects have been implemented at diverse institutions, including universities with large introductory course enrollments. These courses make individual ownership of projects and discovery feasible in a classroom setting, engaging students in authentic STEM experiences and enhancing learning and, therefore, they provide models for what should be more widely implemented.2-1 Expand the use of scientific research and engineering design courses in the first two years through an NSF program. The National Science Foundation should provide initial funding to replicate and scale­up model research or design courses, possibly through the existing Transforming Undergraduate Education in STEM (TUES) program or the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Talent Expansion Program (STEP). On the order of 30% of the existing programs across STEM disciplines could be focused on funding implemention of research courses at postsecondary academic institutions at an annual cost of approximately $12.5 million dollars (based on Fiscal Year 2010 funding levels). Based on the range of funding for Type 3 TUES grants and Type 1 STEP grants, about 10 proposals per year at an average level of $1.2 million could be awarded, in order to impact 100 campuses over the next 10 years. Colleges and universities should seek to match NSF funding with private and philan­ thropic sources. Research courses should be an encouraged element of STEM Institutional Transformation Awards. Because research courses will replace expensive introductory laboratory courses, they should not require ongoing external support once the transition is accomplished. 2-2 Expand opportunities for student research and design in faculty research laboratories by reducing restrictions on Federal research funds and redefining a Department of Education program. Independent research on faculty projects is a direct way for students to experience real discovery and innovation and to be inspired by STEM subjects. All relevant Federal agencies should exam­ ine their programs which support undergraduate research and where there exists prohibitions, either in policy or practice, which would interfere with the recommendations of this report to support early engagement of students in research, these should be changed. Federal agencies should encourage projects that establish collaborations between research universities and community colleges or other institutions that do not have research programs. Cross­institutional research opportunities could be funded through redefinition of the Department of Education’s $1 billion Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education program and by sharpening the focus of Federal investments in minority institutions.

Math initiatives are key – student abilities lacking across the board

PCAST 12 (President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, “REPORT TO THE PRESIDENT ENGAGE TO EXCEL: PRODUCING ONE MILLION ADDITIONAL COLLEGE GRADUATES WITH DEGREES IN SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, AND MATHEMATICS”, February 2012, http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/pcast-engage-to-excel-final_feb.pdf)

College­level skills in mathematics and, increasingly, computation are a gateway to other STEM fields. Today many students entering college lack these skills and need to learn them if they are to pursue STEM majors. In addition, employers in the private sector, government, and military frequently cite that they cannot find enough employees with needed levels of mathematics skills. This lack of preparation imposes a large burden on higher education and employers. Higher education alone spends at least $2 billion per year on developmental education to compensate for deficiencies. Also, introductory math­ ematics courses often leave students with the impression that all STEM fields are dull and unimagina­ tive, which has particularly harmful effects for students who later become K­12 teachers. Reducing or eliminating the mathematics­preparation gap is one of the most urgent challenges—and promising opportunities—in preparing the workforce of the 21st century. Closing this gap will require coordinated action on many fronts starting in the earliest grades. PCAST’s earlier report on K­12 STEM education, Prepare and Inspire: K-12 Education in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) for America’s Future, contains several recommendations that involve colleges and universities in this effort. In particular, it calls for the Federal Government to establish the objective of recruiting, preparing, and providing induction support for at least 100,000 new STEM middle and high school teachers who have majors in STEM fields and strong content­specific pedagogical preparation. This Administration has embraced this goal, and production of 1 million additional STEM graduates over the next decade could contribute substantially to meeting it. The Federal Government has a critical role in supporting the development of a knowledge base to close the mathematics­preparation gap. For example, research into the best ways to teach math to older students so they can pursue STEM subjects in the first two years of college is badly needed. Some developmental mathematics courses have demonstrated effectiveness in increasing math proficiency among those not ready for college­level math and even in encouraging students intending to major in STEM subjects to persist to graduation and a STEM degree. Mathematics education research should explore the attributes of these successful classes and ways to disseminate best practices

A multifaceted approach is key – oceans alone can’t overcome structural barriers

PCAST 12 (President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, “REPORT TO THE PRESIDENT ENGAGE TO EXCEL: PRODUCING ONE MILLION ADDITIONAL COLLEGE GRADUATES WITH DEGREES IN SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, AND MATHEMATICS”, February 2012, http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/pcast-engage-to-excel-final_feb.pdf)

No single strategy will generate 1 million additional undergraduate STEM degrees over the next decade, because the challenge has many dimensions. It entwines facts and logic with academic culture, incen­ tives, and belief systems. Therefore the recommendations presented here address various stakeholders and use both tangible resources and persuasion to inspire and catalyze change in undergraduate STEM education. By attacking the issue from a number of angles with various tools, including public exhorta­ tion, faculty incentives, resources, information, and institutional connections, the concerted forces can reach a point at which the movement takes on a momentum of its own and leads to sweeping change. Barriers to change vary with institution type and context. Some institutions may respond to a desire to be on the cutting edge of education, some to new resources, and others to the desire to maintain fund­ ing for and prestige of their graduate programs. Some faculty will be interested in change but will not know how to accomplish it; others will be waiting to hear from their administrations that this change is important and will be rewarded. Some students might benefit most from engaging in research, while others might be more in need of bolstering their math skills. Therefore, we propose promoting change with actions that address diverse students, faculty, departments, institutional leadership, industrial interests, and professional societies.68 Our recommendations aim to overcome many barriers, from lack of faculty time for studying the education literature to the inability of students to re­enter college after they take a break from their education..

Other CP---1NC

CP Text: The United States federal government should support focused developments of the following scientific disciplines: Medicine, Transportation, Energy, Education, Environmental Science, Manufacturing, and Information Access.

Investment in these core areas is key to science leadership – concentrated efforts in key areas are seen as more important

Hummel 12 (Robert Hummel, PhD at Policy Research Division, Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, “US Science and Technology Leadership, and Technology Grand Challenges,” http://www.synesisjournal.com/vol3_g/Hummel_2012_G14-39.pdf, accessed 7/15/14)

It is time that we challenge the research and engineering community to take “longer strides,” as Kennedy said in 1961 (69).xiii Rather than a “big science” goal, it is our opinion that the community should set a “clear leading role” in each of many domains. Whereas in 1961 Kennedy saw space as possibly holding the key to our future on earth, we now believe that domains such as medicine, energy production, clean environment, transportation, manufacturing, and education—these in combination hold the keys to our economic and security future.¶ Rather than expecting scientists to continue to make incremental progress in the body of knowledge in each of these domains, we believe that technical leadership demands that a certain amount of research and engineering be focused on specific application challenges, to achieve grand accomplishments for the betterment of mankind, with specific goals in domains of human endeavors. As President Kennedy said back then, the decision to undertake these challenges “demands a major national commitment of scientific and technical manpower, material and facilities, and the possibility of their diversion from other important activities where they are already thinly spread. It means a degree of dedication, organization and discipline which have not always characterized our research and development efforts.” (69) The challenges that we outline here would give a purpose and direction to our scientific endeavors, and open new frontiers for America and the world. We might not achieve all of them. We might achieve goals different than the ones we set out to achieve. Some goals might be achievable within this decade, and others might require multiple decades. But these are goals that we can all agree are worthy of a great nation, that can enable our economic recovery to lead to prosperity with new businesses, new jobs, and new benefits for all. Our challenge is to pursue radical new opportunities, to open new frontiers by the end of this decade, with seminal and very specific breakthroughs in each of the following disciplines: Medicine, Transportation, Energy, Education, Environmental Science, Manufacturing, and Information Access.

Basic research solves US leadership – empirics prove

Hummel 12 (Robert Hummel, PhD at Policy Research Division, Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, “US Science and Technology Leadership, and Technology Grand Challenges,” http://www.synesisjournal.com/vol3_g/Hummel_2012_G14-39.pdf, accessed 7/15/14)

Basic science¶ In 1945, Vannevar Bush—then the President’s Director of Scientific Research and Development—outlined a vision for US scientific research activities in the post-war period. In his report, entitled “Science: The Endless Frontier” (1), Bush laid out the importance of basic research to the Nation’s science research enterprise. Basic research—though “performed without thought of practical ends”—was the “pacemaker of technological progress,” and “created the fund from which the practical applications of knowledge must be drawn.” Bush further argued that the “simplest and most effective way” that Government resources could be brought to the service of the nation’s industrial research endeavors would be to “to support basic research and to develop scientific talent.” With this vision, Bush’s “Endless Frontier” resulted in the establishment of the Office of Naval Research, the National Science Foundation, and, later, the National Institutes of Health, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and NASA—as well as a robust national program of basic research at universities, research centers, laboratories, and institutes and a quadrupling of the number of research scientists dedicated to fundamental science in just a few decades (95). Semiconductors, microelectronics, medical diagnostic technologies CT and MRI, and key developments in computer science all emerged from basic science developments in the post-war period. In short order, American science and engineering advances became the envy of the world and gave rise to technical resources and capabilities that fueled unparalleled economic success.¶ Other nations around the globe aspire to similar economic advances, and are investing heavily in science and the application of science to new technologies and capabilities. China, for example, has launched an effort to become an “innovative nation” by 2020 and a global scientific power by 2050 (96), and has reserved 15% of its science and technology investment for the 973 program that funds basic research (97).¶ Extending the American S&T-driven economic boom will require continued and enhanced American leadership in basic and applied science. For American technological progress to remain at the forefront, we will need to foster more effective and integrative relationships between the basic research community and applied researchers, to decrease the time in which fundamental science discoveries are translated into practical technologies. We need to re-infuse our research communities with the characteristically American spirit of competitiveness to drive our success in a more competitive age. American leadership in the 21st Century requires that American scientists strongly participate in basic research, and stay current with a body of basic science in a globalized research environment. Leadership also requires that we facilitate and expedite the creation of practical applications and knowledge from the fund of basic science. Being first to codify and utilize basic science is more important than being alone in possession of the fund.

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