A & An Gi e¨envi Rule-1

Past perfect+ before+ past Indefinite

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Past perfect+ before+ past Indefinite

Past Indefinite + after+ past perfect.

The students had stood up before the teacher came.

The students stood up after the teacher had come.

  1. Past perfect continuous +before+ past Indefinite. ‡hgb-

I had been reading (read) the book for two hours before he came.

  1. ‡Kvb sentence Gi g‡a¨ tomorrow, next, next (RW), ensuing, years to come, days to come, the day after tomorrow BZ¨vw` _vK‡j Future Indefinite tense nq| ‡hgb-

I shall go (go) to Dhaka next month.

  1. (i) Adverb of time A_©vr by this time, by (year/month/time), by the time, by(RW) _vK‡j future perfect nq|

†hgb- I shall have set (set) up in hospital by 2030

(ii) Future perfect + before+ future Indefinite/ present Indefinite

†hgb- I shall have done (do) the work before he comes.

  1. Future perfect continuous tense+ before + present Indefinite/ Future Indefinite.

†hgb- I shall have been reading (read) a book for two hours before he comes.

  1. To e¨wZZ mKj preposition Gi c‡i verb Gi mv‡_ ing A_ev verb wUi Noun form Ki‡Z nq|

†hgb- Education aims at enlightening/enlightenment (enlighten) our mind.

  1. The Gi c‡i verb Gi mv‡_ ing/verb Gi Noun form Ki‡Z nq|

†hgb- The developing/development (develop) of our country depends on education.

  1. Modal verb (can, could, shall, should, will, would, may, might, ought to, dare not, must, am going to, is going to, are going to BZ¨vw`) Gi c‡i verb Gi root form/base form e‡m|

†hgb- He should follow (follows) the rules of hygiene.

  1. Modal verb + be = V3 A_©vr Verb Gi Past Participle form A_©vr Can be/could be Gi c‡i verb Gi Past Participle form e‡m|

†hgb- Our Government should be taken (take) proper steps to solve the problem.

  1. B”Qvm~PK ev‡K¨ be verb _vK‡j were e‡m wKš‘ be verb Qvov Ab¨ †Kvb verb _vK‡j Zvi past form e‡m| †hgb-

I wish I were (be) a child again.

I wish I sang (sing) a song in a stage.

  1. Would that + sub + could + V1 (verb Gi root form). †hgb-

Would that I could fly (fly) in the sky.

  1. (i) present Indefinite + as if/as though + Past Indefinite. (ii) Past Indefinite + as if/as though + past perfect. †hgb-

He speaks as if he knew (know) everything.

He spoke as though he had known (know) everything.

  1. (i) Present Ind./Present Perfect + since + Past Indefinite. (ii) Past Indefinite + since + past perfect ‡hgb-

i) It is many years since we first met (meet) in Rajshahi.

ii) Five years passed since I had met (meet) you.

  1. One of, Each of, Either of, Each one of, None of, Neither of Gi c‡i Plural noun/ pronoun em‡jI singular verb e‡m|

One of the students follows (follow) me.

Each of the works has done (do) his job.

  1. Lest + subject + should/might + V1. ‡hgb-

I told him everything lest he should misunderstand (misunderstand) me.

  1. Relative pronoun Gi antecedent Gi number I person Abyhvqx verb e‡m| A_©vr Relative pronoun Gi c~‡e© †h subject _v‡K, †mwU Abyhvqx verb e‡m| ‡hgb-

It is I who am (be) responsible for it.

It is She who is (be) your sister.

  1. As well as, along with, together with, with, accompany by, in addition to, rather than, no less than, more than, like, but, except, including, excluding, besides BZ¨vw` Øviv hw` `ywU subject hy³ nq, Z‡e cÖ_g subject Abyhvqx verb e‡m| ‡hgb-

He as well as I is (be) guilty.

He together with his friends is (be) present.

  1. Either......... or, Neither........ nor, Not only........but also Øviv `ywU subject hy³ n‡j wØZxq subject Abyhvqx verb e‡m| ‡hgb-

Not only Rana, but also his friends are/were (be) admitted.

  1. No Gi c‡i noun wKš‘ not Gi c‡i verb, adverb, adjective e‡m| ‡hgb-

He has no education (educate)

He is not interested (interest) in politics.

  1. Having, being, have, has, had, to be BZ¨vw`i c‡i verb Gi Past participle form nq| ‡hgb-

Having finished (finish) the work, I would go.

  1. While hy³ `ywU Clause Gi Subject hw` GKB nq, Z‡e while hy³ clause wUi verb Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ Ki‡Z nq wKš‘ subject hw` wfbœ nq, Z‡e present tense Gi †¶‡Î while hy³ clause †K present Indefinite/present Continuous Tense Ki‡Z nq Ges Past Tense Gi †¶‡Î while hy³ clause †K past Continuous Tense Ki‡Z nq| †hgb-

White I walking (walk) by the river, I saw a snake.

While I walk/am walking (walk) by the river, a snake bites me.

While I was walking (walk) by the river, a snake bit me.

  1. Let + objective form + V1. ‡hgb-

Let me do (does) the work.

  1. mKj Passive G verb Gi past participle form nq|

English is spoken (speak) all over the world.

  1. Head word Abyhvqx verb e‡m|

The colour of her eyes is (be) blue.

The players in the field are (be) taking rest.

N:B: Preposition Gi c~‡e© †hwU _v‡K †mwU Headword.

  1. Arithmetical Statements (‡hvM, we‡qvM, ¸b, fvM), Gi †¶‡Î verb Singular nq| ‡hgb-

Two and two makes (make) four.

  1. (i) It is time + Infinitive (to + verb). †hgb- It is time to start our Journey.

(ii) It is time for + objective form + infinitive. †hgb- It is time for us to study the lesson.

(iii) It is high time/It is time + subject + V2. †hgb- It is high time we studied a lot.

(iv) It was high time/time + past perfect. . †hgb- It was high time we had studied a lot.

  1. Abstract noun Ges Uncountable noun me©`v singular wnmv‡e we‡ewPZ nq| ‡hgb-

Honesty is (be) the best policy. Rice sells (sell) cheap.

  1. Infinitive, gerund, verbal noun, clause, phrase, subject wnmv‡e e¨eüZ n‡i, GwU‡K singular wnmv‡e we‡ewPZ nq| ‡hgb-

To walk is (be) a good exercise

Telling lies is (be) a great sin.

  1. (a) No sooner had + sub + v3 + Ext., than + past Ind.

‡hgb- No sooner had we reached in the station, than the train left.

b) No sooner did+ sub + v1+Ext, Than + past Ind.

‡hgb- No sooner did we reach in the station than the train left.

(c) Scarcely/Hardly had + sub + V3 + Ext, when + past Ind.

‡hgb- Hardly/scarcely had he reached the college when the examination began (begin)

  1. Everybody, Every (RW), Anybody, Any (RW), Each, Either, Neither, Nobody, No one, Nothing, Somebody, Some (RW) Whatever, whichever BZ¨vw` subject wnmv‡e _vK‡j singular nq| †hgb-

Everybody wants (want) to be happy.

  1. GKwU Sentence Gi g‡a¨ `ywU Verb _vK‡j, cÖ_g Verb wU hw` †Kvb noun †K wb‡`©k K‡i, Z‡e 2q verb wUi mv‡_ ing †hvM Ki‡Z nq| ‡hgb-

I saw a bird sitting (sit) on the tree.

  1. Had better, had rather, would rather, bare infinitive (let, make, need, dare, bid, feel, see, used to, cannot but) G¸‡jvi c‡i mvaviYZ root form/base form e‡m| ‡hgb-

i) You had better study (study) harder.

ii) The speaker failed to make the audience listen (listen) to him patiently.

  1. (a) One of the + plural noun + singular verb

†hgb- One of my friends is (be) an engineer.

  1. One of the + plural noun + WH + plural verb + ext.

†hgb- Rana is one of the friends who have (has) helped me.

  1. The only one of the + plural noun + WH + singular V. + Ext.

†hgb- Rana is the only one of the students who has (have) helped me.

  1. eB‡qi bvg, †`‡ki bvg, msev`c‡Îi bvg, bvU‡Ki bvg BZ¨vw` singular nq| ‡hgb-

The United States of America is (be) a rich country.

  1. a) wbgœwjwLZ noun ¸‡jv Plural Ges G¸‡jvi c‡i Plural verb e‡m| Scissors (KuvwP), Trousers (c¨v›U), Tongs (wPgUv), Pants (c¨v›U), Pliers (‡QvU muvovwk), Tweezers (mbœv), Pyjamas (cvqRvgv), Scales (`uvwocvjøv), Sacks (MuvUvwi), tights (AvuUmvuU †cvkvK), Trunks (‡PvMv), Bellows (nvci), Glasses (Pkgv), Breeches (cvRvgv we‡kl), Binoculars (`~iexÿY), Pincers (muvovwk), Sunglasses (mvbMøvm), Headphones, Nuptials, Spectacles, Alms, Vegetables, Customs BZ¨vw`|

The scissors are (be) on the table.

b) Pair of + Dc‡iv‡jøwLZ Plural noun + Singular verb

A pair of pants is in the drawer.

  1. GKB cwigvb ˆ`N©¨, cÖ¯’, D”PZv eySv‡j verb wU singular nq| ‡hgb-

Twenty miles is (be) a long.

Ten mounds is (be) a heavy weight.

  1. a) One-third of/two-thirds of/Rest of/Majority of/ All of/Most of/Part of/Half of/40% of + G¸‡jvi c‡i Singular noun _vK‡j, Singular verb e‡m| ‡hgb-

One-third of the answer is (be) correct.

Two-thirds of his answer is (be) correct.

Two-thirds of the work has been finished (finish).

Three-fourths of the earth’s surface is covered (cover) by water.

b) One-third of/two-thirds of/Rest of/Majority of/ All of/Most of/Part of/Half of + G¸‡jvi c‡i Plural noun _vK‡j, Plural verb e‡m| ‡hgb-

One-third of the answers are (be) correct.

Two-thirds of his answers are (be) correct.

Two-thirds of the works have been finished (finish).

  1. Gerund `‡ji QvÎiv Complete, Enjoy, Avoid I Deny (m¤ú~Y©, Avb›`, Z¨vM I A¯^xKvi) K‡i Rxe‡bi Risk (SyuwK) wb‡q †`k‡K ¯^vaxb K‡i‡Q| wKš‘ AZ¨šÍ Regret (`ytL) Gi welq GLb `jxq †bZv‡`i suggest I Recommend (civgk© I wb‡`©kbv) Abyhvqx Ny‡li wewbgq Ki‡Z wM‡q Miss, Understand (fzj, †evSv‡evwS) I e¨w³MZ AvwacZ¨ Keep (ivLv) wb‡q †Kv›`‡ji Kvi‡Y Postpone (¯’wMZ) n‡”Q K¬vm| ZvB eZ©gv‡b QvÎ ivRbxwZ‡K Resent (Acgvb RbK KvR) wn‡m‡e Consider (we‡ePbv) Kiv nq, Ges GLb Remember (g‡b Kiv) nq QvÎiv †bvsiv ivRbxwZi Practice, Mention (PP©v,DÌvcb) Ki‡Q, ZvB Avi Tolerate (mn¨) bv K‡i Bnv dislike quit & stop (Z¨vM I eÜ) Ki‡Z n‡e cÖ‡qvR‡b Finish (wbwðý) KivB RvwZi Rb¨ prefer (g½j/cQ›`bxq)| ‡hgb-

Stop writing (write)

Raz has finished reading (read) the book.

  1. It is no use, it is nice, it was crazy, waste of time, It is no good, worth, can not bear, can not help BZ¨vw`i c‡i verb Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ Ki‡Z nq| ‡hgb-

It is waste of time gossiping (gossip).

  1. GKwU ev‡K¨ `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK clause _vK‡j, clause ¸‡jv GKwU present Tense n‡j, Ab¨wU present Tense nq| Avevi, hw` GKwU past tense nq, Z‡e AciwUI past Tense G Ki‡Z nq| ‡hgb-

and .

  1. Conditional sentence g~jZ Pvi cÖKvi| h_vt

  1. Zero Conditional

  2. 1st Conditional

  3. 2nd Conditional

  4. 3rd Conditional

i) Zero conditional:

If + present Ind. (Science), Present Ind. ‡hgb-

If you heat the ice, it melts (melt)

ii) 1st conditional:

If + present Ind., Future Ind. (Sub. + will + Vl). ‡hgb-

If you come here, I will go (go) there.

iii) 2nd Conditional:

If + past Ind. Sub + would/could/might + V1. ‡hgb-

If I were a king, I would help (help) the poor.

iv) 3rd Conditional:

a) If + past perfect, sub + would have/could have/might have + V3. ‡hgb-

If I had read more, I would have obtained (obtain) A+.

b) Had + sub. + V3, Sub. + would have/could have/might have + V3. ‡hgb-

Had I been a king, I would have set (set) up a hospital.

  1. (i) A number of + PN + PV, (ii) The number of +P.N+SV. ‡hgb-

A number of students are (be) absent. The number of students is (be) present.

  1. (i) Subject + would rather that + past ind.

†hgb- You would rather that you changed (change) your habit.

(ii) Sub. + would rather that + past perfect + yesterday/last month.

†hgb- I would rather that you had done (do) the work yesterday.

  1. Many, Both, Few, Fewer, Some, Several, Other, Others BZ¨vw`i c‡i g~jZ Noun I verb DfqB Plural nq|

Both of my friends were (be) present in the last meeting.

  1. wb¤œwjwLZ word ¸‡jvi c‡i mvaviYZ Infinitive (to + verb) nq|

Agree, advise, aim, afford, appear, ask, arrange, claim, care, choose, consent, decide, deserve, desire, dare, decline, demand deserve, expect, fail, guarantee, happen, hope, know, learn, intend, manage, need, offer, promise, pretend, plan, prepare, promise, pledge, resolve, refuse, seem, swear, threaten, try, tend, wait, wish, want BZ¨vw`| †hgb-

He promised to help (help) me.

  1. Subject + Subjunctive word+that+V1 (verb Gi base form). ‡hgb-

Subjunctive word (g‡bi fve/cwiKíbv cÖKvkK kã)t

Marup said on subjunctive Word:

Mandatory, move, advise, ask, require, recommend, request, urge, prefer, suggest, stipulate, insist, imperative, important, demand, order, obligatory, necessary/essential.

  1. My doctor suggested that I get (get) some exercise.

  2. The boss prefers that she meet (meet) the head of the Department.

  1. ‡h Transitive verb Gi KvR object Øviv m¤úvw`Z nq, Zv‡K causative verb e‡j| ‡hgb-

Mother feeds the child.

Uses of Causative verb:

  1. Let + e¨w³/e¯‘evPK object + V1 (verb Gi base form). ‡hgb-

The trainer let the lion go (go) safely.

(ii) Make + e¨w³/e¯‘evPK object + V1 (verb Gi base form). ‡hgb-

My mother makes me take (take) the medicine.

(iii) a. Subject +get + e¯‘evPK object+V3. ‡hgb-

It costs about sixty dollars to have a tooth filled (fill).

b. Sub + get (got/gotten) + obj. (e¨w³/cÖvYx) + infinitive (to+V1). ‡hgb-

I'll get an electrician to mend (mend) the heating.

(iv) a. Sub + have (has/had) + e¨w³evPK obj + V1. ‡hgb-

Jony had Rony clean (clean) the floor.

General Grant had General Lee meet (meet) him at Appomattox to sing the official Surrender of the confederate forces.

b. Sub + have (has/had) + e¯‘evPK obj + V3. ‡hgb-

Dev had a car repaired (repair)

(v) Sub + help/helped + obj. (e¨w³/e¯‘) + V1/to+V1. ‡hgb-

Priya helps Raz prepare / to prepare (prepare) the note.

  1. wb¤œwjwLZ Noun ‡`L‡Z plural g‡b n‡jI G¸‡jvi ci singular verb e‡m| News (msev`), Mathematics (MwYZ), Economics (A_©bxwZ), Physics (c`v_© we`¨v), Dynamics (MwZweÁvb), Politics (ivóªweÁvb), Eithics (bxwZkv¯¿), Mumps (KY©g~jcÖ`vn), Statics (w¯’wZwe`¨v), Statistics (cwimsL¨vb), Measles (nvg), Electronics (B‡jKUªbwe`¨v), Gallows (duvwm KvV), Tennis (‡Uwbm †Ljv), Gymnastics (kixi PP©v), Innings (Bwbsm), Athletics (gjøµxov), Wages (gRyix), Whereabouts (‡Kvb RvqMvi Kv‡Q), Civics (‡cŠibxwZ), Comics (nvm¨im), Alms (wfÿv), Magnetics (Pz¤^KZ¡), Metaphysics (Awawe`¨v), Tactics (‡KŠkj), Poetics (Kve¨kv¯¿), Rickets (nv‡oi †ivM), Hydraulics (Rjkw³weÁvb), Pneumatics (evqyweÁvb), Phonics (aŸwbZË¡), Optics (Av‡jvK weÁvb), Linguistics (fvlvZË¡), Bellows (nvci), Means (Dcvq), Analytics (we‡kølYwe`¨v), Aeronautics (wegvbPvjbv we`¨v) BZ¨vw`|

Ill news runs (run) apace.

Physics is (be) my favorite subject.

  1. wb¤œwjwLZ noun ¸‡jv †`L‡Z singular n‡jI Giv plural Ges G‡`i c‡i plural verb e‡m| Aristocracy, Cattle, Clergy, Folk, Gentry, People, Peasantry, Poultry, Vermin BZ¨vw`|

The peasantry of Bangladesh are (be) poor.


The word “Tense” has been derived from a Latin word “Tempus”. (Tempus= Time)

mwVK fv‡e Bs‡iRx †kLvi cÖ_g I cÖavb kZ© nj fvjfv‡e Tense Rvbv| Kvib Tense Gi h_v_© Ávb Qvov ï× Bs‡iRx ejv I †jLv †hgb Am¤¢e wVK †Zgwb Gi mwVK A_© eySvI KóKi| cÖvq me cixÿvq Tense Gi Dci cÖkœ _vK‡jI Avgiv evievi fzj K‡i _vwK ïaygvÎ Tense m¤ú‡K© clear and conscious concept Gi Afv‡e| GQvovI mbvZb c×wZ‡Z Tense ‡kLvi Kvi‡b| ZvB Tense m¤ú‡K© ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Z_¨¸‡jv wb‡P Zz‡j aiv n‡jv|

Definition: Tense is the form of a verb which denotes the time of an event, action or the state.

Present Indefinite Tense/ Simple present tense

The present Indefinite Tense expresses the time of simple actions in the present time. [ eZ©gvb Kv‡ji mvavib KvR mg~nB n‡”Q present Indefinite Tense]

Structure: i. Sub+g~j verb Gi base form/Root form/mother form.

ii. Subject hw` 3rd person singular number nq, Z‡e verb Gi mv‡_ s ev es hy³ Ki‡Z nq|

Example: i) We obey our parents.

ii) I make a garden.

iii) Raz draws a picture.

iv) Priya helps the poor.

Uses of s ev es :

g~j Verb Gi ‡k‡l ch, sh, ss, o I x _vK‡j es ‡hvM Ki‡Z nq|

  1. Azmul teaches us English

  2. He possesses a good character.

Important uses of present Indefinite Tense

N.B.1. Subject hw` 3rd person singular number n‡j verb Gi mv‡_ s ev es hy³ Ki‡Z nq|

Example: overcomes (overcome) the race

Bread and butter is (be) a delicious food.

The p.m. and m.p agrees (agree) on this point

wait (wait) for none.

The p.m. and the m.p agree (agree) on this point.

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