A & An Gi e¨envi Rule-1

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N.B. 2. ‡Kvb sentence Gi g‡a¨ always, daily, regularly, normally, often, seldom, hardly, occasionally, now and then, rarely, sometimes, everybody, everyone, every(RW), Nobody, No one, whenever BZ¨vw` _vK‡j Present Indefinite Tense nq|

1. The population of Rajshahi increases(increase) daily.

2. Everybody wishes (wish) to be happy.

N.B 3: Universal Truth (wPimZ¨) , Habitual facts(Af¨vm), Historical event(HwZnvwmK NUbv), Near future(wbKUZg fwel¨r), Newspaper headlines(msev`c‡Îi wk‡ivbvg), writer speech (†jL‡Ki e³e¨) BZ¨vw` _vK‡j Present Indefinite Tense nq|

1. The sun rises (rise) in the East and sets (set) in the west.

2. He takes (take) tea every morning .

3. Bangladesh achieves (achieve) freedom in 1971.

4. The tournament starts (start) today at 4 p.m

5. Our p.m meets (meet) a foreign delegate.

6. Goldsmith said “Handsome is that handsome does”.

N.B 4: ‡h †Kvb wb‡`©kbv (instruction, direction) †Kvb bvUK, A‡civ wKsev †Ljvi aviv weeibx‡Z (commentaries on games) Present Indefinite Tense e¨eüZ nq|

(i) Go straight and turn left to the airport.

(ii) Learn English and overcome the world.

(iii) Desdimona sees Othello; she falls in love with him and finally marries him.

(iv) Rodriguez passes the ball to Bengzema; he crosses to Ronaldo; he shoots and it’s a goal.

(v) Kevin Pietersen hits the ball and it is a boundary.


*** Always Øviv every time ‡eSv‡j present Indefinite Tense nq| wKš‘ always Øviv hw` very often ev too often ‡evSvq, Zvn‡j present continuous tense e¨eüZ nq|

You are always making silly mistakes in the exam.

*** Here ev there Øviv exclamatory sentence MV‡b present indefinite tense e¨eüZ nq|

Here comes (come) the boys!

There goes (go) the criminal!

Here she comes (come)! (pronoun Gi c‡i verb e‡m|)

Present continuous tense/ Progressive Tense

The present continuous Tense denotes the time of an action which continues in the present A_©vr eZ©gvb Kv‡j †Kvb KvR Pj‡Q ev Pwj‡Z‡Q eySv‡j, Zv‡K present continuous tense e‡j|


Subject +am/is/are+v(ing)

N.B: 1. ‡Kvb sentence Gi g‡a¨ hw` now, at this moment, this moment, day by day, year by year this year, this season, gradually, all the while, continually, again and again, still BZ¨vw` _vK‡j present continuous tense nq|

The population of Bangladesh is increasing (increase) day by day.

The boy is still doing (do) in his business.

N.B. 2. wbKU fwel¨‡Zi KvR, fwel¨r m¤¢vebv, cwieZ©bkxj Ae¯’v, weiw³ Ges Kíbv eySv‡Z present continuous Tense nq|

I am sitting (sit) for the exam this year.

They are going (go) to set up a school soon.

The climate of Bangladesh is changing (change).

The man is always disturbing (disturb) me.

I think, mother is getting well soon.

N.B. 3. state verb: ‡hgb: love, see, feel, believe depend, forget, know, remember, hear, smell taste, understand, except, prefer, promise consider, appear, think BZ¨vw`i continuous Tense nq bv|

He believes (believe) me now.

I see (see) a bird now.

N.B.4. see Øviv mvÿvr Kiv (meet), ‡LuvR Kiv (search) feel Øviv touch ‡evSv‡j present continuous tense e¨eüZ nq| †hgb-

The boy is seeing (see) a job at this moment.

The doctor is feeling (feel) my pulse.

N.B.5. Think, Hear Gi †ÿ‡Î ZvrÿwbK AwfÁZv eySv‡j present continuous nq wKš‘ `xN© AwfÁZv eySv‡j Present Indefinite Tense nq|

He is thinking (think) now (‡m GLb wPšÍv Ki‡Q) [ZvrÿwbK]

He thinks. (†m wPšÍv K‡i) [`xN© AwfÁZv]

N.B.6. ‡h gyû‡Z© Avgiv K_v ejwQ, †m gyû‡Z©i ev Zvi Av‡Mi I c‡ii †Kvb NUbv e¨v³ Ki‡Z Present continuous e¨eüZ nq|

a. Hurry Up! They are all waiting for you.

b. I am tired and so I am going to bed.

c. What are you doing ?

N.B.7. Kvwe¨K K_vi D‡jøL _vK‡j state verb Gi continuous tense nq|

‡hgb- I am seeing and seeing (Avwg †`LwQ †Zv †`LwQB)

Present perfect Tense

The action has been completed but the result has not been published yet, is called present perfect tense. A_©vr eZ©gvb Kv‡j †Kvb KvR †kl n‡q‡Q wKš‘ Gi djvdj we`¨gvb i‡q‡Q, Giƒc eySv‡j, Zv‡K Present perfect Tense e‡j|


Subject + have/has + (verb Gi past participle form)

N.B . 1 : Just, Just now, already , ever , never , lately , of late, recently , yet (neg.), till now, so far, up to now, up to the present BZ¨vw` Adverb ¸‡jv _vK‡j, †mwU present perfect Tense nq|

1. I have finished (finish) the work just now.

2. Raz has solved (solve) five problems up to now. 3. He has so far solved five problems.

N.B. 2 : This is the first time, this is the second time, it is the first time, it is the second time BZ¨vw`i c‡i present perfect tense e¨eüZ nq|

This is the first time that I have driven (drive) a car.

It is the second time that he has visited (visit) the zoo.

N.B.3 : When , after , as soon as, until Øviv hy³ complex sentence Gi Principal Clause wU future tense _vK‡j, sub ordinate clause wU Aek¨B Present Perfect Ki‡Z n‡e|

1. I shall go the college when I have learnt (learn) my lesson.

2. I shall see you after I have returned (return) from Nawabgonj.

3. I shall marry the girl after I have got / gotten (get) a job.

N:B : 4 : mg‡qi D‡jøL ev mgq wbw`©ó bq Ggb †Kvb AZxZ aviYv NUbv eY©bv Ki‡Z present perfect tense e¨eüZ nq|

I have read Hamlet but I have forgotten most of it.

I have seen her to be angry.

N:B:5: AZx‡Zi †Kvb KvR ev NUbv eZ©gv‡bi mv‡_ †hvMm~Î i‡h‡Q Giƒc †ÿ‡Î Present Perfect Tense e¨eüZ nq|

I have had a cup of hot tea after I have had my breakfast.

(mKv‡j bv¯Ív Kivi c‡i Avwg GK Kvc Mig Pv cvb K‡iwQ)

N:B:7: hw` come , go , rise, arrive BZ¨vw` intransitive verb Øviv MwZkxjZv ev cwieZ©bkxjZv (motion or change) †evSvq Zvn‡j Present perfect tense Gi have / has cwiewZ©Z n‡q am, is , are e¨eüZ nq|

(a) Those days are gone (b) The sun is risen (c) She is arrived (d) The girls are come

( G ai‡bi e¨envi‡K Alternative perfect tense e‡j|)

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

The present perfect continuous tense expresses the time of an action that has been going on for some time. [ eZ©gvb Kv‡j †Kvb KvR wKQz mgq a‡i Pj‡Q ev Pwj‡Z‡Q eySv‡j, Zv‡K Present perfect continuous Tense e‡j|]


Sub + have been / has been + v (ing) + other words + since/ for / from + time.

Since = wbw`©ó w`b, ZvwiL , gvm, eQi, eySv‡Z e‡m|

For = Awbw`©ó mgq eySv‡Z|

From = Nwoi KuvUvi mgq eySv‡Z|

We have been living in Rajshahi since 2004.

Priya has been sleeping for three hours.

Point of time since ; period of time for

N.B.1 : ‡Kvb Sentence Gi g‡a¨ since, for , from _vK‡j Ges mg‡qi D‡jøL _vK‡j †mwU present perfect continuous tense nq|

Aroni has been reading (read) a story book since Friday.

We have been playing (play) cricket for two hours.

N:B:2 :

‡Kvb Sentence Gi g‡a¨ since, for, from Ges mg‡qi D‡jøL _vK‡jI state verb Gi †ÿ‡Î †mwU present perfect continuous tense bv K‡i †mwU‡K Present perfect tense Ki‡Z nq|

We have known (know) each – other since 2010.

I have loved (love) him / her for many years.

N:B:3 : How long w`‡q cÖkœ Ki‡Z AwaKvsk mgqB present perfect continuous Tense Gi e¨envi nq|

How long have you been waiting for me?

How long has she been standing outside the door?

N:B:4: All morning, all day, all evening, all years, all my life BZ¨vw` Adverbial Phrases of time ev Adverbs of time Gi mv‡_ for e¨eüZ nq bv Ges mvaviYZ present perfect continuous tense e¨eüZ nq|

I have been trying (try) all year to succeed.

Anika has been walking (walk) all morning.

Past Indefinite Tense/simple past

The tense which denotes the action that happened in the past is called past Indefinite Tense. (AZxZ Kv‡ji mvavib KvRmg~n‡K Past Indefinite Tense e‡j|


Sub+ (verb Gi past form) +ext.

I did the work properly.

The students made a noise .

N.B.1. ‡Kvb sentence Gi g‡a¨ hw` yesterday, long long ago, long ago, last, once, long since, the day, before BZ¨vw` _vK‡j past Indefinite nq|

They swam(swim) across the river last year.

I received (receive) your e-mail yesterday.

N.B.2. AZxZ Kv‡ji Af¨vmMZ Kg© †evSv‡Z verb Gi past form e¨eüZ nq| Z‡e AZx‡Zi wbqwgZ Af¨vm †evSv‡Z used to Ges AwbqwgZ Af¨vm †evSv‡Z would e¨eüZ nq|

a) Mother used to read the holy Quran every morning.

b) He would take tea very often.

c) She would often sing a song.

N.B.2. ‡Kvb mg‡qi D‡jøL bv _vKv m‡Ë¡I GKwU wbw`©ó mg‡qi †Kvb KvR m¤úbœ nIqv wKsev bv nIqv †evSv‡Z Past Indefinite tense e¨eüZ nq|

a) I could not complete the work in time.

b) He was ten minutes late in the class.

N.B.3. f`ªZvc~Y© Aby‡iva eySv‡Z past Indefinite tense G‡ÿ‡Î can cwie‡Z© could Ges will cwie‡Z© would e‡m|

a) would you mind taking a cup of milk?

b) could you please tell me the time?

N.B.4. AZx‡Zi wKQz NUbv eY©bv Ki‡Z past Indefinite Gi passive voice nq|

a) The boy was beaten mercilessly.

b) Shakespeare was born in England.

Past progressive/ Past continuous Tense

The tense which expresses an action happening for sometime in the past is called past progressive Tense. [A_©vr AZxZ Kv‡j †Kvb KvR Pj‡ZwQj eySv‡Z Past continuous Tense nq|]

Structure: sub+was/were+v(ing)+------

I was driving a car.

I was reading a book.

N.B.1. ‡Kvb sentence Gi g‡a¨ hw` at that moment, that moment, at that time, that time, then _vK‡j †mwU past continuous Tense. nq|

Mon was playing (play) football at that moment.

N.B.2. AZxZKv‡j GKwU KvR PjvKvjxb Av‡iKwU KvR msNwUZ n‡j, Pjgvb KvRwU Past continuous tense G ewY©Z nq Ges Ab¨wU past Indefinite nq| G‡ÿ‡Î KvR `ywU as/when/while Øviv hy³ nq|

Rima burnt her hand when she was cooking (cook).

A man was run over by a speeding bus while he was crossing (cross) the road.

N.B.3. AZxZKv‡ji `ywU KvR GKB mv‡_ Pj‡ZwQj eySv‡j †m‡ÿ‡Î `ywU clause B past continuous tense. nq|

I was talking over phone while you were cooking.

Past perfect tense

Between two finished/ completed/ actions in the past. The first action is in the past perfect tense and the later action is past Indefinite tense. [AZx‡Zi `ywU Kv‡Ri g‡a¨ †h KvRwU c~‡e© N‡U, †mwU‡K past perfect tense e‡j|]


sub +had++-----

A_v©r sub +had++-----+before +past Indefinite

***Past indefinite+after+sub+had+ +------

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