A best-fit analysis of the facts and circumstances related to the death of JonBenet Patricia Ramsey

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JR and FW proceeded into the basement. It is unclear whether Mr. Fernie accompanied them or not. FW, deposed, stated that JR was several feet in front of him when he entered the “boiler room”, a small, carpeted room containing a water heater and miscellaneous material, including painting supplies belonging to PR. At the far end of this room was the “wine cellar” door which had a wooden block at the top that secured the door in its closed position. JR opened the door and exclaimed, “Oh God, my baby!” He had found the remains of JBR. According to JR, he turned the light on, leaned toward the body, removed black duct tape from her mouth, threw it to the ground, lifted a blanket laid over her, and lifted her remains from the hip, holding the decedent upright, body facing him and with the decedents arms stretched out above her head. But in a different account JR stated that he removed the tape from JBR’s ankle and that FW also stated that he touched JBR’s ankle and it was cold. This will become relevant later. He proceeded to the stairs and raced up to the main level. The depositions of JR and FW agree on these last events save for the question of lighting and tape.

Judge Carnes (11th Circuit Court and likely privy to inside investigative information) described the events this way: "Later that afternoon, Mr. Ramsey and Mr. White together returned to the basement at the suggestion of the Boulder Police. During this joint search of the basement, the men first examined the playroom and observed the broken window. The men next searched a shower stall located in the basement. Mr. Ramsey then noticed a heavy fireplace grate propped in front of a closet and Mr. White moved the grate so the closet could be searched. Upon finding nothing unusual in the closet, the men proceeded to the wine cellar room. Mr. Ramsey entered the room first, turned on the light and, upon discovery of JonBenet’s dead body, he exclaimed "Oh my God, my baby …“, “… Mr. Ramsey ripped the duct tape off JonBenét's mouth and attempted to untie her hands. We shall see in what follows that these movements are most likely accurate and trace the shadows of what actually happened.

Upon reaching the main floor, JR set the body down immediately in the foyer where he and detective Arndt leaned over the body. Arndt would later state under deposition that the body presented with an “odor of decay”. Shortly after JR reached the foyer PR came running toward the remains (friends of PR state that she was virtually non-ambulatory as a result of shock and that they had to assist her as she staggered toward the body) in a description consistent with a histrionic episode in which she asked her priest to raise JBR from the dead and exclaimed to God that as you raised Lazarus raise my daughter. Ironically, years later, Detective Linda Arndt, no longer a police officer, contacted PR about one year before her death. Arndt developed a relationship with PR and later believed that her discussions with PR confirmed some of her original suspicions. Arndt has disclosed little else. The official cause of death of this child was later published as asphyxiation associated with craniocerebral trauma.

View of the location of death about 6 feet beyond the brown cardboard seen at left. The “wine cellar” door with its wood latch at the top is clearly visible. The “vestibule” containing the water heater is at the end of this hallway directly to the left.

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