Data Information & Processing
Provide automated intra-facility handoff
Provide automated inter-facility handoff
AIDC/OLDI (capable)
AIDC/ODLI (operational)
Provide automated Complete Flight Data Processing
Provide automated Partial Flight Data Processing
CPDLC (capable)
CPDLC (operational)
ICAO flight plan compliant
Share and accept radar data with intra/inter facilities
Provide AIM information to controller
Provide automated flight coordination with adjacent airspace
Decision Support Tools
Provide conflict Probe
Provide conflict Alert
Able to display NOTAM/SIGMET information
Support Controller Decision Support Tools
Support Weather Display
Controller Tools
Enable Sector Combining and Decombing
Enable Dynamic Airspace utilization
ADS-C (capable)
ADS-C (operational)
ADS-B (capable)
ADS-B (operational)
Support AMAN
Support DMAN
Support SMAN
Support EMAN
Provide automated point-out capabilities
Provide electronic Flight Strip Display
Separation Tools
Enable multiple separation standard recognition (capable)
Enable multiple separation standard recognition (operational)
Apply variable separation minima based on individual aircraft equipage
Support trajectory separation
Technical Tools
Able to accept new sectors and workstations
Able to accept software/hardware upgrades in a timely manner
Able to assign and reassign frequencies between controller workstations
Able to conduct logical and physical assignments and reassignments of controller workstations
Able to provide real-time back-up system
Traffic Flow Management
Provide traffic replay
Track high volumes of targets
Support merging and spacing decisions
Provide flow management information
Provide traffic depiction
Projected traffic levels
Monitor and provide capacity data
Other (specify)
Other (specify)
Other (specify)