A.14.1 Methods of conducting Performance Appraisal The appraisal methods currently in use include the following a)
Descriptive essay Basically, this method requires the supervisor to write his impressions about the subordinate’s performance in a narrative form. bi Rankingb: In this method the supervisor compares each subordinate with his/her colleagues and ranks them in order of merit (using clearly defined job standards or criteria. c)
Assessment by co-employees: Under
this method, peers are made to assess their colleague’s performance. d)
Rating Scale this is the oldest and most widely used of the appraisal systems. This system has four basic features i) A list of personality traits or qualities desired fora particular job is drawn up. Some of the desired traits and qualities often included in appraisal forms for staff are Job knowledge Quality of work Dependability organization of work Discipline Strengths weaknesses initiative, attitude to work, decisiveness,
creativity, emotional stability leadership ability availability and punctuality. ii) Forms are designed to contain the personality traits. iii) The rater is supplied with these forms, one for each person to berated iv) The rater observes the actual performance of the employee and ticks off on the form the traits which describe exactly his work performance. In addition, the forms often
include columns of job title, duties of appraisee, reasons for assigning specific ratings,
current salary, present grade, age, qualification, courses being undertaken by appraisee details of absence and disciplinary actions taken against employee. Others are columns for signatures
of employees appraiser, departmental head and chief executive.
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