Accounting technicians scheme west africa

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Storming Phase
In this phase, members begin to challenge the leader and themselves concerning group goals, individual roles, procedures and other issues. This phase is characterized by conflict as members seek to free themselves from the dependence on the leader. At this stage, people often try to secure positions within the group. This stage is characterized by i) Conflict about values ii) Disagreement about goals and task iii) Disaffection about individual roles may surface iv) Clarification of goals begins v) Members challenge the leader and each other vi) Formation of subgroups and coalitions vii) Group intolerance to subgroups, cliques and coalitions viii) Increased member participation ix) Decreased conformity x) Deviation from emerging group norms xi) Attempt at conflict resolution begins xii) Conflict resolutions, if successful, increases trust and cohesion The leader must a) recognize the fact that at this stage conflict is natural b) recognize what is happening and remain calm, seeing the process as part of the development c) employ listening and conflict management skills that ensure that everyone has his/her say in a reasoned and controlled manner d) focus efforts on reestablishing his leadership role and clarify group group-goals and objectives and individual roles e) allow your group to pass through this stage to avoid politics, game-playing, hidden agenda a situation where everyone knows there is a problem, but no one is prepared to confront the real issue f) communicate group’s terms of reference
Norming Phase
During this phase, group cohesion develops and a hierarchy of rules established, which members should observe. When a group has passed through the inevitable conflict stage, members trust, commitment to the group and willingness to cooperate increase. Focus shifts away from their issues and becomes task-oriented.

Identifying the Norming Phase
(i) Increased goal clarity and consensus are evident ii) Roles and task adjusted to increase the likelihood of group achievements iii) The leader's role becomes less directive and more consultative iv) The communication structure becomes more task-oriented v) Pressure to conform increases again vi) Helpful deviation is tolerated vii) Coalitions and subgroups continues to occur viii) Increased tolerance of subgroups, cliques and coalitions is evident ix) Cohesion and trust increases x) Cooperation is evident xi) Individual commitment to group goals and task is high xii) Greater division of labour occurs xiii) Conflict continues to occur but is managed more effectively xiv) The group works to clarify and buildup structures that will facilitate goals determination and achievement. xv) The ability to confront difficulties increases.

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