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Multiple Choice Questions
1. EA. BC. Cb

Short Answer Questions
1. Social responsibility
2. Code of ethics
3. Corporate Governance
4. Ethics
5. Culture


Chapter contents
(a) Learning objectives b) Introduction c) Definitions of Management d) Nature, Objectives and Purpose of management e) Nature of Management f) Objectives of Management g) Purpose of Management h) Management as a technique, process, discipline and profession i) Management as a technique j) Management as a process k) Management as a discipline and profession l) Management Functions a. Planning b. Organizing c. Staffing d. Leading e. Controlling f. Coordination m) Levels of Management a. Top level manager Management b. Middle level Management c. First-line or Lower Level Management n) Management skills o) Managerial roles a. Interpersonal roles b. Information roles c. Decisional roles p) Management as an Art or a Science q) Universality and Transferability of management r) Universality of managements)
Transferability of Management t) Measures of Managerial Performance Productivity, Effectiveness and Efficiency a. Productivity b. Effectiveness c. Efficiency u) Current Managerial Trends a. Globalisation b. Quality c. Environmentalism d. Growing diversity of Workplace

55 e. Ethical Reawakening v) Evolution of Schools of Management Thoughts w)
Pre-scientific Management thoughts a. Robert Owen (1771 -1858) b. Charles Babbage (1792 -1891) c. Henry Vamun Poor d. Captain Henry Metcalfe (1847 -1917) x) Scientific Management a. Fredrick Taylor (1856-1915) b. Frank Gilbreth and Lillian Gilbreth: c. Henry L. Gantt (1861-1919) d. Harrington Emerson (1853-1931): Principles of Efficiency y) Administrative Management Theory a. Henri Fayol (1841-1920) b. Chester Barnard (1886-1961) c. Colonel Lyndall Urwick, d. Luther Gulick e. James D. Mooney and Alan C. Reilly z) Theory of Bureaucracy (Max Weber 1864-1920)
(aa) Features of Bureaucracy
(bb) Contributions of Bureaucracy to Management cc) Limitations of Bureaucracy dd) Human Relations Theory
(ee) The Hawthorne Experiments (Elton Mayo, 1880 – 1949). ff) Contributions of Human Relations Theory
(gg) Limitations of Human Relations Theory
(hh) Quantitative Management School ii) Branches in the Quantitative Management Viewpoint
(jj) Contemporary Approaches to Management Thoughts
(kk) Decision Theory Approach to Management ll) Systems Theory mm) Components of a system
(nn) Systems as cycles of events
(oo) Contributions of the Systems Theory to Management pp) Limitations of the Systems Theory
(qq) Contingency theory
(rr) Contingency or Situational Approach to Management
(ss) Features of contingency approach
(tt) Contributions of Contingency Theory to Management
(uu) Emerging Trends in Management a. Globalisation b. Entrepreneurship c. E-business d. Innovation and flexibility e. Total quality management f. Learning organisations and knowledge management

56 g. Theory Z h. Managerial effectiveness i. Excellence j. Quality and productivity
(vv) Review questions

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