Sun/Dim Session/Seance 1: Distinguished Speaker/ Conférencier d’honneur:
Jean Bartunek
9:00-10:15 Room/Salle: La Verendrye
Co-sponsored Entrepreneurship Family Business, Human Resources, Organizational Theory/Co-parrainé Entrepreneurship, affaire de famille, ressources humaines et théorie organisationnelle
A Mosaic of Theory and Practice Regarding Organizational Change/ Une mosaique de la théorie et la pratique concernant le changement organisationnel
Jean Bartunek (Boston College)
Sun/Dim Session/Séance 2: The Impact of HRM Practices on Firms and
Individuals/Incidences de la gestion des ressources humaines
sur les entereprises et les particuliers
10:30-11:45 Room/Salle: Club Room
Chair/Président: Travor C. Brown (Memorial University)
Job Evaluation in Canada: Has its Demise Been Greatly Exaggerated?
Richard J. Long (University of Saskatchewan)
HONOURABLE MENTION/MENTION HONORABLE Telework: Work Organization and Satisfaction of Teleworkers
Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay (Télé-université- Université du Québec)
Éthique managériale appliquée: Nouveau champ des possibles en gestion des ressources humaines
Alain Ross (UQTR)
1Impact des pratiques de GRH sur la performance organisationnelle dans les organisations à capital humain intellectuel: la vérification de deux modèles.
Jacques Barrette (Université d’Ottawa)
Jules Carrière (Université d’Ottawa)
Discussant/Commentateur: Alain Gosselin (École des Hautes Études Commerciales)
Sun/Dim Session/Séance 3: Emerging Issues in HRM/Nouveaux enjeux de la
gestion des ressources humaines
2:15-3:30 Room/Salle: Executive Suite (Room 610)
Chair/Président: Lessey Sooklal (Memorial University)
Exploring the Relationship Between the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Bar on Emotional Quotient Indicator: Applications for Professional Development Practices
Regena Farnsworth (University of New Brunswick Saint John)
Direct Reports’ Perceptions of Reduced-Load Managers’ Effectiveness: When Does Absence Matter?
Sharon Leiba-O’Sullivan (University of Ottawa)
Shelley M. MacDermid (Purdue University)
Mary Dean Lee (McGill University)
Bullying in the Workplace
Annie Robitaille (University of Ottawa)
Joanne Leck (University of Ottawa)
Discussant/Commentateur: Tom Stone (Oklahoma State University)
Sun/Dim Session/Séance 4: The Changing Nature of Work /La nature changeante
du travail
3:45-5:00 Room/Salle: Tache
Chair/Président: Jack Ito (University of Regina)
Workaholism, Job and Career Satisfaction Among Australian Psychologists
Ronald J. Burke (York University)
L’impact du soutien du supérieur dans un contexte de conflit travail – famille
Aziz Rhinma (Université de Sherbrooke)
Gilles Guérin (Université de Montréal)
Has Work Intensified in Canada?
Janice R. Foley (University of Regina)
Discussant/Commentateur: Travor Brown (Memorial University)
Sun/Dim Annual General Meeting and Social– HRM Division/Division de la
gestion des ressources humaines: assemblée générale annuelle et
soirée sociale
5:00-6:15 Room/Salle: Tache
10:30-11:45 Room/Salle: Club Room
Chair/Président: Jules Carrière (Université d’Ottawa)
HR Certification in Canada and the US: Progress Towards Professionalization
Tom Stone (Oklahoma State University Stillwater)
Alain Gosselin (École des Hautes Études Commerciales)
Mon/Lun Session/Séance 6: Downsizing/Compression des effectifs
14:15-15:30 Room/Salle: Club Room
Chair/Présidente: Regena Farnsworth (University of New Brunswick Saint John)
Repeated Downsizing, Organizational Restructuring and Performance: Evidence from a Longitudinal Study
Terry H. Wagar (Saint-Mary’s University)
Kent V. Rondeau (University of Alberta)
Hospital Restructuring, Workload and Nursing Staff Satisfactions and Work Experiences
Ronald J. Burke (York University)
Discussant/Commentateur: Richard J. Long (University of Saskatchewan)
Mon/Lun Session/Séance 7: Performance/la Performance
3:45-5:00 Room/Salle: Gateway
Joint Session with Organizational Behaviour
Chair/Présidente: Gloria Miller (Regina)
The Effects of Proximal, Outcome, and Learning Goals on Information Seeking and Complex Task Performance
Kevin Tasa (Rotman)
Travor Brown (Memorial)
Gerard Seijts (Ivey)
Compensation Change and the Salesforce Questions: A Model and Reflection
Barry Wright (St. Francis Xavier)
Tom Mahaffey (St. Francis Xavier)
Consistency in Employee Discipline: An Empirical Exploration
Nina Cole (Ryerson)
The Effect of Coaching Orientation on Cognitive Assessments, Affective Reactions, Behavioral Intentions, and Performance
Christina Sue-Chan (Manitoba)
Robert E. Wood (Australian Graduate School of Management)
Discussant/Commentateur: Jim Jawahar (Illinois State)
Sun/Dim Session/Séance 4: Perspective and Reflection/
Perspectives et réflexions
3:45-5:00 Room/Salle: Executive Suite (Room 128)
Chair/Président: Vern Jones (University of Calgary)
Le Coaching Exécutif et Le Développement des Gestionnaires: Le Point de vue des Coachs Externes
Naïla El Khouri (École des Hautes Études Commerciales)
Alain Gosselin (École des Hautes Études Commerciales)
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