Participation in the labour force and community life is facilitated by income support measures and services that encourage independence and contribution to the community
To maximise the engagement of all Australians in society, FaCS will:
encourage economic and social participation by individuals and families by enabling access and promoting participation opportunities
foster a culture of self reliance in the community, and provide an effective safety net
develop partnerships with key stakeholders (other departments, business and community organisations and service providers) to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of services, to identify emerging problems and to develop appropriate policy responses.
Figure 12: Outputs contributing to Outcome 3
Financial and staffing resources summary
Table 41: Outcome 3—Economic and Social Participation
(A) Budgeta 2002–03 $’000
(B) Actual 2002–03 $’000
Variation (column B minus column A) $’000
Budgetb 2003-04 $’000
Administered Expenses (including third party outputs)
3.1 Labour Market Assistance
12 460 561
12 449 309
-11 252
12 866 804
3.2 Support for People with a Disability
8 261114
8 189 121
8753 250
3.3 Support for Carers
1 450 529
1 447 137
-3 392
1 584694
3.4 Support for the Aged
18 025 625
17 987 639
-37 986
19 059 398
Items Applicable Across Outcome 3
National Secretariats (part component see also Outcomes 1 and 2)
1 058
Payments to universities and other organisations for special studies and research (part component see also Outcome 1)
Total Administered Expenses
40 198 594
40 074 345
-124 249
42 264 922
Price of Departmental Outputs
Output Group 3.1 Labour Market Assistance
664 119
639 878
-24 241
743 964
Output Group 3.2 Support for People with a Disability
390 820
381 957
-8 863
294 665
Output Group 3.3 Support for Carers
19 005
17 459
-1 546
19 593
Output Group 3.4 Support for the Aged
221 294
214 458
-6 836
229 712
Items Applicable Across Outcome 3
Service Delivery (Centrelink)
27 191
Revenue from Government (Appropriation) for Departmental Output Groups
1 295 238
1 253 752
-41 486
1 315 125
Revenue from other Sources
30 517
1 696
-28 821
1 099
Total Price of Output Groups (Departmental)
1 325 755
1 255 448
-70 307
1 316 224
FaCS Componentc
80 282
79 863
132 483
Centrelink Component
1 098 683
1 057 616
-41 067
1 209 833
CRS Australia Component
116 273
116 273
Non-appropriated expensesd
1 295 238
1 253 752
-41 486
1 342 316
TOTAL FOR OUTCOME 3 (Total Price of Outputs and Administered Expenses)
41 524 349
41 329 793
-194 556
43 581 146
Staffing Years (Number)
FaCS (including CRS Australia and the Social Security Appeals Tribunal)
a. Final estimates have been used for special appropriations while additional estimates have been used for annual appropriations.
b. Budget prior to additional estimates.
c. FaCS includes the Social Security Appeals Tribunal, but excludes CRS Australia which is shown separately.
d. Non-appropriated expenses are expenses from sources other than the annual or special appropriation (non-appropriated revenue). For example, monies paid into the Child Support Trust Fund by non-custodial parents are non-appropriated revenue, while disbursements of those monies to custodial parents and allowances for bad debts are a non-appropriated expense.
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